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Vj Briber, Berlin 


General Editor : L. B. Namibu, Professor of Modern 
History, University of Manobeater 






















My intention to write tins book arose originally from a con- 
versation at a dinner-party in Berlin during tbe fateful 
summer of 1932, wMob witnessed the close of the Weimar 
Period in post-war German history and the ringing up of 
the curtain on the Prelude to Hitler. 

The past days had been full of great happenings. The 
Chancellor, Dr. Bruning, had resigned together with his 
Cabinet, and his successor was Herr von Papen, nominally 
a man of the President’s own choice, actually the nominee 
and puppet of the leaders of the Palace camarilla. General 
Kurt von Schleicher, the President’s own son, Colonel 
Oskar von Hindenburg, and the Secretary of State, Dr. 

Later a decree had been published dissolving the Keichs- 
tag and fixing July 16 as the date for new elections. The 
Reichstag President, Dr. Lobe, had gone at once to the 
President to protest agaiust the dissolution of a body 
which only a few days before had given a vote of confidence 
to Dr. Briining’s Government, and, alternatively, if there 
must be new elections, to secure the President’s assurances 
that the liberty of the voter should be guaranteed as here- 
tofore. President von Hindenburg had promised full 
liberty to the electorate and that the elections should be 
held in the usual manner. 

It was this latest event which formed the general topic 
of conversation at dinner, and the anxiety of many of 
those present was in great measure reUeved by it. If the 
President had given his word everything would be aU right. 




At length., however, a very different view was put forward 
by a retired naval officer, since dead, who had earned great 
distinction during the war. 

“Hindenburg’s record is a bad one”, he said. “Ludendorff 
won his battles for him, and he betrayed Ludendorff; the 
Kaiser made him a Field-Marshal, and he betrayed the 
Kaiser; the Right elected him in 1925, and he betrayed the 
Right; the Left elected him in 1932, and he has betrayed the 
Left. Were I Lobe, I would not put too much faith in 
Hindenburg’s promises.” 

“And,” added someone, “if you remember, there was 
another Paul von Hindenburg.” 

The significance of the last remark escaped me, but the 
naval officer’s statement came as a very definite shock to 
my behefs concerning the President. In company, I believe, 
with most Enghshmen, I entertained a strong admiration 
for the veteran Field-Marshal, regarding him as the almost 
ideal type of single-minded patriot who had twice emerged 
from a weU-earned retirement to answer his country’s call 
to further service, and having every claim to the title of 
Fater des Volhes, and the more familiar and endearing 
designation Der alte Herr. 

To one holding these views, therefore, the naval officer’s 
strictures sounded little short of blasphemy, and I left that 
evening with the firm intention of investigating them with 
the greatest care, for it seemed necessary in the interest of 
historical truth that they should either be substantiated or 

As a result, then, of researches which have involved, 
besides consultations of memoirs and official documents, 
long conversations with those best qualified to know 
and state the facts of the case, I beheve that it is not 
inadmissible to place upon certain of the principal 
events in the life of Marshal von Hindenburg the 
interpretation put on them by the naval officer, more parti- 
cularly, perhaps, upon those which occurred after his remark 



was made. But like most generalities of its kind, which, are 
apt to be made by strong individual personahties, it was 
an over-statement. 

Essentially Hindenburg’s character shows him to have 
been a man of service, without ambition, and with no love of 
pomp and ceremony. He had httle regard for reward; he 
asked simply, throughout the seventy years of his active 
hfe, “Where can I serve?” but he did not always consider 
sufficiently the answer. Once convinced along what line his 
duty lay — and the ease with which conviction was achieved 
became progressively greater with advancing years — he 
would pursue that policy with obstinate stolidity and little 
discrimination until deflected towards some other path of 

With a temperament of this nature it was impossible to 
escape the charges of disloyalty and betrayal, more par- 
ticularly as the changes of course and conviction became 
more frequent. But throughout the intricate pattern of in- 
consistencies which marked the last fifteen years of Hinden- 
burg’s life there ran the single thread of service to Germany 
which had dominated his whole career. 

Hot the least remarkable part of that career was the 
legend which suddenly surrounded his name, and the 
manner of its birth. If ever there was a victim of a legend it 
was Hindenburg, for, despite himself, he was in time trans- 
lated from a military sphere, for which he was eminently 
well fitted by training and tradition, to the pohtical arena, 
for which he had neither liking, aptitude, nor equipment. 
His misfortune was the sudden attainment of almost super- 
natural adoration on the part of the German people, who 
elevated him to the position of a god and expected from 
him god-like achievements. 

The story of his life is both pitiful and tragic, for no 
figures in history are more tragic than those who have out- 
lived the faith in their greatness, and Hindenburg must be 
numbered amongst these. It was not given to him to die 


before bis name bad become one for execration by many of 
bis countrymen. 

In approaching my subject my greatest difficulty bas been 
one of focus. Hindenburg’s personality is an elusive one, or 
perhaps it is truer to say that it has a “self-protective 
colouring”; it is continually melting into the background. 
For the Marshal very rarely dominated the events of bis 
long lifetime. Far more often be was dwarfed by them, and 
always be played the part of a fa§ade. At no time can it be 
said that be was a free agent. Forces for good and evil used 
bis name and bis legend to promote policies or to facilitate 
intrigue. Throughout be remained a Wooden Titan, a giant 
among men, but a dumb giant. 

For this reason it bas been necessary to consider in 
rather greater detail than the reader may at first think 
justified the circumstances and personabties which con- 
trolled and influenced Hindenburg throughout his long life. 
Because of the tendency of the central figure to merge into 
the background, it is essential to understand fully what the 
background was, and only by this means is it possible to 
arrive at even a partially faithful picture. This, then, is what 
I have tried to do. 

For reasons which I am sure will be fully understood it 
is impossible for me to acknowledge my indebtedness pub- 
licly by name to many of those whose recollections have 
provided so important a part of my material. They them- 
selves know how deeply grateful I am to them. 

I can and must, however, express my most sincere grati- 
tude to those whose advice has proved of such great assist- 
ance to me, and first amongst these is my friend Professor 
L. B. Namier, whose searching criticism, inexhaustible 
patience, and warm encouragement have meant so much 
both to me and to the book. Among others who have been 
land enough either to read the MS. or to give me assistance 
3n certain points are Major-General Sir Nefll Malcolm, 
Major-General Sir Frederick Maurice, Miss Muriel Currey, 



and Miss Elizabeth Monroe, and for their invaluable help I 
ofier my most grateful thanks. I am deeply indebted and 
most grateful to Major Archibald Church. To Mrs. P. E. 
Baker, for her untiring work in checking and correcting the 
proofs, my most sincere thanks are due. 

N6 list of acknowledgments would be complete without 
a recognition of my deep obhgation to my secretary. Miss 
Margaret Dunk, upon whom has fallen much of the work 
of preparation and collection, and to whom I ofier my 
most appreciative thanks. 

Lastly, I would say “Thank you” as sincerely as I can 
to Mr. Gerald Palmer and to his mother for many weeks of 
their most kind and generous hospitality at “Prior’s 


Prior’s Court, 
Chieveley, Berks 
February i 1936 


For a book of this nature it is neither possible nor politic 
for the author to acknowledge all his sources of information, 
and this is especially true when the book deals with 
the internal poHtics of Germany. Out of regard for my 
many friends whose help has been invaluable to me, and to 
whom my gratitude can never be adequately expressed, I 
will only say that wherever possible I have supplemented 
the written word by personal conversations with the authors, 
and with many whose memories and recollections have not 
yet been committed to paper. 

There already exist a number of biographical works on 
Marshal von Hindenburg, chief among which are those by 
Alfred Niemann, Theodore Lessing, Frederick and Mar- 
garet Voigt, General Buat, A. M. K. Watson, Thomas 
Ybarra, Gerhard Schultze-Pfaelzer, Emil Ludwig, Rudolf 
Olden, and Major Gert von Hindenburg. In the writing of 
this book I have consulted aU of these works, of which only 
the last three have been pubhshed since the Marshal’s 
death, but I have been very much more dependent upon 
first-hand material. 

For Parts I and II I have made use of the memoirs 
and diaries of Hindenburg himself. Generals Luden- 
dorfi, Hoffmann, von Falkenhayn, the younger von 
Moltke, von Fran§ois, and von Educk, Field-Marshal Conrad 
von Hbtzendorf, Colonel Bauer, Grand Admiral von 
Tirpitz, the Kaiser, the German Crown Prince, the Crown 
Prince of Bavaria, Prince Max of Baden, Herr von Beth- 
mann HoUweg, Dr. Michaelis, the younger Count von 
Hertling, Herr von Payer, Dr. Erzberger, Count von 




Valentini, Frau Margarethe Ludendorff, Count Ottokar 
Czernin, Philip Scheidemann, the younger Ebert, Grustav 
Noske, Lenin, and Leon Trotsky. 

Invaluable material was found in the publications of the 
Reichstag Committee of Investigation, Die XJrsachen des 
deutschen Zusammenhruchs im Jahre 1918. Translations 
of the Reports of this Co mmi ttee have been prepared and 
published in Enghsh by the Carnegie Endowment for 
International Peace under the title of German Official Docu- 
ments relating to the World War, and by Dr. Ralph Haswell 
Lutz, under the auspices of the Hoover War Library at 
Standford University, California, entitled The Causes 
of the German Collapse in 1918. There is also the very 
valuable study. The Birth of the German Republic, by 
Dr. Arthur Rosenberg, one of the Secretaries of the Com- 
mittee, and many important documents are to be found in 
LudendorfE’s two volumes on The General Staff and its 

For the war episodes, apart from the information con- 
tained in the authorities referred to, I have made use 
of the Official History of the Great War, published under 
the direction of the Historical Section of the Committee of 
Imperial Defence, particularly the volumes deahng with 
the mihtary operations in France and Belgimn in 1918; the 
Reports of General von Kuhl and Colonel Schwertfeger; 
General Sir Edmund Ironside’s exhaustive study of the 
battle of Tannenberg; Rudolf van Wehrt’s Tannenberg; and 
the comprehensive works of the Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill 
and Mr. C. R. M. F. Cruttwell, Principal of Hertford College, 

The account of the events at Spa and in Berlin during 
October-November 1918 is based upon a study of the 
memoranda and reports prepared by the principal actors 
in the drama, including Admiral von Hintze, General Count 
von Schulenburg, General von Plessen, General Count 
von Marschall, Count Gonthard, Colonel Niemann, and 



General Eisenbart-Rotlie, together with the official German 
White Book on the Preliminary History of the Armistice, 
Vorgeschichte des Waffenstillstandes, of which an English 
translation has been pubhshed by the Carnegie Endowment 
for International Peace. In addition, there is the admirable 
work of Dr. Maurice Beaumont, The Fall of the Kaiser. 

Other works which I have found of particular assistance 
in the preparation of these first two Parts are Karl Tschup- 
pik’s Ludendorff; Karl Nowak’s The Collapse of Central 
Europe and Chaos\ H. C. Armstrong’s Grey Wolf \ and Dr. 
Lutz’ The German Revolution, 1918-1919, supplemented by 
his documentary work. The Fall of the German Empire, both 
pubhshed under the auspices of the Hoover War Library. 

In the preparation of Part III I was confronted with an 
embarras de choix mais pas de richesse. The pohtical litera- 
ture of the post-war period in Germany is enormous and, for 
the most part, inaccurate and partisan. Of first-hand 
material there is httle of great value, for pohtical passions 
render the memoirs and writings of Grzesinski and Otto 
Strasser as imtrustworthy as those of Goring and Goebbels, 
and such works as the Berlin Diaries and the White Book on 
the events in Germany and Austria in June and July 1934, 
though they contain much truth, must of necessity be 
discounted to a great extent by the anonymity of their 

I was fortunate, however, in being a fairly constant 
visitor to Germany during much of this period and in close 
contact with a number of the leading figures. I have, there- 
fore, drawn largely upon my own records, together with 
notes and memoranda made at the time. 

But there are certain books which were of the greatest 
assistance, among them Konrad Heiden’s Geschichte des 
N ationalsozialismus and Geburt des dritten Reiches, published 
in Enghsh in one volume as A History of National Socialism-, 
Georg Bernhard’s Die deutsche Tragodie-, Arthur Rosen- 
berg’s Geschichte des deutschen Republih, and, of course, the 



Stresemann Papers, and the admirable biographical studies 
of him by Rudolf Olden and Antonina Vallentin. Certain 
works by Enghsh and American authors must be included 
in this category; for example, Germany puts the Clock Back, 
by Edgar Mowrer, and The Fall of the German Republic, by 
R. T. Clark; while for accurate studies of the Nazi Revolu- 
tion itself there is nothing better than Powys Greenwood’s 
German Revolution, and Germany enters the Third Reich, by 
Calvin B. Hoover. 

I have also used my own works on disarmament, 
security, and reparations, viz.: The Problem of Security, 
Disarmament and Security since Locarno, The Disarmament 
Deadlock, The Reparation Settlement of 1930, and The Wreck 
of Reparations. 



Introduction .... 
Bibliographical Note 
Part I: Tannenberg and Pless 
Part II: K!reuznaoh and Spa . 
Part III: Weimar and Neudeck 
Index .... 











President von Hindenbnrg ..... frontispiece 


Hammering Nails into the Wooden Statue . . .79 

Hindenbnrg with Wounded Men on his 70th birthday, October 

2nd, 1917 96 

The Unveihng of the Wooden Statue in the Siegesallee, Berhn . 136 

Hindenbnrg at Spa, June 1918 ..... 1^3 

Hindenbnrg walking with the Kaiser and Ludendorff at Spa, 

April, 1918 ....... 149 

Hindenburg’s Bomb-proof Dug-out at Spa . . 183 

The Wooden Statue in the Siegesallee, Berlin . . . 266 

One of the Three-mark Pieces specially issued for the Tenth 

Anniversary of the Weimar Constitution (August 11, 1929) . 333 

Loyal Support ....... 464 

Map of Eastern Front . . . . 18 

Map of Western Front ..... 88 







It must be a rare thing for a man to be virtually reborn 
twice during bis lifetime, so that he experiences three 
completely different bves, each separated from the other 
by an interval of several years, and each progressively 
greater and more important than the last. Yet this is true 
of Paul von Beneckendorf und von Hindenburg, General- 
Field-Marshal and twice President of the German Reich. 

The first of these “fives” dates from his birth in 1847 to 
his retirement from the Army in 1911; the second begins 
three years later, when, at the age of sixty-seven, he was 
appointed to the command of the Eighth Army in August 
1914, and ends with his second retirement in 1919; then, 
after six years’ interval, when he was seventy-eight, begins 
the third and last “life”, dating from his election to the 
Presidency in 1925 until his death nine years later. 

Born in Posen on October 2, 1847, he was the eldest of 
three sons in a family which had its origin in the union of 
two houses, each of which traced its mihtary record back 
to the thirteenth century, when their ancestors had been 
Knights of the Teutonic Order. Frederick the Great had 
bestowed upon the Hindenburgs the two estates of Limbsee 
and Neudeck in the Neumark of West Prussia in reward 
for their services in the Silesian War, and although Limbsee 

had to be sold in the days of retrenchment following the 




War of Liberation, Neudeck remained tbe “home” of tbe 
family and remained in tteir possession uninterruptedly 
until the death of the widow of one of the Marshal’s younger 
brothers some years after the termination of the Great War. 
As in all ancient families, there was the inevitable skeleton 
in the cupboard. A certain Major Paul von Hindenburg was 
court-martialled and shot in 1806 for treacherously sur- 
rendering the fortress of Spandau to the French. 

Paul von Hindenburg, steeped by family tradition in the 
history of his country, passed his childhood in the Spartan 
manner of the Prussian military caste. No weakness was 
tolerated, and it is recorded that his nurse, who seems to 
have been a female type of Prussian Grenadier, would at 
once quell any protest or argument with a roar of “Silence 
in the ranks”. At the age of eleven he joined the Prussian 
Cadet Corps, of which he himself relates that the discipline 
was “consciously and purposely rough”, and he remained 
there until 1866, when, after a brief period of service as page 
of honour to the widowed Queen Elizabeth of Prussia, he 
was commissioned a second-lieutenant in the Third Regi- 
ment of Foot Guards. 

Too young to take part in the war against Denmark, 
Hindenburg received his baptism of fire from the Austrians 
at Soor in the Seven Weeks’ War, and at the close of the 
campaign was decorated with the Order of the Red Eagle 
for the capture of a battery of guns at Koniggratz, in the 
course of which he was wounded. Four years later, in the 
Franco-Prussian War, he won the Iron Cross for bravery in 
the field and was chosen to represent his regiment at the 
proclamation of the German Emperor at Versailles. 

At the end of the war iu 1871 he returned to the ordinary 
existence of any rising young officer engaged in “mihtary 
peace work”, and during those years even his most enthusi- 
astic biographer, Niemann, is forced to admit that his 
services “were valuable, though not decisive”. He was a part, 
and a rather insignificant part, of the new German Empire’s 



new army, whidi was organized and developed during the 
Wilhelmian era, and through the ranks of which he slowly 
worked his way, in forty years of stafi and regimental duties, 
from captain to lieutenant-general. He was never promoted 
on account of any outstanding service, but rose in the regular 
advancement of a conscientious ofl6i.cer, and the number of 
medals and orders conferred on him by the Emperor was 
but the minimum amount consistent with his rank. 

At length in 1904 he was appointed to the command of 
the Fourth ALrmy Corps, with headquarters at Magdeburg, 
and it was in this capacity that he took part in the Imperial 
manoeuvres of 1908. Here, however, he allowed zeal to out- 
run discretion and committed the fatal mistake of letting 
the army corps commanded by the Emperor lose the battle. 
The All-Highest dishked defeat at the hands of his own 
generals, even if it was an accident, and when three years 
later Hindenburg made application to retire at the end of 
his period of command, there was a strong rumour that it 
was not unconnected with the unfortunate event of the 1908 
manoeuvres. He himself emphatically denied it: “My mih- 
tary career had carried me much farther than I had ever 
dared to hope. There was no prospect of a war, and, as I 
recognised that it was my duty to make way for younger 
men, I apphed in the year 1911 to be allowed to retire’\ 

There is, however, evidence to show that even before 
this date Hindenburg had ceased to enjoy the Imperial 
favour, if, indeed, he had ever enjoyed it. During the dis- 
cussions which preceded the appointment of Moltke to 
succeed Schheffen as Chief of the Imperial General Staff 
in 1905, Hrndenburg’s name, in company with others, was 
put forward, but the Emperor dismissed him from con- 
sideration as a raisonneur. 

He therefore resigned himself at the age of sixty-four to a 
life of well-earned rest and tranquillity in Hanover, and to 
the congenial occupation of watching and advancing the 
military career of his son Oskar, then a second-heutenant in 



his father’s old regiment, the Drittes Garde Regiment zu 
Fuss. The name of Hindenburg was unknown to most of 
his fellow countrymen. He was just one of the many re- 
tired generals retained d la suite of their regiments, and 
twelve other individuals were Usted on the same page as he 
in the current issue of the German Who’s Who. 

For four years General von Hindenburg hved a monoton- 
ously pleasant existence in the autumn of his Ufe. He tra- 
velled, and began that collection of pictures of the Madonna 
and Child which, with shooting {der Jagdpassion), formed 
his chief recreations. His health began to fad. Work would 
have suited him better; he had always led an active if not 
an athletic hfe, and though he enjoyed freedom from anxiety 
and responsihihty, he was subconsciously irked by inaction. 
It seemed as if he might not live to be seventy. 

And then suddenly out of the blue summer sky of 1914 
there came the war which galvanized him once more into 
activity. The Day for which every German soldier had lived 
and planned had arrived at last, and it found him no 
longer in harness. With no further information than the 
man in the street, Hindenburg gleaned his war news from 
the newspapers, reading daily of the German advance upon 
Paris and of the Russian invasion of East Prussia. With an 
envious eye he watched the mobihzhtion at Hanover proceed 
without him. The troops marching through the streets from 
barracks to train passed him by unrecognized. He chafed in 
a fever of inactivity. “I placed myself in the hands of fate 
and waited in longing expectation.” At last in the late after- 
noon of August 22 he received a telegram from the Kaiser 
at Imperial G.H.Q. at Coblenz asking him if he were ready 
for immediate service. Thankfully the General rephed “ Am 
ready” and joyfully set about his preparations. Subsequent 
telegrams informed him of his promotion to the rank of 
Colonel-General and his appointment to the command of 
the Eighth Army in East Prussia, with General Ludendorff 
as his Chief of Staff. His second “hfe” had begun. 




The circumstances which led up to Hindenburg’s sudden 
appointment on August 22, 1914, are of very considerable 
importance, both in relation to his career, and to the sub- 
sequent events at Tannenberg, upon which the Hindenburg 
Legend was founded. 

The military position in East Prussia at the outbreak of 
war was dominated, in so far as Germany was concerned, 
by the operation of the strategic plan by which the General 
Stafi essayed to meet a war on two fronts. This plan had its 
origins as far back as 1880, when the great Moltke had had 
to envisage the possibility of a simultaneous war with 
France and Russia. For military, poHtical, and psycho- 
logical reasons Moltke had decided to attack the Russians 
with the larger force and to take up a defensive attitude 
against France, being even prepared to retire to a position 
east of the Rhine. 

In time, however, the reasons which influenced Moltke’s 
decisions changed or became modified, and his successor, 
Count von Waldersee, with recollections of 1812, elaborated 
two plans according to the season of the year. If war broke 
out in summer, the main attack was to be in the East; if in 
winter, in the West. 

It was the third of the German Chiefs of StafE, Count 
Alfred von Schheffen, who finally abandoned Moltke’s plan 
and adopted one based on precisely opposite principles. 
France had by this time become the more dangerous enemy 
for Germany; hence the rules of strategy demanded that, 
regardless of the season of the year, the main attack should 
be in the West. This would be delivered through Northern 
France and Belgium against Paris, whilst there would be a 
retreat in Alsace-Lorraine before the French armies. In the 
meantime the East must look after itself until the decisive 
battle in the West freed sufl&cient forces for an ofiensive. 



But here Nature had provided a strong measure of pro- 
tection. The Russian armies, on entering German territory, 
would inevitably be divided by the Masurian Lakes and 
could only continue their advance by sending one army to 
the north and the other to the south of this chain. The 
German army therefore must be prepared to attack one of 
these armies, while they were disunited, and defeat it; being 
ready then to turn upon the other. 

Unfortunately for Germany, but providentially for the 
Allies, the Imperial Chief of Staff at the outbreak of the 
war, though a Moltke, had none of the great qualities of his 
uncle, nor indeed of any of his predecessors. A man of weak 
nerves, he was not a worthy incumbent of the high military 
ofB.ce since its inception by Gneisenau, a hundred years 
before; but in justice to him it must be said that he had 
protested energetically agamst his own appointment, feehng 
himself in every way unfitted for it. His protests, however, 
proved vain m the face of the historical mania of WilheLm II, 
who was determined that he, too, should have his Moltke.^ 
Under the younger Moltke the Schlieffen plan was modified 
in the West, and the strategic retreat in Alsace-Lorraine 
abandoned. The provision for defensive measures in the 
East remained unchanged. 

In August 1914, therefore, the Eastern Front was lightly 
held by the Eighth Army, numbering some eleven divisions 

^ Prince Billow in Ins Memoirs (vol. ii pp 175-176) relates how, one 
morning in the autumn of 1905, he was riding in the Berhn Hiippodrome 
when he met Count Moltke, who told him with evident distress that the 
Emperor had determined to make him Chief of the General StafE in suc- 
session to Schhefien. Moltke seemed terrified at the idea of such a re- 
sponsible post. “Everything in me dislikes the thought of the appoint- 
ment”, he declared, “I do not lack personal courage but I lack the power 
of rapid decision; I am too reflective; too scrupulous, or, if you like, too 
conscientious for such a post. I lack the capacity for risking ail on a 
single throw”. 

IsTever was so tragically penetrating a self-analysis so fully justified by 
subsequent events. 



of infantry and one cavalry division, and commanded by 
Colonel-General Max von Prittwitz und Gafiron,^ with 
General Count von Waldersee (tbe nephew of Schliefien’s 
predecessor) as Chief of Staff. Opposed to them was a 
Russian army group commanded by General Jihnsky, con- 
sisting of two armies under Generals Rennenkampf and 
Samsonov, having between them thirty infantry and eight 
cavalry divisions, which gave them a numerical superiority 
over the Germans of almost three to one in infantry and of 
eight to one in cavalry. 

Strategic advantage, however, lay with the smaller force, 
for, with their higMy efficient system of railways, the 
Germans had a far greater mobihty than the Russians and 
could manoeuvre behind the screen of the Masurian Lakes to 
meet whichever invading army emerged first. It was, how- 
ever, an essential feature of the Schlieffen plan that which- 
ever Russian army was struck must be defeated and not 
merely checked, and that the German forces should be able 
to disengage themselves to meet the second enemy advance. 

In accordance with German expectations, the northern 
army under General Rennenkampf emerged first from the 
line of the Lakes. It began its advance on August 17, 
marching due west, in the expectation that Samsonov’s 
southern army, coming up from the south-east, would 
strike the German right flank two days after Rennen- 
kampf’s attack. Prom the first, however, the Russian time- 
table was at fault, not only between Rennenkampf and 
Samsonov, but also between the units of Rennenkampf’s 
own army, where a wide gap was left between the Third 
and Fourth Army Corps. Discovering this. General von 
Fran 9 ois, in command of the First German Corps, slipped 
through it and attacked Rennenkampf from the rear; 
causing widespread confusion and panic, he captured 
3000 prisoners and withdrew without great loss. 

This engagement, known as the battle of Stalluponen, 

^ Who had achieved the uninspiring nickname of der dicke Boldat. 



was remail:ab]f‘ as tlie first of several occasions during the 
campaign on which I'ran9ois disregarded his orders and 
acted on his own initiative. This did not necessarily betoken 
insubordination, for, in the tradition of the great Moltke, 
corps commanders were left a maximum amount of liberty 
within the limits of their general task; none the less, supreme 
importance was attached to disciphne.^ 

In this particular case, General von Frangois, a man of 
great independence of thought and of some impetuosity, 
had always entertained certain mental reservations with 
regard to the working of the Schlieffen plan. As com- 
mander of the East Prussian Army Corps he regarded 
himself as specially called upon to protect the province, 
and he was unwilling to see a single East Prussian village 
given over to the horrors of war. He was of opinion that 
the task of frontier defence was to act on the ofiensive, 
and, by attacking the Kussian forces, to keep them off the 
frontier. He apparently disregarded the fact that, as a 
result of his action, the whole army might have to move 
to the support of his corps, and might therefore be obliged 
to fight on the east side of the Masurian Lakes, thereby 
forgoing the geographical advantages offered for defensive 
warfare. The action of StaUuponen, though a success for 
the First Corps, was an error of judgment on the part of 
its commander, for, while large numbers of prisoners were 
taken, the Germans also suffered losses in men and material, 
and more particularly in attacking power, which should 
have been husbanded against the decisive battle. Moreover 
no real advantage was gained by delaying Eennenkampf; 
on the contrary, it was to the German interest that he 
should advance as rapidly as possible so that they might 
crush him before the arrival of Samsonov. Nevertheless it 

1 The military tradition of the Austrian Army was at variance with 
the German. Here independent non-compliance with orders was re- 
warded with the highest military decoration, the Order of Maria Theresa, 
provided that such action met with success. 



was the willingness of General von Fran§ois to accept 
responsibility for independent action which, some ten days 
later, was to play an important part in the German victory 
of Tannenberg. 

After the initial check at Stalluponen, the Eussian 
advance continued, and by August 19 had reached Gum- 
binnen. The German Commander-in-Chief, Prittwitz, would 
have retired still further, but again Fran 9 ois’ impetuous 
nature prevailed, and on the following morning a general 
frontal attack was made on the Russian position. On the 
right and left the German advance was successful, but in 
the centre Mackensen’s Seventeenth Corps failed to reach 
its objectives and was defeated and rolled back. 

The nerves of the Army Commander and of his Chief of 
StafE already showed signs of fraying, but, in the opinion of 
the Quartermaster-General, General von Griinert, and of 
the G.S.0.1, Colonel Hofimann, the action, despite Mack- 
ensen’s defeat, was extremely favourable for the continua- 
tion of the attack on the 21st, and should in their opinion 
be fought out. Could they have known how entirely con- 
ditions on the Russian side justified their opinion, they 
might have been even more emphatic; for Rennenkampf’s 
army was on the verge of collapse, and his staff, almost to 
a man, was urging him to retreat. 

On August 20, between six and seven o’clock in the 
evening, news reached Grunert and Hoffmann that Sam- 
sonov’s army had emerged south of the Masurian Lakes 
and was threatening the German troops opposed to them, 
namely, the Twentieth Corps, which, contrary to the 
Schlieffen plan. Count von Waldersee had not ordered to 
take part in the general German retiring movement. The 
corps commander, however, was not at all disturbed by this 
development, and reported that he was in a position to 
fight a delaying action long enough to allow the battle of 
Gmnbiimen to be brought to a successful finish. 

The nervous state of the Axmj Commander and the Chief 



of Staff may be judged by the fact that for a moment the 
thought flashed through the minds of both Grunert and Hoff- 
mann as to whether they should withhold this information 
from their superiors. Such a thought was, of course, immedi- 
ately rejected, but the effect of the news must have justified 
their worst fears. Prittwitz’s nerves, which had never been 
really under control, now cracked altogether, and he at once 
gave orders for the breaking off of the action at Gumbinnen 
and, overriding the strong protest of Pran§ois, Grunert, and 
Hoffmann, ordered the general retirement of the Eighth 
Army behind the Vistula. At the same time, without inform- 
ing his staff of what he proposed to do, he telephoned hysteric- 
ally to Imperial General Headquarters at Coblenz that he 
could not even hold the hue of the Vistula unless strong rein- 
forcements were sent to him immediately. 

But now a change came over the High Command of the 
Eighth Army, and the dominating genius of Lieut.-Col. 
Hoffmann became the controlling influence. With quiet 
tact and authority the G.S.0.1 explained to his agitated 
superiors, who had no real conception as to how the general 
retreat was to be effected, the impossibihty of executing 
their last order in toto. He demonstrated that the with- 
drawal to the Vistula could not be carried out without 
severe fighting. The troops had to be disengaged from 
contact with Rennenkampf’s army, and the left flank of 
Samsonov’s army must be checked since it was nearer to 
the Vistula than the Eighth Army. He suggested a con- 
centration of forces for an attack against Samsonov in 
order to carry out the withdrawal. 

In face of this cool reasoning Prittwitz and Waldersee 
regained a httle courage, and, by half-past nine on the even- 
ing of the 20th, Hoffmann, having quelled the panic at 
headquarters, was able to issue orders in accordance with 
his own proposals, namely to disengage from Rennen- 
kampf, leaving a Ught screen to mask the operation, and to 
concentrate the Eighth Army at a point from whence a 



blow could be struck later against either Rennenkampf or 

But though, his courage had in part returned, Prittwitz 
had not yet entirely mastered his agitation, for he omitted 
to acquaint Imperial General Headquarters of his change of 
plan, leaving them in the belief that the retreat behind the 
Vistula was in progress. There was in fact no further com- 
mrmication between the Eighth Army and Coblenz until the 
evening of August 22, when it was announced that a new 
Commander and Chief of Stafi were on their way to Army 
Headquarters. The orders recalling Prittwitz and Waldersee 
did not arrive until some few hours later. 


The scene now changes to Coblenz on the evening of 
August 20, where the Chief of the Imperial StafE, already 
harassed and ill, hstened with dismay to the stricken voice 
of the Eighth Army Commander in East Prussia entreating 
reinforcements to enable him to hold the line of the Vistula, 
behind which he was retiring. Imperial G.H.Q. remained in 
ignorance of the fact that this unjustifiable panic was 
almost immediately overcome and that the order for a 
general retirement was countermanded, but Moltke re- 
ceived the perfectly correct impression that his lieutenant 
in East Prussia was psychologically a beaten man and that 
neither he nor his Chief of StafE was in any way fitted to 
remain in active command. 

The question arose who should succeed them, and at 
once the name of his former Director of Operations, the new 
hero, Erich Ludendorfit, who had recently taken over the 
command of an infantry brigade and had been decorated by 
the Emperor with the Pour h Merite cross for capturing, 
almost single-handed, the citadel of Liege, presented itself 
to Moltke for Chief of the Stafi of the Eighth Army. But 
whose name should appear as General Commanding? No 




one very greatly cared wto should be the “dear old Ex- 
cellency” whose business it would be to shield, or reflect, 
the shining light of Ludendorff’s genius, but there had to 
be someone. 

The names of retired army corps commanders were dis- 
cussed by the circle of junior staff of&cers, one of whom 
suggested that a distant cousin of his, Beneckendorfi^ by 
name, was ehgible for the post and had the added advan- 
tage of being conveniently at Hanover, on the direct route 
to the east. Moltke recollected the long record of yeoman 
service and stafi experience, as well as the sturdy bulk of 
the General. No weak nerves there; and a sure rock against 
which the “shngs and arrows of outrageous fortune” could 
avail nothing. There ought to be no delay, the Staff sug- 
gested; the Emperor’s approval should be obtained at once. 
This was impossible before the following morning, but no 
objection was raised by Wflhelm II to the suggested ap- 
pointment, and the decisive message was sent by telegraph, 
as nobody seemed quite sure whether the thrifty habits of 
the General had allowed him, at that time, the luxury of a 
private telephone. 

In such deliberations passed the 21st of August, and on 
the 22nd, at 9 a.m., Ludendorff at Wavre received the news 
of his appointment, together with the information that his 
Chief would be General von Beneckendorff und Hindenburg, 
though at the moment it was not known if he would accept 
the command. Personal letters from the Chief of the Imperial 
General Staff and the Quartermaster-General accompanied 
the official appointment. “A difficult task is being entrusted 
to you, one more difficult perhaps than the capture of 
Liege”, wrote Moltke. “I know of no other person whom I 
trust as implicitly as yourself. Perhaps you may succeed in 

^ It was not until after Tannenberg tbat the General was known by 
the single name of ‘‘Hindenburg”; hitherto he had been called Benecken- 
dorS and had appeared under the letter B in the Army List and in 



saving the position in the East, . . . Your energy is such 
that you may still succeed in averting the worst.” And 
General von Stein added his appeal, “Your place is on the 
Eastern Front. . . . The safety of the country demands it.” 

It is clear then that, from the first, the Imperial High 
Command relied upon LudendorS rather than Hindenburg 
to avert disaster in the East, and, if possible, turn defeat 
into victory. No such personal messages of confidence ac- 
companied the succession of telegrams which were on their 
way to Hanover, during the time that Ludendorfi was 
motoring with all speed from Wavre to Coblenz. Hinden- 
burg had been recalled from retirement as a figure-head 
who would inspire pubhc confidence and act as a foil to 
Ludendorfi’s genius, but the Imperial High Command re- 
posed their confidence in the Chief of Stafi. 

Ludendorfi reached Coblenz on August 22 at 6 p.m., and 
received from Moltke and Stein a resume of all that had 
occurred in the East up to the last telephonic conversation 
with Prittwitz. The new Chief of Stafi of the Eighth Army 
at once began to issue orders direct to the units of the 
command, assuming, with his incomplete knowledge of the 
final phases of the situation, that the Army Headquarters 
Stafi was out of the picture. He was frankly delighted with 
his new position and was fuUy aware that a rare chance 
was ofiered to the strategist. 

But the point of absorbing interest is that Ludendorfi at 
Coblenz, hundreds of miles away from the theatre of opera- 
tions, was issuing, on the 22nd, orders almost identical with 
those which Hofimann had issued on the spot two days 
earlier, immediately after he had allayed the panic of his 
superiors. Both Ludendorfi and Hofimann realized, in- 
dependently, that Samsonov’s army was, for the moment, 
the greater menace and must be dealt with first, and the 
orders which both of them issued aimed at the concentration 
of the Eighth Army to meet this immediate danger. That 
these two men came to the same conclusions to meet the 



situation is a signal proof of the high standard of training in 
the German General Staff, and it is di£S.cult to know to 
whom to allot the greater share of praise; to Hoffmann, 
who had to cope not only with the enemy, but with a 
querulous and incompetent Army Commander and Chief of 
Staff, or to Ludendorff, who assumed the responsibility for 
issuing orders without reference to the new Army Com- 
mander, whoever he might be; for it was not until eight 
o’clock in the evening, some time after Ludendorff’s final 
instructions had been despatched, that he learned that 
Hmdenburg had in fact accepted the command of the Eighth 
Army and that they were to proceed together that night to 
the east. 

On August 23, at 3 a.m., Hindenburg stood, stolid and 
impassive, upon the station platform at Hanover awaiting 
the special train which was to take him to his new command. 
It had taxed even the capacities of a Prussian ofidcer’s wife 
to get him ready in the ten hours at her disposal between 
the receipt of the first telegram and the moment of his 
departure. All sorts of intimate details had to be attended 
to. The General had grown stouter during his retirement, 
and Frau von Hindenburg had to let out his tunics and 
breeches here and there. Even now he stood in the blue 
peace time uniform of a Prussian general and not in the 
field-grey equipment of the German army at war.^ But all 
had been accomplished somehow, and, his farewells over, 
he stood waiting on the threshold of his second “life”. 
It was to close five years later, in 1919, in the gloom of 
Germany’s defeat and humihation, but with Hindenburg’s 
personal reputation enhanced a thousandfold and his name 
a legend throughout Germany. 

The special train steamed into the dimly hghted station, 

1 General Ludendorfi’s wife accompanied him on the train from 
Cohlenz as far east as Kiistrm, and to her Hindenburg deplored his 
lack of equipment. It seemed at the moment to be his chief concern. 
Cf. Margarethe Ludendorff, My Married Life with Ludendorff, p. 84. 



just an engine and two coaches; a tall military figure in 
regulation field-grey alighted and stifidy saluted Hindenhurg. 

“Major-General Ludendorff, your Excellency, by order of 
August 21 of the All-Highest’s Mihtary Cabinet, appointed 
Chief of Staff of the Eighth Army.” 

They exchanged salutes and handshakes and entered the 
train, which continued on its journey eastward. 

In this simple, correct manner was inaugurated that 
extraordinary relationship between Hindenburg and Luden- 
dorff which was so outstanding a feature of this period of 
Hindenburg’s life. In many ways they were antithetical yet 
complementary. Hindenburg was modest and retiring, 
Ludendorff arrogant and egotistical — towards men at any 
rate. Hindenburg, in his account of the years of their partner- 
ship, uses the pronoun “we” throughout, while Ludendorff’s 
memoirs are characterized by the constantly recurring use 
of “I”. Hindenburg was a man of slow but accurate judg- 
ment, and he never lost his nerve, while Ludendorff, 
certainly the more brilliant, and with a swifter grasp of the 
situation in the final analysis, was prone to moments of 
panic. In their combination Ludendorff was the arm, and in 
some cases, not always the happiest, the head also, and 
Hindenburg often permitted himself to approve suggestions 
without complete assurance of what he did. Yet he pos- 
sessed great insight, and his mature and considered judg- 
ments often restrained Ludendorff’s unstable and less 
perfectly balanced temper. 

Hindenburg himself has described their relations as “those 
of a happy marriage”, but in that marriage Ludendorff was 
the dominating husband, for he possessed a strong wiU, the 
will of a fanatic, which drives straight to its goal, without 
a thought for those who stand in its way. From the mili tary 
aspect the combination was vastly effective, but pohtically 
it was most unfortunate, for while in the direction of opera- 
tions their two minds worked in complementary accord, in 
the political intrigues of the later years Ludendorff made 


use of his chief’s name and position in the most unwarrant- 
able manner. 

But in these August days of 1914 this “marriage” was but 
in the honeymoon stage, and within an hour of their de- 
parture from Hanover, Ludendorfi had won the complete 
approval of his chief for the orders he had issued to the 
Eighth Army from Coblenz and for the plan of campaign 
which he was already maturing. By the time they reached 
Headquarters at Marienburg on the following afternoon, the 
most complete sense of mutual confidence prevailed between 


Few battles in history have given rise to so many myths 
as Tannenberg. According to one popular legend, to which 
Mr. John Buchan, in his History of the Great War, gave con- 
siderable publicity in England, Hindenburg had worked out 
his plans for this battle twenty-five years before, when as a 
captain he was G.S.0.2 to the Ficst Division. He is said to 
have explored the country and averted the carrying-out of 
schemes for draining the lakes and marshes in that district, 
and now apphed his long-cherished plan of driving the 
Russians into these death-traps of Nature, where thou- 
sands died a horrible death of suffocation. Another version 
describes him as hurrying across Germany in his special train 
from Hanover to Marienburg, receiving reports at wayside 
stations and issuing his orders accordingly as he went along. 

All these “colourful” stories are mythology; Hindenburg 
himself disposes of the first legend in a single sentence: 
“Before this day [August 24] I had never seen the battle- 
field”. And both Ludendorfi and Hofimann have left it on 
record — ^Ludendorfi in reply to a direct enquiry from the 
Spanish military attache — ^that Tannenberg was not fought 
according to a long-conceived and prepared plan. As regards 
the second fable, the facts already related show how little 
truth there is m it. 





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Wlien the new High Command of the Eighth Army 
reached their headquarters at Marienburg, on the evening 
of August 23, they found, much to their surprise, that all 
their orders had been anticipated by Lieut.-Col. Hoffmann 
and that the disposition of troops was already in progress. 
They had no fresh instructions to issue: their orders were 
simply in effect to “carry on”. Probably neither Hindenbuxg 
nor Ludendorff was entirely dehghted at the part played by 
their G.S.0.1 in the prehminary preparations for the battle 
or in its subsequent development. Hoffmann’s independent 
action had, to a certain extent, stolen their thunder, and 
his name does not occur in the four hundred and fifty pages 
of Hindenburg’s bulky memoirs, while Ludendorff gives him 
but scant credit for his timely action and forethought, 
which had unquestionably saved the situation at a most 
critical moment. Hoffmann, on the other hand, is very 
much more generous. He makes out the best case possible 
for Prittwitz, giving him more than his fair share of 
responsibility for the change of orders on August 20, and 
is full of praise for his two immediate superiors in their 
conduct of the battle. 

The task before the reconstituted German Eighth Army 
was clear, and there was no alternative course. Samsonov 
had not only to be defeated, but annihilated, in order to 
give them a free hand to complete the defeat of Rennen- 
kampf before he had time to recover fully from the shock 
received at Gumbinnen, and before he could move to the 
support of his colleague. Time, therefore, was the essence of 
the contract, and, in the plan which Hoffmann outlined, 
and which Ludendorff adopted, this factor was fully taken 
into account. 

It was proposed to leave a weak but well-masked force, 
consisting of a cavalry division and some reserves and 
militia, to hold Rennenkampf in check, and with the 
remainder of the Eighth Army to envelop and destroy 
Samsonov. The plan was essentially a bold one, for should 



Rennenkampf discover tke weakness of the force opposed 
to him, or should he receive an appeal for help from 
Samsonov, he could with ease sweep aside the German 
cavalry screen and by forced marches to the south-west 
come upon his enemy’s rear. 

But Hoffmann, in drawing up his plans, counted on one 
psychological factor, of which he alone at German Head- 
q^uarters was informed. This knowledge gave him added 
confidence and reheved him from those agonies of anxiety 
which attacked his chiefs. In the years of his retirement in 
Berlin after the war, it was one of General Hoffmann’s chief 
delights to retell the story of his special information. 

In the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-5 Hoffmann, then 
a staff captain, was attached as an observer to the J apanese 
armies in Manchuria, and as such had his first experiences 
of modern warfare. What, however, proved of supreme 
value to him was an incident retold to him by his ^opposite 
number” with the Imperial Russian Armies. In the course 
of the battle of Liauyang, during the Mukden campaign, 
the commander of the Siberian Cossack Division defending 
the Yentai coal-mines found himself unable to hold his 
position and blamed his failure upon the inactivity and bad 
leadership of the divisional commander supporting him. 
In the bitterness of the general defeat the two officers, 
who had been keen rivals from their days at the Mihtary 
Academy, met on the railway platform at Mukden, and 
reproached each other with acrid recrimination. The 
dispute became heated, the Siberian Cossack Commander 
knocked the other down, and the disheartened army was 
treated to the inspiring picture of two major-generals 
roUing on the ground before the eyes of their scandalized 
staffs, who eventually tore them apart. The name of the 
commander of the Siberian Cossack Division was Samsonov, 
and that of his rival Rennenkampf. 

The Tsar forbade a duel, but the former rivalry had 
developed into a passion for revenge, and during the next 



ten years Hofimann kept hims elf informed of the progress 
of the quarrel. His latest information in July 1914 was 
that the two remained unreconciled, and when he knew 
that they were opposed to him, he felt sure that Samsonov 
would now be paid out for that box on the ears ten years 
before. Hofimann, as he told the story, would add with a 
chuckle, sipping from his inevitable tumbler of neat cognac, 
that, “if the battle of Waterloo was won on the playing- 
fields of Eton, the battle of Tannenberg was lost on the 
railway platform at Mukden”. 

Thus the boldness of the German scheme was tempered 
with an inner knowledge of the personalities of the Russian 
commanding ofi&cers, and, while this does not detract from 
the excellence of the conception, it at least explains how 
Hofimann was enabled to maintain his cool judgment at 
a moment when Ludendorfi, and even, in some degree, 
Hindenburg, fell a prey to nervous anxiety. 

Two other factors favoured the German plans. In the 
pocket-book of a dead Russian Stafi Officer had been found 
notes on the general movements of both Rennenkampf’s 
and Samsonov’s armies, evidently made at Jilinsky’s 
Army Group Headquarters, and this valuable information 
showed the General Stafi of the Eighth Army how far 
their opponents had departed from the scheduled time- 
table. Added to this was the almost incredible fact that the 
Headquarters Stafis of JiUnsky, Rennenkampf, and Sam- 
sonov communicated with each other by wireless messages 
sent out en clair so that the operators at German Head- 
quarters could keep close touch with every move of the 

August 24 and 25 were devoted by the Germans to final 
preparations and dispositions of troops for a decisive 
struggle. The plan of operations was simple in conception 
but difficult of execution. The right and left wings were 
strengthened at the expense of the centre, which, lightly 
held, constituted the bait held out to Samsonov to tempt 



him to attack. By the evening of the 25th all was in order 
for the morrow, and Hindenbnrg was able to say to his staff, 
“Gentlemen, our preparations are so well in hand that we 
can sleep soundly to-night”. 

The drama upon which the curtain rose on August 26 
was not in one self-contained act but in a number of de- 
tached scenes. The stage, which stretched over more than 
sixty miles of East Prussian territory, covered ground which 
prevented the formation of a continuous battle-line. The 
battle called, therefore, for individual initiative on the part 
of the various corps commanders and is particularly remark- 
able for the success of these independent actions. 

Samsonov fell headlong into the temptingly baited trap 
and launched a terrible assault against the weak German 
centre. But the position was held by the Twentieth Corps 
composed of troops drawn from the very district in which 
they fought, Allenstein men fighting for the defence of 
their own homesteads, and though the line writhed and 
shook beneath the weight of successive Russian onslaughts, 
it did not break. Meanwhile Frangois on the right and 
Mackensen and Below on the left were driving forward 
against the Russian flanks. Towards evening the German 
centre abandoned its defensive tactics and took the offen- 
sive, making contact with Fran§ois and enveloping Sam- 
sonov’s main body in such a manner that it had no alterna- 
tive but to retire eastwards. 

But though the battle progressed favourably, at General 
Headquarters the joy of success was overshadowed by 
anxiety as to the movements of Rennenkampf. Ludendorff 
was showing signs of nervous exhaustion — the joy of 
victory was utterly spoilt for him by the burden of 
anxiety. Even the stolid Hindenburg felt the strain. “Is it 
surprising”, he asks, “that misgivings filled many a heart? 
that firm resolution began to yield to vacillation, and that 
doubts crept in where a clear vision had hitherto pre- 
vailed?” At G.H.Q. only Hoffmann, sure in his inner know- 



ledge and confident in his own belief, maintained his equa- 
nimity and observed, perhaps even with a tinge of secret 
enjoyment, the mental discomfiture of his chiefs. 

But as the day wore on it seemed that even the worst 
anxieties might be fulfilled. The German wireless operators 
reported to the High Command message after message 
from Samsonov, who, realizing the magnitude of the dis- 
aster that was about to overwhelm him, was filling the air 
with his demands, prayers, and entreaties to Kennenkampf 
to come to his assistance. But the Russian First Army was 
skirmishing outside Konigsberg. That ten-year-old box on 
the ear still tingled. Rennenkampf did not move. 

Suddenly, however, during the evening of the 26th, the 
moment of supreme crisis occurred at German Headquarters. 
It was announced that a strong force of Russian cavalry 
was in movement from the south and threatening Francois, 
and at the same moment it was reported by an air-scout 
that one of Rennenkampf’s corps was in motion to the rear 
of Mackensen’s enveloping force on the left. At this de- 
cisive moment Ludendorfi’s nerves gave way completely; 
he wished to recall Frangois, and call ofi the operation 
closing the ring around Samsonov. Hindenburg rose mag- 
nificently to the crisis, his courage and composure were un- 
shaken, and, supported by Hoffmann, who now contributed 
his knowledge of the existing relations between Samsonov 
and Rennenkampf, and Lieut. -Col. Hell, Chief of Staff of the 
Twentieth Corps, he refused to be stampeded into hasty 
and panicky action. “We overcame the inward crisis”, are 
his own words on the subject, “and adhered to our original 
intention, turning in full strength to effect its realization by 

In the handling of this crisis hes Hindenburg’s real claim 
to fame at Tannenberg. Unhke Prittwitz, he was undeterred 
by impending danger, and his more phlegmatic nature 
was of greater value than Ludendorff’s more tempera- 
mental genius. Had the Chief of Staff been allowed his way. 



Samsonov’s army would have escaped, even though shat- 
tered and decimated, into the forests of Poland. By refusing 
to allow plans, which had been carefully considered and 
adopted, to be hastily changed or abandoned, Hindenburg 
ensured the encirclement of Samsonov and rendered cer- 
tain his complete destruction. Moreover, overwhelming 
justification of the wisdom of Hmdenburg’s action was pro- 
vided next morning when it was shown that the advance of 
Eennenkampf’s corps was but the figment of the airman’s 
over-excited imagination, and that Franyois’ independence 
of mind rendered him more than capable of taking measures 
for his own safety. 

The battle continued with great fierceness throughout 
August 27, 28, and 29, but the final issue was never again 
in doubt. In every way the German generalship and staff 
work was superior to the Eussian, who were “out-thought” 
on all points. But the Eussian army fought with great 
gallantry, and, indeed, had the quality of leadership been 
equal to the fighting quality of the troops, the result of the 
battles in East Prussia might have been very different. For 
Samsonov, deserted by his colleague, fought with the fury 
of despair to break from the enveloping movement which, 
inexorable as the march of time, was slowly but surely 
compassing his destruction. Agam and again he drove hke 
a hull against the ring, but to no purpose. On the evening 
of the 29th Mackensen on the left and Francois on the 
right joined hands and the encirchng movement was com- 
plete. Fresh Eussian forces attempted on the following day 
to break the circle from outside, but without success, and 
hour by hour the ring of fire around the Eussian masses, 
crowded closely together, swaying this way and that, mill- 
ing against each other, and ceasing to have any military 
formation, became closer and narrower. 

By evening all was over and the Eussian forces had sus- 
tained what General Sir Edmund Ironside has described as 
“the greatest defeat suffered by any of the combatants 



during the war.” The dead, lying in heaps and swaths, 
nunabered over 100,000; the number of prisoners taken was 
no less. Three whole army corps had been destroyed, and 
the small body of troops that remained outside the German 
circle was in panic-stricken flight towards the frontier. 

As the German search-parties scoured the field they found 
amongst a momid of dead the body of a white-haired 
general offlcer, a bullet wound in his head, a revolver in 
his hand. In the last moment of overwhelming disaster 
Samsonov had taken the only course which to him seemed 
compatible with honour. 

But for the weary and victorious Eighth Army there 
was no repose, no respite to enjoy their victory. Eennen- 
kampf, now reinforced with new corps from Finland and 
Siberia, still hung like a menacing cloud in the north. 
There were signs that he had begun to realize the enormity 
of his conduct in not supporting Samsonov, and to be 
appalled at the colossal dimensions of the defeat to 
Russian arms which his desertion had caused. That feud 
between the Russian army commanders had already cost the 
Tsar 200,000 men in killed and prisoners and was to be the 
cause of the destruction of many thousands more. Had 
Rennenkampf’s resolution been as great as his resources, 
he coidd have attacked the Eighth Army while it lay at 
the moment of its greatest weakness, exhausted and 
crowded together on the battlefield of Tannenberg, but he 
allowed the Germans a whole week to disentangle their units, 
to rest and bring up reinforcements, and to concentrate 
afresh and mature a plan whereby to destroy him. 

In the preparation of this plan Ludendorfi and Hoff- 
mann co-operated closely, Hoffmann being “proud that 
some of my ideas have been included”. Rennenkampf, 
with fresh reserves approaching and a number of new 
divisions already up, was in a strong defensive position 
between the Masurian Lakes and the Kurische Haff which 
did not allow of an encirchng movement as at Tannenberg. 



It was therefore proposed to make a frontal assault upon 
tkis position with four corps, whilst the two corps of 
Francois and Mackensen pushed through the lake region 
on the Russian left and attacked his rear. 

The action known as the first battle of the Masurian 
Lakes began on September 8, and, while the German 
assault met with little success, the flanking movement 
made good progress. The same was true of the following 
day. Rennenkampf repulsed the attack in his front, but 
Frangois and Mackensen had moved still further round his 
left wing. Rennenkampf’s nerve now failed him; terrified 
at the possibihty of being caught in a similar trap to 
Samsonov’s, despite his numerical superiority he abandoned 
his strong position and ordered a general retreat. Beginning 
on September 10, this movement continued until the 14th, 
by which time it had degenerated into a rout, with the 
German artillery blowing great gaps in the tightly packed 
masses before them. By the 18th Rennenkampf’s army 
was once more on Russian sod, having lost 145,000 men 
in casualties and prisoners. It had been in East Prussia 
just twenty-eight days. 


Two questions now present themselves. What was 
Hindenburg’s part in the victory of Tannenberg, and was 
he or someone else responsible for that victory? 

In the prehminary preparations for the battle he had 
no part at aU. Here the credit must be divided between 
Hofimann and Ludendorff, for the almost identical orders 
which they issued were given on August 20 and 22 respect- 
ively, that is to say, before Hindenburg’s appointment to 
the command of the Eighth Army became operative. In 
the immediate disposition of the troops for battle he also 
bore no part. Here Hofimann suggested and Ludendorfi 
endorsed a certain plan of campaign, the orders for the 
execution of which were later signed by Hindenburg. “I 



realized that one of my principal tasks was, as far as 
possible, to give free scope to the intellectual powers, the 
almost superhuman capacity for work and untiriug resolu- 
tion of my Chief of Stafi, and if necessary to clear the way 
for him”, wrote Hindenburg of Ludendorfi at this moment; 
and Ludendorfi has left the complementary statement, 
“General von Hindenburg had always agreed to my sug- 
gestions and gladly accepted the responsibihty of consenting 
to them”. 

Hindenburg’s greatest contribution to the victory lies in 
his never-failing capacity and wilhngness to accept respon- 
sibihty, a feature of his character which became less 
apparent in his later hfe. It was Hindenburg who had 
accepted the prepared plans of Ludendorfi and Hoffmann; it 
was Hindenburg who had signed the battle orders; it was 
Hindenburg who, at the critical moment, on the evening 
of August 26, refused to be stampeded by Ludendorff’s 
nervous brain-storm; it was upon Hindenburg that the 
final responsibihty for success or failure rested; and it was 
he who signed the telegraphic report to the Emperor 
announcing the tremendous news of victory. 

And in effect was this not exactly the function which he 
had been sent to fulfil? In making the original appointments 
on August 22, Moltke had counted upon Ludendorfi for 
genius and upon Hindenburg for character. It was im- 
possible to risk a repetition of the Prittwitz-Waldersee 
regime in which the Chief of Staff and the Army Com- 
mander had lost their heads at the moment of great crisis. 
Hindenburg had been sent to East Prussia as a symbol and 
a foil. In these capacities he justified to the full the judg- 
ment of those who selected him for the position. He was 
the solid rock upon which the edifice of the High Command 
was built, but apart from this very important function he 
had little or no part in the actual victory. 

The Emperor was suitably grateful in his rewards. 
Hindenburg received the order Pour le Merite and Luden- 



dorfE the Iron Cross, which, he is at pains to point out, had 
not at that time dwindled in value as it did later in the 
war. Hoffmann too received the Iron Cross, and writes in 
his diary that he never expected to receive this finest of 
all military decorations by sitting at the end of a telephone- 
line. “However,” he adds, “I reahze that there must he 
someone who keeps his nerve, and by brute determination 
and the will to victory overcomes difficulties, panics and 
such-like nonsense.” Not for nothing had Hoffmann seen 
Prittwitz, Waldersee, and Ludendorff wilt beneath the 
burden of anxiety. 

Hoffmann’s part in the victory is indeed one of the most 
important, for his cool courage and calm determination had 
been a pillar of strength to both the Prittwitz-Waldersee and 
the Hindenburg-Ludendorff combinations. It was he indeed 
who gave the battle its historic name. While dictating the 
final report for Hindenburg’s signature, Ludendorff had 
dated it from Progenau. Hoffmann suggested that iustead 
the despatch should be headed from the httle village of 
Tannenberg, which had formed the focal poiat of the fine 
held by the Twentieth Corps against the earlier attacks 
of Samsonov, and which is sacred to every Prussian; for it 
is the site of the battle where five centuries before the 
marshalled chivalry of the Order of Teutonic Knights, in 
which had fought a Beneckendorff and a Hindenburg, had 
been ann ih ilated almost to a man by an advancing host of 
Lithuanians and Slavs. Now the memory of that terrible 
defeat had been wiped out, and a Slav host had gone down 
to destruction before a Teutonic force commanded by a 
descendant of the Teutonic Knights. The historic answer 
was complete, but it was Hoffmann, a Hessian, who thought 
of it. 

As Hoffmann himself points out, the final success was in 
great measure due to a succession of most important events 
resulting, not from the orders of the High Command, but 
from the individual initiative of the subordinate leaders. Of 



these the most sahent example is that of General von Francois . 
At a point which was decisive for the brilliant success of the 
battle, he indisputably did a great service in putting off the 
attack rmtil he had in position all his fighting troops, and 
more especially his artillery. If he had advanced a day 
earlier against the prepared Russian position, as the High 
Command wanted him to do, when his troops had been only 
partly concentrated, and without extensive artillery pre- 
parations, the all-important flanking movement on the right 
would almost certainly have met with failure. Fortunate, 
too, in their results were the actions taken by Franjois 
and Mackensen to make contact and thereby complete 
the encirclement of the Russians, and of great importance 
was Mackensen’s independent decision to swing his force 
round at AUenstein, and thereby cut off the enemy to the 

It is easier to say who lost the battle than who won 
it. The inferior generalship of the Russian armies, the 
incredible conduct of Rermenkampf in placing personal 
revenge before national honour, the criminal carelessness of 
the headquarters staffs in sending out their wireless com- 
munications en clair, and the failure of both generals to 
utilize their numerical superiority and the strength of their 
position, all render the magnitude of the German victory 
more comprehensible. 

The truth is to be found more nearly than anywhere else 
in Hoffmann’s own analysis that, whereas the battle of 
Tarmenberg had been lost on the railway station of Mukden, 
responsibihty for the German victory was not due to any 
one individual. 

The people of Germany in the late summer of 1914 had 
no such difficulty in determining the victor of Tannenberg. 
They gave their verdict with no uncertain voice and the 
hero of their choice was the man henceforth called Hinden- 




burg. There is scarcely a parallel in history for so meteoric 
a rise from obscurity to idohzation. Within a week his name 
had become a household word. Yet so little had he been 
known before that people had no clear idea of what he 
looked like.^ Such few photographs of him as existed rose to 
a premium, and an army of press photographers was des- 
patched to the East for more recent pictures. Most of them 
returned empty-handed, but the square head, the heavy face, 
and upturned moustaches were soon to be seen in every 
home in Germany. The legend of Tannenberg had grown 
overnight and it increased to prodigious proportions after 
the battle of the Masurian Lakes and the final freeing of 
East Prussia. Hoch Rindenhurg! resounded in every Bier- 
halle and Weinstube throughout the country. In Hanover, 
where he had hved for three years in obscurity, people asked 
each other in the streets who he was, but the city placed 
his name at the head of its honour roll of citizens. The town- 
ship of Zabrze, in Silesia, went further and changed its 
name to Hindenburg. Eield postmen, with unerring instinct, 
began to deliver to his headquarters the correspondence 
addressed to “The Most Popular Man in Germany”, while 
shopkeepers vied in stocking “Hiadenburg” cigars, boots, 
and ties, and restaurants called their choicest dishes after 

With the approach of winter it was rumoured that he was 
imweU, and he was deluged with letters advising this and 
that treatment and cure. Country housewives sent him the 
prescriptions of nostrums which had been in their families 
for generations and pharmacies informed him that he had 
been placed on their free-lists for life. During the first 

^ So unfamiliar waa the face of their army commander to his own 
troops that when, after the battle of the Masurian Lakes, he was returning 
to his headquarters at Insterhurg after a day’s hunting, Hindenburg’s 
car was stopped in the market-place where preparations were being 
made for a service of thanksgiving and he was forced to make a detour. 
Those who were about to celebrate deliverance from the Russian occupa- 
tion had not recognized their dehverer! 



Cliristmas of tlie war he received over six hundred gifts of 
wine, tobacco, and pipes alone, in addition to thousands of 
other presents. Old ladies sent bim goloshes, and young ones 
pillows stufEed with their own hair. 

He was taken to the warm heart of his people and became 
afiectionately known as “Unser Hindenburg” . At once there 
sprung up about his hfe a crop of anecdotes, the majority of 
them false, and many of them hoary with years. Amongst 
these was the remark attributed to every great captain in 
history who fought a winter campaign, from Hannibal 
downwards: “Every day I walk two hours against the wind 
so that I may have some idea of what my soldiers are 
suffering”. To the end of his hfe he was the victim of the 
ingenious inventor of “good stories”, the tone of which be- 
came progressively more bitter. 

Amongst this welter of hysterical adulation one man re- 
mained unmoved and unimpressed. Hindenburg himself 
was never deceived by the legend of his own greatness. He 
at least knew the truth of Tannenberg, and knew also the 
worth of pubhc adoration. “Remember,” he admonished 
his friends who crowded about him with congratulations, 
“if Tannenberg had not gone well for us, there would have 
been a name cursed by all Germans through eternity: the 
name of Hindenburg.” 

But he could not fight against his destiny, and official 
quarters were quick to take advantage of his popularity to 
distract pubhc attention from the position m the West, 
though they were well aware that the success of Tannenberg 
was of mi n or importance beside the failure of the Marne. 

For the campaign m France and Belgium had failed 
signally. Paris was safe and the race to the sea had been 
abandoned. Moltke, “le general rmlgre lui”, had proved 
unequal to the task of conducting a campaign on a grand 
scale. He had neither the resolution nor the moral courage to 
withstand the anxiety of waiting, nor the mili tary judg- 
ment to pierce the fog of uncertainty which besets all 



modern commanders. In modifying the SchlieffenPlan in the 
south, he had violated his predecessor’s cardinal prin- 
ciple ever repeated till his death, “See that the right wing is 
strong”. For, abandoning the plan of a strategic retirement 
in Alsace-Lorraine, Moltke had reinforced his left at the 
espense of his right. That wing, the key point in Schlieffen’s 
plan, was not sufficiently strong to perform its task, and 
gradually a gap opened between the advancing armies of 
Kluck and Billow. 

By September 4 — at the time when in East Prussia the 
Eighth Army, having annihilated Samsonov, was turning 
northward to destroy Rennenkampf — Moltke, who had sat 
for days at Imperial Headquarters wrapped in nervous de- 
pression and gloomy reflections,^ realized that, by rein- 
forcing the Lorraine front and endeavouring to break 
through between Toul and Epinal, he had so weakened his 
right wing that the enveloping movement from the north, 
the fundamental idea upon which Schliefien had based the 
battle in the West, could not succeed. UnweU, unhappy, 
and completely lacking in self-confidence, Moltke lost Ms 
head and despatched one of Ms stafi officers, Lieut.-Col. 
Hentsch, to Bulow and Kluck, with authority, if he saw 
fit to do so, to give verbal orders to retreat. TMs in 
fact he did, overruHng their protests, and in that moment 
there vamshed Germany’s hope of a rapid war of conquest. 

In relation to the situation in the West, therefore, the 
German victory in the East was of very secondary import- 
ance, In the brain of the great Schliefien, whose death in 
1912, from a septic varicose ulcer, was the greatest blow 
that the German military machine sustained, the Eastern 
theatre of war was subordinate in importance to the West. 
The Russian armies were to be destroyed, not in the hope of 
securing an early peace, but in order to leave the German 

1 “Pliysically, Moltke is a wreck,” wrote Grand-Admiral von Tirpitz 
from Luxemburg at this time; “it is such a mistake not to send him 
home as a heart and kidney patient, which as a matter of fact he is.” 



forces free to figlit and win the decisive battle in France and 
Belgium. After a false start, the Eastern part of the Schlieffen 
Plan had been accomphshed, but its success was very greatly 
robbed of its value by the fact that in the West the High 
Command had failed to fight and win a decisive battle. 

Moltke’s failnre had lost for Germany her chance of 
winning the war, for, from the autumn of 1914, the Western 
Front became an outer bastion of a besieged fortress from 
whence troops issued from time to time to repel attack or to 
effect a sortie. The serious hope of breaking through had 
vanished, and, though the war might continue for years, it 
could only be a question of holding out and not of achieving 

It is uncertain whether the German High Command 
realized fully at that moment the grave importance of the 
failure of the Marne. They were, however, concerned with 
finding some method of diverting popular interest from 
failure to success, and for this purpose the sudden rise of 
Hindenburg as a national idol was most opportune. Every 
possible ofiicial means was taken to stimulate and foster 
the enthusiasm, and the victories on the East Prussian 
Front were invested with a halo whoUy disproportionate to 
their importance. The Emperor was prevailed upon to write 
a laudatory letter to the new hero, universities were en- 
couraged to confer honorary degrees upon him, and munici- 
palities their honorary citizenships. 

The effect was all that could be desired. Pubhc confidence 
raUied and optimism was regained. Hindenburg becamemot 
only a hero, but a living symbol of embattled Germany, a 
star to which his country now could look with hope and 
certainty to guide them through war to victory. 


But it required more even than the glorification of 
Hindenburg in the East to restore the confidence of German 



arms in the West. By September 12 it had become evident 
to all that Moltke’s mental and physical state rendered it 
impossible for him to continue a moment longer in the 
vitally important position of Chief of the General Staff/ 
and once again, and for the last tune, the Emperor made use 
of his unfettered authority in the selection of a successor. 
His choice fell upon the Prussian Minister for War, Lieut.- 
Gen. Erich von Falkenhayn, who received his appointment 
on September 14, and, at his own request, retained his 
position in the Prussian Cabinet. 

The change in the High Command, which was made purely 
on the grounds of the most urgent necessity and was mainly 
directed towards restoring the confidence of the head- 
quarters stafi and the army and corps commanders, was 
cloaked in the greatest secrecy. Moltke still remained at Head- 
quarters in an anomalous position, and as late as October 10 
the Emperor at a banquet at G.H.Q. at CharleviUe publicly 
toasted his success! * And though his name was gradually 

^ The German Crown Prince recalls his alarm and surprise at Moltke’s 
sudden appearance at his headquarters on this date, “completely broken 
down and literally struggling to suppress his tears. Accordmg to his im- 
pressions, the entire German army had been defeated and was being 
rapidly and unceasingly rolled back” [Memoirs^ p. 169). 

2 A tragic picture of the fallen general at this period has been left by 
the Crown Prince. “It was in the headquarters at CharleviUe; he had 
already been removed from his command; I found him aged by years; 
he was poring over maps m a little room in the prefecture — a bent and 
broken man . . . later he sank into a morbid search after the reasons for 
his evil fate, and tried to discover exonerations and justifications for his 
failure, losmg himself in all kinds of barren mysticism. In the end he 
died at Berlin of a broken heart” (Memoirs, p. 172). 

This is not, however, an entirely fair picture of General von Moltke, 
for he was not only physically ill but spiritually distressed. He was con- 
vinced almost from the begmmng that a successful issue of the war was 
impossible for Germany. Ever before his eyes was that fateful session of 
the Prussian Cabinet on August 3 at which Bethmann HoUweg had de- 
clared that the participation of Great Britain in the war had now become 
inevitable, a statement which brought a cry from Admiral von Tirpitz of 
“All is then lost I” At hearing this exclamation from one who had done 



allowed to drop out of circulation, it was not till November 3 
tbat tbe appointment of General von Falkenbayn was made 
public. Army communique ceased for a while, and through- 
out the war the German nation was never told the truth 
of the crisis at Headquarters; even leading members of the 
Reichstag only learnt much later, indirectly and incom- 
pletely, of what really happened on the Western Front in 
September 1914. 

The new Chief of the General Stafi, a native of West 
Prussia, a comparatively young man and of considerable 
personal charm, had one great advantage over his pre- 
decessor in that he was at least physically fit for the task. 
But though his conduct of the Rumanian campaign of 1916 
showed him to be capable of fulfilhng the position of an 
army commander with distinction, he was as unequal as 
Moltke to the supreme responsibility. Indeed, though the 
German army of 1914 had stafi officers of the very highest 
abihty, as, for example, Groner, Seeckt, Willisen, and Hofi- 
mann, these men rarely came into decisive power because, 
lacking seniority, their abilities remained hidden. For two 
long years the supreme military direction of the German 
armies remained in inept hands, and when, in the summer 
of 1916, the great military genius of Ludendorfi finally took 
over the command, all hope of attaining a m i l itary victory 
had passed away. 

What might not have happened had the Emperor ap- 
pointed the military combination of Hindenburg, Luden- 
dorfi, and Hofimann to the Supreme Command in September 
1914? The controUing brains of the combination, Ludendorfi 
and Hofimann, were essentially Schliefien men, and, in the 
opinion of some of the best military authorities in Germany, 
the Schliefien Plan was stUl capable of operation after the 
failure of the Marne. Hofimann beheved it and declared 

more than any other to promote conflict between England and Germany, 
the last hope of victory vanished for the Chief of the General Stafi, and 
he at once became a prey to the deepest depression and despair. 



himself in favour of transferring ten army corps from the 
left to the right wing and of making, with these muted 
forces, a renewed attack, even if, as a necessary condition, 
large parts of Alsace and Lorraine must pass temporarily 
into French hands. Groner, according to Ludendorfi, 
actually made a similar suggestion to Falkenhayn and had 
worked out, in his capacity of Director of Field Railways, a 
plan for the transport north of six army corps, but his 
proposal was rejected.^ Falkenhayn, as a matter of fact, did 
eventually transfer the greater part of the Sixth and Seventh 
Armies from his southern flank, but his movement coincided 
with Joffre’s strengthening of his left wing, prolonging the 
French Hne to the northward. Thus in succession the 
German corps arriving from the south found themselves 
confronted at each point with a similar concentration of 
troops opposite them, and Falkenhayn finally abandoned 
the Schhefien Plan in favour of the capture of Antwerp and 
a great drive against the Channel ports. It is, however, a 
matter of interesting speculation as to what the genius of 
Ludendorfi and the fortitude of Hindenburg, supported by 
the technical expert knowledge of Groner and Ho ffmann , 
might have accomplished at this juncture. 

The appointment of Falkenhayn marked the close of the 
first phase of the war, during which the Central Powers had 

^ It is possible tbat LudendoifE may not bave entirely understood the 
full meaning of Groner’s proposal, which was of a more audacious nature 
than he suggests. It appeared to Groner that the transfer of troops from 
the left to the right would take too long and was too cumbersome an 
operation, m view of the fact that there was no adequate French railway 
line available for the purpose. He, therefore, proposed that the cavalry 
divisions on the extreme right, of which Major von Willisen was Chief of 
Stafi, should be retained in their positions at Kemmel; that the new 
divisions, then being formed in Germany, should be brought straight to 
the West to strengthen the German right and that troops should be with- 
drawn from the left in Alsace-Lorraine to reinforce the Eastern Front. 
These operations would take full advantage of the excellently organized 
system of the German strategic railways and their execution would, 
therefore, have been possible within a very brief space of time. 



achieved a brilliant success in East Prussia and had sus- 
tained two outstanding defeats on the Marne and around 
Lemberg, where the Austro-Hungarian army had lost more 
than 200,000 men. In addition, the initiative had passed into 
the hands of the Allies. 

Falkenhayn hoped by his drive against the Channel Ports 
to liquidate the position in the West, but in the meantime 
urgent and immediate assistance had to be sent to Germany’s 
Eastern ally. Clearly, no troops could be spared from the 
West and help must therefore come from the wearied but 
victorious troops of Hindenburg. 

The advancing Russian armies, after their success at 
Lemberg, threatened both the Austrian forces in Galicia and 
the German province of Silesia, and as early as September 
14, the day of Ealkenhajm’s appointment, Hindenburg 
had received orders to operate in Silesia in support of 
the Austrians. It had originally been intended to form 
a new Ninth Army under General von Schubert, with 
LudendorfE as Chief of Staff, to carry out these operations, 
but, in deference to representations from all the parties 
concerned, the Emperor appointed Hindenburg to the com- 
mand of both the Eighth and Ninth Armies, and thus the 
combination, which Mr. Winston Churchill has designated 
by the symbol HL, but which might well be expanded to 
HLH to include Hoffmann, remained unsevered. 

The position now confronting the combination HTH was 
of equal seriousness and danger to that before Tannenberg, 
with the additional disadvantages that the German veterans 
had been but slightly reinforced, whereas the Russian armies 
were fresh, and their High Command, now under the personal 
direction of the Grand Duke Nicholas, had learned much 
from the previous campaign and was no longer hampered by 
petty jealousies. The Grand Duke had drawn up one and a 
quarter million men so disposed that they could either make 
an advance into Germany or meet an impending German 



To oppose this host there were the Ninth and part of 
the Eighth Armies, some eighteen divisions, concentrated 
in Silesia, together with Dankl’s First Austrian Army on 
the right, leaving the remainder of the Eighth Army 
for the defence of East Prussia. The object of the main 
force was to seize and hold aU the crossings of the Vistula 
from the confluence of the San to Warsaw, and, thus 
protected, to strike at Warsaw itself. With this end in 
view Mackensen and Dankl began their advance on 
September 28. 

The plans of each headquarters staff were disclosed to the 
other in the true tradition of military melodrama. On 
September 30 a pocket-book taken from a dead German 
officer revealed to the Grand Duke the significant fact that 
only two German corps remained in East Prussia, thereby 
confirming reports already received of the concentration of 
troops to the southward, and justifying the belief that the 
advance which had begun on September 28 was being made by 
a German army closely in touch with the Austrian left wing. 
A few days later (October 9) an order found on a Eussian 
corpse revealed to German Headquarters the magnitude of 
the plan opposed to them. “It appeared that we had four 
Eussian armies to cope with,” writes Hindenburg, “that is, 
about sixty divisions to eighteen of ours. . . . The enemy’s 
superiority was increased by the fact that, as a result of the 
previous fighting in East Prussia and France, as well as the 
long and exhausting marches of more than 200 miles over 
indescribable roads, our troops had been reduced to scarcely 
half establishment and in some cases even to a quarter of 
their original strength. And these weak units of ours were 
to meet fresh arrivals at full strength . . . the Siberian 
Corps, the elite of the Tsar’s Empire! The enemy’s inten- 
tion was to hold us fast along the Vistula while a decisive 
attack from Warsaw was to spell our ruin. It was un- 
questionably a great plan of the Grand Duke Nicholas 
Nicholaievitch, indeed the greatest I had known, and in 



my view it remained his greatest until he was transferred 
to the Caucasus. . . 

Stout hearts indeed, and all the resources of iron will and 
cool audacity, were required in the face of these odds to con- 
tinue an advance which even at the iBxst had not been assured 
of success. There are few episodes in German mihtary history 
which show a more generous effort to reheve an ally or a 
more accurate estimation of German military superiority 
over an enemy. It was in every sense a “sporting” operation 
but not a foolhardy one. Every precaution had been taken 
for a speedy retreat in the event of failure. Bridges and 
tunnels were mined at the same tune that they were repaired, 
and the whole of the communications of the advancing 
army were so organized as to make the swiftest retreat 
possible. No episode in the war on the Eastern Front 
illustrated more clearly the superb combination of Luden- 
dorff’s strategy and Hoffmann’s technical efficiency, sur- 
mounted by the growing legend and prestige of Hinden- 

By October 6 the German advance had reached the 
Vistula over almost impassable roads. The immediate 
strategic effect was enormous, for the Russians broke up 
their front in Gahcia and raised the siege of the fortress of 
Przemysl. The Austrians were able to advance to the San 
without finding any noteworthy resistance. But at the 
Vistula two new factors came into play. The Germans met 
with fierce and heroic resistance from the Caucasian corps, 
whose gun trails were actually in the river but who could 
not be dislodged, while to the right the Austrians, who 
were to attack the Russian left flank, proved so weak in 
striking power that they did not succeed in forcing the cross- 
ing of the San. 

Thus held on the river front a German frontal attack was 
impossible, but by the 12th Mackensen on the left was within 

^ LudeadorfE, too, usually so chary of etdogy, expresses the opinion 
that this plan disclosed the Grand Duke as “einen ganzen General”. 



a dozen miles of Warsaw and was holding an important 
railway junction almost inside the perimeter of the city. 
Now, however, the Grand Duke launched four armies on the 
German centre and for three days a terrific battle ensued in 
which the German divisions opposed in their turn the passage 
of the Vistula, hoping in vain that their Austrian allies on 
the right would create a diversion. 

Gradually Russian preponderance of numbers became 
irresistible and at German Headquarters at Radom there 
was the greatest anxiety. “It was indeed the hardest time 
of the campaign in my experience”, writes Hoffmann. 
“Ludendorff and I stand and support each other and the 
chief says ‘God be with us, I can do no more!’ ” Hinden- 
burg admits frankly the doubts which mingled with his 
resolution. Further advance was impossible, yet “what 
would the Homeland say when our retreat approached its 
frontiers? Was it remarkable that terror reigned in Silesia? 
Its inhabitants would thin k of how the Russians had laid 
waste East Prussia, of robbing and looting, the deportation 
of non-combatants and other horrors. Fertile Silesia, with 
its highly developed coal mines and great industrial areas, 
both as vital to our military operations as daily bread itself. 
It is not an easy thing to say in war, ‘I am going to evacuate 
this region!’ You must be an economist as well as a soldier. 
Ordinary human feelings also assert themselves. It is often 
these last which are hardest to overcome.” 

It is easy enough to appreciate the feelings of Hinden- 
burg at this juncture. It was his first taste of failure as a 
commanding general. Hitherto victory, even though after 
hard-fought battles, had been his, and now there was no 
alternative but to retreat and accept the inevitable. He had 
undoubtedly hoped at the outset, with the assistance of the 
Austrians, to inflict some real defeat upon the Russians and 
may indeed have been shghtly puzzled why this had not 
come about. “The worst of matters here”, writes Hofimann 
in his diary at this moment, “is that Hindenburg simply 



cannot understand why we do not win another victory like 
that in East Prussia.” 

But a moment arrived when flesh and blood could stand 
no more, and on October 17 the order was given for a general 
retreat. This movement, carried out through the sleet and 
slush of a Pohsh autumn, where Napoleon’s “fourth 
element” — mud — was predominant, was executed with the 
same amazing skill which marked the advance. Marching 
sixty miles in six days and with more than one stubborn 
rear-guard action, the Ninth Army had by the end of 
October returned to their original position, but less 40,000 
men; while the Russian forces, flushed with success, were 
once more advancing towards Silesia. 

It was clear that not a moment must be lost if the great 
Silesian industrial areas were to be saved from invasion, yet 
it was impossible to meet the Russian hordes in the present 
position and with depleted forces. An element of surprise 
must be introduced and reinforcements sohcited from the 

At a headquarters conference at Chenstokhova, on 
November 3, the new plan took form in the brains of 
Ludendorfl and Hofimann, and, in imparting it to the 
staff, Hindenburg indicated its nature by a gesture of his 
left hand pointing to the north. All present understood 
and agreed. The Ninth Army, now facing north-east from 
Posen to Cracow, must be reunited with the Eighth and 
reformed, facing south-east from Posen to Thorn, and an 
attack made against Lodz to draw the Russians from their 
present objectives. 

By a miracle of railway transport this movement was 
carried out with the greatest speed and secrecy. Within 
a week (by November 10) the transfer was completed and 
the German army multiplied by two was deployed on a 
new 70-mile front, while the Russians remained completely 
ignorant of its departure, or of the fact that its place had been 
taken by General Bohm-Ermolli’s Second Austrian Army. 



German General Headquarters were established in the 
castle of Posen, where, writes Ludendorff, “we got into the 
habit of sitting together for a time after dinner at a round 
table on which stood an aspidistra, the gift of H.M. our 
Kaiserin, a true German woman”. 


The plans for the projected German counter-ofiensive on 
the Thorn-Posen line required two factors for complete 
success, unity of command in the East and adequate 
reinforcements. When, therefore, Ludendorff in the last 
week of October was summoned to Supreme Headquarters 
at Mezieres to confer with Falkenhayn, he put these two 
points very forcibly to the Chief of the General Staff, sparing 
him nothing of the very serious position in which the Eighth 
and Ninth Armies were placed in the face of the Kussian 
numerical superiority. 

This meeting between Ludendorff and Ealkenhayn is of 
very considerable importance, for it marked the first direct 
personal contact between the Western and Eastern theatres 
of war, and the first skirmish in that long campaign between 
Falkenhayn and BDLH which ended two years later in 
Palkenhayn’s resignation. Ludendorff learned now the 
truth of what had happened in the West in September; 
Falkenhayn heard, and it is certain that Ludendorff ’s story 
lost nothing in the teUing, of the prodigious feats accom- 
plished in the East with limit ed forces, and what might yet 
be done with adequate reinforcements. Ludendorff and 
Hoffmann felt sure that with two or three fresh corps they 
could drive the Eussians back from East Prussia and 
Silesia, capture Warsaw, and inflict a really crushing 
iefeat, comparable to those of Tannenberg and the Lakes, 
ipon the Tsar’s armies. 

Falkenhayn, though sensible of the requirements of the 
Eastern Front, had his own plans. His ambitions to take the 



Ckannel Ports had dwindled first to the capture of Ypres 
and Armentieres, and finally to Ypres. But Ypres he must 
have, its capture had become an obsession both with him 
and with the Emperor. Once Ypres had fallen, three or four 
corps should be transported to the East, but until then all 
he could spare was two cavalry divisions, and with these 
the Eastern Command must do what it could. All Luden- 
dorfi’s appeals were vain, and he left with the impression 
that Falkenhayn was debberately starving the Eastern 
Front and failed to appreciate the opportunities for 
decisive victory which were there presented. He left 
Imperial Headquarters in a spirit of dissatisfaction which 
he imparted to his colleagues at Posen. Nor was this spirit 
dispelled by a visit from Falkenhayn’s Chief of Operations 
and alter ego, Colonel von Tappen, whom, says Hoffmann, 
“I implored, almost on my knees, to persuade the Chief 
of the General Staff to put at our disposal, besides the 
promised reinforcements, at least two more army corps”. 
The refusal was again definite. 

In its second object, however, the mission of Ludendorff to 
Mezi^res was more successful. On November 1 the Emperor 
appointed Hindenburg Commander-in-Chief in the East, 
having under him all German forces from the Baltic to the 
Austrian frontier, with Ludendorff as his Chief of Staff, and 
Hoffmann as senior Staff Officer. Thus HLH were trans- 
lated intact to a higher sphere of action. 

The operation which opened on November 11 in East 
Prussia was carried out by the shghtly reinforced Eighth and 
Ninth Armies, and resulted in the battle of Lodz, which 
Hindenburg himself described as “exceeding in ferocity all 
the battles which had previously been fought on the 
Eastern Front”. In the course of it a quarter of a million 
Germans were pitted against over half a million Eussians. 
At one moment the Germans only just failed to surround 
and capture 150,000 Eussians, at another the Eussians 
actually surrounded but failed to hold 60,000 Germans. 


:hat by conciliating England it might be possible to detach 
tier from the Alhes and to reach a separate peace agreement 
sffith her. He therefore opposed strenuously the adoption 
of rmrestricted U-boat warfare and advocated an aggressive 
policy on the Eastern Front. As against this view there was 
that of Tirpitz, and to some extent of Falkenhayn, who 
regarded England as the arch-enemy of the Fatherland. 
“Our most dangerous enemy”, wrote the Chief of the 
General StaE, “is not in the East, but England, with whom 
the conspiracy against Germany stands and falls.” 

In the military sphere the issue was more clear-cut and 
more technical. It was clear that an outstanding German 
victory must be achieved by the spring; much, very much, 
depended on it, and, most important of all, the attitude of 
Italy and the Balkan States, which had hitherto remained 
neutral. The point at issue was; should this victory be won 
in the East or the West? 

It was now that the German Supreme Command began 
to reap the fruits of their zealous fostering of the Hinden- 
burg legend after Tannenberg. Then they had been only 
too thankful that the failure of the Marne should be glossed 
over by the East Prussian victories, and accordingly the 
name of Hindenburg had been exalted to the skies. Now 
this same glittering galaxy of military pundits discovered 
that they had created a new factor which rapidly 
threatened to escape their control. Hindenburg and Luden- 
dorff attended conferences at Imperial General Head- 
quarters with the air of men who have done things and 
have more to achieve. Moreover, they commanded an army 
whose victories had imbued it with a feeling of unquestioned 
superiority over the enemy, a conviction shared by the 
oldest Landsturm man with the youngest recruit. 

As against this record of success in the East, the High 
Command in the West could only point to the collapse of 
Moltke, the failure of the Marne, the retreat to the Aisne, 
and the defeat of the Prussian Guard before Ypres. How 



near they had been to victory on a number of occasions 
and how thin a line had prevented their advance along the 
Menin Koad, they could not know, but the fact remained 
that though they had won territory they had not achieved 

It is true that, in the West, G-ermany had been con- 
fronted by troops and military organizations of the highest 
order, the flower of the armies of France and Britain, 
while, in the East, the Russian armies, though numerically 
superior, were badly equipped, weak in artillery, and in 
most cases poorly led. Nevertheless it was also unassailably 
true that victories and large numbers of prisoners had 
graced German arms in the East, whereas failures and heavy 
losses were their portion in the West. 

Hindenburg and Ludendorfi therefore felt fully justified 
in urging the Supreme Command “to let them go on winning 
the war”. They believed, and in this they had the full 
support of the Chief of the Austrian GeneraTStafE, Field- 
Marshal Conrad von Hotzendorf, that it was both possible 
and imperative to drive Russia out of the war by means of 
a decisive victory. A great effort must be made in the 
spring with every available corps; and, if it were not made, 
the war might be speedily lost by the desertion to the Alhes 
of the Balkan neutrals and by the conclusion of a separate 
peace by Austria. The Dual Monarchy must be bolstered 
up, Serbia crushed, Italy kept neutral, Greece, Bulgaria, 
and Rumania brought in on the side of the Central Powers, 
and Turkey supported in her Jehad against Britain. Such 
was the thesis advanced by HLH. 

Falkenhayn, however, was completely and utterly 
opposed to this theory. To him the assumption that a 
final decision could be obtained in the East was unfounded 
and “based upon sophisms”. He did not believe, and 
subsequent events proved him right, that the Western Allies 
would give way if Russia were beaten. “No decision in the 
East,” he wrote subsequently, “even though it was as 


thoiougL. as was possible to imagine, could spare us from 
fighting to a conclasion in the West.” 

As early as January 1915, the Chief of the General 
Staff had assumed an attitude of mind which was funda- 
mentally defeatist. He was no longer fighting for victory, 
but for escape. No more than an indemnity could be 
exacted from Russia and France. But he was convinced 
that, if Germany must go on fighting, her best chance of 
success lay in the West. To this end he evolved the principle 
of “limited offensives”, which should injure and weaken 
the enemy more than they would weaken and injure the 
Germans, and he was preparing to make the first of these 
against the northern sections of the Anglo-French lines in 
late January or early February. 

Herein lay the deep-seated cause of the struggle between 
HLH and Falkenhayn. They stiU believed in the possibihty 
of victory, he did not. They regarded his pohcy of “limited 
offensives” as dissipating the man-power of Germany in 
isolated efforts without achieving lasting results; he viewed 
their hopes of achieving a decision in the East as military 
sophistry. Moreover, he, as Chief of the General Staff, was 
their superior and was in control of the German army 
machine and of five-sixths of its strength. 

But Hindenburg and Ludendorff, too, had powerful alhes. 
The Chancellor and the Foreign Office supported them, and 
Conrad von Hdtzendorf posted from Vie nna, to Berlin to 
emphasize his view that “complete success in the Eastern 
theatre is still, as hitherto, decisive for the general situation 
and extremely urgent”. Falkenhayn was adamant. He 
would send no fresh troops to the East, he needed the four 
new corps then being raised for his attacks in the West. He 
even refused to countenance the sending of divisions south 
from Hindenburg’s command to the support of the Austrians. 

Conrad returned to his headquarters at Teschen and 
ordered the preparation for an offensive in Galicia, to fore- 
stall a Russian attack upon him and the entry of Italy into 



tlie war on the side of the Allies. He telegraphed for aid both 
to Falkenhayn and Hindenburg. Falkenhayn refused on 
behalf of both. 

HLH then performed their first act of defiance and in- 
dependence. They informed Falkenhayn that they were in 
complete accord with Conrad’s views, and that, without 
the consent of the Chief of the General Stafi, they had 
promised to send several divisions to the support of the 

This was open war, and both sides appealed to the Em- 
peror, as All-Highest War Lord, for a decision. The Imperial 
position had changed considerably in the last few months. 
In September 1914, without taking advice or counsel with 
anyone, the Emperor had appointed Falkenhayn to succeed 
Moltke, and none had even attempted to influence his 
decision. Now in January 1915, he was faced with the pre- 
dicament of supporting the leader of his own Imperial 
choice against the acclaimed idols of the people, who had 
unquestionably committed an act of insubordination. To 
dismiss or even reprimand Hindenburg and Ludendorfi 
had by January 1915 become an impossibility; all Germany 
would have supported them even against the Emperor, and 
the Emperor knew it. On January 8 he gave his approval 
for Conrad’s Carpathian operations and for the despatch of 
German troops for their support. 

But Falkenhayn also had his moment of victory. Though 
forced to concede on the major issue, he made a determined 
efiort to break up the sinister combination of HLH, which 
had so flagrantly flouted his authority. Ludendorff had 
supported Conrad in his demand for German divisions for 
the Galician offensive; Ludendorfi then should share in the 
command of the divisions, and forthwith Falkenhayn per- 
suaded the Emperor to appoint Ludendorff as Chief of Staff 
to the new Sudarmee, which was being formed under the 
command of Linsingen to co-operate with Conrad. The 
appointment was accompanied by a flattering expression 



of the Emperor’s deep confidence in Ludendorfi’s military 
ability, but its true meaning was plain for all to see. 

It may be imagined with wbat feelings Hindenburg re- 
ceived tbe news of LudendorfE’s transfer to Galicia. For the 
past five months, ever since that strangely correct meeting 
on the station platform at Hanover, the two men had been 
practically inseparable, and Hindenburg’s self had been, to 
a very large degree, absorbed into the more dominating 
personahty of Ludendorff. Tannenberg, the Lakes, the 
advance to Warsaw, the dismal retreat to Silesia, and the 
bitter struggle around Lodz, had welded the two together 
into an irrefragable union, and, though Ludendorfi could 
have operated without Hindenbmg, it is very certain that 
Hindenburg could not have functioned without LudendorfE. 
Not even Hoffmann could take his place. 

Faced therefore with this danger of spiritual disruption, 
Hindenburg was moved to take independent action of a 
drastic nature. Once more ignoring Falkenhayn, he petitioned 
the Emperor direct on two scores: first, that the four new 
corps in process of formation should be employed in a 
decisive blow in East Prussia, and secondly, that Ludendorff 
might be returned to him. 

Tbe employment of these [corps] in the East [he wrote] is a 
necessity. With them it will not be difSicult quickly to inflict on the 
enemy in East Prussia a decisive and annihilating blow and at last 
to free entirely that sorely afflicted province and to push on thence 
with our whole force. ... I regard this operation, with the employ- 
ment in the East of the newly raised forces, as decisive for the out- 
come of the whole war; whereas their employment in the West will 
only lead to a strengthening of our defence, or — as at Ypres — ^to a 
costly and not very promising frontal push. Our army in the West 
ought to be able to hold weU-constructed positions sited in successive 
lines and to maintain itself without being reinforced by the new 
corps until decisive success in the East has been attained. 

Here, in a concise form, was tbe kernel of tbe mibtary 
philosophy of HLH. A period of vigilant quiescence in tbe 



West until the annihilation of the Russian armies had been 
accomplished, and possibly an armistice signed, and then a 
smashing offensive against the Anglo-French positions. It 
was this strategy which Hindenburg and Ludendorff em- 
ployed in 1917-18, but by that time it was too late. 

Hindenburg’ s request for reunion with Ludendorff was im- 
passioned and deeply significant, for it betrayed the degree 
to which he had already become dependent upon the other. 
Despite the restraint of the language, there is something 
pitiful, something almost of fear, underlying the appeal. 

Your Imperial and Royal Majesty has been graciously pleased 
to command that General Ludendorff should, as Chief of the Staff, 
be transferred from me to the Southern Army. . . . During the days 
of Tannenberg and the Masurian Lakes, during the operations 
against Ivangorod and Warsaw, and in the advance from the 
Wreschen-Thorn line, I have grown into close union with my Chief 
of Staff, he has become to me a true helper and friend, irreplaceable 
by any other, one on whom I bestow my fullest confidence. Your 
Majesty knows from the history of the war how important so happy 
a relationship is for the course of affairs and the well-being of the 
troops. To that is to be added that his new and so much smaller 
sphere of action does not do justice to the General’s comprehensive 
ability and great capacity, . . . On all these grounds I venture most 
respectfully to beg that my war-comrade may graciously be restored 
to me so soon as the operations in the south are under way. It is 
no personal ambition which leads me to lay this petition at the feet 
of your Imperial and Royal Majesty. That be far from me! Your 
Majesty has overwhelmed me with favours beyond my deserts, and 
after the war is ended I shall retire again into the background with 
a thankful and joyful heart. Ear rather do I believe that I am ful- 
filling a duty in expressing with all submission this request. 

FaUcenhayn, in personal interviews with Conrad, Lin- 
singen, and Ludendorff at Breslau on January 10, and with 
Hindenburg, Ludendorff, and Hoffmann two days later 
at Posen, sought to impose his views. The leaders of the 
Eastern School refused absolutely to make any concession 
to him and stood upon their appeal to Caesar, and they 



,dded their voices to that of the Chancellor in Berlin, urging 
hat Falkenhayn should be dismissed. In this they were 
insuccessful, but on all other heads Wilhehn II once more 
)Owed before the storm. The offensive in East Prussia was 
approved and Ludendorfi was reunited with his old chief, 
falkenhayn had “with a heavy heart to make up his 
nind to employ in the East the young corps which were 
he only available reserves at the time”, and, moreover, 
lad to surrender the Prussian Ministry of War to General 
/7ild von Hohenborn. That, having sustained this damaging 
)low to his prestige, he continued as Chief of the Imperial 
General Stafi for a further eighteen months is surprising, 
or his authority never entirely recovered from the rebufi, 
Lud though, in the conflict between himself and HLH, he 
low and then scored a success, the ultimate issue was 
lardly ever in doubt. 


Hindenburg, Ludendorff, and Hoffmann were in the 
iangerous position of having got all they wanted and 
having given definite hopes of a decisive victory. They 
Lad now to prove of the truth of their convictions; the 
whole thesis of the Easterners was at stake. 

The plan of campaign was on a gigantic scale and 
envisaged an offensive on the right and left flanks of the 
Grand Duke’s position; in East Prussia by the Eighth, 
Ninth, and Tenth German Armies, and in the south by 
the Austro-Hungarian forces supported by Linsingen’s 
Sudarmee. The whole Russian army was to be caught 
between the pincers. In the north it was hoped to repeat 
the Cannae manceuvre of the previous September, and to 
encircle and annihilate the opposing Russian forces. 

In effect neither of these ambitions was realized. The 
operations against both wings of the Russian front did not 
come up to the far-reaching expectations expressed in 
Hindenburg’s letter to the Emperor. In the south the 



Austrian attack was stopped almost at once by a Russian 
counter-ofiensive, and only Linsingen’s army was able to 
make progress; while, in the north, though the winter 
battle of the Masurian Lakes, which opened on February 7 
and raged until the end of March, resulted in the eventual 
destruction of the Tenth Russian Army in the forest of 
Augustovo, with the capture of a large amount of artillery 
and many thousands of prisoners, it was found impossible 
to exploit and follow up this success. The failure occurred 
partly on account of the rigour of the climate and the con- 
sequent tax upon the endurance of the troops, and partly 
because of the endless stream of reinforcements which 
arrived to fill the gaps made by the Russian casualties. 

Both Hindenburg and Ludendorff admit frankly that 
the operations had failed to achieve the decisive result for 
which they had hoped. “In spite of the great tactical 
success ... we failed strategetically”, wrote the Marshal. 
But in the country at large and in the estimation of many 
leaders in Berlin, their laurels, and especially those of 
Hindenburg, were not only untarnished but re-gilded. It 
was at this moment that Grand-Admiral von Tirpitz was 
advocating a plan, for which he even succeeded in en- 
listing the support of the Kaiserin and the Crown Prince; 
the Emperor was to dismiss Bethmann Hollweg and Ealken- 
hayn, and then to go temporarily into retirement, having 
called Hindenburg to the position of Dictator, a role which 
would combine the offices of Chancellor and Commander- 
in-Chief on land and sea. This course alone, the Admiral 
beheved, could save Germany, and more especially was he 
anxious to get rid of the immediate Imperial entourage, 
the heads of the Emperor’s Civil, Military, and Naval 
Cabinets, known to their many enemies as “the Hydra”. 

But Ealkenhayn’s star was temporarily in the ascendant, 
and it was to him now that the ears of the Emperor and 
“the Hydra” were inclined. Hoffmann at this moment was 
noting in his diary: “Falkenhayn is the evil genius of our 



Fatlierland, and, unfortunately, he has the Kaiser in his 
pocket. Now we must depend upon ourselves.” 

Having successfully defeated the French ofiensive in 
Champagne during the months of February and March 1915, 
Falkenhayn had allowed himself to be momentarily wooed 
from his Western “orthodoxy” by the sheer necessity of 
events. The Eussian armies had by no means been exhausted 
by the winter ofiensive, nor were they fundamentally dis- 
couraged by the defeat of the Second Masurian Battle. They 
were counter-attacking fiercely along the German front, and 
in Galicia they had all but stormed the Carpathian barrier. 
The fertile plains of Hungary lay open to invasion once this 
great natural defence was passed, and Conrad von Hotzen- 
dorf was calling again, this time more imperatively than 
ever, for assistance from his aUy. 

Of the great figures which passed across the Central 
European stage during the years of war, that of Conrad 
von Hdtzendorf is among the most tragic. Perhaps the 
ablest of all the strategists produced by the Central Powers, 
his briUiant conceptions were for ever doomed to failure 
by reason of the quahty of the material with which he 
sought to carry them into effect. The Austro-Hungarian 
army, through lack of homogeneity, through faulty and 
obsolete organization, and through corruption at home, was 
never a weapon worthy of the genius of its Chief of Staff, 
whose great abihty was fully appreciated by his German 
colleagues. “The ideas of the Chief of the Austrian General 
Staff were good, they were all good. . . . The misfortune 
of that man of genius was that he had not the proper 
instrument by which he could transform his ideas into facts. 
The troops failed.” So wrote Hoffmann, the most pene- 
trating of critics on the Eastern Front. 

In face of the grim pressure of events, Falkenhayn 
reluctantly abandoned his dreams of an offensive in the 
West and turned his thoughts eastwards. Here for the 
moment must be the centre of military activity, but he 



would direct operations himself; HLH had had a free hand 
and had failed, such new operations as might be under- 
taken must be the fruit of the labours of the Chief of the 
General Staff. 

For this reason Imperial General Headquarters were trans- 
ferred from Mezieres to the Silesian castle of the Prince of 
Pless, where the Chief of the General Staff, adhering to his 
conviction that the enveloping tactics of the Schlieffen 
school, as practised by Hindenburg and Ludendorff, had not 
been justified by success, began to develop a new stratagem 
with the more direct objective of a “break-through” of the 
Russian lines between Gorlice and Tarnov, just north of the 

In reality this was merely a reversion to a proposal which 
had been outhned to Falkenhayn by Conrad von Hotzendorf 
at their conference in December 1914, at the Hotel Adlon, 
but in his book Falkenhayn is silent as to the author of 
the idea. 

Here indeed was irony for Hindenburg, Ludendorff, and 
Hoffmann. At last there had occurred that for which they 
had so incessantly asked, the transfer of the centre of 
activity from West to East; at last the interest of Imperial 
General Headquarters was centred on the destruction of the 
Russians; at last heavy reinforcements were being brought 
eastward. But all this was Dead Sea fruit. The command 
of the Eastern Front, which they had grown to regard as 
their own personal preserve, automatically reverted to 
Imperial General Headquarters at Pless. The sacred teach- 
ings of Schheffen were to be abandoned for a new doctrine 
of a frontal assault, and even this was not to be under their 
direction. A new army of German and Austro-Hungarian 
divisions, commanded by Mackensen, with Seeckt as Chief 
of Staff, was entrusted with the “break-through” at GorUce, 
in which the armies under the control of the Commander- 
in-Chief in the East played but a secondary part. “My 
headquarters”, wrote Hindenburg, “was only an indirect 



participant in the great operation which began at Gorlice. 
Our first duty, within the framework of this mighty enter- 
prise, was to tie down strong enemy forces.” 

This duty was discharged by means of a gas attack (the 
first to be executed in the East) dehvered along the front of 
the Ninth Army, by means of an advance on Suvalki, and 
by a cavalry raid into Courland and Northern Lithuania. 
Thus covered, the operation of the “break-through” at 
Gorlice, which began on May 2, was a great success, a success 
which amazed and perhaps chagrined the disciples of 
SchhefEen ^ But although the Russian front was rolled back, 
yielding provinces and cities, till almost the whole of Galicia 
was cleared of the invader and even Warsaw was threatened, 
there was no overwhelming defeat and no great increase in 
booty; by June the operations were approaching a deadlock 
and HLH were quick to take advantage of the position to 
propose a return to their theory of enveloping tactics. 

A super-Tannenberg was envisaged, an outflanking move- 
ment designed to cut off the Russian centre, which still 
projected in a salient westwards beyond Warsaw; an opera- 
tion which, beginning east and south against Kovno, would 
open up the road to Vilna, and cut ofl the Russian retreat. 
“Perhaps for the last time”, records Hoffmann, “we had the 
opportunity of inflicting a decisive blow upon the Russian 

So confident were the headquarters of the Commander- 
in-Chief in the East that this plan would be accepted by the 
High Command, that preparations for the Kovno offensive 

^ Count Ottokar Czernin, tie late Austro-Hungarian Foreign Minister, 
m a defence of kia policy before tbe Vienna Parliament immediately 
after the war (December 11, 1918), declared his belief that at one point 
only in the history of the war, namely, alter the battle of Gorlice, “with 
the Eussian army in flight and the Russian fortresses falling like houses 
of cards”, was it possible to have secured a peace based on “a policy of 
renunciation”. The Russians, he beheved, were prepared for it, but the 
German mihtary party refused to consider the possibility (In the World 
War, p. 329). 



were pushed forward with, enthusiasm and were well ad- 
vanced when, on July 1, the Marshal and Ludendorff were 
summoned to a conference with the Emperor and Falken- 
hayn at Posen. 

With high expectations they left their headquarters at 
Lotzen, Ludendorff arranging to telephone to Hoffmann 
immediately after the audience, so that the final orders 
might he issued without delay. Hour after hour Hoffmann 
waited in his office. The audience had been timed for the 
early morning. Noon passed and no telephone message came. 
Hoffmann was as near to nervous anxiety as he ever per- 
mitted himself to approach. At last, late in the afternoon, 
the tensely savage voice of Ludendorff ordered him to stop 
everything and to abandon all preparations. Ealkenha 3 Ti 
had won another trick. 

At Posen, Falkenhayn, elated at the success of the 
Gorhce venture and faithful as ever to his strategy of 
hmited aims, had dechned to consider the proposed offensive 
“into the blue”, and advocated a repetition of a frontal 
attack in the shape of a second “break-through” on the line 
of the Narev. Both sides appealed to the Emperor, but 
times had changed since the previous January and its vital 
decisions, and the Emperor had come under other in- 
fluences. By this time he had gone over wholly to Falken- 
hayn and Tappen, and for this there is the evidence of both 
Colonel Bauer and of Hoffmann. Bauer, who was present at 
the Posen discussions, declares that Wilhelm II was “wholly 
under the influence of Falkenhayn and Tappen” and records 
a brief episode in confirmation. Ludendorff advanced the 
argument in defence of his plan that the proposed attack 
would meet with no more than feeble resistance, whereupon 
Tappen remarked sarcastically: “These people only want to 
attack where there is no one to oppose them”. Under the 
influence of such advice the Emperor vetoed the plans of 
HLH, and approved the “break-through” on the Narev, to 
be made by the forces of Gallwitz and Scholtz, withdrawn 



for tlie purpose from tEe authority of the Commander-in- 
Chief in the Bast. When Hindenburg and Ludendorff left 
Posen the breach with Falkenhayn was complete. 


In the constant bickering that now took place between 
Imperial General Headquarters and the Commander-in- 
Chief in the East, it is doubtful whether such a degree of 
bitterness would have been attained had not the Marshal 
allowed himself to be so greatly influenced by his two 
lieutenants. For Hindenburg’s character was too phleg- 
matic and his temperament too sluggish for strong passion. 
Nor was he of a jealous nature. It mattered little to him 
that he, a Field-Marshal with fifty years of service, should 
act under Falkenhayn, a man far younger both in years and 
in rank. To Hindenburg his Supreme War Lord was the 
Emperor, to whom he regarded himself as directly respon- 
sible, and his sense of personal loyalty to his sovereign would 
inevitably have led him to accept without demur the 
Imperial decision, even though in his heart he might have 
disagreed with it. 

But if Tappen incited Falkenhayn against Hindenburg, 
Ludendorfi and Hoffmann inflamed the Marshal against the 
Chief of the General Staff. After Ludendorff’s return from 
Posen to Lotzen, Hoffmann describes the evening which they 
spent together, “both of us cursing G.H.Q. for interfering 
with our plans and ordering us to do something which we 
aU thought impracticable”; these two now bent all their 
energies towards fanning the flames of the quarrel. For to 
them the blow was of double import. Not only were they 
convinced that their plan alone could lead to victory, but 
in rejecting it General Headquarters had flouted and 
insulted the sacred doctrines of SchUeffen, which they 
regarded as the God-given tables of the law. 

Day by day the quarrel grew in bitterness, and with an 



almost diabolical glee Hoffmann recorded its progress. 
More and more frequently there appear in his diary entries 
such as “on both sides there is much drafting of offensive 
telegrams,” or “Ludendorff has sent an offensive telegram 
and to-day, of course, got an even more offensive reply”. The 
Marshal became more and more deeply involved. “The 
quarrel between Falkenhayn and Hindenburg is developing. 
The Field-Marshal is at last telling him the truth”; and — 
in a burst of triumph — “We forced the Field-Marshal to 
the point of resignation — he refused, until Ludendorff 
threatened to resign also ... as a result we have had two 
shmy telegrams from G.H.Q.” 

Falkenhayn and Tappen were not behind in pettiness 
and triviahty. They frequently pursued a pin-pricking 
pohcy towards HLH, rejecting their proposals, imposing 
■small humihations, and answering their offensive com- 
munications in kind and with interest. 

There is httle to choose between the parties in this dis- 
creditable episode. Both sides appear to have lost at 
this time all sense of wider vision, and, though both could 
claim that their contentions were actuated by a deep- 
seated devotion to the Fatherland and that their sole care 
was the destruction of the enemy, it seems to have occurred 
to neither that a policy of mutual distrust and recrimina- 
tion between two great mihtary departments in time of war 
was not calculated to secure victory over the enemy or 
confidence at home. 

These events provide an early and important example of 
the degree to which Hindenburg allowed himself to be 
dominated by his surrounding influences. It was his chief 
and most vital faihng, and became increasingly apparent in 
the years to come. So essential a part of his life does it 
become that it is impossible to conceive of the Marshal 
as standing alone. Throughout he appears as one of a con- 
stellation, outshone in brilhance by the surrounding stars, 
yet giving his name to the whole. In the East his satellites 



were Ludendorfi and Hofimann; in the West, Ludendorff 
alone. During the first Presidency he was dominated by 
Meissner, a self-effacing satelhte; in the second, by the 
Palace Camarilla. The Wooden Titan remained the “cover” 
for the quarrels of Ludendorff and Hoffmann with D.H.Q., 
for the later political ventures of Ludendorff, and for the 
tortuous intrigues of Schleicher, Papen, and his own son, 
Oskar. Many things were committed in his name of which 
he never approved and more of which he never knew. In 
the early days his “legend” covered him as it were with a 
buckler, but in time that, too, grew dimmer and faded. 


In the meantime the war on the Eastern Front con- 
tinued. The “break-through” of Gallwitz, which began on 
July 13, was successful in its primary objective, and by the 
17th he had reached the Narev. Under the pressure of the 
German and Austro-Hungarian armies, breaking in on 
every front, the Russians gradually began to give way at 
all points and to withdraw slowly before the menace of 
envelopment. Warsaw fell on August 6, Kovno was 
stormed on the 17th, the great fortress of Novo-Georgievsk 
capitulated two days later. Again Falkenhayn seemed to 
have achieved success, but again the Grand Duke evaded 
annihilation. The German pursuit began to lose its force in 
incessant frontal attacks and HLH returned once more to 
their earlier plans of encirclement. By pressing forward 
beyond Kovno and Vilna they hoped to force the Russian 
centre against the Pripet Marshes and cut their com- 
munications with the interior of the country. Once more, 
however, they were doomed to disappointment. Falken- 
hayn insisted upon a straightforward pursuit. “A pursuit”, 
comments Hindenburg, “in which the pursuer gets more 
exhausted than the pursued.” 

Under the walls of Novo-Georgievsk, after the surrender 



on August 19, Hindenbujg and Ludendorfi encountered 
FaUrenhayn in the presence of the Emperor. The meeting 
was courteous but cool. Said the Chief of the General Staff 
to Ludendorfi: “Now are you at last convinced that my 
operation was right?” “On the contrary”, was the icy reply. 
The Emperor made some non-committal remarks and dis- 
tributed decorations. 

The dreams of a super-Tannenberg, the last opportunity 
of inflicting a crushing defeat upon the Russian armies, 
had vanished. Only the month of September remained 
before the summer weather broke, and that period was too 
short to carry out the great enveloping movement which 
Ludendorfi had envisaged in July. But the strategy of 
Ealkenhayn’s “limited ofiensive” had in the end yielded 
no real and lasting results. The superficial success of 
the Eastern campaign had obscured the fact that in its 
essence it was a frustrated plan, and this despite the fact 
that in a year Russia had lost in killed, wounded, and 
prisoners over two million men, and guns and stores 
approximately equivalent to what she possessed at the 
outbreak of the war. In the removal of the Grand Duke 
Nicholas from the Supreme Command, an event which 
followed the defeats of the summer, she also lost her 
ablest military leader. Nevertheless, the Russian army, 
depleted and weakened though it was, still remained a 
functioning mihtary machine, capable of being re-equipped 
and reinforced, and of returning to the attack. A further 
German ofiensive was out of the question: it was time for 
the army to get ready for the winter. 

In addition, the summer campaign had failed in its chief 
political objectives. Despite the success of Gorlice in May, 
it had been found impossible to hold Italy to her neutrality. 
She had declared war on Austria on May 23. 

The headquarters of the Commander-iu-Chief in the East 
were moved from Lotzen to Kovno, and here Hindenburg 
celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of his entry into the 



Prussian Army. “With thanks in my heart to God. and my 
Emperor and King, who glorified the day with a gracious 
message, I looked back on half a century which I had spent 
in war and peace in the service of Throne and Fatherland.” 
He was to spend nearly twenty years more in the service of 
his country, but at their close he would not be able to look 
back with so clear a conscience as at Kovno. 


In the period which followed ( October 191 5-August 1916), 
the quarrel between the Commander-in-Chief in the East 
and the Chief of the General Staff reached its fiercest heat. 
The summer campaign of 1915 had marked the high-water 
mark of Falkenhayn’s success and from thence his star 
waned gradually to eclipse. The reputation of Hindenburg 
and Ludendorff, on the contrary, grew steadily greater, 
until it became impossible to exclude them any longer 
from the Supreme Command. 

But this was not achieved without a bitter struggle. 
Falkenhayn, satisfied that he had put the Russians out of 
the reckoning for a considerable period, shook himself free 
from the heresies of the Eastern school, and returned to 
meet the speedily maturing Allied offensive in the west. In 
addition, it was found necessary to support Austria still 
further by an attack on Serbia and to give encouragement 
to Germany’s latest ally, Bulgaria, who had joined the 
Central Powers on September 6 and was menaced by the 
Allied forces at Salonika. For all these activities German 
troops were required to stiffen those of Germany’s allies and 
Falkenhayn began to withdraw divisions from the Eastern 

Dominated by Ludendorff and Hoffmann, Hindenburg 
resisted with ail his force this policy of denuding the 
Eastern Front, fighting tooth and nail for each division. The 
correspondence with Falkenhayn discloses a hostility of 



almost unparalleled intensity between a regional com- 
mander and a Chief of the General Staff, and it reached its 
height when, on October 6, 1915, Hindenburg refused point- 
blank to make further transfers of troops, and in a formal 
protest to the Supreme Command challenged Falkenhayn’s 
conduct of the whole campaign: 

I have always taken the general situation into consideration by 
relinquishing as many troops as I could . . . and I have also sent 
off without delay any divisions which could be spared. The fact that 
the further relinquishment of divisions is now meeting with diffi- 
culties, is due to the plan of campaign pursued in the summer, which 
was unable to strike a deadly blow at the Russians, in spite of the 
favourable circumstances and my urgent entreaties. I am not blind 
to the difficulties of the general military situation which have ensued, 
and, if the Russian attacks are beaten off really decisively, I shall 
relinquish further divisions as soon as it seems possible for me to do 
so. . . . But I cannot bind myself to a defimte time. A premature 
relinquishment would give rise to a crisis, such as is now being 
experienced, to my regret, on the Western Front, and in certain 
circumstances it would mean a catastrophe for the Army Group, as 
any retiring movement of my troops, which are but weak in com- 
parison with the enemy, must lead to very great harm being done to 
the formations, owmg to the unfavourable condition of the terrain. 
I request that my views should be represented to His Majesty. 

''With all the consideration due to the person of the 
Commander-in-Chief in the East whose name was associated 
by the German people with the victory of Tannenberg’', 
writes Falkenhayn, "it was impossible to allow these re- 
marks to pass without a definite reply.” 

He, therefore, responded to Hindenburg^s strictures with 
vigour and in the same critical spirit: 

Much as I regret that Your Excellency should without any cause 
consider the present moment^ suited for explanations of events of 
the past, which are, therefore, unimportant at the moment, I should 

^ The French offensive in Champagne was at its height and the 
offensive against Serbia had just begun. 


not trouble to refute your statements, if they concerned only me 

But, as it concerns a criticism of orders issued by ’which, as 

IS well known, have in all important cases met with the previous 
consent of His Majesty, I am unhappily compelled to do so. 

Whether Your Excellency agrees with the views of G.H.Q. does 
not matter, once a decision has been made by His Majesty. In this 
case every portion of our forces has to adapt itself unconditionally 
to G.H.Q. 

Thereafter followed a spirited refutation of Hindenburg’s 
criticism of the campaign conducted by G.H.Q. in the East 
and a caustic commentary on the Marshal’s own operations. 
Falkenhayn continued: 

In spite of my attitude to your operations, I did not propose to 
His Majesty to interfere, but even supported them m every way; the 
reason for this is to be found in my respect for the convictions of 
another person so long as they keep within the necessary limits, and 
do not threaten to harm operations as a whole; and because it is 
impossible to gauge with mathematical precision the issue of any 
operations which are carried out with the energy usual in such cases. 

I will report to His Majesty the scruples which Your Excellency 
raises against the withdrawal of the two divisions. I must refuse to 
bring the remaining points of your telegram to the knowledge of the 
Emperor, because they only concern consideration of past events, 
about which, therefore, I do not intend in any case to approach the 
Supreme War Lord in these grave days. 

Once again the Emperor was called upon to decide be- 
tween the views of his bickering generals and for the last 
time he decided in favour of Falkenhayn; his decision was 
to the effect that the divisions must be rehnquished to 
G.H.Q. as ordered. For the rest Falkenhayn’s reply ful- 
filled its purpose. Hindenburg acquiesced in it despite 
the protests of Ludendorff and Hoffmann, and mature 
consideration led him to admit that Falkenhayn might 
have been right throughout. “In judging the plans of our 
High Command”, he wrote years later, “we must not lose 
sight of the whole military situation. We ourselves then 



saw only a part of tlie picture. The question whether we 
should have made other plans and acted otherwise if we had 
known the whole pohtical and military situation must be 
left open.” In any case there was now a pause of several 
months in the dispute with G.H.Q., and it was not until the 
situation again became acute, in the summer of 1916, that 
the Eastern Command renewed its efforts to influence the 
conduct of the war. 

The time had come to decide on the plans to be pursued 
in the coming year, and once again a conflict of plans 
occurred. HLH urged, as usual, the crushing of Russia before 
undertaking an extensive operation in the West. Their new 
plan favoured a movement against the Russian left wing, 
with the added pohtical element of forcing Rumania to 
declare herself. Conrad von Hotzendorf, on the other hand, 
desired a campaign in Italy. Falkenhayn rejected both plans 
in favour of an idea of his own. 

In an exhaustive report submitted to the Emperor at 
Christmas, he surveyed the whole field of operations in 
detail and gave his reasons for arriving at the conclusion 
that the most suitable point for the next assault against 
the Alhes was Verdun. 

The French lines at that point are barely twelve miles distant &om 
the German railway communications. Verdun is, therefore, the most 
powerful foint d’afpui for an attempt, with a relatively small 
expenditure of effort, to make the whole German front in France 
and Belgium untenable . . . [on the other hand] within our reach 
behind the French sector of the Western Front there are objectives 
for the retention of which the French General Staff would be com- 
pelled to throw in every man they have. If they do so the forces of 
France will bleed to death — as there can be no question of a 
voluntary withdrawal — ^whether we reach our goal or not. ... For 
an operation limited to a narrow front Germany will not be compelled 
to spend herself so completely that all other fronts are practically 
drained. . . . She is perfectly free to accelerate or draw out her 
offensive, to intensify or break it off from time to time as smts her 



Here, therefore, is the epitome of Falkenhayn’s mihtary 
philosophy of “hmited offensives”, accompanied politically 
by a readiness to negotiate. The capture of Verdun would 
break the heart of France and “England’s sword would be 
knocked out of her hand”. London and Paris would sue for 
peace and a settlement might be reached on the basis of the 
status quo. Unfortimately it was precisely at this time that 
Bethmann Hollweg had sadly reached the conclusion that 
“after these gigantic events there can be no stains quo”. 

Nevertheless, Falkenhayn’s proposals received the Im- 
perial approval and on February 21, 1916, the great attack 
upon Verdun was launched. 

In the East, however, the calculations of the Chief of the 
Imperial General Staff had gone awry. He had reckoned 
that the moral and material defeats inflicted on the Russians 
during the summer of 1915 would incapacitate them for 
some considerable period of time, but he had seriously under- 
estimated the Slav capacity for recuperation and resiUence. 
With the Tsar in personal command of his European armies 
and Alexeiev as Chief of Staff, the Russian forces were re- 
organized and re-equipped with rifles and guns which had 
been brought from England and America, via Japan. A 
new group of armies under General Ewart was concentrated 
on a narrow strip of the German front between Narotch and 
Lake Vishniev, where it was proposed to break through the 
denuded hne and force a road to Kovno. With the depleted 
forces at his disposal, Hindenburg was able to oppose only 
66 German battahons to 400 Russian. He had no reserves. 

The offensive opened on March 19. It was the first time 
that HLH had been engaged in a defensive battle, and they 
were only able to meet the Russian attacks by withdrawing 
troops from the points in the hne where danger seemed 
least and concentrating them at those where the pressure 
was most severe. They were forced to give ground, but so 
resolutely did they fight off thrust after thrust that the line 
remained unbroken, and by March 28 the Russian offensive 



had been brought to a standstill. From then until the 
summer a quiet period intervened in the East. The Russians 
were preparing for their next onslaught, and the Austrians 
were engaged in an offensive on the Itahan front. Mean- 
while, the G-erman forces waited in anxious anticipation of 
what might follow. 

That which was to follow came with appalling suddenness. 
On Time 4, a new Russian army under Brussilov fell upon 
the Austrian front, breaking through at Lutsk, capturing 
an entire army of 250,000 men, together with all its guns 
and equipment, and advancing some thirty-seven miles. In 
a month he had taken a further 100,000 prisoners and had 
cleared an area two hundred miles wide and in places sixty 
miles deep. 

From this moment dated Falkenhayn’s echpse, for he was 
held powerless in the West and could do nothing. The opera- 
tions around Yerdun, though they had inflicted ghastly 
losses on the French, had cost the Germans almost as 
dearly. Moreover, they had failed in their two initial 
objectives. The French bled, but they did not bleed to death. 
Verdun did not fall and the AUies were not prevented from 
launching their own offensive on the Somme at the end of 
June. Though this attack was a failure, German troops 
were too occupied elsewhere to organise a counter-offensive. 
The star of the Easterners was coming into the ascendant. 

At the beginning of June, Hindenburg and Ludendorff 
were summoned to Pless to confer with the Emperor on the 
situation in the East. They declared that the only means of 
salvation lay in a unified command, but to this the Austrians 
would not yet agree. Disaster came hard upon the heels 
of disaster. By the end of July the Russians had captured 
Czernovitz, and the Itahans, against whom Conrad’s offen- 
sive had to be abandoned, had taken Gorizia. On all fronts 
the German armies were on the defensive, and hard-pressed. 
AU opposition subsided in the face of such stern necessity, 
and at a second conference at Pless, on July 27, it was agreed 



that Hindenburg should take over the command of the 
whole Eastern Front as far south as Brody, east of Lemberg, 
with headquarters at Brest-Litovsk. 

Opposition to the extension of Hindenburg’s sphere of 
command had not been confined to the Austrians. Falken- 
hayn resisted most vehemently this increase in the power 
of his rivals, sensing therein the prelude to his own downfall. 
But now the Emperor and “the Hydra” were giving ear to a 
new sound, which, beginning as a murmur among the dead 
reeds of Fallcenhayn’s shattered reputation, was now in- 
creasing rapidly to the roar of a popular demand. “Falken- 
hayn must go! Hindenburg to the rescue!” 

The party leaders too had become alarmed, and chief 
amongst them in activity was Dr. Erzberger of the Centre 
Party, himself closely allied with Tirpitz, Falkenhayn’s 
enemy. Erzberger had become convinced that a change in 
the Supreme Command was absolutely essential if Germany 
were to be saved, and to this end he visited the princes 
of South Germany, the Kings of Bavaria and Wurttemberg, 
and the Grand Duke of Baden, to convert them to his views. 
They agreed with him and consented to his conveying the 
united expression of their alarm to the Emperor Franz 
Joseph, with the request that he would intervene. Erzberger 
went forthwith to Vienna and, having been equally successful 
there, sought out the Emperor at Pless and confronted 
him with an ultimatum. Either Falkenhayn must go or the 
German priuces and the Austrian Emperor would press for 
the immediate conclusion of peace. 

Wilhehn II, with this clamour in his ears, in the course 
of the conversations at Pless, which at times became acri- 
monious, decided in favour of Hindenburg and Ludendorfi, 
and against Falkenhayn, and this so piqued the latter 
that he did not appear at the Imperial dinner-table. 
Hopes arose that he was so deeply offended that he might 
take his departure, but the Chief of the General Staff 
emerged from his sulks and sought to strengthen his position. 



He went to Berlin to rally the Chancellor, to Teschen to 
mobilize the support of Austrian G.H.Q.; he sought to 
placate HLH by consulting them at every turn. All was in 
vain; the thumb of popular opinion was turned down; the 
cry was “Habet!” 

Meanwhile at Brest-Litovsk there were discomfort and 
jubilation. Here the Headquarters Stafi were housed in 
their special train in far from ideal circumstances. The 
August sun beat pitilessly down on the steel roof and made 
the cramped space unendurable. There was no room to 
work, and such as there was, was encumbered by the big 
staff-maps. Hoffmann alone succeeded in making himself 
comfortable, and the ingenuity which he displayed in the 
use of what he called his “salon” was a source of continuous 
amazement. Soon, however, on Ludendorff’s suggestion, 
Headquarters were moved into the Citadel, the only habit- 
able place in the city, which had been burned by the Russians 
before its evacuation. 

But HLH had considerable cause for satisfaction. They 
were able to repulse the Russian attacks upon their own 
front and, by a judicious stiffening of Austrian troops by 
German battalions, succeeded in persuading their allies to 
stand. It was believed also that the second conference at 
Pless had seriously shaken FaUrenhayn’s position and had 
strengthened theirs. The days of their eclipse were over. 

Judge then of their alarm, surprise, and indignation 
when, by the middle of August 1916, it appeared that the 
impossible had happened and Falkenhayn, unsuccessful in 
enhsting support in any other direction, had re-established 
his hold over the Emperor. Telegrams were received from 
Pless instructing HLH to confine their attention to their 
own front, and the Imperial ear was deaf to their protests 
against Falkenhayn’s decision to withdraw further troops 
from their command. Hindenburg was in favour of com- 
promise — “He has been repeating since yesterday, ‘Yes, 
what my Edng commands, that must I do’,” writes 


HofEmann furiously — but Ludendorfi sent ofi an orderly 
with a request to be allowed to resign. It was only in the 
face of this rupture of their union that the Marshal could be 
persuaded to ask the Emperor for an audience. The request 
was refused, and a long despatch was prepared instead. On 
Hofimann’s earnest entreaty LudendorS agreed to postpone 
his resignation until after the Imperial reply was received, 
and when this reply arrived on August 24, and was found to 
be graciously platitudinous, he allowed himself to be per- 
suaded to reflect once more. 

This crisis would seem to have affected Hindenburg more 
deeply than anything which had gone before. In the pre- 
vious disputes with G.H.Q. Hoffmann continuously refers 
to his “Olympian calm”, but now he records that “the 
Field-Marshal is in a state of great excitement”. It was the 
last round, and Palkenhayn might conceivably have won it 
had not a further error in his calculations been revealed at 
this moment. 

Ever since the Russian victory of Lutsk and the penetra- 
tion of the Austrian hne in June it had become apparent 
that Rumania would now inevitably throw in her lot with 
the Alhes. This, indeed, had been one of the secondary 
objects of Brussilov’s offensive and its success was assured. 
The German General Staff had at once become reconciled 
to this and had conferred with the General Staffs of Austria- 
Himgary, Bulgaria, and Turkey as to what measures should 
be taken to meet this new contingency. Falkenhayn, how- 
ever, had been convinced that no move would be made by 
the Rumanians imtil after the harvest was in, that is to say, 
mitil the autumn. How completely he had convinced both 
himself and the Emperor of this may be seenfrom an incident 
recounted by Colonel Bauer, of the Headquarters Staff. 

“On the 27th of August, when I was wa lkin g in the castle 
grounds at Bless with Freiherr von dem Bussche of the 
Operations Section, we came upon the Kaiser, He was calm 
and cheerful, and told us that Rumania would certainly 



not declare war, that the reports were favourable, and that 
in any case the maize harvest was in progress at the moment. 
A few moments later we received news in our office that 
Eumania had already declared war.”^ 

This incident finally rang Falkenhayn’s death-knell. He 
had lost the confidence not only of the military, naval, and 
civihan authorities, but even of his own Headquarters Stafi. 
“I approached General von Plessen” (the Emperor’s Ad- 
jutant-General), Colonel Bauer continues, “represented to 
him that the only man who could help us was Ludendorff , 
and begged him to assist us.” 

In face of the opposition of the Imperial Government, 
the party leaders, “the Hydra”, and the General Staff, the 
Emperor once again gave way. 

At one o’clock in the afternoon of August 28, 1916, 
Hindenburg in the citadel of Brest-Litovsk was called to 
the telephone from Bless by General von Lyncker, the chief 
of the Emperor’s Mihtary Cabinet. The Emperor, he said, 
required the presence of the Marshal and Ludendorff at 
Bless immediately. He would give no reason save that “The 
position is serious”, but he added that Falkenhayn knew 
nothing about the summons and would be informed of it 
only after their arrival.® 

To Ludendorff and Hoffmann such a summons could 
mean only one thing. Falkenhayn had fallen or was at least 
in the act of toppling. They administered a final “gingering- 
up” to the Marshal before his departure, lest he might again 
fall by the way of compromise. 

^ At the same time Italy declared war on Germany. 

® This procedure was not, however, adhered to. That same evemng 
Lyncker informed Falkenhayn that the Emperor had decided to seek 
independent mili tary advice and had called in Hindenburg and Luden- 
dorfE. Falkenhayn was received later by the Emperor, to whom he pro- 
tested that he regarded his action as “a sign of mistrust to which he could 
not submit”. He begged leave to resign and this was granted him in a 
letter signed “Your well-disposed and grateful King, Wilhelm” (Zwehl, 
Erich von Falkenhayn, pp. 212-213). 



A remarkable example of Hindenburg’s simplicity of 
mind is offered bere. Despite the fact that he had struggled 
for nearly a year against the views of Falkenhayn, and not- 
withstanding the conviction of his immediate subordinates 
that in the event of success he himself would succeed to 
the Chief of the General Staff, the Marshal seems to have 
had no idea that this summons to Pless betokened his own 
victory and his translation to a higher sphere. So little did 
he anticipate a long absence from his own headquarters at 
Brest-Litovsk that he took only the minimum amount of 
kit on his journey. 

The writer was at first disposed to treat this lack of 
perception on the part of the Marshal as a naivete to which 
not much credence need be given, but, on discussing the 
point with those who had had intimate knowledge of 
Hindenburg’s character, he became convinced that this 
incident illustrated, par excellence, the Marshal’s simple 
nature and lack of ambition. Once the immediate excite- 
ment of the dispute with Falkenhayn had passed, Hinden- 
burg relapsed into his natural phlegmatic impassivity and 
was incapable of connecting the summons to Pless with 
the defeat of his opponent. 

The Marshal and Ludendorff were met at the station on 
their arrival at Pless, at 10 o’clock next morning, by General 
von Lyncker, who at once informed them of their appoint- 
ments as Chief and Second Chief of the General Staff of the 
Army in the Field. They were greeted at the Schloss by the 
Emperor, accompanied by the Kaiserin and the Chancellor, 
and during a stroll in the garden the appointments were 
personally confirmed. Ludendorff, though he secured per- 
mission^ to change his title to “First Quartermaster- 
General”, received express assurance that he should have 
joint responsibihty in all decisions and measures that might 
be taken. 

The business of taking over was completed that after- 
noon and Falkenhayn, who contemplated “only with great 



anxiety the certainty that a change in office must inevitably 
mean a change of system in the conduct of the war”, took 
leave of his successor with a hand-shake and the words 
“God help you and our Fatherland”. 

Thus in the space of two days Hindenburg and Luden- 
dorff found themselves in supreme command of the German 
army, “supreme” in every sense of the word, for from that 
day the position of the Emperor as All-Highest War Lord 
became the merest fiction. Just two years ago they had 
fought and won Tannenberg, two years of strenuous united 
work and mighty victories lay behind them, and ahead of 
them two further years of service in double harness before 
the disappearance of LudendorfE from the scene. 






Autumn, 1916. The German armies on the defensive on 
every front, their alhes but little removed from defeat and 
already showing a tendency to bicker amongst themselves; 
Rumania added to the ranks of the enemy and capable of 
putting three-quarters of a million fresh troops into the 
field; Germany herself apprehensive, beginning to show 
signs of war-weariness, with a government divided against 
itself on many vital issues; the sinews of war unorganized 
and the fundamentals of such organization not understood; 
army commands in the West in the hands of incapable 
generals and a General Headquarters Staff shaken in its 
confidence in the Supreme Command; above all, a growing 
shortage of food; such was the heritage to which Hinden- 
burg and Ludendorff succeeded at Pless. 

In comparison with the new tasks which faced them, 
their previous problems in the East seemed almost par- 
ochial. Now only did they realize the difficulties under 
which their predecessor had laboured and which had in- 
fluenced the decisions they had so strenuously opposed. 
“I will not hesitate to admit”, wrote Hindenburg later, 
“that it was only now that I fuUy realized all that the 
Western armies had done hitherto”; and Ludendorff con- 
fessed that he had not fully appreciated the danger of 
transferring troops to the East and that, had he done so, 

77 a 


lie would not have had fche courage to weaken the Western 

One ray of sunlight penetrated this murky cloud. 
Though in the East matters were far from satisfactory, 
both Hindenburg and Ludendorfi knew that in leaving 
Hofimann as Chief of Staff to the new Commander-in- 
Chief, Prince Leopold of Bavaria, they had ensured a 
continuity of pohcy and a unity of spirit with themselves, 
and had provided against a repetition of that deplorable 
wranghng between the High Command in the East and 
Gr.H.Q. which had characterized their own tenure of of&ce. 
Thus, though physically divided, the combination of HLH 
stiU continued to function. Later, divergences of opinion 
betweeen Hofimann and Ludendorfi marred the smooth 
working of the triple formula, but for the time being all 
was well, though there is no doubt that the absence of 
Hofimann’s expert genius at G.H.Q. was greatly missed. 
Had it been possible for him to accompany Hindenburg 
and Ludendorfi to the West, that is to say, had HLH 
remained united in space as weU as in spirit, his influence 
over Ludendorfi might well have restrained the First 
Quartermaster-General from his later poHtical excesses. 

Immediate action was necessary to restore confidence 
both on the Home Front and in the West. In this the Hinden- 
burg legend played an enormous part. The German people, 
whose knowledge of the true course of the war was strictly 
regulated by official propaganda, had, nevertheless, a 
feeling of hope rekindled on hearing that the victor of 
Tannenberg had assumed supreme command. With “der 
aUe Kerl” at the head, it was worth making new sacrifices 
for victory, and a touching personal confidence in the 
Marshal was manifested in a hundred ways. After Tannen- 
berg the popular imagination had been kindled by 
this figure of granite with its expressionless face and its 
grave brooding eyes; now the belief of the people was 
founded upon him. He was regarded as a friend and 

haaimering nails into the wooden statue 

k of Prussia 



confidant by thousands who had never seen him, and his 
headquarters mail became clogged with so great a mass 
of personal correspondence that the services of a special 
officer were required to deal with it. People of every class 
and standing opened their hearts to the Marshal, some 
sent him verses in his honour, others asked for his patronage 
in securing positions for themselves or for their children. 
The clerk of a municipal council sought his help in securing 
better means of removing refuse, and a German lady from 
Chile wrote to ask his assistance in connection with the 
loss of her certificate of baptism. Seldom in the history of 
the German people was a military commander taken so com- 
pletely into their hearts. 

As in 1914, the machinery of official propaganda was 
called into play to enhance the legend. New and higher 
honours were heaped upon Hindenburg, and every means 
was employed to keep his name and prestige before the 
popular mind. A new battleship was christened Hindenburg 
and his wife was invited to launch it. Parks, squares, and 
cafes were, under official encouragement, accorded his name. 
Above all there occurred that crowning episode of the Hinden- 
burg cult, the erection of wooden colossi in his image. 

These statues were symbolic. They were huge, crude, 
and rugged, and recalled the primitive sculptures of an 
earlier civilization. They were indeed a “throw-back” to 
the images of Thor and Odin, the Nordic war-gods so dear 
to an earlier German tradition, and to them were made 
sacrifices in a truly Nordic spirit, sacrifices not of garlands 
or of doves but of icon nails hammered into the figure till 
they stood out “hke quills upon the fretful porpentine”. 
The proceeds of the sale of the nails to the faithful who 
desired the privilege of knocking them in went to the 
German Red Cross. 

Here the underlying streak of paganism in the German 
character was . combined with Christian humanity, the 
worship of the war-god with alleviation of the ghastly results 



of sucli woxsliip. The contrast is sharp; the incongruity 
almost frightening. The strange problem of German 
psychology is here displayed, a fierce and pagan sadism 
mingling in the German character with the Christian spirit 
of human kindliness. 

And if the figures and their cult were significant of the 
German people as a whole, they were even more symbolic 
of Hindenburg. A Wooden Titan he had become, and 
remained so to the end; a figure-head carved upon the 
prow of the German barque to ward ofi evil spirits and to 
bring good fortrme; a dumb god to whom prayers might 
be offered but from whom no word would come. The 
German people had created for themselves an idol not of 
clay but of wood, which the dry-rot of intrigue would 
enter and destroy, leaving but a hollow shell. 


To Hindenburg, and in a less degree to Ludendorfi, the 
period immediately succeeding their translation to Pless 
was one almost of bewilderment. Everything was so very 
strange and new. The conditions of warfare to which they 
had been accustomed in the East were of the old-fashioned 
variety, and the experience gained therein availed them 
comparatively little in meeting the new tasks with which 
they were confronted. Their first act was to make a tour of 
the Western Front, as much for their own education as to 
enable the various army-group and army commanders to 
become acquainted with the new High Command. On 
September 6 a war-council was summoned at Cambrai, the 
headquarters of the German Crown Prince, and thither 
Hindenburg and Ludendorfi travelled by special train. At 
every station they received an ovation, the troops crowding 
the platforms to cheer “unseren alien Hindenburg”. As the 
train pulled into Metz the usual accompaniment of cheering 
and waving of caps was suddenly stilled by the scream of an 



alarm siren. French, airmen swooped down over the station 
and narrowly missed bombing the special train before being 
driven ofi. 

At Cambrai the Marshal presented field-marshals’ batons 
to the Crown Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria and the Duke 
Albrecht of Wurttemberg, both army-group commanders, 
and received repoits from -all quarters. He learnt for the 
first time of the German inferiority in aircraft, artillery, and 
the supply of ammunition in comparison with the Allies. 
He saw a steel helmet for the first time and was informed of 
its proved eflS.cacy in trench warfare. He inspected the 
battlefield of the Somme with its “lunar landscape” of shell- 
holes and trenches, which, for desolation, seemed even worse 
than that of Verdun, and here perhaps for the first time he 
realized the fuU horror of modern warfare. He was strangely 
moved by this discovery, and the impression created re- 
mained with him long after. 

The extent of the demands which were made on the army in the 
West was brought before my eyes quite vividly for the first time 
during this visit to Prance [he wrote in 1919]. What a thankless task 
it was for the commanders and troops, on whom pure defence was 
imposed and who had to renounce the vision of a tangible victory. 

. . . How many of our brave men have ever known this, the purest of 
a soldier’s joys? They hardly ever saw anything but trenches and 
shell-holes in and around which they fought with the enemy for 
weeks and even months. ... I could now understand how everyone, 
officers and men alike, longed to get away &om such an atmosphere. 

Back at Pless by September 8, Hindenburg and Luden- 
dorfE arrived at momentous decisions. The war, they were 
now convinced, must be decided in the West. The Eastern 
solution, so dear to their hearts at Lbtzen and Kovno and 
Brest-Litovsk, was now a thing of the past. A victorious 
peace was only possible by a defeat of the Anglo-French 
armies in France and Flanders. To this end the running 
sore of Verdun must be stopped, and the Western Front 
made secure for defensive warfare until the shortage of men 



and material had been made good and it was possible once 
more to assume the offensive. On the other hand, the 
Rumanians must be eliminated from the start, and this 
task was entrusted to two mixed armies under Mackensen 
and Falkenhayn. The absolute necessity of a unified com- 
mand for the Central Powers was insisted upon, and the 
conclusion of the negotiations already in progress was 
hurried forward. Finally, it was imperative to shorten the 
war, and to this end two madly conflicting methods were 
advised: the invitation to the United States to mediate, and 
the adoption of unrestricted submarine warfare. 

The unification of command was achieved almost at once. 
The Supreme War Command {Oberste Kriegsleitung) was 
created and exercised by Hindenburg in the name of the 
Emperor; the benefits of this system were therefore enjoyed 
by the Central Powers for eighteen months before the Allies 
could be persuaded to adopt it. His legend had carried 
Hindenburg very far. Little more than two years before he 
had been an unknown general in retirement, now he was in 
virtual command of some six million men, the armies of 
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, and Bulgaria. 

But victory could not be conjured in a moment. It was 
impossible to carry out with sufficient rapidity the opera- 
tions necessary to liquidate the position at Verdun, and on 
October 24 the French attacked to the east of the Meuse. 
Fort Douaumont, for the capture of which so many German 
lives had been sacrificed, was abandoned, and the fine was 
only held with the greatest difficulty. In the same month, 
however, the Allies were forced to break ofi the battle of the 
Somme, and a temporary lull supervened along the Western 

In the east the Rumanian campaign had been crowned 
with victory. Mackensen and Falkenhayn, after a series of 
successes on their respective fronts, joined hands, and on 
December 3 they entered Bucharest. What remained of the 
Rumanian army retreated northward; stiffened by Russian 



reinforcements and French, and British equipment, they 
formed a line on the Sereth which brought their opponents 
j&nally to a halt and an armistice was concluded. LudendorS 
had directed the campaign from Pless and had enabled 
Hindenburg to make good his boast to the Emperor in 
October: “By the end of the year the Eumanian campaign 
will have come to a victorious close”. It was true, but the 
success was quabfied. TheEumanian army, though defeated, 
had not been annihilated, and, above aU, the German pursuit 
had not been swift enough to prevent the destruction of the 
oil-fields whose production was so necessary to Germany. 
Only the vast stores of grain fell into the hands of the 
Central Powers, but even these were not sufficient to satisfy 
the clamorous demands of their populations. 

There remained the vital question of the supply of war 
material, with its closely allied problem of labour, and in 
addition the issue of peace by mediation and the task of 
hmniliating the Alhes by the destruction of their commerce. 
The handling of these non-military matters disclosed an 
essential difierence in the characters of the two commanders. 
Hindenburg disliked politics and frankly said so; he realized 
his own lack of qualifications for dealing with such matters. 
“It was against my incHnation to take any interest in current 
politics. ... I had the feehng that the business of diplomacy 
made unfamiliar demands on us Germans, and even after I 
was appointed Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army, 
I never felt either the necessity nor inclination to mix my- 
self up in pohtics more than was absolutely essential.” 

Ludendorfi had no more aptitude for politics than Hinden- 
burg, but he did not share his chief’s disinclination for them. 
Though he entertained a lively contempt for politicians and 
regarded the Home Front merely as so much material 
which G.H.Q. could fashion as they would, Ludendorfi had 
returned from the Cambrai Conference in September with 
a strong conviction that his sphere of activities embraced 
complete control of the civihan situation and of foreign 



poKcy. “Not only had I to probe deeply into the inner 
workings of the war-direction, and get a grasp of both great 
and small matters that affected the home life of the people, 
but I had to famiharize myself with great world questions 
which raised all sorts of problems.” 

And here became evident the importance of those con- 
ditions which Ludendorff had exacted from the Emperor 
during their stroll in the castle gardens at Pless on August 
28. Not for nothing had Ludendorff refused to accept the 
title of “Second Chief of the Staff”, and insisted upon that 
of “First Quartermaster-General”. For him the word 
“second” no longer existed with regard to rank, though he 
stdl remained only a heutenant-general; before he would 
accept his position at all he had made it clear that he must 
have “joint responsibihty in all decisions and measures 
that might be taken”. 

In principle this meant that he and the Marshal matured 
their plans in common, and that Hindenburg then presented 
them to the Emperor as nominal commander-in-chief; and 
in military matters this procedure largely obtained. In 
pohtics, however, the Marshal stood aloof and Ludendorff 
acted alone. The Supreme Command became an imperium 
in imp&rio, with the First Quartermaster-General negotiating 
independently with the Emperor, with the Chancellor, with 
the Foreign Ofl6.ce, with the party leaders in the Eeichstag, 
with industrial magnates and trade-union ofldcials, in fact 
with everyone who had to be subordinated to the will of 

Gradually a complete dictatorship was built up on the 
interpretation which Ludendorff put upon the word 
“responsibihty”. For example, when the Imperial Chan- 
cellor pursued some pohcy of which Ludendorff disapproved 
or which he considered injurious to the conduct of the war, 
he declared he could not assume “responsibihty” for such 
action, and asked leave to resign. But it was the Chancellor 
who resigned. By exercise of this method of “persuasion” 



tlie First Quartermaster-General forced everyone from the 
Emperor downwards to give way to him. Someti m es he 
obtained Hindenburg’s approval for his proposals, fre- 
quently he made use of his name in negotiation, always his 
final argument was, “The Field-Marshal and I will resign”. 

In pursuing this policy of “persuasion” Ludendorff was 
greatly aided by the fact that during the autumn and early 
winter of 1916 Hindenburg was in very poor health. The 
rigours of the campaigns in the East had made inroads 
upon even his iron constitution, and now a Mnd of low 
fever attacked him, so that, whether or no he had wished 
to do so, he was in no shape to check the activities of his 
dominating lieutenant. With his customary disregard of 
opinion Ludendorfi pressed on along his tortuous way, sure 
of the moral support of his chief in any crisis that might arise. 

“I grant that I have covered many expressions of 
opinion on pohtical matters with my name and responsi- 
bility even when they were only loosely connected with 
our mihtary situation at the time”, confessed Hindenburg. 
“In such cases I thrust my views on no one. But whenever 
anyone asked what I thought ... I saw no reason why 
I should hold my peace.” Too frequently he gave his 
approval without his opinion being asked, and in fact, in 
pohtical afiairs his opinion was not always worth the 


The first issue on which mihtary and pohtical views 
came into conflict was in the matter of Poland. In the 
middle of August 1916, the Governments in Berhn and 
Vienna had reached an agreement to create, at some 
future date, an independent Kingdom of Poland, with an 
hereditary constitutional monarchy. This pohcy had been 
warmly supported by the Governor-General of Warsaw, 
General von Beseler, and by Ludendorff, both of whom 
believed that it would be possible to create a Pohsh army. 



whicli, with, a stifiening of German oficers, would be 
w illing to shed its blood in gratitude to its liberators. “Let 
us found a Grand Duchy of Poland with a Polish army 
under German ofl&cers”, wrote Ludendorif enthusiastic- 
ally to the Foreign Minister, Zimmermann, in July. “Such 
an army is bound to come one day, and at the present 
moment we can make use of it.” 

Falkenhayn, however, had been sceptical of such 
gratitude (and this view Hindenburg undoubtedly shared) 
and had protested against the immediate proclamation 
of the Polish State. The Emperor had decided in his 
favour and the plan had been pigeon-holed, the idea being 
that it should be kept a secret. State secrets of this nature 
are dMcult enough to guard in one capital. In two capitals 
it is impossible to keep them, especially if one of these 
capitals is Vienna, and by September the knowledge that 
Polish independence had been agreed upon was common 
property. Beseler and Ludendorff, who had even worked 
out, on the basis of the Polish population, the number of 
new divisions they would acquire, overcame Hindenburg’s 
scruples, urging him to revive the plan and have the ofiGicial 
proclamation made as soon as possible. 

Now, however, the rbles were reversed. The Supreme 
Command were in favour of the Polish Kingdom, the 
Chancellor was opposed. Bethmann Hollweg had at last 
determined to effect a separate peace with Eussia and had 
found the Tsar disposed to negotiate. Informal preliminary 
conversations had taken place at Stockholm between the 
German industrial magnate, Stinnes, and Protopopoff, 
Vice-President of the Duma. The increasingly serious 
domestic situation within the Empire and fhe dominant 
pro-German influence of the Tsaritsa assisted the prospects 
of peace, and the Tsar had appointed as his Prime Minister 
Baron Sturmer, a statesman notorious for his desire to 
negotiate with Germany. 

So far had the negotiations progressed by the beginning 



of November that Lenin, writing in Geneva, was seriously ' 
concerned that their success might prevent the outbreak of 
the Ee volution in Russia, and the Entente Governments 
were equally disquieted at the prospect of Russia’s desertion. 

But the Chancellor yielded to the demands of the Supreme 
Command and Germany committed one of the worst 
political blunders of the war. The Kingdom of Poland was 
proclaimed on November 6, and with its proclamation 
vanished all hopes of a separate peace with Russia. 

The Supreme Command had got its way, but the policy 
. was barren of results. The Poles accepted the gift of in- 
dependence as nothing more than their due and had no 
intention of placing their man-power at the disposal of the 
Central Powers. Indeed they had never given any indica- 
tion that there was the sUghtest chance of their doing so. 
“No army without a government to direct it” wasPilsudski’s 
watchword, and he saw no reason now to place a Polish 
Army under the control of the Supreme Command. The 
new divisions, so carefully calculated on paper, vanished 
like a mirage. Snatching at the shadow, Germany had missed 
the substance. 

Though the sudden vacillation of the Chancellor had 
tipped the scale at the critical moment, the burden of 
responsibility must he with Hindenburg and LudendorfE, 
and no hterary afterthoughts can relieve them of it. Had 
Ludendorfi not been bhnded by the purely mihtary desire 
for new divisions, however doubtful their origin, he must 
have seen the superior advantage of a separate Russian 
peace. Had Hindenburg stuck to the sceptical view which 
he had held of Beseler’s original proposals, he might have 
succeeded in furtherpostponing the proclamation, asEalken- 
hayn had done before him. 

The advantage to Germany would have been incalculable. 
Peace with Russia at the end of 1916 would have released 
Hoffmann’s army for service in the south and west, and would 
have given again to Germany the numerical preponderance 



slie had lost. Moreover, the Allied blockade would have been 
broken and Germany could have secured those essential 
supplies of food the lack of which was already beginning to 
cripple her. A few months of peace in Russia might well 
have staved off revolution, and, even if it had not, Germany 
would have avoided the early contact with Bolshevism at 
Brest-Litovsk which proved so disastrous to her. 

By a major political blunder the Supreme Command had 
failed to eliminate Russia from the ranks of Germany’s 
enemies, but by a blunder of far greater proportions they 
ensured the adherence to her opponents of the most power- 
ful ally iu the world, the United States of America. 


When Hindenburg and Ludendorff came to Bless, one of 
the more pressing problems which confronted them was 
that of the effect, both physical and psychological, of the 
Alhed blockade. From the early days of the war the German 
navy had been eliminated as an active factor. Save for the 
gallant actions off Coronel and the Falkland Islands, the 
less gallant shelling of Yarmouth and the Hartlepools, and 
occasional forays in the North Sea, one of which developed 
into the battle of Jutland, the German Fleet had remained 
inactive. On aU the Seven Seas the Alhed navies were 
dominant and the steel ring around the Central Empires 
was complete. 

As a result, by 1916 seventy million Germans were hving 
on severely reduced rations and thousands of them were 
slowly succumbing to the effects. On the other hand, supphes 
of every kind were flowing unchecked into the Alhed 
countries from America and there remained to Germany 
but one weapon to combat both blockade and supply — 
submarine warfare in its unrestricted form. 

This method had been urged by Admiral von Tirpitz as 
early as 1915, but had been vetoed by the Chancellor, who 



saw too clearly tlie inevitable results of sucb a pobcy and 
was determ in ed to avoid at all costs a conflict witb tbe 
United States. Again in March 1916 both Falkenhayn and 
Tirpitz urged upon the Emperor the necessity of declar- 
ing unrestricted U-boat warfare upon neutrals as well as 
belhgerents, and again Bethmann Hollweg triumphed in 
the cause of reason, and to such good purpose that Tirpitz 
resigned from the Ministry of Marine. 

The question was once more fully discussed at Hess two 
days after the appointment of Hindenburg and Ludendorfi 
in August 1916, and on this occasion both agreed with the 
Chancellor in opposing the Naval Stafi. The moment for 
unrestricted warfare was not thought propitious. Both the 
Chancellor and the Generals reahzed its probable efiect upon 
neutral countries, but whereas the former dreaded the entry 
of the United States into the war, the latter were only 
thinking in terms of Holland and Denmark. 

To the Supreme Command America was a strange and 
distant country, unorganized and undiscipliaed, presided 
over by a professorial crank. Even suppose she could raise 
an army it would be years before it could be forged into a 
fighting machine, and its transport to Europe would produce 
further difidculties. “I am not interested in a contest between 
armed mobs”, rephed the great Moltke when asked in 1864 
his opinion of the operations of Grant and Lee before 
Eichmond, and the opinion of the German General Stafi 
had changed httle in fifty years. 

The opposition of the Supreme Command was actuated 
by a fear that, with the issue of the Kumanian campaign 
still uncertain, if Holland and Denmark joined the Alhes, 
there would not be suj0S.cient troops available to meet the 
advancing Dutch and Danish divisions. They did not, how- 
ever, reject the principle of unrestricted submariue warfare, 
and extracted from the Chancellor the concession that “the 
decision to carry on the submarine campaign in the form of 
a ‘War Zone’ would depend on the declaration of the Field- 



Marshal”. In other words, unrestricted submarine warfare 
was to start when Hindenburg and Ludendorff wanted it 
to start. 

But the Reichstag would not allow this concession to go 
unchallenged. The parties of the Left, who were more closely 
in touch with the Government, strongly opposed both the 
expediency of the submarine campaign and the handing-over 
of power in such a wholesale manner to the General Staff. 
The parties of the Right espoused the views of the Supreme 
Command with equal violence. The debates were fierce and 
bitter. The chmax came on October 16, when Brzberger, 
ever the friend and ally of Ludendorff, proposed in the 
name of the Centre Party, and secured adoption by a 
majority of the house, a motion momentous in the pohtical 
hfe of Germany: 

The Imperial Chancellor is solely responsible to the Eeichstag for 
all political decisions in connection with the war. In taking his 
decisions the Imperial Chancellor must rely upon the views of the 
Supreme Command. If it is decided to initiate a ruthless submarine 
campaign, the Imperial Chancellor can be certain of the support of 
the Reichstag. 

Constitutionally, this resolution marked the abdication of 
power by the Reichstag in favour of the General Staff, and 
the confirmation of the mihtary dictatorship of Hindenburg 
and Ludendorff. Its introduction was a pusillanimous 
attempt on the part of Erzberger to bring the existing 
situation into conformity with the Constitution. In effect, 
it began the destruction of the Bismarckian regime which 
was completed some eight months later, when, at the behest 
of the Supreme Command, the Emperor was forced to dis- 
miss his Chancellor and to appoint as his successor a man 
whom he did not even know. 

By the close of the year the situation had become more 
propitious for the introduction of a ruthless submarine 
warfare. The Rumanian defeats had heartened the High 
Command, and the failure of the German peace offer of 



December, to wbich Hindenburg and Ludendorff bad agreed 
after tbe capture of Douaumont by the French, had con- 
vinced them that a peace by negotiation was at the moment 
impossible. Moreover, it was imperative to strike a blow at 
the foreign munition supplies of the Entente, and an end 
to the war must be sought. Conferences took place with 
the Naval Stafi, whose statistics appeared convincing and 
who calculated that economically the case in favour of 
unrestricted submarine warfare was unassailable. Un- 
fortunately the statistics of the Naval StaS had failed to 
take into consideration certain doubtful factors, amongst 
them the capacity for endurance of the British people, and 
their economic calculations were not only academic but 
irrelevant. But in Ludendorfi they found a ready convert, 
and Ludendorfi worked upon Hindenburg. 

How far the Marshal was himself entirely convinced of 
the necessity of this drastic step it is difficult to say. It is 
certain that his native shrewdness must have instinctively 
warned him against a policy which failed completely to trans- 
late into action the will of the nation. It must have seemed 
all very worrying and irregular to him. But Ludendorfi was 
convinced, and so completely had Hindenburg been absorbed 
into the personahty of his coadjutor that he gave his agree- 
ment. As a result, an imperious telegram was despatched to 
the Chancellor by the Chief of the General Stafi on December 
26: “A ruthless submarine campaign is the only means of 
carrying the war to a rapid conclusion. . . . The military 
position does not allow us to postpone this measure.” The 
Chancellor demurred. Ludendorfi insisted. A council was 
called at Bless on January 9, 1917. 

The Emperor presided, pale and excited; to one side of him, 
correct and rigid, sat Hindenburg and Ludendorfi; at the 
other, enthusiastic and confident. Admiral von Holtzendorf, 
Chief of the Naval Staff; opposite, the tail, weary figure of 
the already defeated Chancellor. In attendance the “Hydra” 
— Valentini, Lyncker, Muller. Holtzendorf speaks first, full 



of the arrogance of victory. England will be defeated in 
six months, suing for peace. Holland and Denmark? They 
will not dare to move. America? ‘T give your Majesty my 
word as an officer that not one American will land on the 

Hindenburg speaks briefly, laying stress merely on his 
belief that a decrease of the supphes of munitions from 
America to the Allies will result from the measure. 

The Emperor’s eyes turn to BethmannHollweg. The Chan- 
cellor wavers. What is the use of going on? The demand 
is so unanimous, so confident. He is so tired. Deeply moved, 
he states for the last time his objection to unrestricted 
U-boat warfare, his great fear of the entry of America into 
the ranks of the enemy. He pauses and then surrenders. He 
adds that, in view of the changed views of the High Command 
and the unequivocal statements of the Naval Stafi con- 
cerning the success to be expected, he wishes to withdraw 
his opposition. 

The Emperor, who has followed the Chancellor’s remarks 
with great impatience and disapproval, declares im- 
mediately that ruthless U-boat warfare is thenceforth 
decided upon and that it is the duty of the diplomats to 
make clear to the neutrals the necessity for taking this step. 

“Finis Oermaniae” , wrote Valentini in his diary. 

On January 31 there were presented at Washington the 
Note declaring the commencement of unrestricted warfare 
and at the same time a statement of the German terms for 
peace. “The only German conditions”, writes Ludendorfi, 
“which ever reached the enemy from our side with any co- 
operation on my part.” The reply of the United States was 
immediate and emphatic. Aheady shocked and enraged 
by the loss of American lives in the Lusitania and the 
Arabic, and at the torpedoing of the hospital ship Sussex, 
American pubHc opinion was unanimously behind the 
President in his handling of the German declaration. 
Diplomatic relations between the United States and 



Germany were broken ofi on February 3, and war was 
declared on April 7. Three months later tke first American 
troops landed in France, and by November they were in 
the fighting line. 

If the error of the Supreme Command in the matter of 
Polish independence had been detrimental, their blunder 
in insisting on the unrestricted submarine warfare was 
catastrophic. The risks involved were so great that it seems 
impossible that they could have been adequately weighed 
in the balance. Yet even writing ex post facto, with the full 
knowledge of what American intervention had meant, 
Hindenburg in his Memoirs attempts to justify the decision 
on grounds of expediency. ‘Tn any case”, he writes, “the 
adoption of unrestricted U-boat warfare, with its alluring 
prospects, increased the moral resolution of both the army 
and nation to continue the war on land for a long time to 

How high a price this was to pay and how much more 
might have been gained by waiting is fully realized by 
Mr. Winston Churchill: 

If tte Germans had waited to declare unrestricted U-boat war 
until the summer, there would have been no unlimited U-boat war 
and consequently no intervention of the United States. If the Allies 
had been left to face the collapse of Russia without being austamed 
by the intervention of the United States, it seems certain that Prance 
could not have survived the year, and the war would have ended in a 
peace by negotiation, or, in other words, a German victory. Had 
Russia lasted two months less, had Germany refrained for two 
months more, the whole course of events would have been revolu- 
tionized. Either Russian endurance or German impatience was 
required to secure the entry of the United States. 

The first six montlis of the Hindenburg-Ludendorfi 
condominium had brought great military victories without 
achieving the annihilation of the enemy, and at the same 
time two momentous mistakes had been made which spelt 
the ultimate defeat of Germany. 





The consultation at Cambrai and the first tour of the 
Western Front in September 1916 had convinced the new 
High Command that the line must be shortened and 
rendered secure for defensive operations. With the spring, 
heavy Allied attacks must be expected and the long line, 
bulging forwards and backwards into salients, could no 
longer be safely held by the diminished German forces. 
The capture of Douaumont had made a deep impression 
on the German High Command and had taught them a 
lesson. Despite the danger of shock to morale it was essential 
to withdraw to stronger defensive positions. 

The line selected ran from Arras, west of Cambrai, 
through St. Quentin and La Fere, to Vailly-sur-Aisne, and 
here was constructed that powerful strategic position called 
officially the Siegfried Stellung, but known to history as 
the “Hindenburg Line”. Work on these fortifications con- 
tinued throughout the winter of 1916 and the early spring 
of 1917, and by March the German front had been re- 
estabhshed in a masterpiece of concrete and armour. Be- 
tween the old line and the new the ground was systematic- 
ally devastated. Houses were destroyed,^ farms burned, 
orchards uprooted, and roads obliterated. The Crown Prince 
Rupprecht of Bavaria protested strongly to Ludendorfi 
against the extreme rigour of the devastation, but his 
objections were overruled and he was forced to comply. 
Complete and utter ruin remained. Yet so skilfully was the 
operation carried out that the old line had been evacuated 
and the troops established in then: new positions before 
the AUies were aware of what was afoot. Advancing 
cautiously, British and French troops found devastation 

^ Suck few buildings as were left were mined. Two Erencb deputies 
were blown up in the Town Hall of Bapaume and part of an English 
divisional stafi sufiered the same fate. 



such as they had not dreamed of, and before them frowned 
the bastions of the Hindenburg Line. 

Into the construction of this position the Field-Marshal, 
on his recovery, had thrown himself heart and soul. This 
was war, far more acceptable to him than wrangling and 
fencing with pohticians in Pless and Berhn. Ludendorff 
could attend to that. In February General Headquarters 
were moved from Pless to Kreuznach, a town in the Rhme- 
land, pleasantly connected in Hindenburg’s mind with 
memories of his period of service as Chief of Staff of the 
Ehine Province, and here he re-estabhshed the life of 
routine which had characterized his sojourn iu Ldtzen, 
Posen, and Kovno. War suited Hindenburg, as he said, 
“hke a summer hohday”. He slept well and regularly, ate 
enormously and drank sufficiently. The responsibilities of 
his position and the dangers of the situation made no in- 
roads upon his constitution. His phlegmatic paohyder- 
mity saved him from those brain-storms and agitations 
which assailed Ludendorfi’s more sensitively attuned 
mind. A Wooden Titan, he stood strongly planted in 
the soil. 

In Kreuznach, as elsewhere, he was the subject of endless 
veneration. Youths, about to become his soldiers, serenaded 
him before departing for their depots, and his quarters 
were daily decorated with fresh cut flowers by the yormg 
ladies of the town. He accepted these attentions with grufl 
acknowledgments; his rare demonstrations of tenderness 
were reserved for children. 

Each day as he passed from his quarters to his office, a 
little boy in an infantryman’s hehnet stood stiffly to atten- 
tion and saluted him with a toy rifle. With unsmiling gravity 
the Marshal regularly acknowledged the salute with the 
same punctiho he would have given to that of a real sentry. 
One morning the child appeared in a new glory. From some- 
where he had acquired the headgear of a Prussian Uhlan and, 
bursting with pride, he awaited the arrival of the Marshal. 



He saluted as usual, but to bis surprise Hindenbuxg stopped 
and regarded him gravely. 

“You’re wrong”, be said. “You’re not an infantryman 
now, you’re an Ublan. Tbe cavalry salute like tbis.” And 
before bis astonished staff be went tbrougb tbe regulation 
movements of tbe cavaby salute. “Do it right next time”, 
be admonished and passed on. 

Tbe boy never forgot, and each day gave bis hero tbe 
salute in accordance with whichever head-dress be was 
wearing. Some weeks later on bis birthday be received a 
photograph inscribed in that square unmistakable script, 
“Meinem kleinen Soldaten — Hindenburg” . 

It was at Kireuznacb that tbe Marshal spent bis seventieth 
birthday. Tbe day was one of celebration and congratula- 
tions. Tbe Emperor was bis first caller and warmly 
greeted him; bis staff followed, then representatives of 
tbe town and neighbourhood, then a long fine of soldiers, 
recruits, and sick and wounded from tbe convalescent 
hospitals, and finally veterans who bad fought with him in 
days long past. In tbe evening there was a dinner of honour 
and tbe Emperor proposed toasts. But an alarming rumour 
spread that tbe AUied airmen were about to celebrate tbe 
birthday by a raid of extraordinary proportions on G.H.Q. 
Lights were extinguished and tbe anti-aircraft artillery 
opened up a heavy barrage. “Thanks to tbe high rate of 
fire,” Hindenburg records, “tbe available ammunition 
suppbes were speedily exhausted, so that I could sleep in 
peace with tbe thought that I should be disturbed no more.” 

Tbe raid did not materialize, but when they met next 
morning tbe Emperor produced a large vase filled with 
fragments of German shells which bad been collected in tbe 
garden of his villa. There bad been danger in Eireuznacb 
that night after all! 

The Hindenburg Line bad barely been completed in 
time. Only a month elapsed between tbe evacuation of tbe 
old positions and tbe sprmg offensive of tbe Entente. For 

Imperial War Museum Photograph Copyright reserved 




the Allies, too, had had a change of command. “Papa” 
JofEre had lost on the Somme the reputation he had gained 
on the Marne, and in his stead reigned General Nivelle, 
the brilliant captor of Douaumont, a disciple of shock 
tactics with a contempt for the policy of his predecessor, 
“le vieux grignoteur”. 

Great confidence was reposed in Nivelle. Mr. Lloyd 
George had such faith in him that, after the Calais Con- 
ference in February, he had agreed to a form of unified 
command and had ordered the reluctant Sir Douglas Haig 
to take orders from the new French commander. The 
dashing Nivelle carried before his optimistic impetuosity 
all opposition to his plans. He proposed to deal the Germans 
a staggering blow, and prepared to fight three battles 
simultaneously. Haig, despite his expressed preference for 
an advance in Flanders, was ordered to attack before Arras, 
while Nivelle planned a double offensive on the Aisne and 
on the Chemin des Dames. 

In the preparation of these great battles Nivelle used none 
of the surprise tactics by which his reputation had been 
earned the previous October. For days the Allied intention 
to attack was heralded by the fury of massed artillery and 
trench-mortar fire. Then on April 9 Haig struck with 
irresistible force. The British assault swept over the first, 
second, and third German lines. The system of elastic 
defence had not yet been perfected and failed against so 
fierce an attack. The position was one of great crisis. 

At Elreuznach there was consternation. Report after 
report arrived telling of the capture of this and that 
position. Had the Siegfried Stellung really failed? Pale- 
lipped staff officers asked themselves this question and 
turned from the answer with horror. This was Ludendorff’s 
fifty-second birthday and he paced the operations room at 
G.H.Q., a prey to nervous anxiety. It was Tannenberg over 
again, and now there was no Hoffmann to restore confidence. 
But now as then, in the moment of acute crisis, Hindenburg 



rose magnificently to the emergency. Seated before the great 
map on which the sagging battle-hne was charted from 
hour to hour, he remained calm and unmoved. Ofhcers 
coming to report to him left his room with fresh courage 
and renewed confidence. 

As the news grew worse and worse and the local disasters 
multiplied in number, Hindenhurg walked through the 
ofi&ces of Headquarters. He said little, only giving here and 
there a direction, but his massive presence and unexcited 
mien gave new hope to the stafi. Keturning to his own room, 
he found Ludendorff pale with apprehension; with one of 
his rare gestures of emotion the Marshal put his hand on his 
colleague’s shoulder and said simply, “We have lived through 
more critical times than this together”. 

Hindenburg’s unshaken confidence was justified. The 
moment of crisis came and passed, and disaster was staved 
off. The British failed to reahze how very nearly they had 
come to breaking the Hindenhurg Line and were unable to 
exploit the successes they had gained. In the meantime 
reinforcements reached the sorely tried Line. They had been 
drawn from the Eastern Front, which, mercifully for the 
Central Powers, was at the moment quiescent. Russia was 
in the throes of the First Revolution of 1917 and the Alli ed 
Powers had so far been unable to persuade the Provisional 
Grovernment to undertake an offensive. Writing later, 
Ludendorff confessed that had the Russians won even minor 
successes in March and April it would have been impossible 
either to reinforce or hold the Hindenhurg Line. But, as it 
was, the gaps were filled, the losses made good, and counter- 
attacks restored the balance, at least for the moment. 

By now, however, NiveUe had opened his own bombard- 
ment and guns of all cahbres from Soissons to Rheims were 
raining death on the German fines. By April 16, the French 
Commander-in-Chief calculated, the enemy defensive zone 
would have been converted into a waste of rubble and 
corpses, and all that were lucky enough to escape physical 



destruction would at least have been morally broken. He 
therefore began his attack on that date. “Notre Tieure est 
arrivee”, he told his troops in an order of the day and bade 
them be in Laon the same evening. But the German defence 
had not been shattered and the French advance stuck fast 
upon the Chemin des Dames. By the second day’s fighting 
it was clear that France had sustained her worst defeat of 
the war. Mvelle threw forward a third army to support the 
two already in action. All three were caught in the cross-fire 
of German artillery and, unable to deploy, great masses of 
troops were mown down where they stood. Haig tried to 
reheve the pressure by renewing his own attack, but failed, 
and Nivelle refused to retire. Again and again he massed his 
divisions in a desperate attempt to bring ofi his grand coup, 
but in vain. By May the army was so demorahzed that it 
would fight no more. The defeated troops were withdrawn 
and whole corps, infected with the virus of Bolshevism, 
mounted the red flag, threatening to march upon Paris. 
Nivelle, with the terrible stigma of buveur de sang ever 
attached to his name, vanished into obscurity, leaving to 
his successor, Petain, the gallant defender of Verdun, the 
task of re-establishing the line and of liquidating the defec- 
tion which defeat had bred in the French army. 

For the moment all further danger of a French offensive 
had ceased, but there was httle respite for the German 
defenders. In June the British renewed the attack by blow- 
ing up the Messines ridge and pressing on beyond it. This 
they followed up with a great drive in Flanders which con- 
tinued throughout the summer. Again the German positions 
were threatened with disaster, and again the calm presence 
of the Marshal maintained at Headquarters that confident 
coxLcage which in the end achieved success. In the main the 
lines held and disaster was averted if only by a narrow 

Despite these successes, however, there was little to cheer 
Hindenburg either in the military or the political situation. 



The heavy fighting of the spring and summer had made 
terrible inroads upon his reserves and there was no longer a 
possibihty of replacing them. The Allies had succeeded in 
galvanizing the Russian Front into fresh activity and he 
dared not withdraw more troops from Hoffmann. Moreover, 
after six months of unrestricted submarine warfare directed 
against Great Britain, a campaign which had unquestion- 
aMy inflicted very heavy losses upon her shipping and 
had gravely afiected her food supply, she showed not the 
sHghtest sign of collapse nor desire to negotiate. On the 
contrary, it became evident that a grimmer aspect had 
appeared in her attitude and that she was prepared to 
fight on to the end, whatever the sacrifice. Notwithstanding 
the proud boast of the Naval Staff at Pless in January, 
American troops were already landing at French ports 
and, although as yet unused to modern warfare, could 
before long be used in quiet sectors, thereby releasing 
veteran French and British troops for service elsewhere. 
American supplies and American credit had already vastly 
improved the Alhed position, and the co-operation of the 
U.S. Fleet in the North Sea had rendered still more relent- 
less the blockade of Germany, which was slowly strangling 
soldier and non-combatant alike. 

At home in Germany, onthefront-behind-the-front, there 
were signs, many and eloquent, of war-weariness and dis- 
satisfaction. The supply of war material was failing both in 
quahty and quantity, and the morale of the country was at a 
low ebb. Disbehef in a satisfactory outcome of the war spread 
like a bhght over the country, and daily the section of the 
people who desired peace at any price increased. The Socialist 
deputies demanded a new franchise law for Prussia and 
openly threatened revolution in the Reichstag. The Chan- 
cellor himself was now certain of the ultimate defeat of 
Germany, and the High Command became convinced that 
they had not his full support. Ludendorff at once proceeded 
to deal Bethmann HoUweg the coup dc gTdce, and to replace 


Mm ■with, a man who would work in closer harmony with the 


Ever since Bethmann Hollweg’s opposition to an annexa- 
tionist peace policy and the unrestricted U-boat campaign, 
his enemies in the parties of the Right, together with 
Erzberger, had planned his downfall. As early as February 
25, 1917, they had met at the Hotel Adlon and had decided 
to urge the Emperor to place the conduct of the war above 
pohtics and make Hindenburg Chancellor. The plan failed 
because the Marshal would have none of it. NotMng would 
induce him to take control of the civil as well as the military 
machine, and the conspirators retired baffled to bide their 
time. But between the Marshal and the Chancellor there 
was httle love lost. They avoided one another as much as 
possible and, on the rare occasions when they shook hands, 
Hindenburg shuddered at the contact with the grey ghost 
of a man who seemed to portend disaster. 

As the summer progressed, however, the attacks upon 
Bethmann HoUweg, both inside and outside the Reichstag, 
became intensified. As fate would have it, he who, more than 
any other man, had most strenuously opposed the un- 
restricted U-boat campaign, was now saddled by Ms enemies 
with the responsibility both for its adoption and its failure. 
Ludendorff, anxious to avoid a culpabihty that was most 
justly Ms, made haste to persuade the Marshal that it was 
essential, for the good of the country and in the cause of 
victory, that a change of Chancellors should be made. In 
conference at Kreuznach, Bethmann HoUweg’s successor 
was discussed by Hindenburg and LudendorfE with certain 
politicians and journahsts. The choice lay between Prince 
Hatzfeldt and Prince Billow. Billow was agreed upon, and a 
trusted emissary was despatched to Ms S'wiss retreat to 
sound Mm on the matter. He consented and the conspiracy 
went forward. 



It was practically assumed from the start that neither of 
these choices would be acceptable to the Emperor. Eiilow, 
after the Daily Telegraph episode of 1908, saw no possible 
chance of being recalled by Wilhehn II, and, even if he had 
been, his appomtment as Chancellor would have met with 
great opposition from the Emperor Francis Joseph, who 
had not forgotten the offers of Austrian territory which 
Billow had made to Italy in an effort to maintain her 

Of the two. Prince Hatzfeldt would, there is little doubt, 
have been the sounder choice, for he enjoyed great popu- 
larity with aU classes. Almost the last of the grands seigneurs, 
Hatzfeldt held a position unique in Germany. An unfortun- 
ate scandal shortly before the war had, however, alienated 
the Emperor’s favours from him, and his chances of appoint- 
ment to the Chancellorship were also, therefore, rather shght. 

Apparently these unfavourable factors were either 
ignored or discoimted by those who sought a successor to 
Bethmann HoUweg, for Hatzfeldt was rejected by them, 
not because he might prove unacceptable to the Emperor, but 
because he might not prove suB&ciently tractable to the 
views of the Supreme Command. 

On June 19 Hindenburg wrote to the Chancellor urging 
upon him the necessity of reviving the spiritual energy of 
the country and the “will to victory”. He deplored the hope- 
less tone of Bethmann Hollweg’s poHcy. “A revival of our 
internal strength would be the most potent means of per- 
suading our enemies of the futility of prolonging the war 
until their own means of existence are in danger of destruc- 
tion. On the other hand, every complaint of disappointed 
hopes, every sign of exhaustion and longing for peace on 
our part, or that of our aUies, any talk of the alleged im- 
possibihty of standing another winter campaign, can only 
have the effect of prolonging the war.” 

The Chancellor’s reply disclosed so great a degree of hope- 
lessness and depression that on June 27 Hindenburg 



appealed to the Emperor^ direct. “Our greatest anxiety at 
this moment”, he wrote, “is the decline in the national 
spirit. It must he revived or we shah lose the war ... for this 
it is necessary to solve those economic problems which are 
the most difficult and are of the greatest importance for the 
future. The question arises whether the Chancellor is capable 
of solving these problems — and they must be correctly 
solved or we are lost.” 

The next move was made by Erzberger in the Central 
Committee of the Reichstag, when on July 6 he made a 
bitter attack upon the conduct of the war. He demanded, 
without actually attacking the Chancellor, that he should 
reverse his pohcy and return to the idea of defence which 
had been prescribed in the beginning. While the High Com- 
mand would have to continue working at full pressure, it 
was essential to form a large majority in the Reichstag un- 
equivocally in favour of a defensive war as it had been laid 
down on August 1, 1914. The world must be told that Ger- 
many desired a peace based on compromise without any 
forcible subjection of peoples or annexations, making clear 
the fact that Germany would fight to the last man were such 
an offer rejected. 

Perturbed by these storm-signals, yet unwilhng to part 
from the ablest Chancellor he had had since his dismissal of 
Bismarck, the Emperor sent for Hindenburg and Luden- 
dorff to hear their views. They were received on the morning 
of July 7 and frankly proposed the resignation of Beth- 
mann HoUweg and the succession of Billow. The Emperor 
received both suggestions in silence and closed the audience 
without further comment. This silence was interpreted by 
the Marshal and Ludendorff as a sign of acquiescence; but 
in this they were speedily undeceived by those of their 
friends who were better acquainted with Wilhehn II’s 

“What did the Emperor say when you suggested Billow 
for Chancellor?” someone asked. 



“He said nothing”, Ludendorff replied. 

“Then we had better look for someone else,” said the 
other, “for that is a sure sign that the Emperor will not 
accept him.” 

The moment of crisis was rapidly approaching. On the 
following day the Chancellor in the Reichstag agreed to 
support the resolution to be put forward by the Majority 
Parties, and at the same time promised the Socialists that 
the Reichstag franchise law should be apphed to the elec- 
tions for the Prussian Diet. Now or never was the moment 
for the High Command to act and, inspired by them, 
Stresemann, who had become leader of the Liberal Party in 
succession to Bassermann, fiercely criticized the Chancellor 
by name in the Central Committee. 

The whole conduct of the nation’s affairs [he declared] is being 
earned on under the motto “We shall not succeed anyhow”. 
Essentially the prevalent defeatism is due to the fact that the 
nation believes that it is moving horn one failure to another 
in this greatest of aU wars. . . . This tension is more than the 
nation can bear in its present condition. A political defeat of 
the utmost gravity is inevitable. ... A Chancellor must suc- 
ceed in having his way; if he fails, he must draw the necessary 

Here were Ludendorff’s ideas clothed in the vigorous 
rhetoric of Stresemann, who had allowed himself to be the 
parliamentary agent of the High Command. It was the first 
time in German history that a member of the Reichstag 
demanded a change of Government in such tones, and on the 
following afternoon the Chancellor asked leave to resign, a 
request to which he received a refusal the next mornine 
(July 11). 

But meantime the High Command had brought into play 
a new and more potent factor. Through the agency of 
Colonel Bauer they approached the German Crown Prince 
and unpressed upon him the gravity of the position. The 



Crown Prince returned to Berlin from ids headquarte'rs and 
urged upon his father the necessity of Bethmann HoUweg’s 
removal. The Emperor refused to dismiss his Chancellor, 
and, on the advice of Bauer, the Crown Prince called a con- 
ference of the Reichstag party leaders on the morning of 
July 12. Bauer had already sounded out most of them 
and was satisfied of their dissatisfaction with Bethmann 

It was a remarkable scene. Por the first time in forty-five 
years a prince of the ruling house had thought fit to ac- 
quaint himself at first hand with a pohtical situation. The 
interview was carried out in tune with the best Prussian 
traditions; shoulder to shoulder the party leaders, Erz- 
berger, Westarp, Payer, Stresemann, David, and Martin, 
stood to attention while the heir to the throne cross- 
examined them, and Colonel Bauer took a record of their 
answers. The manner of their inquisition was anything but 

The upshot of the “conference” was that, with the excep- 
tion of the Social Democrat leader David, all the parties 
represented went on record as being in opposition to Beth- 
mann Hollweg. Erzberger, on behalf of the Centre, offered 
a resolution to the effect that the Chancellor’s continuance 
in office was “an obstacle to peace”, but left it to him to 
determine the moment for his resignation; while Strese- 
mann, for the National Liberals, informed the Vice-Chan- 
cellor, Payer, that the crisis was insurmoimtable unless 
Bethmarm Hollweg resigned. 

The Crown Prince returned to the Bellevue Palace in the 
afternoon and reported to his father the result of his en- 
quiries. The two remained in close conversation, pacing up 
and down the linden alleys of the park. At seven in the 
evening the Chancellor arrived and was received dis- 
courteously. The Emperor complained peevishly that he 
had only conceded the Prussian franchise law in the expecta- 
tion that the political crisis would be overcome thereby. 



Bethmaan Hollweg replied that in any case the reform was 
long overdue, and passed on to speak of the peace resolution 
which the Majority Parties proposed to bring before the 
Keichstag. The Emperor complained that he had not been 
shown the text of the resolution and the Chancellor replied 
that he had come that evening for the express purpose of 
reading it to His Majesty. This he proceeded to do. The 
Emperor’s only comment was that the text must be telephoned 
at once to Hindenburg for his comment and within half an 
hour the reply of the High Command had been received. It 
protested against the omission of any thanks to the troops 
and demanded two other alterations. With these views the 
Emperor agreed. 

At this moment the Supreme Command played its trump 
card. General von Lyncker, the Chief of the Emperor’s 
Mihtary Cabinet (that same Lyncker who had welcomed the 
new-comers on their arrival at Pless), entered the room 
with a message that Hindenburg and LudendorfI had tele- 
phoned their resignations from Eireuznach and that those of 
the whole General Headquarters Staff were on the way, the 
grounds given being that they were unable further to co- 
operate with Bethmann Hollweg as Chancellor. 

The Emperor was furious at this barefaced blackmail and 
told Lyncker to su mm on the Marshal and Ludendorff to 
report to him in Berhn immediately. But the Chancellor 
knew it was the end. There could be no choice in the matter; 
the country would never stand for the resignation of the 
High Command. A “Kanzler-Krise” might easily be trans- 
formed into a “ Kaiser-Krise” , and a revolution was not far 
off. Taking his leave of the Emperor, he returned to the Reichs- 
hanzlei and wrote out his resignation. In order to embarrass 
neither his Emperor nor the Supreme Command, the Chan- 
cellor made no reference to the latter’s ultimatum and gave 
the poHtical situation as his sole reason for retirement. With 
him passed from the scene a great gentleman and the most 
far-sighted and honest of Wilhelm IPs statesmen, whose 


chief fault was that he saw too far ahead and lacked the 
courage of his own convictions^ 

When therefore Hindenburg and Ludendorff arrived 
again at the Schloss Bellevue on July 13, they found that 
they had achieved their primary object in the elimination 
of Bethmann Hollweg. But here a Mtch occurred in their 
plans and the prophecies of their friends were fulfilled. It 
was conveyed to them privately that under no circumstances 
would the Emperor agree to accept Biilow as Chancellor 
and that, when the question of a successor was discussed, 
they would be wise in not pressing their candidate. There is 
little doubt that had they repeated their threat of resigna- 
tion they could have forced the Emperor to accept whom- 
ever they pleased as Chancellor, for, so high was their 
prestige and his so low, that he had no other alternative 
but to accept any conditions which they cared to dictate. 
But they were unwilling to make a further test of their 
power, and without hesitation they abandoned the possible 
candidature of Billow, though omitting to inform Erzberger 
of their change of plan. 

Thus when, having refused to consider Count von 
Bernstorff and Count Hertling as possible Chancellors, the 
Emperor sent Lyncker, Valentini, the Chief of his Civil 
Cabinet, and General von Plessen, his aide-de-camp, to 
confer with Hindenburg and Ludendorff, it was possible to 
agree almost immediately on Dr. Michaelis, the Prussian 
Food Controller, as Bethmann Hollweg’s successor. Luden- 
dorfi declared that he strongly approved of Michaelis, who 
had recently visited Kreuznach and had left behind him the 
impression that as Chancellor he would be the right man in 
the right place. Though, in common with the greater part 

^ The High Conmaand did not hesitate to add insult to injury. 
Scarcely had Bethmann Hollweg returned from Berlin to his estate at 
Hohenfinow when a message arrived from Kreuznach offering him the 
position of Ambassador at Constantinople. The offer was coldly refused, 
but the incident had a curious parallel some fifteen years later. 



of the population of Berlin, the Emperor had no knowledge 
of his personality and had never even met him, he at once 
accepted Michaehs, and appointed him on July 14. Thus 
appeared the Chancellor of a Hundred Days. 

At the Restaurant Hiller, Unter den Linden, where party 
politicians discussed the latest gossip over their luncheon, 
there was loud debate on July 14 as to the character of the 
new Chancellor, the news of whose appointment had just 
leaked through, though it had not yet been officially 
announced. Nobody knew him save as a vague signature at 
the bottom of ration-cards and Erlasse; he was just one of 
the many high officials of the Prussian Civil Service who 
had appeared as a result of the war. There entered Erz- 
berger, who for some reason had not heard of the appoint- 
ment and was still supremely confident that Billow was to 
be the new Chancellor. Cries came from all sides; Erzberger 
was sure to know. 

“Do you know the new Chancellor?” they asked. 

“Well, my dear friends, I should scarcely put out one 
Chancellor if I didn’t know who was going to succeed him.” 

“What, you really know Michaelis?” 

'‘Michaelis?” gasped Erzberger, and nearly collapsed. 

Just as the Reichstag resolution of the previous October 
had struck the first blow at the position of the Crown in the 
Bismarckian regime, so now with the dismissal of Bethmann 
Hollweg there vanished the semblance of constitutional 
government. In October 1916 the Reichstag had claimed 
responsibOity “for aU political decisions in connection with 
the war”; in July 1917, by conniving at the appointment 
of Michaehs, they voluntarily abdicated this right. Eor 
Michaehs regarded himself, quite accurately and not un- 
naturaUy, as the nominee and mouthpiece of the High 
Command, and made this clear to the Reichstag in his first 
appearance before that body on July 19. “I do not consider 
a body hke the German Reichstag a fit one to decide about 
peace and war on its own initiative during the war”, he 



declared, and frankly sought the advice of Ludendorff on 
every decision. “I begged him to excuse me,” says Luden- 
dorff, “but the Chancellor persisted, and we therefore 
decided to comply. At the same time, we were desirous of 
showing Dr. Michaehs what value we attached to con- 
fidential collaboration with the Imperial Government and 
both the Marshal and I frequently wrote in this sense to 
the new Chancellor.” 

Had the Reichstag had the coinage to demand of the 
Emperor the dismissal of Michaelis there and then — 
which was the only course which the Majority parties could 
logically and honourably have pursued — much might have 
been saved; as it was, they meekly allowed both their 
authority and that of the Emperor to be usurped by 
Ludendorff, who in his own name and that of Hindenburg 
exercised dictatorial power over the country for the next 
sixteen months. 

The Reichstag lost its power through lack of courage 
and, even more, through not knowing what it wanted. 
Erom the first it realmed the futihty of Michaehs — “We 
separated after our first meeting with the Chancellor under 
such a cloud of depression that even Bethmann Hollweg’s 
friends failed to derive any satisfaction from the embarrass- 
ment of his opponents”, recorded von Payer. But yet three 
precious months were allowed to elapse before the Reichstag 
attempted to assert itself. For a hundred days it tolerated 
the lacquey of the Supreme Command, and when it re- 
cognized its error it was too late. 

The Reichstag of Imperial Germany looked for its salva- 
tion to a written Constitution, faihng to realize that in 
national emergency it is practice and not theory that counts. 
Sixteen years later, in 1933, having learned nothing by 
previous misfortunes, the Reichstag of Repubhcan Germany 
likewise placed its faith in solemn words and fundamental 
oaths. In both cases the result was equally disastrous for 
parliamentary institutions. There was, however, one great 




diSerence. In 1917 Hindenbnrg, as bead of the Supreme 
Command, received the power; in 1933, as President of the 
Repubhc, he abdicated it. In both cases it is doubtful 
whether he realized what it was all about. In the first in- 
stance LudendorfE’s influence in political affairs had become 
paramount with the Marshal, and, in the second, the Palace 
Camarilla played with him much the same role as the 
“Hydra” with the Emperor. 

The degree to which the Supreme Command had taken 
control of the political Life of the country was very soon 
seen in the handhng of the Peace Resolution by the Chan- 
cellor before the Reichstag. This motion, originally spon- 
sored by the Majority parties in an attempt to get back to 
the original statements of war aims of August 1914, had had 
to be amended and modified to meet the wishes of the High 
Command. These amendments had formed the subject of 
Bethmann Hollweg’s last audience with the Emperor, on 
July 12, and the party leaders had redrafted the Resolution 
to include them, on the condition that the new Chancellor 
consented to make it the basis of his policy. 

The Supreme Command, however, were still opposed in 
principle to any peace resolution at all. They were not in 
the least anxious to abandon the opportunity of annexing 
fresh territory to the Empire, if such came their way. The 
war had changed materially in character since its declara- 
tion in 1914; it had become a grim struggle for existence, 
and woe to the conquered. If in achieving victory — and 
this to Ludendorff still seemed possible in the summer of 
1917 — ^it were possible to secure spoils as well, so much the 
better. In addition, it was feared that the sentiments ex- 
pressed in the Resolution would exercise an adverse influ- 
ence on the spirit of the troops and on the determination 
of the people, while the enemy would construe it as a con- 
fession of weakness. 

In conjunction with the Chancellor, therefore, the High 
Command first attempted to suppress the Resolution 



altogether, but in this they were foiled by the Social Demo- 
crats, who published the text in the Vorwarts for all Berlin 
to read. Ludendorff then attempted in a series of personal 
interviews to induce the party leaders to abandon the 
Resolution, and succeeded in detaching from the Majority 
Parties Stresemann’s National Liberals, with the exception 
of a small Left Wing group under Richthofen. Scheidemann, 
Erzberger, and Payer were not to be shaken, and Luden- 
dorff withdrew his opposition to the progress of the Resolu- 
tion rather than precipitate an open conflict. Michaelis, 
however, was given instructions to render the final text of 
the Resolution as innocuous as possible. 

The Conservatives and Pan-Germans of the Vaterland 
Front opposed the Peace Resolution with the greatest 
bitterness, both inside and outside the Reichstag, and, in 
so doing, they made free use of Hindenburg’s name, a name 
which meant for many the last hope of a relatively tolerable 
end to the war. Covert representations were made to the 
Marshal from many quarters, that the more his name was 
invoked in the strife of parties, the more quickly would the 
last remnant of unity fall to pieces. Such diverse individuals 
as Scheidemann, the Social Democrat leader, Niemann, the 
representative of the High Command with the Emperor, 
and Haeften, their representative at the Foreign Office, 
urged upon him the necessity of taking steps to prevent 
the continued misuse. All efforts were in vain. So dominated 
was Hindenburg by Ludendorff that he was unable to 
dissociate himself. The propaganda against the Resolution 
continued and the Marshal’s reputation in the country 
suffered accordingly. 

The Resolution, as passed by the Reichstag on July 19, 
was indeed harmless in wording, consisting mainly in a 
repetition of the sentiment “We are not animated by any 
desire for conquest”. It demanded a peace “by mutual 
agreement and reconcfliation”, and protested against all 
possible “acquisition of territory” and aU “political, eco- 



nomic, and financial oppression”. But in every document 
of this nature it is the spirit rather than the letter which 
ranks foremost in importance, and more important than 
either is the interpretation of both. For every man is free 
to interpret a principle for himself and this freedom of 
mental action was made clear by Michaelis, who gave his 
support to the Eesolution “as I interpret it”, emphasizing 
that he made this reservation on behalf of the Supreme 

But the Reichstag refused to recognize the danger arising 
from this ambiguity of phrase and the Resolution was passed 
by the votes of the Social Democrats, the Centre, and the 
Progressives, ironically enough, at the same time as new 
and enormous war credits. With justifiable triumph could 
the Chancellor write to the Crown Prince on July 25: “The 
hateful Resolution has been passed by 212 votes to 126, 
with 17 abstentions. I have deprived it of its greatest danger 
by my interpretation, One can, in fact, make any peace one 
likes, and still be in accord with the Resolution”. 

Indeed one could, and this had from the first been in the 
mind of at least one of its thxee leading sponsors. “You see. 
Your Highness”, explained Erzberger, in discussing the 
Resolution with Prince Max of Baden, “this way I get the 
Longwy-Briey line by means of negotiation”. At a later 
date it was even asserted that the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 
accorded with the terms of the Peace Resolution! 

The importance attached by the Supreme Command to 
their reservation to the Peace Resolution and their attitude 
of open contempt for the Reichstag was most clearly shown 
in connection with the Papal Peace Note of August 1917. 
At the end of June, before the fall of Bethmann HoUweg, 
the Papal Nuncio, Mgr. PaceUi (now Cardinal Secretary of 
State), had approached both the Emperor and the Chan- 
cellor on behalf of the Holy Father with a view to ascer- 
taining the attitude of Germany in the matter of Belgium 
and Alsace-Lorraine. His conversations elicited the views 



that while Gremany was prepared to restore to Belgium her 
independence, this must be accompanied by sufficient safe- 
guards to prevent the country from falling under the 
pohtical, financial, and economic domination of England 
and France. At the same time both the Emperor and Beth- 
mann Hollweg declared that, if France showed signs of 
wanting peace, the question of readjustment along the 
frontier of the Reichsland would present no difficulty. 

On this somewhat flimsy basis the Vatican issued its 
Peace Note of August 1, and it was in anticipation of this 
that Erzberger had so vehemently championed the Peace 
Eesolution in the Reichstag. The papal proposals were 
neither new nor starthng. It was urged that peace was im- 
possible unless the occupied territories were evacuated and 
that consequently Belgian independence must be restored, 
with safeguards to ensure her future independence of other 
Powers. Similarly, occupied German colonies and French 
territory must be mutually surrendered. 

The reply of the British Government, dehvered on August 
21 and communicated by Pacelh to the Chancellor on the 
30th, was a poHte refusal. The British aims were restated 
in the triple formula of restoration, compensation, and 
guarantees for the future which later became the broad 
basis of the Treaty of Versailles. But at the same time it was 
pointed out that discussion of peace terms was idle until 
some official statement had been made by the German 
Government as to the future status of Belgium. Simul- 
taneously the Supreme Command were informed both by 
the Foreign Minister, Herr von Kiihlmaim, and through 
their own channels of information, that if a satisfactory 
statement on Belgium were made there was a possibility of 
opening discussions with the Entente. 

The task of drawing up the German reply was nominally 
one for the Government in conjunction with the Reichstag, 
and a Committee of Seven was set up to prepare a draft 
note. In effect, however, the terms of Germany’s answer 



were determined at a Crown Council held at Schloss Bellevue 
on September 11. There were present the Emperor and the 
Crown Prince, five Ministers including the Chancellor and 
Kuhlmann, together with the Marshal, Ludendorff, and 
Colonel-General von Falkenhausen. The latter, a hundred- 
per-cent. annexationist, was for holding everything up to the 
North Sea. Ludendorff was prepared to give up the Flanders 
coast but insisted on the economic attachment of Belgium 
to the Empire, the independence of Flanders, the cession of 
Liege, and a lengthy occupation of Belgium by a German 
army. Bdndenburg said nothing at all. The Emperor 
admitted that hitherto he had shared the views of General 
von Falkenhausen, but that recently Cardinal Hartmann 
had urged him not to press for annexation as the clergy in 
the new territories would be unreliable and the Walloons 
insubordinate. However, if the annexation of Belgium were 
no longer possible there must be compensation for Germany 
elsewhere, and he had in mind, apart from the complete 
destruction of British influence, the solution of the Flemish 
question through the autonomous Council of Flanders, and 
economic guarantees. No decision was reached and the 
Council dispersed. 

Meanwhile the Committee of Seven were demanding 
that a definite statement on Belgium should be included in 
the German Note of Reply, but to this Kuhlmann aswered 
that a reference to the Peace Resolution was sufiS.cient. 
Kuhlmann himself was opposed to the annexation of 
Belgium, but he was equally opposed to making any pubhc 
statement on the subject. To him Belgium was a valuable 
pawn which must not be surrendered too soon in the 
game. “Who told you that I am prepared to sell the horse 
‘Belgium’?” he asked in conversation with Colonel von 
Haeften, the representative of the Supreme Command at 
the Foreign Office. “It is for me to decide that. At present 
that horse is not for sale at all.” 

The reply of Germany to the Papal Note, which was 



handed to Pacelli on September 19, contained no mention 
therefore of Belgium and was but a spiritless document 
calhng the attention of the Holy Father to the motives 
which had am' mated the adoption of the Peace Resolution 
in July. What, however, neither thp Reichstag nor the 
Committee of Seven, nor indeed Kiihlmann himself, knew 
was that Michaelis had, in collaboration with the Supreme 
Command, drawn up a programme regarding Belgium 
which provided for the permanent occupation of Li6ge. 

On September 12, the day following the Crown Council, 
the Chancellor had written to Hindenburg enquiring whether 
the Supreme Command would be satisfied with a German 
occupation of Liege for some years after the conclusion of 
peace. The Marshal repbed that he was in complete agreement 
with the view expressed by Ludendorfi at the Council that, for 
the safety of the Rhineland, it was necessary that Liege should 
remain permanently in German hands. Michaelis therefore, 
on September 24, wrote secretly to PaceUi, and his letter 
contained the true reply of the Supreme Command to the 
Papal Note. “At the present stage”, he wrote, “we are not 
yet in a position to comply with your Excellency’s desire or 
to give a definite declaration regarding the intentions of the 
Government with reference to Belgium and the guarantees 
required. The reason does not exist in any objection on 
principle by the Government to such a surrender. Its ex- 
treme importance for the cause of peace is fully appreciated. 
... On the contrary the objection consists in the fact that 
certain essential prehminary conditions have not yet been 

This communication, the full purport of which is suf- 
ficiently clear beneath its tortuous language, was despatched 
to the Nuncio without consultation with the Emperor or the 
Cabinet and without the knowledge of the Reichstag or even 
of the party leaders. From the dismissal and making of 
Chancellors the Supreme Command had passed to the for- 
mation and control of poHcy, and had now, through their 



tool the Chancellor, aspired to direct diplomatic negotiations. 
Their short-sighted policy of annexation had destroyed all 
hope of utilizing the not unpromising offer on the part of 
the Pope, and was later to lead them to greater excesses of 


On a grey day in March 1917, just at the time when 
German General Headquarters were being transferred from 
Pless to Kreuznach, the streets and squares of Petrograd 
were filled with mobs of men and women demonstrating 
against the Government. This was no unusual sight in the 
Tsar’s capital that winter, when strikes were frequent and 
the population daily became more hungry for food and more 
clamorous for peace. But on that day there seemed to be a 
new note in the roar of the crowds and a new determination. 
This was more than a demonstration, it was a revolt. 

Suddenly there was a sound of galloping hoofs and there 
came the dread cry of “The Cossacks!” The crowds separ- 
ated hurriedly to left and right, crouching in doorways and 
alleys to avoid the blows from the troopers’ whips. And then 
a miracle happened. The Cossacks did not charge. Instead 
they rode quietly amongst the crowds, laughing and jesting 
with the people and exchanging with them the common 
salutation of “Tovarish” . 

It was this gesture of fraternization that caused the 
Romanoff autocracy, which had ruled Russia for more than 
three hundred years, to vanish in a day, and it needed but 
the last tragic scene of abdication in a railway compartment 
at Mogilev, some two weeks later, to set the seal of ratifica- 
tion upon an already estabhshed fact. 

By the Allies this new departure in the East was hailed 
with relief and satisfaction. Failing to appreciate the fact 
that one of the main causes of the overthrow of the Tsarist 
regime was a deep-seated revolution against the prolonga- 
tion of an intolerable war, the Governments of the Entente 



hastened to accord de jure recognition to the new Pro- 
visional Government and to urge upon it the necessity of 
prosecuting more relentlessly the campaign upon the 
Eastern Front. 

For the Central Powers conversely the Revolution of 
March came as a disaster. Though hopes of a separate 
peace hy direct negotiation with the Tsar’s government 
had vanished with the proclamation of the Kingdom of 
Poland in the previous November, the corruption and in- 
efficiency of the Imperial regime had been an indirect ally 
of Germany and had succeeded in bringing the war on the 
Eastern Front virtually to a standstill. 

The Supreme Command, already occupied with its pre- 
parations to meet the Alhed spring ofiensive on the Western 
Front, cast about for some weapon with which to sabotage 
the Russian Provisional Government. Par better informed 
as to the actual state of afiairs than were the Allies, the 
High Command at once divined that the one weak spot 
upon which to work was the war-weariness of Russia. The 
Provisional Government, confronted with the problems of 
a country already disintegrating into chaos, yet urged on 
by the continual demands of the Allies to prepare a summer 
offe nsi ve, presented an exposed position to the Central 
Powers, who were quick to take advantage of it. 

It so happened that a powerful weapon, which ultimately 
turned out to be a boomerang of the most deadly nature, 
was ready to hand. In the city of Zurich there hved a group 
of Russian pohtical emigrants and refugees to whom the 
news of the March Revolution in Petrograd came as the 
dawning of a long-promised day. As bitterly opposed to the 
pohcies of the Social Democrats and Liberals, who formed 
the Provisional Government, as they had been to the auto- 
crats and oligarchs of Tsarist days, they nevertheless recog- 
nized that, for the first time since the abortive revolution 
of 1905, their chance had come. The one great desire of 
this band of Bolsheviks, which included Lenin, his wife 



Krupskaya, and Zinoviev, was to get back to Russia at the 
earliest possible moment in order to capture the Revolution 
and transform it into a proletarian and anti-imperialist 
movement, with the immediate object of securing a cessa- 
tion of hostihties on all fronts. Equally it became of the 
most urgent importance both for the Provisional Govern- 
ment and for the Allied Powers that these would-be sabo- 
teurs of victory should remain where they were. 

For this reason all apphcations of the Bolshevik leaders 
to Petrograd for permission to return and to Great Britain 
and France for assistance in doing so were met with a blank 
refusal, and both Lenin and Zinoviev were plunged into the 
deepest depression. At this moment the deus ex machinA 
appeared in the shape of the German General Staff. 

The attention of the High Command had been drawn to 
the possibilities of conveying Lenin and his party from 
Switzerland through Germany to Sweden and thereby 
infecting the Russian Revolution with an anti-war virus 
which would destroy it, at any rate in so far as the army was 
concerned. The disintegration thus caused would be so great 
that in her own good time Germany could have what she 
wanted for the taking. 

The plan commended itself to Ludendorff. Pressure was 
brought to bear on the Foreign OfS.ce, and an agreement 
was negotiated between the German Minister in Berne and 
the Swiss Socialist, Fritz Flatten. In this unique inter- 
national treaty between the editorial staff of a revolutionary 
newspaper and the empire of the Hohenzollerns the con- 
ditions of the journey were worked out with extraordinary 
detail. Lenin demanded complete extra-territorial rights for 
the train during the period of transit, and absolute freedom 
from supervision for the personnel of the party, their pass- 
ports, and their baggage. No one should have the right to 
enter or leave the train throughout the journey (from this 
latter provision grew the legend of the “sealed” train). On 
their part, the emigrant group agreed to insist upon the 



release from Russia of a corresponding number of German 
and Austrian civil prisoners. 

How far Ludendorfi kept the control of these negotiations 
in his own hands it is difihcult to say. It is certain that 
Wilhelm II, Michaelis, and Hindenburg knew nothing of 
them, and both Kiihlmann and Hoffmann, who might 
naturally be expected to have known, protest their com- 
plete ignorance. In his memoirs Ludendorff is anxious to 
throw upon “the Government” the responsibihty for Lenin’s 
passage, but the fact that neither the Emperor, the Chief of 
the General Staff, the Chancellor, the Foreign Minister, nor 
the Chief of the Staff in the East was informed of the course 
of events, proves how completely at that period the First 
Quartermaster-General was “the Government”. 

Upon Ludendorff, and Ludendorff alone, must rest the 
responsibility for Lenin’s return to Russia and all that it 

He sought to deal a deadly blow on his Eastern Front, 
and in this he was justified. In the same way that he sent 
shells into the enemy trenches, or discharged poison gas at 
them, so had he a right to use propaganda against the 
enemy. If by this means he could destroy Russia and drive 
her out of the war he was perfectly entitled to do so. As 
Lenin admitted at the moment of his departure, “If Karl 
Liebknecht were in Russia now, the Provisional Govern- 
ment wordd permit him to return to Germany”. But 
Ludendorff did not accurately estimate the calibre of the 
men whom he sought to use and who, in their turn, were 
using him. 

For while Ludendorff was saying to himself “Lenin will 
overthrow the Russian patriots and then I will strangle 
Lenin and his friends”, Lenin was thinking, “I shall pass 
through Germany in Ludendorff’s car, but for his services 
I shall pay him in my own way”. There was never for a 
moment the shghtest illusion amongst the Bolshevik emi- 
grants, nor amongst their non-Russian comrades, as to 



either the motive which prompted Ludendorff’s action or 
as to their ultimate aim once they had seized the power in 
Russia. “We are fully aware of the fact that the German 
Government allows the passage of the Russian inter- 
nationalists only in order thus to strengthen the anti-war 
movement in Russia”, declared a group of international 
Socialists at the moment of Lenin’s departure. 

The train-load of political dynamite steamed out of the 
central station at Berne on April 8, 1917, and a week later, 
(April 16) late in the evening, Lenin arrived in Petrograd 
to he greeted with a tremendous ovation. Standing on an 
armoured car he made his first public speech in Russia to 
a cheering throng of workers, soldiers, and sailors, and in 
the course of it made use of words which, had they been 
reported, should have awakened Ludendorff to a realization 
of what spirits he had conjured up — “The hour is not far 
when, at the summons of our comrade Karl Liebknecht, 
the German people will turn their weapons against their 
capitahstic exploiters”. 

The advent of Lenin and the anti-war activities of his 
supporters were not in time to prevent the summer offensive 
which the Allied Powers had cajoled the unfortunate 
Kerensky into making. It was duly launched on July 1, 
and the Russian troops fought with their customary courage 
despite their acute war-weariness and lack of equipment. 
Few events in the war were more tragic than this last 
Alhed offensive on the Eastern Front, carried out by men 
whose one desire was for peace and to return home, and of 
whom, in many cases, only one in six or eight possessed a 
rifle. By sheer impetus they achieved a not inconsiderable 
advance, and within the fixst twenty-four hours had 
captured more than 36,000 prisoners. 

But this offensive neither surprised nor disconcerted 
Hoffmann. The German counter-attack was begun on July 
19, and it was then apparent how greatly the Russian 
morale had suffered. Bolshevik agents appeared in every 



division and tte success of their work was only too clear; 
regiment after regiment revolted, murdered its officers, 
and then hesitated, not knowing what to do next. The 
front was paralysed. The German advance gave that last 
touch to the complete disintegration of the Russian army 
which the Bolshevik agitation had initiated. The effect was 
ghastly. A panic spread in the ranks of the army already 
in a state of utter dissolution. There was scarcely any 
question of resistance. The panic-stricken retreat paralysed 
even the will of those individual regiments which were 
prepared to take up fighting positions. The troops melted 
away before the eyes of their commanders. 

Tarnopol feU at the end of July 1917, and on September 2 
the German armies crossed the Dvina, capturing Riga on the 
following day. Only the difficulty of transport prevented a 
more rapid advance, and hostihties on the Eastern Front 
were virtually brought to an end by the middle of October 
with the capture of the islands of Moon, Dago, and Osel, in 
the Gulf of Riga. 

But of what was happening behind the Russian hnes, of the 
degree to which the seed of Bolshevik discord, implanted by 
Lenin with the aid of Ludendorfi, was bearing fruit. Prince 
Leopold of Bavaria and Hoffmann, sitting in the citadel of 
Brest-Litovsk, knew little or nothing. They could not have 
known that the opening of the July offensive had been the 
signal for an abortive Bolshevik plot to arrest the Provisional 
Government in Petrograd and to call upon every soldier at the 
front to leave the trenches; nor could they foresee that the 
German counter-attack would coincide with the unsuccessful 
Bolshevik coup-d’etat of July 17-19. Furthermore, General 
Kornilov had not informed them that after the fall of Riga 
he had tried to establish a military dictatorship by force. 
They had no conception of the chaos which reigned in the 
capital nor of the prodigious pace at which the Provisional 
Government, deserted by its aUies, was hurtling to destruc- 
tion. They only knew that the front had become sufficiently 



quiet for troops to be taken out of the line and transferred 
to the West, to be drilled and trained there for the new 
task before them. But beyond this elementary yet import- 
ant fact the German Headquarters were at a loss to know 
what to make of the situation. 

Thus they had no knowledge of the final collapse of 
Kerensky and of the Bolshevik triumph of November 7. 
Their mystification was increased when wireless operators 
began to pick up messages addressed “To all”, sent out by 
an unknown individual of the name of Trotsky, declaring 
the desire of the new Soviet Government for peace. “We 
cannot get a clear view of the Eussian situation as yet,” 
Hoffmaim wrote in his diary on November 21; yet he urged 
Count Herthng, who had succeeded Michaelis as the 
Supreme Command’s nominee for the Chancellorship, to 
declare Germany’s willingness to negotiate. 

The uncertainty persisted until November 26. “Whether 
they wiU [declare an Armistice] I cannot yet say,” recorded 
Hoffmann on the morning of that day. “We have no clear 
picture of what is hkely to happen in the interior of Russia 
in the immediate future.” 

But in the afternoon there arrived Trotsky’s formal pro- 
posals for an armistice and Krylenko’s wireless message 
proclaiming the definite cessation of hostihties. At last 
something tangible had happened and Ho ffmann reported 
by telephone to Eireuznach. 

“Is it possible to negotiate with these people?” asked 

“Yes, it is possible,” was the reply. “Your Excellency 
needs troops and this is the easiest way to get them.” 

The Armistice was signed on December 16, but even 
before that date troop trains were streaming across from 
East to West,^ where it was no longer a case of replacing 

^ The Armistice agreement prohibited the transfer of German troops 
to other parts excepting “such removals as had been commanded 
before the time when the Armistice agreement was signed”. In view of 



tired divisions by fresh ones, but of really adding to the 
number of combatants. 

As a short-term pohcy the assistance given by the German 
Supreme Command to Lenin had proved a complete success. 
Kussia was out of the war, and it is clear beyond the need 
of demonstration what this meant to the Central Powers. 
For the Quadruple Albance was held together at this point 
— the close of 1917 — solely by the hope of the victory of 
German arms followed by a rapid peace. Bulgaria and 
Turkey still remained tolerably loyal, but the Austro- 
Hungarian Monarchy was showing grave signs of defection. 
The pubhcation by the Bolsheviks of the secret Treaty of 
London, signed in 1915 to bring Italy into the war, had 
disclosed the fact that the Allied Powers were ai ming at 
nothing less than the dismemberment of Austria-Hungary, 
and this revelation had not unnaturally the most dis- 
quieting efiect in Vienna. “Peace at the earhest moment 
is necessary for our own salvation, and we cannot obtain 
peace until the Germans get to Paris — and they cannot get 
to Pans unless their Eastern Front is free,” wrote Count 
Czernin in his diary in November; and again in a letter to a 
friend at the same period, “To settle with Russia as speedily 
as possible; then break through the determination of the 
Entente to destroy us, and then make peace — even at a 
loss — that is my plan and the hope for which I hve. . . . 
Let but old Hindenburg make his entry into Paris and the 
Entente must utter the decisive word that they are willing 
to treat.” 

“Old Hindenburg” at this moment was entertaining and 
expressing the most uncompHmentary views towards Count 
Czernin and his country in general. “Count Czernin did not 
realize of what his country was capable, otherwise he 
would never have talked to us in 1917 of the possibiHty of 

the fact that orders had already been given to remove a very large pro- 
portion of the army to the West, Hofimann ‘Vas able to concede” this 
point without any great difioulty. 



not going on any longer.” The contempt for the Habsburg 
Monarchy which the Marshal had conceived, half a century 
before, at Kbniggratz, had not been lessened by his contact 
with its armies under his command, and in a moment of 
exasperation at Kreuznach he was once heard to remark 
that the next campaign which Germany undertook must be 
against Austria! 

However, despite his feelings of contempt for his alHes, 
Hmdenburg could not disguise from himself the fact that 
the views expressed by Czernin were fundamentally correct. 
An early peace was in every way as desirable for Germany 
as for Austria, and to achieve this, victory for the German 
armies was an essential. But the U-boat campaign had passed 
the peak of its success and was waning. It had failed to 
bring England to her knees and the pressure of the Alhed 
blockade was again strangling the German people. If 
massed forces could be hurled against the Western Front 
it might be possible to break through, to take Paris and 
Calais, and to threaten England directly. But this pre- 
supposed a cessation of hostilities in the East. 

At the same time, the arrival in France of large, if un- 
seasoned, American reinforcements made it imperative for 
the Supreme Command to make their ofiensive as soon as 
possible. If the negotiations with Eussia were successful, all 
would be ready by the middle of March. Therefore, as the 
Marshal wrote, “Could any notion be more obvious tha n 
that of bringing aU our effective troops from the East to the 
West and then taking the offensive?” And Ludendorff adds, 
“It win be obvious with what interest we watched the peace 

The interest of the Supreme Command was not, however, 
confined to watching. From the first moment of the Armis- 
tice it was clear that, in the peace negotiations which were 
to follow, Hindenburg and Ludendorff intended to have the 
controlling influence. The salient point of their policy was 
that not an inch of soil which had been won by German arms 



should be surrendered and that those Baltic provinces 
of Russia which still remained under the occupation of 
Russian troops should at the earliest possible moment be 
incorporated within the German Reich. They favoured in 
fact a frank policy of annexation undeterred by the prin- 
ciples of the Peace Resolution of July. 

In opposition to their views were those of the aged Chan- 
cellor Hertling, and of the more far-seeing Foreign Secretary, 
Kiihlmann, who realized the very detrimental efiect abroad 
which would be brought about by the conclusion of a peace 
of annexation. Kiihlmann himself was already convinced 
that a victory in the field was impossible for the Central 
Powers, and that all that could be hoped for was a general 
peace of negotiation and compromise. When the time for 
that arrived, any agreement now arrived at with Russia 
must necessarily be open to revision, and he therefore 
sought to provide himself with sufficient territorial bar- 
gaining material in the East to ensure against annexa- 
tions on Germany’s Western frontier. He was strongly 
opposed to Germany’s acquiring permanently any further 

The concrete grounds upon which these conflicting 
theories met were the problem of Poland and the ultimate 
future of Courland and Lithuania. The mistaken poHcy of 
the High Command which had resulted, with disastrous 
effects, in the proclamation of the Polish kingdom in 
November 1916, had only established the theoretical exist- 
ence of that state. No attempt had been made either then 
or subsequently to define its poHtical status, and the control 
of the occupied area still reniained in the hands of the 
Governors-General of Warsaw and Lubhn. 

There were three possible solutions of the Polish problem. 
The first, the so-called “Austrian solution”, provided for the 
union of Congress Poland with Galicia, the whole to become 
a partner in a Tripartite Habsburg Monarchy. This solution 
was favoured by the Habsburgs and by the Austrian 



Ministry but was strongly opposed by the Hungarian Prime 
Minister, Count Tisza, who felt that the political structure 
of the Monarchy should not be changed and that, if Poland 
must be added to it at all — and of the desirabihty of this 
he was not entirely convinced — it should form an Austrian 
province. Hindenburg and Ludendorfi also objected to 
this solution, both strategically and politically, on the 
grounds that it would place a tax upon their alliance with 
Austria, which in the long run could not be borne. 

There was also a “German solution”, enthusiastically 
sponsored by Erzberger, though without any support from 
either the Chancellor or Ktihhnann. This proposal envisaged 
the incorporation of both Poland and Gahcia in the German 
Empire, Austria being compensated by Rumania. This plan 
was strenuously opposed by the Vienna Government, who 
wisely enough were unwilling to throw away the substance 
for the shadow. 

The Supreme Command had its own plans, plans which 
took httle account of pohtical considerations, and which 
were based exclusively upon mihtary and strategic neces- 
sities. It was the desire of Hindenburg and Ludendorfi to 
create a “protective belt”, which would give greater security 
to East Prussia and lessen danger of an attack such as that 
made by the Grand Duke Nicholas in 1914. It was proposed 
to widen the narrow neck between Danzig and Thorn and to 
add, east of the Vistula, a broad strip of territory which 
would protect the Upper Silesian coal-fields. With the re- 
mainder of the dismembered Pohsh state the High Command 
were not concerned. It could become independent, provided 
that it estabhshed favourable economic relation with Ger- 
many, or it could be given to Austria. 

Kuhlmann, with the strong support of the Chancellor, 
opposed this solution of the General Stafi on the ground 
that an addition of two miUion Slavs to the population of 
the German Empire was in every way undesirable, and while 
Ludendorfi agreed with this view, he countered it with the 



rds “tMs grave objection must give way before military 

iVitb regard to Courland and Lithuania the demands of 
; General Stafi were equally emphatic. It was their wish 
create two Grand Duchies connected with the Empire 
‘ough the person of the Emperor himself, and so far had 
iy impressed their views upon the local government, 
'ough the agency of the Commander-in-Chief in the East 
i, in Courland, of the Baltic baronial aristocracy, that 
ctions for constituent assemblies had already taken place 
both provinces. The Diet of Mitau had actually requested 
} Emperor to become Duke of Courland, and though the 
ihuanians had proved less tractable, hopes were still 
bertained of their eventual comphance. 

To Kuhhnann, whose one idea was to keep the question 
the future of the provinces open for review in the course 
a general peace settlement, the madness of the policy of 
id-blooded annexation was only too abundantly clear, 
it his objections were of no avail. The High Command 
nained obdurate. 

“But why”, Kiihlmann once asked Hindenburg during 
e of their not infrequently acrimonious discussions at 
■euznach, “do you so particularly want these territories?” 
“I need them for the manoeuvring of my left wing in the 
xt war,” was the Marshal’s reply; and Ludendorfi ex- 
lined that Courland and Lithuania would improve Ger- 
iny’s food supply and bring her additional man-power 
case she should, in a future war, have to rely once more 
ion her own resources. 

From the first news of the Armistice proposals on 
evember 26, the Imperial Government and the Supreme 
im m and had conferred together on the terms to be pre- 
nted to the Russians, and their discussion had only served 
emphasize the degree of disagreement which existed 
tween them. As usual the Emperor was called upon to 
bitrate, and he presided over a conference at Kreuznach 



on December 18, on tbe eve of Kiihlmann’s departure for 
Brest-Litovsk, at wldcli tbe final terms of tlie instructions 
were to be fix ed. 

At this meeting the Emperor, who had previously been 
inchned to favour the “Austrian solution” for Poland, 
veered round to the views of the General Staff and expressed 
his agreement with their proposal of a “protective belt” on 
the Prussian-Polish frontier. In addition both he and the 
Chancellor endorsed the idea of establishing a personal 
union of Courland and Lithuania, either with the Crown 
of Prussia or with the German Empire, provided that the 
Federal Princes agreed. 

Kuhlmann again reiterated his dishke of this policy and 
repeated his belief that the question of the future of the 
two provinces should be left open. “I might withdraw my 
opposition against hoisting the German flag in the eastern 
border states, but I would energetically advise against ever 
nailing it to the mast there,” he declared emphatically. 

The Emperor vacillated; nothing definite was decided, 
and Kuhlmann departed for Brest-Litovsk with a deter- 
mination to do what he thought to be right. He did not 
regard himself as bormd by the discussions at Kreuznach, 
which had ended in indecision. 

Arrived at the conference Kuhhnann found an unexpected 
ally in Hoffmann, who had been appointed to the German 
delegation to represent the views of the High Command, 
but who was too much of a realist to approve the fantastic 
annexationist schemes of Hindenburg and Ludendorff. 
Within the first few days of the conference the Foreign 
Secretary and the General drew more closely together in 
the face of stern realities. During a New Year’s interval in 
the peace discussions Kuhlmann returned to Berlin, bring- 
ing Hoffmann with him, and arranged for the General a 
private audience with the Emperor. So impressed was the 
Emperor with Hoffmann, whom he had not seen since the 
days of the quarrel with Falkenhayn, that the General 


was invited to luncheon and asked to give his views on the 
Polish question. 

Hoffmann was in a quandary. He did not share the views 
of the High Command, and yet was diffident in placing 
himself in opposition to them. He begged to be excused 
from giving his personal opinion. 

“When your Supreme War Lord wishes to hear your 
views on any subject it is your duty to give them to him, 
qmte irrespective of whether they coincide with those of 
G.H.Q. or not,” rephed the Emperor. 

At that Hoffmann began to talk. He gave the Emperor 
the views of a man who for the past eighteen months had 
been in constant touch with the situation and who had had 
practical experience of its difficulties. He pointed out that, 
notwithstanding the measures taken by Prussia during 
many decades, she had not been able to manage her Polish 
subjects and that consequently he coidd see no advantage 
to the Empire from the addition of a further two million 
Poles to its population. He was even more critical of Erz- 
berger’s so-called “German solution”. He suggested that 
the new Polish border-line should be drawn in such a way 
as to bring to Germany the smallest possible number of 
Pohsh subjects. Only a small additional strip of territory, 
with not more than 100,000 Pohsh inhabitants, was 
necessary, near Bendzin and Thorn, to prevent the enemy 
artillery in any subsequent war from firing straight into 
the Upper Silesian coal-fields, or on to the chief railway 
station of Thorn. 

Deeply impressed with the reasonableness of Hoffmann’s 
argument, the Emperor, always swayed by what he had 
last heard, agreed with him, and at once had a map prepared 
in accordance with his proposals. This he produced next 
morning (January 2, 1918) at a Crown Council at the Belle- 
vue Palace, to which not only Hindenburg and Ludendorff, 
but also Hoffmann had been summoned. The latter attended 
with no little apprehension, for thoughhe had tried to get int o 



touch with Ludendorfi he had been unsuccessful, and the 
First Quartermaster-General was therefore still ignorant of 
what had passed between his subordinate and the Emperor. 

The Emperor opened the council by laying the map 
before them. 

“Gentlemen,” he said, “you will find on this map the 
future frontier between Poland and Prussia, as I, in my 
capacity of your Supreme War Lord, consider that it should 
be drawn.” He then added, “I base my conclusion on the 
judgment of an excellent and competent expert, namely, 
that of General Hoffmann, who is here”. 

For a moment there was silence, and then Ludendorff, 
his voice hoarse with anger, aU self-control abandoned, 
shouted at the Emperor that he had no right to ask the 
opinion of a general over his (Ludendorff’s) head. In no 
circumstances could the fine drawn by the Emperor be 
considered as final. The Supreme Command would have to 
consider the matter further. 

“We must certainly think this matter over carefully,” 
muttered Hindenburg, in approval. 

For a moment the Emperor hesitated in indecision. 
Should he assert himself and provoke a joint resignation? 
The Council sat about him, disturbed and uncomfortable. 
Finally he temporized. 

“I will await your report”, he said, and brought the 
painful scene to a close. 

But the Supreme Command were not thus easily mollified. 
They considered that their authority had been flouted and 
their dignity aspersed. That the Supreme War Lord of 
Germany shoTild have the right to consult one of his 
generals without their knowledge and consent, they 
vehemently denied, and they retired to Eireuznach in high 

On January 7 the Emperor received not their promised 
report but a letter from Hindenburg iu which occurred the 
following passage: 



In the Pobsh Question Your Majesty has chosen to place greater 
reliance upon the judgment of General Hoffmann than upon that 
of General Ludendorfi and myself. General Hoffmann is my sub- 
ordmate, and bears no responsibility -whatsoever in the Polish 
Question. The events of January 2 have been the cause of pain to 
General Ludendorff and myself, and have shown us that Your 
Majesty disregards our opimon in a matter of vital importance for 
the existence of the German Fatherland. 

This letter, the origin of which lay undoubtedly with 
Ludendorff, was a direct challenge to the authority of 
Wilhelm II, both as Supreme War Lord and as King of 
Prussia, and showed to how great a degree the Supreme 
Command considered itself the deciding power within the 
Empire. They regarded their responsibihty as covering 
every question that could remotely affect “the existence of 
the German Fatherland”. Supreme dictatorship could not 
go further. 

The Emperor dared not resist. In answer to Hindenburg’s 
letter, the Imperial Chancellor hastened to inform the 
Supreme Command that a misunderstanding had arisen 
and that the Emperor had taken no definite decision in 
regard to Poland. 

But though he abandoned Hoffmann’s proposals the 
Emperor stood between him and the wrath of Ludendorff, 
who had demanded his dismissal as Chief of the Staff in the 
East and his appointment to the command of a division. 
By command of the Emperor, Hoffmann remained at his 
post at Brest-Litovsk, but the breach with Ludendorff 
was permanent. The symbol HLH was shattered. It had in 
fact become merely a gigantic L. 

After this victory of the Supreme Command the fi n a l 
tenor of the peace terms of Brest-Litovsk were inevit- 
able and assured. Kiihlmann returned to the Conference 
determined that if he could not negotiate a sane peace he 
would at least demonstrate to the world that, stripped to its 
essentials, Bolshevism was but a new form of nationahsm. 



For tFis purpose lie engaged with. Trotsky in a series of 
what the exasperated Czernin, who saw the sands of his 
country’s life running out in the glass, described as “spiritual 
wrestlmg matches”. In the end Kuhlmann succeeded; for, 
though Trotsky branded the Germans before the world as 
freebooters and mihtary tyrants, the Soviet Foreign Com- 
missar, when finally faced with a bare-faced annexationist 
pohcy, abandoned the role of world revolutionary and 
fought for his country with the tenacity of any patriot. 
He employed every artifice of diplomacy, including an 
attempt to make a separate peace with Austria, and in 
final despair adopted the desperate expedient of “Neither 
War — nor Peace”, broke ofi the negotiations, and returned 
to Moscow. 

Hindenburg and Ludendorff demanded a resumption of 
hostihties. Kuhlmann protested. With the double purpose 
of bringing about an immediate peace and of encompassing 
the fall of the Foreign Minister, the Supreme Command 
persisted in their demands. Kuhlmann was not to be in- 
veigled into pohtical suicide. Though forced to submit, he 
refused to resign. “I am against the proposal of resuming 
hostilities,” he said, “but I do not consider the question 
important enough for me to withdraw from the Cabinet.” 
But he did not return to Brest-Litovsk. 

War with Russia was resumed, and within a week the 
armies of the Central Powers had occupied Kiev and 
Odessa and had advanced to Lake Peipus, within 120 miles 
of Petrograd. Livonia, Estonia, and the Ukraine passed 
under German control. Then the Russians surrendered. 
They returned to Brest-Litovsk and on March 3 signed a 
treaty, which for a peace of humihation is without precedent 
or equal in modern history.^ Three weeks later the Supreme 

^ By tie Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Russia lost a territory (301,000 
square miles) nearly as large as Austria-Hungary and Turkey combined; 
fifty-six million inbabitants, or 32 per cent, of tbe whole population of 
the country; a third of her railway mileages, 73 per cent, of her total iron 



Command launched its great ofiensive in the West and the 
last furious gamble of the war had begun. 

In nearly every respect the poHcy which the Supreme 
Command had imposed on the negotiators of Brest- 
Litovsk proved a failure, both psychologically and materi- 
ally. The cold-blooded brutality of the peace terms silenced 
for ever those well-meaning pacifists in the Alhed countries 
who had talked of a peace of understanding based upon the 
German Peace Resolution of July 1917. If it did nothing 
else, the Peace of Brest-Litovsk, as Kuhlmann had feared 
and foreseen, showed clearly to the world what mercy the 
conquered enemies of Germany might expect. The effect in 
the Allied countries was of a grim tightening of the belt and 
an increased determination to destroy the regime which 
could make such a peace. No better antidote could have 
been provided in England to the early disasters which 
followed the opening of the March offensive. 

For Germany, too, the moral effect was detrimental. The 
infiltration of Bolshevik propaganda, which had begun with 
the fraternization of the troops at the time of the Armistice, 
had increased with the return of prisoners of war from 
Russia, who had proved not unfertile soil for such a seed. 
It had made its first public appearance in Germany durmg 
the great industrial strikes of January 1918. It was destined 
to spread more quickly and much farther. For although 
there was included in the treaty a provision that both the 
Soviet and German Governments should “refrain from any 
agitation or propaganda” against each other, there was 
never any pretence of respecting this agreement on the part 
of the Soviet Govermnent. Joffe, its first Ambassador in 
Berhn, made no concealment of the fact. “The Soviet 
Government as a body and its accredited representatives 
in Berlin”, he announced, “have never concealed the fact 

and 89 per cent of her total coal production; and over 5000 factories, 
mills, distilleries, and refineries. By a supplementary agreement signed 
in August she paid to Germany an indemnity of 6,000,000,000 marks. 



tliat they are not going to observe this agreement and have 
no intention of so doing in the future.” For his brief tenure 
of of&ce, which terminated with his expulsion in October 
1918, he made the Soviet Embassy, Unter den Linden, the 
headquarters of Bolshevik and Spartacist activities, and 
with considerable success prepared the way for the break- 
down of November. 

The weapon with which Ludendorfi had sought to deal 
Russia so deadly a blow had indeed justified his expecta- 
tions, but he had not foreseen that it would be used against 
himseK with equally devastating effect. 

Even the material advantages did not accrue to the 
extent that had been hoped. The supplies of gram from the 
Ukraine and of oil from Rumania, which were dehvered in 
1918 as a result of treaty agreements, fell considerably below 
the amounts which had been expected. And in the case of 
the former, the major share went to Austria. The Ukrainian 
delegates, with whom the Central Powers had signed a 
separate peace, had exaggerated the stocks of wheat and 
had ignored the effects of the agrarian revolution. The im- 
posing central German-Ukrainian trading organization, 
which Groner had conceived so excellently on paper, was 
able to procure, in effect, very few supphes, and, in the 
opinion of Hoffmann, the Supreme Command would have 
been more successful if they had commissioned a number 
of Jewish dealers to buy corn for them in the open market. 

But the most complete illusion of all was that the con- 
clusion of peace with Russia had enabled the Supreme 
Command to transfer the very large majority of its forces 
from East to W est. This was far from being the case. Aviator’s 
peace must be enforced. The pohtical and economic con- 
ditions which the Supreme Command had imposed on its 
captured territories proved so irksome and unpopular that 
only by the most ruthless apphcation of force could they 
be maintained at all. 

Moreover at this period Ludendorff ’s paranceic complaint 



developed a Napoleonic complex. He saw himself creating 
and distributing kingdoms as had the Emperor of the 
French after Tilsit. He sent an expeditionary force into 
Finland to put down a Bolshevik revolt. Another expedition 
penetrated to Batoum and Baku. A mission was sent to 
Odessa: an army of occupation was maintained in Eumania. 
In the Ukraine a regime had been set up under a hereditary 
Hetman, and grand-ducal governments were being organ- 
ized in Lithuania, Courland, Livonia, and Estonia. In addi- 
tion, the problem of Poland still required constant care and 

To enforce the peace and to bolster up the fantasies of 
the Supreme Command, no less than a milhon soldiers had 
to be retained in the East in 1918. Admittedly they were 
older men, nearly all under thirty-five years of age having 
been sent to the West. But in the French and British armies 
there were a good many men over thirty-five years old, and 
if even half this milhon had been available for service in 
qidet sectors on the Western Front, other and younger 
men would have been released to take part in the offensive. 
Later in the autumn, when the German losses had reached 
a gigantic figure, the Supreme Command did indeed make 
transfer from the East to close the gaps. By October 1, 1918, 
barely half a milhon men remained with Hoffmann, but 
the transfers had only been made when Germany had been 
forced finally upon the defensive. When they were really 
needed — that is to say, in the first weeks of the ofiensive — 
they were not there. An additional five hundred thousand 
men in the West in April 1918 might very well have turned 
the scale in favour of Germany. 

Thus the pohcy, to which Hindenburg so unprotestingly 
gave his assent and name, became the fatal lodestar of the 
German Empire, and while Ludendorff the soldier was 
demanding every man for the decisive battles in the West, 
Ludendorff the politician was wasting an army a milhon 
strong in the East. 



Even granting that Hindenbnrg knew or realized little of 
what was in progress, and that he obediently followed 
LndendorfE’s lead, it is impossible to exonerate him, from 
a very large share of responsibility for the Eastern pohcy 
of the Supreme Command and the consequent tragedy 
of Brest-Litovsk. The documents setting forth the case 
of the Supreme Command all appear over his signature. 
Throughout his hfe he had a sad weakness for signing 
what was placed before him, and in the last days it 
was not unusual for his immediate entourage not to trouble 
even to consult him but to send telegrams in his name. But 
these days had not arrived at that time. He was still capable 
at the age of seventy of understanding what he was told 
even if he did not always appreciate its real inwardness. 
But so completely was he dominated by the personahty of 
LudendorfE that he accepted unquestioningly the views of 
his coadjutor. 


By the beginning of 1918 the position of the High Com- 
mand in Germany was unique and supreme. They not only 
ruled but governed, and demanded a controlhng voice in 
all internal and external afiairs. With the callousness of 
mediaeval princes they jettisoned their nominees in office, 
and submitted the Emperor to the treatment meted out by 
the Carohngian mayors of the palace to the Merovingian 
kings. In the relations with their military colleagues they 
had learnt httle from their own early difficulties with 
Ealkenhayn. Unpalatable reports were either ignored or 
sharply criticized, and there grew up at General Head- 
quarters that inevitable chque of “yes-men” which sur- 
rounds and vitiates the atmosphere breathed by all 

The poHtical and mihtary situation of Germany at the 
moment greatly strengthened the position of Hindenbnrg 
and Ludendorff. It was admitted on aU sides that a speedy 




end to the war was imperatively necessary. To bring this 
about there were two alternative methods: the favourable 
military position of Germany could be used for concluding 
a peace of concihation or for an attack in the West. The 
peace policy was warmly favoured by Kiihlmann and Prince 
Max of Baden, and had the secret support of German and 
Bavarian Crown Princes. The question of Belgium again 
arose, and it was urged on the Emperor that a clear and 
unequivocal declaration should be made renouncing all 
claims direct and indirect upon Belgian independence. 

But the High Command would have none of it. Luden- 
dorfi had become convinced, even before the armistice in 
the East, that the sole hope of German victory lay in “a 
gambler’s throw”, a blow in the West as swift and as 
terrible as possible. “It will be an immense struggle”, he 
wrote to the Emperor, “that wiU begin at one point, continue 
at another, and take a long time; it is difficult, but it will 
be successful.” He had reached this decision after a con- 
sultation with his chief stafi ofS,cers on November 11, 1917, 
at Mens. The date and place are of interest, as is the fact 
that, at a conference where military decisions of the very 
gravest importance for the Central Powers were to be taken, 
neither the Supreme War Lord, Wilhelm II, nor the Chief 
of the General Stafi, Hindenburg, were present. 

The Emperor, almost certainly against his better judg- 
ment, fin ally decided for the High Command. In so doing 
he delivered himself into their hands and sealed the fate of 
his Imperial house. Having committed himself to the thesis 
that “Germany’s fate depended on one card”, he could no 
longer rid himself of HL, who claimed to have that card up 
their sleeve. Herein lies the secret of the period of unequalled 
supremacy which Hindenburg and Ludendorfi enjoyed from 
December 1917 tiU the October of the following year, a 
period during which they made no small contribution to 
the ultimate downfall of the House of HohenzoUern. 

The Chancellor, Michaelis, having fallen foul of the 



Social-Democrats in tke Reichstag, was replaced in Novem- 
ber 1917 by the aged Bavarian statesman, Count Hertling, 
who, feeling himself primarily the nominee of the Supreme 
Command, did his best to translate their policy into action. 
Though his ripe experience and high character rendered it 
impossible for hi m to adopt the views of Ludendorff in toto, 
his advanced age and lack of vigour made him feel unequal 
to embarking on a controversy with the Supreme Command. 

The earliest opportunity for Hindenburg and Ludendorfi 
to test their increased strength was over the peace terms 
of Brest-Litovsk, and in this case they were eminently suc- 
cessful, riding rough-shod over Emperor, Chancellor, and 
Foreign Secretary. But they had been deeply afiected by 
the Emperor’s change of front under Hoffmann’s influence 
at the Bellevue Conference on January 2, and although they 
had received assurances that the Emperor had completely 
withdrawn his opposition to their views on the Polish 
question, they were persuaded that the time had come to 
have the seal of imperial approval placed upon their 
strongly held views regarding “responsibihty”. 

A memorandum to the Emperor was drawn up which 
stands unique in the history of war and politics. On the 
Emperor was placed the full responsibility of the new 
offensive then under preparation in the West, in which the 
Supreme Command would make every effort to secure a 
decisive victory, bringing with it the annihilation of the 
enemy. But they could only do this on condition that they 
enjoyed the fullest confidence of the Emperor, and had a 
guarantee that a victorious and dictated peace should crown 
the victory. It was for the Emperor to decide, but if he 
dared to hold a different view he must find other generals. 

We must defeat the Western Powers in order to assure the 
position in the world which Germany needs [writes Hmdenburg to 
his Emperor]. It is for this purpose that Your Majesty has given 
orders for the battle in the West to be undertaken, a battle which 
will constitute the greatest effort made by us during the war, and 



involving the heaviest sacrifices. After the events of Brest-Litovsk 
I cannot but doubt that, when peace comes to be negotiated, 
Germany will not obtain the concessions which her position demands 
and to which our sacrifices entitle us. . . It is Your Majesty’s 
privilege to decide. . . . The heavy task which Your Majesty is 
placmg upon the men who will have to prepare and conduct the 
operations in the West, in conformity with Your Majesty’s instruc- 
tions, makes it necessary that they should feel certain of enjoymg 
Your Majesty’s fullest confidence. Both the armies and their leaders 
must be upheld by the feelmg that the pohtical success will corre- 
spond to the military success. Most humbly I beg Your Majesty to 
decide on this fundamental principle. Personal consideration for 
General Ludendorii and myself cannot be allowed to count in 
matters where the safety of the State is concerned. 

{Signed) von Hindenbxjeg, G.F M. 

It was the old policy of a pistol to the head, only in a _ 
more barefaced manner. “The Field-Marshal and I will 
resign” had been Ludendorfi’s chnching and final argument 
from the earhest days, and it had now become an almost 
unassailable one. What was demanded was not a share 
in, but a control of, foreign pohcy in its widest sense. The 
proposal was as preposterous as it was impudent, and both 
the Emperor and the Chancellor were very naturally furious 
and alarmed. 

In an interview with Herthng, Hindenburg and Luden- 
dorfi were given clearly to understand that, while the 
Supreme Command had the right to assist in peace negotia- 
tions in a consultative capacity in so far as military matters 
were concerned, the sole and final responsibility for the con- 
clusion of peace must rest with the Chancellor, the Emperor 
being the final court of appeal. This view received the 
official approval of Wilhelm II in a letter replying to Hinden- 
burg’s memorandum. After thanking him for his “soldierly 
frankness and outspokenness”, and while admitting the 
right of the Supreme Command “to give unrestrained ex- 
pression to their views”, the Emperor went on to say: “The 
final decision must rest with me. I have passed on your 



memorandum to the Chancellor and am in agreement with 
his views. I expect henceforward that you and General 
Ludendorif will be able to give up further objections and to 
devote yourselves whole-heartedly to your proper function 
of conducting the war." 

This was a brave reply and gave the impression that the 
Emperor was about to reassert his position. But m effect 
the Supreme Command were little concerned by it. They 
reahzed that behind this bluster neither Wilhelm II nor 
Herthng had the courage to denounce a dictated peace. 
They knew that they had already estabhshed a sufficiently 
strong control over the Foreign Office through their repre- 
sentative, Colonel von Haeften, to ensure their views re- 
maining paramount, and they were confident that, though 
the Emperor might summon up enough valour to reprove 
them, he did not dare to take up their challenge and accept 
their resignations. 

To prove their domination, they launched a new attack 
in a direction very singularly offensive to the Emperor, 
since it was against one of his personal entourage and chal- 
lenged his undoubted right to appoint his own staff. On 
January 16 Hindenburg wrote to the Emperor demanding 
the dismissal of the Chief of his Civil Cabinet, Herr von 
Valentini, a man who had for years enjoyed his closest 
friendship, and who deeply resented the encroachment of 
the Supreme Command upon the imperial prerogative. The 
reasons for the requested dismissal were that Valentini 
had had a large share in the responsibility for “the danger- 
ous pohcy of Bethmann HoUweg”, of which the failure to 
make sufficient pohtical exploitation of mili tary successes 
had remained as a legacy. In a supreme moment of hypo- 
crisy Hindenburg urged the Emperor to replace Valentini 
by a man who “viewed the situation clearly and impartially, 
and who would openly and manfuUy inform your Majesty 
as to the state of affairs”. It was exactly these q ua lities 
which Valentini possessed and for which he was to be sacri- 



ficed; it was, moreover, a man of these qualities that 
was so sadly lacking in the Marshal’s own environ- 

The Emperor obeyed. He dared not, in the final analysis, 
refuse. Gone were the brave days when with a light-hearted 
assurance he had dismissed Bismarck. Gone even was the 
spark of courage which had enabled him to dispense with 
Ealkenhayn. Now at the demand of the Chief of the General 
Stafi he dismissed a faithful servant whose chief fault was 
his loyalty. In these days monarchical government could 
scarcely be said to exist in Germany and it was almost im- 
possible to recognize the Emperor as a force. His passion 
for marginalia discloses the disgruntled reahzation of his 
new position. 

When Kiihlmann in the Bbrsen-Zeitung laimched a 
guarded and anonymous attack on the Supreme Command, 
the Emperor peppered it with exclamations of approval, 
whose tenor showed how clearly he appreciated that his posi- 
tion had suffered both with the Eeichstag and with the 
General Staff. “Again and again”, wrote Kuhimann, “there 
comes a cry from the German people for a statesman to lead 
them. Conditions however are not such as to allow any 
statesman to become great”. “Very true”, was the imperial 
marginal comment; “either he is unpoprdar with the Reich- 
stag or Kreuznach or both”. The article continued that “in 
the conduct of foreign affairs the Foreign Office is no longer 
paramount — a preposterous state of affairs”. Against this 
Wilhelm II wrote: “Naturally; the Kaiser is ignored by both 

Complaints arose also from the German commanders on 
other fronts that their views were ignored. Marshal von 
Mackensen in desperation sent a report to the Emperor 
direct, expounding his views on the situation in the Balkans 
and in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The report is en- 
dorsed in the imperial script: “Mackensen’s views wholly 
coincide with my own. Up to the present, however, I have 




been unable to obtain a bearing for tbem from tbe Chief of 
the General Stafi”. 

In the internal government of the country and in the 
regulation of relations between capital and labour the 
Supreme Command also endeavoured to make its influence 
supreme. Through the Home Commands, whose control 
Ludendorfi removed from the Minister of War and placed 
under himself, and by means of martial law and a formidable 
array of military regulations, there was created an executive 
authority entirely independent of the Imperial Government. 

The High Command allied itself with the industrialists 
and landowners, and supported their war aims. It was par- 
ticularly severe in its relations with organized labour. 
Strikes in time of war were high treason, and strikers there- 
fore were treated with considerable severity. They were 
tried by court-martial to avoid the risk of mild sentences, 
and for this purpose suitable officers were appointed as 
Judge-Advocates-General and Crown Prosecutors. The 
great strike of January 1918, which involved more than 
half a million workers, chiefly in Berlin, was dealt with in 
a most ruthless and efficient manner. A state of siege was 
proclaimed, the labour press forbidden, and aU strike meet- 
ings broken up by the police. One leader was arrested and 
received a sentence of five years’ detention in a fortress. 
Thousands of workmen on the Army Eeserve were called 
to their regiments, and finally seven of the great industrial 
concerns were placed under military control and the men 
ordered to resume work on pain of punishment in accord- 
ance with the utmost rigour of martial law. 

The strike coUapsed, but the effect in the country was so 
serious that, in a letter to the Minister for War on February 
18, Ludendorfi recommended that in future industrial 
disputes should be settled “in general without the employ- 
ment of force”. “Nevertheless”, he added, “it is necessary 
to be prepared for aU eventualities, and it is for this reason 
that I have consented to leave the desired troops in Ger- 



many.” In reality he was so much disturbed that he sent a 
secret order to each army commander instructing him to keep 
two battalions ready for use against the civilian population. 

To these disastrous policies at home and abroad Hinden- 
burg was lending his name and accepting im plicitly a 
considerable share of responsibility. He became disturbed 
at the increasing number of disputes in which the Supreme 
Command was becoming involved. Again and again he 
acted as peace-maker between LudendorS and the Emperor, 
Ludendorff and the Chancellor, Ludendorfi and the party 
leaders, but when the final choice came he had no will of 
his own. The “happy marriage” with Ludendorff had 
developed into a harmonious married fife in which, in the 
words of the Marshal, the relationships of the individuals 
“are one in thought and action, and often what one says is 
only the expression of the wishes and feelings of the other”. 


The principle of launching a great attack in the West 
having been accepted in November 1917, preparations 
went steadily forward throughout the winter and early 
spring. As the weeks drew on towards the day when all 
must be ready, it was found necessary for the Supreme 
Command to be in closer touch with the headquarters of 
the Army Glroups and armies which were to play the 
principal parts m the forthcoming battle, and the Great 
General Headquarters of the German Army were accordingly 
moved from Elreuznach to the little Belgian watering-place 
of Spa, where Hindenburg and LudendorfE took up their 
quarters in the Hotel Britannique in the early days of 
March. Advanced headquarters were estabhshed at Avesnes, 
just across the French frontier. The Emperor did not take 
up residence either at Spa or at Avesnes, but Kved in his 
special train during the eventful weeks which followed. The 
train was moved about according to the mili tary situation. 



During one of tlie periodic visits of the High Command 
to the front from Avesnes the Cerman Army was nearly 
robbed of its controlhng brains. A faulty switch-box caused 
a heavy munition train to collide broadside on with the 
train of the Supreme Command, derailing it and smashing 
several of the cars to splinters. Apart from the fact that 
Hindenburg and his alter ego were unceremoniously 
tumbled out of bed, no harm was done. There were no 
casualties; not even the maps were damaged. 

As at Pless and at Kreuznach, numerous important 
visitors arrived at Spa to pay their respects to the two 
legendary figures who were now regarded as the sole props 
of the Quadruple Alhance. Amongst these was the Crown 
Prince Vaheddin of Turkey, and in his suite was a young 
major-general, recently transferred from the Syrian Front, 
who, in company with many of the younger Turkish 
generation, nursed a bitter resentment against Germany 
for her dealings with his country. 

To the Crown Prince the Marshal gave a most optimistic 
review of the mihtary situation of the Central Powers, 
including that in Syria, and in a hasty aside to the Prince 
the Turkish officer assiued him that the details given of the 
Syrian Front were completely incorrect and that he strongly 
suspected the rest of being largely blufi. 

Later Ludendorff arrived and gave them a more detailed 
account, especially of the preparations for the great 
offe nsi ve. The Crown Prince, who was quite ignorant of 
everything mili tary, nodded somnolently, but the Turkish 
general wanted to know more. 

“What is the line you expect to reach if the ofiensive is 
successful?” he asked. 

The Marshal, nettled at being cross-exa m i n ed by so 
young an officer, repHed in general terms: 

“We usually aim at a point that is decisive to us. Any 
further action depends on circumstances.” 

“There!” cried the general to Prince Vaheddin, “even the 



Chief of the German Staff doesn’t know his objective and 
trusts to luck to get him through.” 

That evening there was a banquet given by the Emperor 
in honour of his guests. Under the influence of the imperial 
champagne, the Turkish general again approached Hinden- 

“Your Excellency”, he said, “the facts you supphed this 
morning to Prince Vaheddin about the Syrian Front were 
quite wrong. I know, for I was there, and the cavalry 
division of which you spoke exists only on paper. However, 
let that pass. Would you, as a favour, tell me in confidence 
what is the objective of this new ofifensive?” 

The Marshal looked down from his great height upon this 
presumptuous young man, and, completely ignoring his 
questions, gave him a cigarette to keep him quiet. 

In days to come, which none could then foresee, both 
were destined to become presidents in their own countries, 
for the cock-sure young Turk was Mustapha Kemal Pasha. 

In fact, the plans for the offensive were, of course, 
considerably more definite in form than the Supreme 
Command had seen fit to tell the Turks! The general aim 
was by a series of terrific blows to shatter the enemy’s 
continuous entrenched position, to make it impossible for 
them through lack of reserves to hold together in open 
warfare, and to defeat their separate armies. If it proved 
impossible to reduce them to complete impotence, at least 
the war-will — and more particularly the VernicUungswille 
(“desire for annihilation”) — of their peoples must be so 
broken as to make it impossible for them to await the 
long and uncertain process of reconstructing their shattered 
fortunes with American aid. 

Such was the general conception. To bring it to fruition 
there was a variety of alternatives, the merits of which 
were canvassed and sifted. On January 21, however, 
Ludendorff, again in the absence of Hindenburg, came to a 
final decision. The blow should fall with its full weight upon 



the British army, on a seventy-mile front from Vimy 
Ridge to Barisis-sur-Oise. This course was chosen partly 
because Great Britain was regarded as the mainspring of 
the Entente; partly because the Supreme Command con- 
sidered the British less sMlful tactically than the French — 
"The Enghshman did not understand how to control rapid 
changes in the situation. His methods were too rigid”, was 
Hindenburg’s opinion — and partly because it was rightly 
calculated that the French would not “run themselves ofi 
their legs and hurry at once to the help of their Entente 
comrades”. The tactical break-through was not in itself an 
objective; its raison d’etre was to gain an opportunity for 
applying that strongest form of attack, envelopment; to 
drive a wedge between the British and French armies and 
defeat them severally. 

The execution of the ofiensive was entrusted to the Army 
Groups of the German and Bavarian Crown Princes, who 
assembled between them forty-three divisions to be 
launched against the fourteen divisions of the British Fifth 
Army. This gave the Germans odds in their favour of over 
three to one, and this overwhelming superiority in numbers 
discounted the fact that the place, date, and even the time 
of assault were eventually known to the British, in spite of 
the elaborate German precautions to preserve secrecy. 

On March 18 Hindenburg and LudendorfE moved up to 
Avesnes. At that time the exact date for the opening of the 
ofiensive had not been fixed, but it was felt that if any 
element of surprise was to be preserved it must be launched 
as soon as possible. The weather was stormy and rainy 
almost the whole of March 20. The prospects for the morrow 
were uncertain, but at noon it was definitely decided that 
the battle should begin on the morning of the following day. 
The orders had been drawn up on March 10 over the 
Emperor’s signature with the day and hour of attack left 
blank; now they were brought to Hindenburg and he 
countersigned them. 



The early morning hours of March 21 found the whole 
of Northern France, from the coast to the Aisne, shrouded 
in mist. At 4.40 a terrific bombardment from seven thousand 
guns opened with a crash on the forty-mile front of the 
British Fifth Army. The higher the sun mounted into the 
sky the thicker the fog became. At times it limited the range 
of vision to a few yards. Even the sound-waves seemed to be 
absorbed in the grey veil. Back in Avesnes, Hindenburg and 
Ludendorff could only hear a distant, indefinite roU of 
thunder coming from the front. At a httle after 9 o’clock 
the creeping barrage began, and at the same time the grey 
waves of German infantry began to advance through the 
fog. The greatest struggle in history had opened. The 
“Kaiser’s Battle” was on. 

At first only vague reports reached Avesnes; recitals of 
objectives reached, contradictions of previous reports, 
rumours and alarms. Ordy gradually, as the mist began to 
dissolve and the sun to triumph, was it reahzed that the 
British Line had been broken through at all points. By the 
evening it was clear that the right and centre of the German 
advance was held up before the British second line, but 
the left had swept forward far beyond St. Quentin. The 
delay, however, was disposed of on the following day, and 
the attack pushed farther and farther westwards. Hundreds 
of guns and enormous quantities of ammunition and other 
booty fell into German hands and long columns of British 
prisoners were marched towards the rear. P4ronne was 
captured on the 23rd, and on that same day the first long- 
range shells fell upon Paris. An advance now seemed pos- 
sible on Amiens, that nodal point of the most important 
railway connection between the war zones of Central and 
Northern France. If it fell into German hands the Allied 
field of operations would be divided and the tactical 
break-through would indeed have been converted into 
a strategical wedge between the French and British 
armies, which might even develop into a pohtical cleav- 


age between the two countries. Forward, then, against 

The evening of March 24 saw the fall of Bapaume and the 
old Somme battlefield was behind the German lines; wide 
sections of the Bnghsh Front had been utterly routed. What 
remained of the Fifth Ajmy had been placed under the 
command of the French General FayoUe and was retiring 
on Amiens. On the 26th the French considered the position 
of the British so critical that at the Conference of DouUens, 
when Haig entered the room, Petain whispered to Clemen- 
ceau, “There is a man who will be forced to see his army 
capitulate in the open field”. 

But the force of the German attack was slackening; the 
pace was too fast and the calibre of the men was not equal 
to the strain. The success of a break-through is not only a 
question of tactics and strategy, it is essentially one of re- 
inforcement and supply. The German losses had been very 
heavy, the price of the advance was ghastly; for the first 
time in the war they had two soldiers killed for every 
British, and three officers killed for every two British. Their 
consumption of material exceeded their captures, and the 
quality of the food and equipment served out to the men, 
much of it Ersatz in character, began to tell unfavourably. 

Here was the nemesis of that fatal earher pohcy which had 
been the lodestar of the Supreme Command since 1916. A 
million troops immobilized was the price of aggrandisement 
in the East, and half that number would have turned the 
scale in the West during the last week of March. According 
to both Sir Douglas Haig and General Mangin, only a few 
cavalry divisions were necessary to widen the gap between 
the French and the British, thus severing the two armies. 
These were not available on the Western Front, but at that 
moment three cavalry divisions were occupied in the 
Ukraine propping up the impopular and imsavoury govern- 
ment of the Hetman, Skoropadsky. As it was, the drive for 
Amip.ns fell short by ten miles and flickered out in heavy 

Tmpenul Wnr Museum Phomraph Copyrigm m 



fighting around Villers-Bretonneux, Hangard, and Moreuil. 
By April 4 the “Greatest Battle of the War” was over; its 
most far-reaching effect had been the appointment of Poch 
as Allied Comm ander-in-Chief . 

But this was by no means the impression made in Ger- 
many, where the advance of the army and the enormous 
captures of men and material were hailed with enthusiasm. 
Por the last time a wave of optimism swept the country, 
and with it came a great re-awakening of the Hindenburg 
Legend. Both were anxiously and immediately exploited. 
The battle was christened “die KaiserschlacM” , and the 
Emperor conferred upon the Marshal the highest military 
order of Prussia, the Grand Cross of the Iron Cross with 
Golden Bays, which had been created for Blucher after 
Waterloo and which even the great Moltke had not received. 
The fact that this honour, usually regarded as the crowning 
award at the close of a victorious campaign, should be given 
to Hindenburg at a moment when the final issue of the 
battle was stfil in serious doubt, cannot have escaped him, 
for at this moment he writes to his wife: “What is the use 
of all these orders? A good and advantageous peace is what 
I should prefer. It is not my fault m any case if the struggle 
ends unfavourably for us.” This is not the tone of a com- 
mander assured of victory. 

To exploit the successes against the British in the south 
and to take advantage of the weakening of the enemy line 
through the transfer of reserves, the Supreme Command 
planned a new stroke in the north across the valley of the 
Lys from Armentieres to La Bass4e, the ultimate object 
being the capture of Calais and Boulogne. Beginning on 
April 9, the anniversary of NiveUe’s fatal attack, it too 
met with initial success. The great natural bastion of 
Kemmel Hill was captured from the British; the Portuguese 
divisions ceased to exist as a fighting force; Armentieres, 
Bailleul, and Wytschaete fell into German hands and they 
stormed again the battered ruins of Messines. The British 



were in great jeopardy, and the gravity of the situation 
was reflected in Haig’s now historic order of the day: 
“With our backs to the wall”. 

But again at the critical moment the last ounce of weight 
was missing from the German onslaught. Discipline was 
slackening and considerable time was lost while the troops 
pillaged the captured British stores for the luxuries which 
the Allied blockade had so long denied them. The heavy 
losses were beginning to tell more and more, and there were 
no fresh divisions to throw into the line. On the other hand, 
new British divisions were arriving from Italy and Palestine, 
and American troops were now entering Prance at the rate 
of 125,000 a month. 

The second great attack had failed in its final objective. 
The AUied line sagged and bulged but it remained imbroken. 
Neither Amiens nor Calais had been reached and the tide 
was beginning to turn. Once again Hindenburg and Luden- 
dorfi gathered their strength for a further efiort. But their 
strength was not what it had been. Only forty-one divisions 
were available for this third great attack dehvered against 
the French on May 27 along the heights of the Chemin des 
Dames, with Paris as the objective. 

The attack, however, was a complete surprise. The French 
had considered the position impregnable and had regarded 
the absence of a previous German attack on this section as 
a recognition of the fact on their part. Hindenburg himself 
was inchned to beheve the story told to him by an officer 
who had taken part in the preparations on the Ailette, that 
the croaking of the frogs in the streams and marshes had 
been so loud that it was impossible for the French to hear 
the sounds made by the approach of the German bridging 
trains! Whatever the cause, the French were taken off their 
guard and were rapidly thrown back across the Aisne and 
as far as the Marne. Again the Allied front was dented 
perilously and again the German assault proved just too 
weak to break it. Mangin’s counter-attack and the 



Americans’ baptism of blood at Cbateau-Thierry brought 
tbe third German attack to a standstill before the gates of 
Paris. The action closed on June 8 and both sides paused 
for a breathing-space. 

The outcome of the offensive had been entirely contrary 
to the hopes, expectations, and promises of the High Com- 
mand. In spite of every effort they had not been able to 
inflict a mortal wound upon their adversaries in either a 
mili tary or a pohtical sense. There was no sign of surrender 
on the part of the Entente. On the contrary, each military 
reverse seemed only to increase their determination to carry 
on the struggle to the bitter end. 

Such was not the case within the Quadruple AUiance. 
Separatism in Hungary, disruption and revolt m Austria, 
reared their heads and hissed at the Dual Monarchy. In 
Germany the fruits of Brest-Litovsk were ripening and the 
corrosive doctrines of Bolshevism were making rapid in- 
roads upon the morale of the Home Front. Divisions trans- 
ferred from the East brought the infection with them, as 
did exchanged prisoners of war, and the army in the West 
began to feel its influence. 

The fact that, despite the very large gains in territory, 
the German offensives of March, April, and May had failed 
in their fundamental object of breaking the Allied line, was 
not generally appreciated in the country, where the tactical 
successes of the army were still the cause for great rejoicings. 
Amongst the leading men of Germany there were, however, 
those who had entirely lost hope of victory and were anxious 
only to make peace while the power of taking the offensive 
stOl remained with the army. The Crown Prince of Bavaria, 
Prince Max of Baden, and Kiihlmann, who had held this 
view longer than any of them, all urged upon the Chancellor 
the necessity of a peace offensive. 

The Supreme Command remained silent as to the reality 
which lay hidden behind their apparent victory, but their 
views leaked through to the Imperial Government by 



indirect channels. “Greneral Ludendorfi”, wrote Prince 
Eupprecht to Hertling on June 1 (a full week before the 
end of the battle of Soissons), “shares my view that in all 
probability a crushing defeat of the enemy is out of the 
question; he is now resting his hopes upon the success of a 
deus ex machind in the shape of an internal collapse in the 
Western Powers.” 

Prince Max had conveyed the same warning to the 
Supreme Command themselves. Dining at Avesnes on May 
19 and sitting between the Marshal and Ludendorfi, he 
begged them to promise him one thing, that they would 
warn the Govermnent before the last ofiensive strength 
had been thrown in, for then it would be high time to make 
peace. Everything, he assured them, depended on whether 
Germany went to the conference table with an army still 
capable of striking, so that a further appeal to arms could 
be made if impossible terms were put forward. At the 
moment both agreed with him, but the Prince feared that 
his plea would soon be forgotten. 

The diffi culties of the situation were not lessened by the 
fact that at this critical moment the Supreme Command 
and the head of the Foreign Office had become bitter 
enemies. The breach which had opened at the Bellevue 
Palace on January 2 had never been bridged. An attempt 
at reconcihation had been made by Colonel von Haeften, 
the representative of the Supreme Command at the Foreign 
Office, but it had failed, both sides displaying an almost 
child-like obstinacy. 

Haeften, however, shared the views of Kuhhnann and 
Prince Max of Baden as to the gravity of the situation, and 
in June he made a further efiort. In a memorandum, with 
which he arrived at Avesnes, he declared: “Unless our 
statesmanship gets to work on a definite plan before the 
conclusion of the military operations, there is no prospect 
of a peace of statesmanship; and only a peace of statesman- 
ship corresponds with our interests”. 



By this time the High Command had themselves realized 
the necessity of at least exploiting politically the intervals 
between battles. They gave approval to Haeften’s proposals 
for a peace offensive. Ludendorff actually agreed that 
victories alone could not bring peace. “It is high time”, he 
said to Haeften, “that something was done”, and he sent 
the memorandum to the Chancellor with a covering letter. 
Haeften returned to Berlin almost jubilant and reported 
his conversation to Herthng and Kiihlmann, adding that 
he beheved that the Supreme Command would now agree 
even to a declaration on the restoration of Belgian inde- 
pendence. Kuhlmann commissioned him to prepare and 
carry out the political offensive. 

The Foreign Secretary himself beheved that he was 
on the threshold of estabhshing confidential conversations 
with the Alhes, and this behef was strengthened by the 
reports he had received from England via the Hague and 
by the famous letter of Lord Lansdowne, and the speeches 
of Mr. Asquith and General Smuts. Armed with the news 
which Haeften had brought him from Avesnes that the 
Supreme Command themselves no longer beheved in victory 
by force of arms alone, he seized upon the occasion of a 
debate on foreign affairs in the Eeichstag on June 24 to 
make a reply to these tentative feelers from abroad. 

The speech contained nothing that was not obvious and 
nothing that was not completely substantiated by the 
events of the months which followed. But Kiihhnann was 
speaking in what appeared superficially to be a breathing- 
space between two great German victories. He emphasized 
that in order to acMeve peace an understanding must be 
sought between Germany and the Entente. “Without some 
such exchange of ideas, in view of the enormous magnitude 
of this coahtion war and of the number of Powers involved 
in it, including those from overseas, an absolute end can 
hardly be expected through purely military decisions alone, 
without any diplomatic negotiations.” The remainder of the 



speech was an appeal to the Majority parties in the Reich- 
stag to take their stand on the Peace Resolution of a year 
before and to take the initiative once more. 

But the Reichstag rose against him almost to a man. 
Count Westarp declared for the Conservatives: “Just 
as our good sword has brought us peace in the East, so too 
will our sword bring us peace in the West”. Stresemann 
and Posadowsky followed with bitter criticisms, and the 
Socialist leaders, Scheidemann and Ledebour, dehvered 
themselves, in the words of Prince Rupprecht, of “nasty 
speeches which undoubtedly make negotiations far more 

But from Avesnes there came a bellow of rage. It was 
impossible to deny the truth of what Kuhlmann had said, 
but he had blurted out pubhcly what should only have been 
whispered suh rosa. In the Headquarters mess the word 
“traitor” was used quite openly, and immediately steps 
were taken to procure Kuhlmann’s dismissal. By tele- 
phone Ludendorff, in language scarcely coherent, cancelled 
Haeften’s projected pohtical offensive, while Hinden- 
burg in a telegram to the Chancellor expressed “extreme 
indignation” at Kiihhnann’s speech, which would have 
a “profoundly depressing effect” upon the morale of 
the army and people alike. The Supreme Command, he 
added, “could no longer work with the Foreign Secretary”. 
An imperious summons was issued to Count Herthng to 
report at Spa on July 1. 

On that occasion the Imperial Government was arraigned 
before the Supreme Command. The Chancellor sought to 
defend his colleague “hke a teacher trying to excuse a bad 
essay by one of his pupils to a school inspector”. Kuhhnann 
was overwrought, Hertling pleaded; he was exhausted, had 
no time to prepare his speech adequately, had not even had 
time for lunch. Hindenburg rephed that a Foreign Minister 
must find time to prepare a speech of such importance, and 
added: “The Supreme Command has never tried to disguise 



their suspicions of the Foreign Secretary”. They could no 
longer work with him. 

The Emperor arrived next day. The Chancellor and the 
Marshal both appealed to him. Again Wilhelm II was faced 
with this grim dilemma. The Imperial Government or the 
High Command? The Constitution or the Condominium? 
Again under the threat of resignation he surrendered. He 
did more, he surrendered abjectly. At the Crown Councils 
of July 2 and 3, all thoughts of a peace offensive were 
abandoned. The Emperor and the Chancellor subscribed 
to the foreign policy of the High Command. The Austro- 
Polish solution was finally dropped, and Poland was re- 
quired to surrender her frontier and to pay a contribution 
to the expenses of the war. Belgixim, it was agreed, “must 
remain under German influence to prevent a hostile invasion 
from ever advancing through it again”. It was to be divided 
into two separate states, Flanders and Wallonia, and 
Germany required a long military occupation, the Flanders 
coast and Liege being the last points to be evacuated. The 
Admiralty representatives even put in a claim for a neutral 
zone on the east coast of North America, but the Emperor 
stopped short of this colossal folly and declined to include 
it in the peace terms. 

The Emperor returned to Berlin and on July 8 dismissed 
KuhImann. In so doing he deprived Germany of the ser- 
vices of her most far-sighted war statesman, with the excep- 
tion of Bethmann HoUweg, and destroyed the last hope of 
securing a peace of understanding. By July 12 the Emperor 
was back in Spa, full of confidence and ready to witness the 
overwhelming success of his armies which should bring him 
a peace of victory. 

The “Kaiser’s Battle” was indeed entering on its last 
phase, but 'not in the sense that the Emperor and the High 
Command had hoped. The battle of Rheims, which opened 
on July 15, was, in the words of a neutral eye-witness, 
“brilliant but hopeless”, for, whereas on the Marne the 



G-erman divisions crossed and drove forward half-way to 
Epernay before they were held by a force of French, 
American, and Itahan troops, east of the city of Rheims 
they met with frightful defeat and were stopped dead, 
losing as many as 30,000 killed. Two days after it had been 
launched, the offensive had withered away. Orders were 
issued to withdraw behind the Marne. On the following day, 
July 18, came the first Alhed counter-offensive and the 
initiative passed finally out of German hands. 

It was the beginning of the end. With two miUion fresh, 
young American troops in France, Foch put forth his new 
strength, and it was only with great difficulty and by much 
hard and costly fighting that the Germans were able to 
bring the Allies to a standstill on the hue of the Vesle on 
August 2. 

Even then, Hindenburg and Ludendorff had not 
emerged from the Valley of Delusion. Duriug the period 
of comparative qixiet which followed August 2, the new 
Foreign Minister, Admiral von Hintze, arrived at Avesnes 
and put the question as to whether the Supreme Command 
were still certain of finally and decisively beating the 
enemy. To this Ludendorff rephed with “a decided yes”, 
and the Admiral returned to Berlin reassured, and hopeful 
that it might be his “pleasant and promising part to crown 
an assured victory with a victorious peace”. 

A few days later came Colonel Niemann, the representa- 
tive of the Supreme Command with the Emperor, with a 
further enquiry: “Can I assure His Majesty that Your Ex- 
cellency win shorten the fine?” he asked Ludendorff. “It 
appears to me that the positions in which our counter- 
attacks have left us are awkward for defence and require 
too many troops”. “Defence?” cried Ludendorff. “I hope 
that in a few days, as soon as the men have pulled them- 
selves together, om attack on Ami ens will be in full swing 
again!”; and he actually began to plan four minor offensives. 
Only the Athenians before Syracuse or the French before 



Moscow showed such a lack of appreciation of the real 
roihtary situation as the G-erman High Command evinced 
in the summer of 1918. 

But there came a day on August 8 when even Ludendorfi 
was disillusioned. On that “black day of the German 
Army” the first of the Allied hammer blows was delivered 
by the British east of Amiens. A considerable defeat was 
suffered by the German divisions and the order to counter- 
attack could no longer be carried out. For the first time 
whole divisions failed and in many cases allowed themselves 
to be captured without resistance. From then until Nov- 
ember the German armies, fighting bravely and stubbornly, 
were engaged in a retreat for which little or no preparation 
had been made. 

The events of August 8 were not merely a military defeat 
of grave importance. They were tantamount to a vote of 
no-confidence passed by the German army on the Supreme 
Command. Ludendorfi realized this to the full, and there is 
little doubt that from this realization dates the mental de- 
terioration which showed itself so clearly in the weeks which 
followed. “There is no more hope for the ofiensive”, he 
said gloomily to von Haeften on August 12. “The generals 
have lost their foothold”. One of his periodic crises de nerfs 
seized upon the First Quartermaster-General. He proposed 
his resignation to the Emperor, who reassured him as to his 
personal feehngs towards him, and gave him “quite special 
proofs of his confidence”. Ludendorfi urged the Field- 
Marshal to replace him if he thought it advisable, but 
Hindenburg refused. 

For the prevalent epidemic of disillusionment had failed 
to touch the Marshal. Though in 1919 he wrote in his 
memoirs that he had “no illusion about the pohtical efiects 
of our defeat of August 8”, and was wont to reiterate in the 
days of his Presidency that as far back as February 1918 he 
had known that the war was lost, these reflections in retro- 
spect may be classed with the oft-repeated assertion of 




George IV that he had led a charge at the battle of Waterloo. 
No one took them very seriously, but “they had often 
heard His Excellency say so”. 

The truth is that at this time the Marshal really knew 
very httle of what was going on about him. Separated by 
an army of ofi&cials from a nation which regarded him with 
almost superstitious adoration, he hved in an entirely false 
atmosphere of optimism, and Ludendorfi saw to it that only 
those had access to him who represented the nation’s “will 
to victory”, a will which was slowly growing weaker. Even 
his position at Spa had become anomalous. He had few or 
no mihtary functions, and when one of his former general 
staff ofidcers. General von Kuhl, was asked as to what part 
he played, he was hard put to it to reply. After considerable 
reflection he asserted that the Marshal “helped to see that 
General Headquarters did not get slack in their work”. He 
was not kept closely informed on the current mihtary situa- 
tion. The reports of the divisional commanders were always 
received by Ludendorff alone; and Colonel Bauer, the chief 
of the Operations Section, admitted that “towards the end 
we did not tell him even where the army corps were 
stationed”. Consequently he retained his illusion much 
longer than Ludendorff, with the result that at the Crown 
Council which met at Spa on August 14 to consider the 
situation he adopted a more optimistic tone than his 

Ludendorff had previously informed Hintze in confidence 
that he had no longer any hope of breaking the resolution 
of the enemy by means of an offensive, and that his only 
hope now lay in a strategic defence which would eventually 
succeed in wearing out the AlHes. But at the Council, in the 
presence of the Emperor, the Crown Prince, and the Chan- 
cellor, he confined himself to criticism of the Home Front 
and did not mention the mihtary situation. It was left to 
Hintze, who had been rudely awakened by his conversation 
of the day before, to survey the position and to repeat to 



the Council what Ludendorfi had told him, namely, that the 
enemy could no longer be beaten by military operations. 
Hindenburg, however, took a considerably more optimistic 
view. “It will be possible”, he assured the Emperor, “to 
maintain our troops on French territory, and thereby in 
the end enforce our will upon the enemy”. 

The impression conveyed was both disastrous and erro- 
neous. To those at the Council it appeared that, whereas 
Ludendorfi no longer beheved in a victorious conclusion of 
the war, the Marshal still had hopes that, with Grod’s help, 
it was not beyond attainment; and they preferred to beheve 
Hindenburg. The last possible opportunity of a negotiated 
peace was therefore allowed to slip by, for it was agreed 
that the situation was not so acute as to warrant a direct 
peace ofier to the Alhes, but only that negotiations should 
be opened as soon as possible through the mediation of the 
King of Spain and the Queen of the Netherlands. 

The pohcy of self-deception was carried stiU further. 
Not even these specified negotiations were seriously under- 
taken, and on August 21 the Chancellor informed the 
Eeichstag that “there is no ground for doubting our 
victory”. As late as September 15 he repeated this assertion 
to the party leaders, assuring them that the war would be 
carried on to the bitter end, that no peace ofier was con- 
templated, and that the time for one was not yet ripe. 

Such were the disastrous repercussions of the first occa- 
sion on which Hindenburg adopted a seriously divergent 
view from that of Ludendorfi, for although within the 
circle of the High Command he was taken at his true worth 
and occupied the position of “a greatly respected zero”, 
outside of Avesnes, to Germans high and low he was 
Hindenburg-, the conqueror of the Bast and West, a Titan, 
an epic hero, a Siegfried, who would triumph against aU 
adversities. The star of the Hiadenburg legend still shone 
brightly, and its rays dazzled the intelligence of many who 
should have shown better judgment. Undoubtedly the 



Marshal spoke as he believed, but his beliefs were as un- 
grounded as those of others built upon his words. 

But disillusionnient and nemesis were hot-foot upon the 
way. Upon every front, in France and Flanders, in Syria 
and Palestine, in Macedonia, and along the Piave, the Allied 
legions, refreshed with victory, were pressing hard upon the 
tottering fortress of the Central Powers. By September 26 
all the ground gained by such bloody sacrifice in the 
summer ofiensives had been lost, and once again Germans 
and Allies scowled at each other across the Hindenburg 
Line. In the south-east the outer bastion of German defence 
was falling, for on the 25th news came from Sofia that a 
Bulgarian Armistice had become an immediate and un- 
avoidable necessity. Despairing cries came too from Vienna 
and from Constantiaople. The Quadruple Alliance, which 
had for so long existed upon the sole support of German 
divisions and supplies, was fast crumbling now that the 
source of this cohesive force was drying up. 

The Home Front too was cracking. The miseries occa- 
sioned by the Allied blockade became daily more harrowing. 
Workmen fainted in the factories, women coUapsed in the 
streets, few children even had sufficient to eat. What food 
there was was of the loathsome Ersatz variety, repulsive 
and lacking in nutriment. With hunger came the spectre 
of revolution. The clamour for constitutional reform and 
the introduction of democratic government could no longer 
be silenced. It made itself heard in the Eeichstag and in 
the press of the Left; it found support in the hearts of many 
soldiers returning to the front from leave at home; it was 
utOized by Socialists and Communists ahke, though with 
different ends in view. Above all, the intense war-weariness 
of the masses made itself evident in the enthusiastic organ- 
ization of meetings for the purpose of “supporting a peace 
of understanding along the lines of the Eeichstag Peace 
Eesolution of July 19, 1917”. These meetings were banned 
by the military authorities. 



To meet this grave situation the aged and inert Herthng 
was utterly inadequate. The Centre Party refused him their 
support and passed into opposition. It was only a matter of 
days before his Cabinet must fall. 

These events deprived Ludendorff of all judgment and 
sense of proportion. As each disquieting report succeeded 
another at Spa, his mind became more and more confused 
and his imagination more fantastic. His nerves had given 
way again and he was consumed with a passion for self- 
justification. He had convinced himself that, at the Council 
of August 14, he had defimitely urged the beginning of 
peace negotiations. He had erased from his memory aU 
reference to his actual advice of “strategic defence which 
should gradually wear down the enemy’s fighting spirit”. 
He was now persuaded that everything was lost and became 
obsessed by the terror of an immediate collapse of the 
German armies in the field. To prevent the awful circum- 
stances of Germany’s thus finding herself stripped, helpless, 
and at the mercy of her enemies, an armistice must be 
proposed at once and an ofier of peace made to the Alhes 
on the basis of President Wilson’s Fourteen Points. 

It is doubtful whether Ludendorfi had ever read this 
document, or, if he had, whether he had regarded it as 
anything more than a conglomeration of vague generahties. 
His conception of such an ofier envisaged a gradual with- 
drawal of German troops from France and Belgium to 
prepared positions on their own territory where the 
struggle could be resumed if the Alhed peace terms proved 
intolerable. In no way was the word “armistice” connected 
in his mind with the word “capitulation”. 

It was late in the afternoon of September 28 when the 
First Quartermaster-General reached this decision, and, 
su mm oning his aides, he went to inform Hindenburg. His 
face, as he passed through the hall of the Hotel Britannique, 
was hvid and haggard above his field-grey uniform, with the 
cross Pour le Merite ghttering at his throat. When he 



reached the Marahal’s room he could scarcely speak, but 
controlhng himself with an effort, he gasped out that an 
armistice must be concluded at once — at once. There was 
not a moment to lose. 

It took more than a moment to convince old Hindenburg 
that he was hearing aright. He had seen Ludendorff in a 
state of nerves many times since August 1914, but never to 
this degree. But when full realization dawned on him, bring- 
ing the shattering of his illusions, his phlegmatic character 
came to his rescue. He was deeply stricken, but he kept his 
iron control. To the nerve-racked man before him he extended 
both his hands and took the other’s right hand in them. It 
was a gesture which was to become historic in G-erman 
politics, and those who experienced it learned to fear it. 
With tears In his eyes he gave his silent acquiescence to his 
colleague’s verdict. Later in his career his tears and his 
silence were to become notorious. 

A httle before noon on the following morning (September 
29) in the Chateau de la Fraineuse, the Chief of the General 
Staff and the First Quartermaster-General stood before 
their Supreme War Lord with the melancholy duty of 
confessing to him that he and they were defeated men, 
and that this fact must be proclaimed to the world within 
twenty-four hours. Wilhelm II behaved with great dignity 
of manner, and displayed a nobihty unusual in him. He 
did not reproach the Marshal, who, but six short weeks 
before, had talked of maintaining himself on French 
territory to “enforce our will upon the enemy”, nor the 
General who, at the same time, had urged a “strategic 
defence which should wear down the enemy’s fighting 
spirit”. This was no time for repining. The Emperor was 
faced with the question not merely of terminating the 
war, but whether he could keep his throne. One means 
remained by which the German people might be rallied 
to their loyalty to the dynasty and to the defence of their 
country d Voutrance. The supreme power, which Wilhelm II 


held as absolute monarch in time of war, must be trans- 
ferred to the people themselves, and must be vested in 
them. Parhamentary government must be conceded at 
once as the forerunner of a new constitution. It was the 
only hope. Hintze, who had arrived from Berlin that morn- 
ing, urged immediate action. Ludendorfi feverishly supported 
him. What was needed was a “Eevolution from above”. 

Quicldy and quietly the Emperor made his decisions. 
He accepted the unavoidable with fortitude and concurred 
in the proposal for an immediate armistice. After some 
hesitation and an attempt at procrastination, he took the 
final political plunge, and signed the most difficult document 
of his career, the proclamation of a parhamentary regime. 
The same day he had faced defeat at home and abroad; by 
the evening he appeared a broken and suddenly aged man. 

On September 30 Count von Hertling, with his Cabinet, 
resigned. So passed from the stage the third of Germany’s 
war Chancellors. The first had had to go because he was 
“too slack” for the High Command; the second because he 
was unable to bring the requirements of the High Command 
into accord with the growing war-weariness of the people; 
and the third, an aged and djdng man, was now departing 
when the High Command had lost their grip of the situation. 
The search for the fourth continued. 

Ludendorfi’s panic had communicated itself to the whole 
General Headquarters. It was impossible to wait for a new 
Cabinet to be formed; the armistice request must go forth 
at once. This demand was communicated to Berlin by 
Griinau, the Foreign Office representative at Spa, and he 
added: “He [Ludendorfi] said he felt like a gambler, and 
that a division might fail him anywhere at any time. I get 
the impression that they have aU lost their nerve here”. 

At length, in the afternoon of October 1, came the news 
that Prince Max of Baden was considering the formation of 
a government and, in consideration of this, Hindenburg 
telegraphed to the Vice-Chancellor that if by that evening 



it was certain that a new Cabinet would be formed, be 
agreed to delaying action for twenty-four hours; on the 
other hand, “if there should be any doubt as to the forma- 
tion of the Cabinet, I am strongly of opinion that the 
declaration to the Foreign Powers should be issued to- 

That same day the Bulgarians signed an armistice and 
Hindenbmg left for Berhn to meet the new Chancellor. 
With him went Major von dem Bussche of the General 
Headquarters Stafi, who was to break the news to the 
party leaders. 

There is something strangely ironic in the fact that the 
first democratic Chancellor of Germany should have been 
a Prussian Major-General, a Prince, and the heir to a 
Grand Ducal throne. Yet the choice of Prince Max was not 
altogether an unfortunate one. He had shown distinct demo- 
cratic tendencies, and his reahsation of the necessity of 
peace made him acceptable to the Left. Moreover his 
generous work with the Red Cross and for prisoners of war 
had earned the sympathy and admiration of friend and foe 
alike. But he was too much of a “border-hne man”, and 
during the six weeks of his Chancellorship he alternated 
between a policy of war-like cunning and a child-like belief in 
humanity. His best-intentioned actions were never in time, 
and this he realized in the bitterness of the after years. ‘T 
thought I should have arrived five minutes before the 
hour,” he wrote, “but I arrived five minutes after it.” 

His Cabinet, composed for the first time of responsible 
Ministers, iucluded Solf as Foreign Secretary, Erzberger as 
Minister without Portfoho, General von Scheuch at the 
Ministry of War, and such Socialist leaders as Scheidemann 
and Bauer. The new Chancellor’s mainstay and support 
throughout these troubled weeks was, however, his private 
secretary and alter ego, Kurt Hahn, to whom must be 
given the credit for such constructive moves as were 
made by the Prince. 



At a Crown Council in Berlin, on October 2, the Prince and 
the Marshal met before the Emperor. Hindenburg repeated 
Ludendorff’s demand for an immediate truce: “The Army 
cannot wait forty-eight hours”. Prince Max demurred. The 
position, he argued, was very grave and undoubtedly an offer 
of an armistice must be made, but such precipitancy as was 
demanded by the High Command was suicidal. It would be 
interpreted by the Entente as a capitulation. The change of 
regime and an appeal to the Fourteen Points smacked too 
strongly of a death-bed repentance to be regarded abroad as 
anything else but a policy of desperation, and the Prince 
was better informed as to the American mentality than the 
Marshal. He remembered a conversation he had recently had 
with Max Warburg. The best Americans, the banker had 
said, were gentlemen, but there were also the self-opinion- 
ated individuals who knew nothing of Europe. If Germany 
humiliated herself now, not the good type, but the bad, 
would be masters of the situation. “In that case Wilson will 
not be able to maintain himself against the party machines. 
He will demand the German Republic.” 

These larger issues the Chancellor endeavoured to explain 
to Hindenburg in support of his policy of delay. Let there 
be an armistice offer by aU means, but there must be at least 
a fortnight in which to prepare the ground. 

But the Prince found a united opposition against him. 
Hindenburg repeated Ludendorff’s arguments bke a good 
child that has learned its lesson, and the Emperor supported 
him with unusual violence. “The Supreme Command con- 
siders it necessary; and you have not been brought here to 
make difficulties for the Supreme Command”, he told the 
Chancellor tersely. 

There is bttle doubt that, left to himself, Hindenburg 
might well have been disposed to agree with Prince Max’s 
view. He was stiff unconvinced that the situation was as 
desperate as Ludendorff believed it to be, and he was alter- 
nating between moments of optimism and depression. His 



natural tendency, born of a phlegmatic and nerveless char- 
acter, was to fight on; on the other hand the tremendous 
influence of his partner “in marriage” was against this. It 
is even possible that he had come to Berlin in a scarcely 
realized attempt to escape the defeatist atmosphere of Spa, 
for it was the first time that he had attended a Crown 
Council without Ludendorff. “I hoped I could fight down 
pessimism and revive confidence,” he writes, “for I myself 
was still firmly convinced that in spite of the diminution of 
our forces we could prevent our enemy from treading the 
soil of the Fatherland for many months.” 

But even at a distance the influence of Ludendorff was 
strong upon him. To aU the Prince’s arguments he repeated 
obstinately the demand for an immediate truce, saying, 
what in his heart he did not really beheve, that he could 
not give any assurance that a further enemy offensive 
would not end in disaster. The Prince pressed him further. 
If the Supreme Command beheved that the situation was so 
desperate, it was for them to raise the white flag in the field. 

Hindenburg did not like it being put that way. He was 
not skilled in debate and had never taken an important 
decision without Ludendorff, who had usually taken it first. 
While preserving his stohd exterior, he was inwardly sorely 
perplexed. He could only repeat the brief which he had 
learnt, but he agreed to give his final opinion in writing to 
the Chancellor next day. As soon as the Council was over 
he rang up Ludendorff at Spa, and the letter which followed 
bears signs of joint authorship: 

The Supreme Command adheres to its demand made on Sunday 
September 29, for the immediate despatch of the Peace offer to our 

Owing to the breakdown on the Macedonian front, whereby a 
weakening of our reserves in the West is necessitated, and in con- 
sequence of the impossibihty of making good our very heavy losses 
in the battles of the last few days, there no longer exists any prospect, 
according to human calculation, of forcing peace upon our enemies. 



THe enemy is regularly bringing new and fresh reserves into 
action The German army still holds fast and repulses all attacks 
with success. But the position gets worse every day, and may force 
the Supreme Command to make serious decisions. 

In these circumstances it is imperative to stop fighting in order to 
spare the German people and its allies further useless sacrifices. 
Every day lost costs thousands of brave soldiers’ lives. 

VON Hindenburg, G.E.M. 

This letter is of great historical importance, in that it 
states clearly and definitely the causes of Germany’s 
collapse and tlie need for an immediate armistice. By 
putting his signature to it the Marshal had, despite his 
subsequent protests to the contrary, accepted the responsi- 
bihty, whatever may have been his private opinion. Of 
equal importance is the fact that no mention is made in the 
letter of the “stab in the back” theory of which the Marshal 
subsequently made so great a feature. 

Meantime, on the order of the Supreme Command but 
without the knowledge of the Chancellor, the party leaders 
had been assembled in the Reichstag Building to hear a state- 
ment on the mili tary situation by Major von dem Bussche. 
They came in that firm belief of eventual German victory 
which had been engendered by four years of ceaseless official 
propaganda and lies. Not one of them had the slightest idea 
of the gravity of the position; Ludendorff had fooled them 
as he had fooled the German people, the Emperor, and 
Hindenburg, and, as the staff officer proceeded with his 
statement (which bore many marks of similarity with that 
which had just been sent to the Chancellor, though written 
at least two days earlier), it was as though the grormd rocked 
beneath them. Certain sentences flashed at them like burn- 
ing arrows. “According to all human calculation, there 
exists no longer any possibUity of compeUing the enemy 
to plead for peace . . . the enemy is able to make good his 
losses through the assistance of America ... we can no 
longer win.” And then at last the final stab: “The Supreme 



Command have seen fit to propose to fiis Majesty that an 
attempt be made to put an end to the struggle . . . every 
twenty-four hours can impair the situation and give the 
enemy a chance to discover our real weakness”. 

His hsteners were dumbfounded, utterly crushed. Ebert 
went white as death and could not utter a word; Strese- 
mann looked as though someone had struck him. “We have 
been hed to and betrayed”, cried Heydebrand, and the 
Prussian Minister, von Waldow, staggered to his feet, 
muttering “There’s only one thing left now; to put a bullet 
in one’s head”. Only the extreme Left, the Independent 
Sociahsts, were jubilant. Haase rushed up to Ledebour, 
beaming. “Now we’ve got them”, he cried. And he was 
right. In this last effort to convince the party leaders of 
the correctness of their views, the Supreme Command had 
destroyed the last remnant of unity on the Home Front. 
Henceforth the Independent Socialists and many others 
were for peace at any price, not excluding therefrom the 
abolition of the monarchy, a subject which was indeed 
being discussed at that moment. 

In a last despairing effort to persuade the Supreme Com- 
mand to play for time. Prince Max made one final appeal 
to Hindenburg on the afternoon of October 3, pointing out 
to him that even under the best possible circumstances a 
precipitant peace move would mean the loss of Alsace- 
Lorraine and of the purely Polish districts of Eastern 
Prussia — so much was imphcit in the acceptance of the 
Fourteen Points as a basis of negotiation. To this the 
Marshal repHed, after the inevitable telephone conversation 
with Ludendorff, that the Supreme Command were quite 
prepared for the loss of the small French-speaking portion 
of the Reichsland, but that any surrender of German 
territory iu the East was out of the question. 

It became more and more evident that the Chancellor had 
read the Fourteen Points while the Supreme Command had 
not, and so the situation became more gravely comphcated. 



Berlin and Spa were not speaking the same language at this 
moment, and the effect would have been laughable had it 
not been so starkly tragic. 

But Hindenburg had a further moment of weakening. At 
a meeting of the Cabinet he gave expression to his own more 
optimistic views and declared that, if the terms of the Entente 
were too humiliating, he was for “fighting to the last man”; 
but, as Count Boedern, the Finance Minister, acidly pointed 
out, this act of gallantry, which was possible for a single 
battalion, was not to be expected of a people of sixty-five 
milhons. Fighting to the last man had become a favourite 
phrase of the Supreme Command; already Prince Rupprecht’s 
army had coined the bitter phrase that “The Prussians will 
fight on to the last Bavarian”. 

Prince Max grasped at this new vacillation on the part of 
Hindenburg as one clutching at a straw. Through Haeften 
he made a final offer to Ludendorff. A peace offer should 
be issued at once, but not coupled with a request for an 
armistice. Ludendorff refused utterly and absolutely, and 
repeated his original demands. He was anxious to get 
Hindenburg back to Spa and to come himself to Berlin. He 
knew well — ^who better? — that if a course of action were put 
to the Marshal in the name of duty and loyalty he would 
follow it blindly, and he feared that such an appeal might 
be made at the last moment. But the resistance of the 
Chancellor was at an end. With a heavy heart he signed the 
note which lay drafted upon his table, and, in the small 
hours of October 4, Germany’s appeal for an armistice was 
flashed across the Atlantic. 

Hindenburg returned to Spa, more wearied by his few 
days in Berlin than he had ever been by many arduous 
weeks of active service. He was out of place in that atmo- 
sphere of politics and intrigue, and he was glad to be back 
in an environment which he knew and understood. He 
devoted himself to the organization of defence and the 
carrying-out of the retreat, which continued steadily. For 



tte front still held, as he had always believed it would, and, 
though the repeated blows of the Alhes forced the German 
army to give ground, it still fought with courage and 
tenacity, inflicting heavy losses in many deadly rear-guard 

Throughout those sultry October days, Ludendorfi dashed 
frenziedly between Spa and BerHn, now endeavouring to 
buUy the Government into some form of action, now almost 
suppliant in his appeals for half a million more men for the 
defence of the country. But he was dealing with differ- 
ent types of pohticians from those whom he had been used 
to bend to his will. Scheidemann and the other Majority 
Socialists in the Cabinet had no reverence for the mihtary 
traditions. They were not impressed either by his threats 
or by his cajoleries. They were bent upon peace, the peace 
that had been so passionately demanded by the Supreme 
Command, and they faced with perfect equanimity the 
prospect of the First Quartermaster-General’s resignation, 
if that became necessary. 

And indeed Ludendorff had ceased to be an asset either 
to the High Command or to his country. His nerves 
had broken completely now, and even his reason seemed 
affected. As early as the end of August the Tsar Ferdinand 
of Bulgaria, while on a visit to Spa, had drawn the attention 
of the Emperor to Ludendorff’s highly nervous condition, 
and had suggested that some measures be taken to lessen 
the overwhelming burden of his responsibihties. There were 
whispers that he had suffered a stroke at Spa on that fatal 
29th of September, and his conduct certainly justified such 
a belief. The glory had departed. 

As the pre-armistice negotiations proceeded, so did 
Hindenbrng’s anxiety and indignation increase. The reply 
of Woodrow Wilson was couched in courteous terms. The 
President made a condition and put a question. An armis- 
tice could only be granted upon Germany’s agreeing to 
evacuate all occupied Alhed territory, and it was asked for 



whom the German Government spoke; was it “on behalf of 
those forces of the Empire that have hitherto been fight- 
ing?” Hindenburg was quite ready to agree to the provision 
for evacuation; it had been part of Ludendorff’s original 
plan to withdraw to prepared positions on German terri- 
tory; and the Chancellor was able to assure the President 
that the German Government spoke in the name of the 
German people and the majority of the Reichstag. 

So far so good. The negotiations seemed to be proceeding 
“according to plan”. The front was still holding out. Hopes 
revived. But here again nemesis appeared. On October 12, 
the very day of Prince Max’s Reply to President Wilson, 
there occurred the last horror of that unrestricted TJ-boat 
warfare which, Hindenburg consenting, had been so relent- 
lessly forced by the Supreme Command on a reluctant and 
protesting Bethmann Hollweg. The passenger-boat Leinster, 
on the Dublin-Holyhead route, was torpedoed, with the loss 
of nearly two hundred British and American lives, and for 
days bodies were washed up on the English and Irish coasts 
to be identified by waiting relatives. 

A wave of anger swept over the AUied countries, and this 
indignation was reflected in Wilson’s Second Note (October 
14). No armistice agreement could be entered into with 
Germany so long as her armed forces “continued the un- 
lawful and inhuman practices in which they still persist”, 
and which the Allies regarded justly “with horror and with 
burning hearts”. If an armistice should be granted it could 
only be upon terms which would guarantee the maintenance 
of the present mihtary superiority of the Allies. Finally, 
Germany’s attention was drawn to the fact that one of 
the terms which she had accepted was “the destruction of 
every arbitrary power anywhere that can separately, 
secretly and of its single choice, disturb the peace of the 
world; or, if it cannot be destroyed at present, at least its 
reduction to virtual impotency”. The German Government 
fell within this category. It was within the choice of the 



German people to change it, and it was implied that peace 
would only be granted when they had done so. 

This condition was not included in the Fourteen Points 
but was made in the course of the President’s address at 
Mount Vernon on July 16 , 1918 , which had become annexed 
in the nature of a supplement to the Fourteen Points. Its 
sentiments were in marked contradistinction to those 
expressed some eight months before by the President, in a 
Message to Congress on December 4 , 1917 , when he declared; 
“We do not intend to inflict any wrong on the German 
Empire, nor to interfere in any way in its internal affairs”. 

The new Note was in very different language. It was 
gradually becoming clear that the AlHes aimed not only at 
the capitulation of the German army in the field but at the 
abdication of the Emperor and the creation of a Government 
based upon accepted democratic institutions. To Hinden- 
burg the fiirst of these demands appeared to be the more 
outrageous. Like many others at the time, he refused to read 
into the latter part of the President’s Note a demand for the 
abdication of the Emperor. Such a thing was unthinkable to 
him. It remained for Hoffmann, who had never suffered from 
delusions, to tell Solf bluntly that the “arbitrary power” 
which President Wilson wished to see “destroyed” before 
granting an armistice was the Emperor. 

Hindenburg and Ludendorff were again united in that 
happy state in which their “thoughts were one before they 
found expression in words”, for Ludendorff had swung 
round and was in agreement with the Marshal that the 
mihtary situation was not sufficiently bad to warrant the 
acceptance of such humiliating terms. The Supreme Com- 
mand now demanded a guerre d, Voutrance on any terms. 
They supported the idea of a levee en masse which they had 
rejected with scorn when Rathenau had proposed it a week 
earher. Ludendorff assured the War Cabinet, on October 17 , 
“on his conscience that a break-through [by the Allies] was 
imlikely”. Within a few weeks the campaigning season 



would be over, and with half a million more men be could 
retire to tbe Meuse, last out tbe winter, and begin again in 
the spring. Above all, tbe Belgians must be told that peace 
was still far off, and that “tbe horrors wbicb are inseparable 
from war may befall Belgium once again, so that 1914 will 
be child’s play compared to it”. Blindenburg supported 
him whole-heartedly. There could, he thought, be only one 
finale, unless they succeeded in creating one last reserve 
from the resources of the people at home. A rishag of the 
nation could not fail to make an impression on their 
enemies and on the army itself. The Chancellor was dis- 
posed to agree, and Ludendorff left Berhn for Spa in the 
behef that his views had triumphed. It was a happy home- 
comiug; the great twin-brethren were at one again. 

Left alone, Prince Max characteristically hesitated. 
Could he ready take the responsibihty of breaking off 
negotiations and prolonging the war, with all its suffering? 
Must he be branded as the man who dehvered Germany 
naked and defenceless to her enemies? Between these two 
alternatives the Prince might well falter. Misery and 
suffering surrounded him. Influenza scourged Berlin. On 
October 15 over seventeen hundred people died of it. The 
Chancellor was to become infected himself. Starvation 
stalked the streets. “Better an end with terror than terror 
without end”, advised Scheidemann. But Karl Liebknecht, 
the Spartacist, raised a cry still more dangerous, and 
preached it pubHcly in the streets and halls of the capital: 
“If we get rid of the Kaiser we shall get a decent peace”. 

The Chancellor yielded to humanitarianism. He prepared 
a Reply to Wilson in almost fawning terms, abandoning 
submarine warfare, and accepting the new military con- 
ditions laid down by the President. It drew attention to 
the recent drastic changes in the German Constitution and 
expressed the hope that no demand would be made “which 
would be irreconciliable with the honour of the German 
people or with opening a way to a peace of justice”, 



From Spa, Hindenburg and LndendorfE protested ener- 
getically against tbe tone of the G-erman Reply, and tten, 
failing to prevent its despatch, dissociated themselves from 
all responsibility connected with it. Their protests were 
repeated even more vehemently when, within forty-eight 
hours, Wilson’s Third Note reached Berhn. The President 
consented to recommend to the Allied Powers the negotia- 
tion of an armistice on the terms agreed, but he added that 
if it was still necessary to treat “with the mihtary authorities 
and the monarchical autocrats of Germany . . . they must 
demand not negotiations for peace but surrender”. 

Here was no mincing of words. The last veil was torn 
from the Allied demands, and gone was the final hope of 
those who had cherished the thought that the Kaiser’s 
power might be limited in some form of restricted monarchy 
such as that obtaining in England, Belgium, or Scandinavia. 
There could be no ambiguity about the last sentence of the 
President’s. It meant, in bald language, that the Emperor 
must go. 

The receipt of Wilson’s Reply, with its cold brutahty of 
phrase, moved the High Command to take drastic action. 
Hindenburg despatched a personal protest to the Chancellor, 
against the pohcy of the Government, who “talk only of 
reconcihation and not of fighting the enemies which threaten 
the very existence of our country”. On the same day 
(October 24) two telegrams were despatched from Spa. The 
first was to the Chancellor and contained a denial of the 
statement that the Marshal had demanded an immediate 
offer of peace, or that he had said that it had become only 
a matter of hours. The second was a circular message from 
Hindenburg to all Army Group Commanders, describing 
the armistice conditions as unworthy of Germany and 
unacceptable to the army, and ordering a fight to a finish. 

In face of very serious objections from the Gallwitz Army 
Group, the second telegram was withdrawn, but not before 
it had reached the battalion staffs of at least one army, and 



not before one military wireless operator, an Independent 
Sociabst, bad had time to transmit the text from Kovno to 
the Reichstag members of his party. 

The explanation of this incident is difficult to find. The 
first telegram contained a dehberate he, the second involved 
an equally dehberate act of insubordination. The question 
is; Did the initiative come from Hindenburg himself or 
from Ludendorfi? Was it the last occasion on which the 
Marshal acted under the influence of the First Quarter- 
master General, or was it the first and only time in 
Hindenburg’s hfe when he acted on the impulse of the 
moment? Certainly Ludendorfi was privy to the whole 
afiair, which was entirely in accordance with the views 
which he had recently re-espoused. Later he attempted to 
excuse his own part in the business by saying that he did 
not know it was contrary to the wishes and policy of the 
Government. He also stated that, contrary to the usual 
custom whereby documents were brought to him for signa- 
ture before being taken to the Marshal, this telegram had 
already been signed by Hindenburg when it reached him. 

On the other hand, it is not incompatibie with Hinden- 
burg’s nature to believe that the whole thing was his own 
idea. It was in him to wish to escape from responsibihty 
and blame, a feature of his character which became more 
and more apparent in after-years. He must not appear to 
posterity as the one who had taken the lead in a movement 
which had ended in the demand for the capitulation of the 
German army and the abdication of the Emperor. In the 
hght of later events, these may well have been the motives 
which urged him to impulsive action. For later the passion 
for exculpation led him further and caused him, on 
November 1, to write to the Chancellor a letter remarkable 
for its humihty of language, in which he excused himself 
from the responsibility for the telegram on October 24, on 
the ground that it had been “put before me with the state- 
ment that it embodied the views of the Government”. 



Whatever the causes, the efiects were of tremendous 
importance. The Chancellor was prepared to ignore the first 
telegram on the ground that in the excitement of the 
moment the Marshal had forgotten the wording of his 
telegram of October 1 and the arguments he had used on 
the following day to Prince Max himself. The second, how- 
ever, could not be passed over. Not only was it an act of bad 
faith on the part of the Supreme Command, but it was also 
a breach of the new Constitution, which placed the mili- 
tary forces under the control of the Chancellor and ruled 
absolutely against the joint responsibihty with the Imperial 
Government which the Supreme Command had always 
claimed. Prince Max had but one course ""open to him. He 
went immediately to the Emperor and offered the resigna- 
tion of himself and his whole Cabinet. Either they or the 
Supreme Command must go; the Emperor must choose. 

No other event could illustrate so forcibly the sweeping 
changes which had taken place in Germany during the 
month of October. The new German democracy had been 
challenged and had taken up the gage. The Supreme Com- 
mand, the maker and breaker of Chancellors and pohcies 
for the past two years, now stands itself impeached before 
the Imperial throne; the threat of resignation, so often used 
by Ludendorff, is now the weapon of the Chancellor. The 
boot is on the other foot! 

It was fortunate for Hindenburg that the attack both of 
the Chancellor and the Majority in the Eeichstag — ^where a 
furious debate had taken place on the 25th — was directed 
against Ludendorff personally and not against the Supreme 
Command as a whole; fortunate, because, though the laurels 
on the Hindenburg legend were stiU green enough within the 
Eatherland, with the army as a whole they had withered 
visibly. At that very moment Lersner, the Foreign Office 
representative at Spa, was warning the Government, “on 
the score of his many years’ experience at Headquarters”, 
against “having faith in any promise which the High 



Command might make”. He added that a change in the 
High Command would be well received by the greater part 
of the army, “as confidence in the present High Command 
has gone”. 

But it was Ludendorfi’s head that the pohticians were 
demanding on a charger, eager to avenge the many insults 
which they had received at his hands. For this reason the 
Chancellor overlooked completely Hindenburg’s share in the 
authorship of the telegrams of October 24 — indeed he was 
anxious to retain him, in order not to alarm the country — 
and concentrated the force of his attack upon the First 

The end came quickly. The Emperor summoned Hinden- 
burg and Ludendorff to appear before him on October 26 at 
the Schloss Bellevue, where httle more than 15 months before 
they had forced him to dismiss Bethmann Hollweg. There, 
speaking to LudendorfE alone and ignoring Hindenburg, he 
addressed the General in terms which could only provoke a 
request to be allowed to resign; a request which was instantly 

Hindenburg remained. He did, it is true, make a half- 
hearted request for demission, which the Emperor, whom the 
Chancellor had implored to keep Hindenburg at all costs, 
somewhat brusquely refused; but the Marshal did not see 
fit to draw attention to his own part in the afiair of October 
24 nor to say one word in defence of a man who had 
been his almost hourly companion for four tremendous 
years. Just as he had done nothing to save Hoffmann, to 
whom he also owed much, from the wrath of Ludendorff, 
so now he allowed the Emperor’s wrath to fall upon the head 
of Ludendorff without even attempting to take his own due 
share. For, whatever mihtary reputation he had achieved, 
Hindenburg owed it to Ludendorff, with all the latter’s 
faults, and he fully realized the fact. For four years and 
more he had allowed himself to be idohzed, knowing full 
well that the greater share of the praise was Ludendorff’s. 


Theii “happy marriage” had heen a very fortunate one for 
him, for, although their partnership had involved blunders 
and errors of gigantic size, the blame for these had some- 
how stuck to LudendorfE and the glory to himseK. He could 
either have shared the blame and credit of his chief adviser, 
or have declined responsibihty by divesting himself of much 
of the praise that had been so lavishly given him. He did 
neither. He remained the Wooden Titan, that effigy which 
already held the seeds of decay. 


Hindenburg returned to Spa on October 27 cast down in 
mind and spirit. His scale of values had received a severe 
blow, and his world, which for seventy-one years had been 
such a very secure one, was beginning to crumble around 
him. Despite his protests, the Imperial Government had 
accepted every one of Wilson’s humiliating conditions and 
were now awaiting a sign from the Allied Powers as to their 
fate. For the first time, the protests of the Supreme Com- 
mand had been rejected and swept aside, with a brusqueness 
that was bewildering. The generals had received scant 
courtesy whilst in Berlin. But worst of all had been the 
change of mien in the Supreme War Lord. Only three weeks 
before, in Hindenbuig’s presence, the Emperor had told 
the Chancellor peremptorily that he was not there to put 
obstacles in the way of the Supreme Command; yet yester- 
day he had greeted his generals coldly, had dismissed 
Ludendorff abruptly, and had refused Hindenburg’s own re- 
signation. The change, though characteristic of Wilhelm II’s 
volatility of spirit, was disconcerting to the old Marshal. 

And now he was alone. For the first time since August 23, 
1914, when he had met Ludendorfi on the station platform 
at Hanover, the dominating personality of his partner was 
absent. Their parting in the General Staff building in the 
Konigsplatz had been painful, for Ludendorfi had made 



no secret of the fact that he thought the Marshal should have 
insisted on resigning also. Hindenburg himself felt that he 
had returned from the graveside of a particularly dear friend. 
He was now convinced, however, that he had followed the 
straight path of duty. He had chosen between his comrade 
and his country, or, as he preferred to put it, his Emperor’s 
command. So long as he could be ordered by his War Lord 
to take a course of action, his soldier’s soul responded with 
confidence; in later years he had to find consolation in the 
assurance of his advisers that what he did was his duty. 
But that day had not yet come, and he was still in the 
happy position of having above him one to whose superior- 
ity of rank he could bow. 

These days of loneliness were full of incident. Every- 
where the cause of the Central Powers was fading. From 
Vienna and Constantinople came the news that armistices 
had been requested, and the breakdown of the Austro- 
Hungarian army necessitated a withdrawal of troops in 
the West to form a Bavarian army of defence on the 
Tyrolese frontier. Sole responsibihty for these decisions 
fell upon Hindenburg, and he struggled gallantly to 
keep abreast of his ever-increasing load of care until the 
arrival of Ludendorfi’s successor as First Quartermaster- 

There had been no question as to who should succeed 
to Ludendorff. Both the Emperor and Hindenburg had 
at once agreed that General Groner was the one man who 
could fill the vacancy. His appointment had been made on 
the same day that his predecessor had resigned, but as he 
was at that moment at Kiev, it was impossible for him to 
reach Spa before October 30. 

Groner undoubtedly stands out as one of the great tragic 
figures of German military history, for it was laid upon 
him to play a part in his country’s service which caused 
him to be scorned and vilified by his fellow soldiers. Few 
soldiers have given more selfless service to the nation 


ttan Las Groner, and few Lave been treated witL sucL 
base injustice. 

A Wtirttemberger by birtL, Groner was the son of a pay- 
master. He entered tLe Wurttemberg army and quickly 
distinguished himself by Lis coolness of judgment and Lis 
genius for organization. He became an instructor at the 
Kriegsahadamie, and Lis courses were eagerly followed 
by the young officers who came under Lis influence; to 
them he seemed inspired, but throughout Lis military 
career he felt himself to be a lonely man, unable to fit 
in completely with the rigidity of the Prussian mihtary 

When, however, the General Staff was reorganized after 
the younger Moltke’s appointment as its chief, it became 
clear that the two officers who must necessarily receive 
high appointments were two heutenant-colonels, Erich 
Ludendorff and Wilhelm Groner. A sharp rivalry grew up 
between them. Neck and neck, they easily outdistanced all 
others in competing for the “plum” position of the General 
Staff, the head of the Operations Section. But after a 
lengthy consideration Groner was passed over, for the sole 
reason that his father had been a paymaster, and he was not 
therefore of the old military caste. Ludendorff was not an 
officer’s son either, but there had been officers in his family 
for generations, and this turned the scale in his favour. He 
became Chief of Operations, and to Groner fell the parallel 
post of Chief of Transport. 

The fundamental changes in mobilization and operations 
which Moltke made in the Schlieffen Plan, with Ludendorff’s 
approval, met with the liveliest opposition from Groner, who 
was firmly convinced of the error of weakening the right 
wing and of making the sudden attack on Liege. He feared 
that too much faith would be placed in the 42-cm. mortars 
which Ludendorff had ordered for use against the Belgian 
fortress, and he warned against the over-estimation of 
technical inventions which tended to destroy the creative 



imagination of Staff officers, rendering tliem too prone to 
mental rigidity in warfare. 

The alternative plan which Groner urged upon Moltke 
was one which, had it been adopted, might have altered the 
course of the early weeks of the war. Groner was satisfied 
that it was possible to defend the line of the Vosges with a 
very small number of troops. Two army corps could there- 
fore be withdrawn from Alsace and concentrated on the 
lower Rhine, thereby making the German right even stronger 
than Schlieffen himself had intended. In view of the fact 
that Joffre was pledged in advance to an offensive policy, 
he would, it was reasoned, have been forced to violate Belgian 
neutrality, and thus enable the Germans to fight the fiust 
decisive battles of the war under favourable pohtical and 
military conditions. 

Between the proposals of Ludendorff and Groner, 
Moltke characteristically hesitated; finally he attempted a 
compromise, adapting part of Groner’s scheme into the 
larger framework of Ludendorff’s plan. This resulted, in 
1914, in two divisions being immobilized in trains on the 
lower Rhine without anyone seeming to know why they 
were there. Certainly Moltke seemed to be cursed with the 
main mallieureuse. 

But it was to Groner that the undying credit belonged for 
the amazing perfection with which the transport of troops 
and guns and material functioned during the first two 
years of the war. Germany had the strategic advantage of 
interior lines, and of this Groner made full use. In the 
summer of 1916 he was promoted general and placed in 
charge of the Army Rood Supply Department, and in the 
autumn of that year he became head of the War Office, 
with special executive control of the Supreme Command’s 
economic programme for the intensification of production. 
In this capacity his flair for organization added greatly 
to his reputation. The trade-union officials had declared 
their refusal to work with a representative of General 



Headquarters, but iu an astonishingly short space of 
time Groner had won their co-operation, at first unwil- 
hngly and in spite of themselves, but soon in genuine 
admiration of his quahties and fair-mindedness. His 
success was to his own detriment. Ludendorff became 
jealous of the one man in the army who, with the possible 
esception of Hofimann, was his equal, and the great 
industriahsts resented and suspected his good relations 
with the workers. Groner was removed from his work of 
organization — Scheidemann declares bluntly that he was 
“sacked” and speaks savagely of those who “treated so 
shabbily this distinguished man” — and placed in command 
first of a division and later of a corps on the Western 
Front. When, however, the thankless task of executing the 
economic provisions of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk had 
to be discharged, it was felt by all that Groner was the one 
man who could fill the post, and he was consequently 
appointed head of the trading corporation in the Ukraine. 
It was here that the summons to take up the mantle of 
Ludendorfi reached him. 

On his arrival at Spa, Groner found himself faced with a 
series of problems which demanded of him a ruthless energy, 
utter self-denial, and the renunciation of all glory and all 
gratitude. With quiet courage he assumed his new responsi- 
bihties and showed nobly that he possessed in full measure 
the quahties required. 

From the outset, however, his task was vastly com- 
phcated by the presence at Spa of the Supreme War Lord. 
Wilhelm II had found the atmosphere of Berhn, with its 
ever-heightening clamour for his abdication, increasingly 
uncongenial. To the Chancellor’s almost frenzied protests at 
his desertion of the capital at such a moment, he rephed 
that, now that Ludendorfi had gone, he must personally 
assist Hindenburg, but to Admiral von Hintze, who had 
recently been appointed Foreign OflS,ce representative at 
Spa, the Emperor said: “Prince Max’s Government is trying 




to throw me out. At Berlin I should be less able to oppose 
them than in the midst of my troops.” 

So Wilhelm II made his “flight to Varennes”, and 
arrived unexpectedly at General Headquarters on October 
30, to the intense surprise of the Marshal and of Groner, who 
had himself only just reported a few hours before. As a result 
there grew up at Spa two distinct groups with very often 
divergent policies. At the Hotel Britannique were Hinden- 
burg and Groner with the Headquarters Stafi; and a little 
outside the town, at the Chliteau de la Fraineuse, was the 
Emperor attended by his Adjutant-General, von Plessen, a 
former aide-de-camp of Wilhelm I, who was seventy-seven 
years of age and whose mind alternated between the two 
themes of “shoot them down”, and “the Emperor must 
have only good news”; by the head of his Mihtary Cabinet, 
the jovial and convivial General von Marschall, and by 
others of his military suite. Thus Spa became both the 
mili tary and the dynastic storm-centre. 

For the question of the Emperor’s abdication was now the 
foremost problem on the board. Prince Max was desperately 
anxious that he should resign the throne, at least apparently 
of his own free will without pressure being brought to bear on 
him by the Government. The Crown Prince would also have 
to renounce his right of succession, and it was hoped by 
means of a constitutional monarchy and a Council of 
Regency to save the throne for his eldest son. Prince 
W ilh elm, then a child. This view was supported by nearly 
all parties except the Independent Socialists on the Left 
and the Conservatives on the Right. Had the Emperor 
been in Berlin even he could not have faded to realize 
the essential soundness of the proposal, but in the feudal 
atmosphere of Spa he was still entirely opposed to abdica- 
ting and firmly convinced that there was absolutely no 
reason for his doing so. 

To Hindenbrug the Emperor’s attitude seemed entirely 
correct and reasonable. The presence of his Supreme War 



Lord at Spa was a great pleasure to the Marshal. He was 
always glad to be in the company of the Emperor, and in this 
he was inspired in no degree by a sense of snobbery, but rather 
by that mediaeval fealty of the paladins of Charlemagne. 
No one was less of a mystic than Hindenburg, but there was 
iimate in every officer of the old Prussian mihtary caste a 
strange sense of awe, almost of superstition, in respect of 
the sovereign to whom they had sworn their oath of loyalty. 
It was the last remnant of rule by Divine Right and was 
fostered by the German court to an even greater extent 
than, for example, at the far more ancient court of Vienna.^ 
This respect was more deeply held by Hindenburg’s genera- 
tion than by that which followed. It was, for instance, 
almost entirely absent in LudendorfE. But Hindenburg 
would gladly have gone out to battle at the command 
of his “Most Gracious Kaiser, King, and Lord”; indeed 
he would have rejoiced to have had the issue thus sim- 

He was soon to have an opportunity of expressing his 
views on the dynastic question. Prince Max of Baden, still 
sufiering under the combined shock of a severe attack 
of influenza and the flight of the Emperor from Berlin, had 
passed the intervening days in a fruitless effort to find an 
emissary who should go to Spa and there so far penetrate 
“the majesty that doth hedge a king” as to bring the 
monarch to a sense of realities. Unable to go himself, he 
sought vainly for someone who was prepared to fulfil a task 
which must almost certainly involve the displeasure of the 
sovereign. He begged Prince August-WiUielm, the Emperor’s 
son, to go, and, when he would not. Prince Frederick Charles 
of Hesse and others. AH refused. At last a sufficiently 

^ Count Czernin, for example, sharply criticizes the custom of kissing 
of hands on leaving the Emperor’s presence which at Berhn was “some- 
thing quite ordinary”. “At Vienna one would never have seen high 
officials kissing the Emperor’s hand. Even the most servile would never 
have stooped to it.” iln the World War, p. 62.) 



courageous man was found, in the Prussian Minister of 
Interior, Dr. Drews. 

Drews arrived at Spa on November 1, and was received 
by the Emperor in the presence of Hindenburg and Grbner. 
The Minister reported the now daily demands in the press 
for the Emperor’s abdication, and the growing support for 
such an act throughout the country; the Federal States, the 
political parties, high industrial and financial circles, all ahke 
awaited anxiously the decision of the Emperor to sacrifice 
himself for the sake of the dynasty. Further delay could only 
end in abdication under pressure and the destruction of the 

The Emperor refused point-blank, and reproached Drews 
for even broaching the subject to him. “How comes it”, he 
demanded, “that you, a Prussian official, could reconcile such 
a mission with the oath you have taken to your king?” Hin- 
denburg and Grbner fiercely supported him. If the Emperor 
abdicated, the army would become nothing more than a 
band of brigands and marauders stragghng back to Ger- 
many, the Marshal declared; the officers would resign and 
t^e troops would be without leaders. Grbner used even 
harsher language and denounced both Drews and those who 
had sent him in no uncertain terms, and his characterization 
of the Chancellor was made with such blunt ferocity that 
the Emperor had to come to the Minister’s rescue and soothe 
his ruffled feelings. 

But he was delighted with his generals. “Drews is sup- 
posed to be hard of hearing”, he said to his aide-de-camp 
later, “but they both shouted so loud, that he couldn’t 
have missed a word, and how splendid to see the solemn 
Grbner so carried away. I was delighted to see a South 
German so ready to defend the K ing of Prussia. The brave 

“The brave Suabian” was facing greater reahties than 
his War Lord. Grbner had left for the front after the inter- 
view and there strained every nerve to disengage the army 



in a rapid retreat to the Antwerp-Meuse line. It was a 
diflS.cult device to execute. Precious war material was 
within reach of the enemy in this line, and 80,000 wounded 
lay in advance or field hospitals which must be evacuated. 
The retreat was slower than had been hoped. The final 
blow came on November 4, when the British broke through 
the line between the Scheldt and the Sambre, east of 
Valenciennes. The German rear-guards were thrown into 
complete confusion and could not recover themselves. 
From then on the German army, in the opinion of its 
opponents, was incapable either of accepting or refusing 

Groner realized the situation in all its hopelessness. He 
returned to Spa and conferred with the Marshal. He 
hastened to Berhn and bluntly informed the Chancellor: 
“We shall have to cross the fines with a white flag. Even 
a week is too long to wait. It must be Saturday (November 
9) at latest”. The Fourth Wilson Note had just arrived, 
saying that Marshal Foch would receive “properly accredited 
representatives of the German Government”, and would 
communicate to them the terms of an armistice. Prince 
Max pointed out to Groner that the chief obstacle to favour- 
able terms was the refusal of the Emperor to abdicate. 
Would not GrSner himself dissipate the illusions at Spa 
and make the Emperor reahze the truth? 

But Groner was still bitterly opposed to this course. “I 
am utterly devoted to the cause of the Emperor”, he in- 
formed the Cabinet. 

“Perhaps the Field-Marshal . . .” someone suggested; 
and Groner turned upon him, shouting: “The Marshal would 
consider himself the lowest kind of scoundrel if he abandoned 
the Emperor, and so, gentlemen, would I and every honour- 
able soldier. If the attacks against the Emperor continue, 
the fate of the army is sealed; it will break in pieces, and if 
that happens the wild beast will break out in the bands 
of irregular soldiery pouring back into Germany.” 



That same day he met Ebert and Scheidemann, and other 
Social Democrat and trade-union leaders, men with whom 
he had collaborated on friendly terms in 1916 and 1917. All 
trusted him, and Ebert begged him to urge abdication upon 
the Emperor. He himself, said Ebert, was in favour of a 
monarchical regime, based upon the trade unions and con- 
trolled by a parhamentary system, but this was impossible 
under the present Emperor or the Crown Prince. The last 
chance of saving the monarchy was to entrust one of the 
imperial princes with the regency. 

Again Groner refused to consider taking any steps with 
regard to an abdication, or even to broach the subject to 
the Emperor. But he was shaken. The honest reasoning of 
Ebert had afiected him more deeply than had the distracted 
pleadings of Prince Max. In his own mind he formed the 
impression that the abdication of the Emperor could not 
be long postponed, though he could not as yet bring himself 
to have any direct share in it. He hoped that the report 
which he would make to the Emperor would influence him in 
the required direction. 

In his heart of hearts Groner would have liked to have 
seen the Emperor seek death in the front Une. He had said 
as much to Hindenburg, and to Plessen and Marschall, 
immediately after the Drews interview. “He should go to 
the front”, he advised, “not to review troops or to confer 
decorations but to look for death. He should go to some 
trench which was under the full blast of war. If he were 
killed it would be the finest death possible. If he were 
wounded the feehngs of the German people would com- 
pletely change towards him.” The two Court Generals were 
horrified at the idea, and Hindenburg disapproved of allow- 
ing the Emperor to run such risks, but there can be no 
doubt that Groner’s reasoning was both patriotic and 

Arrived back at Spa on November 6, Groner gave the 
Emperor and Hindenburg the gloomiest possible view of 



the situation. The country was face to face with revolution; 
the fleet was in open mutiny, and the army could no longer 
he rehed on. Bolshevik propaganda and the desire of the 
people for peace at any price had done their work. The 
G-overnment’s authority was no longer existent and the 
troops in the interior would refuse to fire on the insurgents. 
Under these circumstances the Emperor’s abdication was 
well-nigh inevitable, and an armistice must be immediately 
and unconditionally accepted. 

These were very different sentiments from those to which 
G-roner had given vent before the unfortunate Drews only a 
week before, and in which Hindenburg had concurred. At 
that moment the First Quartermaster-General had only 
just arrived from Kiev. He had been neither to the front 
nor to Berhn. He had visited both now and, though his 
loyalty to the Crown remained unswerving, his clear-sighted 
reahzation of facts and his common sense could no longer 
allow him to delude himself as to the ultimate issue, and 
with his conclusions Hindenburg was again forced to agree. 

On the following day the Armistice Commission arrived at 
Spa. Its composition had caused much discussion. It had 
become known at General Headquarters even before the 
receipt of Wilson’s last Note, that the Alhes would not treat 
with a representative of the Supreme Command but only 
with a commission appointed by the German Government. 
There was little competition to lead this body, but by dint 
of persuasion, cajoling, and flattery, Erzberger had, most 
reluctantly, been jockeyed into this position. He had ac- 
cepted provisionally, and had accompanied the rest of the 
Commission to Spa, but so uncertain was it that he would 
really cross the lines that General von Giindell had been 
warned for duty to take his place if he should “run out’’ at 
the last moment. It was Hindenburg who finally persuaded 
him. With tears in his eyes and clasping Erzberger’s hand 
between both his own, he besought him to undertake this 
terrible task for the sacred cause of his country. Touched 



and not a little flattered by tins personal appeal from tbe 
old Marshal, Erzberger consented to serve, greatly to the 
relief of General von Gtindell, and at noon set out with the 
Commission to put his signature to a document which was 
to be his own death warrants 

This event virtually closed the hostihties on the Western 
Front and the entire attention of Spa was centred on the 
dynastic problem. The tempo was rapidly increasing. The 
mutinous sailors of the fleet, whose revolt on November 4 
had been the first signal of serious civil disturbances, now 
controlled Kiel, Hamburg, and Bremen. Hindenburg’s own 
city of Hanover, as well as Brunswick and Cologne, had 
mounted the Red Flag, and in Munich the House of Wittels- 
bach had been deposed and the Bavarian Soviet Republic 
installed. The revolution was in being. 

In the afternoon of November 7 the Chancellor tele- 
phoned that he had received an ultimatum from the leaders 
of the Social Democratic Party. If the abdication of the 
Emperor and the Crown Prince had not been announced by 
noon next day an immediate revolution was threatened, as 
it would be impossible to prevent the rank and file of the 
party from joining the Independent Socialists and Sparta- 
cists. “A revolutionary gesture is necessary to forestall the 
revolution”, Ebert had declared. Prince Max added a re- 
quest to be allowed to resign, and made a further plea to the 
Emperor to avert catastrophe by announcing his intention 
of abdicating as soon as an armistice had been signed and 
it was possible to issue writs for a National Constituent 

The Chancellor also telegraphed Admiral von Hintze to 
press this proposal with aU the zeal at his command, and 
the Admiral repaired to General Headquarters. He begged 
the Marshal and Groner to come with him to the Chateau 
de la Fraineuse and put forward this new solution, which 

^ Erzberger was assassinated by NationaKst gunmen in 1921, for the 
part which he played in the Armistice negotiations. 




was a compromise between the immediate demands of the 
Majority Socialists and the intransigent obduracy of the 
Emperor. But the generals refused. Hindenburg protested 
that he had given his final opinion to the Emperor and would 
have nothing to do with the matter. Groner was equally 
adamant, though he was more reserved in his opinion than 
the Marshal. He had been reading reports from the front 
and from the interior. Hintze went alone to the Chateau 
and was met with yet another blank refusal. Wilhelm II 
appeared absolutely resolved to keep the Crown. 

Thus at the close of November 7 there was an open 
breach between Spa and Berlin. The Emperor had spoken 
personally to the Chancellor by telephone in a “fury of 
indignation” and had twice more that evening refused to 
abdicate. So far he was supported both by his mihtary 
suite and by the High Command. Hindenburg had again 
assured the Emperor of the army’s unswerving devotion to 
his person, but Groner had already warned him that in the 
event of a civil war the troops would not fight. 

By the following morning everyone at General Head- 
quarters, except Hindenburg, had been convinced that the 
necessity for the Emperor’s abdication was not only im- 
perative but immediate. The army chiefs had reached the 
same decision at which the Imperial Government had 
arrived a week earlier. It was clear, however, that so long 
as Wilhelm H beheved he had the support of his army 
he would not consider renouncing the throne. The obvious 
person to acquaint him with the real state of affairs 
was the Chief of the General Staff; but Hindenburg was not 
yet convinced of the need, and, had he been so, was con- 
stitutionally incapable of enlightening the Emperor. 

So the day continued in a welter of illusions. The Emperor 
declared his intention of restoring order in Germany at the 
head of his army, and ordered Groner to prepare plans 
accordingly. Hindenburg was rather relieved at the pro- 
spect of action at last. This sitting and waiting, this negotiat- 



ing back and forth with Berlin,^ irked him. If it was his 
Emperor’s command that he should lead troops against the 
rebels, he would do so; any action, even the detestable 
action of civil war, was better than restless inactivity. 

But the moment of his disillusionment was at hand. It 
was September 29 over again. Now, as then, it was the 
First Quartermaster- General who forced him to realize 
the truth. In a heart-to-heart talk, in the same room 
in which he had had that momentous interview with 
Ludendorfi, Hindenburg heard from Groner the cold and 
unassailable facts of the case. The troops in the interior 
had gone over to the revolution; the field army was no 
longer Kaisertreu. Soldiers’ and Workers’ Councils were 
being formed all over Germany and had in their hands the 
great railway centres and supply depots. The supplies for 
the army itself could not last longer than three or four days. 
A repressive operation, such as the Emperor desired, was 
not only impossible but lunatic. 

Groner had made similar statements before, both to the 
Emperor and to the Marshal, but now he spoke with the 
conviction of despair, and there was no refuting him. The 
time for deception, whether of self or others, was at an end. 

While Hindenburg was still bowed with the weight of 
these new realizations, the Emperor’s Adjutant-General, 
Plessen, arrived to receive the plan of operations which 
Groner had been iustructed to prepare. To him the First 
Quartermaster-General repeated what he had so recently 
told the Marshal. Plessen was utterly taken aback. He 
protested violently. Completely cut off from the field army 
and breathing only the Byzantine atmosphere of the court, 
he still believed in a spirit amongst the troops which no 
longer existed. In any case the Emperor and the High 
Command, he cried, must not capitulate to “a handful of 
revolutionaries, a band of infamous sailors”. 

Patiently Groner repeated the facts of the case. Such an 
operation as the Emperor envisaged would mean that a 



civil war would have to be carried on in addition to the 
rear-guard action against the enemy. The army was in no 
condition to bear such a double burden. Nothing but com- 
plete collapse could result from the enterprise. 

Dumb with misery, Plessen turned to Hindenburg. The 
two septuagenarians, grown grey in the service of three 
Emperors, confronted one another in an agony of despair. 
The Marshal could give no comfort. With a heavy heart, he 
said, he associated himself with Groner’s opinion. Sobbing, 
Plessen left the room. 

For Groner there remained one ray of hope, the proposal 
which Ebert had made to him in Berlin two days before. 
The Social Democrats would shortly have the game in their 
hands. Ebert himself was a monarchist. By this means only 
could the throne be saved. Later that evening he conferred 
again with Hindenburg. After a long discussion they agreed 
on all points. The Emperor must abdicate in favour of one 
of his younger sons, or of the eldest son of the Crown 
Prince, but there must be no question of his leaving the 
country. Such an action would discredit the monarchy for 
ever. He must retire to one of his estates. They shook 
hands on it and Groner retired to his own quarters. Twice 
during the night he was to be called up by telephone from 
Berhn, first by Colonel von Haeften and then by Vice- 
Chancellor von Payer, both begging him to urge upon the 
Emperor the necessity of immediate abdication and flight. 
To both he returned a refusal. He had done his duty. He 
had warned the Emperor as early as November 6 that the 
army could be no longer be depended upon. That very 
evening (November 8) he had repeated the fact to Plessen 
and to Hindenburg. He had the Marshal’s promise of co- 
operation in the policy which both believed to be correct 
and proper to pursue in the interests of the monarchy. 

But Hindenburg had another visitor that night. Admiral 
von Hintze came to him very late and eloquently placed 
before him the arguments for the immediate abdication and 



fliglit of tlie Emperor. He must renounce th.e throne to- 
morrow and go to Holland. It is probable that Plessen had 
gone straight to Hintze after he left the Marshal and Groner, 
and told him, in a hysterical state, the doleful news 
which he himself had just learned. At any rate this would 
confirm Hintze’s own view that the cause of the House of 
HohenzoUern was lost, and he put it to the Marshal that in 
this case the one paramount consideration was the safety of 
the Emperor’s person. This could only be secured by flight. 

Torn between two conflicting interpretations of his duty 
to his Emperor, Hindenburg was deeply vexed in spirit. 
He had agreed with Groner and had given hiTu his word, but 
Hiutze’s arguments were so cogent and so plausible. The 
tragedy of Ekaterinburg recalled itself to Mm. He could 
not run the risk of allowing his Emperor and King to be 
captured by a mutinous soldiery and dragged a prisoner to 
who knew what end. That must be avoided at aU costs. 
Wearily he concurred with the Admiral and retired to pass 
what was for Mm almost a thing unknown, a restless night, 
during which, it was remarked, the light in his room was 
put on and out many times. 

However agonized these hours of darkness may have been 
for the Marshal, he should not have spent them in in- 
activity. To do so was a dereliction of duty both to Ms 
Emperor and to Ms colleague Groner. It was well known to 
him, and to all at Spa, that the Emperor’s refusal to 
abdicate was based on the belief that Ms armies were still 
loyal to Mm. This basis Hindenburg now knew to be false, 
and so false as to have recently convinced him that further 
delay might endanger the very safety of the monarch. In 
view of this conviction it was his obvious duty, as Executive 
CMef of the Armies, to acquaint the Emperor with tMs 
situation without a moment’s delay, regardless of Ms sleep, 
and to insist that he take action at once. In addition there 
was Ms clear obbgation to tell Groner immediately of Ms 
change of mind, and if possible to win Ms approval. 



But from tHs double duty Hindenburg flincbed and beld 
back. He was incapable of going to tke Emperor, as a 
Prussian officer to bis War Lord, and teUing bim that the 
army was no longer true to bim. It was a disloyal action of 
a vassal to his lord, and all the innate forces of the military 
caste within bim rebelled in horror against the very thought. 
He had not the courage for such a task; another must 
undertake it, and that other must be Groner. 

November 9, the last day of Imperial Germany, dawned 
cold and gloomy. A thick blanket of fog enshrouded Spa, 
deadening all sound and seeming to form a barrier against 
the outside world. But through the fog the telephone wires 
brought worse and worse news. At a very early hour it was 
known that a general strike had broken out in Berlin, that 
the masses were in the streets, and that the trusted Jager 
battahons of veteran infantry had mutinied and deposed 
their officers. With such inauspicious tidings the day began. 

A conference of divisional, brigade, and regimental com- 
manders had been called to meet at G.H.Q. at 9 o’clock, 
where they were to be consulted on the loyalty of their 
troops. The Marshal had promised to address them, and 
shortly before the time he went to Groner’s room. His face, 
bearing traces of his night’s agony, was of a sickly greyish 
colour, profoundly sad and dejected. His fists were tightly, 
almost convulsively, clenched; his eyes red, as though from 
much weeping. Hoarsely and abruptly he told Groner of his 
change of ffiont, that he had been persuaded by Hintze into 
consenting to the immediate abdication and flight of the 
HohenzoUerns, and that in an hour they were to make this 
recommendation to the Emperor. Groner was shocked out of 
his usual oahn. He protested against this sudden voUe-face. 
He objected that he could not accept such a complete 
change of policy at a moment’s notice. Hindenburg apolo- 
gized. “He had not been able to find time” to tell Groner 
earlier. There was no more time for discussion; the confer- 
ence of officers awaited them. 



The Marshal addressed the officers briefly, but the picture 
of the situation that he drew for them was in such sombre 
colours that, when he ceased speaking, there was “a silence 
as of a tomb; not a word, not a whisper”. Poor old 
Plessen, who had joined the meeting unexpectedly, made 
no attempt to restrain his tears and held his handkerchief 
to his eyes. Groner, who had recovered his poise, remained 
impassive and unfathomable. At the close of the address 
Colonel Heye was left in charge of the meeting and the 
Supreme Command went on their way to the Chateau de 
la Praineuse. 

During the drive from the Hotel Britannique no word 
was exchanged between Hindenburg and Groner. The Mar- 
shal was in the grip of a fierce emotional struggle. His lips 
quivered and he bit them to regain his self-control. At the 
chateau, in a garden room, they found the Emperor, and 
with him Plessen, who had preceded them, MarschaU, 
Hintze, and the Crown Prince’s Chief of Staff, General 
Count von Schulenburg. The morning was cold, the room 
was closely curtained, and a wood fire burned in the 
grate. Leaning against the fireplace, the Emperor stood and 

The Emperor asked the Marshal for his report on the 
situation. Hindenburg made an effort to speak, but his 
voice choked and he could not. The last vestige of reserve 
was gone. With tears running down his face he begged his 
Emperor’s leave to resign. He could not as a Prussian officer 
say to his War Lord what must be said to him. He had there- 
fore ordered General Groner to give to His Majesty the con- 
sidered opinion of the High Command. 

So it was Groner, the “hied&re Schwabe”, who was to be 
the scapegoat. Brought up in the military tradition of 
Wiirttemberg he could use language which could not sully 
the hps of a member of the Prussian military caste. Upon 
the shoulders of this lonely South German was laid the task 
of disillusioning the King of Prussia. 



In a quiet and controlled voice G-roner repeated what he 
had said to Hindenburg and to Plessen the previous day. 
An operation against the interior of Germany was impossible; 
it was no longer a question of suppressing an insurrection, but 
of civil war. The railway centres and supply depots on the 
Ehine were in the hands of the rebels and many troops in the 
interior had joined the revolution. They could and would cut 
ofi supphes from the field army, which itself could no longer 
be depended upon. Mutinies had already taken place, and 
Aix-la-Chapelle and Verviers were in the hands of the insur- 
gents. The army was no longer in a condition to fight. There 
were no more reserves. 

While carefully avoiding any direct reference to the 
dynastic question, Groner had so phrased his statement as 
to leave the Emperor under no other impression than that 
his abdication was imperative. Wilhelm II stood speechless 
with perplexity, sunk deep in consternation. Not so Schulen- 
burg. This dashing and courageous officer took up the 
challenge and championed the cause of monarchy, that same 
cause which Groner had sought so zealously to save. He 
challenged every statement made by the Eirst Quarter- 
master-General. In eight to ten days, he declared, it would be 
possible to gather on the Khine a force of picked men upon 
which the Emperor could imphcitly rely. When the army was 
told that the navy had betrayed it, it would not hesitate to 
fight on the Home Eront. A beginning must be made by 
sending loyal troops to reduce the mutinous garrisons at 
Aix-la-ChapeUe and Verviers by smoke-bombs, gas, and 
Flammenwerfer. Order must be restored city by city. 

At this fighting speech old Plessen regained his nerve. 
“His Majesty cannot simply and quietly capitulate to 
revolution. The expedition against Aix-la-Chapelle and 
Verviers must be put in hand at once.” 

Groner listened with an almost grim humour. How little 
they knew the situation. Plessen’s fantastic views were 
excusable, he had always been “all for gunfire”, but how 



could Scliulenburg talk such nonsense when only yesterday 
twelve out of sixteen representatives of his Army Group 
had confessed that their troops were unreliable for service 
in the interior. The report was lying now on Grdner’s office 
table at G.H.Q. Courteously but lirmly he repeated his 
views. The suggestion of Schulenburg and Plessen would 
render chaos unavoidable. 

Meanwhile the Emperor had come to a decision. He would 
renounce the idea of reconquering the country. He wished 
to spare the Fatherland the horrors of civil war. He would 
remain at Spa until an armistice had been signed, and then 
return home quietly at the head of his army. 

Groner heaved a sigh. So the Emperor had not under- 
stood the situation after all. He had still not realized that 
the whole revolutionary movement was directed against 
himself. The time for diplomatic phrases was passed, he 
must speak clearly now. 

“Sire, you no longer have an army. The army will march 
home in peace and order under its leaders and commanding 
generals, but not under the command of Your Majesty, for 
it no longer stands behind Your Majesty.” 

The Emperor turned upon Groner, his eyes blazing with 

“Excellency, I shall require that statement from you in 
black and white, signed by all my generals, that the army 
no longer stands behind its Commander-in-Chief. Have they 
not taken the military oath to me?” 

“In circumstances like these, Sire, oaths are but words”, 
replied Groner sadly. 

This was too much for Schulenburg. Forgetting the August 
Presence, he bellowed at Groner at the top of his voice that 
neither the officers nor the soldiers would so disgrace them- 
selves as to desert their Emperor and King in the face of the 

“I have other information”, was the cold reply. 

Stung by Schulenburg’s venom, Hindenburg at last 



broke the absolute silence be bad preserved tbrougbout tbe 
meeting and came to tbe support of Groner, but be spoke 
balf-beartedly, as if to placate tbe Emperor and bis fellow- 
Prussians. Tbe sentiments and priuciples of Count Scbulen- 
burg must be shared by every Prussian officer, but most 
unfortunately be, no more than General Groner, could take 
responsibibty for tbe loyalty of tbe army either at borne or 
in tbe field. 

As if to give further point to this statement, there came 
a laconic telephone report from tbe Commandant of Berbn. 
“All troops deserted — completely out of band.” 

In considerable agitation tbe Emperor adjourned tbe 
Council. It was just eleven o’clock. 

By twos and threes they drifted through tbe French 
windows and into tbe garden. Tbe Crown Prince arrived. 
On bis way be bad been met with “curses and cries and 
fists raised in tbe grey mist”, yet be urged bis father to 
return with him to his headquarters. 

More than an hour passed in talk and argument; con- 
tinued gasconades by Scbulenburg, repeated negatives 
from Groner, a stobd silence from tbe Marshal. Every now 
and then Hintze would join them from the chateau with 
some further report from Berbn or with a more imperative 
demand for tbe Emperor’s abdication. 

Tbe Emperor began to talk excitedly. If tbe worst came 
to tbe worst be would abdicate tbe Imperial crown of 
Germany, but not the throne of Prussia. He would stay 
with bis Prussian troops, who would remain loyal to him. He 
glanced at Hindenburg, as if for approval, and tbe Marshal, 
bis gaze fixed on tbe distance, nodded silently. Scbulenburg 
took up tbe idea joyously. In any and every case tbe Em- 
peror must remain King of Prussia. He should gather bis 
Prussians around him and then see what tbe Reich would 
do. Prussian officers and soldiers would not tolerate tbe 
debacle which would follow tbe disappearance of their King. 



“Will they fight for their King against the people?” 
asked Hintze pertinently, and Schulenhurg, his dream- 
bubble suddenly pricked, had to admit that they would 
not. “But in any case”, he repeated furiously, “the Emperor 
must remain King of Prussia.” 

“A fortnight ago such a solution might have been salu- 
tary, but it is too late now”, said G-rdner to Hindenburg; 
and again the Marshal nodded abstractedly. 

In the midst of their discussions. Colonel Heye appeared 
bringing with him the report of the conference of officers. 
The thirty-nine representatives had been asked two ques- 
tions; first; “Would it be possible for the Emperor to regain 
control of Germany by force of arms, at the head of his 
troops?” and to this only one affirmative answer had been 
returned, while twenty-three were in the negative, and 
fifteen ambiguous. To the second question, “Would the 
troops march against the Bolshevists in Germany?” the 
rephes had been, eight “yes”, nineteen “no”, and twelve 
“uncertain”. In summing up the results of his enquiries, 
Heye told the Emperor: “At the present moment the 
troops will not march against Germany, even with Your 
Majesty at their head. They wiU not march against Bol- 
shevism. They want one thing only, an armistice at the 
earhest possible moment. Every hour gained is of im- 

A long pause followed Heye’s report. The feehng of 
despondency increased. Blow seemed to be following upon 
blow in calculated justification of Grbner’s statement. The 
Emperor broke the silence. Would the army return to 
Germany in good order without him? he asked. Yes, said 
Groner; no, said Schulenhurg. But Heye had the last word.- 
“It is only under the command of its generals that the 
army will return in good order to the Fatherland”, he said 
in his usual sonorous tones. “From this point of view the 
army leaders have their troops well in hand. If Your 
Majesty wishes to march with them, the troops will ask 



notMng better and will be delighted, but the army will 
fight no more, either at home or abroad.” 

“His Majesty has no need of an army in order to take a 
walk”, said Admiral von Hintze bitterly; “what he needs 
is an army that will fight for him”. 

At this moment the Admiral was called into the ch&teau. 

The Chancellor was once more on the telephone. Very 
soon Hintze returned with an even graver face. Prince Max 
reported that the situation in Berhn had become so 
extremely menacing that the monarchy could no longer 
be saved unless the Emperor decided upon immediate 

The Emperor received the message in silence. His face 
was livid and he seemed suddenly to have aged by years. 
Once again his eyes sought those of Hindenburg, as if 
appealing for help and strength. He found nothing. The 
Marshal stood motionless, silent, and met the gaze of his 
War Lord with a look of despair. 

With a visible efiort the Emperor gave his decision. He 
would abdicate as German Emperor but not as King of 
Prussia; he would hand over the command of the German 
armies to Hindenburg but would remain himself with the 
Prussian troops. It was Wilhelm IPs last attempt at 
compromise, and, having made it, he dismissed his generals 
and went in to lunch. 

The meal in Hindenburg’s quarters was a sad and silent 
one. Little was eaten, for, like sleep, Hindenburg’s usual 
hearty appetite had deserted him. He found consolation, 
however, in a cigar. Suddenly, a little after two o’clock, 
the most astounding messages began to flood in upon him 
from Berhn. Disregarding the Emperor’s statement, the 
Chancellor, in a last despairing efEort to save the monarchy, 
had, on his own responsibihty, announced the abdication 
by the Emperor both as the German Emperor and as King 
of Prussia, and the renunciation by the Crown Prince of his 
claims to both thrones. Prince Max himself had resigned. 



handing over the Chancellorship to Ebert, who would 
appoint a Regent. 

Scarcely had the Marshal had time to reahze the full 
meaning of the message when its tremendous sequel 
followed. The Prince’s gesture had come too late to be 
effective. The Spartacists had seized the Imperial Palace, 
and Liebknecht, from its steps, had proclaimed the Soviet 
Repubhc. This act had thrown Ebert’s supporters into a 
panic, and he had been unable to restrain the impetuous 
Scheidemann from proclaiming the Sociahst Republic from 
the portico of the Reichstag. 

So in the course of a brief hour the Emperor had been 
relegated from the position of chief actor in the drama to 
that of spectator, for the struggle was now no longer one 
of dynastic aspirations, but of Bolshevism against Social 
Democracy. The only question now concerning Wilhelm II 
was what to do with him, and to this problem Hindenburg 
apphed himself. ^ 

With G-roner, Hintze, and Schulenburg he considered the 
situation in the light of the most recent information. It did 
not take long to agree that no other alternative to flight 
presented itself. The roads back to Germany were blocked 
by the revolutionaries. The Second Guard Division, wb'ch 
was charged with protecting G.H.Q. from a possible attack 
by mutinous troops from Aix-la-Chapelle, was at that time 
not beheved to be entirely trustworthy. The troops at Spa 
were already organizing a Workmen’s and Soldiers’ 
Council. Manifestly the Emperor must go, and go at once. 
The advantages of Holland and Switzerland as a place of 
refuge were canvassed, and, for a number of reasons, the 
former was preferred. Hintze was instructed to make the 
necessary arrangements with the Foreign Ofhce. 

One further ordeal was in store for Hindenburg on this 
terrible day, and one of which this time he could not avoid 
the responsibility. To him was delegated the duty of 
informing the Emperor of the decision taken. With Groner 



and Hintze he drove back to the chateau. The Emperor had 
not yet recovered from his surprise and anger at Prince 
Max’s “act of violence”. He was beside himself with rage, 
and was still furiously refusing either to abdicate as King 
of Prussia or to leave Spa. “My God, are you back here 
again aheady?” was his greeting to the deputation. Then 
turning on Groner, he said passionately, “You no longer 
have a War Lord”, and from that moment refused to look 
at or address him again. 

Standing before his Emperor, Hindenburg made his 
report. He was calm now and had overcome his emotion of 
the morning. Lucidly he set forth the reasons why he was 
no longer able to guarantee the Emperor’s safety at Spa. In 
conclusion he said; “I cannot accept the responsibihty of 
seeing the Emperor haled to Berhn by insurgent troops and 
delivered over as a prisoner to the Hevolutionary Govern- 
ment. I must advise Your Majesty to abdicate and to 
proceed to Holland.” 

The Emperor was convulsed with rage. Did they think 
he dared not remain with his troops? No one answered. In 
a deathly silence Wilhelm II paced the room. Finally he 
came back to the group, and in quieter tones confirmed the 
order to Hintze for the preparations for his departure. 

Admiral von Scheer was announced, and before him and 
his Stafi officers the Emperor requested Hindenburg to 
repeat what he had just reported. The Marshal did so, 
concluding with the words: “Would to God, Sire, it were 

In a calmer mood, the Emperor agreed that if things were 
really as bad as the Marshal said he could not allow himself 
to be surprised at Spa. He would abdicate as German 
Emperor, but never as King of Prussia. Scheer supported 
Hindenburg, saying that it was no longer possible to rely 
upon the navy. 

“I no longer have a navy”, said Wilhehn II bitterly, and 
left the room. It was then five o’clock. 



Sadly Hindenburg returned to the Hotel Britannique. 
He did not know that he had seen his Emperor for 
the last time. He only knew that he could bear no 
more that day. In the morning he would come again and 
receive his War Lord’s final commands. But no more 

Later that evening Plessen came to him with the 
news that the Emperor would leave for Holland next day. 
Hindenburg suggested that he should go at once to the 
Imperial train, but Plessen persuaded him against it. His 
Majesty, he said, was overtaxed by all he had gone through. 
He should not be disturbed again to-night. To-morrow 
would be plenty of time. 

The Marshal was relieved. He too was worn out with the 
emotions of the day and the previous night. He must have 
rest to give him strength for the morrow, when he should 
take over the Supreme Command of the Armies from the 
Emperor. He retired early, and over G.H.Q. there was an 
atmosphere of calm after storm. 

But there was to be no handing over of command on the 
morrow. Very early in the morning the Imperial train, its 
splendours of cream and gold unnoticed in the darkness, 
shpped quietly from its siding and vanished towards the 
Dutch frontier. When Hindenburg awoke, the church bells 
were ringing but his Emperor had gone. 

It was Sunday, November 10. 

For the remaining sixteen years of his life Hindenburg 
was to be haunted by the memories of these November days 
and the part he had played in them. For though, thanks to 
Schulenburg, Waldersee, and others, Glrdner was mahgned 
and traduced by the ofdcers of the Old Aumy, the Prussian 
nobility were left in no doubt by the Emperor as to where, in 
his estimation, the blame for his abdication and flight really 
lay. Rmninating in retrospect at Doom, Wilhelm II became 
convinced that while Prince Max of Baden and Hindenburg 


were jointly responsible for his abdication, the responsiblity 
for his flight was entirely the Marshal’ sd 

^ Where the true responsibility for the Emperor’s flight into Holland 
lies, remains a mystery Undoubtedly the immediate responsibihty for 
advising the Emperor’s departure from Spa wasHindenburg’sjbutthe idea 
was not his own and had its origin much further back. It was not in any 
case a chance improvisation conceived in a moment of panic provoked 
by the progress of the Revolution Scheidemann states that as early as 
the end of October the Emperor knew that the Dutch frontier was open 
to him, and he alleges that a request had been made to the Queen of the 
Netherlands to give him asylum by none other than the King of England 
[Memoirs of a Social Demodai, vol. ii p. 538). It is a fact that a high 
Dutch mihtary official, G-eneral van Heutsz, ex-Governor-6eneral of the 
Dutch East Indies, visited Spa on the mght of November 8. Moreover, it 
had been announced in Holland as early as November 7 that the Emperor 
would take up his residence m the district of Apeldoorn, and Niemann, 
the representative of the Supreme Command with the Emperor, asserts 
that “at Berlin there had been foresight enough to secure that all the 
necessary arrangements had been made. . . The inference is that 
the Emperor’s journey to Holland had been arranged without the know- 
ledge of the Emperor, and Dr. Maurice Beaumont, in his admirable study 
of these November days, raises the question of the possibility that 
certain high officials were convinced that Wilhelm II would be forced 
inevitably to go to Holland and had made arrangements accordingly 
{The Fall of the Kaiser, p. 246). 

If this suggestion is correct, the circumstantial evidence all points 
to Admiral von Hintze. In his capacity of Foreign Office representative 
with the Supreme Command he would certainly have met the Dutch 
General van Heutsz on the evemng of November 8 Had he seen him 
before he paid his late visit to Hindenburg and obtained his agreement 
to the immediate abdication and flight of the Emperor? It was certainly 
the Admiral who persuaded Hindenburg against the opinion of Groner 
to which he had already agreed. It was Hintze who voted with Hinden- 
burg in favour of Holland as against Switzerland during the conference 
with Schulenburg on the afternoon of November 9, and to him fell the 
task of makmg the arrangements for the Emperor’s departure. These 
arrangements were not set on foot before 5 o’clock in the evening, and yet 
by 4,30 on the following mormng aU was ready for the departure. In 
view of the chaotic state of things in Berlin at the moment, this was in- 
credibly quick work if the ground had not already been prepared. The 
actual orders for departure were issued as early as 12 30 a.m. 

As against this there is the Admiral’s own statement that when, very 



Though Hindenburg was later forced publicly to aticept 
this responsiblity, he was never entirely sure himself 
whether he had been responsible or not. He was always 
most anxious to excuse and to explain his conduct on 
November 9, and did not hesitate to throw a large share of 
the blame upon Groner, regardless of the fact that Groner 
had definitely advised against the flight to Holland and 
had been but scantily informed of the latest conversations 
between Plessen and Hindenburg; regardless too of the fact 
that it was he, Hindenburg, who had changed his mind at 
the last moment. “You all blame me, but you should blame 
Groner”, he once said to the Nationalists; but they were 
imconvinced, and it remained one of their strongest holds 
over him in his later political career, that he had demanded 
the armistice which destroyed the German army and had 
sent his Emperor over the frontier. They never ceased to 
impress upon him that it was his duty to himself and to 
Germany to restore the Emperor and to rehabilitate the 
army, and these two considerations played an important 
part both in persuading him to accept the Presidential 
candidacy and finally to accept Adolf Hitler as Chancellor. 


The sudden departure of the Emperor had simplified the 
problem of Hindenburg’s own personal fine of conduct. 
There was now at any rate no question of his accompany- 
ing his War Lord into exile. He had been left behind. 
There remained, however, the question of his immediate 

early on the morning of November 10, he came to the station at Spa, he 
found the Imperial train already gone. There ia also the fact that when 
the Emperor arrived at the Dutch frontier at 7.30 in the mormng he had 
to wait six hours while urgent telephone conversations were held with 
the Hague. It is possible, of course, that the Emperor left earlier than 
the Admiral expected and that the prepared schedule was thus thrown 
out. In any case the weight of circumstantial evidence is against von 




position. Technically speaking, his appointment to the 
Supreme Command of the German armies had been de- 
pendent upon Wilhelm II remaining King of Prussia. But 
now everything was changed. The Emperor had vanished 
without making any act of abdication. What was a loyal 
Prussian soldier to do? But here again Fate had answered 
the question for him. 

While Hindenburg had slept the sleep of emotional 
exhaustion on the night of November 9, Groner had been 
making history. He sat alone for a long time, reading and 
re-reading a document which a courier had brought that 
afternoon to Spa. It was the terms for an armistice which 
Marshal Foch had handed the day before to Erzberger. 
They were staggering in their severity, yet they were no 
more harsh than the terms which Hindenburg and Luden- 
dorfi had imposed on Russia and Rumania. This fact was 
of little consolation to Groner, who realized that the 
conditions meant abject surrender and that Germany had 
no choice but to accept them. So crushing were the terms of 
the AUies that only a strong government in Germany could 
ensure their execution. And had Germany a strong govern- 

In deepest thought Groner reviewed the situation before 
him. Wilhelm II’s last words to him that afternoon had 
released him from his allegiance to the German Emperor, 
and he was not vitally concerned with saving the King 
of Prussia. But he was a good German, and deeply and 
genuinely he was concerned for Germany in her extremity. 
What was his duty? His Emperor had fled, his own King, 
Wilhelm of Wurttemberg, had abdicated, releasing his 
officers from their oaths to him; there remained only 
Germany, and his duty was to her. 

Five hundred miles away in Berlin was a man whom 
Groner knew and trusted, Fritz Ebert, the saddler, the last 
Imperial Chancellor and the first Reichsprasident of Ger- 
many, who, having failed to save the monarchy through 



no fault of his own, was now straining every effort to save 
the Revolution. G-roner knew him for an honest and courage- 
ous man who, given the chance, would build up a strong 
government in Germany. At the moment, however, he was 
in grave danger. His Cabinet, scarcely formed, was being 
attacked fiercely by the Independents and the Spartacists. 
If he failed to keep control, Bolshevism would sweep the 
country. With the support of the army, the Social Demo- 
crats and trade unions could restore the authority of the 
central Government and at least save Germany from the 
horror of civil war, Groner saw his duty clearly: it was to 
Germany. He picked up the telephone. 

Alone, behind locked doors in the Chancellor’s room, 
Ebert sat collapsed in his chair. His sweat-soaked collar 
and disordered clothes bore witness to the efiorts of the day. 
He was exhausted. All day he had fought and struggled, 
first for the monarchy, then for the Revolution, and latterly 
for the very fife of the Social Democratic Party. For Haase 
and Liebknecht were beating him; they had refused to 
support the Government, and all over Berlin Independent 
and Spartacist agitators were at work. At any moment civil 
war might break out. It would be the Commune over again. 

Through the windows came the cheers and jeers of the 
crowds in the Wilhelmstrasse and from Unter den Linden 
the strains of the “Internationale”. The Chancellor rose and 
closed the windows. His glance fell on the telephone on his 
desk. A private fine connected him direct with Spa. If only 
he knew the attitude of the army. Could he depend on the 
Corps of Ofi&cers? 

Suddenly, as if in answer to his question, the telephone 
bell rang. Ebert picked up the receiver with a hand that 
trembled. Then he almost wept with joy. . . , 

“Groner speaking.” 

Was he wiUing to protect Germany from anarchy and 
to restore law and order? the First Quartermaster-General 
wanted to know. Yes, he was, said Ebert. “Then the High 



Command will maintain discipline in tke army and bring it 
peacefully home,” Groner repKed. 

But the Chancellor wanted guarantees. What was the 
attitude of the High Command towards the Workers’ and 
Soldiers’ Councils? Orders had been given to deal with them 
in a friendly spirit, was the reply. “What do you expect from 
us?” asked the Chancellor. “The High Command expects 
the Government to co-operate with the Officers’ Corps in 
the suppression of Bolshevism, and in the maintenance of 
disciphne in the army. It also asks that the provisioning of 
the army shall be ensured and all disturbance of transport 
communication prevented.” 

Ebert had one more question: 

“Will the Eield-Marshal retain the Command?” 

Groner hesitated a moment, then in a confident voice he 

“Yes, the Field-Marshal will retain the Command.” 

“Convey to the Field-Marshal the thanlcs of the Govern- 
ment”, was Ebert’s reply. 

So when Hindenburg awoke on the morning of November 
10, his course of action had already been decided for him. 
Very early came Groner, bringing with him the armistice 
conditions and the report of the pact he had made with 
Ebert. There before Hiudenburg opened a new way of 
service. One last questioning of conscience, one final clash 
of loyalties, and the struggle was over. Without sacrificing 
his personal loyalty to the Crown, he placed his services at 
the disposal of the Repubhc and of the army. 

To many hundreds and thousands of loyal officers the 
collapse of the German army meant that the very founda- 
tions of their thoughts and feelings were tottering. They 
were faced with the hardest of all inward struggles. “I 
thought , writes the Marshal, “that I could help many of 
the best of them to come to the right decision in that 
conflict by continuing in the path to which the wish of 
my Emperor, my love for the Fatherland and Army, and 


20 £ 

my sense of duty pointed me.” By so doing he not only 
materially contributed to the saving of the Bevolution from 
lapsing into Bolshevism, but also made the new regime a 
httle more acceptable to his fellow officers and thereby 
rendered counter-revolutions considerably more difficult. 

It was his greatest and most noble deed; greater than 
the victories of Tannenberg and the Lakes, greater far than 
anything which occurred in his later hfe. For this act many 
deeds less noble may be forgiven him. 

Hindenburg, having shouldered this new and heavy 
responsibility, at once began upon the grim tasks which it 
involved. The armistice terms which Erzberger had sent 
must be accepted or rejected by noon the next day and the 
Government was anxious for his opinion. There was only 
one opinion to be given, but in his telegram to the Minister 
of War, the Marshal suggested certain points on which 
mitigation of the terms might be gained. If it was impos- 
sible to gain these modifications, “a fiery protest should be 
raised”, but — and here lay the whole essence of the matter — 
“it would nevertheless be advisable to conclude the agree- 

The armistice came into force at 11 o’clock on the morn- 
ing of November 11, and on the following day the German 
army began its march homeward, very quietly, in column 
of route. Not the least triumph of Groner’s genius for 
organization was that the armies of the West were brought 
back home quickly and without mishap. The greatest tact 
was required in dealing with the new “spokesmen” which 
each xmit was permitted to elect, but though revolution- 
ized, the mihtary machine remained practically intact, and, 
with the exception of some regrettable incidents in the 
Rhineland, discipline was strictly maintained. 

General Headquarters were transferred on November 15 
to Wilhelmshohe in Cassel. Here indeed was tragic irony. 
When, in 1870, Paul von Hindenburg, a dashing young 
subaltern of the Third Foot Guards, newly decorated with 



the Iron Cross, was pressing on to victory and Paris, there 
was lodged in this Palace of Wilhelmshohe, where once 
Jerome Bonaparte had ruled as King, a deposed and 
captive Emperor, his nephew, Napoleon III. Now, half a 
century later, in those same rooms sat Marshal von Hinden- 
burg, a defeated man, even though decorated with the 
Iron Cross with Golden Bays, and across the frontier his 
own Emperor was in exile. The wheel had turned fuU cycle. 

But at Wilhelmshohe Hindenburg was greeted with every 
mark of respect and confidence. A special order was issued 
authorizing him and his stafi to be allowed to carry arms, 
and Grzesinski, chairman of the Workers’ and Soldiers’ 
Council of Cassel, pubhshed a proclamation of welcome. 
“Hindenburg is fulfilling his duty to-day in a manner which 
endears him to us as never before. Hindenburg belongs to 
the German nation.” For the first time a German Socialist 
was publicly honouring a Prussian General. 

And so, in these November days at Wilhelmshohe, the 
Hindenburg Legend was rekindled. It had binned very low 
a month before and had all but flickered out. But in making 
the greatest and hardest decision of his life, in offer ing his 
services to the Kepubhc, the Marshal had reawakened the 
confidence and the affection of the German people. Evidence 
of this increased popularity was to be seen on all sides. 
“The majority of red cockades which are on sale in the 
streets are portraits of Hindenburg”, announced a Berlin 
newspaper. “Hindenburg’s face has been painted over red, 
but the paint comes off very easily, and Hindenburg’s face 
appears once more.” This and many other portents marked 
the metamorphosis of the Legend. And very much of this 
renewed popularity Hindenburg owed, all unwittingly, to 
Groner, whose timely negotiations with Ebert had made 
possible “the approach to Democracy”. 

But despite this revival of his personal prestige, Hinden- 
burg, during these early days at Wilhelmshohe, was a sad 
and lonely man. Now he was alone indeed in the midst of 



new and bewildering events wMcb in nearly every case 
were alien to all his conceptions of life. He no longer had 
his War Lord to esteem and obey, and though he worked 
in close collaboration with Groner, there was nothing of 
that warmth of feehng, that harmony of “marital bliss”, 
that had characterized his relations with Ludendorff. Ever 
between them was the memory of November 9, like a 
spectral barrier, and Hindenburg had the rmcomfortable 
feehng that Grdner knew. 

There was, moreover, little to give him comfort. Ger- 
many’s hopes and honour were in ashes, and at home 
anarchy and chaos still threatened. The army which Hmden- 
burg had brought back home had had a strange welcome. 
The veterans, who had fought as gallantly under the bitter 
circumstances of defeat as in the intoxicating excitement 
of victory, were greeted by the revolutionaries with jeers 
and cat-calls, hailed as tyrants and lackeys of tyrants, and 
execrated as the butchers of the imperial regime. Officers 
were particularly singled out for attack, their epaulettes and 
decorations were torn ofi, and, in many cases, they were 
brutally manhandled. 

Despite his efforts, Ebert was unable to keep the pledges 
which he had given to Groner. His position was all but 
impossible. The Social Democrats showed neither aptitude 
nor capacity for keeping control of the situation. The 
machinery of government was breaking down, and the 
Independents and Spartacists seized upon every circum- 
stance which could inflame the people against the Cabinet. 
The refusal of the Alhed Governments to raise the blockade 
was grist to Liebknecht’s null, and, if Bolshevism had 
triumphed in Germany in the winter of 1918, the bhndness 
and stupidity of the diplomacy of the Entente Powers 
would have been very largely to blame. 

Unable to combat these revolutionary movements, Ebert 
endeavoured to conciliate them. The Congress of Workmen’s 
and Soldiers’ Councils, which opened in the Prussian House 



of Deputies on December 16, adopted a resolution grossly 
ofiensive to tbe army in general and the High Command in 
particular. “As a symbol”, the motion declared, “of tie 
destruction of militarism and the abolition of blind obedi- 
ence, all badges of rank are to be removed and no arms 
carried by soldiers off duty. . . . The rank and file are to 
elect their own leaders. . . . Speedy measures are to be 
taken for the abolition of the standing army and the con- 
stitution of a national guard.” 

The wording of this resolution recalls Kerenslcy’s famous 
Order No. 1, which played such havoc with the discipline of 
the Russian army, but Ebert was anxious to placate the 
Congress, which was on the verge of being carried into 
the Spartacist camp. He proposed to give authority to the 

Almost every evening when his colleagues had left him, 
the Chancellor made use of the army wire to Wilhelms- 
hohe, the secret of which was unknown to his staff, to 
confer with Groner, who was thus able to keep his finger 
on the pulse of the Government. Now Ebert told him that, 
reluctantly enough, he would have to put the resolution 
abolishing insignia into force. Groner advised against it. 
The Marshal would never stand for it, and Groner did 
not feel justified in urging him to do so. The spirit of the 
resolution struck at the very heart of military discipline, 
which, in any case, had sadly deteriorated. 

Groner was correct in his prophecy as to the Marshal’s 
reaction. Hindenburg was furious. Already he had come 
into conflict with the Councils by forbidding any unit of 
the field army to carry the Red Flag and by opposing the 
right claimed by the troops to elect and depose their officers. 
The terms of the resolution were too much. If carried into 
efect, the army would melt away through lack of discipline. 
“You may tell the Chancellor”, he said to Groner, “that I 
decline to recognixe the ruling of the Congress with regard 
to the executive authority of our officers; that I shall oppose 



it by every means in my power, and that I shall not allow 
my epaulettes or my sword to be taken from me.” At the 
same time he telegraphed to all troop commanders that no 
change was to be made in the army regulations. Ebert 
begged the High Command to reconsider its attitude. “It is 
not we who began the quarrel,” repHed Groner, “and it is 
not our business to put an end to it.” 

The High Command triumphed, and the resolution was 
never put into force. The incident, however, might well have 
terminated the good relations between Wilhelmshohe and 
Berhn, had not the Spartacist Eising of January 1919 over- 
shadowed all other considerations. 

In the crushing of this revolt, and the subsequent 
deaths of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, the High 
Command at Wilhelmshohe had no part. The operations 
against the insurgents were conducted by the Majority 
Sociahst, Gustav Noske, who had suppressed the naval 
revolt at Kiel and was therefore now entrusted by Ebert 
with a s im i l ar task. Noske used for his attack on Berlin 
the troops of the Guard Cavalry Division, some veteran 
Jager battahons, and certain of the volunteer corps which 
were springing up all over the country for local protection. 
Nominally of course these troops were under Hindenburg’s 
authority as Commander-in-Chief; actually, however, they 
were commanded by Generals Hofimann and Liittwitz, who 
accepted orders from Noske direct, and it was by Guard 
Cavalry ofl&cers that the Spartacist leaders were murdered.^ 
By the middle of January the revolt had been crushed with 
such efficiency that those involved in its suppression had 
earned the nickname of “Noske’s Butchers”, and the way 

^ Not tlie least tragic aspect of the murder of Rosa Luxemhurg is the 
fact that at the time of her death she had actually recanted Com- 
munism. She was arrested as she left a secret meeting with certain 
Majority Sociahsts, at which she had become convinced of the funda- 
mental unsoundness of Communist principles and had declared her 
intention of leaving the Spartacist ranks. 


was at last open for the meeting of the National Assembly 
at Weimar. 

The task of withdrawing the armies of the West was 
completed by the New Year, and early in February 1919 
General Headquarters were removed to Kolberg, in Pomer- 
ania, on the Baltic, the scene of the rise to fame of the great 
Gneisenau. Here Hindenburg and Groner gave their atten- 
tion to the Eastern Front, where bands of irregular volun- 
teers were waging a guerilla warfare against the Soviet 
forces. The arrival of the Victor of Tannenberg was 
hailed with delighted enthusiasm. The glories of August 
1914 would be repeated. Hindenburg would again save 
East Prussia from the Russians. Military ardour ran 

The Marshal issued a rousing proclamation: “You volun- 
teers and young comrades, who are determined to risk your 
lives in the defence of the Ostmark, remember the brave 
men of 1914. And you, old comrades who fought with me at 
Tannenberg and the Masurian Lakes, come quickly to our 
help. Do not let my appeal to the sons of Germany fall upon 
ieaf ears!” 

It was his plan to raise an army of veterans and volun- 
ieers and throw the invader out of the Eastern provinces, 
md immediately there was a keen response to his call. 
Soldiers who could find no employment and were tired of 
)eing insulted, youths who had been too young to fight, 
lU answered his appeal. But alas! for their hopes. From 
frier, where was the G.H.Q. of Marshal Foch, the Allied 
Generalissimo, there came a command to halt. No offensive 
)perations were to be undertaken and no advance was to 
)e made beyond a demarcated hue. 

Hindenburg was furious. He implored the Government 
0 reject these demands, but Ebert replied by asking the 
ligh Co mm and if they were prepared for a resumption of 
ostitities. To this, of course, there was only one reply pos- 
ible. Raging impotently, Hindenburg bowed to the inevit- 



able and confined Mmself to reorganizing tbe defence of the 
German Eastern provinces. 

Little by little, however, the new Germany gained 
strength and confidence, bnt not without blood and vio- 
lence. In March occurred the second Spartacist Rising, and 
this again was suppressed by Noske, now Defence Minister, 
with great severity. In this operation the reorganized mili- 
tary forces of the State, the Reichswehr, were used for the 
first time, and Noske’s handhng of this new army, still 
scarcely formed from the conglomeration of Freikorps, 
regulars, and volunteers which remained as residue from the 
war, greatly impressed Hindenburg and Groner. Between 
the Old Army and the New there grew up a mutual respect. 
“The High Command”, wrote Groner to Noske on March 18, 
“has confidence in the Government, limited confidence in 
the Ministry of War, and unUmited confidence only in the 
Minister for National Defence.” 

As the spring progressed, the attention of Germany and 
of the whole world turned toward the Peace Conference. 
The hopes and fears of all, the ideals of those who dreamed 
of a New World, the ambitions of those who sought the 
permanent destruction of Germany, centred about Paris. 
The old legions of hatred did battle with the new forces of 
understanding, and apart, anxious and uncertain for the 
future, the world waited apprehensively. 

In Germany itself there were still those who hoped for 
a peace based upon the Eourteen Points, which, though 
severe, might yet be acceptable; and there were those who 
still dreamed of armed resistance should the conditions of 
peace prove too humiliating. There was no great under- 
standing of the real military and political position resulting 
from Germany’s defeat. It was a common belief that the 
unbeaten German army had only broken ofi an unequal 
struggle to secure just peace terms, which America had 
offered. There was little or no conception of the deep- 
seated hatred which had grown up in the countries of the 



Entente against a people who had countenanced the sink- 
ing of passenger vessels, the bombing of women and chil- 
dren, and the deportation of Belgian civilians. The question 
of war-guilt was barely recognized, and the poHcy of Scheide- 
mann, who had become Chancellor when the Weimar 
Assembly elected Ebert as President of the Republic, not 
only fostered these misconceptions, but was itself based 
upon them. 

The High Command shared none of these illusions. Both 
Hindenburg and Croner knew that little could be hoped 
from an enemy who had exacted such ruthless terms of 
capitulation in the field, and neither of them had any belief 
in the possibility of a resumption of hostilities. Groner, 
however, considered that, in the last emergency, a cam- 
paign of passive resistance could be carried out with effect; 
but he prayed that this might not be necessary. 

There came at last the day when the conditions of peace 
were handed to Count Brockdorff-Rantzau. They were pub- 
lished in Berlin on May 7, and at once a wave of rage and 
protest swept the country. Even those who had condemned 
the war policy of Imperial Germany, such as Prince Lich- 
nowsky, the former Ambassador in London, and Dr. 
Walter Schucking, the international jurist and pacifist, 
joined in appeahng to the Government to reject, at what- 
ever cost, terms of so humihating a nature. President Ebert 
issued a proclamation against “A Peace of Violence”, and, as 
a sign of mourning, ordered the suspension of public amuse- 
ments for a week. The Chancellor declared that “the peace 
conditions are unacceptable and impossible of execution”, 
and with one voice the press demanded either rejection or 

For more than a month the battle raged in Berlin, 
in Weimar, and in Paris. As a result of such negotiation as 
was permitted them, and very largely on account of the 
reports which General Malcolm, head of the British Mili- 
tary Mission, was sending from Berlin, to the effect that the 



new spirit in Gernaany was establisliing itself slowly but 
surely and every day more visibly, the German Peace 
Commission were able to secure certain important modifica- 
tions of the original terms; but when the revised and final 
demands of the Allies were received on June 17 they were 
still of so crushing a nature that again there arose a national 
demand for their rejection. But it was not as unanimous as 
before. The Independents were now in favour of accepting 
the terms at any price. Though the Allied blockade had been 
lifted, there was still a terrible scarcity of essentials; of 
clothing, underwear, boots and shoes; even of bread there 
was a shortage. “Sign, then there’ll be bread”, became 
the slogan of the Independents, who now threatened armed 
revolt if the treaty was not accepted. On the other hand, 
the Army Associations officially declared through their 
officers that they would refuse to serve the Government 
if the dictated peace were signed. 

Scheidemann and his Government were still unanimously 
in favour of rejection; Ebert supported them. The final 
word, however, lay with the High Command, for it was idle 
to pretend that rejection would not bring with it the re- 
sumption of hostihties. Ebert turned once more to Groner. 

The issue was passionately debated between Weimar and 
Kolberg. The question which confronted the High Com- 
mand was whether the fighting spirit of the German nation 
was stiU capable of further resistance. Would the nation, in 
fact, prefer to accept a humiliating peace rather than face 
the alternative of making a last desperate stand involving 
in all probability its final overthrow? 

After two days of bitter mental conflict, reason triumphed 
over a very natural desire for resistance. The reply of the 
High Command to the Government was as follows: 

In. the event of a resumption of hostilities we can reconquer the 
province of Posen and defend our frontiers in the East. In the West, 
however, we can scarcely count upon being able to withstand a 
serious offensive on the part of the enemy in view of the numerical 


superiority of the Entente and their ability to outflank us on both 

The success of the operation as a whole is therefore very doubtful, 
but as a soldier I cannot help feeling that it were better to perish 
honourably than accept a disgraceful peace. 

VON Hindenbueo, G.E.M. 

The sentiments expressed in the final paragraph were 
laudable and patriotic in the extreme, but, in writing them, 
the Marshal had ignored the fact that he himself had ad- 
vised the acceptance of the armistice conditions, no less 
hurmliating, in his telegram to Erzberger on November 10. 
The desire for exculpation was beginning to show itself, 
and became more apparent as the struggle over the treaty 
proceeded and the opposition of the Right and the Old 
Army officers became more and more vehement. 

Seizing upon Hindenburg’s reply, the Independent Social- 
ists attacked the Government in the Assembly, and so 
weakened its position that Scheidemann resigned on June 
20. A new Cabinet was formed, depending for its support 
on the Majority Sociahsts and the Centre, with the Socialist, 
Gustav Bauer, as Chancellor, and Erzberger, Hermann 
MiiUer, and Noske in key positions. Again the fight was on. 
A compromise resolution was eventually carried, author- 
izing the acceptance of the treaty with the exception of 
the articles (227-8 and 230-1) which demanded the sur- 
render for trial of the Kaiser and other war “criminals” 
and the admission of Germany’s war guilt. 

To this counter proposal the Allied and Associated 
Powers repHed vsdth an rdtimatum. The treaty must be 
accepted or rejected as a whole within forty-eight hours; 
in the event of rejection, hostilities would reopen. This 
reply was received at Weimar about 11 o’clock on the 
evening of Sunday, June 22, and created something 
approaching a panic. But here Erzberger, taking up the 
fight for signature, suddenly appeared in a new light. Eor 
the first time in his career he played the part of a statesman 



rather than of a politician. He defeated the waverers 
amongst his own followers of the Centre and brought them 
into line with the Independent and Majority Sociahsts, 
forming a solid bloc in the Assembly upon which the 
Government could rely for support. “Erzberger has the 
reputation of being a pure self-seeker in politics”, wrote 
a British general from Berlin, when all was over, “but 
during the past week he has played a fine and patriotic 
role. I almost called it noble.” 

But the Cabinet itself was divided. It met at 10 o’clock 
on the morning of June 24 and reached no agreement. It 
adjourned. At 11 o’clock there came to Noske General 
Maercker, whose veterans had taken a prominent part in 
crushing the Spartacist revolts; aU the higher Reichswehr 
commanders, he said, were prepared to resign from the 
army. They would proclaim Noske Dictator of Germany 
and reject the treaty. Noske considered the proposal, 
hesitated, and — to his eternal honour — ^refused. 

The Cabinet met again at midday. Still no agreement. 
The sands were running out. The final vote of the Assembly 
must be taken that evening, and the Government must 
come before it with a united pohcy, or resign. Grimly the 
Chancellor adjourned the meeting again until 4.30. 

In the meantime Ebert telephoned to Kolberg. He would 
only agree to signing the treaty if the High Command had 
come to the final conclusion that there was no chance left 
of armed resistance. If G.H.Q. still believed in the smallest 
possibility of success, Ebert declared, he would throw the 
whole weight of his influence in favour of rejection. What 
he must have before the decisive vote in the Cabinet that 
afternoon was the considered opinion of Hindenburg, and 
he would telephone again at 4 o’clock to receive it. 

Again the responsibility of decision had been placed 
upon the Marshal, and again he had not the courage to 
shoulder it. Upon his decision depended peace or war; war, 
with all its hopelessness and its reawakened horrors, or 



peace, with, its surrender of Alsace-Lorraine, the Polish 
Provinces, and the colonies, with its crushing indemnity, 
with its admission of war guilt, and finally, most terrible of 
aU for Hindenburg, with its surrender of the Emperor for 
trial. He had forced his Emperor to abdicate, he had 
urged him to run away, must he now take responsibility 
for the decision which should dehver him over to his most 
implacable enemies? The nightmare of Spa seized hold on 
him again; yet war was impossible. 

The great tragedy of Hindenburg’s hfe was that his 
mental conflicts were never between right and wrong, but 
always between right and right. It was the clash of fealties 
which tore his soul, and the result of the struggle was 
usually that he was loyal to neither. So now he reached an 
impasse. He could not advise the resumption of hostilities, 
and equally he could not take the responsibility for accept- 
ing the treaty. In the greater issues he lacked moral 

Half an horn before the appointed time they met in 
Groner’s office, the Marshal stfll in a state of indecision. 
Groner asked him what the reply should be. “You know as 
well as I do that armed resistance is impossible”, said 
Hindenburg. “You realize ail that this decision means?” 
Groner asked. The Marshal, without answering, walked 
slowly to the window. How well he knew all that it meant, 
and in that moment Hindenburg had made up his mind. 
He had not the courage to give the decision to Ebert. He 
looked at his watch. It was a quarter to four. 

“There is no need for me to stay”, he told Groner; “you 
can give the answer to the President as well as I can”; and 
he left the room. Some time later, after the fatal call had 
been made, the Marshal returned and laid his hand upon 
Grbner’s shoulder. “The burden which you have under- 
taken is a terrible one”, he said. 

That night the National Assembly voted to accept the 
Peace Treaty, but in the chronicles of Weimar it is written: 



“What finally decided the matter was a trunk-call from 
General Groner to President Ebert, in which the former 
stated that, if fighting were resumed, the prospects of a 
successful issue were hopeless, adding his firm conviction 
that in the end even the army would approve the acceptance 
of the conditions”. 

Hiudenbuxg’s name does not appear. 

For the second time Groner had become the victim of 
Hindenburg’s lack of courage, and, in the eyes of the army, 
the “treachery of Weimar” was added to the “treason of 
Spa”. From the charge of disloyalty to the Emperor 
Groner sought to defend himself, and in 1922 a Court of 
Honour pronounced that he had “acted according to his 
conscience, holding that thus he could best serve the 
interests of his country”. But in the matter of Weimar he 
remained silent in face of the attacks and calumnies which 
were repeatedly levelled against him over fourteen years; 
and in all this time the Marshal said no word in his defence 
or ever denied that the whole responsibihty of the fatal 
decision rested with Groner. 

Why, a group of his friends once asked Groner, did he 
make no effort to protect his name and reputation? “Because 
I beheved that in the mterests of the New Army the myth 
of Hindenbujg should be preserved”, he repHed. “It was 
necessary that one great German figure should emerge from 
the war free from all the blame that was attached to the 
General Staff. That figure had to be Hindenburg.” 

The Marshal’s work was over. The peace terms had put 
an end to the German Great General Staff and, on the same 
day that the treaty was signed, in the room where, half a 
century before, he had seen his Ki ng proclaimed Emperor, 
Hindenburg concluded his “second life” with his retirement 
from the army. His proclamation of farewell, with its 
sincerity of appeal and noble simplicity of language, has 
become a historic document. It had been drafted by 




Soldiers [it read], upon my retirement my thoughts revert in the 
first place, with deep emotion, to the long years during which I 
was permitted to serve three Royal and Imperial Masters . . . and 
at the same time with feelings of deep sorrow to those sad days 
when our Fatherland collapsed. The self-devotion and loyalty with 
which ofiS.cers, non-commissioned ofi&cers, and men have stood by 
me have been a great consolation to me in those unspeakably 
difficult times. For this I would ask you aU, and especially the 
volunteer corps who have so manfully mounted guard on the 
Eastern Front, to accept my lasting thanks. I have, however, to make 
a request as well as to express my thanks. Whatever you may think 
as individuals about recent events is entirely your own afiaic; but 
as regards your actions I would beg each one of you to be guided 
solely by the interests of his country. Personal views must be 
subordinated to the general welfare — ^however difficult this may 
seem. It is only by the united efforts of all of us that we can hope 
with God’s help to raise our unhappy German Fatherland from its 
present depths of degradation and restore its former prosperity. 
Farewell. I shall never forget you! Hindenburg.^ 

^ The signature itself is of interest. The proclamation is the only 
public document signed by Hindenburg, at this period of his life, with- 
out the “von” of nobility or the initials G.F.M. (General-Field-Marshal). 
He was writing on this occasion as one German soldier to others. 






Hanovek again; Hanover and retirement, but not the 
obscurity of 1911. Then Lieutenant-General von Hinden- 
burg, one of the many general of&cers retained d la suite of 
their regiments, had passed unnoticed on the streets and 
had gone unrecognized on little domestic shopping expedi- 
tions. But now on July 4, 1919, the City Bathers, in aU the 
dignity of their silt hats and frock-coats, met the Field- 
Marshal at the station with an address of welcome and 
conducted him with all ceremony, not to his old first floor 
flat in the Holzgraben, but to the fine new viUa in Seelhor- 
strasse which Hanover had presented to its first citizen of 

It was a strange home-coming and his first since his 
departure on the eve of Tannenberg. On that night he had 
waited alone, without even an aide-de-camp, for Luden- 
dorfi; now, with his son Oskar and Colonel von Kiigelgen in 
attendance, with the notorious Oberburgermeister Tramm 
to welcome him, with a guard of honour in uniform, 
immaculate almost as if there had been no war, he passed 
to his new home through great throngs of cheering troops 
and citizens. At the villa his wife awaited him, and in that 
reunion with her, the first for many months, was his real 

Throughout the privations of the war and the terrors of 




tlie revolution, when Hanover had been among the first 
cities to hoist the Eed Flag, Frau von Hindenburg had 
bravely gone about her business and had kept up her 
courage by alternate readings in the New Testament and 
the campaigns of 1870-71. She had found great comfort in 
the friendship of Countess von Crayenberg, whose niece 
was now so soon to become Oskar von Hindenburg’s wife, 
and together they had passed through the trials and 
acknowledged the honours which came to the wife of a great 
soldier. She had taken up residence in the new villa, but at 
once ofiered to return it to the city when the revolutionary 
government took over control in November 1918. To his 
great credit, the Mayor, Leinert, who later became President 
of the Prussian Diet, refused even to consider such a pro- 
posal, and gave strict orders that she was to suffer no 
discomfort or indignity. 

Her quiet courage was now rewarded, her husband had 
come back to her, a defeated general but a hero in the hearts 
of his countrymen, and the glory of the home-coming 
seemed to make amends for the weary months of waiting. 

The enthusiasm of the welcome did not pass in a day. A 
perpetual crowd stood before the house in the Seelhorstrasse 
and wherever the giant figure of the Marshal appeared in 
the streets, all traffic ceased and the crowd gave itself up to 
joyful demonstration. His celebrity became a burden to 
him. Hating ostentation and devoid of personal ambition, 
he chafed at the restrictions which his popularity placed 
upon him. “My wife has just gone into Hanover to do some 
shopping. I used to like doing it myself but I can’t any 
longer. If I cross the Georgstrasse there’s such a crowd that 
the traffic has to stop”, he complained to a visitor. 

The flood of presents which had poured in on him after 
Tannenberg now recommenced with redoubled force. From 
rich and poor came gifts appropriate and otherwise. The 
house became a museum both from the value of the gifts 
and from the personahties of their donors. A Turkish carpet 



from Enver Pasha; a great group of bronze elks from the 
province of East Prussia to her saviour; the silver axe of the 
Hungarian regiment of which he was Colonel-in-Chief; the 
watch which Napoleon had used at St. Helena; all these 
stirred memories within him whenever his glance fell upon 
them. In one corner of his study hung a particularly 
cherished relic, a naval flag, the beloved Schwarz-weiss-rot, 
now prohibited by the Republic. They were the colours of 
the battle-cruiser Hindenhurg, scuttled in Scapa Flow after 
her surrender. A young lieutenant had wrapped them 
round his body before jumping overboard, and had brought 
them back to the man whose name the ship had proudly 
borne, and to the woman who had launched her. 

But between Hindenburg and the peace of his retirement 
the memories of Spa rose Hke a spectre. How differently 
things had worked out from what he had dreamed they would. 
He had been wont to say to his intimates at Spa: “As soon 
as peace is signed I shall ride with the Emperor through the 
Brandenburger Tor to the palace and take part in the 
festivities there; then I shall take a cab to the station, go 
back to my dear old wife, and no one wiU ever see me 
again”. To the burden of responsibility for Wilhelm II’s 
flight was added the fear of the Emperor’s extradition and 
trial, for which the Alhed press stiU clamoured, and this 
possibility haunted the Marshal continually. 

His first act on laying down his active command was to 
send a letter to Ebert assuming full responsibihty for all 
the actions of the High Command since August 1916, in- 
cluding the orders of the Emperor, which, he declared, had 
been given in every case on his personal advice. At the same 
time he wrote direct to Marshal Foch, as Generalissimo of 
the Allied Armies, “in the name of the old German army”, 
asking him to refrain from pressing for the surrender of the 

As the supreme head of an army which through centuries has 
upheld the tradition of true soldiers’ honour and knightly sentiment 



as its highest ideal, you will be able to appreciate our feeUugs. I am 
ready to make any sacrifi.ce to keep this shameful humiliation from 
our people and our name. Therefore I put my person entirely at the 
disposal of the Allied Powers, in place of my royal master. I am 
convinced that every other officer of the Old Army would be prepared 
to do the same. 

To this appeal the Trench Marshal made no reply. 

The gesture made, Hindenhurg settled down to the pre- 
paration of his case for posterity. It was a great season for 
the production of memoirs. On both sides generals and 
admirals, victorious and unsuccessful, rushed into print in 
justification of their records and of the particular parts 
which they had played. Some wrote their own defence, some 
were incapable of doing so. In Germany, Ludendorff pro- 
duced two volumes of detailed recollections, and two more 
on the work of the General Stafi. Trom neither work does 
he emerge a very dignified figure. In Holland “ghost- 
writers” had found a happy hunting-ground amongst the 
exiled HohenzoUerns. At Amerongen the journalist Eosen 
was busy upon the Emperor’s recollections, while at Wieringen 
a famous novelist was engaged upon a similar task with the 
Crown Prince. So too at Hanover, with General von Mertz 
and a journalist as his collaborators, Hiudenburg prepared 
his own story, not from “any personal incliuation to author- 
ship, but in answer to the many requests and suggestions 
that have been made to me”. With such speed did they 
work that by September a thick volume of some hundred 
and fifty thousand words was pubhshed, entitled Aus 
meinem Leben. 

As a literary production or as a contribution to history, 
the memoirs are unimpressive and disappointing. Pompous 
and stilted in style and vague in language, they are 
remarkable rather for what is omitted than for what 
is told. Considering the author’s career and the material at 
his disposal, it is surprising to find only one mention of 
Schliefien’s name and none at all of Hofimann’s. On the 



other hand both the Emperor and Ludendorfi are referred 
to throughout in the most laudatory terms, as if these 
passages were dictated by the pangs of conscience. The 
events of Spa are dismissed in a single paragraph, a master- 
piece of evasive discretion. “I was at the side of my All- 
Highest War Lord during the fateful hours. He entrusted 
me with the task of bringing the army back home. When I 
left the Emperor in the afternoon of November 9, I was 
never to see him again! He went to spare his Fatherland 
further sacrifices and enable it to secure more favourable 
terms of peace.” 

In the last chapter, “My Farewell”, the Marshal showed 
that he had already imbibed the behef which he was later 
to make famous as the “stab-in-the-back”. Eegardless of 
the reasons which he himself had given to Prince Max of 
Baden for the collapse of the front, he now pronoxmced a 
phrase which was to become the fighting slogan of the 
German Nationalists and, after them, of the National 
Sociahsts. “Like Siegfried, stricken down by the treacherous 
spear of savage Hagen, our weary front coUapsed” — ^here 
was a basis for the myth that the German army was 
not well and truly beaten but had been betrayed by the 

The book concluded with a flight into the future, a 
prophesy so strangely accurate that it was later turned to 
great political account: 

Comrades of the German Army, once the proud and mighty 
famous Army! How can you talk of despondency? Think of the men 
who gave us a new Fatherland more than a hundred years ago. 
Their religion was their faith in themselves and in the sacredness 
of the cause. They built up a Fatherland, not on a foundation of 
doctrines strange to them but on those of the free development of 
the individual within the framework of the whole body-politic, and 
on his sense of responsibility to the State. Germany will tread that 
path once more as soon as she is permitted to do so. I have an 
unshakeable conviction that, as in those days, our historical con- 



fcmuity with our great and glorious past will be preserved and 
restored where it has been broken. The old German spirit will 
descend upon us again, though it may be that we shall first have to 
go through the purifying fires of passion and suffering. . . . When 
our national ideals and our national conscience have resumed their 
sway among us, we shall see how moral values have been struggling 
to birth in our present grievous trials and the Great War, on which 
no nation is entitled to look back with more pride than the German 
people, so long as it remained true to itself. Then, and then only, 
will the blood of all those who fell believing in the greatness of 
Germany have been poured out not in vain. In that hope I lay 
down my pen and firmly build on you — Young Germany. 

The ideal which Hindenburg had in mind was the future 
restoration of the monarchy (^^from the tempestuous seas 
of our national hfe will once more emerge that rock — the 
German Imperial House — to which the hopes of our fathers 
clung in the days of yore”). But his ^TareweU message” 
conjured up a dream and a vision for the realization of 
which Adolf Hitler claimed to stand. The words might well 
have been “written for him. On these grounds, and on these 
grounds alone — the rehabilitation of the German nation 
and of the German army — was he able to claim the support 
of the Marshal for the Revolution of 1933; and when 
Hindenburg’s political testament came to be written, at a 
moment when Nazi fortunes had fallen decidedly low, Hitler 
insisted that these words should be incorporated in it. 
The Marshal had wrought more than he knew. 

On November 1, 1919, the Allied and Associated Powers 
presented to the German Government a hst of 830 German 
citizens who were arraigned under Article 228 of the Treaty 
of Versailles as persons “accused of having committed acts 
in violation of the laws and customs of war”, and their 
surrender for trial was demanded. It was one of the many 
senseless humiliations heaped upon a defenceless Germany. 
The list of ‘ ‘war criminals” — they were thus designated 
before trial — ^iacluded many hundreds of humble persons, 



engineers who had destroyed industrial plants during the 
retreat across France and Flanders, naval officers charged 
with offences against Allied shipping, doctors accused of 
neglecting wounded prisoners, former U-boat commanders, 
and one woman, who was held responsible for ill-treatment 
of prisoners. 

But in order to escape the accusation of “one rule for the 
rich and another for the poor”, the victorious Powers had 
added to the list those whom they regarded as morally 
responsible for the crimes committed by their subordinates. 
The arch-criminal, of course, was the Emperor, but his case 
had been covered separately under Article 227 of the 
Treaty. Besides, the hst of those “wanted” included nearly 
every leading figure in German pubhc life during the war, 
the German Crown Prince and the Crown Prince of Bavaria, 
the ex-Chancellors von Bethmann Hollweg and Michaehs, 
Count Bernstorff, the former Ambassador in Washington; 
Field-Marshals von Hindenburg and Mackensen, Generals 
Ludendorff and von Falkenhayn, Grand- Admiral von Tir- 
pitz, and Admiral von Scheer, who had commanded the High 
Seas Fleet at Jutland. 

The German people saw, with rage and shame, their most 
distinguished leaders pubHcly branded as criminals, and the 
Government, who had signed the Treaty under duress, could 
not, even had they wished, have arrested men who had done 
their duty to their country as they had conceived it. No 
one beheved that a trial before courts in foreign countries 
would carry with it any elements of justice, and therefore 
the verdicts would have no moral force whatever. Moreover, 
the offences with which these were charged were the merest 
humbug, and it is difficult to understand how any responsible 
statesmen could have seriously condoned such a proceeding. 

The Government was in no position to execute the 
demands of the AlHes. It was still threatened with 
counter-revolution from the Bight, and any attempt to 
arrest the distinguished personages on the Alhed list of 



“criminals” would have been the signal for an armed up- 
rising of aU the conservative elements in the country. An 
attempt was made to secure a few voluntary surrenders. 
The G-erman Crown Prince and Prince Rupprecht of 
Bavaria both ofiered to give themselves up on behalf of 
aU. The great sociologist, Max Weber, called on Ludendorff 
to try and persuade him to join them. Ludendorff, forgetting 
the claim which he had made at Pless for joint responsi- 
bihty, referred bim to Hindenburg, who had been his 
nominal superior. Weber replied that aU the world knew 
that, in effect, he, and not Hindenburg, had controlled the 
Ebgh Command. Ludendorff grinned bitterly — “Yes, thank 
goodness”, he said. But he refused to surrender aU the same. 

Hindenburg made no move at all. He had offered himseK 
in the place of his Emperor, he would make no effort on his 
own behalf. “K they want to shoot an old man like myself 
who has orJy done bis duty and nothing more, let them come 
and take me”, he replied to a deputation who came to beg 
him not to give himself up. 

The voluntary surrender of great representative Germans 
would, in fact, have embarrassed the Powers not a little, 
though it is possible that some of the minor and less 
sophisticated defenders of Liberty and Democracy would 
have been delighted to hang their former opponents as 
criminals. But the German Government, with a imited 
country behind it, felt strong enough to make a first 
gesture of resistance. It refused to surrender the persons 
named in the Allied list but offered instead to have them 
tried before the Supreme Court of the Reich at Leipzig. 
To this the Powers agreed, secretly glad to be free of an 
embarrassment which their own senseless rashness had 
brought about. A few lesser fry were put on trial; there were 
a number of acquittals but some convictions, particularly 
in cases where dehberate brutality could be proved, and the 
affair was allowed to fall into decent obscurity. 

But the great ones of Germany were not to go entirely 



free of public censure. Deeply stirred by tbe charges made 
against tbe country of having provoked the war and of 
having committed acts in contravention of international 
laws and customs, the National Assembly appointed a com- 
mittee of investigation, which, on the motion of the Inde- 
pendent Sociahsts, was also empowered to enquire into the 
charge against the former Imperial Government of having 
refused to make peace in 1916-17. If the enquiry should 
bring to light the direct culpability of any individual in 
Germany, it was proposed to bring him before the Staats- 
gerichtshof, the newly constituted High Court of Justice. 
The Committee had power to subpoena witnesses, and 
many of the distinguished “criminals” on the Alhed list ap- 
peared before it, including Count Bernstorff, Bethmann 
HoUweg, the former Vice-Chancellor Helfierich, and Admiral 
von Kapelle. The pubhc interest centred upon whether 
Hindenburg and Ludendorff would be summoned to give 

The Independent Sociahsts demanded that no exceptions 
should be made rmder any conditions. Hindenburg had been 
Chief of the General Staff and in this capacity had exercised 
very great influence on pohcies of the day; without question 
his testimony must be heard. The Nationahst press was 
beside itself at the very idea of Hindenburg’s conduct being 
investigated. The thing was incredible even on the part of 
such scoundrels as the men of Weimar; on no account must 
the Marshal be subjected to this indignity. 

But while the Nationahst press fulminated, the Nation- 
ahst leaders held conclave. Helfierich’s house in the Hitzig- 
strasse was becoming the centre of reaction and counter- 
revolution. Here came Ludendorff and others of the late 
army leaders, together with veterans of the Vaterlandfront 
and the old Conservative Party. What better thing for the 
cause of reaction than to capture Hindenburg, to inculcate 
him — ^no very difficult task — ^with the behef that the Ger- 
man army had been betrayed on the Home Front, and use 



Ms appearance before the Committee of Enquiry for a grand 
attack upon the repubhcan regime? Ludendorfi supported 
the suggestion warmly. He had already refused to appear 
before the Committee unless Hindenburg were called also. 
The recollection of joint responsibihty seemed to have 

So in the latter days of November Hindenburg came as a 
conquering hero to Berlin. A special saloon car brought Mm 
from Hanover, and at the Friedrichstrasse Station a guard 
of honour was awaiting Mm. Two regular army officers 
were attached as honorary aides-de-camp and two steel- 
hehneted sentries were posted in front of Helfferich’s villa 
wMle the Marshal was Ms guest. Here for the first time 
since October 26 of the previous year he saw Ludendorfi 
again. Their meeting was cool but not hostile. Huge 
crowds cheered Hindenburg at Ms every appearance, but 
these in turn provoked counter-demonstrations by the 
Independent Socialists, who missed no opportunity of de-' 
picting in flaming terms the dangers of reaction. So flerce 
did the faction feeling become that reprisals and disorders 
threatened. The Government became seriously alarmed; 
they were none too secure in their position and a “state of 
siege” stfll existed in Berlin. 

Throughout Ms visit Hindenburg’s own attitude was ir- 
reproachable, and when matters became really serious he, 
in consultation with Noske, issued a dignified address to 
the people of Berlin, thanking them for their reception and 
appealiag to them for reason. 

The thought of Germany’s future fills my mind to-day as it did 
during the war [he told his admirers], but in view of the ‘state of 
siege’, which stiH obtains in Berlin, I appeal for a cessation of all 
demonstrations which disturb traffic and public order. My unity 
in thought and will with the people of Berlin gives me the assurance 
that this appeal will not be misunderstood. 

Would that tMs same common sense had assisted bim M 
Ms conversations with Helfierich and Ludendorfi. But he 



was lending a willing ear to their views, and was imbibing 
from them the behef that already had found expression in 
his own memoirs. He was being indoctrinated with the false 
theory of the “stab-in-the-back”, a misquotation from a 
statement by a British General, but a theory in justification 
of which many iimocent Germans were to suffer when the 
National Socialists came into power. For in this doctrine 
was the germ of many of Adolf Hitler’s attacks against the 
Social Democratic Party. 

Hindenburg and Ludendorff appeared before the Com- 
mittee of Enquiry on November 18, 1919. In plain clothes 
they drove to the Reichstag building through streets 
Uned with troops and mounted police who kept back the 
cheering and jeering crowds. In the Konigsplatz, later 
to be re-christened the Platz der Republik,^ they were 
greeted with a storm of hoots and hurrahs. The Reichstag 
itself was heavily guarded. Barbed wire barred the entrance 
of the side doors, and machine-guns were posted at each 
corner. The two commanders were greeted at the entrance 
by Herr Warmuth, the Nationahst member of the Com- 
mittee, who conducted them up the staircase to the central 
committee-room, where a great bunch of chrysanthem ums , 
tied with ribbons of the national colours of ScJiwarz- 
weiss-rot, decorated the witness-box. 

The Committee was really very anxious to show every 
consideration to the Marshal and, as evidence of this, it had 
been agreed that he should not be cross-examined by a 
Social Democrat chairman, but by Gothein, the Democrat 
member, a man of old Prussian Civil Service traditions. His 
selection as presiding officer was not a happy one. 

As Hindenburg glanced round the crowded committee- 
room, he recognized faces he had not seen for a long time. 
The long, bearded face of Bethmaim HoUweg recalled their 
last clash before the Emperpr in the summer of 1917, and 

^ The change of name took place immediately after Ebert’s death in 
1925; the square resumed its old name after the Revolution of 1933. 



Count Bernstorfi’s yellow, furrowed features brought back 
other memories. The sound of Gothein’s voice recalled him 
to the present. “We would wilhngly have spared Your 
Excellency the inconvenience of this journey”, the little 
man was saying, “had not General Ludendorff attached so 
much importance to it.” Without giving any sign of having 
heard him, the Marshal, with some deliberation, took his 

The clerk rose to administer the oath, when Ludendorff 
interrupted him. Before taking the oath, he said, he wished 
to make a statement on behalf of the Field-Marshal and 
himself. Their position was ambiguous. According to the 
provisions of the Strafprozessordnung, to which the pro- 
ceedings of the Committee had to conform, they had the 
right to refuse to give evidence. They regarded it, however, 
as the right of the German people to hear the truth, and had 
therefore come forward of their own accord. They then took 
the oath. 

Gothein began his cross-examination: “When did the 
General Headquarters first consider that the declaration of 
the U-boat war should not be later than February 1, 1917, 
and why?” 

Hindenburg completely ignored the question. He pro- 
duced a typewritten document from his pocket. He pro- 
posed, he said, to read a memorandum explaining the prin- 
ciples of all their actions during the war. The chairman 
ruled that this could not be allowed as it would entail the 
expression of personal opinion, whereas it was the business 
of the Committee to discover facts. Taking no notice of him 
at all, the Marshal began to read aloud. He did not read 
well. It had been unrehearsed, and he put emphasis on the 
wrong passages. He was not at his best. 

. . . The war had no parallel in history. Battle areas became 
gigantic. The masses of armed men attained a strength hitherto 
undreamed of, and the technical feature assumed a predominating 
significance. War and world economics became intertwined as never 



before. Our relative strength in men, machines, munitions, and 
resources was from the beginning highly unfavourable for us 
Never were the imponderabiha of war so important, such as the 
morale of the troops and the requirements made upon the central 
authorities and local leadership. . , . The unshatterable will for 
victory was imperative. But this will to conquer was inextricably 
bound up m the assurance that we were in the right. It was not a 
question of personal determination, but an expression of the will of 
the people. Had it not existed we would not have been justified in 
assuming command. The General Staff was trained according to the 
system of the great military philosopher, Clausewitz, which looks 
upon war as the contmuation of pohcy by means other than those 
of statesmanship. Our peace policy had failed. I know with absolute 
certainty that the German people, the Kaiser, the Government, 
and the General Staff did not want war. . . . 

Here the chairman rang his bell. “I must protest’’, he 
cried. ''That is an expression of opinion”. 

The Marshal looked at him coldly for a moment, then in 
a loud voice replied: "The historian will have to decide the 
issue”. He continued to read: 

. . . The military authorities were of course prepared for the 
possibihty of war, which was, perhaps, unavoidable. That was what 
they were there for. ... In spite of the superiority of the enemy in 
men and material, we could have brought the struggle to a favourable 
issue if determined and unanimous co-operation had existed between 
the army and those at home. But whereas the enemy showed an ever 
greater will for victory, divergent party interests began to manifest 
themselves with us. These circumstances soon led to a disintegration 
of our will to conquer. , . , 

Again the chairman’s bell. "That is an expression of 
opinion as to the internal political situation”, cried Gothein. 

Without paying the slightest attention, the Marshal con- 
tinued to describe the effects of pohtics on the army and its 
final permeation by the revolutionary spirit. "Owing to 
this, our will to victory was undermined. I looked for energy 
and co-operation, but found pusihammity and weakness.” 

"But that again is an expression of opinion!” Gothein 



was almost weeping with rage and humiliation. Somebody 
laughed softly, and the members who sat on either side of 
the chairman pulled him down by his coat-tails. Hinden- 
burg proceeded to his peroration, unperturbed; he was 
speaking now in a voice of such sepulchral depth that all 
ears were strained to catch his words: 

Out repeated requests for the maintenance of stern discipline and 
the strict application of the law met with no results. Our operations 
in consequence failed, as they were bound to, and the collapse 
became inevitable; the Revolution was merely the last straw. As 
an English General has very truly said, ‘‘The German Army was 
stabbed in the back”.^ It is plain enough upon whom the blame lies. 
If any further proof were necessary to show it, it is to be found in 
the utter amazement of our enemies at their victory. 

The deep silence which followed the conclusion of the 
Marshal’s address was broken only by the crackhng of the 
paper as he replaced it in his pocket. The chairman, who 

^ There were, in efiect, two British Generals who were inadvertently 
responsible for the origins of the theory of the “stab-m-the-back”. The 
first was Major-General Sir Frederick Maurice, whose book The Last 
Four Months y published in 1919, was grossly misrepresented by reviewers 
in the German press as proving that the German army had been be* 
trayed by the Socialists on the Home Front, and not been defeated 
in the field General Maurice issued a dementi in the German press, but 
it was impossible to overtake the lie once it had been launched, and 
both Helfierich and Ludendorfi made use of the reviews in their 
conversations with Hindenburg. 

The other officer was Major-General Malcolm, Head of the British 
Mihtary Mission in Berlm Ludendorfi was dining with the General 
and his officers one evening, and with his usual turgid eloquence was ex- 
patiating on how the High Command had always suffered lack of support 
from the civihan Government and how the Revolution had betrayed the 
army. In an effort to crystallize the meamng of Ludendorff's verbosity 
into a single sentence, General Malcolm asked him: “Do you mean, 
General, that you were stabbed in the back?” Ludendorff’s eyes lit up 
and he leapt upon the phrase like a dog on a bone. “Stabbed in the 
back?” he repeated. “Yes, that’s it, exactly. We were stabbed in the 



had recovered his composure, now repeated his opening 

“From the time we assumed the Supreme Command we 
regarded the ruthless U-boat War as essential”, replied 
Hindenburg. “In the beginning of 1917 it was clear that 
U-boat warfare was necessary to help the hard-pressed 
Western Front. It was the only way to end the war. Were 
we with equanimity to allow our soldiers to be torn to 
pieces by American shells and their wives and children to 
be starved by the blockade? The U-boat war was the only 
weapon with which we could oppose these measures”. 

After that he left the submarine warfare to be dealt with 
by Ludendorff, who embarked on an endless campaign of 
bickering and verbal skirmishing with the Committee. Only 
once more did the Marshal intervene to declare that his 
views and Ludendorfi’s had always coincided. At noon the 
Committee adjourned the hearing sine die, as Hindenburg 
said he was fatigued and could not be sure when it would 
be convenient for him to attend again. 

It had not been a very creditable afiair, for, in view of 
their statement that they had come voluntarily before the 
Committee, Hindenburg and Ludendorff had treated it with 
rank discourtesy. They were at pains to emphasize this in 
the statement which they issued to the press on their return 
to Helfferich’s house. They had worn civihan dress, they 
declared, because they felt they would have been paying 
too great a compliment to some members of the Committee 
of Enquiry by appearing before them in their Prussian 
uniform and orders. Altogether a mean and petty episode, 
and one unworthy of Hindenburg’s stature. Moreover, the 
harm done was incalculable. Hindenburg’s statement re- 
garding the “stab-in-the-back” became a notorious slogan 
and added much fuel to the flames of discord which the 
Nationahsts were fanning. It contributed materially to the 
state of mind which later on produced the campaign of 
pohtical assassination; among its victims were Erzberger — 



whom Hindenburg himself had persuaded to head the 
Armistice Commission — and Rathenau. The Marshal’s 
desire for exculpation had overriden his sense of justice 
and truth. 

The year 1920 was one of continued anxiety and uneasi- 
ness for Hindenburg. The spectre of Spa was ever with him, 
and he was ridden by the nightmare of the Emperor’s extra- 
dition. Five days after the official coming into force of the 
Peace Treaty on January 10, the AUied Powers despatched 
a Note to Holland demanding the surrender of Wilhelm II. 
The Dutch Government refused — it was not bound by the 
provisions of a treaty to which the country was not a 
party. A month later, the legal executors of the Treaty, the 
Conference of Ambassadors, again apphed for the Emperor’s 
extradition, and again, on March 5, the Dutch Government 
rejected the demand, declaring it to he incompatible with 
sovereignty and national honour. It was agreed, however, 
that Wilhelm II’s place of exile should be moved from Count 
Bentinck’s house at Amerongen, which was within a few 
miles of the German frontier, to the more remote castle of 
Doom, and to this compromise the Allies agreed with great 
relief, since they had at last reahzed that no court of justice 
could legally try the Emperor, and that in consequence his 
surrender would be a source of very considerable embar- 

Safe at last from all dangers of being handed over to his 
enemies, the Emperor began to take steps to elicit from 
Hindenburg a full admission of his responsibility for the 
ffight fromSpa. The sighting-shot was fired during the spring 
of 1921, in the course of a correspondence with the Marshal 
on the question of war-guilt. The Emperor, in a lengthy 
memorandum, supplemented by “Comparative Historical 
Tables”, sought to show that neither he nor the Imperial 
Government was guilty of complicity in bringing about 
the war. To this Hindenburg replied fervently: “I agree 
with Your Majesty to the uttermost depths of my soul— -in 



my long term of military service I have had the good fortune 
and honour to enter into close personal relations with Your 
Majesty. I know that the best of all the efforts of Your 
Majesty throughout your reign were towards the main- 
tenance of peace. I can realize how immeasurably hard it is 
for Your Majesty to be ehminated from active co-operation 
for the Fatherland.” This was so, the Emperor replied, in a 
later letter; such an elimination was the cause of “burning 
anguish in my soul”. And he added: “As you know, I forced 
myself to the difficult and terrible decision to leave the 
country only upon the urgent declaration of yourself . . . 
that only by my so doing would it be possible to obtain 
more favourable armistice terms for our people and spare 
them a bloody civil war”. 

Here was an uncompromising and unequivocal statement 
calculated to leave the Marshal under no misapprehension 
as to the Emperor’s views onresponsibihty. During the entire 
correspondence, which extended over eighteen months, 
Groner’s name did not appear. Both the Emperor and the 
Marshal knew the truth of that story. 

But there was a tragically human side to this early 
exchange of letters in March and April 1921. Both men were 
under the shadow of approaching bereavement. The Empress 
Auguste Victoria and Frau von Hindenburg were both 
dangerously ill at this time and the anxiety of the two 
husbands is touchingly referred to in the letters. “I beg to 
thank your Majesty most respectfully for your gracious 
interest in the illness of my wife. She is not yet out of 
danger.” “The condition of Her Majesty has become worse. 
My heart is filled with the most grievous worry.” The 
Empress lived two years longer, but by the middle of May 
Hindenburg was a widower, even more lonely than before. 

Some time later the correspondence with the Emperor 
was resumed. Finally, in July 1922, Hindenburg shouldered 
his burden of responsibility. He wrote from Hanover to the 



Most Sbrenti Highness, Great and Mighty Kaiser^ 

Most Gracious Kaiser, King, and Lord! 

I take tke responsibility for your Majesty’s resolve to go into 
exile, a step taken on tkat unbappy ninth of November as a result 
of the united demand of all your advisers. 

I have already given as the reason the menace of the danger that 
Your Majesty sooner or later might have been arrested by mutinous 
troops and might be surrendered to the enemy at home or abroad. 
The Fatherland had at all costs to be spared such insult and disgrace. 
On these grounds I advised, in the names of us all, at the meeting 
on the afternoon of November 9, that the journey to Holland be 
undertaken, an exile which I considered to be only of short duration. 
Even to-day I am still of the opinion that this proposal was the right 

It is incorrect to say that on the evening of November 9 I pressed 
for immediate departure, as has recently been stated against my 
will. For me there exists no doubt that Your Majesty would not have 
taken the journey to Holland had you not thought that I, the Chief 
of the General Staff, considered this step imperative in the interest 
of Your Majesty and of the Fatherland. 

As is written in the Protocol of July 27, 1919,^ I only learnt of 
Your Majesty’s departure after it had already taken place. 

In conclusion of this statement I beg in all respect to be allowed 
to assure Your Majesty that I have always pledged unbounded 
loyalty to my Kaiser, King, and Lord, and will always do so, and 
am therefore willing to take the responsibility for the decision 
taken on November 9. 

In deep respect and great gratitude, I remain always Your 
Imperial and Royal Majesty’s most loyal subject, 

VON Hindenburg, G.F.M. 

By this letter Hindenburg publicly accepted tbe burden 
of responsibibty that was historically bis, and thereby 
debvered himself to the Monarchists and Nationalists, who 
never ceased to urge certain policies upon him in expiation. 
The spectre of Spa became an almost inseparable part of 

1 This document, covering the events of November 9 at Spa, had been 
jointly prepared by Hindenburg, Admiral von Hintze, Colonel-General 
von Plessen, and General Cotmt von Schulenburg. Its discretion and re- 
ticence are a tribute to its authorship. 



ids existence, te was never to escape from it again, and tlie 
major policies of ids life thereafter were to be guided by it. 

The Emperor delayed two months before sending his 
reply from Doom, and when it did come, it was not very 
handsome. He was glad, he wrote, that this matter had been 
cleared up once and for all, but he had had to wait a long 
time before the persons principally concerned could be 
persuaded to come forward and declare pubhcly 

that I was forced to depart from Spa on the urgent advice of my 
political advisers and against my own conviction. I thank you for 
having now taken this step, which is necessary not only in the 
interests of historical truth, but equally for my personal reputation 
and the honour of my House. . . . Convinced that you were loyally 
discharging a difficult task, you gave to your Kaiser and King the 
counsel which you thought it your duty to give as a result of your 
considered view of the Situation. Whether that view was correct 
cannot be finally decided until all the facts of those unhappy days 
are known. 

Such was Hindenburg’s reward. His sovereign graciously 
accepted his gesture of assuming responsibhty, but inti- 
mated that it was very late in coming and that he was not 
at all convinced that the Marshal’s conduct, though loyal in 
intent, was justified by events. Hindenburg had not suc- 
ceeded in appeasing his Emperor and had given to the 
Nationalists that hold over himself which they desired. 
From thence to the end he was a hostage in their hands, 
urged on to adopt pohcy after pohcy, to veer from one 
course of action to another, always with the same end in 
mind, to restore t^e monarchy and thus lay the spectre of 
Spa for ever. 

In these years of his second retirement from the army 
Hindenburg took no part in the pubhc life of Germany. 
Unlike Ludendorff, who drifted more and more rapidly into 
open opposition to the Eepubhc, he maintained a dignified 
silence. Of the Kapp 'putsch of 1920, the Communist risings 
of 1923 in Saxony and Thuringia, and the Nazi revolt in 



Munich, during the same year, he remained an impassive 
spectator, and if he thought anything at all of Adolf Hitler 
after this last escapade, he probably shared the opinion 
of Professor Maurice G-erothwohl who, in editing Lord 
D’Abernon’s diaries in 1928, said that the National Sociahst 
leader had “vanished into oblivion”. 

The Marshal lived his life in peace and in such content- 
ment as any German could find in that tragic period of his 
country’s fortunes. He shot chamois in Bavaria and made 
such additions to his collection of pictures of the Madonna 
that the walls of one room of the house at Hanover became 
completely covered with paintings, etchings, plaques, and 
ikons representing the Holy Mother and Child. The period 
of the war, and more particularly of the years 1918-19, had 
exhausted him more than he had at first realized. He was 
dead-tired, and there is no doubt that during these years of 
rest and quiet he acquired those great reserves of strength 
which enabled him to survive the trials of office to come. 
He possessed the priceless faculty of being able to shut 
himself off at certain intervals from all cares and to indulge 
in complete mental relaxation, by means of the physical joys 
of the chase or the aesthetic pleasure of his collection. 

His public appearances were rare and were usually 
limited to the dedication of some war memorial or to some 
reunion of ex-Service men. The outcome of one of these 
affairs was so tragic that for a long time he would not attend 
a meeting again. It was at Konigsberg in June 1922. The 
Marshal had agreed to take the salute of a Nationalist 
parade and to address a demonstration. The social unrest, 
which accompanied the steady decline of the mark, was at 
that time already far advanced, and in order to avoid the 
danger of a clash the Prussian Minister of Interior forbade 
members of the Eeichswehr, school children, and public 
officials to attend the meeting. Despite this order there was 
a very great attendance. Former officers of State, the leaders 
of the Nationalist Party, the Association of ex-Officers, and 



generals of the Old Army, all flocked to Konigsberg. The 
Marshal attended in full parade uniform and received a 
tremendous ovation; his car was filled with bouquets flung 
by his admirers. But the Communist Party had organized a 
counter-demonstration, and the inevitable clash occurred; 
serious riots took place in which a number of people were 
killed. Hindenburg was so appalled at the outcome that for 
over a year he refused to appear in public again. 

It was only the tenth anniversary of Tannenberg in 1924 
which tempted him forth from his seclusion, when, with 
Ludendorfi, Mackensen, Fran 9 ois, and Seeckt, now com- 
mander of the Reichswehr, he dedicated the memorial at 
Hohenstein before a gathering of more than a hundred 
thousand people. To him fell the honour of striking the 
foundation stone; and he struck three times, dedicating 
each blow in clear, measured tones. The first, he said, was 
struck to the fallen in grateful memory, the second to the 
hving for remembrance, and ‘the last to the future genera- 
tion, that they might vie in achievement with their 
ancestors. But in the whole celebration there was a sense 
of incompleteness, the feehng that something was lacking. 
Hoffmann was not there. 

Despite Hindenburg’s reserve and retirement, his name 
was kept continually before the pubhc eye, sometimes in 
the strangest and most embarrassing connection. In the 
Reichstag elections in 1924 there appeared a variety of 
strange and irresponsible pohtical parties which invited 
the support of the voters. Amongst these was the League 
of Herr Hausser, an “Apostle”, who had but one slogan, 
“Who loves his Fatherland better than the axe, vote 
Hausserbund!” His gospel, which was preached in working- 
class districts by long-haired disciples of both sexes, with 
quaint robes and sandalled feet, called for an immediate 
ahenation of superfluous capital. Those who did not comply 
voluntarily with its demands after the estabhshment of a 
dictatorship were to be, without more ado, decapitated. 



and the dictator -whom it was proposed to appoint to 
carry out this somewhat drastic programme was Hinden- 

For Germany the years of Hindenburg’s second retire- 
ment were years of the darkest and most bitter internal 
conflict. Saddled with the burden of a peace to which her 
signature had been forced, Germany resisted step by step 
the execution of the Treaty provisions. The first act of 
defiance in the refusal to surrender the “war criminals” 
had been followed by others, chiefly in the field of dis- 
armament and reparation payments, and the spirit of the 
country was steadfastly opposed to “fulfilment”. For this 
attitude of mind the AUies were themselves very largely 
responsible. A harsh peace had been followed by the con- 
tinuation of a war mentahty towards Germany, and no 
attempt was made to give assistance to the German 
Government, who were at first not unwilling to do their 
best to carry out the Treaty provisions. Germany was the 
malefactor upon whom a crushing sentence had been 
imposed; no help must be ofiered her in carrying out this 
sentence, but, if she did not do so, further and more dire 
penalties awaited her. 

Men were not wanting on the side of the AUies who 
viewed the situation in a saner fight, and foremost 
amongst these was Major-General Malcolm, head of the 
British Mfiitary Mission in Berlin, whose reports had 
played an important part in moderating the original 
conditions of peace. Most Germans are unaware of what 
they owe to General Malcolm, but from those who know 
and understand he has earned undying gratitude, and 
even to-day, within the Third Reich, his name is still one 
to conjure with.^ Before the Revolution of 1933 many 
Germans in the highest position in the State expressed 

The release of Friedrich Ebert, the son of the former Reichs- 
jyrdsident, from a Nazi concentration camp in the winter of 1933 was 
largely due to a letter to The Ttmes from Sir Neill Malcolm. 



to the writer the belief that but for Greneral Malcolm’s 
timely advice to successive Chancellors, the Weimar Re- 
pubhc would almost certainly have fallen a prey either 
to forces of Bolshevism or reaction, and that before his 
departure in 1921 he had, through his own personal con- 
nections, opened the way for the policy of the Locarno 

From the moment the Treaty of Peace was signed the 
General urged a spirit of helpfulness upon the Alhed 

Now that peace is signed [he wrote on June 30, 1919], I think we 
should do all that we can to support the German Government, and 
show it sympathy. It will be attacked by the military on one side 
and the Independents on the other. Either, if successful, would be 
disastrous for the country and a danger to Europe. We need a stable 
Germany. ... If we could in any way alleviate the strict execution 
of the peace terms it would be a very great help. Germany can only 
be controlled either by promises of help towards reconstruction or 
by military action. Threats will hardly control her. 

The Allied Powers failed to act on this eminently sane 
advice, which was based not upon false sentimentahty 
but upon sound common sense. They insisted upon the 
most exacting fulfilment of the peace terms and made no 
concessions which were not wrung from them by the sheer 
inexorabihty of facts. Had, however, the counsel of General 
Malcolm, and of other similarly enlightened individuals, 
been followed, it is more than probable that the National 
Sociahst Party wordd either never have come to exist, or 
would at least have found its grave on the Odeonsplatz at 
Munich, where, as Lord D’Abernon wrote scathingly in 
his diary, “Hitler’s courage was unequal to the occasion”. 
Nor probably would Hindenburg have been elected Presi- 
dent of the Repubhc, for it was the intransigency of the 
• Allies that supplied the Nationalists with their political 
raison d'etre, providing them with those cogent arguments 
with which, when the occasion arose, they were able to hale 


the old veteran forth once more to save Germany from 
the Social Democrats. 

Obstinacy bred obstinacy. Faced with the cold insistence 
of the Allies abroad, and threatened from the Right and 
from the Left at home, it was impossible for the new 
Germany to acquire a strong government. A procession 
of Chancellors passed through the palace in the Wilhehn- 
strasse, like the ghostly kings in Macbeth, each holding a 
rmrror. Bauer, Fehrenbach, AVirth, Miarx, and Cuno, each fell 
as his predecessors had fallen, and wherever a statesman 
arose in Germany, Nationalist gunmen meted out to him the 
penalty of “treason”. In this form death came to Erzberger 
in the Black Forest during 1921, and to Rathenau in the 
suburbs of Berhn a year later, their only crime being that 
of Erfullung} 

The poHcy of obstinate resistance, pursued nolens volens 
by successive German Governments, reached its climax in 
1923 with the invasion of the Ruhr and, its corollary, the 
campaign of passive resistance. Europe seemed faced with 
a hopeless deadlock and a complete financial d^dcle was 
threatening in Germany which would inevitably have its 
repercussions throughout the world. It was the darkest 
moment which post-war European history had so far 
known. Then, just as the gospel of fulfilment had all but 
perished, it found a new apostle in Gustav Stresemann. 
“The man and the hour had met.” 

The metamorphosis of pohticians into statesmen is among 
the many strange developments which have taken place in 
Germany since the war. Matthias Erzberger, the intriguer, 
Walter Rathenau, the advocate of a levee en masse, Gustav 
Stresemann, the jingo annexationist and mouthpiece of the 
High Command, all had travelled since 1918 the road to 
Damascus, and in the course of their journey had “seen a 

1 Seven years later, in 1929, Andr4 Tardieu, speaking in the French 
Chamber on this series of assassinations, demanded: “Est-ce qu’il faut 
mourir, pour prouver qu’on est sinoet e?" 



great light”. These men were the founders and martyrs — 
for Stresemann, though he more than once escaped an 
assassin’s bullet, nevertheless gave his hfe for the cause — 
of that Policy of Fulfilment which in later years was so 
nearly carried to success by their great compatriot, Heinrich 
Briining. Their failure, and the consequent tension in 
Europe, was certainly not due to their lack of effort. 

On September 26, 1923, Stresemann took the most 
momentous decision of his career and in the foreign policy 
of the Weimar Repubhc, by abandoning the policy of 
obstinate resistance for that of constructive negotiation. He 
declared the cessation of passive resistance in the Ruhr, and 
thereby paved the way for the Micum Agreements between 
the German industriahsts and the AUied Commission of 
Control. By so doing he had taken the first step along the 
road to the Dawes Plan in the following year, to the Locarno 
Agreements and the entry of Germany into the League of 
Nations, and to that ultimate realization of his dream, the 
evacuation of the Rhineland, which he himself was not 
destined to see. 

Though Hindenburg was but a spectator of these events, 
their repercussions did not leave him untouched. In the 
height of the storm of radicahsm and protest which swept 
the country after the murder of Rathenau, the Chancellor, 
Josef Wirth, had declared passionately in the Reichstag, 
referring to the instigators of the policy of assassination, 
that “This enemy stands on the Right”. This well-merited 
denunciation of the Nationahsts’ campaign of terror and 
assassination found its echo in Hanover, where Hindenburg 
was pubhcly accused in the City Council of being the secret 
head of a national league of assassins, and mobs, who once 
had brought bim in triumph to his home, now demonstrated 
outside it, clamouring for his imm ediate removal from the 
city. So venomous did the attack become that he threatened 
to disinter the body of his wife and go and hve in East 



The storm subsided, however, and peace reigned once 
more around the home on the Seelhorststrasse. The Marsha 
was never again disturbed by hostile agitation, and the onlj 
inconvenience he suffered was from the popular ovations 
which soon recommenced whenever he stirred abroad. The 
years of his retirement had a mellowing effect upon him 
and the mental scars of the war were gradually obliterated, 
In his Hanover retreat and in the deep quiet of the Bavarian 
mountains he recaptured the peace of mind which had lon^ 
eluded him. The spectre of Spa, though still unlaid, wag 
more remote from him now, and deep reflection was matur- 
ing his judgment of the new world in which he Hved. Had 
he written his memoirs in 1924 they might well have been 
worthier of him, and it is improbable that he would have 
endorsed so readily the fallacious theory of the “stab-in-the- 

He was seventy-seven years old, and it seemed as if the 
remainder of his days would be passed in the dignified 
retirement which he had so well deserved. “‘Ich will meine 
Ruhe 1iahen’\ he would answer to all attempts to lure him 
into pubhc life, and better would it have been for him and 
for his memory could he have had it. But again Fate willed 
otherwise. All unknown to Hindenburg his days of peace 
were numbered. His third “life” was about to open before 


On February 28, 1925, died Friedrich Ebert, last Im- 
perial Chancellor and first President of the German Eeich. 
Not perhaps a great man as judged by the world’s standards, 
he was one for whom no German need feel anything but 
admiration. Great courage, firm singleness of purpose, and 
no Mttle statesmanship were his outstanding attributes, and 
lesser men would have shrunk from the overwhelming re- 
sponsibilities which the former saddler, joiner, and caf6- 
keeper was called upon to take up at the moment of his 



country’s downfall. He was a man of destiny malgre lui, 
but, though reared in a school of party strife and factional 
hatred, once greatness was thrust upon him he assumed 
with it a dignity and a nobihty of spirit that were unexpected. 
Though his patriotism was often and bitterly impugned by 
his opponents, in reality it never wavered for an instant. It 
was not that fanatical, self-defeating breed of patriotism 
which works for i m mediate results only and takes no thought 
for the morrow, but rather was it one which was ready to 
bear all things for the moment if by so doing a richer 
heritage might be bequeathed to future generations. 
Thus, having been prepared to resist acceptance of the 
Peace Treaty to the uttermost so long as a reasonable 
chance of resistance remained, once the Treaty had been 
signed and ratified, he fearlessly championed its fulfilment. 
In bim Erzberger, Rathenau, and Stresemann had found 
a loyal supporter. 

During Ebert’s Presidency Germany had arisen from the 
ashes of her defeat, and at his death she stood on the 
threshold of re-entry into the family of European nations. 
The Weimar regime had, like the infant Third French 
Republic in 1871, survived the flight of its Government 
from the capital in the face of armed revolt, and Ebert had 
returned from Stuttgart, like Thiers from Versailles, if not 
in triumph, at least bringing with him the beginnings of 
stabihty. The country had gradually revived economically 
and pohticaUy, and had gaine'd once more a position among 
the Powers. That wizard of German finance. Dr. Hjalmar 
Schacht, and the Finance Minister, Hans Luther, had reduced 
the monetary chculation and confined it within economic 
limits; in addition they had made huge reductions in per- 
sonnel and abohshed economically rmproductive organiza- 
tions, thus completing the Liquidation of the socialist legisla- 
tion of the war and the Revolution. Politically, Ebert him- 
self had resisted the separatist activities in the west and 
had cemented the Reich of Weimar into a more stable 



edifice. Stresemann, having rehabilitated the country in the 
eyes of the world, was on the eve of greater triumphs. 

Ebert’s sudden death, at the age of fifty-four, was a 
disaster for Germany and for Europe, for his work, though 
within an ace of success, was still uncompleted. Germany 
was standing at the cross-roads between democracy and 
reaction, and though for a moment political strife was 
stilled, it needed but the spark of a national election for 
the old hatreds to blaze up again in all their fury. Thus, 
while Ebert was borne with funereal pomp and dignity to 
his burial, men asked themselves apprehensively who his 
successor would be. 

By the Constitution the election of a President must 
take place within a month of the termination of the period 
of office of his predecessor, or, alternatively, from the date 
of vacancy, by the “common, equal, direct, and secret 
vote” {allgemeine, gleiche, unmittelbare und geheime Wahl) of 
every citizen, male and female, who had reached the age of 
twenty. To be elected, a candidate had to receive an ab- 
solute majority of the votes cast, and if this were not 
secured, a second ballot was held in which only a simple 
majority was necessary. 

Clearly, then, there was not much time to spare, and 
negotiations were at once opened between the party 
leaders to find a candidate who could unite the forces of 
the moderate parties, or even have, in the second ballot^ 
the support of the Nationahsts or the Social Democrats. 
The obvious man for this choice was Otto Gessler, the 
bullet-headed Bavarian leader of the Democrat Party, who 
had succeeded Noske as Minister of Defence after the Kapp 
'putsch in 1920, and had held that office ever since. Gessler, 
who, like Grbner, was the son of an N.C.O., had risen to be 
Biirgermeister of Niiinberg and had been Ebert’s most inti- 
mate friend in pohtical fife. He had done much to cement 
the loyalty of the Reichswehr to the Weimar regime, a fact 
which had largely contributed to the successful handhng 



of the National SociaKst and Communist risings in the 
autumn of 1923. He had all the innate “canniness” and some 
of the cunning of the petit bourgeois mind; his pubhc record 
was a good one and he seemed an eminently suitable 
successor to Ebert. 

The candidature of Gessler was strenuously opposed by 
the extreme Nationahsts, but he was acceptable to the 
majority of the parties, and negotiations had progressed 
so far that at a meeting in the Reichstag of the members 
of the Centre Party it was announced that there was a 
safe majority for him as the candidate of a hhc composed of 
the Social Democrats, Centre, Democrats, and the German 
People’s Party. His nomination seemed assured when sud- 
denly in the lobbies a whisper began to circulate connecting 
Gessler’s name in haison with a certain Berlin lady of high 
position. It was a malicious slander spread by the extreme 
Right, but it had the desired effect. Throughout the Reichs- 
tag budding, where meetings of other pohtical parties 
were being held, the rumour ran like a flame, followed by a 
further canard, emanating this time from the extreme Left, 
that, if Gessler were adopted as a Majority candidate, the 
French Government would at once make revelations regard- 
ing their dossier on the secret mihtary organizations such as 
the Black Reichswehr, Orgesch, and others. 

It was, however, the imputation against Gessler’s good 
name that did him most harm. The members of the parlia- 
mentary Frahtionen knew well that the allegation was un- 
true, but the slander caught hold upon the imagination of 
the delegates from the country and the provincial towns. 
Hours passed in fruitless efforts on the part of Gessler’s 
friends to convince a majority of representatives in the 
parties that the rumour was false. Excited debates took 
place in every committee-room, and in the corridors the 
Nationahsts rubbed their hands with glee. They had de- 
feated the one move which they feared most, the adoption 
of a Majority candidate; the forces opposed to them would 



now be divided, and a Nationalist candidate stood a very- 
good chance of heading the poll. 

In part they were right. Gessler’s nomination was 
dropped and there remained neither the time nor the in- 
clination to find another Majority candidate. Though for the 
Eepubhcans the only point of real importance was that a 
genuine Republican of proved loyalty should be elected, 
the Repubhcan parties were now hopelessly divided, each 
putting forward a separate candidate for the people’s 

Meanwhile, in the Nationalist camp there was a hasty 
call-over of possible candidates for the throne once their 
electoral candidate had triumphed at the polls and had 
fulfilled his task of restoring the monarchy. Too much 
attention was given to these day-dreams and too little to 
the selection of the candidate himself. Eventually a bar- 
gain was struck with the German People’s Party, whereby 
their candidate. Dr. J arres, the Burgermeister of Duisberg, 
should appear as the joint nominee of the two parties 
acting together as a Reichsblok. 

There were dissensions in the parties of the Right also. 
LudendorfE, whose part in the Munich 'putsch of 1923 had 
been tacitly ignored at the subsequent trial, announced his 
intention of standing as the nominee of Adolf Hitler, who 
had recently been released from prison and was slowly and 
painfully rebuilding his pohtical machine. It was the re- 
appearance of Ludendorfi in the arena under such a banner 
which provoked Hindenburg to break his silence on pohtical 
subjects. In the name of their former friendship he wrote to 
Ludendorfi begging him, as the first and last favour he 
would ever ask, to withdraw from the contest in which he 
could only meet with ignominy and defeat. But the Mar- 
shal’s adAuce was never even acknowledged. LudendorfE; 
contemptuous of wise counsel, plunged into the fight -witl 
that same fanatical haftred of the Weimar System whicl 
had prompted his support of Kapp and Hitler. His defeat 



was no more humiliating than he merited, hut by this time 
his reason was definitely affected, and he had adopted the 
worship of Thor and Odin, to whom altars were erected in 
the garden of his villa in Munich. To this eccentricity was 
later added the phobia that the destruction of German 
culture, and, indeed, of European civilization, was being 
encompassed by an unholy and surprising combination of 
world- Jewry, the Grand Orient, and the Roman Catholic 

On March 29, 1925, seven major candidates offered them- 
selves to the electorate: Jarres, for the Reichsbloh', Otto Braun, 
Prime Minister of Prussia since 1921, for the Social Demo- 
crats; Wilhelm Marx, a former Chancellor, for the Centre; 
Ernst Thalmann, for the Communists; Held, the Bavarian 
Prime Minister, for the Bavarian People’s Party; Hellpach, 
for the Democrats; and General Ludendorff, for the National 
Socialists. The fight was bitter, no holds were barred. But, 
as had been obvious from the first to everyone except the 
Reichsbloh, there could be no complete victory for any one 
candidate. The results of the ballot were: 

Jarres . 

. 10,400,000 

Braun . 

. 7,800,000 


. 3,900,000 





Held . 




A second ballot was necessary. Both the Right and the 
Left had learned their lesson. Only by concentration could 
victory be won. A hasty reorganization of party machinery 
began in both camps. For the Repubhcan parties the issue 
was a simple one. The Social Democrats, Centre, and Demo- 
crats allied themselves into a Weimarbloh, Braun and Hell- 
pach giving way to Marx as candidate. This combination 
on the return of the first ballot could command a total of 



some tldrteen million votes, and against it tlie possible con- 
centration of the ReichsbloJc with the Bavarian People’s 
Party and the National Sociahsts could not expect, on the 
same basis, more than twelve millions. Manifestly, if the 
forces of the Right were to triumph, a new candidate must 
be found, an outstanding personahty who could not only 
steal votes from his opponents, but could rally to the Black- 
White-Red standard that floating vote, whose unpredict- 
able voice decides the issue in all elections. 

Within the camp of the Nationahsts, among the Junkers 
and the industriahsts and ex-officers, were “tumult and 
affright”. The chances of half a dozen possible candidates 
were canvassed and rejected. An Imperial Prince? No — ^no 
member of the House of Hohenzollern could oppose Marx 
with any hope of success. A general? Von Seeckt, the enig- 
matic commander of the Reichswehr? Again no, for, though 
he was the hero of Gorlice and the Rumanian campaigns, he 
had exercised since then dictatorial powers in Saxony and 
Bavaria, shedding the blood of Communists on the one hand, 
and of Nazis on the other, and this was no recommendation 
to the electorate. A great industriahst, such as Krupp 
von Bohlen or Thyssen? Here again, no, for these men 
were too representative of Big Business and all that that 

A week of precious time went by in vain dispute. 
Then came inspiration. As in a similar quandary at Coblenz 
eleven years ago, the name of Hindenburg was proposed — 
though this time by the name of Hindenburg and not of 
Beneckendorfi — and as before it was received first with sur- 
prised scepticism and then with general approval. 

There had been some thought of his opposing Ebert for 
the Presidency in 1920, when, with the formal inauguration 
of the Constitution, it was suggested that the President, 
who had only been elected by the National Assembly, 
should seek re-election by popular vote. The Kapp putsch 
had, however, put an end to any such proposal, and Ebert 



tad been tastily confirmed in his office. Hindenburg him- 
self tad never seriously considered the matter, and would 
not, at that time, have been a desirable choice.^ Again, in 
the selection of the ReichsbloJc candidate before the first 
ballot in March 1925, the Landrat Winkler, the leader of the 
Hanoverian delegates to the Nationalist party convention, 
had proposed Hindenburg’s name, but had withdrawn the 
suggestion in face of considerable opposition, both from the 
German People’s Party and from his own. He had, however, 
notified Jarres that he reserved full liberty of action if a 
second ballot were necessary, and now his renewed proposal 
of the Marshal as candidate was greeted with relief and 

Of course the Nestor of Germany was the man; his 
picture was in every house and on every schoolgirl’s 
dressing-table. His dignified silence throughout the early 
struggles of the Republic was in itself a strong recommenda- 
tion, and the Hindenburg Legend was stiU strong in the 
land. Moreover — ^but this was only whispered in the inner 
circles of the party — ^was he not the Man of Spa, and must 
he not redeem his name from the slur of having sent his 
Emperor into exile, for which he had publicly admitted 
the responsibility? His yearning after imperial yesterdays 
was notorious, and his famous dictum of the “stab-in-the- 
back” before the Committee of Enquiry was recalled with 
satisfaction. Above all, was he not the Arch-slave of Duty? 
Here was the man whose name would mobihze an army of 

^ There is little doubt that, bad the Kapp putsch succeeded, Hinden- 
burg would have been hustled into the Presidency to pave the way for 
the Emperor’s return. In the course of a conversation on December 7, 
1919, with the famous American journalist, Karl von Wiegand, Colonel 
Bauer, who a few months later became one of the military leaders of the 
putsch, said, “We intend to restore the monarchy on the English model, 
and the election of Hindenburg would help us to that end”; and the 
notorious Nationalist cleric, Pastor Traub, said of the Marshal only a 
week before the putsch began, “He is not a man who would bar the way 
to a future Kaiser; on the contrary, he would prepare it”. 



voters and who, once selected, could be relied upon to make 
an end of the detested and ignoble Weimar System. 

But there were obstacles which must be overcome before 
the Nationahsts could get their way. Their alhes of the 
German People’s Party must first be “squared” and Jarres 
eliminated, and there was always the probabihty that 
Hindenburg would not stand. The German People’s Party 
were not easily brought into fine. They were still resolved 
to stand or fall by Jarres, and in this they were sup- 
ported by Seldte and his ex-Service men’s organization, 
the Stahlhelm. Stresemann was particularly opposed to the 
candidature of Hindenburg, but not upon personal grounds. 
Stresemann stiU retained that romantic admiration for the 
Marshal which had led him to champion so fervently the 
cause of the Supreme Command before the war-time 
Reichstag. His conversion to the Pohcy of Fulfilment had 
in no way dimmed his veneration for Germany’s greatest 
pubhc figure. But three months before, in the greatest con- 
fidence, he had opened the negotiations which ultimately 
resulted in the Pact of Locarno, the first international 
agreement to be freely negotiated by Germany. To speak of 
it then would have meant death both for him and for his 
project, for the extreme Nationahsts would not, and later 
did not, shrink from plotting his assassination, and such 
knowledge of the negotiations as had been made public 
had provoked the fiercest opposition. Stresemann knew his 
Europe weU enough to foresee how foreign countries would 
react to the election of the incarnation of Prussian mih- 
tarism, and a “war criminal” to boot, as President of the 
Reich, and, great as was his admiration for Hindenburg, 
still greater was his life’s ambition to free the Rhineland 
from foreign occupation. 

Passionately he exhorted Jarres not to withdraw in 
favour of Hindenburg, advancing every argument which 
might prevent such a disaster. The Marshal was too old and 
too ignorant of pohtics. He would be the tool of the National- 



ists and would be used to undo all the work of the past six 
years; alternately, it was unjust that this great figure should 
be exposed to the rough-and-tumble of an electoral contest 
and to the venomous intrigues of political life. Under no 
consideration must Jarres withdraw. 

But Jarres was unable to resist the pressure of the 
Nationahsts, and in any case he had little real desire to 
exchange the minor problems of the city of Duisburg for 
the gigantic tasks of the Presidency. He turned a deaf ear 
to Stresemann’s pleadings, gracefully withdrew his name as 
candidate of the Right, and returned thankfully to the 
obscurity from which he had been dragged. 

So far the Nationahsts had got their way, but their 
greatest difihoulties were to come. Their first tentative 
embassy to Hanover was met with a brusque, almost 
ungracious refusal. Hindenburg was suffering from a form 
of bronchial catarrh which would not yield to treatment, 
and this made bim even more disinchned to re-enter pubhc 
life. He had never been a party man, he said, and he had no 
intention of becoming one now. He was shrewd enough to 
suspect that this sudden and anxious appeal to him was 
bemg made out of a desire to exploit him for party purposes. 
The deputation withdrew disheartened. Others took their 
place, but without any better success. Another week 
went by and still Hindenburg was adamant. To all the 
entreaties of Ditfurth, of Schiele, of Schlange, and of 
Schmidt, he made the same reply: “Ich will meine RuJie 
haben'\ “The devil take you all!” was his exasperated 
dismissal of Schmidt. “I don’t min d if he does, so long as 
we have you for ReichsprdsidentV’ was the reply. 

His refusal became known in the press. The Nationahsts 
were at their wits’ end. Only a fortnight remained imtil the 
second ballot and they were still without a candidate. 
Could nothing be done to break the Marshal’s resolution? 
In desperation Winkler turned to G-rand-Admiral von 
Tirpitz for advice and it was the crafty old sailor who 



provided the solution. He had always beheved in Hinden- 
bnrg, and, it will be remembered, as early as January 1916 
had wished him to become mihtary and pohtical dictator of 
Germany. Now his belief was coloured by a more intimate 
knowledge of the Marshal’s mind, and he knew upon which 
chord to harp with success. The Marshal’s chief objection, 
he said, was to standing as a party candidate; this idea 
therefore must be dropped. An appeal must be made to him 
to go to the electorate, not in the Nationahst, but in the 
National interest, and his sense of duty could not allow him 
to refuse such a caU. 

It was Tirpitz, with his tremolo voice and his long beard 
flowing in a silver fork over his coat, who came to Hanover 
to make the supreme appeal. He was a year younger than 
Hindenburg, but half a century older in guile and pohtical 
cunning, and he handled the Marshal with a master’s 
technique. To every objection barked out in the harsh 
mihtary voice, the Admiral made a soft-toned reply which 
demohshed the Marshal’s arguments. Gradually Hindenburg 
ceased to argue and sat hstening to Tirpitz’s brilhant 
exposition of his case. 

He quite understood, said the Admiral, the very natural 
disinclination of the Marshal to stand as a party candidate, 
but that was not the real issue at aU. This was no factional 
fight but a national crusade. He depicted for the Marshal 
the state of the country, and particularly the situation in 
Prussia, and then added his irresistible call to duty. The 
coxmtry was crying out for a “saviour” and in its need it 
turned again to the great figure who had never forsaken it. 
A great sacrifice was being asked of Hindenburg, no doubt; 
his age and his distinguished record unquestionably en- 
titled him to a peaceful retirement, but throughout that 
long life had he not always looked upon subordination of 
self to duty as the highest form of service? The Father- 
land was calling to him to save it from national dis- 
cord and foreign domination, the great mass of the 



people looked to Mm for guidance. Could ke refuse their 

Thus Tirpitz in Ms silvery voice played upon the sensi- 
Mlities of Hindenburg. He had caught the Marshal by his 
sword-knot and had struck the one note of appeal which he 
could never resist. But Tirpitz had Mdden from Hindenburg 
the fact that the support wMch could be expected from the 
electorate was not nearly so great, nor the demand of the 
Fatherland so unammous, as he had depicted. He had not 
mentioned the scruples of Stresemann or the opposition of 
the Stahlhelm. He had led the Marshal to believe that if he 
accepted the nomination he would meet with very little 

Hindenburg had been defimtely shaken by Tirpitz’s 
eloquence. If the country really was in so bad a condition 
and he was the only man who could save it, had he the right 
to refuse? Devotion to duty was with him a fetish, service 
a guidon wMch he had always followed. Yet there was Ms 
loyalty to Ms Emperor, renewed publicly only three years 
before. Again the clash of fealties, the hesitation, the choice 
between right and right. 

He had wavered from Ms former inflexibility, but he 
would not give a defimte answer. He must, he said, have 
three days to think it out. To-day was April 6? He would 
give them Ms decision on the 9th. 

But Tirpitz returned to Berhn well satisfied. He knew 
Ms man and he knew that he had implanted in Ms mind 
that seed of doubt wMch would blossom forth into the flower 
of acceptance. For him there was little uncertainty as to 
the answer wMch Hindenburg would give. 

Nor was he wrong. For tMee days the Marshal pondered 
Ms decision m Hanover. His election would mean a complete 
break with Ms former traditions, he would become the 
salaried servant of the Eepubhc and the cMef guardian of 
its Constitution. Hitherto he had never pledged Mmself. A 
brief note to Ebert from Spa, confirming the agreement 



made with Groner, was his only oflBcial connection with the 
Weimar system. But now . . . ? There was his loyalty to his 
Emperor. Had he not written in 1922 — and the letter had 
appeared in the press — that he would “remain always Your 
Imperial and Eoyal Majesty’s most loyal subject”? To be 
sure, the Emperor had answered him somewhat ungraciously; 
still, his declaration stood. But Germany? Germany was 
calling for him. He had fought for her in war, he had served 
her in the darkest hour of defeat, now he must answer again 
the call to the service of peace. The pomp and panoply of the 
Presidency meant nothing to him, no man abhorred civihan 
display and ostentation more than Hindenburg. No man 
was more lacking in personal ambition. Ear rather would 
he have preferred to remain in peace at Hanover and 
drink his glass of wine by the bank of the Leine. But 
to the call to duty there could only be one answer. He 
must serve. 

He did not, as was widely reported, ask permission of 
the Emperor to accept the candidature. He arrived at his 
decision after deep personal reflection and consultation with 
his family and closest friends. He would stand for the Pre- 
sidency; if elected he would take the oath to the Constitu- 
tion and would loyally defend it — until a further path of 
service was opened before him. But when, on April 9, 1925, 
he sent his answer to Berhn he had no other intention but 
the loyal and honest fulfilment of the new task which, un- 
wilhngly enough, he had agreed to undertake. Nothing, 
however, could change his personal loyalty to his Emperor; 
whatever his public views noight be, his personal behefs 
would remain the same. Had not Ebert, though President, 
remained a Sociahst? With this bahn he soothed his con- 
science. It was the inevitable sequel to his frequent clashes 
of loyalties — compromise, that compromise which Carlyle 
has called the “grave of the soul”. 

In the campaign which followed Hindenburg took httle 
personal part. Much was promised in his name of which he 



knew nothing, and he passed through experiences which 
must have made him regret that he had ever agreed to 
stand. The mud and vitriol of an election were all so new to 
him, so aUen to his soldier’s notion of chivalry towards an 
enemy. While he ignored with stoical calm the venomous 
attacks of the opposition press upon himself, he was naively 
appalled to find similar vdeness in the papers of the Reichs- 
hlok concerning Marx. “I will not allow such things to he 
said on my behaE”, he told his personal stafi. “I insist 
upon my political opponents receiving fair play from my 
supporters.” The stafi smiled a little cynically and promised 
“to see to it”. The attacks on both sides continued. 

Easter messages were issued to the electorate by both 
candidates. Hindenburg attempted to strike a personal 
note, but it was as empty as that of Marx; its chief interest 
was his evident difhculty in successfully reconciling his 
appearance as a candidate for the Presidency of a repubhc 
with his well-known monarchist beliefs. He attempted to 
eseape the issue by stressing the essentially non-party 
character of the Presidency. 

My life lies open to all the world [he declared]. I believe that in 
time of need I have done my duty. If this duty were to bid me now 
as President of the Reich to work withiu the articles of the Con- 
stitution, without respect for party, persons, origin, or profession, 
I shall not be found wanting. As a soldier I have always had the 
whole nation before my eyes, and not its parties. Parties are necessary 
in a parliamentary state, but the Chief of the State must stand 
above them. . . . Just as the first German President, even as Pro- 
tector of the Constitution, never concealed his origm from the ranks 
of labour, no one will be able to expect of me that I should surrender 
my political convictions. 

In this way the curious mental process of compromise 
was made pubhc. Ebert had been able to retain his 
republican behefs whilst he was President of the Repubhc, 
therefore, he, Handenburg, could remain personally a loyal 
monarchist whilst filling the same office. It was an argument 



wliich was difficult to follow and betrayed more naivete 
tban one would have credited to the Marshal. 

His only other pubhc announcements were made at a 
reception given to the German and foreign press, and a 
radio-broadcast on the eve of the poll. The press reception 
was a Bier-Abend and a very jolly afiair. Hindenburg was 
in excellent form and greeted his guests with the words: 
“I’ve asked you to come here, gentlemen, in order to show 
you that I don’t come riding on a cannon nor yet in a bath- 
chair. I know that you all want from me a statement on 
foreign pohcy, but I can’t give it to you as I’m not yet 
Reichsprdsident, and in any case the Chancellor is responsible 
for the conduct of foreign pohcy and not the President.” 

He answered an endless flood of questions with unfaihng 
good-humour and a generous display of elephantine wit. 
The questions themselves ranged from the general to the 
personal, each inquirer vying with his neighbour as to how 
much information he could squeeze out of the old veteran. 
Most of them concerned peace and war, and the Marshal 
rephed that he personally shared the opinion that Germany 
could only gain from peaceful development at home and 
abroad, and that he believed, as a mihtary expert, that 
the country was incapable of defending itself against the 
smallest of her neighbours. 

“What was the greatest day of your hfe, Field-Marshal?” 
somebody wanted to know, expecting as a reply some 
grandiloquent reference to Tannenberg. “The first time, 
when I was a cadet, that I was allowed to eat as many 
cakes and as much whipped cream as I Hked”, was the 
Marshal’s answer. 

“How many decorations have you?” asked another. 

“Seventy-seven”, was the reply; “one for each year of 
my age, but I didn’t get one every year.” 

The climax was reached when a French journalist asked 
the Marshal to autograph a postcard which he proposed 
to send as a greeting to Marshal Foch. Hindenburg lost his 



laughing air. Instantly his thoughts went back to his un- 
answered ofier of July 1919, and he repHed grimly, “That 
gentleman has long since refused to know me, and I never 
write to strangers”. 

The broadcast address was not such a success. Hinden- 
burg had never seen a microphone before, and was nervous 
and embarrassed. He spoke somewhat haltingly and kept 
time by beating with his clenched fist on the table before 
him. To the listening public his voice came accompanied 
by an obbligato of thumps, but as they strained their ears 
they could hear him declaiming before all the world his 
determination, born of personal experience in youth and 
in old age, to avert the horrors of war. The rest was an 
appeal for, and a promise of, unity at home and patriotic 
behaviour, and both listeners and speaker seemed relieved 
when the address was over. But, like many a man making 
his first broadcast, Hindenburg, as soon as he had finished, 
forgot his great unseen audience, and so it came about that 
in thousands of German homes he was heard saying with 
evident relief to the official beside him, “Well, thank God 
that’s over”. 

Throughout the rest of his life he never conquered his 
dislike for the microphone, and when, later, it became 
necessary for him as President to address the German 
people by wireless, a phonograph record was made of his 
speech and released at the appointed moment to the 
hstening public, who fervently beheved that it was the 
President himself who spoke to them. 

Polhng-day, Sunday April 26, was spent by Hindenburg 
at Gross-Schwulper, the estate of Oskar’s mother-in-law, the 
Baroness von Marenholtz, near Brunswick. He was quite 
untouched by the general excitement and passed the day 
walking in the park and playing with his grandchildren. 
About 9 o’clock in the evening the results began to come 
in, and it was evident that the Marshal was not going to 
have an easy victory. The towns, the strongholds of Social 



Democracy and of the trade unions, were for the Weimar- 
bloJc, and more than once during the evening Marx was 
heading the poll. But the country districts, where the 
great landowners could influence the choice of their 
peasants, voted for Hindenhurg, and gradually his tally 
began to mount.^ Even then he would not have been 
successful were it not for the stirring-up of Protestant 
feehng against the Catholic Marx in Prussia, Thuringia, 
and Saxony, and in the country round Halle and Magde- 
burg, where the Social Democrats and even the Communists 
forsook their party allegiance and voted for Hindenburg. 

At his usual hour of 10 o’clock the Marshal went un- 
concernedly to bed, but his son Oskar sat up with paper 
and pencil till a late hour beside the radio. By midnight it 
was certain that the Marshal had been elected with a shght 
margin of votes, and in the small hours of Monday morning 
the final figures were announced; 

Hindenburg . . 14,656,766 

Marx . . . 13,751,615 

Thalmann . . 1,931,151 

It had been a very close thing, less than a milhon 
majority, and no absolute majority at that; but they had 
won nevertheless, and Oskar went to bed happy. 

At 7 o’clock next morning he brought his father the 
news of victory. “Well,” rephed the newly-elected President 
testily, “why did you want to wake me up an hour earlier 
to teU me? It would still have been true at eight”; and back 
he went to sleep. On being called at his usual hour, he 
awoke to a graver view of the position. His natural piety 
was touched and he said very seriously: “May Grod bless 

^ People voted for Hindenburg for a variety of reasons One Bavarian 
peasant girl told ber friends that she had seen a picture of him “holding 
a candle” and had given her vote for him because she thought he must 
be a good Christian man. What she had actually seen was a photograph 
of Hindenburg grasping his Pield-MarshaPs baton’ 



tke okoice of tke German people and make it a prosperous 

Messages of congratulations poured in from all quarters, 
and amongst tke first was a telegram from Marz offering to 
kis victorious opponent kis loyal co-operation in tke future. 
Hindenkurg was greatly toucked by tkis gesture, and re- 
affirmed to kis staff kis firm intention to be strictly im- 
partial. “I propose to bold out tke kand of fellowskip to my 
late opponents as if tkey were my most trusted friends”, 
ke declared; and ke certainly justified kis words in tke case 
of Marx, for twice witkin tke next seven years ke called kim 
to be Ckancellor. 

Many others sent kim tkeir congratulations, and among 
tkem was Franz von Papen, Catkolic nobleman, former 
miktary attache in Washington, Herrenreiter, and deputy 
for tke Centre Party in tke Prussian Landtag. Papen had 
not at tkis stage reached that felicitous relationship with 
tke Marshal which ke was later to enjoy, but ke was suf- 
ficiently akve to future possibikties to desert tke cause of 
kis party and kis party’s candidate, Marx, and to campaign 
zealously for Hindenburg on tke grounds that the political 
future of tke Centre Party was threatened if it alked itself 
with tke Left in electing a President. He was successful in 
drawing away a considerable number of Catkokc votes to 
Hindenburg, and on tke latter’s victory ke telegraphed that 
ke would not wish to be “missing from tke ranks of those 
who offer tkeir thanks to tkeir great leader, who, at tkis 
vital moment, has been wiUing to make sacrifices in order 
to take tke fate of tke nation into kis trusted kand”. Papen 
added that even as a Centre Party deputy ke had not ceased 
to urge support for tke Marshal on tke principle of “tke 
Fatherland above party”. With tkis move began that strange 
relationship which continued unbroken for more than nine 
years, until Hindenburg’s death. It was a comradeship so 
wholly disastrous for Germany that it is tke more curious 
to note that it was tke only friendship in Hindenburg’s fife 


that was not marred by any suggestion of treachery on his 

A host of visitors descended upon Hanover; the Chan- 
cellor and other high State ofhcials, and the leaders and 
artificers of the Reichsblok, all came to pay their respects 
to the new Chief of State. Luther was agreeably surprised. 
In discussing the arrangements for the inauguration 
ceremony, he found Hindenburg most friendly and helpful, 
and it was in this attitude that the Nationalists were to 
receive the first of many shocks experienced dming the 
coining months. It had been fully expected that Hinden- 
burg, despite his campaign statements, would refuse to take 
the oath to the Constitution and would not recognize the 
Black-Gold-Red of the Reichsbanner, which had super- 
seded the Schwarz-weiss-rot of Imperial Germany, as the 
national colours. But, to the delighted surprise of the 
Chancellor, the President-elect raised no objection either to 
oath or to flag, merely stipulating that the form of oath 
should not be civil but a religious one, taken upon the 

Otto Meissner, too, called upon Hindenburg. 

Few men, behind the scenes, have influenced the post- 
war history of their country more than this seemingly 
very typical square-headed German Civil Servant, and 
the full story of the strange part which he played is 
stiU to be written. Born in Alsace, the son of a German 
immigrant and an Alsatian mother, Otto Meissner had 
studied constitutional law, but had found employment 
as a Civil Servant in the State Railways of the Reichsland. 
His experience in this capacity led to his transfer during 
the war to the Ukraine, where Groner was reorganizing the 
railway system. Here Meissner met Rudolph Nadolny, who 
became his immediate superior and whose fortunes he 
followed during the troublous days of the Revolution. 
Nadolny became secretary to Ebert at Weimar, and 
Meissner was closely associated with him throughout that 



period of tragedy. When the office of the President came to 
be organized, Nadolny became Secretary of State, but 
when, in 1920, he was appointed Ambassador to Angora, 
his assistant, Meissner, succeeded him in his high office. 

In that position, which, after fifteen years, he still occupies 
(1936), he has swayed the policies of post-war Germany 
to no little extent, and with considerable pohtical agihty 
has succeeded in serving and pleasing three such diverse 
personaUties as Ebert, Hindenburg, and Hitler! To call bim 
a turncoat would be too drastic; to accuse him of pre- 
meditated treachery would be unfair; but, doubtless with 
the best possible intentions, he has provided in modern 
times the most outstanding example of a pohtical Vicar of 

At this moment in 1925, however, Meissner came to 
Hanover with certain apprehensions. The Nationahsts, who 
were anxious to get rid of him as a representative of the 
detested System, had let it be known that the new Presi- 
dent, in exercising his right of appointment, would choose 
as his Secretary of State, Lieut.-Col. von Eeldmann, an old 
friend and a member of his former Staff who had been 
chief of his election bureau in Hanover, and Meissner 
approached the house in the Seelhorstrasse in uncertainty 
as to his future. 

But here again Hindenburg disappointed his followers. 
He recognized in Meissner the man who, under Ebert, had 
formulated and defined the office of the presidency which 
the Weimar Constitution, itself drawn up in haste, had left 
vague and undetermined. He realized that in the tasks 
ahead of him Meissner’s vast knowledge and experience of 
procedure and custom, and of the parhamentary routine, of 
which he himself was ignorant, would be of greater service 
to him than the pleasing companionship of the loyal Eeld- 
marm, and he expressed his feelings in characteristic terms: 
“When a heutenant becomes a company-commander he 
keeps the old sergeant-major”. He therefore confirmed 




Meissner in Lis office, and, in so doing, made a decision 
whicL. was to be no less important in Lis life than Lis meeting 
with Lndendorfi. 

For Hindenburg’s third “Kfe” was to be very largely 
influenced by his new “marriage” with. Meissner, a union 
in which the latter, like Lndendorfi, held the role of the 
dominant husband, and with very much the same efiect. 
For, as Hindenburg had been malleable in Ludendorfi’s 
hands, so was he in the hands of Meissner, upon whom he 
leaned more and more with advancing years; and, similarly, 
just as for the first period of their partnership Ludendorfi’s 
influence over the Marshal had been for good rather than 
otherwise, so in the early years of office Meissner guided the 
feet of the President through the difficult paths of con- 
stitutional government. The tragic sequels were also similar, 
Ludendorfi, in the grip of megalomania, carried his chief, 
perhaps unwillingly, into the seas of tortuous intrigue till 
the inevitable shipwreck overwhelmed them both. Meissner, 
perhaps unwittingly, allowed his imsuspecting leader to fall 
into the hands of the Camarilla. Death saved Hindenburg 
from a full realization of the truth. 

And yet there had to be a Meissner, for, if Hindenburg 
had been appointed as a figure-head in 1914, he was 
infinitely more so in 1925. It was inevitable and essential 
that some shadow-figure, some eminence grise, should stand 
behind him and prompt his actions. The full portent of 
their relationship was defined at that very moment with 
terrifying accuracy of prophecy by Theodore Lessing. 
“From the very moment when this least pohtical of men is 
mis-cast for a pohtical role another will be the decisive 
factor”, he wrote. “This man, through and through, is a 
man of service; there are not even the beginnings of a 
personahty capable of deciding, measuring and considering. 
Here the sole essential will always be the instruction, the 
tradition, the consensus that ‘one certainly must’ or ‘one 
certainly must not’. ... He will remain the ‘good shepherd 



and protector’ only so long as some clever man is ttere who 
will interest him in his duties and arrange them for him. A 
nature Hke Hindenburg’s will ask until he dies — ‘Where can 
I serve?’ ... It may be said. ‘Better a zero than a Nero’. 
Unfortunately, the course of history has shown that behind 
a zero lurks always a future Nero.” ^ 

The ceremony of inauguration was arranged for May 12, 
and the President-elect left Hanover the day before. His 
way to Berlin was one continuous triumph. No Emperor or 
King received such a welcome. The Biirgermeister Tramm 
was at the station to bid him farewell, and with him Noske, 
now President of the province of Hanover, the fiery revolu- 
tionary of 1918 scarcely recognizable beneath the frock-coat 
and top-hat of officialdom. At the capital it was the same, 
cheering masses, rigid ranks of troops, the shriU cries of 
children, and flowers everywhere. Twice before in his life 
he had ridden victoriously through the Brandenburger Tor; 
once in 1866 following the King of Prussia, and again in 
1871 in the train of the German Emperor. It had been his 
fond hope that he might be granted a third triumphal entry 
with Wilhelm II, but this had been denied him. Instead, the 
triumph was his own and, acclaimed as a sovereign, he 
passed upon his way. 

He slept that night in the palace of the Chancellor, 
which he had not entered since the eve of Ludendorff’s 
dismissal. ghosts and memories were stored within 
those rooms! The great bulk of Bismarck, whose life’s work 
Hindenburg had helped unwittingly to shatter; his fellow 
soldier Caprivi; Hohenlohe, the princely statesman; the 
intriguing Bulow, whom he had tried with Ludendorff to 
recall; the grey ghost of Bethmann HoUweg; the pathetic 
figure of Michaelis, scuttling across the stage, the puppet 

^ How truly the writer had foreseen the tragic course of events he 
was to prove terribly in his own person, for no sooner had the “Hero” 
appeared than Theodore Lessing was murdered by Nazi gunmen on 
neutral Czechoslovak territory (September 1933). 



of the Supreme Command; the grey-bearded shadow of the 
senile and incapable Hertling; and Maz of Baden, that 
transient, embarrassed phantom. Memories of dead and 
hving thronged the palace, and one likes to think that the 
spirit of Ebert revisited his old room and, brooding there a 
while, a little apprehensively perhaps, over the great re- 
cumbent figure of his successor, wished In'm good fortune 
in the great tasks before him. 

But, undisturbed by any recollection of the past, Hinden- 
burg slept the exhausted sleep of the very old, and awoke 
upon the threshold of his third official “fife”. The only 
memory that was to haunt him till his death was that of 
an exiled monarch, to whom he stiU pledged loyalty but 
in whose place he now ruled. The spectre of Spa could not 
have been far from tn'm that morning. “Nevertheless” — ^the 
motto of his house — ^with a firm voice, in the ringing tones 
of a Prussian officer, he took the oath before the assembled 
Reichstag: “I swear by God, the Almighty and the All- 
knowing, that I will devote my powers to the welfare of 
the German people, increase its benefits, turn danger from 
it, guard the Constitution and the Laws of the Reich, con- 
scientiously fulfil my duties, and do justice towards every- 
one, so help me God”. 


Thus, at the age of seventy-eight, Hindenburg found him- 
self embarking upon a new career of the elements of which 
he was entirely ignorant and for which he, of all men, was 
supremely unfitted by nature. No one was more essentially 
non-pohtical in mind than Bindenburg, and his natural and 
expressed aversion to pohtics made biTn tend more and more 
to confide to other and less scrupulous hands the reins of 
office which should not have left his own control. 

This tendency to delegate authority was the more 
important because of the powers conferred upon the 
President by the Constitution. He was elected for seven 



years — though, in 1925 no one expected that Hindenburg 
would survive his term, let alone successfully weather a 
second election — and represented the German people to 
the world; alhances and treaties were concluded in his 
name and he could nominate and dismiss the Chancellor, 
and, on the latter’s advice, the Ministers of the Eeich. 
The Constitution gave him authority to compel the Federal 
States, if necessary by force of arms, to fulfil the obligations 
incurred under the Constitution and the Laws of the Reich, 
and he had power to suspend provisionally the funda- 
mental liberties of the citizen, if in his opinion such action 
was required for the maintenance of public law and order. 

Ebert had wielded these powers with understanding and 
discretion, and in creating them the Fathers of the Con- 
stitution at Weimar had always envisaged the presidency 
as being occupied by an experienced republican and 
democrat, never by a military veteran with expressed 
monarchist sympathies and no political knowledge. But 
in this negative quahty he was highly representative of 
the German people as a whole, who are among the least 
politically minded in the world. That they elected Hiuden- 
burg at all is an indication that they obeyed the dictates 
of sentiment rather than of political sense, for a people 
schooled in pohtics would not have elected a monarchist 
who had never been anythiug else but a soldier to be the 
head of a democracy. For the consequences of this strange 
act on their part the German people must bear a share in 
the responsibility. 

In the Cabinet of Dr. Luther, which Hindenburg in- 
herited from his predecessor, two personalities stood out as 
representative of the only stable factors in the German 
political world. Stresemann and Gessler, representing foreign 
policy and the army, were destined to occupy their re- 
spective Ministries, the one for six and the other for 
eight years, during which time their policies remained 
unchanged and directed towards the fulfilment of a certain 



goal. In many respects these policies were at variance. 
Stresemann songht by means of the Policy of Pulfilment 
to assure peace in Europe and to secure the evacuation 
of the Rbineland; G-essler’s policy was based almost 
entirely on tbe negation of Erfullung. His ambition was to 
bxiild up, within the specifications and restrictions of the 
Treaty of Versailles, as efdcient and as weU-equipped a 
Defence Force as possible, but parallel with these ofScial 
activities ran the military rapprochement with the Soviet 
Union, and the surreptitious encouragement, or at least 
condoning, of such illegal organizations as the Black 

It is characteristic of Hindenburg, and of the anomalous 
conditions which prevailed in the Weimar Repubhc after 
his election, that the pohcies of both Stresemann and 
Gessler, in so far as he understood them, received his 
approval, and the foundation and evolution of both were 
factors of primary importance in his career. 

Gustav Stresemann had begun his tenancy of the German 
Foreign Office in September 1923, and had signahzed the 
immediate change in the external pohcy of his country by 
terminating the campaign of passive resistance, by which 
Germany, at a ruinous cost to herself, had rendered sterile 
the French invasion of the Ruhr. By so doing he took the 
first step along the seemingly endless road to the realization 
of his great ideal, the evacuation of the Rhineland by 
Allied troops, an ideal which was the motive force of his 
foreign policy. Less than a year later the negotiation of the 
London Agreements, in August 1924, placed reparation 
payments upon a business footing under the Dawes Plan, 
based for the first time not merely upon AUied desires for 
reparation but on Germany’s capacity to pay. Further 
fruits of Stresemann’s pohcy were a forty-miLhon-pound 
“Dawes Loan” to Germany and, in addition, a vast influx 
of short-term credits given by private American and 
British finance houses to German states and municipahties. 


Germany had become rehabilitated in the eyes of the 
world, and international confidence in her economic and 
financial probity had been restored. 

The change in the external position of the country 
enabled Stresemann to take a further step, which he had 
meditated for long in his own mind and in confidential 
conversations with the British Ambassador in Berlin, Lord 
D’Abernon. With the departure from of6.ce of the first 
Labour Government after the elections of October 1924, 
it became evident that Great Britain would reject the 
Geneva Protocol, that still-born child of the united 
socialistic ideahsm of Mr. MacDonald and M. Herriot. 
The moment had arrived when an alternative proposal, 
more in tune with the British thesis of “special arrange- 
ments to meet special needs”, might succeed where 
the “umbrella” principle of the Protocol had failed, and, 
greatly daring, in February 1926 Stresemann put forward 
very tentatively, and with great secrecy, his plan for a 
multilateral pact of security and guarantee in Western 
Europe. Germany, he asserted, would be prepared to enter 
with Great Britain, France, and Italy into a mutual 
understanding not to go to war with one another, the 
suggested substitute for the settlement of disputes being 
the negotiation of arbitration and concihation treaties 
between the contracting parties. More important still was 
the additional statement that Germany was prepared to 
accept a pact expressly guaranteeing the existing terri- 
torial status [gegenwdrtiger Besitzstand) vis-d-vis France. 

The importance and daring of this proposal are evident. 
Despite the campaign of terror and assassination which had 
been waged by the extreme Nationahsts against those 
German statesmen who had attempted to reach an under- 
standing with the Alhes, Stresemann was now offering not 
only to renounce war with the former enemies of Germany, 
but to recognize for all time the permanent separation of 
Alsace-Lorraine from the Reich. Had not the strictest 



secrecy been preserved as to tbe terms of the offer, Lord 
D’Abernon wrote in his diary, “there can be little question 
that Stresemann would have been turned out of oflS.ce, and 
there is a strong possibhty that he would have been assas- 

But the secret was well kept, and Stresemann’s proposals 
were received with reserved approval in London and Paris. 
On two conditions — ^the inclusion of Belgium in the pact 
and the willingness of Germany to enter the League of 
Nations — Great Britain and Prance were prepared to treat 
the German project as a basis of negotiation, and Strese- 
mann willingly accepted their counter-proposals. Then, and 
only then, did he feel suflSciently secure to make pubhc his 
policy, and, as he had expected, a storm of obloquy and 
execration broke over him. Stresemann’s contention that 
his proposals involved for Prance the permanent abandon- 
ment of a Prench frontier on the Rhine neither impressed 
nor satisfied the Nationahsts. Por them this poKcy of 
Fulfilment and Renunciation {Erfullung und Preisgabe) was 
rank treachery. Not only would the proposed pact abandon 
for ever Alsace-Lorraine to the French, but it would set the 
seal of solemn re-aflfirmation upon the accursed Treaty of 
Versailles. Stresemann must go; his policy meant only 
further humiliation for Germany. 

It was at this critical moment that Ebert died, and at one 
stroke the German pohtical situation was thrown into the 
melting-pot and Stresemann was robbed of his most powerful 
supporter. With infinite difl&culty he concluded the agree- 
ment with the Nationahsts for a ReichsbhJc, with his own 
nominee, Jarres, as candidate, and it maybe understood how 
bitterly disappointed he was when he found himself unable 
to prevent Jarres from withdrawing in Hiudenburg’s favour 
in the second ballot. Nor was he at fault in his forecast. Alhed 
opinion was critical indeed of the Marshal’s nomination and 
election. “Behind him”, wrote Le Temps, “are enhsted all 
the forces of reaction and revenge, which hope that he will 



hasten the day of Germany’s mihtary resurrection”; and the 
Nation Beige tersely summed up the situation in a single 
phrase, “aujourd’hui Hindenburg — domain le Kaiser”-, 
while even The Times devoted a leading article to the 
dangers of military leaders of democracies, drawing the 
inevitable parallel with Marshal MacMahon. 

But the Nationalists were overjoyed. With Hindenburg 
elected they could scotch, once and for all, these scandalous 
negotiations. The veteran of 1870 would never agree to the 
permanent renunciation of Alsace-Lorraine. Here was an 
additional reason for Hindenburg’ s candidature. But here 
again the Marshal disappointed them. 

An attack of angina pectoris, the result of weeks of 
anxiety and nervous strain, prevented Stresemann from 
accompanying the Chancellor on his visit to the President- 
elect at Hanover, but Luther’s first act on his return to 
Berlin was to go to the sick-room of the Foreign Minister. 
With pleasure and surprise, he told Stresemann that where 
he had looked for opposition and obstruction he had 
encountered co-operation and understanding. What about 
foreign policy? asked Stresemann. Hindenburg had re- 
peated the stock views of the Nationalists against the 
Security Pact and the League of Nations, Luther replied, 
but he did not think that in the final analysis he would 
make diflS.culties. 

Stresemann’s first meeting with the new President 
did not take place imtil May 19. A strange contrast they 
must have made; the towering mass of Hrndenburg’s great 
frame, still a little unaccustomed to presidential morning- 
dress, beside Stresemann’s shorter figure, with its square, 
heavy, bloated face, smooth pink cheeks, and little twink- 
ling eyes. He was the personification of the caricature 
German on the English music-hall stage, except for his 
hands, which were small and white, delicate as a woman’s. 
He too was agreeably surprised by the helpful attitude of 
the Marshal. “He showed himself most objective,” Strese- 



mann wote that night in his joninal, “and appeared to 
understand the importance of our security proposals; and 
the indignant cry of the NationaHsts, ‘Renounce Alsace- 
Lorraine? Never!’ never passed his hps.” With regard to the 
League of Nations Hindenhurg was more reserved, and 
evidently viewed it with personal repugnance; but Strese- 
mann was impressed with his anxiety to clear Germany 
from the accusation of war-guilt, and, for his part, Hinden- 
burg was dehghted to discover the steps which Stresemann 
had already taken to combat this allegation. 

So well did the interview proceed that, at its close, 
Hindenburg turned to his Foreign Minister and demanded 
brusquely: “If things are as you say, why are you always 
so furiously attacked?” “I replied with some irony”, says 
Stresemann, “that I had frequently asked myself that same 

But though in principle a sense of understanding had 
been estabhshed between the two, Hindenburg’s ignorance 
of politics and diplomacy rendered it very hard for Strese- 
mann to keep bim informed of the progress of negotiations, 
and there must have been many moments when he longed 
regretfully for the constructive criticism and support of 
Ebert. On June 9 he records, “I find it extremely difficult 
to discuss with bim [Hindenburg] complex questions of 
foreign policy, because his grasp of the subject is very 

StiU, Stresemann was fortunate in having only Hinden- 
buig’s ignorance and not his opposition to contend with, 
for the NationaHsts brought every influence to bear upon 
the President that was unfavourable to the Foreign Minister, 
and saw to it that only statements critical of Stresemann 
were laid upon the Presidential table. At this moment their 
domination over Hindenburg was not, however, complete. 
Oskar’s influence with his father had not yet reached that 
fatal degree which it afterwards achieved; moreover, the 
Palace Camarilla did not yet exist, and under Meissner’s 



guidance the President maintained his support of Strese- 
mann’s foreign pohcy. 

Stresemann, his flanks secured, as it were, pressed forward 
with his two parallel series of negotiations with the Alli ed 
Powers, the flrst directly with Great Britain and France 
regarding the pact of security; the second, with the Con- 
ference of Ambassadors in reference to the final disarma- 
ment of Germany and the evacuation of the first Rhineland 
Zone. Gradually and with infinite difficulty the security 
negotiations proceeded towards success. Stresemann agreed 
to the French proposal that the East European Alhes of 
France, Poland and Czechoslovakia, should be included 
among the contracting parties, but refused Germany’s 
acceptance of her frontiers with these two states as perma- 
nent. The most he could concede was that Germany would 
forgo the right to change these boundaries by armed force, 
and with this France had to be satisfied. At long last, at the 
Conference of Locarno in October 1925, the agreements were 
initialled. Great Britain, France, and Italy agreed to sponsor 
Germany’s nomination for membership of the League of 
Nations and to a permanent seat on the Council, and 
Stresemann wrung the additional concession from them 
that the Locarno Agreements should mark the beginning 
of the movement towards AlHed disarmament, to which, 
by the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, the disarmament 
of Germany was to be but a “prelude”. 

In the parallel negotiations with the Conference of 
Ambassadors, Stresemann had an equally uphill battle, and 
it was here that his pohcy ran foul of that of Gessler and 
the Reichswehx. Stresemann’s foreign policy had received a 
great set-back when, in January 1926, the Conference of 
Ambassadors had announced that, in view of the non-fulfil- 
ment by Germany of the disarmament clauses of the Peace 
Treaty, the Alhes could not proceed with the evacuation of 
the First Rhineland Zone, which, according to Article 429, 
should be completed at the end of five years. With Strese- 



nann’s assertion that the disarmament of Germany was 
complete, a statement which was patently inaccurate, the 
Inter-AUied Conomission of Control refused to agree, pro- 
ducing documentary evidence in support of their contrary 
view, and the Conference of Ambassadors chided Germany 
with extreme acerbity for her breach of faith. 

Throughout the year Stresemann sought every means, on 
the one hand, of urging the Reichswehr to give no grounds 
for further complaint, and, on the other, of convincing the 
Alhes of the complete compliance of Germany with aU the 
mihtary and naval clauses of the Treaty. Under the mellow- 
ing influence of the security negotiations, the Allied attitude 
became less formidable, and by the time the Locarno 
Agreements were initialled, it was possible to announce that 
the evacuation of the First Rhineland Zone would begin 
with the ceremony of signature in December. “In thus 
making the beginning of the evacuation coincide with the 
signature of the Locarno Agreements,” wrote Briand to 
Stresemann, “the Conference [of Ambassadors] expresses 
the confidence of the Governments represented upon it that 
the signature will inaugurate a new era in their relations 
with Germany.” 

Hindenburg’s first year in ofiS.ce closed ia a blaze of glory. 
The achievement was Stresemann’s, but it was not without 
a bitter struggle. The Nationalists, having thrown every 
obstacle in the way of the negotiations, made a final desper- 
ate efEort to prevent the ratification of the Locarno Agree- 
ments. Stresemann, on his return to Berlin from Locarno, 
had to leave the train some distance outside the city, reach- 
ing his house by devious ways and under pohce protection. 
Vile and stupid stories were spread about him; he was paid 
by the French — ^his wife, it was said, was the sister of Mme. 
Poincare, just as once it had been rumoured that Rathenau’s 
sister had married Radek — and the press was vindictive as 
only the press of Germany can be. “If the Cabinet has 
agreed that Stresemann should state his views on Locarno 



before the Eeichstag Committee on Foreign Affairs, it is 
merely allowing him the right of defence conceded to any 
murderer or similarly unprofitable member of society, 
though there are many members of our party who regard 
Stresemann as something worse than a murderer”, wrote 
Colonel von Rodenberg in the Nationahst Preussische 

Within the Cabinet the Nationahst members attacked the 
Foreign Minister fiercely and threatened to withdraw alto- 
gether from the Government, if it persisted in supporting 
Stresemann’s policy of treachery and renunciation. But 
here help came from a source whence it would least have 
been expected. Hard-headed old Gessler fought beside 
Stresemann in this moment and added his bitter irony to 
the latter’s eloquence. “Renunciation?” he drawled iu his 
slow Bavarian voice, at one Cabinet meetiug. “You can’t 
call it renunciation when a one-legged man is asked to give 
up dancing competitions!” 

Throughout these days of crisis Hindenburg stood solidly 
behind Stresemann. Despite the frenzied efforts of the 
Nationahsts to persuade him not to sign the bill of ratifica- 
tion, and to force Stresemann to resign, he hstened to the 
wiser counsel of Meissner — “Germany must not and cannot 
pursue any other foreign policy” — and gave the Chancellor 
and the Foreign Minister every necessary support. The 
Nationahsts were at last disillusioned. The hopes which they 
had built upon Hiudenburg’s election had been shattered 
one by one, and they cordd now only make good their threat 
of withdrawing from the Government and leave Stresemann 
in possession of the field. “We had dreamed that Hinden- 
bujg, turning his marvellous popularity to account, would 
dissolve the Reichstag and appeal to the nation”, wrote 
old General Litzmann, his contemporary and former com- 
rade-in-arms, in bitter disappointment. “Then he would 
have won an even greater victory than at Tannenberg.” 

But at last the treaties were signed and ratified, and by 



tlie end of Ja,nuary 1926, th.e last Britisli soldier had left the 
First Rhineland Zone. In March, Hindenbnrg made a 
triumphal entry into the hberated city of Cologne. Great 
were the rejoicings, and splendid the celebrations of free- 
dom. Cologne was enfete to do honour to its veteran Presi- 
dent, the legendary hero of Germany, who had led it out of 
captivity. Immense festivals were planned in his honour, 
torchlight processions turned night into day, and the 
strains of DeutschlaTid iiber Alles were heard everywhere. 
The President made a number of addresses, notably one in 
the great Messehalle before a huge concourse of people, and 
all remarkable for their tact and moderation. But one thing 
mars the record of the festivities. Hindenburg again dis- 
played that curious negative vanity which had enabled 
him to accept, for four years of war, the credit and honour 
that were due — at least in major part — to Ludendorfi. 
Throughout the triumph of his tour, he took to himself the 
plaudits of the crowd, and never once in his addresses saw 
fit to pay tribute to Stresemann, who had achieved all and 
who was slowly giving his life for the hberation of the 
Rhineland. How differently had Blucher behaved towards 
Gneisenau, letting no opportunity escape to bear testimony 
to the work of his heutenant. This weakness in Hinden- 
burg’s character was complementary to his fear of re- 
sponsibiUty. Where was praise, there he gathered it to him- 
self, but in moments of great trial, such as at Spa and at 
Kolberg, he was found wanting. 

At the moment when Hindenburg was passing in triumph 
through the hberated First Zone, Stresemann was facing a 
serious rebuff at Geneva. A special Assembly of the League 
of Nations had been convened for the admission of Germany, 
and the stage was set for the logical sequel to Locarno. And 
then came the anti-chmax! In guaranteeing a permanent 
seat on the Council to Germany, the Great Powers had 
promised more than they could f ulfil . Within the League 
there was equahty of vote, and no bloc, however powerful its 



naembers, could dispose of Council seats thus Ughtly. Other 
claims were advanced and a deadlock ensued. For ten days 
Stresemann and the German delegation waited Uke shiver- 
ing neophytes without the portals of the Assembly, the 
involuntary and disgusted observers of the humiliating 
paralysis of the League. 

It seemed as if fate had at last deserted Stresemann and 
espoused the cause of the Nationalists, who clamoured for 
his withdrawal from Geneva. “Withdraw! withdraw!” they 
demanded, seeing therein a last means of sabotaging the 
Locarno poHcy. Here was presented to Stresemann an 
opportunity to regain much of the popularity and the 
support which he had lost. To leave Geneva now and return 
to Berlin would have meant a royal welcome, and the 
certainty of a Reichstag majority, but for what? The work 
of Locarno would have been destroyed, and Germany 
would have returned to the poHcy of Obstinate Resistance. 
The high courage and great statesmanship of Stresemarmwas 
proof against such a temptation. “The triumph is too cheap 
for me”, he rephed to Emil Ludwig, who urged upon bim 
the necessity of withdrawing. A new spirit had been born at 
Locarno, a spirit of mutual respect and trust, and Strese- 
mann stood by his fellow artificers in this moment of their 
common hmniliation. His loyalty was rewarded. When he 
did leave Geneva on March 16, it was with the renewed 
respect and heightened admiration of all parties, and with 
the profound assurance that, when the Assembly met again 
in September, a solution would have been found. 

Throughout this crisis, as before, Luther and Stresemann 
received the firm support of Hindenburg. The most ex- 
perienced republican Chief of State could not have behaved 
more irreproachably than did the Marshal in these days of 
difficulty. Unobtrusive, he took no part in the pubhc con- 
flict, but, acting as ever under the spur of Meissner, he gave 
encouragement at the critical moments when it was most 
needed. His greatest critics cannot reproach bim for the 


correctness of his attitude towards his Foreign Minister at 
this moment. 

But Stresemann could not entirely escape the con- 
sequence of the Geneva fiasco. On his return he had to 
yield to the demands of the Nationalists and the Reichswehr 
in signing the treaty of neutrality and non-aggression with 
the Soviet Union. No sense of pique provoked this new 
diplomatic departure, but the sheer necessity of concihating 
his political opponents. The rapprochement with the Soviet 
Union had never been a tenet of Stresemann’s policy, it 
belonged to the policy of the Reichswehr, who needed Soviet 
assistance in their endeavours to evade the military pro- 
visions of the Peace Treaty. That strange Bolshevik haison 
which began in 1920 and only ended with the advent of 
Hitler — ^when military evasion was no longer necessary— 
was dictated throughout from the Bendlerstrasse and not 
from the Wilhelmstrasse, though there in Maltzan, and in 
Brockdorfi-Rantzau at Moscow, were found wilHng col- 

In the years that followed, Stresemann’s faihng strength 
was devoted unflaggingly to every means which might 
complete the evacuation of the Rhineland and re-establish 
Germany as a world power in the new community of nations. 
As his health declined, it became a race with death, and 
the increasing tempo of the contest inevitably affected his 
judgment unfavourably. The record of his efforts was one 
of set-backs and advances. The fina l admission of Germany 
to the League was followed by the mirage of Thoiry, when 
Briand’s eloquence opened before Stresemann’s eyes a vision 
of Franco-German co-operation for the peace of Europe. 
There followed disillusionment and momentary despair. The 
reappearance of Poincare revived bitter memories of the 
Ruhr and of Versailles. But still the efforts were not relaxed, 
no opportunity was neglected. 

The immediate acceptance by Germany of the Rellogg- 
Briand Pact was a strategic success of the first water, and 



for its signature Stresemann came, witli the shadow of 
death already on his face, as the first German Foreign 
Minister to enter Paris since 1870. 

And ever behind him stood Hindenburg in strong support. 
Chancellors came and went, the victims of internal pohcy, 
but each retained Stresemann in office, and the President 
remained a rock upon which he could lean in moments when 
the struggle with his enemies and with his fate threatened 
to overwhelm him. This continued support of Stresemann, 
in season and out, for five years, is among the highest 
achievements of Hindenburg’s pohtical career. Admittedly 
the impetus came from Meissner, but, as Hindenburg had 
been absorbed into Ludendorff’s personahty in war, so was 
he dominated by Meissner in peace. The tragedy came in 
each case with a change in the character of the dominant 
partner, when the wax of Hindenburg’s personahty bore the 
imprint of intrigue in place of statesmanship. 

There came inevitably the last round in Stresemann’s 
losing fight with death. It had never been beheved that he 
would return from Paris ahve. Those who met him there, of 
whom the writer was one, were shocked at the livid greyness 
of his face, and the weary effort of every movement. But he 
raUied under the stimulus of necessity and opened his last 
struggle with France for the evacuation of the Rhineland, 
and a final settlement of reparation payments. The French 
demanded an Eastern Locarno as the price of evacuation. 
Stresemann refused. The Young Committee dragged out its 
weary sessions, fraught in themselves with the drama of 
death, and produced its report in June 1929. In August the 
statesmen met at the Hague to consider its adoption. 

Stresemann was conserving the last particle of his strength 
now, but his judgment and will-power were weakening. 
Did he really believe that Germany could meet the heavy 
obhgations imposed by the Young Plan? Should he have 
accepted these new burdens on behalf of his country with 
that whisper of uncertainty in his mind? Within his grasp 




was tlie final realization of tlie goal toward wMcli his whole 
pohcy of seven years had been directed. It was the price of 
his acceptance, and he had no more strength to fight. 
Perhaps against his better judgment he accepted the Young 
Plan, and on August 29, with a joyful heart, put his signa- 
ture to the Agreement for the Evacuation of the Second and 
Third Rhineland Zones. It was the last of that series of 
documents with which he had raised Germany from the 
position of a pariah to the dignity of a world Power. Six 
weeks later he was dead. 


“We shall wait in vain for the awakening in our country 
of that pubhc spirit which the Enghsh and the French and 
other peoples possess, if we do not imitate them in setting 
for our mili tary leaders certain bounds and limitations 
which they must not disregard.” When Baron vom Stein 
wrote these words over a hundred years ago, the new 
mihtary machine with which Gneisenau and Scharnhorst 
had evaded the mili tary provisions of the Treaty of Tilsit 
and had greatly contributed to the overthrow of Napoleon, 
was making its bid for the pohtical domination in Prussia. 
Though, since the days of Frederick the Great, the in- 
fluence of the Prussian army had been strong, it was not 
until the forerunner of the German Great General Stafi was 
created in 1807 that it reached that unassailable position 
which, with two intervals, it has continued to occupy until 
the present day. 

The great mihtary leaders of the Liberation period, 
Bliicher, Gneisenau, and Scharnhorst, though sharing 
different views on foreign pohcy, loyally supported 
Stein and Hardenberg in their pohcy of reform, and, with 
them, fought the opposition of the vacillating monarch, 
Frederick WiUiam III; yet Stein was aware of the danger 
to the monarchy and Government if the control of the 



military machine should at some future time fall into less 
scrupulous hands than those of his colleagues. 

It was for this reason that he sought to confine the posi- 
tion of the army within certain bounds and limitations — ^the 
army having captured the nebulous and “woolly” patriot- 
ism generated by the activities of the Tugenhund', and there 
was a danger that a dominant school of thought would 
arise, convinced that true patriotism could only be ex- 
pressed through the medium of mihtarism. 

At one moment only in the later history of Royal Prussia 
did the civil Government and the army preserve the de- 
limitation of their respective functions. Under Wilhelm I, 
the Chancellor, the Minister of War, and the Chief of the 
General Staff worked together in harmonious accord, and 
it was assumed that when Bismarck, Roon, and Moltke 
were agreed upon a policy, the agreement of the King would 
also be forthcoming. 

This close collaboration, though it spelt destruction for 
the enemies of Prussia, raised that country from the status 
of a titular vassal of Austria to that of 'primus inter pares 
among the German states, and finally to the controlling 
position of Imperial power. The four worked together as 
colleagues and not as rivals, and it is impossible, for ex- 
ample, to conceive of any of the three Ministers treating the 
old King with that frank brutality which on occasion the 
Supreme Command and even the Chancellor meted out to 
his grandson. It was for the army to win victories, the 
Chancellor to govern, and the King to rule, and during 
this period each performed his function with excellent 

This was the fiLrst exception to the rule of the domination 
of the army. The second was that brief period in 1918- 
1919, when the military caste were discredited, the authority 
of the generals ineffective, and the army in a state of dis- 
integration. Deprived of its Emperor, the army had lost the 
symbol to which its singular loyalty had always been 



pledged. Its leadersliip was in the dust, it owed allegiance 
to no man, and its power and numbers had been shattered 
by defeat and the crushing terms of the Armistice. It was 
within the power of German Social Democracy at that time 
to confine the military leadership of Germany within the 
bounds which Stein had sought so zealously to impose a 
hundred years before; that it failed to do so was due partly 
to its own ineptitude, partly to the skill of the mihtary 
caste, and partly to the insistence of the Alhed Powers on 
such humiUating mihtary clauses in the Treaty of Peace 
that it became incumbent upon every German soldier to 
encompass their evasion. 

It is recorded that a German statesman enquired of an 
American acquaintance visiting Berhn soon after the Armis- 
tice, what sort of terms Germany might expect. “Mihtary 
terms”, was the reply. “But what about Wilson?” “In spite 
of Wilson”, said the American sadly. “Thank God,” ex- 
claimed the German, “for in that case we shah overcome 
the revolution and secure our national freedom so much 

He was right. Under a milder treaty the democratic 
German Repubhc might have continued to flourish instead 
of langm'shiTi g in agony for fourteen years. The harsh terms 
of the Treaty of VersaiUes made reaction inevitable, and 
played into the hands of the waiting mihtarists. 

By the end of 1919, the army which Hindenburg and 
Groner had brought home from Prance had been reduced 
to the figure prescribed by the terms of the Armistice. The 
chaotic condition of the country made it impossible for 
those demobilized to be absorbed into civilian life and they 
swelled the ranks of the starving unemployed, roaming the 
country in bands and ripe for any mischief. From these 
grew up the Free Corps, those privately owned and organ- 
ized armies formed to protect the Eastern Frontier against 
the depredations of the Poles, to crush the incipient Com- 
munist risings which threatened in many parts of the 



country, and to keep alive some semblance of the old 
military spirit. 

Meanwhile such of the Old Army officers as could bring 
themselves to follow the example of Hindenburg and 
Grbner, and co-operate with, rather than serve, the Eepubhc, 
grouped themselves round the Minister of Defence, Noske, 
and convinced him of the necessity of building up a strong 
force from the stable elements which remained of the Im- 
perial army. There were men amongst the Social Democrats 
and the Centre who foresaw the danger of this move, and 
urged passionately that the new army should be a purely 
republican guard and not a force drawn from elements 
essentially antagonistic to the Weimar regime. 

Noske’ s view, however, prevailed; when the new 
Eeichswehr was constituted it was largely recruited from 
members of the Free Corps and volunteers who had seen 
war service, and with this force the second Spartacist 
Eevolt of March 1919 was effectively crushed. This feat 
earned the respect of Hindenburg and Groner, and the 
latter used his influence with Ebert to have Seeckt, by 
far the ablest of Germany’s executive officers, appointed 
General Commanding the new army. 

A strange man, Hans von Seeckt; at first glance a typical 
Prussian officer, with his thin, red turkey-neck, surmoimted 
by an inscrutable face and the inevitable monocle. Just 
another general, one thought, as he entered a room, and 
that impression remained until he took his hands from 
behind his back, and one was amazed at their beauty. 
Long, thin, artistic, they might have belonged to Benvenuto 
CeUini or to Chopin. Not a soldier’s hands, and no one who 
possessed them could be an ordinary soldier. Seeckt was 
not. He was a genius; a genius at making bricks without 
straw, and at fashioning a mihtary machine, nominally 
within the restrictions of the Peace Treaty, which struck 
admiration and apprehension iato the heart of every General 
Staff in Europe. 



But the danger of creating the new army from the old 
soon became apparent. It was one thing to crush a Com- 
munist revolt, but a very different one to operate 
against the remainder of the Free Corps and Old Army 
troops under Liittwitz, who joined the Kapp putsch. 
“There can be no question of setting the Eeichswehr to fight 
these people”, Seeckt declared to Noske. “Would you force a 
battle at the Brandenburger Tor between troops who a year 
and a half ago were fighting shoulder to shoulder against 
the enemy?” The Kapp putsch was defeated by the general 
strike of the trades unions and the threat of a march on 
Berlin by bands of armed workers. Throughout that fateful 
week the Eeichswehr preserved a silent and, in some cases, 
a very benevolent neutrality.^ It was not a very meritorious 
episode in its history. 

In the reconstruction of the Government which followed 
the putsch, Noske retired to Hanover as Provincial Presi- 
dent, to be succeeded by Gessler, and Groner entered the 
Cabinet as Minister of Eailways. The Government had not 
felt strong enough to make an example of Seeckt for his 
conduct; indeed they could not afford to lose him, and with 
the support of Gessler and Groner, he proceeded to perfect 
his reorganization. 

It was no ordinary army that he succeeded in creating. 
In the rank and file the worker element was excluded, and 
recruits were accepted mainly from the agricultural 
districts. By his own example and influence Seeckt broke 

1 In some localities, principally in Prussia, tie troop commanders 
openly sided witli Kapp and Liittwitz. There were, however, notable 
exceptions. Colonel von Hammerstein, who had married Luttwitz’s 
daughter, was ordered by his father-in-law to be with his troops at a 
certain place. He refused and was placed under arrest in his own head- 
quarters. On the failure of the 'putsch, when Kapp fled, Hammerstein 
was released and promptly arrested his father-in-law, holding him until 
the order arrived from Seeckt for his release, as it had been decided that 
the military leaders, Liittwitz, Erhardt, Bauer, and Pabst, should be 
allowed to escape. 



down tlie prejudice wldch. many of Ms old comrades felt 
towards a “professional” army and persuaded members of 
tbe nobility and the military caste to become officers. For 
tMs remarkable army of one hundred thousand men it was 
found necessary to have a ministerial staff of three hundred 
officers and six himdred and seventy staff officers — and tMs 
despite the fact that under the Peace Treaty the German 
Great General Staff had been declared dissolved and its 
reconstruction illegal — and in addition there were fifty-five 
generals. The eighteen regiments of cavalry prescribed by 
the treaty were commanded by three generals of divisions 
and Mne mspectors with the rank of general, and forty-two 
thousand horses were required for them. One hundred and 
twenty-tMee colonels appeared in the Army List, of wMch 
twenty-three were in the Reichswehr Mmistry, and in 1926 
the military budget amounted to 776-6 milhon marks. 

In proportion to its size it was the most expensive army 
in the world, and the ratio in numbers of officers to men 
suggests more the army of one of the smaller Latin American 
republics. Actually, of course, the whole orgamzation was 
based on the possibility of rapid expansion, in which case 
every man of the hundred thousand would be a potential 
non-conomissioned officer. In furtherance of tMs theory each 
battalion of the Beichswehr retained the “tradition” of one 
of the regiments of the Old Imperial Army, and wMle tMs 
system kept alive the old military spirit, it also had the 
added advantage of providing the nucleus for immediate 
expansion shordd the necessity and opportumty arise. 

By the Constitution the President was ex officio Com- 
mander-m-CMef of all the armed forces of the Reich, but 
tmder Ebert there were never any illusions on tMs point. 
Seeckt had created the Reichswehr and it was loyal to bim 
alone. All civilian influence had been completely excluded, 
and when the Government wanted to use the army for its 
own defence it had first to ask the permission of the General 
Officer Commanding. “Wfll the Reichswehr stick to us, 



General?” asked Stresemann of Seeckt, at tke Cabinet 
meeting summoned so tastily in the small hours of that 
November morning when the news of Hitler’s rising arrived 
from Munich; and Seeckt, who alone of those around the 
table seemed to be collected and composed, replied with 
his sphinx-like smile, “The Keichswehr, Eerr Reichs- 
hanzler, will stick to me”. 

With the election of Hindenburg to the presidency all 
this changed. A Field-Marshal was a very different chief from 
a Socialist trade-union leader, and immediately the army 
pledged its loyalty to the Marshal, not in his capacity as 
President, but as its Commander-in-Chief. In this it was 
merely reverting to type. Under the Empire the army had 
owed allegiance only to the Emperor, and Hindenburg had 
assumed the position as Chief of State which the Emperor 
had once occupied. Besides, was he not their old commander? 
The older soldiers had served under him in the war, and the 
younger had imbibed from them and from their fathers and 
brothers the glories of the Hindenburg Legend. 

In his person, therefore, Hindenburg wedded the army to 
the republic, and whilst he remained President nothing 
could shake this loyalty. Every attempt by Hitler, both 
before and after he became Chancellor, to seduce the Reichs- 
wehr from its personal allegiance to the President met with 
ignominious failuxe, and it was not till after Hindenburg’s 
death that he was able to exact from them an oath of fealty. 

The army of which Hindenburg found himself Com- 
mander-in-Chief in 1925 resembled its Imperial predecessor 
in one particular respect. It was above politics, because it 
dominated them. With zealous care it had been removed 
from pohtical control and no disruptive influences existed 
within its ranks. It never played politics, but no govern- 
ment could stand a week without its support. In the words 
of Groner; “The Reichswehx had become a factor which no 
one could pass over in pohtical decisions”. 

This situation appealed enormously to Hindenburg. 



Lord D’Abernon Lad summed up his reaction exactly when 
he recorded the thought, “The President — essentially a 
soldier — instinctively distrusts anything hut force”. And 
while he tolerated and supported Stresemann’s policy of 
diplomatic rapprochement, he lent a more wilhng assistance 
to the pohcies of the Eeichswehr. 

Of these the most important was the haison with the 
Soviet Union. This was the child of Seeckt, and one of the 
most remarkable anomahes of the Weimar period was this 
close relationship between the German and Soviet General 
Staffs. In the days immediately following the war, the mili- 
tary leaders of Germany were sharply divided on the 
Bolshevik issue. Hoffmann, who had been an eye-witness of 
the Revolution and knew too well the devastating effects 
of Bolshevik propaganda upon his own troops, regarded 
Moscow as the root of all evil, and advocated the sinking of 
differences between Germany and the Allies in a crusade 
against the common enemy. The possible results of this 
pohcy are worth consideration, for, had Germany been 
allowed to exploit Russia from the outset, it is improbable 
that she would have reached that state of desperation 
which made National Socialism an inevitable evil. Groner, 
also, had seen Bolshevism at first hand during his service in 
the Ukraine in 1918, and he viewed both it and its works 
with fear and repugnance. 

Seeckt too had served on the Eastern Front — ^was he not 
the hero of the break-through at Gorhce, for which Falken- 
hayn took the credit? — but he had fought the Imperial 
Russian armies and not the Bolsheviks. He knew the 
Russians to be good fighters, whether they were well or 
badly led, and saw in the new Red Army something which, 
properly handled, could be made a valuable instrument for 
his policy. Germany, he argued, had been virtually ostra- 
cized from the European society of nations and must needs 
therefore consort with the other outlaw state, the Soviet 
Union. Moreover the U.S.S.R. was the one state friendly to 



Germany and unfettered by tbe Treaty of Versailles, which 
possessed full liberty of manufacture and use of those 
categories of weapons and military equipment which the 
Peace Treaties forbade to the Keichswehr. On the other hand, 
the Red Army only lacked that training and disciphne which 
German instructors could impart to make it a very con- 
siderable factor in Germany’s future poUoy. Admittedly the 
Soviet Union was a dangerous ally, but she was better at 
that juncture than no ally at all. 

This haison with the Red General Staff became the key- 
note of Seeckt’s pohcy almost from the first moment of his 
assuming command of the Reichswehr, and was formally 
emmciated to his stafi and collaborators in February 1920 
during the outcry against the surrender to the Allies of the 
Emperor and the other “war criminals”. Seeckt informed his 
heutenants that, if the Government consented to surrender 
the old heads of the army, the Reichswehr must oppose it by 
every means in its power, even if such opposition entailed 
the reopening of hostilities with the Alhes. In this case the 
troops in the West would retire fighting, step by step, behind 
the line of the Weser or the Elbe where defensive positions 
would already have been prepared, but in the East they 
would launch an offensive across Poland, join hands with 
the Red Army, and, having crushed the Poles, would 
march westwards to meet the French and British. 

These desperate measures of Seeckt’s never materiahzed, 
but in them lay the germ of the threatened “Red Army on 
the Rhine” with which the Reichswehr were to make such 
great play in future years. Moreover, Seeckt found in 
Maltzan, the head of the Eastern Department of the 
Foreign Office, a ready aUy. Between them they so worked 
upon Rathenau that the Treaty of Rapallo, signed with the 
Soviet Union during the Genoa Conference of 1922, set the 
official seal upon the unofficial relations which had already 
existed between the two general staffs. The treaty was com- 
plemented by a secret military agreement which enabled 



Seeckt to send each, year to Russia a certain number of 
officers to act as instructors for the Red Army, and a further 
number to gain all the experience they could in the handhng 
of heavy artillery, tanks, armoured cars, and other weapons 
forbidden to Germany. 

The Nationahsts warmly supported Seeokt’s policy as an 
alternative and corrective to Stresemann’s policy of con- 
ciUation, and Count BrockdorfE-Rantzau, the first German 
Ambassador in Moscow since Mirbach’s assassination in 
1918, was amongst the most able and fierce opponents of 
Locarno. The great triumph of this school of thought was 
when, after the fiasco at Geneva in March 1926, Stresemann 
was compelled by expediency to yield to their demands 
and conclude with Moscow the treaty of neutrality and 

This, then, was the extraordinary state of affairs with 
which Hindenburg found himself confronted on assuming 
office as President and Commander-in-Chief. In the sphere 
of foreign policy a tug-of-war was in progress; Stresemann, 
supported by the Social-Democrats, the Centre, and his 
own People’s Party (though he never knew at what moment 
his own followers would stab him in the back), was seeking 
by means of the Pohcy of Fulfilment to restore Germany’s 
position as a Great Power by peaceful and conciliatory 
means, whilst the army, supported by an unnatural aUiance 
of the Nationalists and the Communists, sought, by evading 
the disarmament clauses of the Treaty and by a military 
xmderstanding with the Bolsheviks, to prepare for that 
day when Germany should feel herself sufficiently strong 
and recovered from defeat to assume by her own act her 
former position as a Great Power. 

Hindenburg’s natural proclivities led him to support the 
army, but, like Hoffmann, he feared Bolshevism, and was 
greatly relieved when, during his first interview with 
Stresemann, he was assured that no aUiance between 
Germany and the Soviet Union existed. Meissner’s influence, 



and Ms own genuine desire to fulfil his constitutional 
duties, caused Mm to back Stresemann, even in tbe teetb 
of Nationalist opposition, but little by little he drifted 
back into the military fold, thanks to the zealous care and 
intrigue of a certain individual in the Reichswehr Mimstry. 

For, when in 1925 Hindenburg reappeared as the tete 
d’armee, the real force beMnd the Reichswehr was virtually 
unknown. It was not Seeckt, nor Groner, nor Gessler, but a 
group of young stafi officers, disciples of Groner. Some of 
them were no more officially on active service, but they 
were aU strongly united in their pohtical views by reason 
of their common experience during and after the war. At 
the same time, and for the same reason, they were in close 
touch with younger politicians in difierent parties, and 
these more or less secret relations had in fact a continuous 
and very great influence upon German internal affairs. In 
tMs group was a young staff colonel who occupied a httle 
room in the Mimstry overlooking the Landwehr Canal. Kurt 
von Schleicher, the son of an old Brandenburg family and 
a hereditary member of the military caste, had begun Ms 
mili tary career in 1900 as a subaltern in Hindenburg’s old 
regiment, the Third Foot Guards, and had there formed a 
close friendsMp with Oskar. For tMs reason he had been a 
frequent visitor at the flat in the Holzgraben during Hinden- 
burg’s first retirement in Hanover, where his natural charm 
and wit, in addition to Ms excellent quahties as a soldier, 
soon made bim a favourite with the old General. While 
Oskar remained with Ms regiment, Kurt had designs on 
the staff. At the Kriegsakademie he had attracted the 
attention of Groner, who considered him, with Willisen 
and Hammerstein, among Ms most brilhant pupils, and, 
when Groner was appointed to the Transport Section of the 
General Staff, he had Schleicher transferred to Ms depart- 
ment. Except for a brief period of service on the Eastern 
Front, after the Armistice of Brest-Litovsk, during wMch 
he was awarded the Iron Cross, Schleicher’s record through- 



out the war was that of a Schreibtischoffizier (an “ofhce” 
soldier), and he discharged his duties with great eflS.ciency. 
With no doubts as to his own capabihties, he let no 
opportunity slip — and there were very many at General 
Headquarters — to make acquaintance with the great ones 
who surrounded him, and the witty young dandy became 
an essential figure in many important circles. 

He had never been a favourite of LudendorS’s, however, 
and Groner’s succession to the post of First Quartermaster- 
General was a stroke of luck for him. For his old chief 
plucked Schleicher, now a major, from his duties in the 
Press Department of General Headquarters and made him 
his personal, adjutant. In this capacity he was present at 
the momentous interview with Hindenburg on the morning 
of November 10, and added his voice to Groner’s in per- 
suadiug the Marshal to support the existing Government 
in Berlin simply because it was a government. Together 
they weathered the trials and depression of the Revolution. 
These days, though dark, were not without their adven- 
turous moments, and on one occasion in Berlin, Groner 
and Schleicher, alone and on foot, forced their way to 
Ebert’s rescue through a howHng mobin the Wilhelmstrasse, 
which had virtually imprisoned him in the Chancellery. 

The supreme ambition of Schleicher was the possession 
of power without responsibility, and the march of events 
i m mediately following the signature of peace materially 
aided ’him in realizing this ideal. While Groner turned 
civilian in good earnest, Schleicher capitalized his previous 
contacts and secured for himself a vague and undefined 
but secure position in the Ministry of Defence, and from 
here, in the little room overlooking the Landwehr Canal, 
he began that strange career which was to carry him to the 
Chancellor’s palace and to end with a mxrrderer’s bullet. 

Not that he was an intriguer for the pure love of intrigue 
— he was too intelligent for that; his plots were always 
directed towards some larger end which would justify 



them should they become prematurely discovered. Thus 
it was Schleicher who ably assisted Seeckt in rendering 
the army free from pohtics by creating it an Olympian 
imperium in imp&rio', and it was Schleicher, rmder the direc- 
tion of another member of the group of young staff officers 
and pohticians, Freiherr von Wilhsen, who, having had 
a large share in the creation of the Free Corps and the 
recruiting of the Reichswehr from amongst their members, 
maintained the residue — the Black Reichswehr, Orgesch, 
Erhardt’s Brigade, and the rest — as unofficial appendages 
of the Ministry of Defence which could be sponsored or 
disavowed at will. 

Sociable, engaging, and a successful ladies’ man, Kurt 
von Schleicher gradually found himself in a position where 
his advice and opinion were sought by politicians, hostesses, 
journahsts, and any foreign observer who visited Berlin. 
Outside the official circle and the growing body of his 
acquaintances, his name was unknown to the country at 
large, yet he came to know aU there was to be known in the 
pohtical world of Germany, and eventually perfected for 
his advantage a far-reaching system of “something which, 
when practised by our enemies, we call espionage”. There 
was to be a time when not a telephone conversation of im- 
portance took place in Berhn but its content was reported 
to him, and his agents were in every Ministry and Govern- 
ment office. Not since Holstein was there so pertinacious a 
pryer into the secrets of the official world.^ 

AE this was not achieved at once, but, with the advent of 
Hindenburg, Schleicher’s position was at once strengthened 
and enhanced. His intimacy with Oskar, now his father’s 

^ In a book intended to glorify ScHeicher and published before he 
became M i ni ster of Defence, Dr Heinz Brauweiler says- “He is a special- 
ist for the watching of inner political activities. ... He knows all the 
politicians and how to handle them. Naturally he does handle them” 
(see OeTierdle vn der deutschen Republih, p. 33). Schleicher’s name, 
anglice, means “creeper”. 



personal adjutant, gave him free access to the Palace, an 
asset of which he took fuU advantage. With Oskar and 
Harmnerstein, both, like himself, formerly of the Dritte 
Garde, he formed a small but powerful clique which, though 
originally intended to coimteract Meissner’s influence, 
succeeded eventually in winning his co-operation; and from 
this grew that sinister Palace Camarilla which in years to 
come completely dominated the President. 

It was necessary, however, for Schleicher’s purpose that 
he should have not nominal, but virtual control of the 
Reichswehr, and between him and this attainment stood 
the obstructing personahties of Seeckt and Gessler. For 
though Seeckt was strongly influenced by Schleicher’s views, 
he was by no means his puppet, and Gessler was equally 
averse to being any man’s tool. 

Seeckt was the first to go, in 1926, and the manner of 
his going was peculiarly vile. Together with Schleicher, he 
had planned secretly to permit the eldest son of the Crown 
Prince, the potential Wilhelm IV of Prussia, to take part 
in the annual manoeuvres with the rank of heutenant. 
Schleicher, fully cognisant of the plan, allowed it to pro- 
ceed to a point where it became irrevocable and then, by 
devious means, apprised the press of the Left of what had 
taken place. At once a howl of fury arose from the Re- 
pubhcans, and the Government was criticized abroad for a 
breach of the “Locarno Spirit”. Stresemann, on the eve of 
securing the admission of Germany to the League, was 
nonplussed in the face of these accusations of monarchist 
intrigues, and the very existence of the Cabinet was threat- 
ened. With profound reluctance Gessler was forced to 
recommend to the President that Seeckt be asked to resign, 
and Hindenburg was himself unwilling to lose the services 
of one whom he knew to be amongst the ablest of Germany’s 
soldiers. The influence of the Dritte Garde group was, how- 
ever, paramount, and under their united efforts the Presi- 
dent was persuaded to dismiss Seeckt from the command 


of the army which, he had created with such brilhant 

Schleicher’s nominee for the moment was Heye — he 
was anxious in reahty to keep the place warm for Hammer- 
stein. Gessler concurred in the choice, and Hindenburg 
appointed him as Seeckt’s successor. But the pompous, 
though not incompetent Heye, who on that fatal November 
morning at Spa reported on the results of the Conference of 
officers, had in the meantime turned democrat with a 
vengeance. He had a tendency to persuade non-commis- 
sioned officers to give him their views on their superiors, 
and his influence on the morale of the army was anything 
but satisfactory. His tenancy of command was short and 
inglorious, and in 1930 Schleicher achieved, without diffi- 
culty, his dismissal and the succession of Hammerstein as 
active head of the Eeichswehr, despite the rival claims put 
forward on behalf of Stiilpnagel and Blomberg. 

Gessler was the next victim. In disposing of him, also, 
Schleicher displayed a lack of scruple which was starthng. 
The secret activities of the Ministry of Defence in the field 
of rearmament had not been confined to the army. The 
navy, too, had had its clandestine relations with foreign 
Powers, and to these both Gessler and Schleicher had been 
privy. In 1929 details connected with certain contracts for 
the building of submarines in Spain and Sweden were 
brought to fight and the press and parties of the Left again 
assailed the Eeichswehr, this time directing their attack 
against the person of the Minister. It is not established, 
though it was widely rumoured at the time, that Schleicher 
had, in this case, as in that of Prince Wfihelm, communi- 
cated the facts to the press, but it is a fact that, though he 
had shared Gessler’s knowledge of the illegal activities and 
had warmly encouraged them, he made no attempt to 
defend his chief, either openly or with the President. On 
the contrary, when Gessler’s resignation was demanded by 
the Left, Schleicher urged Hindenburg to agree, and Gessler 



was sacrificed with the same cold-blooded disloyalty as 
Seeckt had been. 

The problem of his successor affected both Hindenburg 
and Schleicher very closely. With Seeckt, the presiding 
genius of the Keichswehr, gone, the position of the Defence 
Minister assumed new importance and responsibihty. More- 
over it seemed inevitable that a soldier should hold the 
position. The possible candidates were three in number, 
Wilhsen, Schleicher’s fellow pupil under G-roner, whose 
briUiant war record wellfitted him for the position. Count von 
himself. But for Schleicher there was no hesitation of thought; 
from the moment of Gessler’s resignation, he settled in his 
own mind that his patron, Grbner, must succeed him. For 
Groner trusted him and believed almost implicitly in his views. 
He would often refer jokingly to Schleicher as his “son”. 

At first glance the matter presented grave difhculties 
when it was remembered in what disfavour and contempt 
Groner had been held by his brother ofl&cers. But times had 
changed and views with them. The Court of Honour in 1922 
had cleared Groner’s conduct at Spa, albeit somewhat 
frigidly, and the “treachery of Weimar” loomed less large 
than it had ten years before. Schleicher’s canvassing on 
Groner’s behalf met with practically no opposition, and 
even Schulenburg, his arch-antagonist at Spa, and latterly, 
with Waldersee, his principal tradncer, refused point-blank 
to allow himself to be considered in competition with 
him, so strongly did he feel that Groner alone could fill the 
position. “We must have Groner at all costs,” he telegraphed 
to Treviranus. “We have all been mistaken about him.” 

The chief opposition came, not unexpectedly, from the 
President himself. Groner was a link with his past which 
Hindenburg would have severed, and he did not at once give 
his consent. For alone of living mortals Groner knew the 
truth of what had passed at Spa and Kolberg, and would, in 
the frequent contact which must be maintained between 




Commander-in-CMef and Minister of Defence, prove a con- 
stant and irritating reminder of these two not very noble 
episodes in the Marshal’s career. 

But there was no gainsaying Schleicher; with subtlety of 
argument and cajolery, he, and with him Oskar, bore down 
the President’s objections. The welfare of the Reichswehr 
demanded that Groner should defend its interests in the 
Cabinet and in the Reichstag. None other had so long and 
so complete an experience of the mihtary machine as he, 
and none could serve its interests better. Under the weight 
of such arguments as these, Hindenburg withdrew his opposi- 
tion and once again the combination of Spa and Wilhelms- 
hohe and Kolberg was re-estabhshed. 

With the success of these plans Schleicher’s position had 
become unassadably powerful. With his friend as active 
commander and his patron as governmental chief of the 
Reichswehr, he virtually controlled the army.^ In addition 

^ It IS not intended to convey the impression that either Groner or 
Hammersteinlent themselves willmgly or knowingly to any of Schleicher’s 
subsequent pohtical intrigues. It was simply because they both trusted 
and believed in him that his influence was so powerful Groner was long 
m awakening to the manner in which he had been used and manipu- 
lated by his protege, and when he came to disagree fundamentally with 
Schleicher, the latter, as will be seen later, had no hesitation m add- 
ing him to his list of victims. Hammerstein, from the time he took 
over the active command of the Heichswehr, firmly pursued Seeckt’s 
policy of keeping both the officers and the rank and file out of pohtics 
N’or did he himself indulge in intrigue of any kind Yet his personal 
afiection and admiration for Schleicher never faded, and of this he gave 
signal proof on an historic occasion. After the murder of Schleicher and 
his wife, on June 30, 1934, at a moment when any display of sympathy 
with a victim of the massacre rendered the sympathizer hable to danger 
of life and hberty, Hammerstein, his wife, and three others only of 
Schleicher’s former friends, attended his funeral and had the experi- 
ence of being refused access to the chapel by S S. guards, who also con- 
fiscated the wreaths they had brought with them for the grave. Hammer- 
stein also took a large part in the campaign by the Heichswehr for the 
^'rehabihtation” of Schleicher and Bredow which achieved its ultimate 
success in February 1935. 



lie took advantage of Groner’s appointment to create for 
himself a new position approximating to that of Permanent 
Secretary in civihan ministries. The scope and influence of 
this position, which carried with it the control of the in- 
telHgence services and of the relations between the army 
and the Reichstag, gradually grew and expanded, and with 
it Schleicher’s personal powers increased steadily. He was 
promoted Lieutenant-General in 1929, and two years later 
succeeded in having immediate access to the President. 
Thus both in his official capacity and unofidcially as a friend 
of Oskar’s and of the family, Schleicher could exercise his 
influence upon Hindenburg. No longer was it merely a 
matter of resisting repubhcan influences, he was now in a 
position to dominate the inner pohtical life of the country. 


It was against this background of foreign pohcy and 
mihtarist intrigue that the internal politics of Germany, 
with which Hindenburg himself was more intimately con- 
cerned, developed. Por throughout the life of the Weimar 
Repubhc its lurid domestic history was dominated by 
external aflairs and the influence of the army upon 
government. The Reichstag elected in 1924, which Hinden- 
burg inherited from Ebert, was unique in the aim a, Is of 
German post-war parhamentary institutions in that it 
contained young men of all parties who had seen active 
service. The elections for the National Assembly and for 
the Reichstag of 1920 had ignored this great element of 
national life, but in 1924 they had asserted themselves and 
at once a new spirit began to permeate the pohtical world. 
For amongst the new young deputies the old fellowship of the 
war transcended the bitterness of party strife, and such men 
as Treviranus, the dashing naval heutenant-commander, 
Briiniug, the machine-gim officer, and Bredt, the company 
commander, could never allow their common bond of union 



as holders of the Iron Cross to be submerged in the con- 
troversies in which their membership in the hTationahst, 
Centre, and Economic Parties inevitably involved them. 
This comradeship of the war even extended beyond the 
Right and the Centre to the Left, and was the means by 
which many crises were overcome and many others avoided. 

Yet this saved Hindenburg httle vexation. The com- 
plexities of political intrigue and the petty jealousies of 
party leaders were as incomprehensible to him as they 
were irritating, and there were many moments when he 
regretted the sacrifice he had made, longingly remembering 
his peaceful retirement on the banhs of the Leine. The 
whole thing was so essentially ahen to all that he had been 
brought up to, and the complete lack of military precision 
irked him still more; he longed to be able to instil some 
disciphne into the quarrelsome pohticians who surrounded 

He could not comprehend the difificrdties which his Chan- 
cellors experienced in obtaining a parliamentary majority, 
and could never understand why they frequently found it 
necessary to resign. “Why did he go?” the Marshal would 
enquire of Meissner. “He was quite a nice man.” “Yes”, 
Meissner would reply, “but he couldn’t find a majority”. 
“Oh well”, Hindenburg would conclude, “he suited me very 
well, but if they want a new one I don’t mind”. 

Almost at once those who had voted for Hindenburg 
received a bitter disappointment when the Luther Govern- 
ment began to make pubhc its plans for new taxation and 
revaluation. His supporters during the election campaign 
had made sweeping promises on Hindenburg’s behalf of 
lower taxes and a complete revaluation of internal debts, 
and for this reason many of those who, during the war, had 
patriotically subscribed to German War Loans, voted for 
the man in answer to whose appeal they had loaned their 
money to the Government. Now Hindenburg was reaping 
the whirlwind which had been sown in his name by other 



hands during the war. From 1917 onwards every appeal to 
the investing pubhc to buy War Loans had been made over 
the Marshal’s name, and they became popularly known as 
“Hindenburg Loans”. The man who had appealed to them 
for their money might reasonably be expected to protect 
them from a devaluation of their holdings and from in- 
creased taxation, at least so argued many of the electorate, 
and they voted accordingly for Hindenburg. 

Now, however, came the awakening from so pleasant a 
dream. Luther, anxious to keep, through his internal pohcy, 
the support/)f the Right for Stresemann’s efforts in external 
affairs, ignored almost entirely the claims of the small 
holders of War Loans and pandered to the demands of 
Nationahst landowners and Big Business. While investors 
in War Loans only got a very small revaluation, the holders 
of mortgages got 25 per cent, of the nominal value. At the 
same time a law was forced through the Reichstag giving 
special rehef in taxation for the forming of large in- 
dustrial and banking combines, and the turnover tax was 

The result of these measures was twofold. The finances 
of the Reich were allowed to proceed in a fundamentally 
unsound direction, especially when in the following year 
the turnover tax was lowered, and the popularity of the 
President suffered a grave falhng-off amongst many of his 
former supporters, who transferred their allegiance to the 
Social Democrats and even to the Communists. 

By the close of his first eight months of office Hinden- 
burg, for one reason and another, had disappointed the 
hopes of very many of those who had elected him, and the 
withdrawal of the Nationalists from the Government after 
Locarno caused a Cabinet crisis which extended over the 
Christmas hohday of 1925. The prolonged negotiations and 
bargaining made the President fretful and petulant. “The 
depressing spectacle of these perpetual Government crises 
must be put an end to”, he declared in his New Year 



message to the country; and after a still further delay, 
he sent for the party leaders and told them that their 
squabbles must find a solution in a Cabinet by 10 o’clock 
that evening. As a result, Luther formed a Minority Govern- 
ment commanding a majority of only ten in the Reichstag, 
and dependent for its social legislation upon the Social 

Immediately, however, a new problem arose for the 
President of a nature peculiarly distasteful to him. The 
vexed question of the indemnification of the ruling houses 
and princely famihes of Germany for properties confiscated 
during the Revolution was one which stirred the country 
to its depths, for it involved not only legal questions, but 
the most profound moral issues. Expropriation without 
compensation was emphatically championed by the Left, 
while the Right regarded the issue both as an attack upon 
dynastic priuciples and upon the sacred rights of private 
property. Hindenbmg, as a Prussian and a member of the 
military caste, was a fanatical behever in private property, 
and was aghast at the idea that the possessions of his King 
should be expropriated. The idea that compensation should 
not be paid was, of course, unthinkable, and the whole 
influence of the President, despite Meissner’s warnings as 
to the constitutional necessity of remaining impartial, was 
cast into the scale in support of the Right. 

Nevertheless, when the matter came to a referendum, in 
the first ballot fifteen and a half million voters — ^five and a 
half more than had voted for Hindenburg’s election — ^were 
in favour of the Sociahst proposal of expropriation without 
compensation. Hindenburg had taken no pubhc part in the 
campaign. He did not intend to do so now, but in the 
height of his indignation at the result of the ballot he 
wrote a private letter to Herr von Lobell, the former 
Imperial Minister of Interior, who had been the chairman 
of his election committee in 1925 and was now the leader 
of the fight against expropriation: 



That I, who have spent my life in the service of the Prussian 
Kings and the German Emperors, feel this referendum primarily 
as a great mjustice, and also as an exhibition of a regrettable 
lack of traditional sentiment and of great ingratitude, I do not 
need to explain to you. The very foundation of a constitutional 
state is the legal recognition of property, and the proposal of ex- 
propriation offends against the principles of morality and justice. 
... I trust therefore that our fellow citizens will reconsider their 
decision on this matter, and will undo the mischief they have done. 

For a Marshal of the Imperial Army and an old servant 
of the royal house to give vent to his feelings in these terms 
was indeed natural enough, hut that the constitutionally 
elected head of a democracy should give expression to such 
sentiments to one of the protagonists in the dispute, even 
in a private letter, was very wrong indeed. Far worse was 
the sequel. To the horror of aU who stiU held Hindenburg’s 
name in esteem and respect, his letter to LobeU appeared 
as a placard next morning on every Idosk and hoarding 
in the country. Friend and foe ahke were shocked and 
embarrassed both by such an abuse of confidential corre- 
spondence and by so complete a departure by the President 
from the constitutional path of pohtical impartiahty which 
he himself had made such a display of following. The re- 
action, though unfavourable to Hindenburg, was satis- 
factory for the cause which he had so wrongly espoused. 
When the final ballot was taken the majority of the voters 
reversed their decision, and not only was the expropriation 
proposal defeated, but many thousands of acres, as well as 
castles and palaces and fifteen milhon gold marks in cash, 
were added to the fortune of the exiled HohenzoUerns. 

The defeat of the expropriation measure did not console 
Hindenburg for the abuse of his confidence and the pubhc 
odium which he had incurred. He was dissatisfied and dis- 
appointed, sick to death of pohtical worry and intrigue, and 
tired of aU the party leaders without exception. More and 
more he chafed against the restrictions which his office 



placed upon his personal liberty of action, and the more 
heartily did he regret ever having allowed himself to be 
inveigled into this “gilded cage”. His heart was full of 
scorpions, but, unlike Macbeth, he had no “dear wife” to 
whom to turn. 

In an attempt to bring about a reconciliation with the 
Nationahsts and to please, at least on one point, the very 
disgruntled President, Luther chose this moment to intro- 
duce a measure to allow German diplomatic missions abroad 
to fly the Black- White-Red colours of Imperial Germany in 
addition to the black, red, and gold of the Reichsbanner, 
which the Weimar Constitution had substituted as the 
official flag. Though the Social Democrats attacked the bill 
as a concession to reaction, there is no doubt that had the 
Chancellor played his cards properly, he could easily have 
secured a majority for a measure which was very dear to 
the tradition-loving heart of the old President. Luther, how- 
ever, threw the game away. He held no conferences with the 
party leaders to ensure a majority for the bill, nor did he 
even warn the members of the Cabinet at what time it was 
coining up for discussion. He tried to force it through on a 
“snap vote”, with the result that it was lost by a very small 
majority. A new disappointment for Hindenburg, but more 
was to follow. The Chancellor persuaded the President to 
enact the measure by an administrative decree, and this 
was accordingly done. In the storm which followed, Luther’s 
position was so much shaken that he was forced to resign, 
and once again the President found himself in the vortex of 
a Cabinet crisis. 

This time a complete deadlock ensued. The extreme 
Nationahsts under the leadership of Hugenberg would not 
enter a Cabinet with the Centre, whom they accused of 
being agents of the Vatican; the Centre countered with the 
allegation that the Nationahsts were dehberately working 
for a financial and economic debacle in order to fish in 
troubled waters. In 1928 the mandate of Parhament 



would espire and a Gleneral Election was due, in which, 
according to every indication, the Social Democrats 
would greatly increase their number of seats at the ex- 
pense of the Nationalists. Until then the Centre favoured 
the formation of a minority government, relying on the 
neutrality of the Left, or a non-party Cabinet consisting of 
high o£6.cials, although in principle they did not refuse to 
co-operate with the Nationahsts. 

Negotiations dragged on drearily. Hindenburg wanted a 
government of the Right and Centre. He told the Nation- 
alists that the time had come when they must show what 
they could do in a responsible position. They refused. 
Hindenburg’s patience was at an end. Disgusted and wearied 
of the business of government, he informed the party 
leaders that he proposed to resign from the Presidency and 
return to that peaceful retirement from which he had been 
dragged unwillingly and by false pretences. “I have made 
my sacrifice for Germany”, he told them, “but I find no 
one wilhng to follow my example”. 

His fit of petulance had the desired effect. The majority 
in the Centre Party as well as in the Nationahst Party, on 
the authority of Hindenburg, succeeded in overcoming the 
opposition in their parties. Forthwith Hindenburg, on 
January 20, 1927, issued to Marx his Order for the Day in 
terms which no German Chief of State had ever addressed 
to a Chancellor. 

You are directed, Herr Reichskanzler, to form without delay a 
Government composed of a majority of the Right and Centre 
Parties in the Reichstag. At the same time I appeal to the parties 
in the Reichstag in question to waive their personal objections and 
divergencies of opinion in the interests of the Fatherland; to co- 
operate under your leadership, and to unite behind a Government 
which is determined to work, not in the interests of any one party 
but for the good of the Fatherland, and in strict observance of 
the Constitution. The duty of the new Government, although the 
parties of the Left are not included in it, is to safeguard the legitimate 



interests of the -working classes with no less zeal than the other 
essential needs of the State. 

On the basis of this lecture to Parliament the Coalition 
with the Right was formed. A semblance of enduring 
government had been created, but it was but a breathing- 
space before the pohtical hurricane of the Young Plan 
burst upon the country. 


Thus, at the close of his eightieth year, Hindenburg 
appeared a pathetic figure, isolated from the veneration 
of his people and surrounded by a thickening web of 
intrigue. Disquieted by the tortuous ways of pohticians, 
disgruntled and lonely in his high office, he regarded him- 
self as having been betrayed by his friends who had haled 
him forth from the peace of his retirement under false 
pretences. WiUingly, in 1927, would he have resigned the 
Presidency and returned to Hanover. Only his stern sense 
of duty kept him in harness. “I have made my sacrifice”, 
he would say, “but none have followed me”. 

In this spirit of dissatisfaction Hindenburg was naturally 
receptive of any suggestion or proposal calculated to please 
him, and it was the great desire of the new Chancellor to 
find, if possible, some means whereby the Marshal’s dis- 
appointment might be reheved. In his search Marx hit upon 
the one remaining point of the Marshal’s electoral pro- 
gramme which had escaped destruction, the promise of 
legislation for the settlement of smaU-holdings in Bast 
Prussia and the provision of financial assistance for the 

As early as 1917, Hindenburg had pledged hims elf to 
devote his energies after the war to the settlement of ex- 
Service men in East Prussia, and it was with genuine 
pleasure that he had seen the insertion in his electoral 
programme of promises which would enable him to redeem 



his word. The series of poMtical crises which tormented 
his first years of office had prevented any action being 
taken in the matter, and now he welcomed the introduction 
of the necessary legislation. With the inclusion of the Right 
in the Government, the danger of opposition was lessened, 
and the measure was brought forward in the Reichstag as 
a private motion by that enfant prodigue of the Nationahst 
Party, their Chief Whip, the irrepressible Treviranus. 

But, though the small-holdings scheme had the approval 
of the Nationahsts in the Reichstag, the great landowners 
of East Prussia were filled with dire forebodings at what 
they conceived to be so revolutionary a proposal. To them 
it was but a step from the splitting up of derehct estates 
into small holdings for ex-Service men to the expropriation 
of their own estates. The measure, though it was designed 
to raise the value of land in the East, was considered a first 
move in the direction towards Bolshevism, and the powerful 
Landbund of East Prussia took counsel among themselves 
as to how they might circumvent it. 

A solution was propounded by the veteran leaders of the 
Landbund, Baron von Oldenburg- Januschau and others, a 
solution which would not only safeguard the estates of all 
East Prussian landowners, but would vastly enhance their 
influence over the President. Let them, it was suggested, 
make the President one of themselves and then their 
interests would be his. Ready to hand was a most appro- 
priate means, Neudeck, the family property of the Hin- 
denburgs, which had, since the death of the President’s 
sister-in-law, passed into strange hands. This should 
be purchased by pubhc subscription and presented to 
Hindenburg as a national gift on his eightieth birthday, 
which fell in October. In this way the Marshal would him- 
self become a landed proprietor in East Prussia and would 
take good care that their common interests were safe- 
guarded. At the same time an alternative to his Bavarian 
retreat would be provided for the President’s vacations and 



tlie great conservatives of East Elbia would have him almost 
continually under their influence. 

No Httle irony was attached to the proposal. In the first 
place, Neudeck itself had only been included in the bound- 
aries of East Prussia since the peace settlement, when as a 
result of the creation of the Pohsh Corridor certain former 
territory of West Prussia was, for frontier reasons, trans- 
ferred to the neighbouring province. Thus, Hindenburg’s 
eligib ility to join the circle of East Prussian grandees was 
directly due to Woodrow Wilson’s determination to give 
Poland access to the sea! 

Moreover, the suggestion of the Landbund was very 
subtle. It touched the weak spot in Hindenburg’s other- 
wise simple character, for whatever there was in him of 
vanity and Snobbismus took the form of the land-hunger 
sometimes felt by great soldiers who have risen from 
famihes of smaller social standing. Like the great Duke of 
Marlborough, Hindenbuig had a secret desire to be a 
member of the landed aristocracy. The fact that he was a 
Eield-Marshal, President of the German Reich, and Com- 
mander-ih-Chief of its armed forces, could not entirely 
obhterate that inherited sense of resentment and inferiority 
which his family had felt towards the older nobility of East 
Prussia. There was a further consideration. Throughout 
the centuries a permanent struggle was carried on in the 
Vistula district between the Germans and the Poles, with 
varying fortune for each individual landowner, and, though 
even under Pohsh rule the German peasants and towns’ 
population remained on the whole German, the landed 
proprietors pursued a pohcy of vacillation, coalescing to 
some degree with the Pohsh nobhity. To these famihes the 
more implacable Germans attached a local nickname, a 
word meaning “Polonopbil”, which carried with it ah the 
contempt of the intransigent for the adaptable. At one 
period or another the family of Hindenburg had earned 
this scornful sobriquet and the fact had always rankled in 



the Marshal’s niiiid. To become one of the territorial elect 
would clear the family name for ever, and this consideration 
undoubtedly weighed with him. 

For these and other reasons Hindenburg welcomed most 
warmly the proposal of the national gift. His ideas for 
Neudeck were not pretentious. It was enough for him that 
he should once again own the family estate and become a 
recognized member of the East Prussian landed caste. Had 
the choice been left to him he would have preferred to keep 
the old house as he had known it in his youth, a remem- 
brance of his childhood. But not so Oskar, his son. The 
younger Hindenburg was not entirely content with his 
position as personal adjutant to the President. He aspired 
to greater things and had been heard to say that he must 
not be regarded merely as his father’s son. In the matter of 
Neudeck he was emphatic. The gift must only be accepted 
if the simple country house was rebuilt as a Schloss worthy 
of the President of the Repubhc — and his son. So importu- 
nate was he that his father concurred, and the condition 
was agreed to by the donors. 

But the scheme was not so easily accomplished. The cost 
of purchasing Neudeck and of rebuilding the house in 
accordance with Oskar’s ideas was estimated at a milhon 
marks, and it was originally intended that the gift should 
be made to the President by the landed proprietors of East 
Prussia. But despite the eloquence of Oldenburg- Januschau, 
his fellow members of the Landbund would subscribe no 
more than 50,000 marks. When this fact became known, 
Hindenburg was so humiliated that he seriously considered 
refusing the gift altogether, and only the protests of his 
son prevented his doing so. Equally, many of the great 
industriahsts in southern and western Oermany were 
ashamed at the niggardliness of the East Prussians, who, 
having proposed the idea of a gift, would not, or could not, 
raise the necessary funds. Pocketing his pride, Oldenburg- 
Januschau suppressed the traditional contempt of the lords 



of tke land for the industrial magnates, and came to them 
cap in hand. At the same time, to save the face of all con- 
cerned, the Government brought pressure to bear on the 
banking and commercial communities. 

The necessary sum was raised and the business of re- 
building set in hand. But again Oskar gave rein to his 
grandiose ideas. When the house was nearly finished, he 
declared to the Committee of Donors that he could only 
persuade his father to accept Neudeck if the interior decora- 
tion was in better style and the stables and farmery were 
stocked with horses and cattle. Once more the worlds of 
industry, commerce, and finance were appealed to, for the 
landowners of East Prussia frankly refused to contribute 
another pfennig, and once more, rather than see the old 
Marshal still further hunoihated, they complied, but with 
contempt for Oskar’s conduct. 

So the unfortunate episode of Neudeck drew to its 
apogee, but not before Oskar had once more asserted him- 
self. On October 1, 1927, Oldenburg- Januschau and the 
aged “Paint-King” Duisberg presented the title-deeds to 
the Marshal, on behalf of German agriculture and industry, 
but it was not discovered until three years later that, 
thoughtfully but illegally, the deeds had been registered in 
Oskar’s name to avoid death duties and that pa 3 rm.ent of 
other taxes had been deferred. 

In aU this haggling the President had had no part, nor is 
it even known that he was a party to the plot. His only 
complicity was his acquiescence in Oskar’s importunities. 

The great landowners had succeeded in their object. 
Hindenburg had become one of them, and they did not over- 
look the advantage to themselves of Oskar’s social aspira- 
tions. His influence with the President was well known and 
had been admirably demonstrated, and they fostered his 
friendship and his grand ideas. 

But the business of Neudeck had not entirely escaped 
pubhc criticism. The sums spent on the manor had become 



known and a certain resentment was caused thereby. Well- 
meaning friends of the President suggested to the Eeich 
and Prussian Governments that a welcome and expedient 
gesture would be to persuade Hindenburg to allot some 
outlying portions of the estate for the settlement of ex- 
soldiers. This advice was taken, but the effect on the 
President was unexpected. The small-holdings lay between 
Neudeck and Deutsch-Eylau, the nearest point on the 
railway, so that whenever Hindenburg drove from the 
station to the manor he had to pass through them. Gradually, 
as he became more completely assimilated into the Bast 
Prussian atmosphere, he began to harbour a certain resent- 
ment at the fact that part of his family property should be 
saddled with small-holders. Little by little this state of 
mind began to afiect his whole outlook on the governmental 
pohcy of land settlement in East Prussia, and under the 
pressure of his fellow landlords, his attitude changed from 
one of support to hostihty. In this matter, at least, he had 
been captured by the Landbund. 

Hindenburg’s eightieth birthday was the occasion for a 
further demonstration of the great popularity among the 
German people which he continued to enjoy for a further 
six years. Gifts of all kinds flowed in upon him — varying 
from a series of views of old Berhn painted on porcelain, 
the gift of the State of Prussia, to a hve rabbit from a news- 
paper boy! — and tributes of loyalty and afiection arrived 
from every corner of the Reich. On his actual birthday, 
October 2, the day after the gift of Neudeck, the Chancellor 
presented him with the proceeds of the “Hindenburg Fund”, 
raised by common subscription throughout the country 
and to be devoted to war widows and crippled ex-Service 
men. A new postage stamp was printed and the mint issued 
coins bearing his effigy. 

A short while later, in unveiling the marble busts of 
Ebert and Hindenburg in the haU of the Reichstag, its 
President, the Sociahst Lobe, paid a high tribute to the 



Marshal’s political impartiality: “From the day of his 
accession to office he has acted as the representative of the 
whole nation and not as the spokesman of a party, and he 
has always raised his voice on behalf of conciliation and 
compromise”. Six years later, when sufiering the horrors of 
a concentration camp, Lobe may well have recalled these 
words with irony and bitterness. 

Now, if ever, Hindenburg was the Vater des VolJces, and 
well would it have been for him had he rested content 
with the plaudits of his countrymen and had not exchanged 
the summer hospitahty of his Bavarian friends for the 
dignity of an East Prussian landlord. As Mr. Winston 
ChurchiU has written of his great ancestor, for whom the 
wary Godolphin had proposed an anniversary thanksgiving 
by Act of Parliament rather than the gift of the manor of 
Woodctock; “It would have been better for Marlborough’s 
happiness if something like this had been done; for the 
course adopted was to lead him into many embarrassments 
and some humihation”. 

Two days’ march, to the south and east from Neudeck 
lies the battlefield of Tannenberg, and here, in this same 
autumn of 1927, Hindenburg was the central figure of the 
greatest patriotic demonstration which post-war Germany 
had then seen. The occasion was the dedication of the 
Tannenberg Memorial, a vast octagonal fane designed as 
an arena for military gatherings on a grand scale, and every 
opportunity had been taken by the forces of the Right to 
give tlie afiair as monarchical and reactionary a flavour as 
possible. To avoid passing through Polish territory, Hinden- 
burg was conveyed from Swinemunde to Kdnigsberg in 
the cruiser Berlin, and on his arrival was the guest of the 
Emperor’s agent, Herr von Berg, at the castle of Markienen. 
Thus the procedure followed the keynote struck at the 
laying of the foundation-stone two years earlier, when the 
Chairman of the Memorial Committee had declared that 



the blows of his hammer “had welded anew the Crown of 
Imperial Germany”. The Repubhcan and Jewish ex-Service 
men’s associations had been excluded, the Stahlhelm alone 
of the veterans’ associations taking part, and in protest 
agaiast this predominance of the Schwarz-weiss-rot the 
Prussian Government refused to be represented. 

But all the great military figures were there. Hindenburg, 
gigantic and lonely; Mackensen, fresh-complexioned and 
shm, whose proudest boast it was that his waist-line had 
remained unchanged from lieutenant to field-marshal; and 
Ludendorff, ponderous and grey. Hindenburg and he had 
not met since the presidential election and now they bowed 
coldly and did not shake hands. Later in the day, when 
Ludendorfi rose to speak, Hindenburg had not waited to 
hear him, and at the end of the ceremony Ludendorff left 
almost alone. Hoffmann was not there — ^he had died in the 
previous July. 

It had been agreed between the Chancellor and the 
President that the demonstration should not be purely 
commemorative, but should be the occasion for Germany’s 
long-awaited reply to the accusation of war-guilt. Here on 
the battlefield of Tannenberg the man who had commanded 
Germany’s armies and who now presided over the fate of the 
German people, should refute, once and for all, the slur 
which the Treaty of Versailles had put upon Germany. 

Both the subject and the setting were ill-chosen. Whether 
the accusation had been justified or not, Germany would 
have been better advised to allow it to lapse by tacit consent 
than to demand the impossibility of its public withdrawal. 
In any case, it was unwise to make the occasion for this 
demand a demonstration to commemorate and glorify 
that spirit of military imperiahsm on which the AUiea had 
based the accusation. 

For Hindenburg, however, it was a matter of personal 
honour and obligation. The allegation had been laid by the 
Allies at the door of the Emperor and the military caste, and 




he considered it his bounden duty to vindicate his War 
Lord and his fellow soldiers. Willingly, then, he had lent 
himself to the idea, and now, in the uniform of his Masurian 
regiment, to which his Emperor had appointed him colonel- 
in-chief, he delivered, in his deep, sepulchral voice, the 
speech which Marx and Stresemann and Meissner had 
prepared for him: 

The accusation that Germany was responsible for this greatest of 
all wars we hereby repudiate; Germans in every walk of hfe imani- 
mouslyreject it. It was in no spirit of envy, hatred, or lust of conquest 
that we unsheathed the sword. . . . With clean hearts we marched out 
to defend our Eatherland, and with clean hands did we wield the 
sword. Germany is ready at any moment to prove this fact before an 
impartial tribunal. In many graves, the symbol of German heroism, 
rest men of every party without distinction. . . . May every discord 
therefore break against this monument. 

There is no doubt that the declaration of innocence, 
dehvered in booming tones, which amplifiers intensified and 
radio carried to the four corners of the country, represented 
the conviction of the vast majority of the German people, but 
the effect abroad was anything but favourable. The speech 
had been made to gratify the demands of the Nationahst 
Party and had not been intended as the opening of a cam- 
paign for repudiation. Consequently the Foreign Offices and 
pubhc opinion of the world were completely unprepared 
for so emphatic a declaration, and at once doubts, never 
entirely absent from Allied minds, arose as to the honesty 
of Stresemaim’s Pohcy of Fulfilment. For Stresemann had 
been a party to the speech and had had the major share in 
its preparation. The Foreign Minister’s health was already 
at a low ebb and his nerves were on edge. The Tannenberg 
speech was but one of a series of unaccountable provocations 
which he offered at this time — ^he pubhcly taunted Poincare 
with preferring the Kuhr to the Locarno Policy; he defended 
the decision to build a new battleship, and allowed a 
Nationalist Minister to hint at rectification of the Eastern 



frontiers. TMs strange surrender to the Nationahsts was 
greatly detrimental to Stresemann’s foreign policy, and the 
efiect of Hindenburg’s speech had to be explained away 
before he could proceed with his plans for a final settlement 
of the reparations problem and the evacuation of the Ehine- 
land, matters of far greater material importance to Ger- 
many than the academic discussion of war-guilt. 

But Hindenburg was happy. His eightieth year had 
closed in far more pleasant circumstances than he had 
expected. He had received a touching demonstration of the 
afiection of his countrymen; he was a landed proprietor of 
East Prussia; and he had made a public profession of 
innocence in defence of his Emperor and King. With greater 
contentment than he had known for months, he returned to 
the grave pohtical problems which confronted him. 


Both within and without, Germany was faced with crisis 
and uncertainty. In internal afiairs the Marx: Government, 
which Hindenburg had brought into being with such 
difficulty, was continually threatened with disaster. No 
sooner had it weathered the storm from which resulted the 
resignation of Gessler and the appointment of Groner to 
succeed him as Minister of Defence than it was confronted 
by a more serious crisis in the closely connected problems 
of the increase of salaries in the Civil Service and the 
question of education in the confessional schools. 

The increase of salaries to Civil Servants had been 
promised by all parties in the Presidential contest of 1925, 
and particularly by the Nationahsts in the name of Hinden- 
burg. In 1927 the Marx Cabinet set out to redeem these 
pledges, but was at once hampered by the parlous condition 
of the budget. The advice of the Agent-General for Re- 
paration Payments, Mr. Parker Gilbert, was sought, and an 
agreement was reached with the Cabinet whereby, provided 



that the rise in salaries should not exceed 10 per cent., the 
Agent-General would not criticize it in his next report. At 
the same time it was agreed between the leaders, under the 
influence of the young men of the Nationalist and Centre 
Parties, that the increase of salaries should not be voted 
before the law relating to confessional schools was passed. 

In efiect neither of these undertakings was kept. Not 
only did the Government put the bill for the Increase of 
salaries before the Reichsrat while the final draft of the bill 
regarding the confessional schools was not yet completed, 
but, in so doing, the Finance Minister announced an average 
increase of 16| per cent, in the salaries of aU Civil Servants. 
But in the case of the middle grade {mittlere Beamten) Civil 
Servants, the increase was as much in certain cases as 40 
per cent. The result was chaos and opposition from aU 
sides; the cost of hving rose by 5 to 15 per cent.; the workers 
consequently demanded a 10 per cent, increase in wages. 
Eeasonable men of aU parties, both inside the Government 
and in Opposition, realized that with this huge increase a 
balanced budget was impossible, and the Radical Left took 
up the agitation in informing the small agriculturists and 
the middle class that such heavy increases would un- 
doubtedly mean higher taxation. At the same time the 
Radicals urged the lower classes of Civil Servants to protest 
against the disproportion in the ratio of their salary in- 
creases with those of the higher grades. A fi.erce struggle 
ensued which plunged the country into a storm of excite- 
ment, the opposition against the unsound financial proposals 
in the bill being led by Dr. Schacht, the Reichsbank Presi- 
dent, and budget experts of the pohtical parties, among 
them Heinrich Briining, the leading authority of the Centre 
Party on economics and finance. 

In this struggle Hindenburg took no direct part, but his 
personal opinions were strongly coloured by the views 
of Dr. Meissner, who symbohzed, par excellence, the senior 
Civil Servant. Gradually the opposition became weaker. The 



senior bureaucracy bought off the Left Parties by promising 
them large increases in social insurance allocation and 
wages, and Scbacbt, fearful lest be should “get in wrong” 
with the Reichswehr and the President, withdrew his opposi- 
tion, leaving Pruning to carry on the fight alone. In the end 
the bill was passed; despite the strong protests of Parker 
Gilbert, the only victory which the Opposition were able to 
achieve was the insertion of a clause designed to bring 
about ultimate economies; for the nest five years every 
third vacancy in the Civil Service should not be filled. 

As if this crisis had not been sufficiently severe, an even 
more acute issue opened over the Confessional Schools Bill. 
With the greatest difficulty it passed a first and second 
reading, but in committee the fight resolved itself into a 
direct struggle between the German People’s Party and the 
Centre, and in the end Stresemann torpedoed the bill. The 
Mars Cabinet was spht to its foundations, and its prestige 
was so badly impaired that the new elections, which were 
due in July 1928, had to be held in May, a full two months 
before the statutory limi t to the life of Parhament. 

In the electoral campaign which followed, nothing was 
so remarkable as the transparent casuistry and the pathetic 
ineptitude of the Nationahsts, the party with which 
Hindenburg’s name was stiU associated. One of the major 
tragedies of the Weimar System was the complete failure 
of the great Conservative body to realize either its national 
obhgations or its pohtical opportunities. Its logical mission 
was to achieve the national awakening of young Germany 
(which was later accompKshed by Adolf Hitler in his own 
pecuhar style), and at the outset, if properly led, it could 
have succeeded. Instead, it confided its leadership to Alfred 
Hugenberg, the newspaper and film magnate, and allowed 
him to juggle with the party funds to such an extent that 
he very soon had them completely under his own control. 
So firm a grip did Hugenberg attain on the party that those 
who disagreed with him had no choice but to resign. That 



they did resign is to the credit of such men as Count Westarp 
and Trevixanus, hut they were too late to be able to build 
up a real Conservative movement. The Nationahst Party, 
which could have done so much to bridge the gulf between 
the new Germany and the old, betrayed its trust and its 
traditions. Under Hugenberg it dehberately put pohtical 
before national considerations, and went so far as to con- 
template with equanimity a national collapse which might 
bring it pohtical advantage. Finally it surrendered abjectly 
to Hitler on his own terms, and reaped the well-merited 
reward of aU time-servers. 

Hugenberg’s tactics during the election of 1928 were 
characteristic of his whole career. Anxious to profit both 
from the national popularity of the President and from the 
failure of the Government which the President had put into 
power, the Nationahsts adopted two conflicting slogans: 
“Every Vote cast for the Nationahsts is a Vote for Hinden- 
burg” was used on some occasions, and “Vote for the 
Nationahsts if you are discontented” on others. Finally, 
when they realized that the tide was turning against them 
and that the only alternative to a Sociahst Government 
was a Cabinet appointed by Hindenburg, they exhorted 
the electors, by means of placards and handbills, to “Extend 
the Power of the President”. 

Their efforts were in vain. When the country went to the 
polls on May 20, 1928, it was found that, with the exception 
of the Economic Party, aU groups had lost heavily to the 
Socialists and Communists, who between them had 40 per 
cent, of the whole. The Centre Party representation fell 
to its lowest level at any time during the Repubhc; the 
Nationahsts lost a fifth of then supporters, and moreover 
serious differences of opinion arose between themselves. Not 
only had they lost to the Social Democrats but to new 
parties, whilst at the same time the National Sociahst 
followers of Adolf Hitler were only returned to the Eeichstag 
with twelve seats. 



The efiect of the elections upon the household of the 
President was almost one of panic. At a dinner-party given 
to a number of party leaders a few days after the results 
had been declared, Meissner announced that Hindenbirrg 
would be only too pleased to have a government of the 
great Coahtion, his sole conditions being that Stresemann 
should be retained at the Foreign Office and Groner at the 
Minis try of Defence. In reality, the President’s advisers 
favoured a much greater swing to the Left than had ever 
been contemplated even under Ebert. Greater moderation, 
however, prevailed, and a government was eventually 
formed by the Social Democrat leader, Hermann MiiUer, 
including both Stresemann and Groner, and based on the 
support of the Sociahsts, Democrats, and Centre, with the 
German and Bavarian People’s Parties adopting an attitude 
of benevolent neutrahty. In the phrase of Stresemann, it 
was a Government of the Grand Coahtion in posse but not 
in esse. 

While the Muller Government was struggling at home 
with the problem of balancing the budget, and abroad with 
that of reparation payments, the hTationaUsts endeavoured 
to recover some of their shattered prestige. As usual, they 
took refuge behind the personahty of Hindenburg. Hugen- 
berg, allying himself with the Stahlhelm, who were at that 
time in need of political exercise and a new slogan, developed 
his agitation for granting dictatorial powers to the Presi- 
dent, and throughout the remainder of the year busied him- 
self with the preparations for a popular referendum on 
“Hindenburg versus the Democratic State”. 

The issue was made entirely without Hindenburg’s ap- 
proval or support. At this time he was still opposed even to 
dictatorial power or to the so-called presidial government. 
But he did nothing to dissociate himself from the agitation. 
He remained the honorary president of the Stahlhelm and 
confined himself to sharp criticism of Hugenberg in private. 
The strictures, however, were passed on by Schleicher to the 



sbellious younger members of the Nationalist Party in 
iicb a way as to give them the impression that they would 
e doing the President’s pleasure if they ousted Hugenberg 
■om the leadership of the party. 

The plans of Hugenberg for a referendum proved a 
omplete failure, though the Right wing of the German 
'eople’s Party was sufidciently won over to the idea to 
lake a vague movement in the Reichstag for an extension 
f the presidential powers. Hugenberg was a sufficiently 
stute pohtician to know when he had picked a loser. With- 
ut compunction he abandoned the campaign and turned 
is attention to other, more troubled, waters in which he 
ould fish with greater advantage. 

The winter of 1928-29 was particularly hard. All Europe 
tiivered, and in Germany the numbers of the unemployed 
icreased heavily, bringing social unrest and pohtical com- 
hcations. Distress spread alike in town and country, and 
1 both there grew up a discontent with the ineptitude of 
tie Reichstag and the meanderings of the mentally ossified 
ohtical parties. Gone were the days of comparative con- 
mtment which had followed Hindenburg’s eightieth birth- 
ay. He was back in the maelstrom of political crises, and 
is own personality was beginning to be obscured by the 
itrigues which emanated from his household and shrouded 
,nd befogged his natural shrewdness. Schleicher and Oskar 
fere working in close harmony with Meissner; they were 
lever enough not to attempt to supplant the Secretary of 
)tate, but rather to enlist his aid in influencing the President 
n the desired direction. They were not yet prepared to 
,hrow in their lot with the Nationalists, but with them 
Tugenberg’s agitation for an increase in the President’s 
DOwers had not fallen upon barren soil. 

With the New Year (1929) Stresemann, supported by 
Muller, Schacht, and Parker Gilbert, pushed forward his 
negotiations for the termination of the Dawes Plan and a 
final settlement of reparations. The first conversations had 



taken place duiing tke summer of 1928 in the Bank of 
England, when both the Governor and Professor Sprague 
had urged Schacht to abandon his pohcy of revision, but 
in vain. Many members in all parties who were experts 
in finance and economics implored the Chancellor not to 
pursue this hne of action, as the whole financial pohcy of 
Germany since 1925 had been based upon the supposition 
that the machinery of the Dawes Plan would stop auto- 
matically as soon as the so-called Grosser Besserungsschein 
should come iuto force in the late autumn of 1928.^ It was 
their intention that, without talking about the necessity of 
revision, Germany’s futile efiorts to carry on under this 
additional burden should prove that the breakdown of the 
Dawes Plan was inevitable. 

Stresemann, however, persisted. His struggle with his 
rapidly deteriorating health was reaching its final phase, 
and before his eyes stiU shone the dream of a dehvered 
Rhineland. He carried the Chancellor with him and pushed 
on his negotiations as rapidly as possible. In February 1929 
the Young Committee met, and in June its report was ready 
for signature. Again opposition arose in Germany. The sum 
which might be deducted each year by the new Plan from 
the total annuities of the Dawes Plan was very small, and 
would, it was declared, bring httle rehef to Germany. Strong 
pressure was brought to bear upon the President, both by the 
Right and the Left, not to authorize the acceptance of the 
Plan, but Schacht asserted that in case of refusal he could 
not be responsible for the financial situation of Germany. 
Stresemann and Schacht won the day; on June 7 the new 
Plan was signed in Paris and its contents became known 
to the world. 

^ Under the prosperity index devised in accordance with the Dawes 
Plan, the full annuity payment of 2| milliards was only reached in the 
financial year 1928-29, at which time the portion to be contributed 
from the budget was more than doubled, representing, m fact, exactly 
half the annuity. 



There can be no question that the provisions of the Young 
Plan brought certain advantages to Germany not contained 
in the Dawes Plan, amongst them the fact that a “final” 
solution had been found for the whole problem of reparation 
payments. In many respects it was a spectacular success 
for the Policy of Fulfilment, but there were men in Ger- 
many at that time who would have preferred a national 
disaster to a victory for Stresemann. 

Among these was Hugenberg, who seized upon the pro- 
visions of the Young Plan as a God-given opportunity to 
attack the Republican system and the policy of Erfullung. 
Even before the plans for the Hague Conference, which 
was to give legal form to the Plan, had been completed, he 
had set about mobilizing his old aUies and adding to them 
new forces. The full blast of his press and film propaganda, 
the combined might of the Nationahsts, the Pan-German 
League, and the Stahlhelm,) were thrown into the fight 
against the Young Plan, and in the frenzy of his zeal 
Hugenberg condescended to seek the support of Hitler and 
the National Sociahsts. 

Without regard for this storm gathering at home, Strese- 
mann proceeded to the conference at the Hague in the 
month of August. His contempt for Hugenberg’s mud- 
slinging was such that he might well have used Guizot’s 
famous taunt: “You may pile up your abuse as high as you 
hke, it wiU never reach the height of my disdain”. At the 
Hague he wrestled heroically with death, while grasping at 
the realization of his ideal. So often during those seven 
years of his foreign policy had he dreamed of a liberated 
Rhineland, and ever the vision had vanished before his 
waking eyes. Now with his own strength at its final ebb, 
he could not face the possibility of another disappointment. 
To gain the evacuation of the Second and Third Zones he 
made concessions which a man in full possession of his 
health and strength might have hesitated to make. He 
agreed to certain amendments in the Young Plan which 



added considerably to tbe future burdens of Germany, and 
accepted in principle tbe treaty with Poland whereby 
Germany renounced her claims to former German pro- 
perty in that country. Tbe sacrifices were heavy, but 
Stresemann achieved his ideal in the Rhineland Evacua- 
tion Agreement of August 29, 1929. 

Yet while Stresemann fought thus desperately at the 
Hague, the internal pohtical situation of Germany became 
daily more unsatisfactory. Eor weeks on end the machinery 
of government was practically at a standstill. The ill-health 
of the Chancellor necessitated his long and frequent absences 
from Berhn, while Stresemann, with three other Ministers, 
was at the Hague. A rump Cabinet, presided over by 
Groner as Minister of Defence, endeavoured to cope with 
the business of government but without conspicuous 
success, and as a result the emasculated Reichskabinet 
became the butt of many a joke at the cafe tables and 
cabaret performances. 

It was at this period that Schleicher’s direct contact with 
party pohtics and State affairs began. Groner, tmused and 
in many ways unsuited to the position of acting Chancellor, 
leaned more and more for support upon his brilliant young 
assistant, on whom he depended for the preparation of his 
Cabinet statements and routine business. Soon it became 
necessary for Schleicher to join the Secretaries of State of 
the President and the Chancellor at Cabinet meetings. 
He became conversant with all secrets of State, and 
Groner used him frequently as go-between in negotiation 
with party leaders. The situation appealed strongly to 
Schleicher’s inherent tendency to intrigue and to the sense 
of pleasure which he felt in the exercise of power. Once in 
possession of this new toy, he could not be restrained in his 
use of it. He saw hi m self as the secret arbiter of German 
destinies, and seized the opportunity to embark upon a 
course of personal negotiations which led him on to those 
later intrigues of colossal and fateful dimensions. 



For tlie raoment lie was justifiably and deeply anxious as 
to tbe political situation, wbicb, were it to be prolonged 
mucb further, would bring the authority of government 
into such ridicule that it could never recover. In company 
with many others he desired a speedy rectification of the 
position, and he added his voice to those who were urging a 
pohcy of change upon the President. 

Hindenbuxg had by this time repented of his panic- 
stricken rush towards the Left after the 1928 elections and 
was beginning to drift again towards the Eight and Centre. 
But he was deeply dissatisfied with the whole trend of 
pohtics since the signing of the Young Plan, and openly 
declared his regret at ever having given his consent to it. 
He began to prepare for a reshuffle of the Cabinet which 
should result in the disappearance of Hermann MiiUer, 
Stresemann, and several other Ministers, and of Schacht 
from the Eeichsbank. 

Both Schleicher and Groner were agreed that the new 
Chancellor must enjoy the confidence of the Reichswehr, and 
they were united in their choice of their candidate. Heinrich 
Briining stood out pre-eminently as the man who should 
take the hehn of the ship of State at this stormy period. 
He possessed two vital qualifications for the position; he 
was a sound and acknowledged authority on economics and - 
finance, and, both by personal contacts and through hi^ 
friendship with WiUisen, he had earned the high regard of 
the army, to whom he had been of considerable service in 
the budget difflculties of 1928-29. 

Particular importance was attached by Schleicher to the 
necessity for close and friendly relations between the pro- 
spective Chancellor and the Eeichswehr because he was 
premeditating drastic action to remedy the iUs of the 
State; action which must, in the final resort, depend for its 
success upon the full collaboration between the Govern- 
ment and the army. The country was faced with a serious 
pohtical crisis, and to meet it the President and his advisers. 



amongst them Schleicher, were prepared to follow the 
example already set by Ebert, Luther, and Marx on a 
previous and similar occasion. They proposed to make use 
of Article 48 of the Constitution^ to bring the economic hfe 
of the country out of chaos, and if necessary to amend the 
Constitution in such a way that the many prevalent ills and 
errors might be obviated in the future. The drastic decrees 
which were envisaged might easily result in grave poHtical 
repercussions, and for this reason it was essential to have a 
Chancellor in whom the Reichswehr had complete confidence. 

But Briining, when approached tentatively by Schleicher, 
was not enamoured of the prospect. First of all he was 
opposed to any change of government before the evacua- 
tion of the Rhineland had been accomphshed, and was 
frankly astounded at the use of Article 48 which was pro- 
posed. Such a proposal disclosed to him a lack of foresight 
and appreciation of the gravity of the situation among the 
President’s advisers. The action which they were prepared 
to take would necessitate the application of Article 48, not 
for six months, as they optimistically envisaged, but 

^ The text of Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution ran as follows: 

“If any State does not perform the duties imposed upon it by the 
Constitution or by national laws, the President of the Eeich may hold 
it to the performance thereof by force of arms 

“If public safety and order in the G-erman Commonwealth is materially 
disturbed or endangered, the President of the Reich may take the necessary 
measures to restore pubhc safety and order, and, if necessary, to inter- 
vene by force of arms. To this end he may temporarily suspend, in whole 
or in part, the fundamental rights established in Articles 114, 115, 117, 
118, 123, 124, and 153. 

“The President of the Reich must immediately inform the Reichstag 
of all measures adopted by authority of Paragraphs 1 or 2 of this Article. 
These measures shall be revoked at the demand of the Reichstag. 

“If there is danger from delay, the State Cabinet may for its own 
territory take provisional measures as specified in Paragraph 2. These 
measures shall be revoked at the demand of the President of the Reich 
or of the Reichstag. 

“The details will be regulated by a national law.” 



possibly for two or three years. The existing Keichstag, 
Bruning knew well, would be unquestionably opposed to 
such a pohcy; only by the very greatest care and prepara- 
tion could this opposition be overcome, and the necessary 
park amentary support assured. 

All these objections Briining voiced to Schleicher, but 
the General remained undaunted. The legal position, he said, 
had been fully examined by the Law Ofbcers, and they 
were at complete variance with Briining’s views. To con- 
vince him of this, Schleicher promised to send him a copy 
of the legal opinion. When the document duly arrived, to 
Briining’s surprise he found that it confirmed on all points 
the objections which he had raised with Schleicher, and 
was, in fact, completely contrary to the General’s views. 
Briining’s first thought was that Schleicher had given the 
opinion, without reading it, to one of his staff officers to 
make a precis, for his intelhgence was too great for bim 
to have made such a mistake. Subsequently, however, he 
learned that the views of Oskar von Hindenburg and of the 
President’s friends coincided on all points with Schleicher’s. 
This was enough to convince Bruning that, without 'the 
knowledge of the President and in direct opposition to 
the expressed opinion of the legal authorities, Schleicher 
was preparing the ground for a mihtary dictatorship. The 
mystery is still unsolved as to why he sent to Bruning a 
document which must manifestly have confirmed the other’s 

This incident is characteristic of the atmosphere which 
surrounded Hindenburg at this time. He was beset by 
problems of State for which neither he nor his immediate 
advisers were capable of finding solutions. Every week 
seemed to bring some fresh factor in the bewilderment of 
an old gentleman of eighty who longed more and more for 
the peace of retirement, and whose one consolation seemed 
to be that only three more years of office separated him 
from it. 



Upon Hindenburg, in this despondent frame of mind, 
burst the storm of national reaction. Hugenberg’s agitation 
against the Young Plan took the form of a popular referen- 
dum to bring before the Reichstag a “BUI against the En- 
slavement of the German People”, whereby the acceptance 
of the Plan was declared to be an act of treachery, and those 
Ministers of the Reich who were responsible for its accept- 
ance were declared guUty of high treason. To he brought 
into Parhament this preposterous document required more 
than 10 per cent, of the votes of the electorate, and the 
campaign was carried on with an almost fiendish fanaticism. 
The attacks on Stresemann were more bitter than at the 
time of Locarno, yet in his greatness he ignored them. 

The very frensy of the Nationahsts defeated their aims, 
and the only people to benefit by the campaign were their 
very doubtful aUies, the National Sociahsts. The money so 
liberally provided by Hugenberg for propaganda was used 
by Hitler for the equipment and expansion of his Storm 
Troops, and the payment of the campaign expenses 
was left to the Nationahsts. When the vote was taken on 
November 3, the necessary percentage was gained by the 
fractional figure of 10-02; but the principal figure against 
whom the bill had been directed had passed beyond the 
range of insult and intrigue. Early on the morning of 
October 3, Gustav Stresemann had died. 

Defeat with ignominy awaited the bill demanded by the 
Volksbegehren in the Reichstag As a result of this, Hugen- 
berg definitely lost his grip on a number of deputies who 
objected to his bullying methods. When Treviranus was 
forced to leave his old party in the first days of December 
ite-^wasYmmediately followed by eleven other deputies re- 
signing the whip, and six months later by the bulk of the 
old Conservative guard, led by Coxmt Westarp, the leader 
in Parhament, and Schiele. It was too late to check effec- 
tively Hugenberg’s fantastic and childish fulminations. 

Far more dangerous was the accession of Dr. Schacht to 



the opponents of the Young Plan. Having signed the original 
text in Paris and incurred much odium thereby amongst his 
former friends, Schacht seized upon the concessions made by 
Stresemann at the Hague to repudiate his signature and to 
campaign openly both against the amended pact and the 
financial pohoy of the Muller Government as a whole. His 
attacks, not entirely unwarranted, brought about the 
resignation of the Finance Minister, Hilferding, and pre- 
cipitated a crisis which once more threw the household of 
the President into panic. 

No longer was there thought or talk of mditary dictator- 
ship, and, in the second week of December 1929, the Presi- 
dent’s intermediaries were actually negotiating with Hugen- 
berg for the formation of a Nationalist Government. Her- 
mann Muller, without whose knowledge the offer had been 
made, told the party leaders of it as soon as he received 
the news, and confessed that he did not believe he could 
command a vote of confidence before the Hague Conference 
reassembled in January. 

But Hugenberg refused the offer. He wished to figure in 
history as the man who saved his country from the abyss, 
and from his point of view Germany was not yet su£S.oi- 
ently far over the edge. Complete collapse was apparently 
necessary before the Nationahsts would come to the rescue, 
and this collapse they set themselves with gusto to pre- 
cipitate. Muller, however, scraped through with a vote 
of confidence greater than he had cause to expect, and 
in January 1930 he and Julius Curtius, the successor ol 
Stresemann in the Foreign Office, formally accepted the 
amended Young Plan at the Hague. 

If the campaign against its acceptance had been bitter, 
the efforts made to prevent ratification of the Young Plar 
attained a pitch of vitriohc invective unequalled even ir 
German politics. This time it was not against the Chancelloi 
or the Foreign Minister that the attacks were directed, bul 
against the person of the President himself, with whom the 




filial decision lay. Again Hugenberg and bis Nationabsts 
entered tbe figbt with all the fierceness of fanatics, but in 
vain. Step by step tbe bills of ratification were fougbt 
tbrougb tbe Reichstag, and tben tbe full pressure of 
propaganda was brought to bear on Hindenburg. 

Under this ordeal tbe Marshal bore up very well. Despite 
the threats and entreaties of bis Nationabst friends, be 
took bis stand steadfastly upon tbe Constitution. A few 
months ago tbe Weimar Repubbc bad celebrated its tenth 
anniversary with solemn thanksgiving and, to mark tbe 
occasion, a new three-mark piece bad been issued, bearing 
tbe bead of Hindenburg on one side and bis band upraised 
in reaffirmation of his oath to tbe Constitution on tbe other. 
Now in tbe hour of trial be remained, at least outwardly, 
faithful to bis oath; bis Grovernment bad negotiated an inter- 
national agreement, tbe Reichstag bad ratified it, and it was 
tbe duty of tbe President to place bis signature to tbe 
bfils of ratification. Whatever bis personal incHnations may 
have been, bis constitutional course was clear. He made 
it known that be would sign tbe bills. 

Tbe storm of invective became a tornado. Those who 
only a short while ago bad cried “More power to tbe 
President”, now execrated this same man as a traitor and 
a coward. “Tbe suicidal attitude of a misguided portion of 
our nation is only paralleled in our history by that of tbe 
President”, bowled one Nationabst daily. “He has to-day 
forfeited tbe unbmited confidence originally reposed in him 
by every genuinely patriotic German.” “Respect has given 
way to hatred. No merit is so great that guilt cannot wipe 
it out”, cried tbe Deutsche Zeitung. “It is henceforth to be 
war to tbe knife, a war in which there can be no retreat.” 
Communists and National Sociabsts joined bands in vib- 
fying tbe old Marshal, aUeging that be bad been bought by 
tbe French or tbe profiteers or tbe Marxists, and Goebbels 
asked jeeringly in tbe Angriff: “Is Hindenburg stbl abve?” 
That ab sense of decency bad been abandoned is shown by 




th.e remark of old General Litzmann, who had commanded 
a division under Hindenburg on the Eastern Front: “Un- 
fortunately we have no secret Vehmgericht to render these 
signers harmless”. Hindenburg was now threatened with 
the same death which had come to Erzberger and to 

But these wild insults were easier for him to bear than 
the genuine and sincere reproaches of a body of young 
Nationahst undergraduates, who appealed to him in the 
name of the “dead of Langemarck” and of the young volun- 
teers who had gone to their death in Flanders in 1914. 
Hindenburg, who had left the attacks of the pohticians un- 
answered, rephed to these boys with sad restraint, yet 
firmly: “The memory of the young volunteers who sacri- 
ficed their hves for the Fatherland imposed upon their 
generation and yours the special duty of making sacrifices 
in order to procure the liberation of German territory”. 

Drinking deeply of the cup of sorrow and humihation, 
Hindenburg held fast upon his course. He had known what 
it was m war and in peace to be the idol of his people, 
and he was now tasting the bitter wine of repudiation. 
His old world had rejected him and it was httle comfort 
to bim that the press of the Left and Centre hailed him as 
the saviour of the Eepubhc; their praise could not assuage 
the pain of parting from aU that he had reverenced through- 
out a long life. Yet he kept on. The bills of ratification were 
signed on March 13, 1930, and on the same day he issued 
a manifesto to the German people which, though in no 
sense an apologia, was yet an explanation of his conduct: 

After a thorough and conscientious examination of the Young 
Plan laws, 1 have with a heavy but resolute heart put my signature 
to the Agreement. Having listened to all the arguments for and 
against the Plan, and having carefully considered both points of 
view, I have come to the conclusion that, in spite of the heavy bur- 
den which the new Plan will lay upon Germany’s shoulders for many 
years to come, and in spite of the serious objections which may be 



raised against some of its provisions, the Young Plan represents, m 
comparison with the Dawes Plan, an improvement and a rehef, and 
a step forward economically and politically along the hard path of 
Germany’s re-establishment and liberation. In view of my responsi- 
bility for Germany and Germany’s future, I could not consent to a 
rejection, since the consequences of such an action would be in- 
calculable for German commerce and finance, and would lead to 
serious crises, exposing our country to considerable dangers. 

I am fully aware of the fact that mere acceptance of the Young 
Plan does not free us from all anxiety for the future ; nevertheless, 
I confidently believe that the course upon which we have now 
embarked and which brings to German Occupied Territory its 
longed-for freedom, and to us all hope for further progress, will prove 
the right one. 

Many letters have begged me, no doubt with well-meant intention, 
not to besmirch my name — the name of a former great soldier — in 
the eyes of history, by placing it beneath these laws. To this I reply: 
I have spent my life in the great school of devotion to duty — ^the Old 
Army — and there I learnt to do my duty towards my country with- 
out any regard for my personal feelmgs. Therefore, any consideration 
of self had to be put aside when I made this decision, and any thought 
of relieving myself of this responsibility by a referendum or by my 
resignation could not be entertained. 

If it had been hoped to disarm or silence criticism by this 
manifesto, which no doubt represented the true feehngs 
of Hindenburg, such hopes were doomed to disappointment. 
Though the critics had failed to achieve the rejection of 
the Young Plan, they could still vilify the President. The 
appeal with which the manifesto ended for a sinking of 
poHtical feuds and quarrels in the common interest of 
the Reich fell upon deaf ears, and the reply of the 
Nationahsts and of Handenburg’s old comrades-in-arms was 
made by Ludendorfi a few days later; 

Eield-Marshal von Hindenburg has forfeited the right to wear the 
field-grey uniform of the army and to be buried in it. Herr Paul von 
Hindenburg has destroyed the very thing he fought for as Eield- 




Tlie Yotmg Plan crisis marked a vital turning-point in 
Hindenburg’s political career. Tbe Right, his own people, 
had rejected him, and to them he had become a renegade, 
whose crime was only to be expiated years later in the 
“national resurgence” of 1933. To the Left, however, the 
President appeared in a new hght: no longer was he 
the potential MacMahon of Germany, but the champion of 
the Constitution and the saviour of the Repubhc. The words 
of welcome, “Hindenburg belongs to the German nation”, 
with which Grzesinski had acclaimed him in 1918, took on 
a new meaning, for it did seem now that the Marshal stood 
for Germany and not for his own caste and party. 

But, before the ratification of the Young Plan bills was 
secured, it was evident that both the President and the 
country were faced with as severe an economic crisis as 
had been known since the dark days of the Ruhr and 
inflation. In three months’ time, that is to say, by March or 
April 1930, the Treasury would no longer be able to pay the 
obtaining rates of insurance to the unemployed, and either 
the contribution of the men themselves must be increased 
or the payments reduced. Those responsible for the pay- 
ments, the higher Civil Servants of the Ministries of Finance 
and Labour, were at their wits’ end, and, as usual in such 
emergencies, they turned to the Reichswehr. The assistance 
of Groner and, by the same token, of Schleicher, was 
implored in persuading the Cabinet to make the necessary 
economic and financial reforms, the necessity for which had 
long been emphasized in the reports of the Agent-General 
for Reparation Payments. To the army the bureaucrats 
admitted that, if in a few months’ time it shoidd prove 
impossible to continue the full legal scale of unemployment 
payments, there would be such serious civil disturbances 
that the mihtary authorities woidd have to take control. 
To the Reichswehr this threat meant the realization of their 



greatest dread during all tlie years after the Revolution — 
that they should be forced to fixe on the workers. National 
Sociahsts they had scattered in Munich, Communists they 
had suppressed in Saxony and Thuringia, hut the acid test 
would only come when the young soldiers were ordered to 
fire upon the ordinary decent working man in arms against 
a Government which had contracted to pay him unemploy- 
ment insurance and had failed in its promises. 

Urged on by this fear, the Reichswehr brought pressure 
to bear once more upon the President to change the Govern- 
ment. This too presented difficulties. Who should replace 
Muller? The hopes of the President for a Government of the 
Right, or even for a coahtion of the Right and Centre, had 
been shattered by the implacable opposition of Hugenberg to 
the Young Plan. In the last personal effort which the Presi- 
dent had made with the Nationalist leader he had offered 
a number of far-reaching concessions, even promising the 
constitutional reforms necessary to fulfil the most vital of 
Hugenberg’s demands, the increase of the power of the 
President at the expense of the Reichstag. All that he asked 
in return was the formation of a Cabinet of the Right and a 
modification of Hugenberg’s attitude towards the Young 

Hugenberg’s reply had been that he would relentlessly 
oppose the Plan and aU connected with it, and the President, 
who had long set his heart on having a National Cabinet in 
power when he participated in the hberation ceremonies in 
the Rhineland, was so wounded and mortified that he de- 
termined, and proclaimed the fact to his friends, that under 
no circumstances during his lifetime should Hugenberg be 
asked again to form a Cabinet. 

Schleicher and Groner now repeated their claims for 
Pr uning as Chancellor. The fears that they had expressed 
a little earher had now been revived and had grown even 
stronger. They were even more convinced that Germany 
needed a strong government; they meant a government 



wMcli would work with theru. Though the march of events 
had prevented their earlier plans from materiahzing they 
had not abandoned them, and they were still confident that 
Brlining was the man of the hour. 

Heinrich Bruning was at that time forty-four years old, 
a young man if judged either from the standards of German 
political leaders or world statesmen. His career had been 
rapid, and he had been early marked out for office. Of a 
very sensitive nature, he was at once a romantic and a 
paladin, a dreamer of dreams and a man of courage. A 
devout Cathohc, he came of a middle-class Westphahan 
family, and, as a dehcate, shy and brilhant young man, he 
was about to complete his doctor’s thesis at the University 
of Bonn when the outbreak of the war destroyed the 
sheltered fife which till then had been his. The glamour of 
war appealed to him; the paladin and the romantic in him 
merged into one and sent him unhesitatingly to volunteer. 
To his dismay he was rejected for defective eyesight, and 
returned disheartened to complete his thesis. The subject 
of his choice had been the comparative study of private 
and State ownership of railways, and the thesis disclosed a 
remarkable knowledge of the British railway system. A 
brilliant degree in economics was his reward, but still he 
hankered for an opportunity to fight for the Fatherland. 
He volunteered again. The inroads of war upon the man 
power of Germany had made the medical authorities less 
particular and Bruning was accepted. It was May 1915 and 
he was then twenty-nine. 

His first sojourn at the front was brief. He was wounded 
almost immediately and invahded home. His cure com- 
pleted, he trained for a commission, specializing as a 
machine-gunner, and returned to the &ont fine as a lieu- 
tenant in time to take part in the great battles of ’16 and 
’17, in the offensive of March 1918, and in the bitter retreat 
of the same year. Bruning was a good soldier and a capable 
officer. Whether as adjutant or in active command, he dis- 



played a natural ability and cool courage -whicb belied his 
student appearance. His machine-gun squadron achieved a 
notoriety and fame wherever it was engaged, and was cited 
on more than one occasion for “unparalleled heroism”; 
Bruning himself received the Iron Cross (First Class). In the 
last phases of the struggle he was constantly in action, his 
company forming part of the famous “Winterfeldt Group” 
— a group of units picked for their fighting quahties 
and their endurance — and with them he participated in 
the actions around Aix-la-ChapeUe and Herbesthal, his 
squadron remaining loyal amid the surrounding hordes of 
mutineers. What his men thought of him may be gauged 
by the fact that, on the formation of Soldiers’ Councils, 
as ordered by G.H.Q., he was unanimously elected as his 
squadron’s representative. 

His war experiences had wrought a great change in 
Bruning. Much of the romanticism of youth had been 
burned out of his soul and in its place there was a certain 
mysticism of comradeship. He had learned to command 
men, and to earn their respect and loyalty; and he himself 
had come to know the spiritual satisfaction of following a 
leader in whom he had confidence. Mihtary disciphne in its 
finest sense appealed to him and he carried out of the war 
an abiding devotion to duty and pubhc service. 

In the chaos of the Eevolution he gradually developed 
for himself a pohtical credo. His rehgion and his up- 
bringing influenced his decisions, and he found himself in- 
clined to the life of a civilian rather than that of a member 
of the Free Corps. Though an honest democrat, there was 
enough of the “realist-romantic” left in Bruning, as well as 
his Cathohc behefs, to make him regret the disappearance 
of the monarchy, with its wealth of traditions and its weld- 
ing force of unity. To the end he remained — and stiU re- 
mains — a Conservative and a monarchist at heart. 

Bruning’s interest lay in pohtics and social work. Chance 
threw him m the path of Stegerwald, the leader of the 



CatlioKc Trade Unions and at that time Prussian Minister 
for Social Welfare. Briining became secretary to the 
Minister and a member of the Centre Party; he also be- 
came an expert on trade-union afiairs. His genius for organ- 
ization found full scope, and was used with great efiect at 
the critical period of the Euhr Occupation. With head- 
quarters just outside the “frontier”, Briining forged and 
wielded the weapon of passive resistance with such ex- 
cellent results that the machinery of occupation was 
paralysed and such advantages as accrued were rendered 

In the Gteneral Election of 1924 he entered the Reichstag 
on the Centre Party list in Silesia, and at once achieved a re- 
putation as an expert in economics and finance. His speeches 
in the budget debates commanded respect and admiration 
even from his bitterest opponents, for it was obvious that 
this tall slight figure, with the thin lips and nose, the re- 
ceding hair and clear, blue eyes twinkling through gold- 
rimmed spectacles, knew what he was talking about. He 
soon came under Schleicher’s notice, and his relations with 
the Reichswehr, estabhshed in 1919 and maintained through 
his friendship with WiUisen, grew rapidly cordial. His 
personal efforts, both with the Reichstag and the army, 
facilitated the passage of the military budget of 1928-29, 
and when, in December 1929, he became leader of the 
parhamentary group of the Centre Party, Schleicher hesi- 
tated no longer. 

Eds first overtures to Briining had been unfortunate. 
But the General soon returned to the attack and at 
Christmas 1929 he again approached Briining with a view 
to the Chancellorship. At a dinner-party at W illi s en’s, 
Meissner, Schleicher, Treviranus, and Groner all urged 
Briining to prepare himself to become Chancellor in a few 
weeks’ time. Briining protested. It woMd be a mistake, 
he said, to have any change of government before the 
evacuation of the Rhineland had been completed. Then, if 



a change was really necessary, the President, in accordance 
with parhamentary procedure, should ask Hugenberg, as 
leader of the Opposition, to form a government which should 
make the far-reaching reforms. The President, Meissner ans- 
wered, had repeatedly sought to persuade the Nationahsts 
to take a share in the responsihihty of government by join- 
ing or forming a Cabinet, but all his efiorts had been in vain, 
and, if one thing was certain, it was that the President 
would have nothing more to do with Hugenberg. In that 
case, Briining said, the case for not precipitating a Cabinet 
crisis was even stronger than he had thought. It would in 
fact be a leap in the dark. They redoubled their persuasions, 
but Briining remained adamant. At last, when the dis- 
cussion had become a httle heated, Schleicher rose from the 
table and said heavily, “I am afraid I shall have to take 
office myself”. 

He did not long entertain this idea, but set about pre- 
paring Hindenburg’s mind for the idea of Briining as 
Chancellor. The Marshal was not enamoured of the idea of 
having another Cathohc about him — ^he had aU the Prussian 
Lutheran’s intolerant distrust of Popery. But he hked what 
he heard of Britning’s war record. Here at last was a man 
who could talk his language and to whose sense of disciphne 
and mihtary ardour he could appeal on occasion. By the 
time Schleicher, with the assistance of Oskar, Meissner, and 
Groner, had finished, Hindenburg was enthusiastic about 
his new Chancellor-designate, and could scarcely wait to get 
rid of Hermann MiiUer. 

But Briining was not easily won over. He was loyal to 
Hermann MiiUer, whose personal friend he was, and he 
knew weU how desperately MuUer was fighting to bring his 
Party to their senses, and to force them to adopt the neces- 
sary reforms. In order to give the ChanceUor both a breath- 
ing-space and additional support, Briining persuaded the 
Centre Party to announce its decision only to support the 
ratification of the Yoimg Plan if at the same time the more 



urgent of tlie financial reforms were adopted by tbe Reichs- 
tag. By this means, Bruning also hoped to bar the way to 
the adventurous ideas of Schleicher in the application of 
Article 48. 

In the meantime Schleicher had not been idle, and when 
in the New Year Bruning paid his formal visit to the Presi- 
dent on his election as parliamentary leader of his party, he 
foimd a mind already weU disposed towards him. The inter- 
view, which normally was of the briefest nature and had 
never been known to exceed a quarter of an hour, became 
more and more prolonged. 

Save at formal gatherings and public ceremonies the two 
had never met, and now they sat alone in that great work- 
room which overlooked the garden. They made a strange 
contrast. Eighty-three faced forty-four; the gigantic rmli- 
tary bulk of the President confronted the shght, stooping 
figure of the statesman; the Field-Marshal looked into the 
eyes of the company commander. Bruning was deeply 
moved. Here before him was that great figure which had 
been an object of veneration to every German soldier. He 
was surprised at how little the Marshal showed his age. His 
eyes were clear and blue, and his skin as smooth and ruddy 
as a child’s. As he sat behind the great work-table with 
the sunhght of early spring shining on him through the 
windows, he looked a grand and lonely figure. Bruning 
was touched by his evident sincerity; both his admiration 
and his affection were aroused. 

They talked of the war days, and the Marshal spoke with 
high praise of the Winterfeldt Group. The years seemed to 
slip away and it was only as if two soldiers were compar- 
ing their experiences. Hindenburg began to think of Bruning 
less as a Cathohc Party leader and more as an ex-of&cer. 
The basis of a strange comradeship was gradually forming. 

From the war they passed to politics, and Hindenburg 
gave full expression to his disgust and disappointment. Sud- 
denly he began to weep, those facile tears of old age, and 



with, that historic gesture which had begun, and ended, 
so many of his relationships, he clasped Briining’s hand in 
both his own: “So many have forsaken me; give me your 
word that now, at the end of my life, you will not desert 
me”. The Centre Party, said Briining, woidd always support 
him as long as he remained loyal to the Constitution, and 
he told the President of the decision of the party Hnking 
the ratihcation of the Young Plan with financial reforms. 
Urgently Briining appealed to Hindenburg to retain Muller 
in office until after the evacuation of the Rhineland. 

The President approved the hne of policy and concluded 
the interview even more well pleased than before with the 
ma.ri whom he was now determined to have for Chancellor. 

For less than a month only Pruning was able to keep his 
followers true to the policy of their resolution. The Centre 
Party, both in committee and in the Reichstag, showed 
signs of wavering and uncertainty, and their parhamentary 
leader could never be sure that they would not “run out” 
at the last moment. In financial circles there arose a grave 
anxiety that a new crisis would develop comparable to that 
which followed the pubbcation of the Young Plan in 1929, 
and the bankers were bringing considerable pressure to bear, 
both upon the President and the other political parties, 
to induce the Centre to abandon its pohcy of hnking the 
Young Plan with financial reforms, and to accept the Plan 
without pressing for the latter. At the urgent request of 
the Chancellor, however, the Centre Party leaders refused 
to abandon their course, and they would have continued 
thus adamant had it not been for the introduction of a new 

The bitter attacks of Hindenburg’s old friends and com- 
rades had afiected him very deeply, and, while he keenly 
resented their strictures, he was at the same time anxious 
to propitiate his critics. In his old mind he sought to find a 
way whereby he could preserve the support of the Left with 
regard to the Young Plan and at the same time regain his 



popularity, not so mucli with the pohtical forces of Hugen- 
berg as with his fellow estate-owners of East Prussia. He 
therefore made it a condition of his support for the Plan 
that three hundred million marks should be set aside from 
the saving which the Plan would effect for the Osthilfe fund, 
established some months earher for the assistance of great 
estate-owners. Hermann Muller had been forced to accept 
this condition and had written a formal letter to the Presi- 
dent signifying his consent. This letter had appeared in the 

It now occurred to the Landbund and to the President 
that, if discussions on financial reforms were initiated in the 
Keichstag, the true state of the national finances would 
become pubhc, and the Parties of the Left and Centre might 
well refuse to vote additional sums for the Osthilfe when the 
money was more urgently needed for unemployment in- 
surance payments. There were not sufficient funds for both 
enterprises, and the fact that the President had already 
exacted the promise of 300,000,000 marks for his fellow 
landlords might easily cause his authority and personal 
prestige irreparable damage. 

At all costs, then, the demand for financial reforms must 
be postponed and in the last days of February 1930 Hinden- 
burg sent post-haste for Briining. The Centre Party, declared 
the President, must abandon its demand for simultaneous 
action and must support the ratification of the Young Plan 
without conditions. If they refused to do this Hindenburg 
would resign the presidency — again those “pistol-at-the- 
head” tactics with which Ludendorff had so often terrorized 
the Emperor and the Imperial Government — ^if, on the other 
hand, they agreed, he would give his solemn word that at a 
later date he would use his whole influence, even to the 
extent of applying Article 48, to effect the necessary financial 

In face of this demand Muller and Briining had, like 
Wilhelm II on similar occasions, no choice but to accept the 



inevitable. The Centre Party withdrew its demands and set 
about the discovery of a further formula of compromise 
which should unite a majority in favour of ratification, while* 
stiU retaining some vestige of hope for deaUng sanely with 
the acute gravity of the economic and financial situation. 

Gradually, as the month of March 1930 drew to its close, 
the compromise took form and one by one the pohtical 
parties in support of the Government accepted it. There 
remained only the Social Democrats, the Chancellor’s own 
party, and on their acceptance or rejection the situation 

Muller was now in a position of great weakness, for rumours 
were already spreading through Berlin, zealously fostered 
by interested parties, that the President had withdrawn 
his support from the Chancellor and that, even if the com- 
promise were formally adopted, a change of government 
was necessary. More and more frequently Bruning’s name 
came to be circulated as Muller’s successor and this proved 
a source of embarrassment and annoyance to both, who, to 
a far greater degree than any other party leaders, were 
genuinely and harmoniously striving in the interests of the 

WitMn his own party MuUer was also faced with a crisis, 
a crisis strangely analogous to that which confronted Mr. 
Ramsay MacDonald’s Labour Government a year later. At 
the fateful party meeting on March 27 an event occurred 
unique in the history of the German Sociahst Party. There 
were present for the first time not only the members of the 
Social Democratic Parliamentary Party, but also the leaders 
of the Trade Unions and between them — as between the 
British Labour Party and the T.U.C. in 1931 — ^there was a 
great gulf fixed; for the latter were obstinately opposed to 
any financial reforms which necessitated cuts in imemploy- 
ment insurance or wages. 

Undermined from without by the rumour emanating 
from the Palace, and from within by the opposition of the 



Trade Unions, Muller’s position became untenable. By a 
large majority tbe meeting rejected the compromise and, 
fully aware of the historic importance of the decision, the 
Chancellor summoned an emergency Cabinet meeting. He 
declared his intention of requesting the President to make 
use of Article 48 to save the country from financial chaos. 
The answer came immediately, without a moment’s hesita- 
tion, Meissner, who represented the President at all Cabinet 
meetings, replied that the President was not prepared to 
invest the present Government with the emergency powers 
entailed in Article 48. The imphcation was clear; the sword 
of Damocles had fallen, and that same evening the Cabinet 

On March 28, 1930, Heinrich Briining was summoned to 
the Palace. It was his third interview with the President 
in three months, and he had learned something — ^though 
not enough — of Hindenbuxg’s tactics. He was not therefore 
altogether surprised when the old gentleman made his 
famihar manoeuvre and proclaimed his intention of resign- 
ing the Presidency if Briining would not become Chancellor. 
Faced with this alternative and deeply concerned for the 
well-being of his country, Briining accepted, but on con- 
ditions. He must be allowed to form a Cabinet above party 
alignments and he must have the unqualified support of the 
President, for he expected that the economic and financial 
crisis would continue for at least three or four years. 

“Yes, yes,” said the old Marshal eagerly, “you shall be 
my last Chancellor and I will never give you up, but you 
must make those fellows in the Reichstag come to heel.” 

The tragedy of Briining is the tragedy of Weimar. 
There was no greater behever in sound parliamentary 
institutions than he, yet under the irresistible pressure 
of events it was he who struck the first blow at their 
foundation. None desired more passionately the welfare 
and happiness of the German people, yet he became known 
as the “Hunger Chancellor”, and was forced to impose upon 



them the most crushing of burdens. It would have been 
hard to find a greater G-erman patriot, yet he was hounded 
from office and from his country for “lack of patriotism”. 
He played the game according to the rules and failed, but 
to his less scrupulous successors was conceded all that he 
had sought to achieve and more. One fundamental error 
Briining committed at the outset. He trusted Hindenbuxg. 

But in the early days of his administration his position 
was very strong. The Camarilla and the Reichswehr were his 
allies and the President was his enthusiastic supporter, 
agreeing whole-heartedly with the remark of Oldenburg- 
Januschau, that “Briining is the best Chancellor since 
Bismarck”. Fortified by this encouragement, the Chancellor 
followed a course of daring and courage. When the Reich- 
stag refused to vote the financial and economic measures 
with which the Government sought to stem the rising tide 
of disaster, Hindenburg and Briining brought Article 48 
of the Constitution into play, enacting the measures by 
decree, and when the Reichstag refused by eight votes the 
necessary two-thirds majority, it was dissolved. 

It was significant that in the General Election which 
followed in September 1930, almost every party went to the 
polls with “treaty revision” m its programme; but it was 
stm more significant that the party which made “treaty 
revision” the most sahent factor of its policy was returned 
as the second largest in the Reichstag. The failure of the 
Allies to implement the disarmament pledges given in the 
Treaty of Versailles, the increased burden of the Young 
Plan payments, the heavy taxation, and the economic crisis, 
aU contributed to a state of popular discontent which was 
welcome grist to Hitler’s mill. With promises for all, a 
bitter attack upon the Government, and a clamour for 
repudiation of all foreign commitments, the Fuhr&r at- 
tracted many malcontents to his banner. From the meagre 
800,000 votes which he had polled two years before, he 
now achieved nearly six and a half millions, and his parha- 



mentary following swelled from 12 to 108, i.e. 40 per cent, 
more than the different group of the National Sociahsts 
polled in the election of 1924. 

Briining was now faced with the prospect of a race against 
time. He reaUzed fuUy that the National Socialist advance 
had only begxm. He never under-estimated either the force 
or the dangers of this new phenomenon in the political Hfe 
of Germany. His Government must show results or perish, 
and with it would perish the Weimar Republic. The eco- 
nomic crisis, which enveloped the world in a blanket of de- 
pression and undermined confidence in governments all 
over the world, had its most deadly effects m Germany, 
and increased the task of the Chancellor a hundredfold. 
Foreign governments, themselves suffering heavily, were 
unwilling even to consider the easing of Germany’s burdens, 
and turned a deaf ear to Briining’s warnings. Each country 
was suffering too greatly from introspection to take any 
interest in the troubles of its neighbours, even to make a 
common effort for their mutual salvation. 

But Briining did not relax his efforts. None had a more 
profound realization than he of the heavy sacrifices made 
by the German people, and of the popularity which he 
would attain for himself and his administration by some 
spectacular alleviation of them. But he resisted the tempta- 
tion, renouncing easy palHatives for the sake of achieving 
greater aims. Deliberately sacrificing his own popularity, 
he made use of the supreme power with which the Presi- 
dent had vested him, to dole out to the German people the 
bitter medicine which they had so long refused to take 
voluntarily. In normal times such treatment might well 
have proved efficacious, but in the crisis which then gripped 
Germany in a vice, it could but fend off final disaster. The 
tremendous sacrifices which Briining called upon his country- 
men to make could only have been justified in their eyes by 
some great achievement iu foreign affairs. The inferiority 
complex which had embittered German politics since the 



Treaty of Versailles could only be removed by a spectacular 
success, the cancellation of reparations or tbe partial re- 
armament of Germany. This the Chancellor knew, and for 
this he laboured in vain. All Germany now reahzed that 
the Policy of Fulfilment was barren of success and there 
arose a low rumbling in favour of Repudiation. 

When the ghastly summer of 1931 — during which the 
Chancellor toured Europe in a vain attempt to awaken 
understanding of the catastrophe with which Europe was 
faced in Germany — ^had shaded into autumn, the Briining 
Government had become the most unpopular ever known 
in Germany. All that it had gained — the temporary 
cessation of reparations through the Hoover Plan, the 
gradual realization abroad that a choice must be made 
between the public and private debts, and the more deter- 
mined attitude at Geneva in the matter of disarmament — 
was lost in the growing discontent at home. The “Hunger 
Chancellor” had cut deep into the life of the country and 
was preparing to cut deeper. His decrees were ratified by a 
majority of the Reichstag only because the support of the 
Social Democrats could be secured by threats of a dictator- 
ship of the Right. Hindenburg watched with dismay the 
growing antagonism to Briining. Like most Prussians he 
knew his Bible and was heard to mutter one day at Neudeck, 
‘T am distressed for thee, my brother Jonathan”. 

The enemies of Briining and of Weimar, for the Chan- 
cellor had become a sjunbol of the system, gathered to 
indict him and to demand his dismissal. At Harzburg in 
Brunswick, on October 11, Hugenberg and Hitler, Seldte 
and Schacht, in aU the bravery of uniforms and the dignity 
of frock-coats, and surrounded by the hosts of the Stahlhelm 
and the Brown Army, concluded a solemn bond and 
covenant declaring war upon the Governments of Briining 
in the Reich and of Otto Braun, the Socialist Prime Minister 
who had controlled Prussia since 1921. It was the last efiort 
of Hugenberg to keep the leadership of the National Opposi- 




tion in his own hands, and even from its inception it was a 
failure; for Hitler, having taken the salute of his own Brown 
legions, left the meeting before the march-past of the 
Stahlhelm, and from that moment it was Hitler and not 
Hugenberg who gave orders to the Harzburg Opposition 
during its brief existence. 

Why, indeed, should it be otherwise? The National 
Socialists were now the largest single party in the coimtry 
and their power and popularity were increasing steadily. 
Elections in Brunswick, in Oldenburg, and in Hessen showed 
the rapid growth of their polling strength, and by the close 
of the year the party was to have a registered membership 
not far short of a million. Hitler had httle to gain from an 
alliance with Hugenberg save that of using him as a means 
of attaining power, and the advantage of dipping into the 
treasury of the Nationalist Party. He had openly proclaimed 
his intention of following Mussolini’s example of beginning 
with a coahtion government, and, if the Nationalists were 
ignorant of the fate which subsequently overtook these 
early alhes of the Duce, so much the worse for them. 

Ail this was not lost upon Schleicher, and he sought for 
some means to split the party and thereby deprive it of 
much of its chance of success. In any case, he felt, this 
great force of national resurgence must not go unchecked. 

To Schleicher may well have occurred the historical 
parallel of the days before the War of Liberation, when the 
ideahstic patriotism of national resurrection engendered 
by the Tugenhund had been “captured” and controlled by 
the gerdus of Scharnhorst and Gneisenau. The Prussian 
General Stafi had forged from it a weapon which had over- 
thrown Napoleon and led on, step by step, to Sadowa and 
Sedan and to . . . But there the vision paled. Nevertheless, 
the fatal mistake would not be made this time, and it was 
clearly the mission of the Reichswehr, and, in particular, of 
Schleicher, to canalize this great force of awakening youth 
into channels where it could do most good to Germany, to 



the army, and to ScHeicher. Hitler’s potential power must 
be nipped in the bud and every means must be used to 
bring him within Schleicher’s influence. Thus th.e feld-graue 
Eminenz of the Keichswehr planned and plotted, and from 
that day, in the autumn of 1931, began his early contacts 
withRohm, Chief of Staff of theBrown Army; contacts which 
lasted until Schleicher had to cede to Hitler in January 
1933. After that they did not see each other again: both 
were murdered on June 30, 1934. 

Nor was Bruning xmappreciative of the situation. He was 
fully aware that Ms policy of personal and national im- 
molation had resulted, through no fault of Ms, if not in 
actual failure, at least in earning him a degree of un- 
popularity almost unparalleled in German Mstory. Yet in 
tMs the lonely Chancellor wrapped himself, as it were in a 
cloak, and wearily plaimed anew for the salvation of Ms 

Two opportumties, he knew, were about to present them- 
selves; the report of the Committee of Experts at Basle 
appointed to enquire into the financial and economic 
position of Germany should give Mm the chance to make 
public declaration that the country could no longer pay 
reparations, and the opening of the Disarmament Coiiference 
in the coming year would give the signatories of the Treaty 
of Versailles a last opportunity to make good their pro- 
mises to Germany. With reparations gone and a formula 
either for the disarmament of the Allies or the rearmament 
of Germany, much of the Nazi thunder would have been 
stolen, and it might then be possible to take them into the 
Government and to give them a taste of responsibility. It 
was the last chance for Europe and for Germany. 

But a more immediate problem for the Chancellor which 
had overshadowed the policy since 1930 was that of the 
presidency. In March of the following year Hindenburg’s 
term of office would end. Coifld Br unin g persuade Mm to 
stand again? Should he do so? Was the old Marshal physic- 



ally capable of taking on another term? Was there anyone 
else who could rally the nation in opposition to the Nazis, 
who would certainly contest the election? These were the 
questions which Briining pondered in the ascetic monastic- 
ism with which he surrounded himself. 

Hindenburg’s condition at the time was on the whole 
very satisfactory. At eighty-four he was a very remarkable 
old man; in excellent physical health, he ate and drank 
enormously, and slept well and long. His brain, if caught at 
the right moment, was clear and perceptive, and his peasant 
cunning had not deserted him. The writer well remembers 
peeing him at Potsdam one brilliant morning in October 
1931. Some military ceremony was taking place and a guard 
of honour awaited the President’s arrival. A large closed 
car drew up, an orderly opened the door, and out jumped 
two smart young stafi ofl&cers. Then a pause, and slowly, 
very slowly, there emerged, backwards and bare-headed, 
an enormous figure. Again a pause, though shorter this 
time, while one of the young ofiS.cers extracted from the 
interior of the car a PicTcelhaube, which was ceremoniously 
placed upon the great square head with its hair en brosse. 
Then the figure turned about and one had the momentary 
impression of a gigantic clockwork doll waiting for the 
spring to be released which galvanized it into movement. 
His eye caught the motionless fine of soldiery. At once the 
absent glance changed — ^the spring had been released — and, 
one hand grasping his baton and the other resting on his 
sword hilt, Hindenburg moved stifihy and erect towards 
the guard of honour. The episode has always seemed to 
the writer symbohcal of the Marshal’s whole career. The 
moment of suspension, while the mind was in a plastic state 
awaiting an impression, and then, once received, the 
immediate and vigorous action in the direction in which 
service and duty had pointed. 

Such then was Hindenburg towards the close of his first 
presidency. After deep consideration, and consultation with 



Ms colleagues, Bruning reached the inevitable conclusion 
that the Marshal must stand agaiu. Some of Ms friends 
urged him to offer Mmself for election, but he refused with 
complete finahty. He knew well enough that, Ms own 
unpopularity apart, the man who could beat Hitler at the 
polls must have more glamour and appeal than he could 
command. It would take a Field-Marshal to beat the 

But Briimng was aiming beyond the mere re-election of 
Hindenburg and the perpetuation of the Weimar System. 
He was thinking of Germany and was fearful of what a Nazi 
victory might mean for her. The re-election of Hindenburg 
would but postpone such a victory, for it was hardly to be 
expected that he could survive a further seven years of 
office, and Hitler was the logical successor to Hindenburg. 
To Briining’s conservative-democrat spirit the implications 
of a National Socialist regime were abhorrent, and to save 
Germany from such a fate he was prepared to take bold 
and radical measures. Long hours of contemplation had 
convinced him that one course, and one course only, could 
prevent Hitler from ultimately obtaining supreme power — 
the restoration of the monarchy. 

TMs then became the final aim of Briining’s strategy, and 
in Ms plan a role of vital importance must be played by 
Hindenburg. The Chancellor discounted at the outset any 
possibility of recalling the Emperor to the throne; such a 
move would require a long period of preparation, and at 
the moment time was the essence of the contract. For the 
same reason the accession of the Crown Prince was impos- 
sible. Above all there must be no revolution, the republican 
regime must give way to the monarcMcal quite smootMy 
by prearranged stages and with the approval of the majority 
of the people concerned. 

In secret talks with influential members of the Reichstag 
of different parties, Brumng had derived sufficient en- 
couragement to approach the question not only as an ideal 



but as a practical proposition, and the details began to take 
shape in his mind. The primary condition was that Hinden- 
buig should he re-elected, thus inflicting an initial defeat on 
the Nazi Party. But once this was achieved, there were still 
a, number of obstacles to be overcome. There must be a 
definite end to reparations — ^that is to say, the rendering 
J,ejure of the de facto situation which had obtained since the 
iJoover Moratorium of the previous July — and a successful 
demarche must be made at the Disarmament Conference. 
Driining’s instinct as an economist led him to believe that 
a,n amelioration of the situation in Germany might be looked 
for in the coming February (1932) — a premonition which 
proved true — ^and so he hoped that, by a combination of 
diplomatic successes abroad and an improved situation at 
home, he might both give the Nazis a set-back and suf- 
ficiently influence Parhament in his favour to make his 
xiext step possible. 

This was to secure a two-thirds majority in the Reichstag 
and the Reichsrat to declare Hindenburg Reichsverweser 
(Regent) for life, at the end of which one of the sons of the 
Crown Prince should succeed to the throne. 

The initiative for this move would come from one of the 
parties immediately to the Right or Left of the Centre, so 
that no taint of Vatican influence should prejudice the 
issue, and the prospects of success were not unhopeful. With 
the reahzation that the only alternative was a National 
gociahst dictatorship, some of the leaders of the Left whom 
pruning had consrdted were already reluctantly agreeable, 
and it would be virtually impossible for Hugenberg to oppose 
a programme which aimed ultimately at the restoration of 
the monarchy. With the support of the Nationahsts a two- 
thirds majority was assured, and if the Nazis opposed the 
measure Briining was prepared to give them battle, being 
confi-dent that on such an issue the conservative element 
of Hitler’s supporters — offlcers of the Old Army, East 
Prussian landlords, former government officials, and the 



Hk ft — who had joined the National Sociahst Partj out of 
despair, or as the only means of realizing their pohtical 
ambitions, would desert the Hakenkreuz and revert to their 
old fealty. 

Such was the bold plan conceived by Briining to save 
Germany from Nazi dominance, but its essential premise 
was the re-election of Hindenburg to the presidency. 
Little opposition to this was expected from the old gentle- 
man, for Briining counted on his welcoming a chance of 
laying the spectre of Spa for ever. The restoration of the 
monarchy would be a fitting close to his career, and it was 
hoped and believed that he would seize the opportunity 

Early in November 1931 the Chancellor broached the 
subject to the Marshal and was astonished to find that he 
was not interested in the proposal. ‘T am the trustee 
of the Emperor”, he declared, “and can never give my con- 
sent to anyone succeeding to the throne save the Emperor 
himself.” Quite evidently Hindenburg preferred to die 
without seeing a restoration of the monarchy rather than 
betray his trusteeship for the Emperor. He seemed to wish 
to drop the subject altogether, but Briining persisted. 

A restoration could only achieve stability, he explained, 
with the consent of the workers. The Social Democrats 
and the Trade Unions would never consent to the return of 
Wilhelm II or of the Crown Prince; they might, however, 
be persuaded to support Hindenburg as Regent for one of 
the sons of the Crown Prince. The restored monarchy could 
never be that of 1871, or even that which the vague reforms 
of Max of Baden had sought to create in 1918. It must be a 
constitutional monarchy on the British model, based on the 
consent of the people and operating through a system of 
checks and balances. 

Hindenburg was scandalized at such an idea. A monarchy 
on the Enghsh model was no monarchy at all, and he would 
be no party to such an emasculation of the royal prerogative. 



So moved was lie that he betrayed the fact that he too 
had dreamed dreams. The monarchy which he would wish 
to see re-estabUshed in Germany was not indeed that of 
1871, but a complete reversion to the warrior state of 
Prussia as it existed before 1848. 

In vain Briining impressed upon him that these were 
illusions, and assured him that in the plan which he, the 
Chancellor, had outlined was the sole hope of restoration. 
Hindenburg was lost in his own visions and would not hsten. 
Abruptly he closed the audience. 

“Though I spoke with the tongues of men and of angels,” 
Briining said later, “I could have made no impression on 

But this was not quite true. Some tiny modicum of what 
had been said had remained in Hindenburg’s mind and had 
created an itch of conscience. A few days later he sent for 

It was November 11, a day of humiliation to Germany, 
the thirteenth anniversary of the bitter morning on which 
Hindenburg had advised acceptance of the Armistice 
terms. Briining found him sitting at the window, staring 
out into the grey winter sky, his huge bulk silhouetted 
against the light. For a while after the Chancellor had been 
announced, Hindenburg continued to sit motionless. Then 
he turned heavily in his chair and greeted his visitor. He 
seemed bowed down with years and memories; a lonely, 
pitiable figure. 

“I do not wish to go through the trials of an election for 
the second time. In the campaign they will reproach me all 
over again with the events of November 1918. It will be 
worse this time.” 

He paused and then, without introduction, plunged into 
an unwonted torrent of self-justification. 

“I meant well by His Majesty. There have been other 
occasions in history when monarchs have left their thrones 
and were recalled by their peoples when times had changed. 



I thought it would be like that when His Majesty went to 
Holland. I still beheve his abdication was inevitable, and 
his flight too. The front was not holding, the troops were 
mutinying and, as an old Prussian officer, I had no choice 
but to protect the person of my Edng.” 

Briining had been through those November days as a 
company machine-gun officer. He had experiences gained 
personally and not from Headquarters’ reports, and he felt 
it his duty to defend the army, as he knew it, from the 
general charge of mutiny. Moreover, he had been at Herbes- 
thal, from whence came the reports which finally decided 
the Marshal that the Emperor must fly. 

“With all respect”, he said, “I hold a different opinion 
from Your Excellency. At Herbesthal, for instance, every- 
thing was Eed when we occupied the station, but we had 
order restored in a very short time. If our messages had 
been received at G.H.Q. as we had sent them out the 
Emperor might not have been induced to leave. The 
mistake was made in the telegraph office at Spa.” 

He added that he had deposed to this efiect before 
Groner’s Court of Honour in 1922, but Hindenburg had no 
recollection of this. 

“You may be right about Herbesthal,” he said, “but I 
am certain of one thing, the division of Guards behind 
you was no longer loyal.” 

“They could have been made loyal in twenty-four hours”, 
said Briining earnestly. “We never believed in their 

But Hindenburg would have no more of his pet estab- 
lished theories challenged. The case which he had built 
up to convince himself was too flimsy to permit of searching 
cross-examination. He grew petulant. 

“No, no, no”, he cried, shaking his head energetically. 
“I know you are wrong. They were all wrong. I knew 
already in February 1918 that the war was lost, but I was 
willing to let Ludendorff have his fling.” 



He relapsed into rmnbling silence, and the Chancellor 
left him to his memories and his conscience. 

But Briining did not lose heart, though he might well 
have been excused for doing so. He was fighting on so 
many fronts now; the opposition of the Nazis was becoming 
daily fiercer, and so many factors were desperately im- 
portant for his success. Moreover he was unable to give the 
people any alleviation of their sufferings. On the contrary, 
he was compelled to add to their burdens. The Fourth 
Major Emergency Decree, in which, on December 8, he 
promulgated the legislation considered necessary to meet 
the situation, he himself described in a national broadcast 
as cutting deeper into the estabhshed notions of legal right 
and sanctity than any since “times of great antiquity”, 
and the Committee of Experts, then in session at Basle, 
declared it to be “without parallel in modern legislation”. 

Throughout these days of ordeal Briining was sustained 
and encouraged by the magnificent spirit of loyalty and 
encouragement which animated his Cabinet. A recon- 
struction had been necessary in September 1931; Curtius 
had been forced to leave- the Foreign Office after the 
unfortunate affair of the Austro-German Zolhinion, and 
Wirth had resigned the Portfoho of the Interior on account 
of the antipathy of the President. In reahty, however, this 
had strengthened rather than weakened the Government. 
Briining had taken the Foreign Office himself and Groner 
had combined the Home Office with the Ministry of 
Defence — a. very useful combination in such times of 
civil tension. In loyal old Groner, his former chief, 
Stegerwald, and his devoted friends, Treviranus and 
Dietrich, Briining had a team at least faithful, able, and 
dependable, a group of men without political ambition and 
with few pohtical ideas in common, save their admiration for 
the Chancellor and their determination to do their utmost 
for the good of the country. Briining was spared those 
disastrous Cabinet intrigues which had destroyed so many 



former Weimar Cabinets, and tbe loyalty of his colleagues 
was a vastly important factor in the courageous battle 
which he fought for two years against increasing odds and 
under the most difficult conditions. That he survived the 
forces of intrigue so long was a great pohtical achievement 
and not merely an act of strength and legerdemain. 

At the close of 1931 — ^the annus terribilis of Germany 
and of Europe — ^the Chancellor’s principal task was to 
get Hindenburg’s consent to stand again for President. 
Whether the larger plan of the restored monarchy were 
pursued or not, it was absolutely necessary that the 
Marshal should be re-elected, for the alternative was already 
casting its shadow darkly across the path. Yet Hindenburg 
was himself so undesirous of continuing longer in the thank- 
less drudgery of office that he presented one of the gravest 
barriers to his own re-election. 

Again it was the call of duty which broke down the 
Marshal’s objections to a further term of office. The 
Chancellor, the Prime Minister of Prussia, his own intimate 
friends, all urged him to remain, partly because they 
trembled at the thought of the alternative and partly 
because of the weight which his personal prestige carried 
abroad. For the Foreign Powers, though they would do 
httle to help Germany, had come to look upon the 
Hindenburg-Bruning combination as a permanent factor 
of stability, and were but dimly aware of the intrigues 
which seethed beneath the surface. 

Personal vanity may also have played a part in in- 
fluencing Hindenburg to stand for re-election. Should he, 
a Field-Marshal and one of the largest of East Prussian 
landowners, make room for a former corporal who was 
not even a German-born citizen and who, if indeed he 
decided to contest the election, would have to acquire 
citizenship by some legal quibble? Besides, he had met the 
fellow and he had not cared for him at all. Briining had 
arranged that Hitler should be formally presented to the 



President, and the inapression produced upon Hindenburg 
by the Fuhrer’s frenzied eloquence bad been far from favour- 
able, wbile Hitler bad been equally disillusioned by tbe 

As early as September 1931, shortly before tbe formation 
of the Harzburg Front, Briining bad approached both 
Hugenberg and Hitler with tbe object of securing their 
support for Hindenburg’s re-election. He was prepared 
at this time even to resign ofS.ce, after tbe cancellation 
of reparations bad been accompbsbed, and to make way 
for a Chancellor more acceptable to tbe parties of tbe Right, 
if by so doing be could ensure tbe maintenance of Hinden- 
burg in tbe presidency. At tbe same time be bad a shrewd 
suspicion that if nothing tangible came of tbe offer to tbe 
leaders of tbe Right it would at least serve to embarrass 
them and to render less formidable tbe combination of 
forces which they were preparing. It happened exactly as 
Briining bad foreseen. Both Hitler and Hugenberg refused 
to pledge themselves in support of tbe President’s re- 
election, but neither wished to take tbe responsibibty for 
their refusal. Each blamed bis inabibty to co-operate upon 
tbe other, and relations between them became so strained 
that Briining was able to regard with comparative 
equanimity tbe facade of unity which was later developed 
at Harzburg. 

Now, however, new tactics bad to be employed. Tbe 
pobtical and economic condition of tbe country made it 
desirable that, if at all possible, tbe Sturm, und Drang of an 
election campaign should be avoided. In addition it was 
hoped that some means might be found to spare tbe old 
Marshal tbe strain and obloquy which would inevitably 
accompany such a contest. In face of these exigencies it 
was agreed between tbe President and tbe Chancellor that 
tbe latter should endeavour to reach an agreement with 
tbe parties in tbe Reichstag for a constitutional two-thirds 
majority prolonging tbe presidential term of oflB.ce. 



In the decision of the President to continue in office, 
Briining had gained his first point. But there must have been 
many moments when he was tempted to wonder whether it 
was all worth fighting for or not. The edifice itself was so 
rotten and worm-eaten. Oskar von Hindenburg, his appetite 
as landlord only whetted by what was already his, ap- 
proached certain members of the Cabinet for their assistance 
in acquiring part of an estate adjoining Neudeck, in such a 
way that they did not even care to submit the proposal to 
the Chancellor for consideration, and, as a result, Oskar 
joined the ranks of his enemies. 

Was he really fighting for this sort of thing? Bruning 
asked himself, and ever the tormenting answer came back, 
how much worse was the alternative. 

With the New Year of 1932 the Chancellor made the 
opening moves in his last campaign. The pubhcation, on 
Christmas Eve 1931, of the Report of the Special Advisory 
Committee had shown to the world that continued repar- 
ation payments by Germany were both impossible and un- 
desirable, and Briining seized the opportunity to declare, on 
January 9, that, at the forthcoming conference at Lausanne, 
the German delegation would press for the complete can- 
cellation of reparation payments. 

Two days earUer (January 7) he had begun his negotia- 
tions with the party leaders for a two-thirds majority of the 
Reichstag for prolonging the President’s term of office, and 
for this the Communists could be excluded from the calcula- 
tions. Of the support of the parties of the Left Briining 
could be certain, but he needed at any rate the votes of the 
Nationahsts. At the suggestion of the Chancellor, Hitler 
was invited to a conference with Bruning, Groner, and also 
Schleicher, at the Ministry of the Interior, the Government 
Department directly responsible for constitutional reforms 
and amendments. This was the first occasion on which 
Schleicher had met the Fiihrer, who had hitherto refused 
to see him. Hitler now came with the Chief of Stafi of his 



Storm Troops, Ernst Eotm, whose homosexual practices 
were notorious throughout Germany, and in this unsavoury 
company Briining appealed for the support of the Nazi 

Further conversations took place on January 10 and then 
Hitler withdrew to discuss the latter in party conclave. 
Schleicher had counted upon Eohm to support the proposals 
of the Government and to swing the meeting in favour of 
acceptance; he was under the impression that Rohm was en- 
tirely in agreement with him. But the Storm Troop Chief of 
Stafi found it more pohtic to urge rejection upon the Fuhrer. 
In the fierce discussions which followed, Rohm resolutely 
opposed all thought of acceptance, and so demolished the 
arguments of Gregor Strasser, the man who had “organized” 
Berhn fox Hitler and who now advocated a temporary truce 
with the Government, that the party meeting adopted a 
pohcy of rejection by a large majority. 

In the meantime Hugenberg had also been consulted by 
Briining and had given an ambiguous answer, just as Hitler 
had done two days before. Bach party leader was afraid 
of the decision of the other. Negotiations between the 
Nationahsts and National Sociahsts began. Only a negative 
agreement was reached for repudiating the re-election of 
Hindenburg by a two-thirds majority in the Reichstag. On 
January 12 the two leaders made their formal rephes to 
the Government’s proposal. Hugenberg, in a letter to the 
Chancellor, declared bluntly that he could not support 
the Prolongation Bill in the Reichstag because it would be 
a manifestation of confidence by the Nationahsts in the 
Chancellor. This was very far from being the case, wrote 
Hugenberg, and he reproached Briining for tolerating in the 
Reich and in Prussia Governments behind which there was 
no majority. He added that the position of Germany abroad 
would be strengthened by the resignation of the Briini n g 
Cabinet, which had shown itself unable to impress on the 
world in an authoritative manner the changed will of the 



German, people. In conclusion, Hugenberg, whose party had 
done more than any other to identify Hindenburg with their 
own interests, protested against the manner in which the 
personality of the President had been “dragged into party 
and parhamentary discussions which do not do justice to 
the constitutional position and high esteem which the 
Reichsprasident enjoys among his people”. 

Hitler, on the other hand, addressed himself directly to 
Hindenburg and carefully avoided any viUfication of the 
Government. To the surprise of all he took his stand on the 
Constitution and explained in great length and detail his 
juridical scruples at the parliamentary prolongation of the 
President’s term of ofhce, when it was clearly stated in the 
Constitution that he must be elected (or re-elected) by 
popular vote. But while rejecting the idea of a parliamentary 
solution of the question, the Fuhrer’s letter did not convey 
a blunt refusal of the proposal of re-election, and the im- 
pression was left with many who read it that the Nazis 
would not oppose the Marshal in a popular referendum. 

But Hitler, after a few days, was apparently afraid of 
losing followers to the Nationalists if he did not take a 
stronger position against the Government. Therefore, on 
January 16, he addressed a memorandum to the Chancellor 
which was not behind Hugenberg’s in invective. Prolonga- 
tion of the President’s term of ofl&ce by the Reichstag, he 
wrote, would be but a mockery, because the Reichstag as 
elected in 1930 no longer represented the German people. 
The plain duty of the Cabinet was to resign at once and to 
hold new elections, and the Fiihrer reiterated his slogan that 
“The System”, which had reduced Germany to insolvency 
and impotence, must vanish. 

This refusal of the Right to support Hindenburg’s re- 
election by parliamentary methods greatly annoyed the 
Old Gentleman. His pride and anger were, aroused and his 
last reluctance to contest an election was demolished. He 
agreed to fight, but in his tired old brain there was resent- 



ment against tke man wiio, he considered, had forced him 
into so doing, and this was not Hitler but Briining. Upon 
this spirit of resentment certain of his advisers played. 
Briining had mishandled the whole thing, they told Hinden- 
burg; he had been tactless and he alone was responsible for 
forcing the Marshal into an open fight against his old sup- 
porters of 1925. Little by httle there developed a definite 
sense of dislike in Hindenburg’s mind, and Briining, “the 
best Chancellor since Bismarck”, the Brother Jonathan 
for whom Hindenburg had been distressed, was chang- 
ing his role to that of David as against the Marshal’s 

But at this moment, when there were those among the 
President’s advisers who would have jettisoned Briining, he 
received assistance from an altogether unexpected quarter. 
Schleicher had been furious with Kohm for not having 
carried out his instructions at the National Socialist Party 
meeting and had for the time severed relations with him. 
To Schleicher it was essential that Hindenburg should be 
re-elected as soon, and with as little to-do, as possible. 
The one man who could achieve this was Briining, and it 
was no part of Schleicher’s plan that the Chancellor should 
fall before the re-election had been accomphshed. Once 
this had been done, Schleicher had schemes of a grandiose 
nature. The Keichstag must be dissolved and no re-election 
must be held for a considerable period of time. In the inter- 
val the President, secure in his new term of of&ce, must rule 
by decree and with the support of the Reichswehr. 

In Briiniag Schleicher saw an obstacle to his ultimate 
plans. He had outhned them to the Chancellor in the autumn 
of 1931, and it was partly Briining’s refusal to consider them 
that had driven Schleicher, after the formation of the 
Harzburg Front, to coquet with the Nazis. After the re- 
election of Hindenburg Briining must go, but in the mean- 
time his retention in office was essential, and Schleicher, 
therefore, joined G-roner in defending the Chancellor before 



Hindenburg. Their efforts were successful and Briining re- 

Schleicher prided himself on his poHtical astuteness; he 
was seen about a great deal in Berlin at this time, in restau- 
rants and cabarets, always the centre of an admiring group 
chiefly composed of ladies. One evening a group of English 
and American friends were dining at the Konigin Restaurant 
on the Kurfiirstendamm when Schleicher’s party arrived 
at the next table. The General was resplendent in imiform 
and in excellent form. The dance band stopped with the 
abruptness of syncopation, and Schleicher, whose voice had 
been raised to be heard by his friends above the music, was 
overheard declaiming, “What Germany needs to-day is a 
strong man”, and he tapped himself significantly upon the 

And yet, while Kurt von Schleicher was congratulating 
himself on his cunning, Joseph Goebbels was writing in his 
diary; “To put the thing in a nutshell, Groner must go — 
followed by Briining and Schleicher, otherwise we shall 
never attain full power”. The astute General was himself a 

Nor was he, indeed, in such an impregnable position with 
the President. No one in his position or with his career 
could be without enemies, and these were numbered both 
among the Nazis and among the East Prussian aristocrats, 
who knew that Schleicher had always favoured the pohcy 
of setthng smaU-holders in the East and had opposed the 
grants of the Osthilfe to the estate-owners. It so happened 
that a few weeks later, in early Eebruary 1932, two in- 
trigues against Schleicher, one by the Nazis and the other 
by Oskar Hindenburg at the instigation of his Bast 
Prussian friends, coincided. The Camarilla were no longer 
in bhssful harmony and their jealousies were frequently 
finding expression in thus fighting and jostling to poison 
the mind of the President against each other. With the 
agihty of a practised intriguer, Schleicher at once aban- 




doned Ms well-known views on small-koldings in East 
Prussia, and, in an effort to retain tke President’s favour, 
began to criticize the scheme wMch Pruning had in 
mind for the expropriation of certain of the bankrupt 

TMs volte-face was more than even Hindenburg could 
stand. His head reeled with the gyrations on the pohtical 
trapeze, and on Ms giddiness followed nausea. To Brumng 
he declared that he had had enough of ScMeicher and Ms 
intrigues, and that he had made up Ms mind to send him 
away. It was now Bruning’s turn to save Schleicher — so 
fantastic a situation can scarcely be conceived — and, 
reahzing that the General’s dismissal at tMs moment would 
please the Nazis more than anytMng else, he pleaded with 
the President. 

There were generals in the Reichswehr more friendly to 
tie Nazis than Schleicher and it was the hope of the party 
to replace him by one of these military alhes, whose business 
it would be in his turn to get rid of Groner. If tMs were 
accompUshed Hindenburg would be lost before the elec- 
tion was held, and for tMs reason Brumng pleaded for 
Schleicher. At the moment neither could afford to let the 
other go. 

But Briimng, having learned from the preceding negotia- 
tion, proposed to the Reichsprasident that he should give the 
direction of the discussions for re-election of the President 
by a plebiscite into the hands of Meissner and ScMeicher. 
He informed the President of Ms wish that both should have 
the power to offer the National Sociahsts and Nationahsts 
Ms resignation if they could succeed in winnin g over the 
two parties to the re-election of Hindenburg. Schleicher 
eagerly accepted Bruning’s offer. But neither party would 
negotiate with him or with Meissner, and both found means 
of informing the President that, had they been discussing 
the matter with Briining and not with the “Gentlemen of 
the President”, the result might have been different. 



Amidst this atmosphere of Byzantine intrigue, Briining 
fought on undaunted, though with more than a strong 
suspicion that he was being betrayed by Schleicher and 
Oskar von Hindenburg, and fully conscious that the 
President’s confidence in him was wavering. 

There had been some talk of the Crown Prince being 
put forward as the candidate of the united parties of the 
Eight, but a stern parental admonition from Doom had 
put an end to all thought of it. The Chancellor took the 
opportunity of the Emperor’s veto to urge for the last time 
upon Hindenburg his plans for the restoration of the mon- 
archy. “Let me go to the Crown Prince”, he pleaded, “and 
beg him not to take any part in the election save in your 
interest and let me explain to him that the House of 
HohenzoUern, like others, must make sacrifices for the 
monarchy. I may not be able to convince hiTn at once, but 
at least I can show him the line which might be followed 
with success. Then I will come back and report to you and 
your son.” 

The mention of Oskar was important. Hindenburg at 
once became agitated and annoyed. “My son is meddhng 
in politics too much already”, he said. “I like to decide 
things myself.” Then said Pruning; “Will you not give me 
authority to press on with my foreign policy and with the 
restoration of the monarchy? I give you my word that as 
soon as it has reached the point when the transition from 
the Eepublic to the monarchy is assured, I will resign and 
then you can form a Cabinet entirely from the parties of 
the Eight.” 

But Hindenburg would not grasp his opportunity. The 
man was too old, and he was still dreaming of the ancient 
glories of Prussia. He gave an evasive answer, saying only 
that he hoped the Crown Prince would not oppose him, and 
with this crumb of comfort Bruning had to be content. His 
conversation with the Crown Prince brought him little satis- 
faction. Bruning was backing the wrong horse, Wilhelm said, 



if lie put his faith in Hindenburg. “He betrayed my father 
and he betrayed Ludendorfi. When the time comes he will 
betray you too.” 

Another shock awaited the Chancellor. In his prepara- 
tions for the contest he discovered that the expenses of 
Hindenburg’s election campaign of 1925 were still unpaid, 
and so little faith had the printers in the word of the 
President that they demanded cash payment in advance 
for all orders for propaganda literature. Again the bitter 
reflection, was it aU worth while? 

The German presidential election of 1932 must surely be 
unique in the annals of such political contests, if only on 
the grounds of contrariness. All traditional afiflnities were 
swept aside in this amazing struggle. Behind Hindenburg, 
the Protestant Prussian monarchist, stood the embattled 
forces of the Catholic Centre, Social Democracy, the Trade 
Unions, and the Jews, while to the standard of Hitler, 
the Catholic Austrian quasi-SociaUst who had only recently 
become a German citizen, were rallied the upper classes of 
the Protestant North, the German Crown Prince, the great 
industrialists of the Ruhr and the Rhineland, and the Con- 
servative agrarians. Hugenberg put up an independent 
Nationalist candidate in Colonel Diisterberg, the second 
leader of the Stahlhelm, and the Communist Party was 
represented by the other veteran of the 1925 election, 
Ernst Thahnann. 

The campaign was far more bitter than before. On the 
floor of the Reichstag Hindenburg was branded by Goebbels 
as “the candidate of the party of the deserters”, an accusa- 
tion for which he was expelled and which called forth from 
Groner, then a very sick man, a spirited defence of his 
chief. The Deutsche Zeitung, which had championed the 
Marshal in 1925 and attacked him in 1930, now spat 
venom in utter and complete contempt. “The present issue 
at the polls is whether internationalist traitors and pacifist 
swine, with the approval of Hindenburg, are to bring about 



the final ruin of Germany.” The nobles openly declared 
that “they had had enough of the old traitor”, and Hitler, 
flying hither and thither over the country, heaped insult 
and invective upon his opponent. 

Beyond his declaration of candidature Hindenburg him- 
self took no part in the campaign, but his one statement 
was a fighting speech and remarkably virile for a man of 
his age. Meissner had excelled himself. 

In fuU consciousness of my great responsibility [listening thousands 
at every radio m the country heard the booming voice declare], I 
have resolved to offer myself for re-election. As the request does not 
come from any party but from the broad masses of the nation, I feel 
it my duty to accept. . . . Not one of my critics can deny that I am 
inspired with the most ardent love of my country, and with the 
strongest possible will that Germany shall be free. ... If I am de- 
feated, I shall at least not have incurred the reproach that of my own 
accord I deserted my post m an hour of crisis. ... I ask for no votes 
from those who do not wish to vote for me. 

The full burden of the campaign fell upon Briining, and 
he rose to the emergency with magnificent courage. For 
the first time it was discovered that he was an orator, and 
that magnetism and personal charm which had impressed 
so many at close quarters was now communicated to the 
vast audiences which thronged his meetings. Without 
resort to the tactics of the circus parade and the ballyhoo 
practised by the National Socialists, he was able to hold 
his hearers spellbound, and to command their respect 
and their confidence. Unsparingly he flogged his weary 
spirit forward and his gallant struggle, carried on single- 
handed against the vitriolic assaults of his opponents, is 
among the epic achievements of modern pohtics. 

The country went to the polls on March 13, 1932, and 
the world waited breathlessly for the result. It was the first 
of five General Elections in nine mouths, on the outcome 
of each of which the fate of Germany seemed to hang. But 
the long-drawn struggle was by no means ended yet. The 



final figures, made known on the following day were as 

Hindenburg . . . 18,661,736 

Hitler . . . 11,338,671 

Thalmann . . . 4,982,079 

Diisterberg . . . 2,557,876 

A sigh of relief arose throughout Europe, especially when 
it became known that the S.A. and S.S. {Sturmabteilungen, 
Storm troops, and Schutzstaffeln, guards) had been secretly 
mobilized for a coup de main should Hitler have headed 
the poll. But the battle was only haH won. The figures 
showed that the large mass of the people had voted for 
Hindenburg and that Hitler had no further chance; yet, 
though the Marshal had achieved a majority of seven 
million votes over his principal opponent, he missed (by 
0-4 per cent, of the poll) the absolute majority essential for 
election. A second ballot was necessary, and though the 
result was a foregone conclusion, the renewed campaign 
was an excuse for further bitterness, more invective, and 
an increase of those bloody clashes between armed partizans 
of the Left and Eight which had come to be a recognized 
factor in German political Hfe. 

The Nationalists, whose humiliation at the poUs had been 
devastating, withdrew their candidate, and exhorted their 
previous supporters to vote for Hitler, whom only a week 
before they had been defaming with ecstatic energy. The 
contest resolved itself into a straight fight between Hinden- 
burg and Hitler, for Thahnann remained, as ever, negligible. 

The result of the second ballot, held on April 10, allowed 
the German nation not only to sigh with rehef but to 
breathe again freely. The Marshal’s victory was handsome 
and complete; he had a clear majority of 53 per cent. 

Hindenburg . . . 19,359,642 

Hitler . . . 13,417,460 

Thahnann . . . 3,706,388 



The Nationalist vote had gone almost equally to the 
two chief contestants, and a milhon Communist votes had 
vanished altogether, many of them belonging to that 
floating vote which swung with disconcerting instability 
between the extreme Eight and Left. The election had 
clearly demonstrated, however, that whatever else Ger- 
many needed, it did not need to be saved from a Red Peril, 
and the he direct was thus given to the chief of Hitler’s 
pretensions, which, even as early as this, he was actively 

But the two ballots showed more important facts even 
than this. The forces of the Eight had claimed that 
Briining’s majorities in the Reichstag were not representa- 
tive of the feehngs of the country. Yet this was clearly 
disproved by the presidential voting, which disclosed that 
in seven years the strength of the Right had severely 
diminished. In the first ballot of 1932 Hindenburg polled 
four milli on votes, and in the second, five milhon votes 
more than in the decisive ballot of 1925. In that year 
Hindenburg had achieved 14,655,000, and in 1932 the 
united votes of Hitler and Diisterberg realized only 
13,900,000. The forces of the united Eight had lost some 
seven hundred thousand votes. 

Hindenburg was once again President, re-elected by the 
votes of those very parties which seven years before had 
so vehemently opposed him. In 1932 he had as clear a 
mandate as in 1925. Then it had been the destruction of 
Weimar and the restoration of the monarchy, now it was 
the safeguarding of the Constitution and the rights and 
liberties of his fellow citizens. After his first election he had 
grievously disappointed his supporters, and after his second, 
the betrayal of those who had voted for him was more 
complete and more terrible. In each case the excuse was 
the same — ^the welfare of Germany. The welfare of Germany 
had demanded in 1925 the abandonment of the Nationahst 
Party and the support of the Policy of Fulfilment, and in 



1932 it demanded the sacrifice of Bruning and the adoption 
of the Policy of Repudiation. In both cases the President 
was confident in the belief that his pledges were not dis- 
honoured and that his oath had been kept. “His honour 
rooted in dishonour stood, and faith unfaithful kept him 
falsely true.” 

The real victim of the election was Heinrich Bruning; 
he, who had fought and struggled with even more than his 
usual energy and a strength almost superhuman, was to 
reap the reward of those who had served the Marshal 
faithfully. The gratitude of the House of Hindenburg was 
becoming as notorious as that of the House of Habsburg 
had been, and Bruning was to meet the fate of Benedek, 
but as a reward for victory and not failure. 

The first signs of disfavour came almost at once. In 
accordance with estabfished custom the Chancellor came 
to present the congratulations of the Cabinet to the elected 
President and to go through the formality of offering their 

“I had been expecting your resignation”, was Hinden- 
burg’s cold reply. “You may issue a statement that I have 
asked you to remain temporarily in office. I may consider 
the appointment of a Government of the Right.” 

Bruning was not surprised; he had already been informed, 
three days earher, of what would happen. By the early 
morning, of course, the President had changed his mind and 
sent word to the Chancellor that he declined even to talk 
about the formal resignation. Two hours later, the President, 
under the influence of Oskar and Schleicher, had changed 
his mind a second time ; in the meantime, the Chancellor 
had informed Mr. Stimson, who was waiting in Geneva, that 
he would be prepared to meet him there at the end of the 
week. The Chancellor could not go there with a temporary 
mandate. He therefore implored the President, not on behalf 
of his Cabinet, but in the interest of the country and of 
Hindenburg’s own good name, to reconsider his decision. 



It was unthinkable, on the morrow of his re-election by the 
votes of the Left, that he should appoint a Government 
of the Right. 

Faced with these arguments Hindenburg gave in, and 
the communique read that the Cabinet had offered their 
resignations to the President, who had refused to accept 
them. But another nail had been driven into Briining’s 

And now Schleicher began preparing his coup de grace. 
Briming had exhausted his period of usefulness, and as 
Muller had gone, so must he go. Schleicher began his cam- 
paign on general lines. To the President he conveyed the 
impression that Bruning’s tactics had exposed Hindenburg 
to unnecessary humiliations and had identified the spirit of 
Tannenberg and the Hindenburg Legend with the abhorrent 
doctrines of Social Democracy. He had made the Old Man 
cheap in the eyes of the people. And then Bruning was no 
fellow to handle these Nazis. A strong man was needed for 
that. It was time the Reichstag was closed down. 

Meanwhile to the Nazis, with whom Schleicher kept 
in touch through Rohm — ^they were now reconciled — ^he 
preached patience. Bruning’s days were numbered, he 
assured them; only a few weeks more and then there would 
be a real government in Germany. Let them but be patient 
a httle longer. 

There were some among the Nazis, however, who trusted 
Briining and would have made an agreement. Of these was 
Gregor Strasser, ever a thorn in the side of the Fiihrer for 
his pessimistic views and his longing for compromise. Dis- 
cussions between Briining and the Nazis were going on 
through the help of intermediaries for a solution regarding 
the new Government in Prussia. Bruning, following the 
wish of his own party, offered a Coahtion Government in 
Prussia on the condition that the Nazis should have no 
influence whatsoever upon the Prussian policy. These offers 
were debated in conclave and Strasser made an eloquent 



appeal in their support. He was answered by Hdhm, with 
such vehemence and such an uncanny insight into the 
insecure position of the Government, that Strasser was 
defeated. As the meeting closed, Strasser, in passing Rdhm’s 
place at the table, noticed that he had left his notes behind, 
and, on looking closer, saw that they were written on the 
notepaper of the Ministry of Defence. . . . 

Schleicher, two days before the second ballot for the 
presidency, dealt the Government the most severe blow 
they had yet suffered. Because of the mobihzation of the 
S.A. and S.S. on the night of March 12/13, and in view of 
the generally subversive nature of all their activities, most 
of the Federal Ministers of the Interior had insisted on 
seeing Grdner as Reichsminister for Home Affairs in the 
absence of Briining, who was touring the country as chief 
promoter for the Marshal. When Briining returned to Berhn 
on the day of the poll (Sunday, April 10), Groner told him 
that, on the recommendation of Schleicher, he had promised 
his insistent Federal colleagues to ask the President to issue 
a decree suppressing the private army of the Nazis through- 
out the Reich, as, under similar circumstances, the mihtant 
wing of the Communist Party, the Red Fighting Front, had 
also been prohibited some years before. In conference on 
the same Sunday Schleicher suddenly asked for an ulti- 
matum regarding the S.A. and S.S. to be sent to Hitler. All 
present opposed this idea as being ridiculous if the state of 
affairs were really sufficiently serious to warrant the sup- 
pression of the Brown Army, and the proposal was accord- 
ingly withdrawn. The Marshal was persuaded by Groner 
and Briining that the authority of the Reich Government 
was at stake, and on these grounds he signed the decree. 

The views of the army regarding the Storm Troops had 
been clearly stated by Grdner, Hammerstein, and Schleicher. 
It had been Rdhm’s dream that the Brown Army should 
one day be absorbed, as it stood, into the Reichswehr, and 
to this idea the military leaders were unalterably opposed. 



Let the Storm Troopers come in as recruits by all means, 
and they would get all the amateur soldiering knocked out 
of them in barracks, but under no circumstances must they 
be admitted as a corporate bodyd The army as a whole, 
therefore, welcomed the decision to suppress the Brown 
Legions, and with their view Schleicher had expressed his 

But now, on April 11, the day after Hindenburg’s elec- 
tion, Schleicher began to use the afiair of the suppression 
of the Storm Troops as an additional lever with which to 
destroy the foundations of the Briining Cabinet. He com- 
pletely reversed his decision and confidentially informed the 
commanders of the seven mihtary districts of the Reich 
that in the pending issue he dissented from his chief, 
Groner, and no sooner had the decree been made public 
and the inevitable agitation begun, than he proceeded to 
undermine the position of Briining and Groner with the 

By the dexterous arguments of which he was a master, he 
persuaded Hindenburg to the view that he had been made a 
fool of by Groner. These Storm Troops were not nearly as 
dangerous as they had been made to appear. But since the 
mistake had been made, the Government must be fair to all. 
The prohibition must be extended to the private army of 
the Socialists, the Reichsbanner, a most insidious institution 
contaminating the youth of the working class with Marxist 
principles. So argued Schleicher, but cunningly made no 
mention of the Stahlkelm, of which, notwithstanding all that 
had passed, Hindenburg was stiU an honorary president. 

^ Hitler Mmself was as opposed to such a step as were the Reiohswehr, 
but for difierent reasons. The S.A. were his army and he had no inten- 
tion of allowing them to be contaminated with the Eeichswehr spirit 
unless and until he also controlled the Eeichswehr. It was Eohm who had 
origmated the idea of incorporation, and between Eohm and Hitler the 
relation of the S.A. to the army was always a source of disagreement, a 
disagreement which only ended on June 30, 1934, when one of the dis- 
putants ceased to take an interest in the argument. 



The President had qxdte forgotten that, on the day after 
his election, Briining had suggested two alternatives : the 
suppression either of all mihtant party organizations or only 
of those of the Nazi Party. He was trying to make it clear 
to the President that a prohibition of the Reichsbanner 
would not be possible without a prohibition of the Stahlhelm. 
Hindenburg did not reahze this alternative when he was 
approached in the absence of the Chancellor by Schleicher, 
He had been getting a httle tired of Briining anyway, and 
was disagreeably aware that he owed his re-election in very 
great measure to the personal efiorts of the Chancellor. He 
disliked being under an obhgation to anybody, and it 
seemed that Briining had been behaving very oddly of late 
— all this talk of expropriation in East Prussia. It wasn’t 
healthy. A change really ought to be made. Someone who 
could keep these Nazi fellows in order. And Grdner too; he 
was a sick man and ought to retire. 

But Hindenburg’s natural shrewdness prompted him to 
ask for evidence of the activities of the Reichsbanner, and 
an interval ensued while the “evidence” was “produced” by 
the Press Department of the Ministry of Defence and printed 
in the newspapers of the Eight. The cuttings were then 
brought to Hindenburg, who accepted their authenticity, 
and, in accordance with Schleicher’s suggestion, he sent a 
letter to Groner — ^which Schleicher arranged should be in 
the hands of the press as soon as, or even before, it had 
reached its proper recipient — calling his attention to the 
activities of the Reichsbanner, and exhorting him to keep a 
watchful eye on the treasonable and obscure activities of 
this organization. 

Groner was not deceived. Though he did not connect his 
friend and proteg4 Schleicher with the affair, he did detect 
the base ring of falseness in the “evidence” produced. He 
caused enquiries to be made and, though he could not pin 
down the guilt, he discovered enough to justify carrying the 
matter to the President. With arguments advanced with an 



obstinacy as relentless as a pile-driver, be succeeded in con- 
vincing Hindenburg that the whole premise of his letter 
had been faulty, that nothing treasonable could be proved 
against the Reichsbanner, and that the allegation was 

Bbndenburg agreed reluctantly and testily, but it was 
im possible to withdraw his letter, and his annoyance at 
being put in the wrong by Groner only deepened his dislike 
for the General. The position therefore remained unaltered, 
save that Groner’s personal position with the President had 
been greatly weakened. But there was one other important 
result. In the Prussian General Election campaign, which 
was then in full swing, the Nazis made great play with the 
President’s letter in order to demonstrate the partiahty of 
the Government to the Marxists, and to this tactical move 
only must be attributed their success at the polls — a success 
which changed the situation altogether four weeks after the 
presidential election. 

From this moment Schleicher gave himself up to the un- 
doing of Briining. A continual stream of complaints poured 
into the Palace, and these, through the willing agency of 
Meissner and Oskar, found their way to the presidential 
table. From Hindenburg’s fellow estate-owners in East 
Elbia, with no thought of gratitude for the large sums 
which, through the OstMlfe, they had received from the 
Muller and Briining Governments and had squandered, 
came querulous enquiries about a rumoured programme of 
expropriation of bankrupt estates and the setthng on them 
of smaU-holders. Former friends and enemies in the ranks 
of the Nationahsts assured the Marshal that aU breaches 
between bim and his natural aUies would be sealed once 
he had got rid of that scheming internationahst Briining. 
Owners of property and many investors, frightened by 
Hitler’s programme of aboHtion of interest, wrote anxiously 
to ask why, if the Briining Government could not handle 
the Nazis, the President did not appoint one which could. 



Among tlie complaints and protests came those of certain 
of the ruling monarchs of Germany, and these weighed with 
Hindenburg perhaps more heavily than any of the others. 
The wishes of kings must be obeyed. 

It was true that the Nazi menace was growing rapidly. 
The suppression of the Storm Troops after the pubhcation 
of the President’s letter had had the unfortunate effect of 
making them appear martyrs, and this was particularly 
unwelcome in view of the fact that, on April 24, 1932, 
elections were to be held in Prussia, Bavaria, Wurttemberg, 
Anhalt, and Hambmg, in all an area amounting to four- 
fifths of the Reich, and the results being therefore almost 
tantamount to those of a General Election. And the results 
were indeed alarming for the electors of Hindenburg, and 
for all those who were not blind to the signs and portents 
which the Nazis themselves had so lavishly displayed as to 
what they would do when they came to power. It can never 
be said of Hitler, or of his followers, that they gave no warn- 
ing. Their programme was widely distributed for all to read 
and make of it what they could. But more definitely still 
were the declarations of the Fuhrer of the type and method 
of government which he would set up. “Heads shall roll,” 
he had declared, and had promised his followers “a night 
of long knives”. Those who voted so overwhelmingly for 
Hitler in 1932 and 1933, and who but a few years later 
would willingly have recalled their votes, have only them- 
selves to blame. 

The elections of April 24 resulted in a series of victories 
for the Nazis. In Bavaria they iucreased their representa- 
tion by 34, securing 43 seats in the new Diet, while in 
Wurttemberg, Anhalt, and Hamburg they made enormous 
advances. In Prussia they increased the number of their 
seats from 9 to 162, their gains being mostly at the expense 
of the parties of the Right, including those sphnter-parties 
which had supported Bruning’s policy. 

It was the last warning to Germany and to Europe; to 



Germany, that each successive election might see an increase 
in National Socialist power; to Europe, that, unless some 
definite indication were given of intention to fulfil the 
disarmament pledges of the Treaty of Versailles, a new 
Germany would take its own steps to rectify and redress the 
unequal position thus created. 

Briinuig staked all on his abihty to achieve a spectacular 
success in foreign policy. The opportumty at Lausanne for 
which he had hoped had eluded him, for the Reparations 
Conference had been postponed till July. But there re- 
mained Geneva, where the statesmen of the world were 
gathered at the Disarmament Conference. True, the results 
of that body’s deliberations had been distressingly meagre, 
but now only a bold stroke could succeed. Although the 
Nazis were in the ascendant, they had nowhere achieved 
an absolute majority. They were as yet neither strong 
enough nor sufficiently well organized to take over the 
government of the country. They were still malleable, 
capable of being controlled, and, if Briining could secure 
some specific agreement that, when the Disarmament Con- 
vention was finally drawn up, it would definitely be sub- 
stituted for the inequalities of the Treaty of Versailles — if 
he could take back this achievement to Berlin, to be followed 
by the cancellation of reparations in July, then he might 
realize his long-cherished plan of bringing the Nazis into 
the Cabinet on his own terms and making them share the 
responsibihties of government. 

But this approach at Geneva was only the forerunner of 
a far more ambitious plan of treaty revision which had been 
in Briining’s mind. He was convinced that the world was 
ripe for the promulgation of a plan of revision so eminently 
reasonable that it must of itself command success. The 
primary difficulty had been to find a sponsor for the plan, 
and after making a survey of the statesmen of Europe, 
Briining had failed to find among them one who cordd give 
a lead in the economic stabilization of Europe. He there- 


fore turned to the one remaining figure of outstanding 
and compelling dignity, the roi-chevalier, Albert of Bel- 
gium, and, through the agency of friends, Briining placed 
before the Kin g a composite programme of treaty revision 
which envisaged the following adjustments: The immediate 
return of the Saar Territory to Germany with compensation 
to France, and a complementary agreement between the 
French and German industrialists; if the Alhes asked final 
reparation payment by Germany, it should not be fi:xed 
higher than an international loan to be made at once to 
Germany to allow her to go on with the payment of interest 
on the private foreign loans; an agreement concerning the 
Corridor question with Poland; a poHtical truce for ten 
years; the encouragement of common enterprise between 
French and German industry; and an agreement for inter- 
national co-operation in a system of European electri- 

It was Bruning’s desire that an international conference 
to consider these points should be held under the patronage 
of King Albert himself, and private discussions about that 
plan went on satisfactorily in the middle of April 1932 . Thus 
with high hopes (and doubting fears) the German Chan- 
cellor left the capital to make his last and most gallant 

Though Schleicher never allowed the Chancellor’s pres- 
ence in Berlin in any way to interfere with the course of 
his intrigues, he seized upon the moment of Bruning’s 
absence to redouble his energies. The President left for 
Neudeck, as was his custom, at the end of April, and it 
was seen to that he was surrounded by his fellow landed- 
proprietors, aU breathing suspicion and dislike of Briining 
and the projected land reforms which he wished to bring 
into force. 

In the meantime Schleicher busied himself in Berlin. 
Some time before, he had brought to Hindenburg the man 
whom he had selected for the next Chancellor, and the 



President had been very much taken with him. ISTow the 
General was engaged in securing the support of the Nazis 
for his plans. With Rohm and with the young Count Hell- 
dorf, the leader of the Storm Troops m Berlin, he held almost 
daily conferences — supplemented by occasional meetings 
with Hitler — and outlined to them something of what was 
in his mind. The proposal was that Briining should be dis- 
missed and that the President should appoint a Cabinet 
of his own friends. The prohibition of the S.A. and S.S. 
would be at once repealed and the Reichstag dissolved, and 
in the ensuing election the Nazis would be given a free 
hand. In return, the National Sociahsts agreed to “tolerate” 
the new Government for four years and to give it their 
parhamentary support. What Schleicher imagined he was 
really going to do with the Nazis eventually, nobody has 
ever quite succeeded in discovering. Whether he intended 
honestly to make an alhance with them, or to bring about 
their fall and finally their destruction by refined diplomacy, 
may not have been quite clear even to the General himself. 
He was for the first time in his career being too clever even 
for himself, and he had become inextricably entangled in 
the web of his own intrigue. For Ihe Nazis took greedily 
what he offered them, yet gave nothing in return. 

Meanwhile, in Geneva, Briining was on the edge of 
achieving great things. Having learnt from experience that 
the pivotal power of Central Europe was Czechoslovakia, 
he had approached Dr. Benes with a proposal that their two 
countries should give a lead by announcing that they were 
agreed upon a cut in their mutual import tariffs of 15 per 
cent, in the first and 10 per cent, in the second year, with the 
intention that the agreement should be extended to the 
other Danubian States. Briining sincerely hoped that at 
some future date this agreement might be adhered to by 
aU European States, for it was his chief anxiety to keep 
Great Britain within the economic orbit of Europe, and to 
prevent that drift of policy which later found expression 




in the Ottawa Agreements. Bruning was anxious to avoid 
the formation of isolated and possibly antagonistic group- 
ings, which he regarded as fatal to the economic recovery 
of the world, and the proposals which he made to Benes, 
and which were sympathetically received, were intended 
to be the basis not only of a Central European, nor even 
of a Continental Zollunion, but of a wider agreement. 

Briining’s greatest success, however, was with his peers 
in the matter of the equality of armaments. On April 26 
conversations took place between him and Ramsay 
MacDonald, Stimson, Norman Davis, and, subsequently, 
Dino Grrandi, at the close of which Bruning had won their 
unanimous agreement to his formula. In return for an 
undertaking by Germany that her armaments would not 
be increased for five years, or until the second Disarmament 
Conference, she should be permitted to reduce the twelve- 
year period of service in the Reichswehr to five years; to 
add a mihtia, with eight to twelve months’ training, for 
100,000 new men yearly; and to have freedom from the 
restrictions imposed by the Treaty on the purchases and 
manufacture of war material. Germany should be granted 
the right to possess aU weapons of ofience, but would agree 
to the abohtion of all, or any of them, if all other Powers 
agreed to do the same; alternatively, Germany would be 
satisfied with “samples” of these weapons. In addition, it 
was accepted that this new agreement should replace, as 
far as Germany was concerned. Part V of the Treaty of 

A formula had therefore been found which satisfied four 
out of the five Powers, and Mr. Stimson turned delightedly 
to Mr. Norman Davis, askmg him to telephone this good 
news to M. Tardieu, then in the midst of a General Election 
campaign, and to beg him to hasten back to Geneva. 

In later years Briining was wont to say that at this 
moment he had been but a hundred yards ofi the finish, and 
it is tragic to think that, on this spring day of 1932, Europe 



was within an ace of reaching an agreement which wonld 
have changed the course of history; and yet that it was not 
to be, for, just as the thirsty travellers pressed forward to 
the shimmering oasis, it vanished in a mirage. Even at 
this distance Schleicher’s power could be felt. Two evenings 
before, he had met the French Ambassador at the house 
of a common friend, and had there tendered the advice not 
to negotiate with Briining, whose fall was already virtually 
accomplished, and whose successor, whom he named, would 
be more amenable to deal with. There followed telephone 
conversations between Berlin, Paris, and Geneva and, as 
a result, M. Tardieu made more of an attack of laryngitis 
than he might otherwise have done, regretfully refusing the 
urgent invitation of Mr. Norman Davis to return to Geneva. 

Nor was there anyone at Geneva, save Briining, who 
appreciated the stark tragedy of the position. To send the 
Chancellor back to Berlin without a definite agreement was 
to sign his pohtical death-warrant and to play unreservedly 
into the hands of Hitler. Yet the statesmen of Europe 
adopted this course with calm equanimity and were 
astonished at the results. Within two years they would have 
made any sacrifice to have again before them the Briining 
formula in all its fairness and restraint, for, what they 
had refused to Briining’s wisdom, they were to concede a 
hundred-fold to Hitler’s blackmail. Never was Europe so 
barren of statesmanship as at this moment. 

Bruning returned wearily to Berlin on May 1, to find an 
atmosphere fetid with the breath of intrigue. He reported 
to Hindenburg on the fate of the Geneva negotiations and 
found the President distinctly cool towards him. Yet within 
an hour the obvious sincerity of the Chancellor had wrought 
a change in Hlndenburg’s attitude; he grew warmer and 
friendlier, complimented Briining on his success concerning 
the disarmament question, and took leave of him, clasping 
his hand between his own. Later, walking with Meissner in 
the garden of the Palace, Hindenburg said: “Bruning has 


really done wonderfully well; we must keep on with, him to 
the end”. 

Schleicher also received the Chancellor with fair and 
honeyed words. The reason was not far to seek. The Reichs- 
tag was about to convene on May 9, and before it was a 
Finance Bill of great importance, providing credits which, 
once voted, would make any government secure for a year. 
Bruning alone could obtain the passage of this bill, and 
hence the coup de grace must be postponed. 

The Finance Bill was safely piloted through stormy waters 
and was followed by the rejection of a motion of no con- 
fidence in the Government. Then, with dramatic swiftness, 
Schleicher dropped the mask and began to pull the strings 
of his puppets. Hindenburg’s attitude changed once more — 
the old weather-cock was veering from point to point in 
these fatal days — and just after the Finance Bill was passed, 
he warned Bruning that he would at once summon the party 
leaders to form a new Cabinet. Bruning rephed that he 
would hke to go at once to the Reichstag and amiounce the 
President’s intention. Hindenburg immediately abandoned 
the idea. At the same moment, in the Reichstag, the 
Nationalist deputies, taking their cue from Hindenburg’s 
letter of April 16, urged fiercely upon Grbner the suppres- 
sion of the Reichshanner. Groner was a sick man, his voice 
was faihng, yet, in a speech full of courage and determina- 
tion, dehvered in the teeth of continued interruption, he 
refused to take action against an organization which he 
beheved to be neither dangerous nor subversive. 

The sequel was swift and dramatic. As Groner concluded 
his speech and sank exhausted into his chair, Schleicher 
and Hammerstein appeared beside him on the ministerial 
bench, and with cold brutahty informed him that he no 
longer enjoyed the confidence of the Reichswehr and must 
resign immediately.^ Groner was thunderstruck. He had 

^ Not till years later did tie army leaders who iad been consulted 
by telephone realize that Schleicher had duped them and lied in his 



cherislied Schleicher as a son and had purposed resigning 
the Ministry of Defence to him in the near future. Over- 
whelmed by such desertion and treachery, he appealed to 
Hindenburg, but, as he might have known, the Marshal 
“could do nothing for him”. It was the inevitable sequel to 
Spa and to Kolberg, and to Greiner had come the fate of 
Ludendorff, of Wilhelm II, and of others. Yet, in his hour 
of hitter humiliation, there came a crumb of consolation. By 
devious means there came to him a remark which the Em- 
peror had made to a member of his suite in Doom: “Tell 
Groner he has my full sympathy; I always expected that this 
would happen”. Wilhelm II had not forgotten Spa, but he 
Imew now where the responsibility lay. 

A week after Groner’s fall Briining sent for Schleicher, 
and gave himself the satisfaction of telhng the General 
frankly what he thought of him. He also told him that, 
having undermined the confidence of the army in Groner, 
he must take over the Defence Ministry himself. 

“I wiU,” Schleicher rephed, “but not in your Govern- 
ment.” In the Chancellor’s library, that same room in which 
Bismarck had planned the greatness of the German Em- 
pire, they talked for hours, each unwilling to break off the 
battle; Bruning because he had long desired to speak his 
mind to this man, Schleicher because he hated to leave the 
field to Bruning. They made a strange contrast, these two 
who had fought through the war, and wore each the Iron 
Cross, Eirst Class. Briining, the scholar-paladin, with the 
light of honest anger shining in his eyes, and Schleicher, the 
dandy officer, who could not meet the stern gaze of the 

At last, as the light of a new day struggled through the 
curtained windows, Bruning brought the conversation to a 

representation of tte case against Groner. Many of them subsequently 
sought out the latter in his retirement and explained sadly that, had 
they been fuUy and accurately informed of the facts, they would never 
have thus deserted him. 



close on a note of proptecy. Sctileiclier was leaning against 
a bookcase, his face pale and haggard, sweating slightly; 
Briining stood in front of him. 

“The difference between ns as soldiers”, he said, “was 
that I fought in the line and you served on the Staff. In the 
line, with the machine-gun corps, we learned to control our 
nerves and to hold our fire sometimes till the enemy were 
almost on us. At the end of the war it was G.H.Q., not the 
army, that lost its head in a panic. We would have fought 
on, it was you who threw up your hands. And when the time 
comes, you, G-eneral von Schleicher, will give up your battle 
before it is lost and you will become caught in your own 

At that moment, standing upon the threshold of his own 
defeat, Briining appeared to have been gifted with the 
power of second sight, for within six months Schleicher had 
risen to the highest ofS.ce and fallen therefrom, and in two 
years he had been murdered, a victim of his own scheming. 

With the resignation of Groner on May 12, the life of the 
Briining Cabinet began to ebb swiftly away. Nor did 
Schleicher give it breathing-space to nurse its wounds. Lest 
the Chancellor should exercise his influence on the President, 
Hindenburg was again hurried off to Neudeck. Before the 
President left Berlin, Briining informed him in detail of the 
negotiations then in process between the Centre Party and 
the Nazis for the formation of a government in Prussia. The 
great anxiety of all was that while the National Socialists 
should receive a taste of the burden of government, they 
should not gain control of the Prussian police force, and, to 
obviate any danger of this, Briining had prepared a decree 
whereby the police of all the Federal States, with the excep- 
tion of Bavaria, Wiirttemberg, and Baden, should be placed 
under the Reich Ministry of Interior. It was his further 
plan to unite the premiership of Prussia with the office of 
the Chancellor, as had been the case under Bismarck, but 
he did not yet consider the moment ripe for this step. 



To these suggestions Hindenburg listened with a certain 
interest but with little enthusiasm. Even with these safe- 
guards he declined definitely to give the Nazis power in 
Prussia, believing, on the advice of Schleicher, that the 
Nazis might be prepared to tolerate a new government in 
the Reich and in Prussia without participating in it, on the 
condition that the Storm Troopers should be reinstated. 
In vain the Chancellor tried to persuade Hindenburg that 
Hitler could never accept such a solution, which would 
mean pohtical suicide for him. The President set aside this 
argument with a single sentence : “I will have their word of 
honour”. He closed the conversation by saying that he 
needed time to consider these points, and, regardless of the 
fact that every day was of vital importance to the plans 
of his Chancellor, he gave him strict orders that no further 
decrees were to be promulgated and no changes made in 
either the Reich or Prussian Cabinets tiU his return. 

The air of Berhn hummed with rumour and intrigue; one 
paper gave a list of the conspirators against the Government, 
which even included the private secretary of the Chancellor, 
who had previously been an officer of Schleicher’s. The 
General was in continual touch with the Nazis — Goebbels’ 
diary, which, though unreliable generally as a chronicle, 
may be trusted in this respect, shows that throughout the 
month the leaders of the party were in constant communica- 
tion with Schleicher and other “gentlemen of the President’s 
circle” — and by the fourth week of May not only the date 
of the Chancellor’s dismissal was known to them, but also the 
composition of the new Cabinet. Bruning himself heard of it 
at a reception given in honour of the eldest son of Ibn Saud, 
when he was told that the French Ambassador had blandly 
asked a journahst when Herr von Papen would take office. 

Through this veil of darkness there shone one slender ray 
of hope for Bruning. Tardieu had fallen in the General Elec- 
tion of May 8, and there was just the chance that his 
successor, Herriot, might prove more receptive of the pro- 



posals whicli the Chancellor had put forward at Geneva. 
Briining knew that Mr. Gibson, the American Minister at 
Brussels, was keeping in close touch with the situation, and 
might prevail on the new French Government to reopen 
negotiations on this basis. Fortified by this shght hope, he 
continued his preparations for the Lausanne Conference, 
now only six weeks away, and at the same time took further 
steps to safeguard the economic fife of Germany. 

Among the new measures which the Chancellor was now 
about to bring forward were the final steps to readjust the 
budget of the municipalities and the Social Insurance in- 
stitutions. It was considered to be the last step on the road 
of deflation which was forced upon Germany by the large 
withdrawal of foreign short-term capital. As stocks were 
liquidated, and as since February the orders on the books 
of the large industrial Jfirms had increased, the Chancellor 
thought that the time was ripe to start with a moderate 
credit expansion, and to finance by that means new employ- 
ment. Two special measures were considered as most urgent: 
the reconstruction of roads and the breaking-up of banlcrupt 
estates in the Eastern Provinces. This was the celebrated 
plan for the expropriation, with generous compensation, 
of certain bankrupt estates and the settlement thereon of 
smaU-holders, or their use for afforestation. Despite the 
protests and threats of the Landbund, Briining had per- 
sisted with his measure as being essential to the whole 
agricultural situation in Germany, and he now included it 
in the batch of decrees which Meissner was to take to 
Neudeck for the President’s consideration. 

In the calmer atmosphere of his estate Hindenburg had 
again swung around to the side of his Chancellor, and when 
Meissner returned to Berlin he was able to tell Briining that 
the President had provisionally consented to sign the 
decrees. Briining thought of going to Neudeck to talk over 
the whole situation with the Old Man, but Meissner dis- 
suaded him, pointing out that the President would now be 



prepared to sign the decrees. The President would be re- 
turning to the Palace in a couple of days, he said, and it 
would be better if the Chancellor waited till then to see him. 
He himself was not going back to Neudeck. Briining agreed, 
and to this day it is uncertain whether Meissner was honest 
in his advice. Was he keeping Briining from the President 
in order that further influence, unfavourable to the Chan- 
cellor, might be brought to bear on him, or was he for the 
moment satisfied that Bruning’s interests were better served 
by awaiting the Old Gentleman’s arrival in Berlin ? Here 
lies one of the impenetrable mysteries with which this 
period of German history is beset, but, whatever the answer, 
the sequel was significant. 

Whether Meissner told Schleicher of the change in Hinden- 
burg’s attitude, or whether the conversation with Briining 
was reported to the General by one of the spies which he 
maintained in the Chancellor’s office, is for practical pur- 
poses immaterial. The important fact was that Schleicher 
that night (May 26) left secretly for Neudeck to Avind the 
President up once more for the final overthrow of the 
Chancellor. History was repeating itself ironically. Just 
sixteen years before, in the summer of 1916, Ludendorff 
and Hoffmann had administered a last '’‘gingering-up” to 
Hindenburg before that final journey to Pless, which was to 
end in the faU of Falkenhayn; so now Schleicher worked on 
the Marshal’s feelings and briefed him for the interview 
which was to mark the faU of Briining. The scene and the 
supernumerary actors had changed; only the central figure 
remained, outlasting them aU, gigantic and, seemingly, 

Yet, between this secret visit to Neudeck and the fiual 
sequel three days later, there occurred another event which, 
almost incomprehensible in its nature, enhances the enigma 
of Kurt von Schleicher. The General was not entirely certain 
of the success of his mission to the President. He had found 
Hindenburg even better disposed towards Briining than 



lie had feared, and, though the Old Gentleman had listened 
to Schleieher’s arguments and had appeared to agree with 
them, Schleicher was uncertain as to how far the President 
had become convinced of the necessity of dismissing the 
Chancellor. He knew very well — who better? — how change- 
able was the mind of Bbndenburg, and he was by no means 
sure what the state of that mind would be when Hindenburg 
returned to Berhn, nor how it would be afiected by a 
conversation with Briining. 

Scarcely had Schleicher reached the capital on May 28, 
therefore, when he made certain advances to Briining for a 
reconcihation. It was the old story of changing his coat 
when he thought his position was endangered. He was no 
friend of the Nazis and no friend of Bruning’s, but he feared 
that, if Briining should regain the confidence of the President, 
his own position would be appreciably weakened. But this 
time things had gone too far, and Briining, though he had 
always pitied Schleicher rather than hated him, could not 
agree to forgive and forget. He knew weU enough that the 
General would change again on the shghtest provocation 
and with as httle warning or hesitation. 

To Schleicher’s emissary herephed, therefore, that, if the 
General could discover a way to start again the negotiations 
between the Centre and the Nazis in Prussia, which by his 
intrigues with Rohm he had so flagrantly destroyed, the 
Chancellor would receive him, but he must have Schleicher’s 
answer by the evening. By this means Briining had avoided 
a trap and placed Schleicher on the defensive, for the General 
was too astute not to realize that by his own actions he had 
rendered all hope of resuming negotiations in Prussia impos- 
sible. Rebuffed and furious, Schleicher then devoted his 
whole energy to maintaining Hindenburg’s mind and soul in 
opposition to his Chancellor. 

On May 28 Schleicher and Meissner were not at all sure 
about the definite decision of the President. Meissner went 
to see the Chancellor and asked him , if he was prepared 


to stay in office on condition tfiat tfie President would 
guarantee fiim that the Nationalist and. National Socialist 
Parties would tolerate him. The Chancellor was not sure if 
this ofier was not a trap for him. He replied that toleration 
of a government by the National Sociahsts was in his eyes 
not a realistic proposition. He had no intention of changing 
the Government in the Reich, but he was prepared to have 
coalition Ministries in the Federal States, to find out if the 
Nazis really were prepared to share responsibility, on con- 
dition that nowhere should they have the police in their 
hands. Meissner made it clear that the President wanted 
the Chancellor to drop nearly all the members of his Cabinet. 
This the Chancellor refused to do. 

On the morning of Sunday, May 29, Bruning was sum- 
moned to the presence. It would, he knew, be the final game 
of the rubber, that long dreary contest in which he had 
given all his strength ungrudgingly only to meet defeat at 
the end. He was not, however, in view of Meissner’s message, 
prepared for the coolness of his reception. Hindenburg 
barely acknowledged his greeting. The Old Gentleman 
seemed disconcerted and ill at ease, as he always was when 
playing a part. He cut short Briining’s opening sentence, 
and, putting on his spectacles, began to speak from a sheaf 
of notes which shook in his old hands. 

The two confronted each other, as they had so often done 
before during those two fateful years; President and Chan- 
cellor, Field-Marshal and machine-gun oflS.cer. Generations 
and traditions separated them, and they moved in difierent 
worlds, each speaking a language the other could not 
understand. Yet with a strange veneration Bruning had 
trusted and admired Hindenburg, and Hindenburg had 
once showed confidence in Bruning. Now all that was 
over, and Bruning was to follow the road over which 
Wilhelm II, Ludendorff, Hoffmann, and Grbner had passed 
before him. 

The Marshal began to read a series of set statements 



which had evidently been jotted down as headings and 
notes for a more formal address. 

“Yon have Bolshevik Ministers in your Government and 
they persuade you to make this Bolshevik poHcy,” he began. 
The reference was to Stegerwald. 

The Chancellor started to reply, but Hindenburg cut 
short his explanation. He went on rasping out his staccato 

“The Government has not been authorized by me to 
promulgate any new decrees.” 

Again Bruning sought to answer, but again he was swept 
aside. After the next remark, however, he waited and 
allowed Hindenburg’s allegations to pass unchallenged. 
When the Marshal had got to the end of his brief, Bruning 
again began a defence of his policy and, for nearly an hour, 
they argued back and forth. At the close, Bruning asked 
a direct question. “Do you wish me to resign?” The Old 
Gentleman would not give a direct answer. “It is against 
my conscience to keep a Cabinet which is so unpopular; it 
must go as soon as possible. But you must remain as Foreign 
Minister in a new Government, as Stresemann did. That is 
your duty.” 

The parallel was an unfair one. Stresemann had never 
been asked to abandon his friends and to keep oflBice himself. 
He had never attained in internal affairs the same pre- 
eminence as Bruning. Had it been a question of merely 
maintaining a continuity of foreign policy, Bruning might 
have remained, but to have done so under the given cir- 
cumstances would have been to betray his colleagues. The 
suggestion, which was undoubtedly Hindenburg’s own, was 
typical of him, for in thus following the path of “duty” 
himself he could have hushed his conscience in the clash of 
loyalties. That Bruning rejected it, and with anger, was 
equally characteristic; his friends came first with him and 
his conception of loyalty was altogether different. 

“I, too, have a conscience,” he retorted to the President, 



“and it forbids me, at a moment when the State is in peril, 
to change my mind every day.” And with that he took his 
leave, a Chancellor ad interim. 

The Cabinet met to decide its course of action, which, 
after the interview with the President, could only be 

Dawn was already far advanced when Bruning retired to 
rest, yet by half-past 8 he was again at his writing-table. 
The day was perfect — a May morning of blue and gold, a 
day on which things should have not an end but a beginning. 
Sixteen years before on a May evening, shrouded in mist, 
the fleets of Britain and Germany had fought at Jutland 
and the issue had been acclaimed a victory by both. In 
honour of this engagement the guard at the President’s 
Palace was mounted by naval ratings for the week of the 
anniversary, and at this noon of May 30, 1932, they would 
take over from the Reichswehr. The thought crossed Brun- 
ing’s mind as he sat at his table, but his attention was in- 
stantly diverted by the voice of his secretary. The American 
Ambassador, it appeared, wished to see him immediately 
upon urgent business. By 9 o’clock the Ambassador was 
with him and Fate had dealt Bruning a further ironic blow. 

That for which he had dreamed and planned was at last 
within his grasp and now he was powerless to seize it. For 
the news which the Ambassador brought was none other 
than that France had reconsidered her view on disarma- 
ment. Hugh Gibson had met Herriot at Lyons and had 
there persuaded him that the proposals, which Bruning had 
made at Geneva and which Tardieu had refused to discuss, 
presented in reality a sound and honest basis of negotiation. 
He had written as much to the Ambassador, who had come 
at once to Bruning, in view, as he said, of the internal and 
external importance of the news to the Chancellor. For the 
purport of Mr. Gibson’s message was; “Persuade Bruning to 
return to Geneva as soon as possible, for there is every 
prospect of his speedy success there”. 



Here is one of the great “ifs” of history. Had Mr. Gibson’s 
news arrived but twenty-four hours earher, the destiny of 
Germany, and of Europe, might well have been changed, 
and the name of Bruning might have been numbered 
amongst those great ones who succeeded, instead of among 
those who went down fighting. Now, however, he could 
only thank the Ambassador for his swift action and com- 
municate the news to the permanent head of the Foreign 

But hardly had the Ambassador taken his leave when the 
purport of his visit was known to Meissner and Schleicher. 
The latter’s spies were everywhere and the Chancellor’s own 
room was not free from their surveyance. The Camarilla, 
who knew the President as well as, or even better than, the 
Chancellor, at once took action to prevent Bruning from 
using this new information to win once more the confidence 
of PQndenburg. A sudden telephone message informed the 
Chancellor that his audience had been postponed from 10.30 
to 11.55 — and at noon it was the Marshal’s habit to inspect 
the Shagerakwache. 

Bruning saw what would happen. He was to be dismissed 
without a hearing and he prepared to accept his fate with 
dignity. With head held high and erect as if on parade, 
perhaps again, in his imagination, wearing field-grey, he 
stood before the Marshal at the appointed hour. Hinden- 
burg spoke no word of compunction or gratitude; he 
mumbled his sentences, and spoke again of duty and 
honour and his conscience. But now it was Bruning who 
cut him short. 

“I too have my name and my honour, Herr Reichs- 
prdsident, and I give you the resignation of my 

As Hindenburg began to reply, an aide-de-camp entered, 
from without came the blare of trumpets of the Skagerak- 
wache, and the tramp of their feet sounded in the court 
below. The Old Man grasped his stick and started for the 



door; as lie passed Bruning witliout a glance, he muttered, 
“Now I can have a Cabinet of my friends”. 

And the man who had been “the best Chancellor since 
Bismarck” walked out into the sunhght of the garden with 
the sound of the trumpets in his ears.^ 


Franz von Papen. This was the name which, for weeks 
past, Schleicher had been whispering into the ears of his 
fellow conspirators. To the President, to the Herrenklub, to 
the Landbund, to the Nationahsts, to the Nazis, and to the 
French Ambassador, Schleicher had commended Papen as 
the man whom Germany most needed at this moment, by 
which he meant the man who would best do his, Schleicher’s, 
bidding, for the General fancied himself as a maker and 
breaker of Chancellors. 

Fifty-three years old at the time, Franz von Papen had 
already been a figure, if a notorious one, in international 
affairs. As military attache at Washington he had been ex- 
pelled in 1916, with his naval colleague. Captain Boy-Ed, for 
actmties of sabotage in American munition works and other 
abuses of diplomatic privileges. Deported to Germany, Papen 
made the error of beheving that his personal safe-conduct 
also covered his luggage. The ship on which he was travel- 
ling was stopped and searched by a British warship, and 

1 Having had practically no rest for a week, Brnning went immedi- 
ately to bed and slept for nearly twenty-four hours on end. When he 
awoke it was to find a further ironic repetition of history As, in 1917, 
the Supreme Command had ofiered the Embassy at Constantinople to 
the fallen Bethmann Hollweg, so now the new Government requested 
Briimng to become Ambassador in London. In each case the refusal was 
the same, and because of his unwillingness to be removed from the politi- 
cal sphere, the new Foreign Minister allowed a rumour to reach the press 
that Bruning was sufiering from a nervous breakdown. This was com- 
pletely untrue The writer was with the ex-Chancellor within a week of 
his dismissal and was particularly struck by his good health and spirits. 



amongst his correspondence was discovered the Ml proof 
of his guilt, the details of his work with Secret Service 
agents in America and the counterfoils of the cheques with 
which they had been paid. All this material was made pubhc 
in a White Paper, but additions to the collection were 
thoughtfully contributed by Papen himself. Arrived back 
in Germany, he wrote to friends treating the matter lightly, 
as the British could not know of certain other contacts, 
which he named; this letter in turn fell into hands for which 
it was not meant. 

It may be justifiably argued that such a background was 
scarcely a qualification to take over control of the destinies 
of Germany at a moment of acute tension. But Papen’s 
American achievements were practically unknown to his 
own countrymen, who learnt of them with interest and sur- 
prise when pubhshed by the press of the world on his ap- 
pointment as Chancellor. 

In Germany Papen was known as a member of the West- 
phahan Cathohc nobihty, who by marriage had acquired 
large industrial interests in the Saar territory. Primarily, 
however, his claim to fame was as a gentleman rider, and a 
prominent member of the Herrenreiter-Verbaiid and of the 
Union-Klub. In truth he was an excellent and fearless horse- 
man, but with an unfortunate penchant for rushing his 
fences, a tendency which he carried into his pohtical life. As 
a member of the Centre Party he had been elected to the 
Prussian Landtag, but had failed to earn the confidence of 
his colleagues to any marked degree. At one moment there 
was a proposal to put him on the fist for election to the 
Reichstag, but this met with unyielding opposition from the 
veteran leader of the Party. 

“But why do you object so strongly to Herr von Papen?” 
his supporters asked. 

“I am too old to have to give reasons,” was the reply, 
“but I will not have him in the Reichstag.” 

- Witty, excellent company, and of very considerable per- 



sonal charm, Papen was a well-known favourite in the social 
world and in such poHtical circles as the Herrenhlub of 
Berhn, and it was here that Schleicher picked him as his 
nominee to succeed Briining. In making his choice he had 
a number of factors in mind. Papen was a member of the 
Centre and played a certain part in the direction of the party 
journal, Germania. By replacing one Centrist Chancellor by 
another, it was Schleicher’s plan to split the party and 
thereby destroy it as a pohtical factor. In addition, tlnough 
his wife’s interests in the Saar, Papen had many intimate 
contacts with the French and was an ardent exponent of the 
idea of a Franco-German industrial rapprochement and a 
mihtary alhance against the Soviet Union. Here lay a reason 
for Sclileicher’s advice to the French Ambassador that 
Briining’s successor would prove more amenable to French 

This, then, was the Man of Shadows whom Schleicher 
brought to Hindenburg in exchange for the great person- 
ality of Heinrich Briining, and the President accepted him 
without demur. Well might Briining reflect bitterly that 
“Hindenburg thinks no more of taking on a new Chancellor 
than of changing his Chief of Stafi”. But to the President 
himself he was more subtle. On the occasion of his formal 
caU of resignation some days later, he told the Marshal he 
was dehghted to see him in such good health, as he wordd 
need aU his strength for the trials that were ahead of him. 

One of the more extraordinary episodes of Hindenburg’s 
long life is his relation with Papen, for, of the seven Chan- 
cellors who served him, there is no doubt that none so 
much enjoyed his confidence as did this strange little man. 
With the volatflity of a bird, the subUme confidence of the 
amateur, and the ineffable valour of ignorance, “Franzchen” 
won the heart of the Old Man, where Muller, Marx, and 
Briining had failed, and retained his affection to the end. 
Indeed, Papen owes his fife to Hindenburg. 

Their first contact had been fortunate. Hindenburg 

O T\ 



recollected — or it was recalled to him by his “ofhcial 
remembrancer” — ^the telegram which Papen had sent him 
on his fiist election in 1926, and he was attracted by the 
fact that, in contrast to Briining, Papen had for years 
endeavoured to break the coimection of the Centre Party 
with the Left and to build up a Catholic Conservative 
movement. Hindenburg was pleased with the personal 
charm of Papen. Here was another sort of soldier, not 
the cold realistic view of the machine-gun ofi&cer, but the 
debonair gaiety of the cavalry captain. Papen made the 
Old Gentleman laugh, he took him back to his own young 
days as a subaltern. Moreover he flattered him, as Briining 
had never done, and traded on the natural patronizing 
affection of the very old for the no longer young. 

The Marshal entered almost enthusiastically into this 
new erperiment in government and set about picking his 
Cabinet with a reawakened zest. The Chancellor invited 
nearly aU. the members of the Briining Cabinet, whose 
resignation two days earher the President had urged, to 
join his new Cabinet. He received unanimous refusals, 
whereupon the President forced Civil Servants to accept 
seats in the Cabinet. To one he appealed on his knightly 
oath as a Wiirttemberg nobleman, to another on his oath 
as a Prussian officer, while in the case of a third, a com- 
petent Civil Servant who doubted his abiUty to assume 
Cabinet responsibihties, the President gave six hours 
in which to decide whether he would accept promotigir 
or dismissal. As a result, on June 1, the new Presidential 
Government was announced to an astonished world. 
Within six weeks of his re-election by over nineteen milli on 
votes of the Left and Centre, Hindenburg appointed a 
Cabinet of which seven Ministers were of the nobility with 
defimtely Right affiliations, and in which, for the first time 
since 1918, there was no representative of organized labour. 
To such an extremity had the path of duty led him. 

The new Government, in which Schleicher, as Minister of 



Defence, was tlie dominant force, tad no support in tte 
Reichstag apart from the Nationalist Party, for the Centre 
had remained solidly loyal to Briining and had by a unani- 
mous vote expelled Papen from its midst. The Chancellor 
depended upon the goodwill of the President, the armed 
forces of the State, and the unrehable backing of the National 
Socialists, who were prepared to “tolerate” the new regime 
in return for the promise of the raising of the ban on the 
S.A. and S.S., and of new elections in which they justifiably 
expected to make great gains. It was with this promise of 
toleration, which Schleicher and Meissner had extractedfrom 
Hitler, that Schleicher had made such play in persuading 
Hindenburg to appoint the new Government. Briining had 
failed either to control, placate, or destroy the Nazi Party; 
Schleicher and Papen, the General had promised Hinden- 
burg, would certainly achieve either the first or the last, 
but to do either it was necessary to use the middle course. 

From Hitler’s point of view the plan was eminently 
satisfactory. He received much and gave little in return, 
for he regarded the whole affair merely as a means whereby 
his Trojan Horse might gain admission within the walls. 
Once this was accomplished. Hitler would unhesitatingly 
break the pledges given to his aUies. Had either Papen or 
Schleicher taken the trouble to study that illuminating 
work Mein Kampf, they would have found therein, set out 
for all to read, the Fuhrer’s thesis that “The Strong Man is 
strongest when alone”, and had they read further they 
might web. have hesitated before trusting the word of a 
political leader who so frankly stated that “no really great 
achievement has ever been effected by coalitions, but has 
been due to the triumph of one individual man . . . the 
national State, therefore, will only be created by the 
adamantine wiU-power of a single movement, after that 
movement has won through, haAung defeated all others”. 

Hindenburg, however, was delighted with the new turn 
of events. He now moved once more among those whom 



once he had called his friends but who subsequently had re- 
viled him. The former generals and officials of the old regime 
now flocked to the Palace, and the President again became 
the venerable and respected head of the Nationalists. No 
wonder his afiection went out toward the Chancellor who 
had efiected this reconciliation. Papen had indeed become 
the “white-headed boy” of the Palace. Nevertheless the 
President was shrewd enough to doubt the capability of the 
new Chancellor. On the very day of the latter’s nomination he 
told a visitor: “Now at least I have a Cabinet of my friends, 
but I am afraid it will not function under this Chancellor”. 

The President saw clearly that the Chancellor had 
singularly little following in the country, and no previous 
Government had showed itself to be so bankrupt of original 
ideas as this “Cabinet of Barons”. Its entire foreign policy 
was inherited from its predecessor, Papen reaping the 
reward that should have been Briining’s; while at home he 
could do no more than put into force the decrees found 
ready drafted in the pigeon-holes of Bruning’s writing- 
table. The only original contribution made by the Papen 
Government itself was the singular lack of adroitness with 
which the measures were executed. 

From the first there was little pretence of toleration by 
the Nazis. Their relations with the Government became 
strained almost at once, when the withdrawal of the 
prohibition of the S.A. and S.S. was delayed for a fortnight 
after the change of regime. Both Papen and Schleicher- 
were taken seriously to task by Hitler for this delay, and 
were warned that resentment against the Government and 
discontent were rising in the ranks of the party. Nor was 
this criticism allayed by Papen’s personal success at 
Lausanne, where, as a result of Bruning’s diplomacy, he 
achieved the cancellation of reparations, except for the 
nominal payment of three milliard marks. The extreme 
elements in the Nazi Party took advantage of this oppor- 
tunity to make a fierce attack on the Government. At a 



mass meeting of over a hundred thousand on July 9, in 
front of the Berlin Schloss, Count Helldorf declared that 
the confidence which many Germans had given to the 
Papen Government had been misplaced. “Revealing in- 
comprehensible weakness, Herr von Papen has approved 
proposals which we hberty-loving Germans never endorsed” ; 
and Goebbels added that the National Socialist Party did 
not consider itself bound by the Lausanne Agreement, 
since Papen had no authority to sign it. 

Disturbed at this attitude on the part of those whom he 
had been assured would support him loyally, Papen took 
measures calculated both to appease the Nazis and to de- 
monstrate his own independence of spirit. On July 28 the 
German Government made a protest — all too well justified, 
alas — against the disregard of the Disarmament Conference 
for German aspirations for equality, and threatened to 
withdraw from the Conference altogether if more con- 
sideration were not given to German aims, a threat which 
was made good two months later. It was hoped that this 
step would increase the prestige of the Government both 
at home and abroad, where Papen had failed signally to 
win that confidence which Herriot had been prepared to 
give to Bruning. 

Papen’s second manceuvre was intended to please the 
Nazis and at the same time to steal their anti-Marxist 
thunder. Since the Prussian elections of April 24, in which 
the Left had lost heavily to the Nazis, the Sociahst Cabinet of 
Braun and Severing had continued to discharge the functions 
of government pending the formation of a further coahtion. 
For, though they were the largest party in the Diet, the 
National Sociahsts had no clear majority, and only by ally- 
ing themselves with the Centre could they form a govern- 
ment. For months abortive negotiations had taken place 
and, in the meantime, the Socialist ministers acted ad 
interim, confining themselves to the maintenance and con- 
duct of routine business. To overthrow the Braun Govern- 



mentj thought Papen, would serve a number of useful ends. 
It would please the President, who, since the formation of 
the new Cabinet, had turned his back upon his electors of 
three months before; it would placate the Nazis, who could 
scarcely oppose any assault upon Marxism, and it would, 
at the same time, take the wind from their sails; more im- 
portant than all, however, it would place the control of the 
Prussian police, one of the most efficient forces in the world, 
in the hands of the Government of the Reich. 

Among the draft decrees and proposals which Papen 
had inherited from his predecessor was one which outlined 
a form of government in Prussia whereby the office of 
Prime Minister was vested in the Chancellor of the Reich. 
Braim himself had offered to resign the Prussian Premier- 
ship to Briining, if such an identification of offices would 
prove an added bulwark against National Sociahsm, and, 
though the Chancellor had then refused, he had prepared a 
plan by which the Nazis might one day be given a share of 
responsibility, but only with the police and the Premiership 
safely in the hands of the Reich. 

It was this plan that Papen now found and put into 
force, regardless either of its significance or its original 
intention. There resulted, on July 20, the Rape of Prussia, 
and one of the dreams of old Oldenburg-Januschau came 
true. From the earliest beginnings of parliamentary govern- 
ment in Germany, that veteran had declared that the 
Reichstag must never get so strong that it could not be 
turned out by a lieutenant and ten men. He had now hved" 
to see his prophecy fulfilled. 

Papen, Schleicher, and Meissner brought the news to 
Hindenburg that Braun’s Government was conducting 
affairs without parliamentary authority and was particularly 
tolerant of the activities of the Communist Party in Prussia. 
It was therefore proposed to dismiss them summarily, if 
necessary evicting them by force, and to replace them by a 
Cabinet of officials presided over by Papen himself as Prime 


Minister and Reichskommissar, with. Dr. Franz Bracht, the 
Bhrgermeister of Essen, as his deputy. 

Hindenburg forgot that the man against whom this coup 
was being directed, Otto Braun, had pleaded with him to 
remain President, and, with Briining, had worked feverishly 
for his re-election. He did not concern himself with the 
legahty of the proposed action. He was becoming obsessed 
with a loathing of the word Marxist, loosely used by his 
entourage to describe anyone from a rabid Communist to 
an innocuous pacifist, and he dishked the feeling of obliga- 
tion. He owed his re-election to the efiorts of Briining and 
Braun, and to the votes of the Centre and the Socialists. 
Briining had gone, Braun must go, and Prussia, Hinden- 
burg’s Prussia, must be purged of the Socialist taint which 
had held to it for the past twelve years. 

The President’s agreement was, therefore, gladly given 
to the plans of Papen and Schleicher. Martial law was pro- 
claimed throughout the miUtary district of the Mark, the 
Sociahst Ministers were dismissed, and those of them and of 
their officials who refused to leave were placed under arrest. 
Among them was the Berhn Prefect of Police, that same 
Grzesinski who, at Cassel in November 1918, had wel- 
comed the defeated Marshal with the words: “Hindenburg 
is f ulfillin g his duty to-day in a manner which endears bim 
to us as never before. Hindenburg belongs to the German 
nation. ...” The Marshal was still doing his duty, but some- 
how it had ah got a little mixed. 

Within a week practically every outspoken Republican 
in the upper ranks of the Prussian Administration had been 
peremptorily turned out of office and replaced by a man of 
the Right. Even former officials, who had lost their position 
in 1920 through comphcity in the Kapp 'putsch, were re- 
instated in office. The Weimar Constitution, which Hinden- 
burg had twice sworn to defend, was rocking upon its 
foundations, and the blows that assailed it were struck with 
his authority and consent. He was now firmly convinced 



that only by presidial government, apart from and above 
the Reichstag, could Germany be saved. It was his duty, 
his friends never ceased to teU him so, to rescue Germany 
from the Marxist danger which threatened to undermine 
her moral life, and, if the existing Constitution could 
not protect Germany, then another must be devised. 
Papen sought to allay the fears of the purists by promis- 
ing that any reforms would only be applied in a legal 
manner, but the real intention of the group surrounding 
the President was voiced again by that incorrigible octo- 
genarian die-hard, Oldenburg-Januschau, who, having, with 
the revival of oligarchy, taken on a new lease of life, de- 
clared pubhcly that he and his friends would “brand the 
German people with a new Constitution that would take 
away its sight and hearing”. 

To many it came as a surprise that the forces of Social 
Democracy had not shown greater fight in defence of their 
principles, and particularly in the case of Prussia. Here 
again the hand of Schleicher is to be found. He had always 
been on good terms with the Trade Union leaders and had 
looked upon their organizations as the reservoirs of man- 
power on which almost unlimited draughts could be made. 
But, like most of the General’s friends, they sufiered from 
his duplicity. Schleicher, when the Papen Government took 
office, assured the Trade Union Readers that he was in no 
way planning to bring the National Sociahsts into power. AU 
that he proposed to give them was the right to reorganize 
the S.A. and S.S. Nothing more. Indeed, said Schleicher, he" 
was far more the friend of the Trade Unions than of the 
Nazis. His real aim, he declared, was to get rid of the Reichs- 
tag and to replace it by a form of corporative parliament, 
based largely upon the Trade Unions. It was no longer 
possible to save the pohtical parties, which were doomed 
through their own ineptitude, but their place must be 
taken by the great gmlds of organized labour, in whose 
hands the constitutional powers of Parliament must he. 



With, these promises and visions Schleicher was able to 
spht the forces of the Left, for, whereas the Social Democrat 
Party frankly disbeheved him and set about putting their 
mihtant organization, the Reichsbanner, on a fighting basis, 
the Trade Union leaders were beguiled by his words. The 
spell even lasted after the Rape of Prussia. The Social 
Democrats were prepared to caU a general strike immedi- 
ately, to meet force with force, but the Trade Union leaders, 
still trusting bhndly in the word of Schleicher, prevailed 
upon their members to wait for the promised millennium. 

Despite aU his efforts to woo his “tolerant” allies, Papen 
failed signally to win them. In the course of the campaign 
which preceded the General Election of July 31 , 1932 , the 
Nazis assailed the Government with as much enthusiasm 
as did the Sociahsts, the Communists, and the Centre, and 
“Down with the Cabinet of Barons” became an election 
slogan common to aU parties save the Nationahsts. 

One member of the Government alone escaped the insults 
of the Nazis. General von Schleicher was notably omitted 
from all attacks on his ministerial colleagues. Though Hitler 
despised Papen and had broken his troth with him, he still 
had a use for the man who, as Minister of Defence, con- 
trolled the mihtary power of Germany and who had over- 
thrown Briining and Groner for the sake of the Brown 
Army. The Fuhrer had ambitions for the future which he 
intended that Schleicher should help him to fulfil. 

At the close of a campaign in which violence of every kind 
was more prevalent than at any time since 1918 — ^in the 
street fighting at Altona on July 17 , for example, twelve 
Nazis and Communists were killed — the result of the polls 
was a stalemate. The National Sociahsts, though they 
increased the number of them deputies from 107 to 230 , 
two-fifths of the whole house, were not able to add very 
greatly to the number of votes which Hitler had polled in 
the second presidential ballot, whereas the Communists, 
who captured 89 seats, becoming the third largest party in 



the Reichstag, increased their poll by nearly two millions. 
Yet the result was outstandingly a defeat for the Papen 
Government. The Kationalists and the German People’s 
Party, the only groups upon which it could unhesitatingly 
depend for support, could muster only forty-four deputies 
between them; whereas the Nazis in alliance with the 75 
deputies of the Centre — if such support should be forth- 
coming — could command an absolute majority and decide 
the fate of any parliamentary government. On the other 
hand, Hitler’s success gave him the claim that, even in 
defiance of the Constitution and against the law, the Presi- 
dent should appoint him to the Government and retain 
him in it. 

It was this line that the Fuhrer proposed to take. A few 
days after the elections he had a rendezvous with Schleicher 
at the barracks of Fiirstenberg and there outlined to him 
the terms of an offer to be made to the President; for himself. 
Hitler demanded the Chancellorship, and for his followers, 
the Premiership of Prussia, the Reich and Prussian Minis- 
tries of the Interior, and the Ministry of Justice. Schleicher 
would remain Minister of Defence, and there was some talk 
of the Vice-ChanceUorship. The name of Papen was not 
mentioned in the shadow Cabinet. 

Hitler was so weU satisfied with his conversation with 
Schleicher that he seriously suggested that a memorial 
tablet should be let into the wall of the house in which they 
had talked; “Here the memorable conference between Adolf 
Hitler and General von Schleicher took place”. In less than 
two years’ time he had accepted the responsibihty for 
Schleicher’s murder. 

In the dehghted conviction that only a few days now 
separated him from the Chancellorship, Hitler departed for 
Munich, leaving Schleicher to make good his promises with 
Hindenburg and Papen. Here the General found unexpected 
but unyielding opposition. The President, as in all previous 
years, refused to have a National Sociahst in the Govern- 



ment, and Papen tad not tte sligttest intention of resign- 
ing in Hitler’s favour. Quite unperturbed by the result 
of tte elections, te was preparing to enjoy tte sweets of 
office and to meet, wittout a programme or a plan, a 
Beictstag almost wtolly tostile to tim. Moreover, the 
President was now completely captivated by tte Chancellor. 
His charm outshone even that of Schleicher, and Hinden- 
burg had no thought of exchanging this delightful com- 
panion for the wild eccentricities of Adolf Hitler. The 
Marshal was deeply interested in the movement of national 
awakening, and in more than one respect sympathized with 
its ideals, but he regarded its leader, to whom, at this time, 
he usually referred as “the Bohemian Corporal”, as a strange 
and inexplicable phenomenon whose personality he frankly 
and unrestrainedly disliked. The one formal interview which 
Schleicher had arranged between the two men had left in 
Hindenburg’s mind no vestige of confidence in or approval of 
Hitler, and Papen, the latest of the Old Man’s “Jonathans”, 
was for the moment secure. 

Far from agreeing with Schleicher’s tentative suggestions, 
Hindenburg was deeply displeased at the attacks made 
upon Papen during the election, and it had not escaped his 
notice that Schleicher had gone unscathed through the 
campaign. He proposed to see the curious political fellow 
again and teU him what he thought of him. 

To Hitler in Munich, therefore, there came a telegram 
summoning him to Berlin to an interview with the President 
on August 13, 1932. It could mean but one thing. Schleicher 
had carried out his plans, Papen was about to resign, and 
he, Adolf Hitler, former corporal and house-painter, would 
become Chancellor of the German Reich. The united com- 
mand of the hundred thousand Reichswehr and of his own 
haK million Brown legionaries would be his; the control of 
Germany was within his grasp. 

So Hitler came to Berbn and took up his quarters at the 
Hotel Kaiserhof in the Wfihehnsplatz, a stone ’s-throw from 



tKe Chancellery and the President’s Palace. With high 
hopes he went to a preliminary conversation with Papen, 
and here he met the first douche of disiUusioi^ent. For 
Papen, secure in Hindenburg’s favour, had no intention of 
resigning and told the Nazi leader so quite plainly. He 
offered Hitler the position of Vice-Chancellor for himself, 
and that of Prussian Minister of the Interior, which carried 
with it control of the pohce, for one of his lieutenants. 

Hitler was staggered. Papen had, then, not resigned and 
Hindenburg was not about to make him Chancellor. The 
Nazis were being fobbed off with offers of secondary posi- 
tions. Hitler suddenly discovered that he was insulted. His 
hysterical disposition got the better of him. He began to 
speak; the sentences became a speech, the speech an oration, 
and Hitler’s voice rose to the shrill key of the fanatic. He 
stormed at Papen, demanding for himself as the idol of over 
thirteen miUion voters that same degree of power which had 
been granted to Mussolini after the March on Home. Here 
arose a misunderstanding. To Papen, whose knowledge of 
contemporary Italian history was scanty in the extreme, the 
simile of the March on Rome conveyed the demand for the 
supreme power of dictatorship. Hitler, however, who had 
studied the rise of the Fascist Dictator with great care, 
knew well that in Mussolini’s first Cabinet his followers were 
in a minority, but held the key positions. He was also aware 
that in a comparatively short space of time the Duce’s 
original allies had disappeared from the scene. 

The torrent of the Fiihrer’s rhetoric continued unchecked. 
The Reichstag must enact an Enabling Bill giving his 
Government full power. If such a Bill were rejected, the 
Reichstag must be dissolved. Hitler passed on to what he 
would do with this unlimited power once he had got it. 

‘T consider it my duty to mow down the Marxists”, he 
declared, and demanded that the S.A. should be given “three 
clear days”. 

Like old von Kahr in 1923, the highly civihzed and kind- 



hearted Papen was horror-struck at the bloodthirsty sadism 
of Hitler’s demands. He realized that with a man who can 
only talk and will not hsten it is impossible to argue. The 
business of putting Hitler in his place must be left to Hin- 
denburg. He therefore suggested that further discussion was 
useless, and that Hitler should put his views before the 
President that afternoon. He refused to become the Fuhrer’s 
emissary. Hitler must try himself to convince the Marshal. 

In a cold fury, Hitler drove to luncheon with Groebbels 
and Goring at the former’s house on the Peichskanzlerplatz. 
Papen had betrayed him; he was beset with traitors and 
plots, and snares were about his feet. Frick and Rohm 
joined the party, and together they anxiously discussed 
the situation. At three o’clock there came a telephone call 
from the Chancellery. The voice of Erwin Planck, who had 
been in turn stafi of&cer to Schleicher, private secretary to 
Briining, and was now State Secretary to the Reichs- 
kanzlei, stated that the President would receive Hitler in 
an hour’s time. “Has a decision been arrived at already?” 
Goebbels asked. “If so, there is no point in the FiiJirer’s 
coming.” “The President wishes to see him first”, Planck 

A vague hope arose that perhaps Hindenburg had refused 
to support Papen. Perhaps, after aU, Hitler would be Chan- 
cellor before nightfall. With Wilhelm Frick and the per- 
vert'Rohm, Hitler drove to the President’s Palace. If he had 
really entertained any illusions since Planck’s telephone call, 
they were instantly dispelled. He was confronted by a very 
angry Old Gentleman, with a face of granite and a barking 
voice, who shot a look of loathing and contempt at Rohm, 
and did not ofier them chairs. Like a good strategist 
Hindenburg took the ofiensive and got his word in first. 
He outlined for Hitler’s benefit the programme which he 
and the Chancellor proposed to put into force. Would 
Hitler co-operate? Angrily and abruptly Hitler answered 
that he had already given his views to Herr von Papen. He 



would co-operate with, the Government only as Chancellor. 
Hindenburg, who had adopted Papen’s interpretation of the 
Mussohni parallel, now understood Hitler to be repeating 
his demand for dictatorship. “So you want the supreme 
power?” he asked. But Hitler remained unexpectedly silent. 
He was emotionally and physically exhausted with rage 
and disappointment. 

Having fought his opponent to a standstill, Hindenburg 
proceeded to demohsh him with an admonition of great 
severity. He refused Hitler’s demands definitely and ex- 
plicitly, for he could not, he said, reconcile it with his con- 
science and his duty to hand over the government of the 
country to the exclusive control of the National Sociahst 
Party, which would wield this power one-sidedly. He re- 
gretted that Hitler did not see his way to keeping the 
promises of toleration and co-operation which he had made 
to the Government; and, in conclusion, he recommended 
him to exercise a greater chivalry in his future campaigns. 

With this dressing-down the Old Gentleman closed the 
interview, which had lasted only fifteen minutes, and, as the 
Nazis left the room, he turned to Meissner, stiU with the ring 
of anger in his voice, saying, “That man for a Chancellor? 
I’ll make him a postmaster, and he can hck the stamps with 
my head on them.” 

Now it was no longer a case of election hostihties but of 
open war between the Nazis and the Government, and in 
their attacks the President was included, for Hitler was , 
bitterly offended by the way in which Hiadenburg had out- 
manoeuvred him and then lectured him lik e a naughty 
schoolboy. The Fuhrer turned to the Centre with a proposal 
for a coahtion Cabinet with himself as Chancellor. Hoping to 
strike a chord of sympathy in Briining, in view of his treat- 
ment by Hindenburg, Hitler suggested that a motion, jointly 
sponsored by their two parties, should be forced through the 
Beichstag, deposing the President and providing for a new 
election. But, though Briining had Httle cause for personal 



loyalty to Hindenburg, be was no Byzantine, and be re- 
jected out of band so dramatic a means of revenge. For a 
while tbe negotiations dragged on with tbe Nazis on tbe sub- 
ject of tbe coabtion, but in tbe end no real basis of agree- 
ment could be found. 

Tbe singularly unlovely building in tbe Kdnigsplatz 
wbicb boused tbe German Parbament for balf a century bad 
seen few more curious episodes than that session of tbe 
Eeicbstag wbicb opened on September 9 and closed three 
days later. By tbe rules of procedure tbe oldest member, re- 
gardless of party, presided at tbe first meeting at wbicb tbe 
was elected for tbe session, and tbe Commun- 
ists bad taken advantage of this to stage a demonstration. 
Among their candidates at tbe election they bad included, 
for this purpose alone, tbe name of Clara Zetkin, tbe eigbty- 
four-year-old revolutionary, and bad elected her in absentia. 
This remarkable old lady, who bad bved for a considerable 
time in Moscow, made tbe journey to Berlin and insisted 
upon exercising her privilege to preside. There she sat in 
tbe Speaker’s chair, a grey, wizened Uttle figure, staring 
down at a House of wbicb two-fiftbs wore tbe brown uni- 
form of her inveterate opponents. Beside her stood Torgler, 
tbe Communist parbamentary leader, stooping every now 
and then to prompt her in tbe long discourse in defence of 
Marxism wbicb quavered out in her weak old voice. 

Whether in deference to tbe old lady’s courage or whether 
held by tbe hopeless incongruity of tbe whole proceeding, tbe 
House gave Frau Zetkin an almost uninterrupted bearing, 
and only when she bad been lifted like a bundle from tbe 
platform and conveyed carefully away, did tbe Reichstag 
resume its usual appearance of a bear-garden. Amid tumult 
and uproar Goring was elected to tbe Chair. 

All Berbn was agog on tbe day of tbe first plenary meeting 
on September 12. It bad been agreed among tbe party 
leaders, none of whom wanted a new election, and between 
them and tbe President of tbe Reichstag, that tbe House 



should hear a declaration of the Government and then 
adjourn for the week in order to give the Government a 
chance of negotiating for a majority — ^it was known that, 
some days before, Hindenburg had signed a draft decree of 
dissolution which Papen could use in case of emergency. 
Thus for the first time in history the death-warrant of a 
Parliament had been signed before it had met. Papen was 
perfectly prepared to go on having elections indefinitely in 
the hope of wearing down the opposition. This was a short- 
sighted policy, for, though the Nazis would in all probability 
be the losers, such contests would undoubtedly hinder the 
gradual economic recovery which had just begun, and, in 
addition, would cause a general lack of confidence and a 
sense of insecurity both at home and abroad. 

But besides Papen’s decree there was Icnown to be a 
further surprise development. The Communists, the one 
group which might be expected to benefit by a continued 
state of political uncertainty, intended to move a vote of 
censure on the Government as an amendment to the Order 
of the Day. AU other parties were united in considering this 
a mischievous proceeding, and it was agreed between them 
that the Nationahsts should oppose it formally, the objec- 
tion of a single member being sufB.cient to prevent an 
amendment of the Order of the Day without due notice. 

With aU these rumours in the air the galleries of the House 
were packed at an early hour. In the diplomatic hge Am- 
bassadors and Ministers were crowded together, and the 
press gallery buzzed with conjecture. AU expected dram^ 
but few were prepared for the farce which foUowed. 

The Ministers ffled on to their bench and the great bulk 
of Goring appeared in the President’s chair. The crack of 
his gavel caUed the House to order with a start, and they 
proceeded to the business of the day. Serene and smiling, 
Papen sat back in his chair, with aU the appearance of 
having something up his sleeve. He felt in complete com- 
mand of the situation. Torgler, the Communist leader, rose 



and proposed Hs motion. The House sat waiting for the 
Nationalist objection. There was a dead silence, an anti- 
climax. Hugenberg sat motionless in his place. To save the 
situation Frick, the Nazi leader, sprang to his feet and 
asked for a half-hour’s delay, and in a buzz of excitement 
the House adjourned. 

Hurried discussions took place in the Committee-rooms 
and corridors, and it was discovered that at the last moment 
the Nationalists had double-crossed their colleagues. Papen 
had decided to dissolve the Reichstag, and it was in 
agreement with him that Hugenberg, without warning his 
fellow party leaders, had raised no objection to the Com- 
munist motion. Indignation seethed and hostility to the 
Government reached fever-pitch. 

Meantime the Cabinet was also meeting in the building. 
Papen called for the Red Portfolio in which the decree of 
dissolution was traditionally conveyed to the Reichstag. 
Again an anti-chmax and consternation; it was nowhere to 
be found. Once more Herr von Papen had left his papers 
behind! In an agony of apprehension Planck’s car fled 
back through the Brandenburger Tor and up the Wilhelm- 
strasse to retrieve the lost decree. With a few moments to 
spare the Chancellor affixed his signature beneath that of 
the President. They were saved! 

As the House reassembled, the atmosphere of impending 
drama was intensified. Again the Cabinet filed into their 
places with Papen bringing up the rear and waving the Red 
Portfolio with its precious contents at the diplomatic loge. 
No sooner had Goring called the House to order than the 
Chancellor demanded the word. But Goring chose to ignore 
him and announced that the vote on the Communist motion 
of censure would be taken. The voting began, and pande- 
monium broke loose. Papen remained standing; Goring 
continued to ignore him. White with anger, the Chancellor 
handed the Red Portfolio to Planck, who laid it on the 
President’s desk, whence it shpped to the ground. Then 




■without further ado, Papen and his Cabinet left the chamber. 
The voting continued and the Government 'was declared to 
have been censured by 513 to 32. In the uproar which 
foUo'wed the vote, the Nationalists left the House; no one 
kne'w what to do next, and, ha'^g declared the Govern- 
ment overthrown, Goring adjourned the sitting. 

It was in fact a very doubtful ser-vdce that the Reichstag 
President had done his leader. The events of August 13, to 
which Papen had given great publicity, had done little to 
enhance the prestige of the Fiihrer or of the party in the 
eyes of the electors, and the scene in the Reichstag, however 
detrimental it may have been to parliamentary institutions, 
had in no way redounded to the credit of the Nazis. More- 
over the funds of the party were dangerously low, and the 
usual sources of supply, such as the great industriahsts and 
certain indmduals abroad, had not had their confidence 
strengthened by the Potempa affair, in which a Communist 
workman was brutally done to death by five Nazis, -with 
whom Hitler had publicly proclaimed blood-brotherhood. 

But, if Hitler had Uttle to hope from a new General 
Election, the Papen Government, in so far as gaining a 
parliamentary majority was concerned, had nothing to hope 
at aU. The Chancellor, despite his tactical ■victories over 
Hitler, had done nothing to recommend himseK or his 
Government to the electorate. To be sure, he had the con- 
fidence of the President, but the former electors of Hinden- 
hurg, whether in 1926 or 1932, had grown wary of this 
doubtful honour. His success at La'usanne had been dis-- 
counted in advance, as merely rendering permanent a 
situation which had really existed since the Hoover Mora- 
torium of 1931, and his gesture in withdrawing from the 
Disarmament Conference had been received with apathy. 

On the other hand, the high-handed pohcy of the Govern- 
ment in regard to Prussia and the Reichstag had awakened 
very grave misgi'vings in many quarters. The champions 
of parhamentary government and of the sanctity of the 



Constitution found themselves strangely allied with the 
protagonists of State rights, who feared that a fate similar 
to that of Prussia awaited their States; and indeed the 
Government had planned a structural reform whereby all 
but the three Southern States would be merged into the 
Reich, thus strengthening still further the Central authority. 

In the face of this growing opposition from all sides the 
Papen Government sailed blithely into the November 
General Election with the slogan, “Support our ideas or we 
shall continue to govern alone until you do”; and the long- 
sufiering electorate, which was now being appealed to for 
the fifth time within a twelvemonth, proceeded unhesitat- 
ingly to reject them. For the elections of November 9 
showed that the vast majority of the German people were 
opposed to the Hindenburg-Papen model of presidial 
government. They had demonstrated their dishke for it in 
July, and they re-emphasized their dislike in November, 
when 90 per cent, of the votes were cast against the Govern- 

For the Nazis, too, the elections were disastrous. From 
thirteen miUions their poll fell to eleven — the figure of the 
first presidential ballot — and their seats in the House 
decreased from 230 to 197. On the other hand, their deadly 
rivals, the Communists, profited by this defection to the 
tune of a million votes, bringing up the number of their 
deputies to a round himdred. But the atmosphere of tragi- 
comedy which surrounded this period of German politics 
was enhanced by the Gilbertian situation, which foimd 
Nazis and Communists attacking one another on the hust- 
ings, murdering one another in the streets, yet uniting to 
support a strike which paralysed Berlin’s transport services 
on the eve of the poUs. 

Nor did the streak of iU-luck for the Nazis end with the 
General Election. During the ensuing weeks they consist- 
ently lost votes at the local elections. Sunday after Sunday 
saw a steady falHng-off, and it was apparent that, if a 



further Greneral Election were forced upon the country, 
their seats in the Reichstag would fall below a hundred and 
fifty. The fainter hearts in the party began to urge upon 
the Leader the need for compromise. Let him accept the 
Vice-Chancellorship, they said, otherwise they would never 
attain office, and it speaks well for both Hitler’s courage 
and pohtical wisdom that he withstood the counsel of these 
weaker brethren and stuck to his guns. 

The election had one other important result. The con- 
tinued political stalemate convinced Schleicher that in 
Papen he had backed the wrong horse, that this man was 
not capable of dealing with the National Socialists, and that 
new tactics must be adopted. The General was also very 
displeased at the way in which Papen had replaced him in 
Hindenburg’s confidence and favour, and he began to turn 
agaiust his former comrade in conspiracy the machinery of 
that very Palace Camarilla which had brought him into 
power and which had compassed the fall of Muller, of 
Groner, and of Briining. 

Papen, however, perturbed neither by the gravity of the 
situation which had resulted from the November elections 
nor by the findings of the Supreme Court that at least one 
part of the Presidential decree of July authorising the 
Rape of Prussia was against the Constitution, was per- 
fectly prepared for further elections, even though they 
should plunge the country into civil war. His Cabinet 
colleagues were already in considerable anffiety as to 
where their volatile leader was taking them, and there was- 
considerable speculation among them as to whether he 
knew himself. They therefore joined with Schleicher in 
urging him to ofier his resignation to the President, in order 
that Hindenburg might consult the party leaders in an effort 
to find a way out of the deadlock. 

Papen fell ir^with this suggestion more readily than had 
been expected. He himself suggested to Hindenburg that 
the Cabinet should resign and be retained ad interim, and 



tliat Hitler should be sent for to form a government wbicb 
could command a parbamentary majority. Assured that 
the Fiihrer would fail in this task, Papen saw himself re- 
stored to ofl&ce with a new mandate either for further 
elections or any other form of government which might 
seem feasible. 

The Chancellor accordingly resigned on November 17 and 
Hitler arrived at the Kaiserhof with a flourish of trumpets 
and a numerous staff. Two days later, cheered by enormous 
crowds — ^the party always admirably organized the spon- 
taneity of its demonstrations — he drove to the Palace. 
There was no repetition of the humiliating episode of 
August 13. Hindenburg received the leader with courtesy 
and there were chairs for everybody. On this occasion. 
Hitler had had the good sense to leave Eohm behind, and 
the conversation, which lasted for an hour — the limi t, 
which the Old Gentleman’s age would now permit — ^passed 
off quietly and with dignity. 

But it was not a pleasant interview for Hitler. His posi- 
tion was far weaker than in the summer, at which time he 
had thirteen milhons behind him and the possibihty of an 
alliance with the Centre. Now, with his following decreased 
by two millions and a Eeichstag in which no combination 
was possible, he was on the horns of a dilemma. Hinden- 
burg did not spare him. He offered him these alternatives: 
either to accept the Vice-Chancellorship under Papen, as 
had been offered in August, or to become Chancellor in 
a government which could command a majority in the 

Faced with the choice of two impossibihties, Hitler sought 
to prevaricate. He returned to the Kaiserhof, and during 
the next few days an exchange of letters passed between 
h i m and the President which indicated aU too clearly the 
unbridgable gulf which lay between them. Hitler refused 
the terms of August 13 out of hand and repeated the de- 
mand for the Chancellorship, indicatiug that in such a 



position he would like to enjoy the “special confidence” of 
the President. To this Hindenhurg rephed: “You know that 
I prefer a presidial Cabinet, one that is conducted not by a 
party leader but by a man who is above party, and that is 
the kin d of man in whom I should have special confidence. 
You have announced that you will only place your move- 
ment at the disposal of a Cabinet presided over by your- 
self as the party leader. If I agree to this plan, I must 
request that such a Cabinet should have a majority in the 
Eeichstag. . . 

The meaning of the letter was clear. Hitler was not the 
sort of man in whom Hindenhurg would repose his “special 
confidence”. He re-emphasized this view in a later letter: 
“I cannot give a leader of a party my presidial power, 
because such a Cabinet is bound to develop into a party 
dictatorship and increase the state of tension prevailing 
among the German people. I cannot take the responsibihty 
for this before my oath and my conscience.” Fine words 
these, and worthy of a Father of his People, yet within 
six weeks Hindenburg had forgotten them. 

By the end of November Hitler had admitted defeat and 
had retired in a passion to Munich. Papen had now achieved 
his aim and expected Hindenburg to re-confirm him in his 
office. But he had reckoned without Schleicher. The General 
had hoped, it is believed quite genuinely, that the negotia- 
tions with Hitler would come to some definite issue, and in 
his subtle way he had done his best to sound out the possi- 
bihty of a majority in the Reichstag, but most of the parties 
had suffered at one time or another from Schleicher’s in- 
trigues and they were no longer willing to play with him. 
His tortuous plottings had at last brought Schleicher to 
the inevitable point at which he had no alternative but 
to put his own head into the noose he had so frequently 
tied for others. Power without responsibility had been his 
ambition, and well would it have been for him if he had 
remained the mystery man of the Reichswehr. Has first mis- 



take Lad been to accept Cabinet ojB&ce witL its sLare of re- 
sponsibiLty of government, and now be had no choice but 
to accept the full burden of the Chancellorship. He had in- 
trigued himself into a position out of which there was no 

But Papen had first to be disposed of. Schleicher adopted 
a fine similar to that which he had used in the case of Groner. 
He told Hindenburg that the Papen Government no longer 
enjoyed the confidence or support of the army. That which 
had been untrue in the case of Groner was true of Papen. 
The Keichswehr would go anywhere and do anything at the 
command of the Marshal, their Commander-in-Chief, but 
they would not obey Herr von Papen. Hindenburg grew 
alarmed. Anything which touched the loyalty of the Reichs- 
wehr afiected him deeply. Yet he loved Papen like a son and 
a brother, and Oskar was as fond of the Chancellor as his 
father. Hindenburg resented the grain of suspicion which 
Schleicher had implanted in his mind regarding Papen. He 
had not minded parting with Briining very much, but Papen 
was a difierent person. Through Meissner the Old Gentleman 
sounded the views of other political leaders, and in almost 
every case the answer was the same: Papen must go and 
Schleicher must be Chancellor. This comparative unanimity 
with regard to the General was not dictated by any great 
respect for his poHtical ability, but a general agreement that 
the gravity of the situation demanded a man who could 
unite the policy of the Cabinet with that of the Reichswehr. 
One man alone could do this, Kurt von Schleicher, and it 
was believed the only government against which he would 
not intrigue was one in which he held both the Chancellor- 
ship and the Ministry of Defence. 

Hindenburg became bewildered, and not without reason. 
Schleicher had in turn nominated Muller, Briining, and 
Papen as the saviours of the country, and had ultimately 
engineered the dismissal of aU of them. Having built 
up the confidence of the Old Gentleman in each of his 



proteges, lie next began to undermine it. The effect upon tbe 
President was, not unnaturally, to make him suspicious of 
everyone, and now particularly of ScMeicher himself. The 
Old Gentleman liked Papen more than any other of his 
Chancellors; he had given him his special confidence. He was 
prepared to back him with the full weight of the presidential 
influence and authority, and now everyone told him that 
Papen must go, and that it was his duty to appoint 
Schleicher. It was aU very upsetting and disagreeable 
for an Old Gentleman of eighty-five. Still, if it was his 
duty . . . 

Even more striking was the success of Papen with Oskar 
von Hindenburg, who had been Schleicher’s intimate since 
they were subalterns in the Dritte Oarde, and his fellow 
conspirator intermittently for over eight years. Now, when 
under pressure of advice, his father seemed ready to dispense 
reluctantly with Papen, Oskar defended his new friend 
vigorously, and urged Hindenburg to continue his support 
of the Chancellor as everything would shortly be aU right. 
Oskar had been reading a book, a romantic biography of the 
great Bismarck, by Beumelburg, and the highly indigestible 
mental pabulum which he had absorbed seems to have 
stimulated his never latent vanity. To his distorted 
imagination appeared a vision of Papen as a second Iron 
Chancellor, with himself in an important role, and under 
this delusion he planned with Papen a scheme which 
Bismarck would have considered an insult to his inteUigence. 

At a Cabmet meeting early iu December 1932, from which 
Schleicher was conspicuously absent, Papen airily an- 
nounced his intention of dissolving, if necessary by military 
force, not only the Eeichstag itself, but the Trade Unions 
and aH pohtical parties and associations which were in 
opposition to the Government. The Chancellor told his 
colleagues that on the previous day he had discussed the 
matter in detail with the executive officers of the Ministry 
of Defence and that they had played a “war game” {Erieg- 



spiel), wliiclL showed that the thing could be accomplished 
“quite easily”. 

The Cabinet were, in eSect, being asked to become a party 
to a violation of the Constitution so wholesale that civil war 
must almost certainly result therefrom, and the subsequent 
creation of a new State based upon the bayonets of the 
Eeichswehr and the support of a party with about 10 per 
cent, of the electorate behind it. Reactionary though the 
Cabinet of Barons might be, they were quite unprepared for 
such drastic measures. The absence of the Minister of 
Defence from a discussion of such vital military operations 
made them suspicious, and the volatility of the Chancellor 
had not increased their confidence in him. 

They determined to play safe and, while showing great 
interest in Papen’s suggestion, they asked that the officer 
with whom the war-game had been played, and who would 
be in charge of the operations, should give his own opinion 
to the Cabinet. When that gentleman appeared, he gave, 
perhaps not entirely to the surprise of the Cabinet, an 
opinion so contrary to that of the Chancellor that it 
amounted to a flat denial. It was no longer possible, he said, 
for the army and the pohce to subdue the Nazis by force, 
without the united forces of the Trade Unions, the Social 
Democrats, and the Centre, and it was impHed that in 
any case the army would not march for Herr von Papen. 

It is impossible to say whether the Chancellor had sought 
dehberately to mislead his colleagues or whether he had 
honestly misunderstood the issue of the war-game played 
in the Ministry of Defence, but whatever the motive, the 
result was the same. The Cabinet as one man declared 
that Papen must give their collective resignation to the 
President, and, they insisted furthermore, lest he should 
again “misunderstand the issue”, that two of their number 
should accompany him when he did so. Their opinion of 
Papen was clearly shown by their almost unanimous 
decision to continue in office under Schleicher. 



But the Old Gentleman was deeply grieved at parting 
with his “Franzchen”. Unable to refuse the resignation of 
the whole Cabinet, in appointing Schleicher he made no 
efiort to hide the fact that the new Government would 
not enjoy his confidence to the same degree as had its 
predecessor. Rarely had a Chancellor been appointed with 
such cold hostility and never had one retired with such 
manifestations of affectionfrom the President. To Schleicher, 
BQndenburg refused the decree of dissolution; to Papen he 
sent his photograph inscribed “Ich hatt’ einen Kameraden” . 

And now Schleicher himself experienced those torments 
he had often inflicted upon others; insecurity of high office, 
the wavering loyalty of the President, the machinations of 
the Palace Camarilla. To him came the realization that in 
the seat of supreme power he was far more isolated than in 
that little room overlooking the Landwehr Canal which had 
been the scene of his early intrigues and triumphs. The rats 
knew how near his ship was to sinking. His agents deserted 
him; the marionettes no longer responded to his touch. 
Though he was in command of all the armed forces of the 
State, he knew they could avail him nothing, and his men- 
tality, attuned to intrigue rather than to leadership, was 
barren of constructive statesmanship. To his amazement he 
found that no policy was possible save that of Bruning, and 
what was left of that policy he espoused, even that hated 
measure of Agrarbolschevismus, the decree expropriating 
the bankrupt estates of East Prussia, on which the former 
Chancellor had been brought down. Never had nemesis 
been more complete. 

One factor alone was in his favour; the Reichstag was 
unwilling to risk a further crisis, and agreed to adjourn 
after the formal election of its officers, until early in the 
New Year. Schleicher was granted a month’s reprieve from 
certain overthrow, and with this breathing-space he had to 
be content. Yet even this brief interval might have been 
sufficient if he had used it profitably for negotiations. But 



Schleiclier seemed paralyzed and, beyond tentative discus- 
sions with Trade Union leaders and amateur politicans, 
did nothing. 

Meantime the net was drawn around him. Within a week 
of his appointment, the first feelers had been put out for an 
alliance between the Nationalists and the Nazis. Werner 
von Alvensleben, a member of the Herrenkluh which had 
assisted in bringing Papen into power, and Joachim von 
Kibbentrop, a wine merchant, who later was to be Hitler’s 
Ambassador-at-Large, were zealous in this work, and their 
efiorts were greatly aided by the support of the powerful 
Bast Prussian Landbund, once more mobilized to oppose the 
revived scheme of expropriation. Meetings with Papen and 
Hugenberg and with Nazi leaders followed, and of these 
Oskar von Efindenburg, if not his father, was cognizant and 
was favourable to them. The President confined his opposi- 
tion to Schleicher to a hostile coolness which increased as 
the weeks went by. 

This concentration of his enemies galvanized the Chan- 
cellor into action, and to meet it he threatened to publish 
the report of the Eeichstag enquiry into the Osthilfe loans 
of 1927-28 with which the estates of East Prussia had been 
kept ahve. The investigation had disclosed scandals of which 
the stench reeked to heaven and of which the mud splashed 
even to the steps of the Palace itself. Here indeed was a 
Pandora’s box which, opened, poured forth a flood of loath- 
some crawling things. There stood disclosed the example of 
a landowner, bankrupt through his own ineptitude, whose 
estates had been “reconstructed” three times, and, after a 
fourth breakdown, had been ceded, under the Osthilfe, to a 
daughter who was still a minor. There were absentee land- 
lords who, with the money loaned to them by the G-overn- 
ment to reconstruct their estates, had bought motor cars 
and driven to the Riviera, while banks and tradesmen, who 
had trustfully given them credit, remained unpaid. There 
were those also, in the inexorable report of the Government 



investigator, who had squandered the puhUc money on 
“wine and women”, yet had received more public money, 
since their names had been for centuries coupled with their 
estates. This first Osthilfe had been advertised as the means 
of saving the farmers. But the reconstruction of farms had 
assisted primarily the fortunes of estate-owners, and only 
the smallest percentage of the money reached real peasants. 
The scandal affected not only the average landowner, it 
struck at the titled leaders of the Landbund-, none were 

By the threat of these disclosures Schleicher hoped to cow 
the Junkers and bring them to heel; he thought to spin one 
of his usual intrigues and did not reaUze that he was sawing 
off the branch on which he was sitting. At one stroke he had 
destroyed the union of two forces from which he might have 
received support. Por two hundred years the army and the 
Junkers had been inseparably bound together by a bond of 
common interest. Schleicher had broken the bond. In enter- 
ing upon this battle with the Junkers he imdeTestimated the 
strength of the economic and pohtical vested interests which 
he was attacking, and he was too superficial to sense the 
power of tradition which hundreds of years had centred in 
one caste. 

Representatives of thirteen thousand Junker fa mili es 
ralhed to the defence of their prerogatives. They surrounded 
the President and clamoured for Schleicher’s dismissal. The 
Palace teemed like an ant-heap which has been stirred with 
a stick. The house of the Reichslandbund became the 
centre of intrigue against the Chancellor. 

With extraordinary obstinacy Schleicher refused to be- 
lieve in the progress of the movement against him, even 
though he was informed that the crucial meeting between 
Papen and Hitler was shortly to take place. At the parties 
which he attended during the Christmas and New Year festi- 
vities, he declared himself to be quite secure. He had, he 
said, the President’s confidence and support, and Herr von 



Papen had given him hia promise not to intrigue against the 
Government; he had even expressed his willingness to ac- 
cept a diplomatic post abroad. So Schleicher pursued his 
paralytic pohcy. 

In the meantime Papen was essaying to play the deus 
ex machina. The motives which actuated him during these 
days will for ever remain obscure. Certainly his colossal 
vanity, which made his continued disappearance from the 
public eye intolerable to him, played an important part, for 
the itch of ambition had been greatly excited during his 
six months as Chancellor. Certainly, too, there was the lust 
to revenge himself on Schleicher. Yet it is almost inconceiv- 
able that these two factors could so far warp Papen’s judg- 
ment that he could forget all that he knew of Hitler and his 
proclaimed policies. In August he had been shocked and dis- 
quieted by the Fuhrer’& demand for three clear days on the 
streets for the S.A., and even his short memory could not 
have let shp the ghastly prophecy that “heads shall roll.” 
One hesitates to beheve that, at this moment, when Papen 
held his hands for Hitler to vault into the saddle, he 
knowingly gave his consent to a policy of murder and 

In aU fairness to Papen it must be beheved that he was 
not yet undeceived as to his ability to make a captive of 
Hitler, to harness the Nazis to his own chariot, and to 
unite them in a great alliance with the Junkers and heavy 
industry. Nor was this dream entirely impossible of 
realization. The National Sociahst Party after the Novem- 
ber election was bankrupt in every sense of the word. 
There was not even enough money to pay the salaries of 
Hitler’s body-guard, of which Rohm, single-handed, 
quelled a mutiny and foiled an attempt upon the FiiJirer’s 
life. Punds the party must have, and if Papen could supply 
them he had a right to make his own terms. Thus he who, 
when he had been Chancellor, had threatened the great 
industrialists for subsidizing the Nazis, now negotiated 



■witli them to meet the party’s overwhelming deficit. A 
greater politician might have succeeded; as it was, Papen, 
far from harnessing the Nazis, was riveting upon his own 
wrists the fetters which should bind him captive to their 
chariot wheels. 

The historic interview between Papen and Hitler took 
place at Cologne on January 8, 1933, at the house of the 
great banker Baron von Schroeder, and here the basis of a 
working agreement was laid. Nothing was put in writing, 
but it was agreed that, in return for the Chancellorship and 
the funding of the enormous debts of the Nazi Party, 
Hitler would give his word that he would not infringe the 
Constitution in any respect. For Papen this undertaking 
was of the greatest importance, for only by this fiction 
could he reconcile the President to the idea of Hitler as 

His oath to the Constitution, his conscience, and his 
duty were Hindenburg’s lodestar. In August and in 
November he had been unable to reconcile them with the 
appointment of Hitler; now, two months later, on the mere 
word of Hitler, the trustworthiness of which Hindenburg 
had had every reason to doubt, he was beguiled by Papen 
into acquiescence. Anxious to have his “Pranzchen” with 
him again, to be rid of the now abhorrent Schleicher, 
and to be quit of the importunings of his fellow landed 
proprietors of East Prussia, Hindenburg turned with re- 
lief to Papen’s proposals as a means whereby peace and 
security at home might be achieved. But again his “horse 
sense”, his Bauernschlauheit, did not entirely desert him. 
He did not give his full consent at once, but only suffi- 
cient of his blessing to encourage Papen to proceed a Little 

The news of the Cologne meeting and its upshot struck 
Schleicher like a thunderbolt. To the end he had persisted 
in disbelieving the information given him. He had counted 
so much on the impossibility of an alliance between the 



Nationalists and the Nazis, and he could not credit the 
fact that, after the scenes which had attended the inter- 
views of August and November, Papen and Hitler could 
come to terms. But the incredible had happened, and 
Schleicher fulfilled the prophecy which Briining had made 
to him as the dawn crept through the windows of that 
very library in which he now sat in the Chancellor’s chair. 
Behind his fagade of assurance, Schleicher was in a panic. 
Instead of planning calmly how to outwit his enemies, he 
indulged in the most fantastic negotiations which could 
bring him no possible strength either inside or outside the 
Reichstag. Bruning had been right in his discernment; the 
nerves of the machine-gun officer were better than those of 
the stall captain. 

The party leaders, none of whom desired a further 
political crisis, were ready to agree to a further postpone- 
ment of the Reichstag until late in January. Schleicher 
refused their offer, saying that he had the assurance of the 
President that full power should be his in the event of an 
adverse vote. In this Schleicher had allowed himself to 
be misled by the guileful promise of Oskar, that he was 
sure the President would grant him full power if he asked 
for it. The truth was that the negotiations between Papen 
and Hitler had progressed slowly but steadily, and it was 
necessary to give the Chancellor a temporary assurance 
till it was time to administer the coup de grace. Schleicher’s 
experience as a conspirator and his knowledge of the 
Hindenburgs, pkre etfils, should have warned him that their 
promises to Chancellors were notoriously brittle. That he 
beheved Oskar, notwithstanding their recent quarrel, is 
evidence in itself of his bewildered state of mind. How 
often had he himself conveyed a similar assurance to 
Chancellors about to fall! 

For what reason did Schleicher thus refuse the ofier of 
support from the party leaders? It was his last avenue of 
escape from certain disaster and he deliberately refused to 



make use of it. Was he ill? Had all sense of balance left him? 
Or was it that his work for eighteen years in mihtary and 
pohtical intelligence made him profoundly distrustful of 
everybody, and particularly of those whom he had wronged? 
The answer is surely in the last reason. Schleicher could 
not conceive of doing such a thing himself and, with the 
conscience of Cain, he could not imagine that anyone whom 
he had wronged could give him sincere advice. Briining 
had taken the lead in persuading the other party leaders 
to give the Chancellor a respite, but such was Schleicher’s 
sense of guilt that he would rather resign than owe a 
victory in the Reichstag to Briining’s support. 

Having rejected the ofier of a further breathing-space 
he embarked on a series of negotiations, incongruous and 
contradictory. He offered Gregor Strasser the Vice-Chan- 
cellorship in a vain endeavour to spht the Nazi Party, 
with the result that Hitler “disciphned” his erring Heu- 
tenant and stripped him of his party offices, though he 
had been amongst the oldest members of the movement. 
In desperation Schleicher sent for Leipart, the Trade 
Union leader, and proposed to bim a general strike 
supported by the army. But though this plan found favour 
among the younger officers of the Reichswehr, who dreamed 
of re-estabhshing the old Prussian Warrior State on the 
foundation of the labouring class, the Trades Unions would 
have none of it. 

Reports of the progress of his enemies now beat in upon 
the distracted Chancellor. Hitler was again at the Kaiserhof, 
and this time with victory assured. Papen went regularly 
to the Palace, and the attacks on the Chancellor in the 
Nationalist and Nazi press became daily more venomous. 
As a last resort Schleicher sent Hammerstein, the G.O.C. 
of the Reichswehr, to Hindenburg to impress upon bim the 
dangers of a regime such as that proposed by Papen. The 
Marshal refused to discuss the pohtieal situation and coldly 
criticized the conduct of the recent army manoeuvres. 



At last Sclileiclier realized his fate, the fate that he had 
meted out to so many before him. On January 28 he went 
to the President to ask for a dissolution of the Eeichstag if 
he met with a vote of no confidence. In the presidential 
study, through which in the past seven years a procession 
of Schleicher’s victims had passed, the General faced his 
Commander-in-Chief and sometime friend. With aU the 
eloquence at his command he besought Hindenburg not to 
give Hitler the power he had so long withheld. He did not 
plead for himself; indeed Schleicher showed greatness in his 
defeat, he only asked that this poHcy, which could but 
end in disaster, should not be followed. 

It was useless; with that curt cruelty which Grbner and 
Bruning had known so well, the Marshal cut him short. 
“Thank you. General, for what you have done for the 
country, and now let us see ‘wie der Ease weiter Iduft’.” 

The long career was ended, and in the depths of his 
h umili ation Schleicher turned to the greatest of his victims. 
In his cloistered retreat, where he lay on a sick-bed, Bruning 
received the penitent. “Your dismissal was a hard one,” 
said Schleicher, “but, befieve me, it was pleasant compared 
to mine.” 

With that same lack of emotion which usually charac- 
terized his parting from a Chancellor, Hindenburg firmly 
placed the Schleicher episode behind him and turned 
resolutely to the business in hand, the negotiations with 
Hitler. The Marshal was frankly delighted to have Papen 
back at his side, partly because of his congenial company 
and partly because he relieved Hindenburg of the trials 
and, above aU, of the responsibfiities of negotiation. For in 
this situation, as in aU. previous critical moments of his fife, 
Hindenburg ran true to form. He shirked the ultimate 
responsibility. He knew that the decisions which must be 
taken within the next forty-eight hours were of the most 
vital importance to Germany. Instinctively he realized that 
an end to the Weimar System had come and that the country 

O m 



of wliich. he was the head was on the threshold of tremendous 
happenings, the final issue of which could not be seen. It 
might be that Papen’s plans would succeed; it might be 
that they would meet with ghastly failure. In any case 
Hindenburg’s instinct was to protect himself against the 
future. He named Papen his deputy, with the task of “clear- 
ing up the political situation within the framework of the 
Constitution and in agreement with the Keichstag”. 

Papen, whatever else he lacked, was fuUy ahve to the 
eccentricities and weaknesses of the President, and par- 
ticularly those which had placed him in his present position 
of arbiter. The inherent dislike of Hiudenburg for shoulder- 
ing the final responsibility was a trump card in Papen’s 
hand which he kept back until he could use it to its fullest 
advantage. He was not even entirely decided in his own 
mind whether he would make Hitler Chancellor or not, and 
in his first efiort at Cabinet-making, which occurred on the 
afternoon of Schleicher’s dismissal, he gave himself the 
leadership of the Government and the key positions to 
members of the former Cabinet, leaAung only minor Minis- 
tries to his aUies. Hitler, however, never abandoned his 
fundamental demands: the Chancellorship for hhnself, the 
control of the Prussian police, the passage of an Enabling 
Act, and, if necessary, new elections. He refused to consider 
anything else and reminded Papen of their pact at Cologne. 

With considerable reluctance the President, late on the 
night of Saturday, January 28th, authorized Hitler to form 
a Cabinet and the following morning was spent in bickering 
and argument. The air seemed heavy with the presage of 
great events; rumour followed rumour. The city was restless, 
and armed pohce patrolled the streets. Now the Palace 
woidd make a concession, now the Kaiserhof, till shortly 
before noon Papen made his final offer. Hitler should have 
the Chancellorship and the Reich and Prussian Ministries 
of Interior for his party; Papen himself would be Vice- 
Chancellor and ReichsJcommissar for Prussia; and Hugen- 



berg, as representative of tbe Right and heavy industry, 
the Minister of Agriculture and Economic Affairs in the 
Reich and in Prussia; the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and 
Finance were to remain in the hands of their present holders, 
ISTeurath and Schwerin von Krosigk, and General Baron 
von Blomberg was to be the new Minister of Defence. 

Though this proposal went far to meet the demands of 
the Nazis, it omitted all mention of an Enabling Bill and of 
the right to dissolve the Reichstag, and while it gave the 
party control of the whole poHce force of Prussia, it necessi- 
tated their agreement with Hugenberg’s economic theories 
of autarchy. After consideration the offer was refused. Once 
more Papen began to play with the idea of assuming the 
Chancellorship, and by the evening had almost succeeded in 
forming a Cabinet, when again dramatic events changed the 
course of history. It became known that Schleicher, who 
still remained in ofi&ce as acting Chancellor, had summoned 
by telegram all the Trade Union leaders throughout the 
country to an i mm ediate conference in the Ministry of 

While the Palace debated as to whether this was a pre- 
lude to a general strike, Werner von Alvensleben came hot- 
foot from a dinner-party with even more disturbing tidings. 
There had been present General von Bredow, Schleicher’s 
closest friend and colleague, beside himself with grief and 
anger at the curt dismissal of his chief. Without restraint 
he had cursed the House of Hindenbuxg for its perfidy and 
cried, in the fury of his rage, that Schleicher should — or 
would — summon the Potsdam garrison and restrain by 
force the Old Gentleman (but this was not what Bredow 
actually called him) from committing the monstrous crime 
of giving the supreme power to PQtler; he added that 
Papen, Oskar, and the Fuhrer himself should be confined 
in the fortress of Lotzen. 

Though it is virtually impossible that this plan could have 
been anything but the figment of Bredow’s rage-drunk mind, 



for the Potsdam garrison would never have changed their 
loyalty from Hindenburg to Schleicher, the news which 
young Alvensleben brought to the Palace, and which soon 
spread to the Kaiserhof, threw both camps, already in a 
state of nervous tension, into complete panic. The need for 
an immediate agreement was obvious, and both sides pre- 
pared to make concessions. Hitler accepted the offer of the 
morning on condition that Goring should become a Minister 
without PortfoHo in the Beich Cabinet, giving the party 
three votes instead of two. But the greatest obstacle was 
the Enabling BiU. 

It was now that Papen used his trump card. He knew 
well how weary Hindenburg had become of government by 
decree, which laid upon him the responsibdity of aU Not- 
verorAnungen. The Enabhng BiH, passed by a two-thirds 
majority of the Reichstag, would reheve him of this burden. 
From Hitler was extracted the verbal undertaking that he 
would not make use of the extraordinary powers accorded 
him in any point to which the President objected, and, 
further, to liberate the President from all responsibihty, it 
was suggested that Papen should exercise this power of veto 
in his name. But in order to secme a parliamentary majority 
for such legislation fresh elections were necessary — and the 
Nazis were determined that, with the machinery of govern- 
ment in their hands, the resrdt should be satisfactory — and 
thus it came about that the decree of dissolution which had 
been denied to Schleicher was granted to Hitler. 

Under the blandishments of Papen, Hindenburg was 
turned once more along a fresh path of duty. The new Gov- 
ernment, it was urged upon him, would wipe out for ever 
the stain of November 1918. He was reminded of his own 
words, written under the shadow of defeat: “The old Ger- 
man spirit will descend upon us again, though it may be 
that we shall first have to go through the purif ying fibres of 
passion and suffering”. How nobly he had written, they told 
him, and how truly. The days of the refining fire were over 



and the new dawn of an awakened Germany was about to 
break. He who in his person united whole generations, had 
outhved the wandering in the wilderness to bring his people 
into the promised land. Germany, once arraigned as the 
criminal of Europe, would again be a power in the councils 
of the world, and the traditions of the German army would 
take on a fresh lustre and a new brightness. 

All these things were told to Hindenburg and he was fain 
to believe them. And did not Papen perhaps whisper some- 
thing else into the Old Gentleman’s ear? The Spectre of Spa 
had grown appreciably dimmer in these later years and it 
seemed at times as if it had been altogether exorcized. But 
now it grew again in strange new guise. With the powers of 
the Eight united and in the saddle, with Hitler, though 
Chancellor, yet securely the prisoner of the Nationalists, it 
might at last be possible to do that which in his heart of 
hearts Hindenburg had long believed it his duty to do; to 
restore the monarchy and recall his “Most Gracious Kaiser, 
King and Lord” to the throne. He him self had written that 
“from the tempestuous seas of our national Ufe will once 
more emerge that rock — ^the Imperial German House”; 
now perhaps he might himself make good his words. 

The blandishments of Papen, the insistent importunings 
of Oskar, the shrewd counsel of Meissner, had their effect. 
Convinced, as always, that the path of duty stretched straight 
before him, Hindenburg signified his consent. The ardour of 
the Nazis would be curbed by giving them the responsibfiity 
of government; Papen would exercise the presidential veto 
to prevent any violation of the Constitution; responsibility 
of government was once and for all removed from his 
shoulders and the injustices of November 1918 would for 
ever be wiped out. Without a tremor, without a thought for 
the nineteen milli on voters of the Left who had re-elected 
him, the Jews, the Catholics, and the Socialists whom the 
National Sociahst Party had declared to be its enemies, 
Hindenburg gave his assent, and on the morning of January 



30, 1933, the Third Eeich came into being. “How gloriously”, 
writes Goring in a transport of triumph, “had the aged 
Keld-Marshal been used as an instrument in the hand of 

Berlin was in a ferment. The Brown Legions were aggres- 
sively triumphant, the Stahlhelm looked with satisfaction 
to the inclusion of their leader in the Cabinet, the Commun- 
ists breathed defiance, albeit disconcernedly, and the hopes 
of the Trade Unions and of Social Democracy turned with 
pathetic trust towards the Palace, where hved the man their 
votes had re-elected to power. 

The day passed in feverish excitement. The Cabinet was 
sworn early in the morning in circumstances of great con- 
fusion. Seldte, the Stahlhelm chief, could not be found, and 
ultimately arrived to find a wild search in progress for 
someone to take his place as Minis ter of Labour. Two other 
Ministers came to the Palace under the impression that 
they were joining Papen’s Government. Everything was in 
a turmoil. 

But by noon Germany began to know who was master 
m the new Government and by the evening the triumph of 
the National Sociahsts was complete. A gigantic torchlight 
procession passed endlessly along the Wilhelmstrasse, and 
from the open window of the Chancellery Hitler leaned far 
out to receive the acclamations of his followers. Further 
down the street, behind windows closed to protect him from 
the damp night air, Hindenburg too watched the cheering 
throng. Thousands of cheering Germans marched beneath 
him, but they were acclaiming another. 

There is a story — se non ^ vero, e ben trovato — of Hinden- 
buig at this moment. The events of the day had undoubtedly 
excited him; he had received many compliments, the bur- 
den of which had been that for a second time he had saved 
Germany. The Hindenburg Legend had suddenly blazed 
up again in a white-heat of enthusiasm, and his old mind 
went back to past glories as he watched the marching 



thousands. The Brown Shirts passed at a shambling pace, 
to be followed by the field-grey ranks of the Stahlhelm, 
moving with a precision born of discipline. The old Marshal 
watched them from his window as in a dream, and those 
behind him saw him beckon over his shoulder. “Luden- 
dorff,” the old voice said, with a return to its harsh bark- 
ing, “how well your men are marching, and what a lot of 
prisoners they’ve taken!” 

When the great torchhght procession had passed cheer- 
ing through the Brandenburger Tor into the night, leaving 
behind it streets filled with maf6.cking partizans, there was 
no prouder man in Germany than Franz von Papen. How 
splendidly it had all come out in the end and how well his 
plans had carried. Schleicher had paid the penalty for 
his treachery at last, and Hitler at last, too, was a hostage 
in the camp of the Nationahsts. The Osthilfe scandals had 
been suppressed, and all at the cost of three portfolios. 
WHiy, with himself governing Prussia, with Hugenberg and 
the Nationalists and the great industriaUsts, with Seldte 
and the Stahlhelm, all in the Government, the position was 
as safe as could be. “We can always outvote them in 
Cabinet”, he gaily assured one who later questioned the 
security of his position. 

Alas for his vanity, his complacency, and his dreams. 
In a few weeks, when the new elections had given the Nazis 
a vote of seventeen millions, Papen found himself deprived 
of the Government of Prussia; Goebbels, Hess, and Eohm 
entered the Cabinet; Hugenberg was obstructed at every 
turn and eventually dismissed with ignominy; Seldte 
cringed to the crack of the Nazi whip and the Stahlhelm 
mounted the swastika. Hitler, who at first had been con- 
tent to be received by the President in the presence of the 
Vice-Chancellor, intimated his intention of going alone to 
the Palace. Papen’s better feehngs and good-nature were 
revolted by the bestiahties of the Brown Terror, which for 
months after the elections cast a pall of fear over Germany 



aud sent a sinidder of horror throughout the civilized world. 
Too late did he awake to a realization of the true state of 
things which he had created, to find himself playing the 
role of hostage for which he had cast Hitler. 

But on the first night of triumph, aU this was distant and 
unthought of; the glow of achievement warmed Papen’s 
soul and the fervour of congratulation was lik e wine to 
him. His new colleagues pressed his hand in gratitude that 
might well be heart-felt; his old friends praised his tact and 
wisdom. This was his hour, and the cheers were music to 
his ears. 

Above the cheering multitudes and the songs of triumph 
Hindenburg slept, and in his sleep he dreamed that he was 
dead. In awe he came before the gates and faced the Great 

“Your name?” 

“Paul von Beneckendorf und von Hindenburg, General 
Field-Marshal and President of the German Reich.” 

“What have you done in life?” 

“I think. Sir, that I have done my duty.” 

“But have you kept your Oath?” 

And in the efiort to find an answer to this question 
Hindenburg, with relief, awoke. 

They were stfil cheering. . . . 


For every man and woman who paraded through the 
streets of Berlin in triumph on the last nights of January 
1933, there were those who sat at home in fear and anxiety. 
The supporters of what had now become the Opposition, the 
Socialists, the Trade Unionists, the Catholics, the Jews, and 
many an honest patriotic German without specific party 
affiliations, looked on in apprehension at this new dawn 
which was breaking over Germany. They had read the 
warnings of the Nazi leaders as to what would happen 



when they, the party, came to power, the fierce threats of 
Hitler, the bloodthirsty promises of Goring, the lurid articles 
which had flowed from Goebbels’s facile pen; and they 
waited, their eyes turned as a last hope towards the Palace. 

Moving among one’s friends in Germany at this time 
was to receive a startling revelation of the touching faith 
which so many still reposed in Hindenburg. The Legend — 
so soon to be recognized as a myth — ^was never stronger than 
at this moment of ordeal, when those who had re-elected 
him not a year before turned to him for justice and protec- 
tion with a pathetic confidence. Everywhere the same phrase 
was heard, “It’s all right so long as the Old Gentleman’s 
there”. No father of his people had so genuinely enjoyed 
the trust of his electors as did Hindenburg at this moment. 

And it is certain that the Old Gentleman had no concep- 
tion of how terribly he had betrayed his trusteeship. He had 
only accepted Hitler on the condition that the Constitution 
should be respected and law and order maintained. He had 
undoubtedly done his duty as it had been indicated to him. 
Besides, Hitler did not appear to be as obnoxious as he had 
at first believed. The Fiihrer had acquired a certain tact and 
subtlety since August and November of the previous year. 
He had behaved in Hindenburg’s presence with a becoming 
modesty and had made no difficulties about recogniziug 
Papen as the President’s deputy. Moreover, he had adhered 
closely to the letter of his bond. On the day after his appoint- 
ment as Chancellor he had made at least a pretence of 
negotiations with the Centre for a working majority in the 
existing Eeichstag, and it was only after these conversations 
had broken down — as indeed they were bound to do — that 
he had made use of the decree of dissolution. In declaring 
for the new election Hitler had made a speech calculated 
both to please the President and proclaim a deathless 
war upon the System. His leitmotiv had been “Because of 
November 1918”, and it had been a masterpiece: “Fourteen 
years have passed since the day, when, blinded by promises 



from within and without, the German people lost honour and 
freedom. Fourteen years of Marxism have ruined the country; 
one year of Bolshevism would destroy it. In this hour of 
anxiety the venerable leader of the World War has called 
upon the men of the National Parties and associations once 
more, as formerly at the front, to fight for the salvation of 
the Eeich.” 

That was the kind of language Hindenburg bked to hear. 
This fellow Hitler, if kept properly in check, might prove a 
very useful asset to Germany. 

There were already growing signs that Hitler and his 
lieutenants had no intention of being kept in check. WMe 
the Chancellor kept within the letter of his agreement, 
Goring was quietly making himself secure in Prussia. The 
election campaign was proving a fierce and bitter one. The 
Communists were fighting for their lives. The Chancellor 
had given his word that law and order must be maintained, 
and as a result picked men of the Storm Troops were en- 
rolled as auxiliary police and armed with rifles and side 
arms. This did not, however, prevent fifty-one opponents of 
the Government, by no means aU of them Communists, 
from being killed during the campaign, and a far larger 
number, including Stegerwald, Bruning’s former chief and 
Minister, and other Opposition leaders, from being badly 
beaten and man-handled. Party meetings of the Social 
Democrats and Centre were broken up by S.A. men while 
the auxiliaries looked on and the regular police were nowhere 
to be seen, and at Kaiserlautern Bruning’s speech to his 
followers was punctuated by bursts of rifle fire from the 
street fighting outside. 

And yet as the campaign proceeded it became evident 
that, with all the machinery for propaganda and terroriza- 
tion in their hands, and despite their attempts by posters 
and in speeches to identify the person of the President with 
their cause, the Hitler Government was not, in aU proba- 
bility, going to achieve the necessary majority to control 



the Eeichstag. The election, it seemed, would result in the 
usual stalemate. The incalculable factor of the floating vote 
could not be sufihciently reckoned on to go the right way, 
and it became increasingly obvious that nothing short of a 
bombshell would stampede them in the required direction. 

As if in obedience to the needs of the party, the bomb- 
shell duly burst. On February 24 a police raid on the head- 
quarters of the Communist Party at the Karl Liebknecht- 
haus “disclosed” plans for an armed uprising accompanied 
by incendiarism and the poisoning of the water supply of 
Berlin. Three days later the Eeichstag building sympatheti- 
cally caught fixe. 

There are few now, whether inside or outside Germany, 
who harbour illusions regarding the responsibility for this 
action. The Leipzig Trial proved nothing save the guilt of 
the half-witted van der Lubbe — ^which no one had ever 
doubted since he was caught red-handed — and the moral 
superiority of Dimitrofi over Goring. Few pohtical trials 
have been a greater disappointment to the prosecution. Yet 
by executing the unfortunate Dutchman the Nazis satis- 
factorily disposed of the only man who, on their own find- 
ings, could ever have been expected to supply evidence as 
to the origin of the fire. But the onus of responsibility is of 
httle comparative importance with the result. The Eeich- 
stag Fire provided the Nazis, whether by intent or by good 
fortune, with the very factor for victory which had been 
lacking. Not only could they suppress the Communist Party 
as a whole and thereby make certain of a majority in the 
new Parliament, but they used this sinister phenomenon to 
woo, albeit somewhat fiercely, the floating vote. 

They did both with great effect. With astounding celerity 
for a government so completely taken by surprise, the 
necessary steps were taken fox public security, and Hinden- 
burg, who had congratulated himself that with this new 
Government he would at last be released from the responsi- 
biUty of signing decrees, found that his signature must be 



put to one wMcli suspended the most important funda- 
mental rights of the Constitution: those same rights which 
he had twice sworn to defend. 

In their masterly handhng of the emergency the N azi mem- 
bers of the Cabinet gave their Nationahst colleagues a taste 
of what they must expect in future. The objections which 
the Conservative element raised were swept aside and it was 
intimated to the objectors that they would hold their tongues 
if they knew what was good for them. So great was the ten- 
sion during the last week before the election that it was seri- 
ously feared that the Chancellor, who had ordered a concen- 
tration of the S.A. in Berlin, might seize the person of the 
President; in a panic Papen mobilized the Stahlhelm and 
even considered carrying off Hindenburg for greater security 
to the mihtary depot at Doberitz. The differences were com- 
posed, however, and in a fine show of comradeship the 
Nationalists and the Nazis made their final appeals to the 
electorate on the eve of the poU. 

The elections of March 5 showed that the Nazis had added 
nearly six million votes to their total in November. They 
achieved a poll of over seventeen and a quarter millions 
with 288 seats; their alhes the Nationalists had retained 
the 52 seats they had held in the previous Eeichstag, and 
together the Government Parties controlled 340 seats in a 
house of 647, or just over 61 per cent. With all the odds in 
their favour, therefore, and after employing every electoral 
artifice, they had only succeeded in convincing a bare 
majority of the electorate. With the exception of the Com- 
munists, who had laboured under considerable difficulties 
and had lost 20 seats, the parties of the Opposition had stood 
the test remarkably well. The Social Democrats had only 
lost one seat and the Centre had gained three. But the float- 
ing vote had gone overwhelmingly to the Nazis and, still 
within the letter of his undertaking. Hitler had gained his 
parliamentary majority. 

Immediately the change was felt. Simultaneously with the 



declaration of the poll, coups de main had taken place in 
Bavaria, Hamburg, and elsewhere, as a result of which the 
existing Governments were evicted and Nazi commissioners 
installed. At the same time the pohce forces of Saxony, 
Baden, and Wiirttemberg were placed under the control of 
the Reich Ministry of Interior, and, as a final declaration of 
independence. Hitler insisted upon dispensing with Papen’s 
presence at his interviews with Hindenhurg. 

Now, too, the S.A. were given their freedom on the streets 
and the Brown Terror was released from whatever restraint 
stdl remained. Personal grudges were paid ofi in blood and 
the natural brutahty of exuberant youth found a violent out- 
let in assaulting men and women whose only crime had been 
that they beheved in a different pohtical creed. Social- 
ists, Jews, Communists, and Pacifists, in fact anyone who 
could be embraced by the elastic opprobrium of “Marxist”, 
were herded into lorries and transported to those concentra- 
tion camps where, as Frick, now Reich Minister of Interior, 
put it, “Marxists are trained to become useful members of 
society once more”. 

Nor was this persecution confined to the rank and file of 
the Opposition. Men who had held with dignity high offices 
of State were subjected to shameful indignities or forced to 
hide fromsearching partiesof brown-shirtedhoohgans. Lobe, 
who had been President of the Reichstag for more than 
twelve years, and who had once praised Hindenhurg for his 
loyalty to the Constitution, was arrested and placed in a 
concentration camp; Leinert too, the President of the Prus- 
sian Diet, who in the revolutionary days of 1918, in Han- 
over, had ordered that Frau von Hindenhurg should be 
treated with proper respect; while the Marshal’s erstwhile 
“Brother Jonathan”, Heinrich Briining, was hunted from 
house to house, not daring to sleep two nights beneath the 
same roof. 

At last the men and women who had placed their trust in 
Hindenhurg as a protector of their civil hberties realized 



the futility of their faith. They had seen his head on election 
posters silhouetted in profile with those of Papen and Hitler, 
but they had not known how wholly he had deserted them. 
The love and confidence which they had given him was now 
replaced by hatred and bitterness, and in many a prison 
camp his name was execrated and reviled. 

The mood, as ever in Berlin, found its outlet in stories. 

“Have you heard,” a man would ask his friend, glancing 
over his shoulder to make sure he was not overheard, for 
such stories were a penal ofience, “Hindenburg was at the 
Oranienburg Concentration Camp yesterday?” 

“Oh? Why?” 

“He wanted to visit some of his electors.” 

“That’s nothing”, his friend would answer. “They say the 
Old Man signs anything now. The other day Meissner left 
his sandwich bag on the table and when he came back the 
President had signed it.” 

In efiect, Hindenburg knew very Httle of what was going 
on. He had been assured that the provisions of the decree 
which he had signed on February 28 would be used only in 
accordance with the demands of national safety, and he had 
swallowed, hook, fine, and sinker, the story of a Communist 
plot. That the powers which he had thus conferred upon the 
Government were being shamefully abused he was com- 
pletely ignorant, and it was the role of his intimate advisers 
to keep him in this bHssful state. 

Yet that hypersensitive conscience which had so often 
in earher days prohibited his taking certain action, could 
not have passed over in complete silence his decrees 
abohshing the colours of the Weimar Kepubhc, both as 
the national flag and from the military standard of the 
Eeich, nor his proclamation that in so doing he was “glad 
to give visible expression to the increased affinity of the 
fighting forces with resurgent national forces of the German 
people”. As Commander-in-Chief of an army whose loyalty 
to him never wavered until his death, he could, had he 



been so minded, have beld tbe military forces of tbe Eeich. 
aloof from the Revolution and thereby preserved the non- 
political nature of the army. 

Those who surrounded him knew well how to touch the 
Old Gentleman’s sensibilities. Hitler was anxious to estab- 
lish the link between the Revolution and the military 
glories of ancient Prussia, and what better means could 
there be than a dedicatory service, before the opening of 
the new Reichstag, in the Garrison Church of Potsdam 
above the tomb of Frederick the Great? 

It was an affair of glittering splendour, that scene on 
March 21. The Reichswehr stood in long hnes of silent 
imm obility and for the last time the Brown Army and the 
Stahlhelm paraded as allies. AU the great military figures 
were there, and some of lesser greatness. Mackensen and 
the Crown Prince, both in the magnificent uniform of the 
Death’s Head Hussars; Seeckt, on the eve of a long exile 
from Germany; the heads of the army and navy. Hammer- 
stein and Eaeder, and many other figures emerging from 
retirement, in ancient uniforms that started at the seams, 
and PicJcelkauben that perched precariously on heads that 
had changed their contours. 

The Cabinet was in civilian dress, save for Blomberg in 
field-grey, and Goring, who wore some wonderful con- 
fection of his own. Lastly, there came the President, Field- 
Marshal Paul von Hindenburg, gigantic, and seemingly 

Yet he was moved. Deep memories stirred within him; 
the day in 1866 when he had first stood at the tomb of 
Prussia’s greatest king, a young lieutenant of the Guards 
but recently returned in victory; that second pilgrimage of 
Wilhe lm I after the triumphs over France — ^then, too, he 
had been there, a lusty young subaltern; and now, after 
more than half a century, he was again in this same shrine, 
with Germany perhaps on the threshold of future glories. 
These pictures must have recalled themselves as the service 


proceeded, and those sitting close to Hindenburg saw tears 
on bis cheeks. 

The procedure had been designed to associate the 
Marshal firmly and for ever with the new order, and both 
his speech and that of the Chancellor had been prepared 
with this in mind. By honouring him as Germany’s veteran 
leader of the World War, it was hoped to obliterate his 
unfortunate connection for the past eight years with the 
Weimar System. Hindenburg, who had been the hero of 
German arms, must be established as the symbol of the 
National Revolution. 

The speech of the President was of particular interest 
since it laid upon him alone the responsibility for the 
formation of the new “Government of National AUiance”, 
and closed with a stern injunction to the Reichstag that 
they were expected “to stand behind the Government and 
do everything possible to support it in its difiS.cult work”. 

Hitler’s oration, on the other hand, was one in glorifica- 
tion of the Marshal, and a justification of the principles 
which he cherished. The event was one which appealed to 
the romantic mysticism of the Chancellor’s southern 
temperament, and his voice shook as he spoke: 

Neither the Emperor, nor the Government, nor the people willed the 
War. But the decline of the nation, the general collapse, compelled a 
weak generation, against itsown better judgment and against itsmost 
sacred convictions, to accept the assertion of our war-guilt. . . . By 
a unique upheaval, national honour has been restored in a few weeks, 
and, thanks to your understanding. Hen General-Feldmarschall, the 
marriage has been consummated between the symbols of the old great- 
ness and the new strength. We pay you homage. A protective 
Providence places you above the new forces of our nation. 

Deeply moved by his owu eloquence. Hitler crossed the 
dais and, with an obeisance of himiihty, grasped the old 
Marshal’s hand. Magnesium flared; cameras clicked; and 
there was perpetuated a scene which Joseph Goebbels, 
the Reinhardt of the Revolution, was to exploit so fuUy 



in the weeks to come. The Field-Marshal and the Corporal, 
the Old Germany and the New, united by a hand-clasp of 
comradeship — ^it was to be a theme and an event which no 
German was to be allowed to forget and which was to be 
implanted in the mind of every German child. 

When the Reichstag adjourned to its new quarters in 
the Kroll Opera House, it had but one item of business, 
to commit hara-kiri by passing the Enabling Bill. Hitler 
was anxious to make this event a great mass-suicide of 
the pohtical parties, and to that end had been at some pains 
to negotiate with the party leaders in order that the Bill 
might be passed by as large a majority as possible. A 
Government majority was, of course, assured, and it was 
taken for granted that those Communist Deputies who had 
so far escaped arrest would not attend the sitting. But the 
Social Democrats would vote against the Bill and it was 
therefore to the Centre that Hitler addressed himself. 

In view of the fact that the Bill would be passed anyway, 
even in the face of a united opposition, the Centre Party 
leaders devoted themselves to an attempt to save what 
they could of the constitutional privileges. The Bill trans- 
ferred the power of legislation from the Reichstag to the 
Government and empowered them even to change the 
Constitution if they thought fit. Though it was specifically 
stated that the rights of the President of the Repubhc 
should remain untouched, this provision was virtually 
nullified by vesting in the Chancellor the President’s 
principal prerogative, that of rectifying legislation, in 
order, it was explained, “to relieve the President of un- 
necessary work”. 

It was upon this last item of the Bill that the leaders of 
the Centre took their stand. Would not the Chancellor 
respect the President’s prerogative of veto? Hitler replied 
that he had given his promise, that he would promulgate 
extreme legislation only after consultation with the 
President, and he could assure them that he would never 




disregard the President’s wishes. Pruning and Kaas, with 
a previous knowledge of this kind of negotiation, demanded 
a written confirmation of this promise before the Centre 
Party voted for the Bill, and to this the Chancellor agreed. 
A letter should reach Kaas before the final vote. 

On the morning of the fatal session in the KjoU Opera 
House on March 23, no letter had arrived and Kaas again 
applied to Hitler. There was no need for anxiety, the 
Chancellor replied; he had already signed the letter, but 
it also required the counter-signature of Dr. Frick, the 
Minister for the Interior; it would arrive in time. The 
opening of session came; stiU no letter. Kaas approached 
Frick. The Minister was all apologies; he was so overtaxed 
with work that he had had no time to sign all the papers 
which had been brought to him. But the letter was in his 
portfolio; he would give it his earliest attention. Pruning 
advised that unless the letter had arrived before the vote 
was taken, the Centre should oppose the BiU, but the final 
decision lay with Kaas as head of the party. 

Hitler introduced the Bill to the Reichstag in a speech 
remarkable for its moderation and lack of colour. A more 
fiery oration had been expected and had, indeed, been 
prepared, but at the last moment the counsel of the 
Foreign Office had been heeded and the original text 
toned down. As the Chancellor sat down, Goring, from the 
presidential chair, called peremptorily upon the leader of 
the Social Democrats. There was a moment’s deathly 
silence, and from outside could be heard the ghastly chant 
of the Storm Troopers who packed the streets; “Give us 
the Bill or else fire and murder.” It was the voice of the 
New Germany. With a tremendous efiort Otto Weis rose 
from his place and, as if on leaden feet, moimted to the 
rostrum. Then with squared shoulders he faced the House 
and, in a voice which did not shake, gave the decision 
of his party. It was an uncompromising and courageous 
rejection. The great Socialist Party of Germany, which 



had defied Bismarck and Wilhelm II, would not betray its 
traditions and its honour. The Government might take 
their fives, it could not destroy their soul. 

Amid the subdued cheers of his followers and the infuri- 
ated yells of the Nazis, Weis returned to his place, and 
Hitler, pale and shaking with rage, was on his feet, brushing 
aside Papen’s restraming hand. To the obvious dismay of 
the Vice-Chancellor, the Filhrer gave to the House aU that 
had been expurgated from his opening speech, and more. 
Weis may have signed the death-warrant of his party but, 
in doing so, he had provoked that display of uncontrolled 
passion which the saner members of the Government, 
zealous for the good reception of the new order in Europe, 
had been so anxious to avoid. But the House was frenzied 
by Hitler’s rhetoric. Again and again they rose at him and 
only physical and emotional exhaustion brought him to a 
close. When the tumult had subsided, Goring called Kaas 
to the tribune. 

The moment of crisis had come but the letter had not 
arrived. Was the prelate stiU so naive that he believed in 
Nazi promises or were his nerves a little shaken by the 
Chancellor’s outburst and the grim incantations from with- 
out? Whatever the cause, Kaas showed less courage than 
the Socialist leader. He recorded the vote of the Centre in 
favour of the BiU and thereby condemned his party in the 
eyes of many of his faith. 

In a roar of excitement the vote was taken, and in a 
sudden hush Goring declared the figures. For the Govern- 
ment 441; against 91. The Bill was law; Hmdenburg signed 
it, and the parliamentary institutions of Germany were in 
their grave. 

But though the promised letter from Hitler never arrived, 
the Centre Party leaders did after aU receive a written 
jonfirmation of the Chancellor’s promise to the President. 
Three days after the vote in the Reichstag, Hindenburg 
lent a personal assurance in explicit terms: 



I am glad to be able to confirm [be wrote] that the Chancellor has 
given me his assurance that, even without being formally obliged 
by the Constitution, he will not use the power conferred on him, by 
the Enabling Act without having first consulted me. In this con- 
nection I shall always endeavour to secure our intimate co-operation 
and to fulfil my oath “to do justice to aU men”. 

VON Hindenbueg^ 

Here then was the one remaining check npon Hitler’s 
power, a gentleman’s agreement to consult the President, 
and it may be asked why did Hindenburg not more ener- 
getically defend his oath? The answer is obvious. A weary 
Old Gentleman of eighty-six, of rigid mind and slow reason- 
ing, anxious to avoid responsibihty and surrounded by a 
pack of watch-dogs, is no match for a virile young pohtician 
of forty-four, free as the air and with no inhibiting political 
scruples. The agreement has the appearance of the most 
sardonic hypocrisy. Had Hindenburg been younger and not 
so completely under control, it is doubtful whether Hitler 
would have ever entered into such an imderstanding. But 
as things were it imposed no check on him at all, for, 
with the signing of the Enabhng Bill, the President 
simply faded from the picture and from the pubhc mind. 
A new hero had arisen, Adolf Hitler, and with traditional 
fickleness they shouted for him. Only in the concentration 
camps Hindenburg’s name was remembered, with bitter- 

The Old Gentleman spent more and more of his time in 
the seclusion of Neudeck. It had been enlarged now by the 
addition of Oskar’s “Naboth’s vineyard”, which a grateful 
New Germany had presented to him, and soon it was to be 

^ IcJi Jcann IJinen nur hestdtigen, dass der Herr Reichshanzler mir seine 
Bereitwilhgheit erUdrt hat^ auch ohne formale verfassungsrechtliche 
Bindung die auf Grund des Ermachtigungsgesetzes zur ergreifenden 
Massnahmen nur nach vorherigem Benehmen mit rmr zu treffen. Ich werde 
Jiierbei stets hestrebt sein, enge Zusammenarbeit zu wahren und getreu 
meinem Eide ^fierechtiglceit gegen jedermann‘^ iiben, 

VON Hindenburg 



called “the smallest concentratioii camp”. Both here and in 
the Palace at Berhn the tragedy of 1918 was being re- 
enacted. Ludendorff had surrounded the Marshal at Spa 
with those who breathed “the will to Victory”, and now 
the President was studiously “protected” from all critics of 
the new regime. He could not know the truth, for Papen’s 
vanity would not let him admit, even to himself, how far his 
schemes had miscarried, and Meissner knew that his job 
depended upon Hindenburg’s ignorance. 

Thus the Old Gentleman could not know that, within six 
months of Hitler’s coming to power, his foreign pohcy had 
very nearly provoked drastic action on the part of the 
Powers and that he had only withdrawn at the last moment 
in face of grave warnings from Great Britain and America. 
He could not know that aU over the country the Nationalists 
were being ousted from the governments and their places 
taken by Nazis; that frequent clashes occurred between the 
Stahlhelm and the Storm Troops, and that in many places 
the Steel Helmets had been suppressed. He could not know 
:hat in camps and cellars throughout Germany thousands 
if his countrymen were herded like animals and beaten, in 
nany cases for no better reason than that they had voted 
or him. These things were hidden from him, and his only 
dsitors assured him that all was well. The stories of atroci- 
des were entirely false, they said, and in giving Hitler the 
>ower to regenerate Germany he had performed the crown- 
ag act of his career. 

From time to time there may have been — ^there must 
ave been — some doubts in Hindenburg’s mind as to 
whether he had done the right thing. Certainly he must 
ave been surprised that many of his old friends and com- 
ades no longer came to see him; for there were many great 
rermans, and friends of Germany from abroad, who tried 
3 acquaint him of the true state of the country, but who 
liled to pass that watchful Cerberus, the Secretary of 
tate. But Hindenburg was very old and very tired; he 



enjoyed the quiet peace of his seclusion and became more 
easily receptive of reassuring blandishments. 

Every now and then he would emerge from his retire- 
ment. Eace meetings delighted him, and he attended the 
German Derby at Hamburg and the “Hindenburg Cup” at 
Griinewald. The crowds still cheered him, but not with the 
frenzy that they reserved for Hitler. The Hindenburg 
Legend was a httle faded now. The national pilgrimage to 
Tannenberg in August was the occasion for a fresh burst of 
compliment from the Chancellor and further affirmation of 
Hindenburg’s imswerving fidehty to his “Kaiser, Edng and 
Lord”; and in October he was haled forth in some bewilder- 
ment to summon the German people, incongruously enough, 
to subscribe to Hitler’s policy of peace in withdrawing 
from the Disarmament Conference and from the League of 

Did he, one wonders, have no twinges of that so sensitive 
conscience? Was there no memory of that fight, in which 
he had supported Stresemann so staunchly, to bring Ger- 
many to Locarno and Geneva? Or had aU recollection of 
those years of struggle passed, and was he waiting in 
patience, but by now a little anxiously, for the day when a 
regenerated Germany should recall her Emperor? 

Erom time to time distinguished visitors from abroad, 
eminently “safe” politically, were allowed through the 
blockade, and among these on one occasion was a famous 
British general on a “goodwill” mission. Because it was 
desired to do him honour, for he was very distingidshed, an 
aide-de-camp from the Eeichswehr was attached with in- 
structions to take him round Potsdam and bring him back 
to tea at the Palace. This task accomplished, the Ma.raha.1 
began in his usual way to cross-examine his visitor. 

“What did you think of Potsdam, General?” 

“Well, sir, I confess it impressed me with the difference 
between the HohenzoUerns and ourselves”, was the reply. 

“Really, why?” 



“In my country it is a point of tradition with our families 
that generation after generation lives in the same house, 
but so far as I can see, each Hohenzollern built a house 
for himself.” 

“Oh,” said Hindenburg heavily, “that’s very interesting; 
nobody ever told me that before.” 

While Hindenburg thus passed his latter days in peace 
and seclusion, the new Germany which he had helped to 
create was rapidly approaching a period of acute crisis. In 
the space of a year Adolf Hitler had succeeded in crushing 
or terrorizing into submission all forms of opposition to the 
new regime, but he had failed signally to allay the rivalries 
within his own party and had apparently gone contemp- 
tuously out of his way to antagonize his late aUies, the 
Nationahsts. With the appointment of Darre to succeed 
Hugenberg as Minister of Agriculture, and of Hess, Rohm, 
and Kerri as Ministers without portfoho, the Nazis now had 
a majority in the Cabinet, and the remaining Nationalist 
members had become no more than figure-heads. 

But the figure-heads talked, and — ^with the exception of 
Seldte, who seemed to welcome insult with an almost 
masochistic lust — ^talked loudly. They declared that the 
terms of the coalition of January 1933 had been broken, 
forgetting Hitler’s declared emulation of MussoKni’s tactics. 
And, in addition, they were very frightened. The Move- 
ment had swung far too rapidly to the Left for their liking 
or comfort, and already Goebbels was talking with dis- 
tressing frequency of a second and more radical Revolution 
to follow closely upon Hindenbmg’s death, an event which, 
all knew, could not long be delayed. If, therefore, the 
Nationahsts were to regain some of their ground there was 
no time to be lost, for, once Hindenburg had passed finally 
from the scene, all feared that radicahsm would be rampant 
and unchecked. 

The friction between the two Government parties grew 
steadily and culminated in a series of incidents during the 



first six montlis of 1934. On the anniversary of the Em- 
peror’s birthday in January the monarchist organizations 
were wont to hold a dinner, an annual gathering of oflficers of 
the Old Army and former Court officials, purely sentimental 
in character and without pohtical significance. Goebbels had 
frequently referred to this “hot-bed of reaction” in scathing 
terms, and on January 26, 1934, the dinner was raided by 
riotous Storm Troopers, who broke up the tables, insulted 
the guests, and so humihated the presiding officer, the 
veteran General von Horn, that he died of a stroke two 
days later. In April high Stahllielm leaders were arrested 
in Stettin and sent to a concentration camp, and in June 
Seldte’s car, with Seldte in it, was stoned by S.A, men at 

At last Papen’s eyes were opened to the enormity of his 
error. His own vanity had been wounded at the manner in 
which Goring had ousted him from the Government of 
Prussia, and he was frankly alarmed, like Frankenstein of 
old, at the way in which this monster of his creation had 
thrown ofi all control. He had been revolted by the brutali- 
ties of the Terror, but was luUed by the age-old sophism that 
an omelette cannot be made without breaking eggs. Now, 
however, he awoke to a full realization of the degree to which 
the German mind had been imprisoned and all free speech 
and criticism stifled. Appalled, he raised the matter in 
Cabinet and was rebuffed by Goebbels, and when he carried 
his protest to the Chancellor himself, Hitler was evasive and 
unhelpful. Now really roused, Papen took coimsel with the 
group of young men which had grown up around him, Jung, 
Bose, Tschirschky, and others, and to a man they urged hiTn 
to seek the support of the President for a pubhc protest, if 
necessary supported by the authority of the Reichswehr. 

But the rising antagonism of the Nationahsts was among 
the least of Hitler’s troubles at the moment. The inner state 
of his own party was a far more pressing problem. A bitter 
rivalry divided Goring and Goebbels; and depravity and 



corruption were rampant. The erotic orgies of Rohm in Ber- 
lin and of Heines in Breslau were common knowledge, as 
was the fact that the greater part of the proceeds of the 
Winterhilfe — a fund for the benefit of the unemployed 
collected from house to house and door to door, only 
too frequently with threats and menaces — ^went into the 
pockets of the Storm Troop leaders to defray the expenses 
of the liixurious establishments which many of them had 
set up. To many Germans who had voted in genuine en- 
thusiasm and confidence for Hitler in 1933, this record of a 
government which had seized supreme power with the pro- 
claimed intention of rooting out corruption and setting up 
a rigid economy, came as a terrible disillusionment: while 
from foreign countries, and notably from England, repre- 
sentatives of the highest authorities of Church and State, not 
unfavourable to the National Socialist movement, urged 
upon Bfitler the necessity of setting his house in order and 
cleaning up his party by legal methods. 

More pressing even than this, however, was the problem 
of the Storm Troops themselves. The old dispute with 
Rohm, which had flared up in 1926 and again in 1930, was 
now at white heat, for, with the withdrawal from the Dis- 
armament Conference and the subsequent avowed policy of 
rearmament, Rohm had the most pleasing visions of a 
Reichswehr enlarged by the incorporation of many of his 
legions, with the remainder standing behind it in a brown 
phalanx of trained reserves. He considered himself and his 
Storm Troops indispensable to the progress and consohda- 
tion of the Revolution, and the rank and file of his followers 
represented, far more genuinely than did the casuistical 
Goebbels, the Left Wing radical tendencies of the party. 

And they too were dissatisfied. For if the Nationalists 
were alarmed at the progress of the Revolution towards the 
Left, these men, who from their youth in the party had im- 
bibed its pre-revolutionary propaganda, regarded it as not 
having gone far enough. Indeed they were sadly disillusioned. 



They had been promised the return of the Polish Corridor 
and they had seen a ten-year pact of non-aggression with 
Poland; they had been promised National Socialism “in our 
time”, and they had seen the great industriahsts and land- 
owners become still more strongly entrenched; and finally, 
they had been promised honour and glory as the soldiers of 
the Eevolution, and they were threatened with disband- 

For, faced with an unruly body of Praetorians two and a 
half m i l l ion strong and under an erratic chief, and with a 
Europeuniting against him, Hitler was seeking to improve his 
position by sacrificing the one to the other. The efforts made 
by the British Government during the spring of 1934 to find 
a disarmament formula between the French and German 
theses, and thereby to bring Germany back to Geneva, 
presented the Chancellor with a golden opportunity of dis- 
embarrassing himself of the Brown Army, which had now 
become both a threat and an incubus, and at the same 
time of gaining credit with the Powers. When, therefore, 
that peripatetic statesman, Mr. Anthony Eden, visited 
Berhn in February 1934, he was met by Hitler with an offer 
of a reduction of the S.A. by two-thirds and the institution 
of a system of supervision which should verify that the 
remainder should neither possess any arms nor receive any 
mihtary instruction or take part in field exercises. This 
offer was repeated to the British Government in April. 

But German diplomacy, by its indomitable stupidity, de- 
feated its own ends. All hope for its success was lost with 
the peremptory closing of the negotiations by the French 
Government in answer to the pubhcation of the German 
mihtary budget, which showed a very extensive increase 
in the appropriations. 

The news of the offer and the rumours of large reductions 
in their numbers to follow the annual period of leave in July, 
caused great discontent in the ranks of the S.A., which found 
voice through Rohm in the Cabinet. Here, however. Hitler 



had the firm support of Blomherg, the Reichswehr Minister, 
and of Goring, who, since he had been made a general, had 
espoused the well-known doctrines of the army regarding 
the S.A., and would, in any case, have opposed practically 
any views advanced by Rohm. The Chancellor was also as- 
sured of the loyalty of the S.S., a force now some two 
hundred thousand strong, whose contempt for the S.A. was 
reminiscent of the scorn evinced by the Guard for the Line 
in the Old Army. 

The dissensions within the party and the general feeKng 
of crisis in the air had a further unexpected result. General 
von Schleicher emerged from his retirement and openly 
criticized the Government. He had failed to reahze that 
what was merely treachery before the estabhshment of 
the Totahtarian State was now regarded as high treason, 
and that he no longer controlled the secret forces of 
espionage. He began again to indulge his flair for shadow 
Cabinet-making, and before long it was reported that he 
had tried to re-establish his old contacts with Rohm. In 
return for the Vice-Chancellorship under Hitler, it was 
rumoured, he would agree to the appointment of Rohm as 
Minister of Defence and the partial amalgamation of the 
Brown Army with the Reichswehr. It was also rumoured 
that Papen, Goring, and Neurath were to be excluded from 
the Government and that Briming was to be offered the 
Foreign Ministry. How irresponsible and unreliable these 
conversations were may be judged by the fact that no com- 
munication passed between Schleicher and Briining, and 
that, if the latter’s name was included in the “Shadow 
Cabinet” it was without his consent or knowledge. In so 
far as Schleicher was concerned, the afiair was little more 
than one of building castles in Spain, for he no longer had 
access to the President, and was discredited and without 

But in the hands of Goring and Himmler, the chief of the 
S.S. and the Gestapo (Secret Pohce), the story took on 



gigantic proportions. It became a plot, a conspiracy to 
murder, an incipient counter-revolution to be fought with 
its own weapons. A drastic “purge” of the party was planned, 
which should include within its scope aU the enemies of the 
regime, both past and present, to the Right and to the 
Left. Lists of those to be executed were prepared, and a 
certain bargaining went on whereby the friends of one were 
removed from the hst of another in return for reciprocal 
treatment. The date was fixed for June 16, and at the end 
of May both Briining and Schleicher received warnings that 
they were among the condemned. Briining left the country, 
but Schleicher, regarding the affair as a passing storm which 
would soon blow over, merely went into retreat on the 
shores of the Starnbergersee. 

Suddenly there was a new development. For a long time 
Hitler had courted Mussolini in an attempt to enhst his aid 
against France, but the campaign of terror and interference 
which the Nazis persisted in carrying on in Austria had so 
far proved a stumbling-block. Now it appeared that it was 
possible for the two dictators to meet for the first time and 
discuss their common problems face to face; the rendezvous 
suggested was Venice, and the date the 15th and 16th of 
Jime. Plans for the purge were hastily postponed and the 
Fuhrer departed to meet the man from whom so many of 
his ideas had been derived. 

In the meantime, Papen had not been idle. He had been 
the guest of the President at Neudeck, and had there dis- 
closed to Hindenburg sufSicient of the true state of affairs in 
Germany to upset the Old Gentleman very thoroughly. 
There was, Papen said, no question of supplanting Hitler, 
but steps must be taken to curb the power of such people as 
Goebbels, whose Radical opportunism was a danger to aU. It 
was a national reproach, and one that the European coun- 
tries did not hesitate to level against Germany, that a gag 
should be put upon free speech and constructive criticism. 
Such had never been the object of the movement of national 



resurgence as ke had visualized it, or as he had explained it 
to Hindenburg, and he felt that, as one of those chiefly 
responsible for bringing the new regime into power, it was 
his duty to utter a protest. He proposed, with Hindenburg’s 
approval, to make an important speech shortly, which might 
have very severe repercussions. Should this be so, he asked 
for the President’s support. 

Whether Papen explained in detail to Hindenburg exactly 
what was the nature of the support he desired — ^which was 
in efiect the President’s authority to suppress the Goebbels 
policy if necessary with the assistance of the Keichswehr — or 
how much was understood by the Old Gentleman, to whom 
the whole thing had come with a shock of disillusion- 
ment, it is impossible to say, but certainly Papen left Neu- 
deck with the impression that whatever the result of his 
protest might be, he was assured of Hindenburg’s loyal 
support and assistance. Being Papen, he said so in the 
diplomatic circles in which he moved, and his hsteners 
waited breathlessly for the approaching day. 

It was before the University of Marburg, on Simday 
Jime 17, that Papen made his now historic appeal. The 
speech, itself a composite work, owing most to the Hebrew 
genius of Edgar Jung, was a masterpiece in style and con- 
tent. Throughout it had the hall-mark of greatness: 

My personal obligation to Adolf Hitler and his work [said Papen] 
is so great that it would be a mortal sin for me, as a man and a 
statesman, not to say what must be said at this decisive stage of the 
German Revolution. . . . We know full well that there are rumours 
and whisperings in dark corners, but they evaporate when brought 
out into the light of day. A free press ought to exist to inform the 
Government with open and manly statements where corruption has 
made its nest, when bad mistakes have been made, where the wrong 
men are in the wrong place, and where the spirit of the German 

Revolution has been sinned against If the official organs of pubhc 

opinion do not throw sufficient light on the mysterious darkness 
which at present hides the spirit of the German people, then a states- 
man must step in and call a spade a spade. Such a step should prove 



that the Government is strong enough to bear reasonable criticism, 
which, as the old maxim says, only weaklmgs and fools cannot 
hear. . , . 

Any talk about a second wave which will complete the Eevolu- 
tion has no meaning. Whoever plays with such thoughts must not 
hide from himself that a third wave can easily follow a second; 
that he who threatens the guillotine comes the sooner under its 
knife. No race can afiord constant uprisings by the lower classes if 
it wishes to have a place in history. ... In the long run no propa- 
ganda and no organization, however good, can by itself maintain 
confidence. A sense of trust and willingness to serve can only be 
fostered by taking the people into confidence and not by working 
up high feelings, especially among youth, nor by threats against 
sections of the people who are helpless. The people know that heavy 
sacrifices are expected of them. They will make them and follow the 
Leader with implicit faith if they are allowed to have a voice in 
council and action; if every word of criticism is not at once inter- 
preted as of evil intent; and if patriots in despair are not branded as 
enemies of the State. 

The courageous tone of the speech, as well as the thinly 
veiled attack upon Goebbels, met with welcoming favour 
throughout the world, and it is difficult to describe the joy 
with which it was received in Germany. It was as if a load 
had suddenly been lifted from the German soul. The sense 
of relief could almost be felt in the air. Papen had put into 
words what thousands upon thousands of his countrymen 
had locked up in their hearts for fear of the awful penalties 
of speech. He had given fresh hope to those who had almost 
gone imder in the depths of their despair. Could it mean 
that a new era of toleration was really about to dawn? 

But in the little town of Gera there were tumult and 
a&ight. Here were assembled the party chiefs to hear 
Hitler’s account of his conversation with the Duce, and to 
them news and rumour came hot upon each other’s heels. 
Papen, it was said, had raised the standard of counter- 
revolution at Marburg and had behind him not only the 
President but the Eeichswehr. Momentary panic ensued. 



The leaders anxiously discussed to wliicli foreign countries 
they could escape and whether, under the exchange restric- 
tion, they could get funds out of G-ermany. 

Saner counsels, however, prevailed, and it was decided 
to meet the crisis and fight. The first suggestion, to arrest 
Papen, was vetoed on the advice of Goebbels, who proposed 
that no measures should be taken against the Vice-Chan- 
cellor personally, lest he become a martyr, but that every 
means should be employed to prevent the speech from 
becoming public. It had not been broadcast, but gramo- 
phone records had been made of it, and the order was at 
once given for their destruction. The edition of the Frank- 
furter Zeitung in which the text appeared was suppressed; 
the pamphlet edition printed at the press of Papen’s own 
paper, Germania, was seized — but not before a number of 
people, including the writer, had secured copies — and it was 
even proposed to close the frontiers to prevent the speech 
from leaving the country. The Baseler Nachrichten had, 
however, smuggled out a press copy, and, though its issue 
was banned in Germany, it was soon in circulation every- 
where. The Eadical press at once let loose a flood of invec- 
tive, both in articles and caricature, with pointed references 
to “effete aristocrats”, “top-hatted noblemen”, and “cavalry 
captains”; while Goebbels demanded in the Angriff: “Is it 
not time that this nest of stink-pots was cleaned out?” 

Papen’s protest could not thus hghtly be set aside. He 
had received letters of congratulation from the Crown 
Prince, from Seldte, and from a number of moderate Nazi 
leaders. Despite all Goebbels’s efforts the gist, at least, of 
the speech had become generally known and pubhc enthu- 
siasm was growing daily. On June 24, at Hamburg, on the 
occasion of the German Derby, the Vice-Chancellor received 
a huge ovation. The crowd forsook the Nazi salutation of 
“Heil”, and reverted to the old “Hurrah” — for Papen and 
for Marburg. Goebbels was also present and was hissed. In 
the President’s box (Papen was acting as Hindenburg’s 



deputy) the two shook hands for the benefit of press photo- 
graphers. A bitter moment for them both. 

But from Neudeck there came only a telegram of con- 
gratulation. And as the days shpped past, and Hindenburg 
made no further sign, the Nazi leaders began to regain their 
courage and Papen knew that his coup had misfired. Did 
Hindenburg betray him? Had he ever reaUy understood the 
full meaning of what Papen had told him in the June sun- 
light as they sat on the terrace at Neudeck? It was difficult 
at eighty-sis suddenly to reverse his ideas and to be told 
that what he had been led to beHeve for the last eighteen 
months, those months so blessedly free from trouble and 
responsibility, had been false. Papen wiU never know just 
what had happened. He had seen the President for the last 
time in Ufe. 

During the week which followed in Berhn the atmosphere 
seemed charged with an ever-increasing tensity, and as one 
golden June day gave place to another, the presage of im- 
pending tragedy grew stronger. Rumour was rife. It was 
known that Ribbentrop had repeated in Paris the ofier 
which Hitler had made to Eden regarding the S.A., and the 
whisper went forth that, after the Storm Troops had gone 
on leave in July, very few of them would return. A confer- 
ence of their leaders was summoned at Munich for the end 
of the week. Behind the scenes G-oring and Himmler were 
feverishly pushing forward the plans which had been post- 
poned from June 16, and were working on Hitler’s nerves — 
always the Fuhrer’s, weak point — ^to ensure his support and 

All rmsuspecting of their own danger, the several char- 
acters in the drama pursued their way. Papen was uncon- 
cerned as ever. He had had a long interview with Hitler in 
the course of which he had tendered his resignation from the 
Cabinet. This the Chancellor had refused, but added omin- 
ously that while he personally agreed with much of what 
had been said at Marburg, he regarded the manner of saying 



it as a breacii of faith. Though Papeu kaew that attempts 
were now being made in Berlin to explain away the Presi- 
dent’s telegram of congratulation, he persisted in regarding 
the incident as closed, an attitude in which he was imitated 
by most of his group. Only Edgar Jung sensed the coming 
danger, but, though he went into hiding, he tried too late 
to fly the country. 

I met him in a secluded part of one of the many wooded 
districts surrounding Berlin one afternoon in that moment- 
ous week, and he was then convinced that nothing could 
save him. He was entirely cahn and fatalistic, but he spoke 
with the freedom of a man who has nothing before him 
and therefore nothing to lose, and he told me many things. 
Later two others of the “Marburg Circle” talked with me, 
and I, stiU strongly under the influence of Jung’s certainty 
of death, was amazed at their lack of anxiety. Though they 
hinted at the fate of others, “Protective Detention” was the 
worst that they envisaged for themselves. Within forty- 
eight hours one of them, together with Jung and others of 
my friends, was dead. 

The blow fell suddenly, and without warning. In the early 
hours of the morning of Saturday, June 30, Hitler at the 
head of a party of S.S. raided a villa at Wiesee, in the neigh- 
bourhood of Munich, and there discovered Rohm and Heines 
under circumstances which definitely precluded any idea of 
an immediately premeditated futsch. Heines and his Storm 
Trooper paramour were despatched out of hand, but for 
a long hour Hitler strove with the man who had been his 
closest friend for sixteen years, the only one among his 
followers with whom he was on terms of “thee” and “thou”, 
and finally gave instructions that a revolver was to be left 
in his cell. That Rohm disdained the way of suicide and 
bravely faced a firing squad in his own cellar is to be 
counted in his favour and is a strange ending to his notori- 
ous and nefarious career. 

These acts of justice done, the Fuhrer turned over the 




furtlier work of execution to Major Bucli, tke head of the 
“Disciplinary Section” of the S.S., who dealt faithfully with 
many enemies of the regime in Bavaria. The memory of the 
party was a long one, and among those murdered was 
the seventy-eight-years-old von Kahr, who had scotched the 
Biirgerhrau putsch of 1923. Though few tears need be shed 
over such men as B.6hm and Heines, there was nothing in 
their career which precluded them from the privilege of a fair 
trial, which might or might not m due course have brought 
them to the gaUows, but, if they lacked justice, how much 
more so did such leaders of the S.A. as Hans Peter von 
Heydebreck and Hans von Falkenhausen, nephew of the 
war-time general? These men, the best type of ofldcer which 
the Old Army produced, had served Hitler loyally from early 
days but had criticized the brutahty which had attended 
the Revolution. They too died on June 30, with many others 
whose only crime was that they had placed too strong a faith 
in the promises of their leader. 

Meantime in Berlin, Goriug, having first assured himself 
of the success of the Munich operations, launched his own 
attack, fliuging his net far to right and left. Papen, placed 
under arrest in his own house, faced for hours the prospect 
of immediate death until imperative instructions from Hitler 
placed his life out of danger. That strange quirk of loyalty 
in the Fuhrer's character forbade the death of the man who 
had placed him iu power. But this protection did not extend 
to his staff. In the office of the Vice-Chancellor, Bose, his 
first adjutant, was shot down in his room and the remainder 
of the group placed under arrest, with the exception of 
Jung, who had been executed earUer in the morning. 

Schleicher, who had returned to Berhn when the 16th of 
June had passed uneventfully, was murdered with his wife, 
as they were awaiting the return of his stepdaughter to 
luncheon, and it was left for this sixteen-year-old child to 
find their bodies riddled on the floor. Schleicher’s closest 
friend. General von Bredow, was also shot. Treviranus, who, 



most characteristically, had disregarded all wariiings, evaded 
the raiding party which called at his house, slipped away 
in his own car, and arrived, after a series of hairbreadth 
escapes, in England. 

Towards evening those who had not been shot in their 
own homes were brought to Lichtefelde Barracks, the former 
cadgt school of the Old Army, where a series of perfunctory 
courts-martial were held with but one sentence. Here died 
the handsome young Karl Ernst, who had risen rapidly 
from bell captain in the Hotel am Knie to be supreme com- 
mander of Storm Troops in the district of Berlin-Branden- 
burg. Arrested at Bremen as he was about to leave for 
Madeira, he was brought handcuffed by air to Berhn, pro- 
testing his loyalty to the Leader, who but a few weeks before 
had been present at his wedding. Ernst faced his death 
with the cry “Heil Hitler” on his bps. 

All through the nights of Saturday, Sunday, and Monday 
the executions went on, the bursts of firing from the execu- 
tion squads of S.S. men, among whom were the sons of 
some of the most distinguished men in Germany, being 
plainly heard in the still air. In other parts of the country 
similar scenes were enacted, and among the victims was 
Gregor Strasser, the man who had once organized Berlin 
for Hitler, but whose sin was that he had negotiated with 
Bruning and with Schleicher. At the same time wholesale 
arrests were made on aU sides, and Hitler issued an hysteri- 
cal Order of the Day, protesting his ignorance of Rohm’s 
private life and his desire to make the S.A. an orgardzation 
to which German mothers could confide their sons with 
perfect peace of mind! 

The full toU of that ghastly week-end can never be known, 
but it is certain that it exceeded the figure of seventy-seven 
which Hitler later admitted in his Reichstag speech of July 
13, when he informed a bewildered Germany, and a shocked 
and incredulous world, that he had saved the country from 
a national peril of a gruesome nature. Men left their homes 



on that Saturday morning never to return, and to this day 
their relatives do not know when or where they died. One 
woman received the first news of her husband’s murder 
when his ashes were sent to her through the post by the 
Secret Pohce. Others have never received a notification. 

For three days the Reichswehr held aloof, keeping the ring, 
but on the Tuesday (July 2) they indicated that the slaughter 
must stop. Their humanitarian feehngs had not, however, 
been roused before it was certain that all their rivals in the 
high command of the Brown Army had been “hquidated”. 
That they tolerated this political gangsterism even for three 
days is a blot upon the escutcheon of the German army which 
it will find difficult to erase, but a darker stain was the fact 
that it was the Eeichswehr Mmister, Colonel-General (now 
Field-Marshal) von Blomberg, who conveyed the con- 
gratulations of the Cabinet to the Chancellor. 

How much news of the ghastly week-end penetrated to 
Neudeck? Very httle, it is to be beheved, and that in a 
suitably prepared form. It is certain that the murder of 
Schleicher and the arrest of Papen were kept from Hiuden- 
burg, and it is probable that only the story of the S.A. 
conspiracy was told to him. But the world, already nauseated 
by the events of June 30, was shocked to hear that the 
President of the Eepublic had warmly congratulated Hitler 
upon his exploits; 

From the reports placed before me [Hmdenburg telegraphed to 
his Chancellor on July 2] I learn that you, by your determined 
action and your brave personal intervention, have nipped treason in 
the bud. You have saved the German nation &om serious danger. 
For this I express to you my most profound thanks and sincere 

Did Hiudenburg authorize the telegram or was it merely 
sent in his name by some of those zealous officials who 
“protected” him so efficiently? Let us believe that the 
latter was the case, as it may well have been, for it is a fear- 



ful thing to find Hindenburg, in the last weeks of his life, 
openly condoning muider even in the name of justice. 

Slowly the smoke cleared and life in Germany began to 
resume its normal course. But the country was stunned and 
the hand of the Secret PoHce was heavy on it. Arrests were 
still made constantly, and many who could no longer bear 
the strain of constant fear tried to leave the country. Some 
were successful, others were turned back at the frontier, 
others again effected escapes by various means. A former 
member of the British House of Commons earned for him- 
self the reputation of a Scarlet Pimpernel for the successful 
rescues which he twice achieved. 

Scarcely had Europe begun to recover from the effects of 
June 30, when it was once more revolted by a second crime. 
The Austrian Chancellor, the gallant little Dollfuss, whose 
struggle against foreign' terrorism and interference had 
earned him general admiration, was cold-bloodedly and 
brutally murdered on July 25 by Austrian Nazi gunmen, 
who allowed him to bleed to death without the service of a 
doctor or a priest. 

In the pohtical welter which followed, a solution was 
presented to the problem of what should be done with 
Papen. With that extraordinary good fortune which safe- 
guards him, Papen had survived the events of June 30, which 
had claimed the fives of two of his friends and endangered his 
own existence and that of many of his circle. He had refused 
to attend further sessions of the Cabinet but he had not 
resigned the Vice-Chancellorship. In justice to him, it must 
be said that the possibilities of resignation under a dictator- 
ship are strictly limited, and Lenin’s famous telegram to 
Krassin may be recalled: “Soviet representatives are not 
allowed to resign; if they are imsatisfactory we dismiss 
them”. Clearly, however, Papen’s fife was under a constant 
threat if he remained either in the Government or in 
Germany; Goring would have shot him on June 30, and 
Goebbels had not forgotten the strictures of Marburg. 


Hitler did not desire his death, and here he was at one with 
the President. 

It had reached Hindenburg’s ears that Papen had been 
in danger, and, as he felt his strength faihng, he laid upon 
Hitler the solemn charge of his protection. Nothing must 
happen to “Franzchen”. To the end he was true to this one 
friend of his bosom, and in his relations with Papen there 
was none of that marked lack of loyalty which had marred 
his parting from Ludendorff, from Groner, and from Briin- 
iug. This act of protection was to be the last occasion on 
wMch he exercised his waning authority. 

The Chancellor agreed and searched his mind for a 
solution. It came from an unexpected quarter. 

The assassius of Dollfuss had claimed the right of 
negotiation with the German Minister in Vienna, thereby 
incriminating him in their guilt. The unfortunate Dr. 
Bieth, who had been appointed by Briming, is beheved to 
have had no previous knowledge of the plot, hut he was 
recalled and dismissed, a victim of circumstances. To 
Papen was awarded the position of Minister of “Peace and 
Goodwill”, as the Fuhrer’s personal representative, and 
in Vienna, in comparative safety, he awaited the further 
caprice of fate.^ 

Hindenburg’s long life was drawing to an end. He had 
been weakening all spring and summer, and the discon- 
certing afiairs revealed to him first by Papen and then by 
the Government had worried him exceedingly. In the last 

^ With, that indefatigable energy which has characterised his whole 
career, Papen laboured unceasingly to further the policy of bringing 
Austria within the pohtical orbit of Germany. For two years his efforts 
met with a signal lack of success, but in the European welter following 
the Itahan victory in Ethiopia, fate agam smiled on him . His ambitions 
were realised in the Austro-German Treaty of Eeconciliation signed in 
July 1936, whereby Austria proclaimed herself a German State. The 
success of his pohcy has restored Papen’s political fortunes to a marked 
degree, and such is his remarkable political resihence that more may 
well be heard of this strange figure in German history. 



week of July lie began to fail fast and tke first bulletins 
betokening the end were issued on the 31st. There was 
nothing dramatic in his passing; it was just that of any 
other very tired and fundamentally pious old gentleman. 
Though he had in his last days moments of deep regret and 
contrition, he was consoled by the confident behef that 
for seventy years he had done his duty as he had seen it, or 
as others had indicated it to him. Now he was dying quietly. 

On the afternoon of August 1 he called the great doctor 
Sauerbruch to his bedside: 

“You have always told me the whole truth and you will 
do so now,” he said. “Is Friend Hein [Matthias Claudius’s 
euphemism for Death] in the Schloss and waitiag?” 

“No, Herr Feldmarschall, but he is walking round the 

Hindenburg was silent for a moment. 

“Thank you, Sauerbruch, I wanted to know; and now 
I wiU confer with the Lord a httle.” 

He kept the doctor by him while he fumbled with the 
leaves of his Bible. Sauerbruch wanted to give him more 
light, but the Marshal stopped him. 

“Leave the curtain as it is,” he said; “I have known by 
heart for a long time what I want to read.” 

In a soft whispering voice, very unlike his normal 
mihtary gruffness, he read for a while; then laying down 
the book, he called to the doctor again. 

“It is aU right, Sauerbruch; now teU Friend Hein he can 
come in.” 

Early on the morm’ng of August 2, just twenty years 
after the declaration of the World War which had called 
Hindenburg from obscurity to fame, the black-and-white 
Prussian standard above the Castle of Neudeck was lowered 
to half-mast. After seventy years of service, the Marshal 
had laid down his last command. 


Even in death, it seemed, Hindenhurg followed the path 
of service, for he could have rendered no greater boon to 
Hitler than by dying at this moment. The events of June 30 
and the assassination of Dollfuss had gravely impaired the 
Chancellor’s position at home, and had deprived him of 
all support abroad. The illusion which Hitler had sought to 
create of a Germany standing firm and united behiud her 
FuTirerhadi been shattered, and within theReich itself he had 
dangerously imperilled his connections with the proletariat 
and with the lower middle class from which the popular 
support of his party had been originally so largely drawn. 
To the disafiected elements of the Sociahsts, Communists, 
Jews, Catholics, and Protestants, he had now added many 
disgrxmtled Storm Troopers and disillusioned Nationahsts, 
and for the time being he was dependent upon the support 
of the S.S., the Gestapo, and the Reichswehr. Germany had 
temporarily been handed over to the tender mercies of 
Goring and Himmler; the S.S. had become the new Prae- 
torian guard. So greatly had the prestige of the Revolution 
been damaged that it seemed doubtful whether Hitler could 
recast the spell over the German people. 

It was at this moment that Hindenburg died, presenting 
Hitler with complete and undisputable control of power, 
and with a providential opportunity for concentrating the 
full force of propaganda upon the country. Within an hour 
of the Marshal’s death, it was annormced that the office of 
President would be merged with that of the Chancellor, 
and Hitler became the head of the State and Supreme 




Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces of the Eeich. On 
the same day he received the oath of allegiance from the 
Reichswehr, and set about his preparations for a national 
referendum which should be the ratification by the people 
of this new regime. 

Thus the funeral of Hindenburg at Tannenberg on 
August 6, a pageant of military solemnity and splendour, 
had the dual nature of a last tribute to a great soldier and 
a clever move in an election campaign. In the orations 
much stress was laid upon the trust which the old Field- 
Marshal had reposed in the young Corporal, and there was 
a strong implication that Hitler had now acceded to power 
in apostohc succession to Hindenburg. The tradition must 
be maintained, the torch carried on. 

But the world was waiting for something else. Con- 
currently with Hindenburg’s death there were rumours of 
a political testament of great importance. The document, 
it was said, had been drawn up not long before and con- 
tained certain injunctions to Hitler, laying upon him 
obhgations, grave and explicit. As the date of the funeral 
approached, the rumours increased in number and irre- 
sponsibility, but the Ministry of Propaganda issued a formal 
denial that any will or testament of a pohtical nature 
existed. Public interest in the question subsided and was 
transferred to the feverish efforts of the party to secure an 
overwhelming personal vote of confidence in the Fuhrer at 
the referendum on August 19. 

Few pohtical organizations are so acutely efficient as the 
National Socialist Party. On August 15, four days before 
the country went to the polls, a statement was issued from 
Hitler’s country estate at Obersalzberg. The missing docu- 
ment had been “found” and brought to the Reichsfilhrer by 
Herr von Papen, on behalf of Colonel von Hindenburg. It 
was to be pubhshed at the special request of Herr Hitler. 

The document, which was calculated to carry much 
weight with any who had not yet decided to cast a vote of 



approval on August 19 , implicitly bequeathed the destiny 
of Germany to Hitler. Explicitly it reaffirmed Hinden- 
burg’s faith in an Imperial Germany, and by inference it 
made his successors the trustees of the principle of monarchy. 
It laid particular emphasis on the importance of the Reichs- 
wehr as the guardian of tradition in the transitional period 
now over and in the German State of to-day and to-morrow. 

To the German Nation and to its Chancellor, my testament. 

In 1919 I wrote in my message to the German Nation: ‘‘We were 
at the end! Like Siegfried under the cunning javelin of the furious 
Hagen, our exhausted front collapsed. In vain had we endeavoured 
to drink new life from the perenmal spring of native strength. It was 
our task now to save the remaining strength of our army for the 
later reconstruction of the Fatherland. The present was lost. There 
remained now only hope — and the future! 

^‘I understand the idea of escape from the world which obsessed 
many ofl&cers, in view of the collapse of all that was dear and true to 
them. The desire to know nothing more of a world where seething 
passions obscured the vital qualities of our nation so that they could 
no longer be recognized, is humanly conceivable. And yet — ^but I 
must express it frankly, just as I think! Comrades of the once grand, 
proud German army* Can you speak of losing heart? Thmk of the 
men who more than a hundred years ago created for us a new Father- 
land. Their religion was their faith in themselves and in the sanctity 
of their cause. They created the new Fatherland, basing it not on 
freak doctrinaire theories foreign to our nature, but building it up on 
the foundations of the free development of the framework and of the 
principles of our own common weal! When it is able, Germany will 
go along this way again. 

‘T have the firm conviction that now, as in those times, the links 
with our great rich past will be preserved, and, where they have been 
broken, will be restored. The old German spirit will again assert 
itself triumphantly, though only after thorough purgings in the fires 
of suffering and passion. 

‘^Our opponents knew the strength of this spirit; they admired and 
hated it in times of peace; they were astonished at it and feared it 
on the battlefields of the Great War. They sought to explain our 
strength to their peoples by using the empty word “Organization’’. 
They passed over in silence the spirit which lived and moved behind 


the veil of this word. But in and with this spirit we will again cour- 
ageously construct. 

“Germany, the focus-point of so many of the inexhaustible values 
of human civilization and culture, will not go under so long as it 
retains faith in its great historical world mission. I have the sure 
confidence that the depth and strength of thought of the best in our 
Fatherland will succeed in blending new ideas with the precious 
treasures of former times, and from them will forge m concert lasting 
values for the welfare of our Fatherland. 

“This is the unshakable conviction with which I leave the bloody 
battlefield of international warfare. I have seen the heroic agony of 
my Fatherland and never, never will beheve that it was its death 

“For the present our entire former Constitution lies buried under 
the flood-tide raised by the storm of wild pohtical passions and re- 
sounding phrases which has apparently destroyed all sacred tradi- 
tions. But this flood-tide will subside. Then, from the eternally 
agitated sea of human life, will again emerge that rock to which the 
hope of our fathers clung, that rock upon which, nearly half a century 
ago, the future of our Fatherland was, by our strength, confidently 
founded — ^the German Empire^ When the national idea, the national 
consciousness, has again been raised, then, out of the Great War — 
on which no nation can look back with such legitimate pride and with 
such clear conscience as we — as well as out of the bitter severity of 
the present days, precious moral fruits will ripen for us. The blood 
of all those who have fallen in the faith of the greatness of the 
Fatherland will not then have flowed in vain. In this assurance I lay 
down my pen and rely firmly on you — the Youth of Germany.” 

I wrote these words in the darkest hours and in the conviction that 
I was fast approaching the close of a life spent in the service of the 
Fatherland. Fate disposed otherwise for me. In the spring of 1925 
a new chapter of my life was opened. Again I was wanted to co- 
operate m the destiny of my nation. Only my firm confidence in 
Germany’s inexhaustible resources gave me the courage to accept 
the office of Reichsprdsident This firm behef lent me also the moral 
strength to fulfil unswervingly the duties of that difficult position. 

The last chapter of my life has been for me, at the same time, the 
most difficult. Many have not understood me in these troublous times 
and have not comprehended that my only anxiety was to lead the dis- 
tracted and discouraged German nation back to self-conscious unity. 



I began and conducted the duties of my office in the consciousness 
that a preparatory period of complete renunciation was necessary in 
domestic and international politics. From the Easter message of the 
year 1925 — in which I exhorted the nation to the fear of God, to 
social justice, to internal peace and political sanity — onwards, I 
have not become tired of cultivating the mward umty of our nation 
and the sefficonsciousness of its best qualities. Moreover, I was 
conscious that the political constitution and form of government 
which were provided for the nation in the hour of its greatest distress 
and greatest weakness did not correspond with the requirements and 
characteristics of our people. The time must arrive when this know- 
ledge would become general. It therefore seemed my duty to rescue 
the country from the morass of external oppression and degradation, 
internal distress and self-disruption, without jeopardizing its exist- 
ence, before this hour struck. 

The guardian of the State, the Reichswehr, must be the symbol and 
ffim support for this superstructure. On the Reichswehr, as a firm 
foundation, must rest the old Prussian virtues of self-realized duti- 
fulness, of simplicity, and comradeship The German Reichswehr 
had, after the collapse, cultivated the contmuation of the high tradi- 
tions of the Old Army in typical style. Always and at all times the 
Reichswehr must remain the pattern of State conduct, so that, un- 
biased by any internal political development, its lofty mission for 
the defence of the country may be put to good account. 

When I shall have returned to my comrades above, with whom I 
have fought on so many battlefields for the honour and glory of the 
nation, then I shall call to the younger generation: 

''Show yourselves worthy of your ancestors, and never forget, if 
you would secure the peace and well-being of your native country, that 
you must be prepared to give up everything for its peace and honour. 
Never forget that your deeds will one day become Tradition.^’ 

The thanks of the Field-Marshal of the World War and its Com- 
mander-in-Chief are due to all the men who have accomplished the 
construction and organization of the Reichswehr. 

Internationally the German nation had to wander through a 
Gethsemane. A frightful treaty weighed heavily upon it, and through 
its increasingly evil effects threatened to bring about the collapse of 
our nation. For a long tune the surrounding world did not understand 
that Germany must hve, not only for its own sake, but also for the 
sake of Europe and as the standard-bearer of Western culture. Only 



step by step, without awaking an overwhelming resistance, were the 
fetters which bound us to be loosened. If many of my comrades at 
that time did not understand the difficulties that beset our path, 
history will certainly judge rightly, how severe, but also how neces- 
sary m the interests of the maintenance of German existence, was 
many a State act signed by me. 

In unison with the growing internal recovery and strengthening 
of the German nation, a progressive and — God willing — a generous 
contribution towards the solution of all troublesome European 
questions could be striven after and obtained, on the basis of its own 
national honour and digmty. I am thankful to Providence that, in the 
evening of my life, I have been allowed to see this hour of the nation’s 
renewal of strength. I thank all those who, by unselfish devotion to 
the Fatherland, have co-operated with me in the reconstruction of 
Germany. My Chancellor, Adolf Hitler, and his movement have 
together led the German nation above aU professional and class 
distmctions, to internal umty — a decided step of historical import- 
ance. I know that much remains to be done, and I desire with my 
whole heart that the act of reconciliation which embraces the entire 
German Fatherland may be the forerunner of the act of national 
exaltation and national co-operation. 

I depart from my German people m the full hope that what I 
longed for in the year 1919, and which was coming slowly to fruition 
in January 1933, may mature to the complete fulfilment and per- 
fection of the historical mission of our nation. 

In this firm belief in the future of the Fatherland, I close my eyes in 

VON Hindenburg 

Berlin, May 11th, 1934 

There did not lack those who at once proclaimed the wiU 
a forgery, adducing in support of their contention the 
differences of literary style in the text and the fact that it 
was only produced on the eve of the referendum. There 
were those who said that the original text of the will had 
been mutilated, that certain passages had been added and 
certain excisions made. It was darkly hinted that a true 
copy, containing an abject apology from Hindenburg for 
having failed to restore the monarchy, had been smuggled 



out of Germany and was now in the hands of the Emperor 
at Doom; and another version of the same story declared 
that, in a covering letter to the Emperor, Hindenburg had 
stated that, before he appointed Hitler Chancellor, he had 
received a definite promise that the monarchy would be re- 
stored. One Austrian paper even went so far as to say that 
the Emperor was making use of his copy of the will in 
his financial negotiation with the Eeich. 

Amid this jungle of rumour and conjecture it is im- 
possible to define the truth with any clarity. But from such 
evidence as has been produced and as a result of such re- 
searches as it has been possible to make, the writer has 
formed certain personal behefs. To him it seems that the 
wiU, as pubhshed on August 15, is genuine. That it was kept 
back until its pubhcation could prove of definite advantage 
in the referendum campaign is very probable, but there 
seems to be no reason so far produced for beheving it a 

The question of difference in style may be dismissed 
when one considers the composite authorship of Hinden- 
burg’s memoirs in 1919 and the fact that the Marshal was 
surrounded by a totally diSerent circle in 1934. It is prob- 
able that the wiU also was of composite origin. Just as 
General von Mertz and another collaborated in the writing 
of the memoirs, so may Hindenburg’s intimates have 
assisted him in drawing up his testament. It would be very 
strange if they had not. 

The date, too, is of importance. The will was signed by 
Hindenburg at Berlin in May 1934, before he left the Palace 
for Neudeck for the last time. At that moment he had no 
reason to be anything but satisfied with the results of his 
handiwork on January 30, 1933. So far as he knew every- 
thing was progressing swimmingly, and great care had been 
taken that he should continue to beheve so. The disclosures 
made to him, first by Papen and later by Hitler, ordy 
occurred after his arrival in Neudeck, when it would have 



been difficult to prepare a new testament even bad be 
thought of doing so. The text as it stands has all the ball- 
marks of that satisfaction which may well be credited to 
Hindenburg at the moment. 

Of all the stories regarding suppressed codicils and 
covering letters, most may be discounted as fiction and 
propaganda. That which seems least fantastic is that a 
second document did accompany the testament and in it 
Hindenburg conveyed paternal injunctions to his successor. 
It is said that these were three in number: to keep the Reichs- 
wehr above politics; to re-introduce conscription; and to 
restore the monarchy. The first of these Hitler, despite out- 
ward appearances, has so far succeeded in doing; the second 
he has done also. Time alone will show whether the third 
injunction will be fulfilled and the Spectre of Spa be laid for 


Adlon, Hotel, Berlin, conference between 
Palkenhajm and Hotzendorf at, 55, 
representatives of Right, with. Erz- 
berger, meet at, 101 
Ailette, the, German preparations for 
offensive (May 1918) on, 160 
Aisne, German retreat to the, 46 
Aix-la-ChapeUe, mutmy of German 
garrison at, 196, 201, 339 
Albert, Kmg of the Belgians, Brumng 
submits programme of treaty revision 
to, 380 

Albrecht, Duke of Wurttemberg, created 
Eield-Marshal, 81 

Alexander m, Tsar, 66, 86, 116, 117, 193 
[Tsaritsa, 86] 

Alexeiev, General, 66 
Allied Offensive (1918), 156, 157, 166, 

Alsace-Lorraine, question of its retention 
in German hands, 112, 113; German 
surrender of, 168, 276, 276, 277, 278 
Altona, street-fighting at, 405 
Alvensleben, Werner von, 423, 431, 432 
Amerongen, ex-Kaiser’s residence at, 
228, 240 

Amiens, German drive agamat (1918), 
147-149, 150, 166 

Angnfft the, Goebbela attacks Hinden- 
burg in, 333, his invective on pubhca- 
tion of Marburg speech in, 469 
Antwerp, FaUsenhayn’s decision to 
capture, 36 

Arabic, sinking of the, 92 
Armentieres, its capture attempted by 
Falkenha3m, 43, German capture of, 

Armistice, the, German decision to pro- 
pose an, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 
167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 
175, 186, 188, 199, 206; terms of, 
206, 209, 241, 288; signmg of, 188-189, 
206, 208, 209, 240 
Arras, British attack before, 97 
Article 48 of Constitution, 329-330, 344, 
346, 347 

Asqmth, Earl of Oxford and, 153 

August-Wilhelm, Prince, 184 

Auguste Victoria, Empress, 42, 53, 72, 
149, 241 

Augustovo, forest of, destruction of 
10th Russian Army in, 63 

Aiis meinem Leben, Hmdenburg’s book 
of memoirs, 17, 19, 93, 167, 228-230, 
235, 250, 474 

Austria-Hungary, her possible negotia- 
tion of separate peace, 47, 123-124; 
proposed Alhed dismemberment of, 
123; disruptive agitation in (1918), 
161, collapse of, 160 

Austro-German Treaty of Reconciha- 
tion, 466 n. 

Austro-Hungarian Army, 37, 38, 39, 40, 
41, 47, 48-49, 52, 53, 64, 55, 60, 82, 

Avesnes, German advanced Great 
GH.Q. at, 143, 144, 146, 147, 162, 
163, 164, 156, 159 

Baden, Grand Duke of, visit of Erz- 
berger to, 68 

Bailleui, German capture of, 149 

Baku, penetrated by German expedi- 
tionary force, 135 

Bank of England, conversation with 
Sohacht (Summer, 1928) in, 324-325 

Bapaume, Town Hall blown up by 
Germans, 94 71.; German capture of, 

Baseler Nachnchten smuggles out press 
copy of Marburg speech, 469 

Basle, meetmg of Experts at, 351, 368, 

Bassermann, 104 

Batoum, penetrated by German expedi- 
tionary force, 135 

Bauer, Colonel, 67, 70-71, 104, 106, 168, 
267 n., 290 n. 

Bauer, Gustav, 164, 218, 219, 248 

Bavaria, Crown Prmce of. See Rup- 





Bavaria, King of, visited by Erzberger, 
168 ; deposed, 189 

Bavarian defence force, formation of, 

Bavarian People’s Party, 255, 256, 323 
Bavarian Soviet Republic, installation 
of, 189 

Beaumont, Maurice, 204 n. 

Belgian independence, question of, 
112-113, 114-115, 137, 153, 155 
Bellevue, Schloas, Hmdenburg and 
Ludendorff received at: (i) July 7, 13, 

1917, 103-104, 107, (ii) October 26, 

1918, 177, 178; Bethmann Hollweg at 
(July 12, 1917), 105-106, meeting of 
Crown Council at (i) September 11, 
1917, 114, 116; (ii) January 2, 1918, 
129-130, 138, 152 

Below, General, 22 
Benedek, 372 
Bene§, Eduard, 381, 382 
Bentmck, Count, 240 
Berg, von, 316 

Berlin, meetmg of Crown Council at 
(October 2, 1918), 165, 166 
Bernstorff, Count von, 107, 231, 233, 

Beaeier, General von, 85, 87 
Bethmann Hollweg, Theobald von, 
abilities, 103, 106-107, 155; and the 
adoption of unrestricted U-boat war- 
fare, 46, 88-89, 91, 92, 101, 171; and 
the dismissal of Ealkenhayn, 52, 69, 
Tirpitz’ plan advoeatmg his dismissal, 
53; decides “there can be no stai-ibs 
quo*", 66, concedes proclamation of 
Polish Kingdom, 86, 87; his conviction 
of Germany’s ultimate defeat, 100, 
102, 104, 107; on proposed restoration 
of Belgian mdependence, 112-113; dis- 
missal of, 84, 100-107, 108, 163, 177; 
oSered Embassy at Constantinople, 
107 71., 396; on List of “war-cnminals”, 

Beumelburg, his Biography of Bismarck, 

Bismarck, 103, 141, 271, 287, 347, 385, 
386, 420, 447 

Black Reichswehr, 253, 274, 298 
Blockade, Allied, 77, 88, 100, 155, 160, 
211, 217, 239 

Blomberg, Eield-Marshal Baron von, 
300, 431, 443, 455, 464 
Blucher, 149, 282, 286 
Bohm-Ermoih, General, 41 
Bolshevik propaganda, 133-134, 151, 
188, 293 

Bdrsen-Zeitung, Kuhlmann attacks 
Supreme Command in, 141 
Bose, 452, 462 
Boy-Ed, Captain, 395 
Bracht, Eranz, 403 
Braun, Otto, 255, 349, 401-403 
Brauweder, Heinz, 298 n 
Bredow, General von, 302 ti , 431, 462 
Bredt, 303-304 

Bremen, naval mutmy at, 189 
Brest-Litovsk, Hmdenhurg’s G H.Q at, 
68, 69, 71, 81, Prince Leopold’s 
G H Q at, 121, 122, 131 
Breat-Litovsk, Treaty of, 88, 124-125, 
127-128, 131, 132, 133, 134, 136, 138, 
139, 151, 182, 206 
Bnand, Aristide, 280, 284 
Britannique, Hotel, Spa. See Spa, Ger- 
man Great G H.Q at 
Brockdorii-Rantzau, Count, 216, 284, 

Brown Army, see Storm Troops, Hitler’s 
Bruning, Heinrich, character, abihties 
and early career, 303-304, 320, 328, 
338, 339-340, 342, 353, 354, 386, 397, 
opposes mcrease m Civil Servants’ 
salaries, 320, 321, selection as Chan- 
cellor, 328, 337-338, 340-341, 345, 
opposes apphcation of Article 48 of 
Constitution, 329-330, 342, and the 
evacuation of the Rhineland, 329, 
340, 343, and the adoption of financial 
reforms, 341 -342, 343, 344-345, and the 
ratification of the Young Plan, 341, 
343, 344-345, his first interview 

with Hmdenburg, 342-343; appomted 
Chancellor, 346, as Chancellor, 249, 
346-347, 349, 351, 352, 372, 394-395, 
his designation as the “Hunger Chan- 
cellor”, 346, 349, his proposal to apply 
Article 48 of Constitution, 347, his 
financial reforms, 347, 348-349, 358; 
warns foreign governments of German 
economic crisis, 348, 349; opposition 
to National Socialist menace, 348, 
351, 352, 363, 354, 360, 378, 379, 399; 
his dismissal demanded by Harzhurg 
Opposition, 349, and the cancellation 
of reparations, 349, 351, 354, 360, 361, 
379, 380, 388, 400, and the disarma- 
ment question, 349, 351, 354, 379; 
his proposal to mclude Nazis in 
Government, 351, 379, and the re- 
election of Hindenburg as president, 
351-353, 354-355, 359, 361-362, 363- 
364, 366-368, 369, 372, 373, 374, 403; 
refuses to stand for presidency, 363; 



Brunmg, Heinrich — continued 

his proposal to restore the monarchy, 
353-354, 356, 356, 359, 367-368, his 
interview with Hmdenburg (Novem- 
ber 11, 1931), 356-358, on his Fourth 
Emergency Decree, 358, reconstructs 
his Cabmet, 358, loyalty of his Cabmet 
to, 368-359, 398; -Hmdenburg com- 
bmation. Foreign Powers and the, 
359; his resignation demanded by 
Hugenberg, 362-363, 371, his resigna- 
tion demanded by Hitler, 363, 371; 
defended by Schleicher before 
Hmdenburg, 364-365, pleads on 
Schleicher’s behalf before Hmden- 
burg, 366; his scheme for the ex- 
propriation of bankrupt estates, 366, 
376, 377, 380, 388, 422, and Hinden- 
burg’s proposal for the formation of 
a new Cabmet (April 1932), 372-373; 
the campaign of Schleicher to secure 
his resignation, 373, 374, 375, 376, 

380- 381, 383, 384, 385, 389-390, 397, 
419; his proposed new form of govern- 
ment m Prussia, 402, his negotiations 
with the Nazis for a coalition govern- 
ment m Prussia, 373-374, 386-387, 
390, 391, 402, 403; and the suppression 
of Hitler’s Storm Troops, 374, 376, 
his plan for a general treaty revision, 
379-380, his proposed tariff agreement 
with Czechoslovakia, 381, 382, and a 
general European tariff agreement, 

381- 382, hia formula for the securing 
of equahty of armaments, 382-384, 
387-388, 393, 401; and the passage of 
the Finance Bill (May 1932), 384; his 
resignation demanded by Hmdenburg 
(May 1932), 384, and the resignation 
of Groner, 386, 386, his conversation 
with Schleicher (May 1932), 385-386, 
427, his proposals readjustmg the bud- 
gets of mumcipaiities and Social In- 
surance mstitutions, 388, Schleicher’s 
advances for a reconcihation with, 
390; his mterview with Meissner (May 
28, 1932), 390-391; his interview with 
Hmdenburg (May 29, 1932), 391-393; 
his resignation of the Chancellorship, 
392-396, vii, 397, 419; his interview 
with the American Ambassador (May 
30, 1932), 393-394; offered German 
Embassy in London, 395, loyalty of 
the Centre Party tOj 399; and Ebtler’s 
suggested motion to depose Hinden- 
burg from the presidency, 410-411; 
his offer to agree to Schleicher’s post- 

Bruning, Heinrich — continued 
ponement of Reichstag, 427, 428, re- 
ceives Schleicher on latter’s dismissal 
from Chancellorship, 429, his election 
speech at Kaiserlautern (February 
1933), 438, takes refuge from Brown 
Terror, 441; and the passage of Hitler’s 
Enablmg BiU, 446, rumoured offer by 
Hitler of Foreign Mimstry to, 455, 
leaves the country, 456 
Brunswick mounts Red Flag, 189 
Brussilov, General, 67, 70 
Buch, Major, 462 

Buchan, John (Lord Tweedsmuir), 18 
Bucharest, German entry mto, 82 
Bulgaria, question of her joining Central 
Powers, 46, 47; entry mto war of, 62, 
loyal adhesion to Cential Powers of, 
123, signs Armistice, 160, 164 
Billow, Prince von, 8 ti., 32, 101, 103-104, 
107, 108, 271 
Burgerbrau putsch, 462 
Bussche, Major von dem, 70-71, 164, 167 

“Cabmet of Barons.” See Papen 
Calais, Allied conference at (February 
1917), 97; German drive agamst 
(April 1918), 149, 160. See Channel 
ports, German drive agamst the (1914) 
Camarilla, Palace, the, its formation on 
the adhesion of Meissner, 270, 299, 
324, their domination of Hmdenburg 
durmg his second presidency, 60, 110, 
their proposal to make use of Article 
48 of Constitution, 329, 330; their 
attitude to Brunmg as Chancellor, 
347, 364; and the re-election of Hm- 
denburg to the presidency, 366; 
jealousies m (February 1932), 366, 
them negotiations with the Nazi 
leaders (May 1932), 387; and the dis- 
missal of Brunmg from the Chan- 
cellorship, 394, 416; and the appomt- 
ment of Papen as Chancellor, vu; and 
the dismissal of Schleicher from the 
Chancellorship, 422 

Cambrai, meeting of German war- 
council at, 80, 81, 83, 94 
Caprivi, 271 

Centre Party, the, and the resolution 
(October 16, 1916) abdicatmg Reichs- 
tag’s power in favour of the Supreme 
Command, 90; and the dismissal of 
Bethmann HoUweg, 106; and the 
German Peace Resolution (July 19, 
1917), 112; and the dismissal of Hert- 
hng from the Chancellorship, 161; 



Centre Party — continued 

and the appointment of Bauer as 
Chancellor {June 1919), 218; and the 
acceptance of the Peace Treaty, 219, 
and the proposed appomtment of 
Gessler to the presidency, 253; their 
nomination of Marx as candidate m 
the presidential election (1925), 265, 
267, and the reorganization of the 
Reichawehr, 289; their support of 
Stresemann’s foreign pohcy, 295; 
their possible co-operation with the 
Nationalist Party (January 1927), 
308, 309; and the raising of the salaries 
of Civd Servants, 320, and the passage 
of the Confessional Schools Bill, 320, 
321, and the general election of May 
1928, 322, and the appointment of 
Muller as Chancellor, 323, and the 
ratification of the Young Plan, 334, 
341-342, 343, 344, 345, and the 
appointment of Marx as Chancellor 
(January 1927), 309; possibility of 
them forming a coahtion government 
with the Eight (December 1929), 337, 
their negotiations with the Nazis for 
the formation of a government m 
Prussia, 386, 390, 401; their support 
of Bhndenburg’s re-election as presi- 
dent, 398, 403, and the general elec- 
tion of July 1932, 405, 406, and 
Hitler’s proposal to form a coahtion 
government with (August 1932), 410, 
417; Hitler’s negotiations to secure a 
working majority m the Reichstag 
together with, 437; and the general 
election of March 1933, 440; and the 
passage of Hitler’s Enablmg Bill, 446, 
446, 447 

Champagne, French offensive m, 64, 
63 n. 

Channel ports, Grerman drive against the 
(1914), 36, 37, 43 

Charleviile, German Imperial G.H.Q. at 
(October 1914), 34 

Chateau de la Fraineuse, Spa. See Spa 

ChSteau-Thierry, American resistance 
at, 151 

Chemin des Dames, the, French offensive 
on, 97, 99; German attack along, 150- 

Chenstokhova, Hmdenburg’s G.H.Q. at, 
conference at, 41 

Churchill, Rt. Hon. Winston, 37, 93, 316 

Civil Servants, salaries of, biU raising, 

Clausewitz, Carl von, 237 

Clemenceau, Georges, 148 
Coblenz, German Imperial G H Q. at 
(August 1914), 6, 12, 13, 15 
Cologne mounts Red Flag, 189, evacua- 
tion of, 282, meeting of Hitler and 
Papen at, 426, 430 

Committee of Enquiry (November 1919), 
236-239, 257 

Committee of Seven, 113, 114, 115 
Communist Party, the, joms the clamour 
for constitutional reform (September 
1918), 160, stages counter-demonstra- 
tion at Konigsberg (June 1922), 245, 
and the presidential election (1925), 
255, 266, and the mihtary haison with 
the Soviet Union, 295; and the general 
election of May 1928, 322, and the 
re-election of Hindenburg as presi- 
dent, 368, 371, and the general elec- 
tion of July 1932, 405-406, 411; at 
Reichstag session (September 9, 1932), 
411; at Reichstag session (September 
12, 1932), 411, 412-413, and the 
general election of November 1932, 
415, and the appomtment of Hitler as 
Chancellor (January 1933), 434; and 
the general election of March 1933, 
438, 439, 440, Hitler’s suppression of 
(February 1933), 439, 445, its imph- 
cation m Reichstag Fire, 439, 442, 
transportation to concentration camps 
(March 1933) of members of, 441 
Communist rismgs (1923), 243, 253 
Conference of Ambassadors, 279, 280 
Confessional Schools BiU, 319, 320, 321 
Conscription, mtroduction of, 475 
Conservative Party, the, 111, 183 
Coronel, battle of, 88 
Courland, German measures regardmg, 
125, 127, 128, 135 

Court of Honour (1922), 221, 301, 357 
Ci’ayenberg, Countess von, 226 
Cuno, 248 

Curtius, Julius, 332, 358 
Czechoslovakia, her proposed inclusion 
m Locarno Pact; Brurung’s proposed 
tariff agreement with, 381, 382 
Czemin, Count, 56 n., 123, 124, 132, 
184 71. 

Czernovitz, Russian capture of, 67 

D’Abernon, Lord, 275, diaries of, 244, 
247, 276, 293 

Dago, German capture of, 121 
Daily Telegraph episode (1908), the, 102 
Dankl, General, 38 
Darr6, 451 



David, 105 

Davis, Norman, 382, 383 
“Dawes Loan”, 274 

Dawes Plan, 249, 274, 324, 326, 326, 

Debts, foreign, 274-275, 349, 380 
Democrat Party, the, 253, 266, 323 
Denmark, German expectations regard - 
mg her entry mto war, 89, 92 
Deutsche Zeitung, Hmdenburg attacked 
m the, 333, 368-369 
Dietrich, Doctor, 358 
Dimitroi, 439 

Disarmament Conference, 349, 354, 379, 
382, 393, 401, 414; German with- 
drawal from the, 450, 453 
Disarmament question, the, 246, 279- 
280, 347, 349, 351, 354, 379, 382-383, 
387-388, 393-394, 401, 453 
Ditfurih, 259 

Doberitz, proposed removal of Hmden- 
burg to, 440 

Doom, removal of Wilhelm II to, 240 
Douaumont, Prench capture of, 82, 91, 
94, 97 

Doullens, meetmg of Allied conference 
at, 148 

Drews, Doctor, 185, 187 
Dntte Garde group, 299 
Duisberg, 314 

Dusterberg, Colonel, 368, 370, 371 

Eastern Front, the, retention of German 
troops on (1918), 136, 148 
East Prussia, proposed settlement of ex- 
Service men m, 310-311, 315, scheme 
for expropriation of bankrupt estates 
in, 366, 376, 377, 388, 422, 423. See 

East Prussian campaign, Hmdenburg’s 
(Nov.-Dee. 1914), 41-42, 43-44 
Ebert, Friedrich, attributes, 250-261, 
his friendship with Gessler, 252; 
association of Meissner with, 268, 269, 
on hearmg news of Armistice pro- 
posal, 168; and the abdication of the 
Emperor, 187, 189, 192, 206-207; 
becomes Chancellor, 201; as Chan- 
cellor, 207, 211, 250-251, 297; im- 
prisoned in Chancellery, 297, and the 
proclamation of the Sociahat Eepub- 
lic, 201; his telephone conversation 
with Grdner (November 9, 1918), 
207-208, 210, 211; and the army resolu- 
tion (December 16, 1918) of the Con- 
gress of Workmen’s and Soldiers’ 
Councils, 211-212, 213; his habit of 

Ebert, Friedrich — continued 

conferrmg with Grdner by telephone, 
212, and Hmdenburg’s proposed 
offensive m East Prussia (February 
1919), 214, hia election as president of 
the Repubhc, 216, 256, as president, 
251-252, 262, 263, 278, 329; his action 
on the receipt of the first conditions 
of peace, 216; and the revised peace 
conditions, 217, 219, 220, 221; con- 
firmation of his presidency, 256-257, 
269, and the appointment of Seeckt 
as General Commandmg the Reichs- 
wehr, 289, 291, death of, 250, 251, 
252, 276, unveiling of his bust in the 
Reichstag, 315 

Ebert, Friedrich, son of above, 246 n. 
Economic Party, the, 304, 323 
Eden, Rt. Hon Anthony, visits Berlin 
(February 1934), 454, 460 
Elections* presidential (1925), 252-267, 
276, 368, general (May 1928), 321, 
323, general (September 1930), 347, 
presidential (1932), 368-371, Prussian 
general (April 1932), 377, 378, general 
(July 1932), vii, 405-406; general 
(November 1932), 415, general (March 
1933), 438-439 

Elizabeth of Prussia, Queen, 4 
Enablmg Act (1933), 408, 430, 431, 432, 
445-446, 448 
Enver Pasha, 227 

Epernay, Allied resistance at (July 

1918) , 156 

Equahty of armaments See Disarma- 
ments question, the 
Erhardt, 290 n, 

Erhardt’s Brigade, 298 
Ernst, Karl, 463 

Erzberger, Matthias, and the dismissal 
of Falkenhayn, 68; proposes resolution 
(October 16, 1916) m favour of the 
Supreme Command, 90, and the dis- 
missal of Bethmann HoUweg from 
the Chancellorship, 101, 103, 105, 
108; and the appomtment of Michaehs 
to the Chancellorship, 107, 108; and 
the German Peace Resolution, 111, 
112, 113; his suggested “ German 
solution ” of the Polish question, 
126, 129; his mclusion in the Max 
Cabmet (October 1918), 164; heads 
Armistice Commission, 188-189, 206, 
209, 240; Hmdenburg’s telegram to 
(November 10, 1918), 209, 218, his 
mclusion m the Bauer Cabmet (June 

1919) , 218; supports signature of 



Erzberger, Matthias — continued 
Peace Treaty, 218-219, 251; assassina- 
tion of, 189 ?i , 239, 248, 334 
Estonia, German occupation of, 132, 
German measures for government of, 

Ex-officers, Association of, 244-245 
Expropriation of Imperial properties, 
proposed, 306-307 
Ewart, General, 66 

Ealkenhausen, Col.-General von, 114 
Ealkenhausen, Hans von, 462 
Falkenhayn, Lieut. -Gen. Erich von, 
origin and personal charm, but un- 
equal to the supreme responsibility, 
35; his appomtment as Chief of the 
General Stafi, 34-35, 49; his relations 
with Wilhelm II as the Chief of the 
General Staff, 34, 49, 52, 53, 54, 57, 
61, 64, 68, 69-71, 141; his plan for the 
transfer of troops, 36, abandons 
Schlieffen Plan m the West, 36, his 
drive agamat the Channel ports (1914), 
36, 37, 43, his proposed capture of 
Antwerp, 36, his quarrel with Hmden- 
burg, Ludendorff, and Hoffmann, 42, 

47- 48, 49, 50-52, 53-54, 57-61, 62-65, 
69-70, 71-73, 136; at conference with 
Ludendorff at Mezi^res (October 1914), 
42, refuses to dispatch army corps to 
the Eastern Front (October 1914), 
42-43; his proposed capture of Armen- 
tieres, 43; his attempted capture of 
Ypres, 43, 45, 46-47; and the appomt- 
ment of Hindenburg as Commander- 
m-Chief in the East, 43; his invidious 
comparison with Hmdenburg, 45, 46- 
47, 62, on Great Bntam as “our most 
dangerous enemy”, 46; and the adop- 
tion of unrestricted U-boat warfare, 
46, 89; his disbelief m the possibihty 
of decidmg the war m the East, 47-48, 
54, 62, his pohcy of “limited offen- 
sives”, 48, 61, 66; his disbelief m the 
possibihty of a German victory, 48; 
and the sending of divisions to sup- 
port Hotzendorf’s Gahcian campaign, 

48- 49; and the appointment of Luden- 
dorff as Chief of Staff to the Sijd- 
armee^ 49-50, 51-52; and the sending of 
new corps to support Hmdenburg’s 
East Prussian offensive (1915), 48, 52; 
his dismissal urged by Bethmann 
HoUweg, 48, 52, 53, 69, his dismissal 
demanded by Hmdenburg, Luden- 
dorff and Hoffmann (January 1915), 

Falkenhayn, Lieut. -Gen . — continued 
61-52; surrenders Prussian Mmistry of 
War, 52; Tirpitz’ plan to secure his 
dismissal, 53, defeats French offensive 
m Champagne (Feb.-March 1915), 54, 
and the “break-through” at Gorhce, 
54-55, 56, 57, 293, and Hmdenburg’s 
proposed Kovno offensive (June-July 
1916), 56-58; at conference at Im- 
perial GH Q., Posen (July 1, 1915), 
57-58, and the “break-through” on the 
Narev, 67-58, 60, 61; rejects Hmden- 
burg’s proposed offensive beyond 
Kovno and Vilna (August 1915), 60- 
61, 63, rejects Conrad von Hotzen- 
doif’s proposed Italian campaign 
(1916), 65, his withdrawal of divisions 
from the Eastern Front (Autumn 
1915), 62-64, and the offensive agamst 
Serbia (1915), 62, 63; and the French 
offensive in Champagne (Autumn 
1915), 62, 63, rejects Hmdenburg’s 
proposed Russian offensive (1916), 65, 

66, and the attack on Verdun, 65-66, 

67, opposes Hmdenburg’s appomt- 
ment as generalissimo on the Eastern 
Front, 68; postpones proclamation of 
Pohsh Kingdom, 86, 87, decides to 
withdraw further troops from East 
(August 1916), 69-70, miscalculates 
the entry of Rumama into the war, 
70-71; his dismissal as Chief of the 
General Staff, 42, 62, 68-69, 70-73, 
77; his conduct, as army commander, 
of the Rumanian campaign (1916), 
35, 82-83; on list of “war-crimmals”, 

Falkland Islands, battle of, 88 
FayoUe, General, 148 
Fehrenbach, 248 
Feldmann, Lieut. -Col. von, 269 
Ferdmand, of Bulgaria, Tsar, 170 
Fmance Act (1932), 384 
Financial and economic reforms (1929- 
1931), the, 336-337, 342, 343, 344-345, 
346, 347, 348, 349, 351, 354, 358 
Finland, sendmg of German expedi- 
tionary forces to, 135 
Flanders, British drive m (1917), 97, 99; 
German proposals for government of, 
114, 155 

Foch, Marshal, 149, 156, 186, 206, 214, 
227, 228, 264-265 

Fourteen Pomts, Wilson’s, 161, 165, 168, 
172, 215 

Francois, General von, 9-11, 12, 22, 23, 
24, 26, 29, 245 



Frankfurter Zeitung, suppression of Mar- 
burg speech in the, 459 
Franz Josef, Emperor, 68, 102, 124, 125, 

Frederick Charles, of Hesse, Prince, 184 
Frederick William III, of Prussia, 286 
Free Corps, the, 215, 288-289, 290, 298, 

French Ambassador, 383, 387, 395 
Frick, Wilhelm, 409, 413, 441, 446 
Fulfilment, Policy of, 248, 249, 258, 274, 
276, 281, 318, 326, 349, 371 
Furstenberg, meetmg of Schleicher and 
Hitler at, 406 

Galicia, proposed measures of Central 
Powers regarding, 125, 126 
Galician campaign, Conrad von Hotzen- 
dorf’s, 48-49, Falkenhayn’s, 54, 56 
Gallwitz, General, 57, 60, 174 
Gera, assembly of Nazi chiefs at, 458-459 
German People’s Party, the, 253, 257, 
258, 322, 406 

Germama, the, Papen’s direction of, 397; 

suppression of Marburg speech in, 459 
Gerothwohl, Maurice, 244 
Gessler, Otto, origin, abilities, and early 
career, 252-253; appomted Minister of 
Defence, 290, as Mmister of Defence, 
273, 279, 296; his proposed candida- 
ture for the presidential election of 
1925, 252-254; supports Stresemann’s 
negotiation of the Locarno treaties, 
281, his opposition to Stresemann on 
the disarmament question, 279, and 
Seeckt’s resignation from active com- 
mand of Reichswehr, 299; concurs in 
choice of Heye as General Command- 
ing the Beic^wehr, 300, his dismissal 
from the Ministry of Defence, 299, 
300-301, 319 

Gestapo (German Secret Pobce), the, 
455, 464, 465, 468 
Gibson, Hugh, 388, 393, 394 
Gilbert, Parker, 319-320, 321, 324, 336 
Gneisenau, 8, 214, 282, 286, 350 
Goebbels, Josef, diary, 366, 387, news- 
paper articles, 437, attacks Hmden- 
burg m the Angriff^ 333; records his 
plans for eventual dismissal of Grbner, 
Pruning and Schleicher, 365, expelled 
from the Beichstag, 368, brands Hm- 
denburg durmg election campaign 
(1932), 368, threatens a more radical 
Revolution to follow Hindenburg’s 
death, 461; his scathing references to 
the monarchist organizations, 462; 

Goebbels, Josef — continued 

his casmstry and radical opportunism, 
453, 456, on the Lausanne Agreement, 
401; Hitler and Nazi chiefs have 
luncheon with (August 13, 1932), 409, 
enters Hitler Cabinet (January 1933), 
435, exploits Hitler - Hmdenburg 
association at Potsdam ceremony 
(March 21, 1933), 444; rivalry with 
Goring, 452, attacks of Papen on, 452, 
456, 467, 458, 465; advocates Papen’s 
arrest (after Marburg speech), 459, 
his invective m Angnjf authors 

of Marburg speech, 459; attempts to 
suppress Marburg speech, 469; at 
Hamburg race-meetmg (June 24, 
1933), 459-460 

Goring, General, at luncheon of Nazi 
chiefs at Goebbels’ house (August 13, 

1932) , 409, at Reichstag openmg 
session (September 9, 1932), 411, 412, 
413, 414; his inclusion in Hitler 
Cabinet (January 1933), 432, 435, 
on Hmdenburg and the inauguration 
of the Third Reich, 434; and the 
Brown Terror (Jan.-Feb. 1933), 437; 
estabhshes himself m the Government 
of Prussia, 438, 452, at Leipzig trial, 
439; at Potsdam ceremony (March 21, 

1933) , 443; at Reichstag session 
(March 23, 1933), 446, 447, rivalry 
with Goebbels, 452, and the proposed 
reduction of the S.A , 455, 460; his 
opposition to Rohm, 465; his rumoured 
exclusion from Schleicher’s “Shadow 
Cabmet” (June 1934), 455; and the 
events of June 30, 1934, 460, 462, 
468, and the arrest of Papen (June 
30, 1934), 462, 465 

Gorizia, Italian capture of, 67 

Gorhce, German “break-through” at, 
56-56, 67, 61, 266, 293 

Gothem, 236, 236, 237-239 

Grandi, Dmo, 382 

Greece, her attitude to war, 46, 47 

Groner, Wilhelm, ongm, abilities and 
early career, 180-182, 195, 252, lack 
of seniority prevents his coming into 
decisive power, 35, rivalry with Luden- 
dorff, 180; appomted CMef of Trans- 
port, 180, 296, opposes attack on 
Liege, 180, his plan for the disposition 
of troops on Western Front, 181; his 
proposed transfer of troops, 36; pro- 
moted General, 181, placed in charge 
of the Army Food Supply Depart- 
ment, 181, appointed head of War 



Grdner, WiUielm — continued 
Office, 181; as the official responsible 
for the intensification of production, 
181-182, placed m command of a 
division on the Western Pront, 182; 
of a corps on the Western Pront, 182; 
as head of the German-Ukrainian 
trading organization, 134, 182, 208, 
293; his appointment as Pirat 
Quartermaster-General, 179, 182, 183, 
297; and the retreat to the Antwerp- 
Meuse line (Oct.-Nov. 1918), 185-186; 
and the proposal of an Armistice, 186, 
188; and the Alhed conditions for an 
Armistice, 206, 208, 216, and the 
Emperor’s plan for restoring order in 
Germany (November 8, 1918), 190- 
192; and the abdication of the 
Emperor, 185, 186-188, 189-192, 193, 
194, 195-198, 199,201-202, 203, 204 ti., 
205; informs Emperor of the necessity 
of his abdication, 195-197, 198, 199; 
his interview with Hmdenburg (Nov- 
ember 10, 1918), 208-209, 210, 262, 
297; charge of responsibility for the 
Emperor’s abdication levelled against, 
179, 195, 196, 203, 205, 211, 241, 301, 
386; his telephone conversation with 
Ebert (November 9, 1918), 206-208, 
210; brings Western armies home, 
209; and the re-kmdling of the Hin- 
denburg Legend (durmg November 
1918), 210, 221; goes to the rescue of 
Ebert, imprisoned in the Chancellery, 
297; on the army resolution of the 
Congress of Workmen’s and Soldiers’ 
Councils (December 16, 1918), 212, 
213; and Hindenburg’s proposed 
ofiensive m East Prussia, 214; and 
Noske’s handling of the Reichswehr 
on the occasion of the second Spar- 
tacist rismg, 216; and proposed re- 
sistance to Peace conditions, 216, 217, 
220; charge of responsibility for the 
acceptance of the Peace conditions 
levelled against, 221, 301; and Ehn- 
denburg’s farewell proclamation to 
the army, 221; turns civilian after the 
signature of peace, 297; his early co- 
operation with the Weimar Repubhc, 
289; at Court of Honour (1922), 221, 
301, 357; takes office as Minister of 
Railways, 290, and the reorganization 
of the Reichswehr, 290, 292, 296; his 
relations with Sclileioher, 296, 297, 
301, 327, 376, 385; his appomtment as 
Minister of Defence, 301-302, 303, 

Groner, Wilhelm — continued 
319, his mclusion in Muller Cabinet 
(May 1928), 323; as actmg Chancellor, 
327; and the appomtment of Rrumng 
as Chancellor, 328, 337-338, 340, 341; 
his support canvassed for proposed 
economic and financial reforms (1929- 
1930), 336; combines Home Office with 
the Ministry of Defence, 358; his 
loyalty to Erunmg as Chancellor, 358, 
at conference between Brumng and 
Hitler (January 7, 1932), 361; defends 
Brumng before Hmdenburg, 364-365, 
determmation of Nazis to secure his 
dismissal, 365, 366; defends Hmden- 
burg during election campaign (1932), 
368; his ill-health, 368, 376, 384, and 
the suppression of Hitler’s Storm 
Troops, 374, 375, and proposed admis- 
sion of Storm Troops mto Reichswehr, 
374-375, 405, and proposed suppres- 
sion of ReichsbanneTj 376-377, 384, 
his resignation of the Mmistry of 
Defence, 375, 384-385, 386, 416, 419, 
message of ex-Kaiser on his resigna- 
tion of the Mmistry of Defence, 384 
Gross- Schwoilper, estate of, 265 
Grunau, 163 

Grimert, General von, 11, 12 
Grzesmski, 210, 336, 403 
Gumbmnen, battle of, 11, 12, 19 
Gimdell, General von, 188, 189 

Haase, 168, 207 

Haef ten. Colonel von. 111, 114, 140, 162, 
153, 164, 167, 169, 192 
Hague Conference, 285-286, 326-327, 

Hahn, Kurt, 164 

Haig, Field-Marshal Earl, 97, 99, 148, 

Hamburg, naval mutiny at, 189 
Hammers tern. Colonel von, 290 ti , 296, 
299, 300, 302 w., 374, 384, 428, 443 
Hangar d, fight mg at (March- April 
1918), 149 

Hanover, Hindenburg’s residence at, 
5-6, 225-227, 249-250, 262, 304, 310, 
mounts Red Flag, 189, 226 
Hardenberg, 286 
Hartlepool, bombardment of, 88 
Hartmann, Cardmal, 114 
Harzburg Opposition, 349-350, 360 
Hatzfeldt, Prince, 101, 102 
Hausser, League of Herr, 245 
Heines, 453, 461, 462 
Held, 266 

INDEX 485 

HelSench, 233, 234-235, 238 n , 239 
Hell, Lt -Colonel, 23 
Helldorf, Count, 381, 401 
HeUpach, 255 
Hentsch, Lt -Colonel, 32 
Herbesthal, mutiny at, 339, 357 
HerrenUub, Berlin, the, 395, 397, 423 
Hernot, Edouard, 275, 387, 393, 401 
Hertlmg, Count, Emperor refuses to 
consider his succession to Bethmann 
HoUweg as Chancellor, 107, his ap- 
pomtment as Chancellor, 122, 138; as 
Chancellor, 138, 272, and the negotia- 
tions for an Armistice with Kussia 
(November 1917), 122, opposes con- 
clusion of an annexationist peace with 
Russia, 125, and proposed “German 
solution” of Polish question, 126; and 
General Staff’s proposed solution of 
Pohsh question, 126, 131, 138; sup- 
ports proposed measures of General 
Staff regardmg Courland and Lithu- 
ania, 128, and the claim of the 
Supreme Command to a share in final 
peace negotiations, 139-140, and pro- 
posed German peace offensive (June 
1918), 151-152, 163, 154-155, and the 
Reichstag speech of Kuhlmann (June 
24, 1918), 154-155; informs Reichstag 
“there is no ground for doubtmg our 
victory”, 159; repeats the above asser- 
tion to party leaders, 159, 163; at 
Crown Council meetmg at Spa 
(August 14, 1918), 158; resigns Chan- 
cellorship, 161 
Hess, 435, 451 
Heutsz, General van, 204 n. 
Heydebrand, 168 
Heydebreck, Hans Peter von, 462 
Heye, Colonel, 195, 199, 300 
Hilferdmg, 332 

Hiller, Restaurant, Unter den Linden, 

Himmler, 455, 460, 468 
Bxndenhurg, the, 79, 227 
Hmdenburg, Prau von, 16, 79, 149, 225- 
226, 227, 241, 249, 441 
Hindenburg, Colonel Oskar von, interest 
of his father in his mihtary career, 
5-6, at his father’s homecoming to 
Hanover (July 1919), 225; his mar- 
riage to the niece of Countess von 
Crayenberg, 226; and the election of 
his father to the presidency (1925), 
266; his influence over his father, 278, 
324, 367, his ambitious mtrigues, 60, 
313; his friendship with Schleicher, 

Hindenburg, Colonel Oskar von — con- 

296, 298-299, 303, 427, as his father’s 
personal adjutant, 298-299, 313; and 
the formation of the Dritte Garde 
group, 299, and the formation of the 
Palace Camarilla^ 299, 324; and the 
dismissal of Seeckt from the active 
command of the Reichswehr, 299; 
and the appointment of Schleicher as 
Minister of Defence, 302, and the 
pubhc presentation of the Neudeck 
estate to father, 313, 314, 361, his 
alhance with the East Prussian land- 
owners, 314, 364; and Hugenberg’s 
agitation for increase of Hmden- 
burg’s presidential powers, 324; and 
Schleicher’s proposed use of Article 
48 of Constitution, 330, and the 
appointment of Bruning as Chan- 
cellor, 341, his acquisition of estate 
adjoinmg Neudeck, 361, 448, and 
Brumng’s scheme for the expropria- 
tion of bankrupt estates, 365, 367; 
and Bruning’s scheme for the restora- 
tion of the monarchy, 367; and the 
dismissal of Brunmg from the Chan- 
cellorship, 361, 372, 377, and the 
appointment of Papen as Chancellor 
(May 1932), vii; his jomt authorship 
with Papen of plan to secure dissolu- 
tion of all hostile bodies (December 

1932) , 420, 427; his affection for 
Papen, 419, 420; his opposition to 
Papen’s dismissal from Chancellor- 
ship (December 1932), 419, 420; 
assures Schleicher of his father’s 
wiUmgness to grant him full power 
(January 1933), 427; and the dis- 
missal of Schleicher from the Chan- 
ceUorahip, 423, 427, and the negotia- 
tions of Papen with Hitler (January 

1933) , 423, 427; and the appointment 
of Hitler as Chancellor (January 1933), 
433, rumoured threat of Schleicher to 
secure his confinement in the fortress 
of Lotzeu, and the publication of his 
father’s will, 469 

Hindenburg, Major Paul von, viii, 4 

Hmdenburg, Paul von Beneckendorff 
und von, Eield-Marshal, birth and 
origin, 3-4, character and personahty, 
IX, X, 17, 27, 58, 59-60, 95, 166, 179, 
184, 220, 272, 273, 282, 312; personal 
appearance, 14, 30; his legend, ix-x, 7, 
16, 29-31, 33, 39, 44, 46, 60, 78-80, 82, 
149, 158, 169, 176-177, 210, 221, 227, 



Hindenburg, Paul von Beneckendorfi 
und von — continued 
257, 292, 371-372, 373, 434, 437, com- 
missioned a second-lieutenant m 
Tlurd Regiment of Foot Guards, 4; 
and the Seven Weeks’ War, 4, 
decorated with Order of Red Eagle, 
4, and the Franco-Prussian War, 4; 
awarded Iron Cross, 4, represents his 
regiment at Emperor’s proclamation 
at Versailles, 4, is engaged in “military 
peace work”, 4-6, 14, appomted to 
command of Fourth Army Corps, 6, 
his name dismissed as possible suc- 
cessor to SchheSen as Chief of the 
General Staff, 5, and the Imperial 
manoeuvres (1908), 6; retires from 
army, 5; his retirement at Hanover 
(1911-1914), 5-6; promoted Colonel- 
General, 6; his appomtment to com- 
mand of Eighth Army, 6, 13-14, 15, 
16; his first meetmg with Ludendorff, 
16-17, 18; his relationship with Luden- 
dorff, 17-18, 50, 61, 73, 98, 143, 166, 
172, 173, 177-179, 211; and the battle 
of Tannenberg, 18-19, 21, 22, 23-24, 
26-27, and the first battle of the 
Masurian Lakes, 25, 26, receives order 
JPour le Mdrite, 27; possible conse- 
quences of his appomtment, with 
Ludendorff and Hoffmann, to the 
Supreme Command m 1914, 35, 36, 
appointed to command of Eighth and 
Ninth Armies, 37, his Pohsh (Silesian) 
campaign (Sept -Oct 1914), 37-41, 44; 
his East Prussian campaign (Nov.- 
Dee. 1914), 41-42, 43-44; appointed 
Commander-m-Chief m the East, 43; 
on the battle of Lodz, 43; promoted 
Field -Marshal, 44; public compari- 
son between his and Falkenhayn’s 
achievements, 45, 46, 47; and the 
quarrel between Falkenhayn and his 
own Eastern Command, 47-48, 49, 50, 
51-52, 58, 59-60, 61, 62-66, 77-78, 136, 
his proposed Eastern solution for wm- 
nmg the war, 47-48, 50-51, 62, 65, SI, 
his proposal of a new East Prussian 
offensive (January 1915), 47, 48, 49, 
50, 61-62, and the sendmg of German 
troops to support Conrad von Hotzen- 
dorf’s proposed Galician offensive, 
48-49, 62; and Ludendorff’s appomt- 
ment as Chief of Staff to the new 
JSlldaTmee, 50, 51; demands Falken- 
hayn’s dismissal from his position as 
Chief of the General Staff, 52; and the 

Hindenburg, Paul von Beneckendorff 
und von — continued 
second battle of the Masurian Lakes, 
63, 55; his appomtment as Dictator 
advocated by Tirpitz, 63; and the 
“break-through” at Gorlice, 56, his 
proposed Kovno offensive (June 1915), 
56-57, 61; his proposed offensive be- 
yond K-Ovno and Vdna (August 1915), 
60; on 50th anniversary of entry into 
the army, 61-62; resists Falkenhayn’s 
withdrawal of forces from Eastern 
Front (Sept -Oct. 1916), 62-65, his 
plan for a new offensive against 
Russia (for 1916), 65, and the Russian 
offensive (March 1916), 66-67, ap- 
pomted to the command of whole 
Eastern Front, 67-68, and the Russian 
offensive (August 1916), 69, and Fal- 
kenhayn’s proposed withdrawal of 
further forces from Eastern Front 
(August 1916), 69-70, and Luden- 
dorff’s threatened resignation, 70, his 
appomtment as Chief of the General 
Staff, 71-73; as Chief of the General 
Staff, 77-78, 83, 84-85, 90, 95, 109-110, 
111, 115-116, 131, 136, 137, 138-139, 
140, 143, 158, 159, 176-177, erection 
of wooden colossi in his image, 79-80, 
tours Western Front, 80-81, 94; and 
the meetmg of the German war- 
couned at Cambrai, 81, 94, abandons 
Eastern solution of winning the war, 
81; and the Rumanian campaign 
(1916), 82, 83, 89, 90; and the unifica- 
tion of command of Central Powers, 
82; and the mvitation to the Umted 
States to mediate, 82, 83, 92, and the 
adoption of unrestricted U-boat war- 
fare, 82, 83, 88, 89-92, 93; his defence 
of the adoption of unrestricted U-boat 
warfare, 93, 239; and the German 
shortage of munitions, 81-82, 83, and 
the liqmdation of the position at 
Verdun, 81, 82, attacked by a kmd of 
low fever, 85, 95; and the Polish 
question, 85-87, 93, 117, 125, 126-127, 
128, 129, 131, 135, 138; and the pro- 
clamation of the Kingdom of Poland, 
86, 87, 93, 117, 125; hia failure to con- 
clude peace with Russia, 87-88, 93, 
and the German peace offer (Decem- 
ber 1916), 90-91, at meetmg of 
Imperial Council at Pleas (January 9, 
1917), 91, 92; and the French capture 
of Douaumont, 91, 94; and the con- 
struction of the Hindenburg Lme, 94, 



Hmdenburg, Paul von Beneckendorff 
und von — continued 
95, 117, at Imperial G.H.Q , Kreuz- 
nach, 95-96, 97-98, 99; celebrates his 
70 th birthday, 96, his calmness during 
the British assault on Hmdenburg 
Line, 97-98, and the renewed British 
offensive (June 1916), 99, and hia pro- 
posed appomtment as Chancellor, 
101; at conference at Kreuznach to 
decide on Bethmann HoUweg’s suc- 
cessor as Chancellor, 101, 102, and the 
rejection of Hatzfeldt as possible 
successor to Bethmann HoUweg in 
Chancellorship, 101, 102, and the pro- 
posed appomtment of Bulow as 
Chancellor, 101-102, 103; and the dis- 
missal of Bethmann HoUweg from the 
ChanceUorship, 105, 106, 107, and the 
German Peace Resolution (July 1917), 
106, 110-111, 112, 125, proposes his 
resignation as Chief of the General 
Staff, 106, 107, and Michaehs as 
ChanceUor, 107, 108-109, offers Em- 
bassy at Constantmople to Bethmann 
HoUweg, 107 71., bis hope for the con- 
clusion of an annexationist peace, 
110; and the reply to the Papal Peace 
Note, 112-113, 114-115, and the ques- 
tion of Belgian independence, 113, 
114-115, 137, 155, hia proposed 

mihtary occupation of Lidge, 115, 155; 
and the passage of Lenm through 
Germany, 117, 119; and the possible 
negotiation of a separate peace by 
Austria (1917), 123-124; and proposed 
transfer of troops from Western to 
Eastern Eront, 124, 134, 135, 148; and 
the negotiation of the Treaty of Brest - 
Litovak, 124-128, 129, 131, 132, 133, 
136, 138, 139, 151, his proposed 
measures regardmg Courland and 
Lithuania, 125, 127, 128; and Luden- 
dorff’s quarrel with Hoffmann, 131, 
177; and the resumption of hostilities 
with Russia, 132, and the German- 
Ukramian tradmg organization, 134; 
and the German Offensive of 1918, 
124, 133, 137, 143, 144-145, 151-152; 
and proposed German peace offensive 
(at the begmning of 1918), 137, 138- 
142; and the appomtment of Hertlmg 
as ChanceUor, 122, 138; his demand 
for a share in final peace negotiations, 
139, and the dismissal of Valentmi 
from his position as Chief of the 
Emperor’s Civil Cabmet, 140-141; 

Hmdenburg, Paul von Beneckendorff 
und von — continued 
dommates the internal government of 
country, 142, 143, takes up residence 
at Imperial G.H Q , Spa, 143, un- 
damaged m railway accident, 144, his 
meetmg with Mustapha Kemal Pasha, 
144-145, and the offensive against 
Amiens (March-April 1918), 146, 147, 
148, 149, awarded Grand Cross of the 
Iron Cross with Golden Rays, 149, and 
the second German offensive of 1918 
(AprU-May), 149, and the attack along 
the Chemm des Dames (May-June 
1918), 150, 151; and proposed German 
peace offensive (June 1918), 151, 152, 
153, 154, 155, Ins breach with Kuhl- 
mann, 152, his proposed mihtary 
occupation of Belgium, 155, his assur- 
ance of victory, 156-158, 159-160, 162; 
and Ludendorff’s proposed resigna- 
tion as Eirst Quartermaster- General, 
157, and the events of August 8, 1918, 
157, at Crown Council meetmg at Spa 
(August 14, 1918), 158, 161; and the 
proposal of an Armistice, 162, 163- 
164, 165-167, 168-169, 170, 176, and 
the German retreat (October 1918), 
169-170; and the Armistice negotia- 
tions, 170-171, 172, 174-176, 178, 188; 
and the proposal of a levie. en masse, 
172, 173; and Ludendorff’s resignation 
as Eirst Quartermaster-General, 176- 
177, 178, his retention m the Supreme 
Command, 176-177, 178, 179, 206- 
207, 208-209, 210, and the formation 
of Bavarian army of defence, 179, and 
Emperor’s abdication, 183, 185, 186, 
188, 189-190, 191, 192-195, 200, 201, 
201-202, 203-204, 220, 266-257; his 
sense of loyalty to the Emperor, 184; 
persuades Erzbergerto head Armistice 
Commission, 188-189; and Emperor’s 
plans to restore order in Germany, 
190-192, at meetmg of Imperial war- 
council at Spa (November 9, 1918), 
195, 197-198, 199, 200, 202, 205, 211, 
250, and the Emperor’s flight to 
HoUand, 201-202, 203-205, 240-243; 
his acceptance of the AUied Armistice 
conditions, 209, at G.H.Q , Wilhelma- 
hohe, 209-211; his association with 
Groner, 211, 302; brings Western 
armies home, 208, 211, 214; and the 
army resolution of the Congress of 
Workmen’s and Soldiers’ Councils, 
212-213; his plan for an offensive in 

488 INDEX 

Hindenburg, Paul von Beneckendorjff 
uud von — ooTitiTiuBd 
the East (February 1919), 214-215; 
and the acceptance of the Allied Peace 
conditions, 216, 217-218, 219-220,221; 
his farewell proclamation to the army 
(June 1919), 221-222; his retirement 
in Hanover (1919-1925), 226-226, 
243-244, 246, 249-250, 262, 304, 310; 
his collection of pictures of the 
Madonna and Child, 244; and pro- 
posed trial of ex-Kaiser, 227-228, 232, 
240; produces his Memoirs, 228; his 
“farewell message” in Memoirs, 229- 
230; his hope for a future restoration 
of the monarchy, 230, 243, 356, 356, 
367, 433^, 476; on list of “war- 
criminals , 231; and his proposed trial 
as a “war-crimmal” on the general 
behalf, 232, his appearance before the 
Committee of Enquiry (November 
1919), 233-240; and the “stab-m-the- 
back” theory, 167, 233, 234-235, 237, 
238, 239, 437-438; and the question of 
war-guilt, 237, 240-241, 278, 317-318; 
his correspoudence with the ex- 

Kaiser on his responsibility for the 
flight to Holland, 240-243; and his 
wife’s illness and death, 241; and the 
K-onigsberg demonstration (June 
1922), 244, 245; at ceremony on tenth 
anniversary of Tannenberg (1924), 
246; and the League of Herr Hausser, 
246-246; and the murder of Rathenau, 
249-250; and Ludendorfi’s candidature 
for the presidential election (1925), 
254-265; his election as president 
(1925), 247, 256-257, 368; as president 
of the Republic, 270-271, 272-273, 
304, 307-308, 309, 310, 330, 331, 371- 
372, 399-400; and the oath to the 
Constitution, 268, 272, 333, 436; and 
Marshal Foch, 227-22S, 264-265; his 
dislike of the microphone, 265, recog- 
nizes Black- Gold -Red oi Retchsbanner, 
268; con firm s Meissner in oflSce of 
Secretary of State, 269-271; his rela- 
tionship with Meissner, 268, 269-270, 
278-279, 281, 283, 286, 295; inaugura- 
tion of his presidency, 271-272, his 
support of Stresemann’s foreign 
pohcy, 274, 277-279, 281, 283-284, 
286, 296, 325; at Cologne celebrations 
on the evacuation of the Rhmeland, 
282; and the reorganization of the 
Reichswehr, 205, 216, 274, 289, 293; 
becomes Commander-m-Chief of the 

Hmdenburg, Paul von Beneckendorff 
und von — continued 
Reichswehr, 292, 296; his domination 
by the Palace Gamarillay 278, 299; and 
the dismissal of Seeckt from the active 
command of the Reichswehr, 299-300; 
and Groner’s appointment as Mmister 
of Defence, 301-302; fails to grasp the 
difficulties of obtainmg a parlia- 
mentary majority, 304; and Luther’s 
new taxation and revaluation pro- 
gramme, 304-305; and the Hmden- 
burg Loans, 305, and the Cabinet 
crisis (Christmas 1925), 305-306, and 
the proposed expropriation of the 
Imperial properties, 306-307, and the 
proposal to fly the Imperial colours on 
diplomatic buildmgs, 308, and the 
formation of the Marx Government, 

309- 310, and the proposed settlement 
of ex-Service men in East Prussia, 

310- 311, 315; public presentation of 
Neudeck to, 311-315, 316; celebrates 
80th birthday, 315, and the “Hinden- 
hurg Fund”, 315; unveihng of his bust 
m Reichstag, 314-315; at dedication of 
Tannenberg Memorial (1927), 316, 
his meetmg with Ludendorff at Tan- 
nenberg ceremony (1927), 317; his 
public repudiation of German war- 
guilt, 317-318; and the biU to increase 
salaries of Civil Servants, 319, and the 
general election (May 1928), 322, 323; 
agitation to grant dictatorial powers 
to, 323-324, 337; and the acceptance 
of the Young Plan, 325, 328, his pro- 
posed use of Article 48 of Constitution, 
329; and the ratification of the Young 
Plan, 332-335, 336, 343-344; his 
negotiations for a coalition govern- 
ment between the Nationalist Party 
and the Centre (December 1929), 337; 
and the appomtment of Brunmg as 
ChanceUor, 341, 342, 343, 345, 346; 
his first mterview with Brunmg, 342- 
343; his relations with Brunmg, 342- 
343, 347, 349, 364, 367-368, 372, 376, 
382-383, 391; and the adoption of 
financial reforms, 344, 345; his pro- 
posals regardmg Osthilfe fund, 344; 
and the use of Article 48 of the Con- 
stitution, 347, at Potsdam (October 
1931), 352; Bruning’s intention to 
secure his appointment as Eeiclisver- 
weser for hfe, 354; and Brunmg ’s plans 
for the restoration of the monarchy, 
365-356, 367, bis interview with 

INDEX 489 

Hindenburg, Paul von Beneckendorfi 
und von — continued 
Pruning (November 11, 1931), 356- 
358, bis re-election as president, 351- 
354, 355, 359, 360-361, 363-364; 
-Bruning combination, 359, his first 
meetmg with Hitler, 359-360, 407, 
bis proposed dismissal of Brunmg 
from tbe Cbancellorsbip, 364-365, bis 
proposed dismissal of Scbleicber from 
office, 366; on bis son Oskar’s pobtical 
activities, 367, bis proposal for Brun- 
ing’s resignation (April 1932), 372- 
373, and the suppression of Hitler’s 
Storm Troops (April 1932), 374, 376; 
and Brunmg’s proposed expropriation 
measure for tbe bankrupt estates in 
East Prussia, 376, 377, and Groner’s 
dismissal from tbe Mmistry of 
Defence, 385, and tbe dismissal of 
Bruning from tbe Cbancellorsbip, 373, 
375, 376, 377-378, 384, 389-393, 394- 
395; and tbe appointment of Papen as 
Chancellor (June 1932), vu, 395, 399, 
400; his relationship with Papen, 267- 
268, 380-381, 397-398, 400, 407, 419, 
420, 422, 426, 466, and tbe selection of 
tbe Papen Cabinet (May~June 1932), 
398; and tbe general election (July 
1932), vu-viu; and tbe Rape of Prussia, 
402, 403; becomes convmced of tbe 
need for a presidial government, 404, 
409; refuses to appoint Hitler Chan- 
cellor (August 1932), 406-407, 410; bis 
interview with Hitler (August 13, 
1932), 407, 409-410, signs draft decree 
for Reichstag dissolution (September 
1932), 412; bis interview with Hitler 
(November 19, 1932), 417, bis letters 
to Hitler replymg to his demands re- 
gardmg tbe Cbancellorsbip (Novem- 
ber 1932), 418; and Papen’s dismissal 
from tbe Cbancellorsbip, 419-420, 422, 
and Schleicher’s appointment as 
Chancellor, 422, and Schleicher’s dis- 
missal from tbe Cbancellorsbip, 423, 
426, 429, and BUtler’s appointment as 
Chancellor (January 1933), 205, 423, 
426, 429-430, 432-434, 437, 449; bis 
relations with Hitler, 437, 438, 443; 
bis name reviled, 442, 448; and tbe 
Reichstag Eire Trial, 442, at dedicatory 
service at Potsdam (March 21, 1933), 
443; and tbe Enabling BiU, 446-446, 
447-448; his frequent retirements to 
Neudeok, 448-449; bis incomplete 
knowledge of Hitler’s activities as 

Hmdenburg, Paul von Beneckendorfi 
imd von — continued 
Chancellor, 448-449, 474-475, attends 
race-meetmgs, 450, at Tannenberg 
ceremony (August 1933), 450, and 
Germany’s withdrawal from tbe Dis- 
armament Conference and League of 
Nations, 450, and Papen’s Marburg 
speech, 456-457, 460, 461, 466, 474, 
and tbe events of June 30, 1934, 464- 
465, 474, death of, 466-467, 468; 
funeral of, 469; bis will, 230, 469-476 

'‘Hmdenburg Fund”, 316 

Hindenburg Lme, its construction, 94- 

96, 96, British attack on (April 1917), 

97, 98, Germans withdraw to (Septem- 
ber 1918), 160 

“Hmdenburg Loans”, 304-306 

Hmtze, Admiral von, his visit to German 
Imperial G.H.Q. at Avesnes, 156, at 
Crown Council meetmg at Spa 
(August 14, 1918), 158-159, at Im- 
perial conference at Spa (September 
29, 1918), 163; and tbe abdication of 
tbe Emperor, 163, 182, 189-190, 192- 
193, 194, 195, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 
204 71., 242 n , bis visit to Hmdenburg 
(November 8, 1918), 192-193, 194, 
204 71.; bis probable responsibibty for 
tbe Emperor’s flight, 204 71.-206 n.\ 
and tbe preparation of tbe Protocol 
covermg tbe events at Spa on Novem- 
ber 9, 1918, 242 n. 

Hitler, Adolf, origm and pobtical status, 
368, 407, and the “stab-in-tbe-back” 
theory, 229, 235, and tbe revolt in 
Munich (1923), 244, 247; ends mditary 
baison with Soviet Union, 284; his 
albance with Hugenberg, 326, 331, 
349-360; and tbe general election 
(September 1930), 347-348; at meet- 
mg with Hugenberg at Harzburg 
(October 11, 1931), 349, bis emulation 
of Mussohni’s pobtical tactics, 350, 
409, 451; bis first meeting with Hm- 
denburg, 359-360; and Hmdenburg’s 
proposed re-election as president, 360, 
361-362, 363; bis conference with 
Brunmg (January 7, 10, 1932), 361- 
362, and tbe presidential election 
(1932), 368, 369, 370, 371; and tbe 
Red Peril, 371; and the suppression of 
tbe Storm Troops, 374; and proposed 
incorporation of the Storm Troops 
into Reicbswehr, 376 n.\ his pro- 
gramme for tbe abobtion of mterest, 
377; his warnmg that “heads shall 



Hitler, Adolf — continued 
roll”, 378, 425, 437, and the appoint- 
ment of Papen as Chancellor, 381, hia 
attitude to the Papen Government, 
399; and the delay m the remstate- 
ment of his Storm Troops, 400; and 
the omission of Schleicher from Nazi 
attacks on Papen Government, 405; 
his meetmg with Schleicher at the 
Furstenberg barracks, 406, 407, his 
interview with Papen (August 13, 
1932), 408-409, 414, 425, demands 
S.A. should he given “three clear 
days”, 408, 425, his interview with 
Hmdenburg (August 13, 1932), 407, 
408, his suggestion to depose Hinden- 
burg, 410; his negotiations with 
Brunmg for a coahtion government, 
41 1; and the Potempa affair, 414; and 
the general election (November 1932), 
414, 416, refuses to accept Vice- 
ChanceUorship (November 1932), 416, 
his mterview with Hindenburg (Nov- 
ember 19, 1932), 417, his letter to 
Hmdenburg demanding Chancellor- 
ship and the latter’s “special con- 
fidence”, 417-418; retires from Berhn 
to Munich, 418, his appointment as 
Chancellor (January 1933), 205, 426, 
428, 430-431, 432-435, 436, attempt 
upon his life foiled by Rohm, 425, and 
the meetmg with Papen at Cologne 
(January 8, 1933), 426, strips Strasser 
of party offices, 428; and the control 
of the Prussian pohce, 430, 431, and 
the Enabling BiU, 430, 431, 432-433, 
445-446, 447-448, his “gentleman’s 
agreement” with Hmdenburg, 432, 
433, 448, and the general election 
(March 1933), 430, 432, 437-439, dis- 
penses with Paper’s presence at inter- 
view with Hmdenburg, 435, 441; at 
Potsdam dedicatory service (March 
21, 1933), 444-445; Ms speech at 
Reichstag session in KroU Opera 
House (March 23, 1933), 447, his 
eviction of Nationahst Party from 
government, 451; failure of his 
attempts to seduce Reichswehr from 
its allegiance to Hhndenhurg, 292, 
his rearmament programme, 453; and 
the Wmterhilfe scandals, 453; his pro- 
posed reduction of the S.A,, 454, 460; 
and Papen ’s Marburg speech, 460- 
461; his meeting with Mussolini at 
Venice (Jime 1934), 456; and the 
events of June 30, 1933, 451, 452-466; 

Hitler, Adolf — continued 
and the murder of Rohm, 375 ?i., 462, 
463; and Schleicher’s murder, 406, 
and the preservation of Papen’a life, 
462, and the death of Hmdenburg, 
468; merges office of President with 
Chancellorship, 468-469, receives oath 
of allegiance from Reichswehr, 292, 
469; and Hmdenhurg’s will, 230, 469- 
470, 473, 474, 475; his mtroduction of 
conscription, 475 

HLH, combmation of, 37, 39, 43, 44, 
53, 78, 131; their quarrel with Falken- 
hayn, 42, 47-48, 49, 53-54, 55, 56, 57, 
58-59, 60, 61, 62, 65, 69-70, 71, 72-73, 
78, 136, their proposed Eastern solu- 
tion for wmnmg the war, 47-48, 50-51, 
62, 65 

Hoffmann, General, no mention of name 
m Hmdenhurg’s book of memoirs, 
228, and the battle of Gumbmnen, 11, 
12; and the battle of Tannenberg, 12- 
13, 16-16, 19, 20, 21, 22-23, 26, 27, 28, 
97; on the battle of Tannenberg, 18, 
19, 20, 21, 28, 29, and the first battle 
of the Masurian Lakes, 25-26, receives 
Iron Cross, 28; and the Schheffen 
Plan, 35-36, 56, 68, his plan for the 
transfer of troops, 35-36; possible 
consequences of his appomtment, 
with Hmdenburg and Ludendorff, to 
the Supreme Command m 1914, 35, 
36; and Hindenburg’s Pohsh cam- 
paign (Sept -Oct. 1914), 37, 39, 40-41, 
44; and Hindenburg’s East Prussian 
campaign (Nov -Dec. 1914), 41, 42, 
43, 44, and the dismissal of Falken- 
hayn, 51-52, 53-54, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 
70, 72, 389; and Hindenburg’s East 
Prussian offensive (1915), 52, 63-64, 
on Conrad von Hotzendorf’s Gahcian 
offensive (1915), 54, and the “break- 
through” at Gorlice, 55, and Hmden- 
burg’s proposed Kovno offensive 
(June 1915), 56, 67, at Hmdenburg’s 
G.H.Q., Brest-Litovak (July-August 
1916), 69; and Ludendorff’s proposed 
resignation (August 1916), 70, possible 
consequences of his appomtment with 
Hmdenburg and Ludendorff to the 
Western Front in 1916, 78; as Chief of 
Staff to Prmce Leopold of Bavaria, 
78, 87, 100, 120, 12M22, 131, 135; 
and Xfinin’s passage through Ger- 
many, 119; and the negotiations for a 
Russian Armistice, 122, 122 w.-123 n.; 
and the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, 128- 



Hofimann, General — continued 

130, 131, his breach with Ludendorff, 
78, 130, 131, 177; Hmdenburg’s 
failure to support on breach with 
Ludendorff, 131, 177, 391; Luden- 
dorS’s demand for hia dismissal from 
his position as Chief of Staff in the 
East, 131, on the setting up of the 
German -Ukrainian tradmg organiza- 
tion, 134, on Wilson’s Second Note, 
172; and the crushmg of the first 
Spartacist rismg, 213, his absence at 
the dedication ceremonies of Tannen- 
berg Memorial (1924, 1927), 245, 317; 
opposes the military liaison with the 
Soviet Union, 293, 295; death of (July 
1927), 317. See HLH, combmation of 
Hohenborn, Gen Wild von, 52 
Hohenfinow, estate of Eethmann HoU- 
weg at, 107 Ti 
Hohenlohe, 271 

Holland, German expectations regard- 
ing her entry mto war, 89, 92; 
Emperor’s flight to, 201, 202, 203-204, 

Holstem, 298 

Holtzendorf, Admnal von, 91-92, 100 
Hoover Moratorium, 349, 354, 414 
Horn, General von, 452 
Hdtzendorf, Eield-Marshal Conrad von, 
47, 48-49, 51, 54, 55, 66, 67 
Hugenberg, Alfred, as leader of the 
Nationalist Party, 321-322, 331, 349- 
350, his relations with Hmdenburg, 
323-324, 337, 341; his refusal to form 
a coahtion government with the 
Centre Party (January 1927), 308- 
309, his tactics at the general election 
(1928), 322, his alHance with the 
Stahlhelm, 323, 326, 349, 368, his 
agitation for the granting of dictatorial 
powers to Hmdenburg, 323-324, 332, 
attacks the Repubhcan system, 323, 
326, his campaign agamst the accept- 
ance of the Young Plan, 326, 334, his 
aUiance with Hatler, 326, 331, 350, 
360, 362; and the resignation of 
Treviranus and Count Westarp, 322, 
331; and proposed formation of a 
Nationalist Government (December 
1929), 332, 341; his campaign agamst 
the ratification of the Young Plan, 
332-336, 337, 344; and proposed forma- 
tion of a coalition government with 
the Centre Party (1929-30), 337, 341; 
his refusal to support Hindenburg’s 
re-election to presidency, 360, and 

Hugenberg, Alfred — continued 
the Harzburg Opposition, 350, 360, 
at Harzburg meeting with Hitler 
(October 11, 1931), 349-350, and 
Brunmg’s proposed restoration of the 
monarchy, 354; refuses to support 
Prolongation Bill, 362, 363, demands 
the resignation of Brunmg Cabmet, 
362-363; puts Colonel Duster berg up 
as candidate in the presidential elec- 
tion (1932), 368, at session of Reich- 
stag (September 12, 1932), 413, and 
Schleicher’s proposed measure of ex- 
propriation, 423, lus inclusion as 
Minister of Agriculture in Hitler 
Cabmet (January 1933), 430-431, 435; 
his dismissal from the Ministry of 
Agriculture, 451 

“Hydra, the”, 53, 68, 71, 91, 110 

Independent Sociahst Party, the, 168, 
183, 189, 207, 211, 218, 233, 234 
Influenza, epidemic of (October 1918), 

Ironside, Gen Sir Edmund, 24 
Italy, neutrabty of. Central Powers and 
the, 46, 47, 48-49; and the Secret 
Treaty of Loudon, 123; declares war 
on Austria, 61, on Germany, 1\ n 

Jager battalions mutmy, 194 
Jarres, Doctor, 254, 255, 257, 258, 259, 

Jews, 368, 433, 436, 441, 468 
Jihnsky, General, 9, 21 
Joffe, 133 

Joffre, Marshal, 36, 97, 181 
June 30, 1934, events of, 451-465 
Jung, Edgar, 452, 457, 461, 462 
Jutland, battle of, 88; 16th anniversary 
of (1932), 393 

Kaas, 446, 447 
Kahr, von, 408, 462 
Kaiser, the See Wilhelm II, Kaiser 
Kaisenn, the. See Auguste Victoria, 

Kaiserlautern, speech of Pruning at, 438 
Kapelle, Admiral von, 233 
Kapp j^tsch, 243, 252, 254, 256, 257 w., 
290, 403 

Karl Liebknechthaus, police-raid on, 439 
Kellogg-Briand Pact, 284-285 
Kemal Pasha, Mustapha, 144-145 
Kemmel Hill, German capture of, 149 
Kerensky. See Provisional Government, 



Kerri, 451 

Kiel, naval mutiny at, 188, 189 
Kiev, occupation by Central Powers of, 

Kluck, General von, 32 
Kolberg, Hmdenburg’s G.H.Q. at, 214, 
217, 219, 282, 301-302 
Koniggratz, battle of, 4, 124 
Konigin Restaurant, Kurfurstendamm, 
Berlin, 365 

Konigsberg, Nationalist demonstration 
at (June 1922), 244-245 
Konigsplatz, Berlin, the, 235 
Kornilov, General, 121 
Kovno, Hmdenburg’s projected offen- 
sive against, 56-57, 61; German 
storming of, 60; Hindenburg’s G.H.Q 
at, 61-62, 81, 95, Russian attempted 
“break-thjough” to, 66-67, 69 
Kreuznach, German Imperial G.H.Q. at, 
95-96, 97-98, 99, 100, 106, 107, 122, 
124, 127, 130, 136, 143, 144, confer- 
ence to determine successor to Beth- 
mann HoUweg at, 101, 102, con- 
ference to determme terms of Treaty 
of Breat-Litovsk at, 127-128 
KroU Opera House, Reichstag session 
m, 445, 446-447 
Krosigk, Schwerin von, 431 
Krupp von Bohlen, 256 
Krupskaya, 118 
Krylenko, 122 
Kugelgen, Colonel von, 225 
Kuhl, General von, 158 
Kuhlmann, von, far-sightedness of, 125, 
155; and the Papal Peace Note 
(August 1917), 113, 114, 115; at 
Crown Council meeting at Schloss 
Bellevue (September 11, 1917), 114; 
and the proposal to annex Belgium, 
114, 115; and Lemn’s passage through 
Germany, 119; his conviction of the 
impossibility of a German victory m 
the held, 125, his opposition to the 
conclusion of an annexationist peace 
with Russia, 125, 126, 127, 133, 138; 
and proposed “German solution” of 
Polish question, 126; his opposition 
to General Staff’s proposed measures 
regarding Courland and Lithuania, 
127, 128; at conference at Brest- 
Litovsk to decide terms of Russian 
Peace Treaty, 128, 131-132; arranges 
for Hoffmann a private audience with 
the Emperor, 128, 132; and the re- 
sumption of hostilities with Russia, 
132; his refusal to offer his resignation 

Kuhlmann, von — continued 

as Foreign Minister, 132, his support 
of proposed German peace offer (at 
the beginning of 1918), 137; attacks 
Supreme Command m Borsen-Zeitung 
(January 1918), 141, his proposed 
German peace offensive (June 1918), 
151, 153, Haeften’s attempt to secure 
his reconcihation with the Supreme 
Command, 152; his Reichstag speech 
(June 24, 1918), 153-155, his dismissal 
from the Foreign Ministry, 154-155 

Landhund of East Prussia, 311, 312, 313- 
314, 315, 344, 365, 377, 388, 423, 424, 

Lansdowne, Lord, peace letter of, 153 
League of Nations, the, admission of 
Germany mto, 276, 277, 279, 282- 
283, 299; German withdrawal from, 

Ledebour, 154, 168 
Leinert, 226, 441 
Leinster f the, torpedoed, 171 
Leipart, 428 

Leipzig, trial of “war-crimmals” at, 232 
Lemberg, battle of, 37 
Lemn, 87, 117-120, 121, 123, 465 
Leopold, of Bavaria, Prmce, 78, 121, 

Lersner, 176 

Lessing, Theodore, 270, 271 n, 
Liauyang, battle of, 20 
Lichnowsky, Prmce, 216 
Lichtefelde barracks, courts -martial m, 

Liebknecht, Karl, 119, 120, 173, 201, 
207, 211, 213 

Liege, German capture of, 13, 180, 
proposed German military occupa- 
tion of, 114, 115, 155 
Limbsee, estate of, 3 
Lmsingen, 49, 51, 52, 53 
Lithuama, German measures regarding, 
125, 127, 128, 135 
Litzmann, General, 281, 334 
Livonia, German occupation of, 132; 

German measures regarding, 135 
Lloyd George, Rt. Hon. David, 97 
Lobe, Doctor, vii, viii, 315-316, 441 
LobeU, von, 306, 307 
Locarno Agreements, 247, 248, 275-276, 
277, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283 
Lodz, battle of, 41, 43-44, 45 
London, Secret Treaty of, 123 
London Agreements (on reparation pay- 
ments), 274 

INDEX 493 

Lotzen, Hmdenburg’s G H.Q. at, 56, 57, 
58, 61, 81, 95 

Lubbe, van der, 439 

Ludendoifl:, Field-Marshal Erich T-on, 
character and abilities, 17, 27, 184; 
early career, 180, rivalry with Groner, 
180-181, 182, his appointment as 
Chief of Operations, 180; his approval 
of Moltke’s changes in the Schlieffen 
Plan, 180, 181, his appointment as 
Chief of Staff to the Eighth Army, 13, 
14-15, and the capture of Liege, 13, 
14, 180-181, decorated with Pour le 
Mente cross, 13, his first meeting with 
Hindenburg, 16-17, 18; his relation- 
ship with Hmdenburg, 17-18, 50, 51, 
73, 143, 166, 172, 173, 177-179, and 
the battle of Tannenberg, 16, 18-20, 
21, 22, 23-24, 26-27, 28; and the first 
battle of the Masurian Lakes, 25-26; 
awarded Iron Cross, 28, possible con- 
sequences of his appointment, with 
Hindenburg and Hoffmann, to the 
Supreme Command in 1914, 35, 36; 
his proposed appointment as Chief of 
Staff to Ninth Army, under Schubert, 
37, appomted Chief of Staff to Eighth 
and Nmth Armies, 37; and Hmden- 
burg’s Pohsh campaign (Sept. -Oct 
1914), 39, 40, and Hindenburg’s East 
Prussian campaign (Nov -Dec 1914), 
41, 42, 43-44, appointed Chief of Staff 
m the East, 43, at conference with 
Falltenhayn at Mezieres (October 
1914), 42, 43; his proposed Eastern 
solution for winning the war, 47, 81; 
his quarrel with Faikenhayn, 49, SC- 
SI, 52, 57, 68, 59, 61, 77-78, 136; his 
appomtment as Chief of Staff to the 
new SUdarmee, and its rescmdment, 
49-50, 51-52, demands Falkenhayn's 
dismissal from his position as Chief of 
the General Staff, 52; his proposed 
Kovno offensive (June 1916), 66-57, 
58; and the conference with the 
Emperor and Faikenhayn at Posen 
(July 1915), 57, 58; his proposed 
offensive beyond Kovno and Vilna 
(August 1915), 60, 61, resists Falken- 
hayn’s withdrawal of forces from 
Eastern Front (Sept.-Oct. 1915), 62, 
64, his plan for a new offensive against 
Russia (for 1916), 65; and the Russian 
offensive (March 1916), 66-67, and 
Hmdenburg’s appointment to the 
command of whole Eastern Front, 67; 
and the Russian offensive (August 

Ludendorff, Field-Marshal Erich von — 

1916), 69; postpones threatened 

resignation, 70, his appomtment as 
Fust Quartermaster-General, 71, 72, 
73, 84, as Fust Quartermaster- 

General, 77-78, 83-84, 85, 90, 95, 109, 
110, 111, 115-116, 119, 131, 136, 137, 
138-139, 140, 143, 158, 166, tours 
Western Front (September 1916), 80- 
81, 94, abandons Eastern solution for 
winnmg the war, 81, and the liquida- 
tion of the position at Verdun, 81, 82; 
and the umfication of command of 
Central Powers, 82; and the adoption 
of unrestricted U-boat warfare, 82, 
83, 88, 89-92, 101, and the mvitation 
to the United States to mediate, 82, 
83, 92, and the German shortage of 
munitions, 81-82, 83, and the meeting 
of the German war -council at Cam- 
brai, 83, 94, and the Pohsh question, 
85-87, 93, 117, 125, 126-127, 128, 129, 
131, 138, 139, and the proclamation of 
the Kmgdom of Poland, 85-86, 87, 93, 
117, 125, his failure to conclude peace 
with Russia, 87-88, and the Rumanian 
campaign (1916), 82, 89, 90, and the 
German peace offer (December 1916), 
90-91; at meetmg of Imperial council 
at Pless (January 9, 1917), 91, 92; and 
the French capture of Douaumont, 91, 
94, and the construction of the Hm- 
denburg Line, 94, 117; his agitation 
during the British assault on the 
Hindenburg Lme, 97, 98, on the hold- 
ing of the Hindenburg Lme, 98; at 
conference at Kreuznach to decide on 
Bethmann HoUweg’s successor as 
Chancellor, 101, 102, and the rejection 
of Hatzfeldt as possible successor to 
Bethmann Hollwegg in Chancellor- 
ship, 101, 102, and the proposed ap- 
pomtment of Bulow as Chancellor, 
101-102, 103-104; proposes his resigna- 
tion as Fust Quartermaster-General, 
106, 107; and the dismissal of Beth- 
mann HoUweg from the Chancellor- 
ship, 100-105, 106, 107, offers Beth- 
mann Hollweg Embassy at Con- 
stantmople, 107 n.', and the German 
Peace Resolution (July 1917), 106, 
110-111, 112, 125, and Michaelis as 
Chancellor, 107, 108-109, hia hope for 
the conclusion of an annexationist 
peace, 110; and the reply to the Papal 
Peace Note, 112-113, 114-115, and the 

2 K 



Ludendorff, Field-Marshal Erich von — 

question of Belgian independence, 
113, 114-115, 137, 155, his proposed 
military occupation of Liege, 115, and 
the passage of Lenm through Ger- 
many, 117-120, 123; and the appomt- 
ment of Hertling as Chancellor, 122, 
138, and the negotiations for a Russian 
Armistice, 122; and the negotiation of 
the Treaty of Brest -Lit ovsk, 124-128, 
129, 131, 132, 133, 136, 138, 139, 151, 
206, and proposed transfer of troops 
from Eastern to Western Front, 124, 
134, 135, 148, his proposed measures 
regarding Courland and Lithuania, 
125, 127, 128, his quarrel mth Hoft- 
mann, 129-131, 138, demands Hofl- 
mann’s dismissal from his position as 
Chief of StafE m the East, 131, and the 
resumption of hostihties with Russia, 
132, his paranceic complaint, 134-135, 
and the German -Ukrainian tradmg 
organization, 134; sends expeditions 
to Finland, Batoum and Baku and 
Odessa, 135; his measures m Rumama, 
the Ukrame, Lithuama, Courland, 
Livonia and Estonia, 135; and the 
German Offensive of 1918, 124, 133, 
137, 138, 143, 145-146, 151-152; and 
proposed German peace offensive (at 
the begmnmg of 1918), 137; and the 
dismissal of Valentim from his posi- 
tion as Chief of the Emperor’s Civil 
Cahmet, 140-141, dommates internal 
government of the country, 142-143, 
takes up residence at Imperial G.H Q., 
Spa, 143; undamaged m railway 
accident, 144; his meetmg with 
Mustapha Kemal Pasha, 144, 145; and 
the offensive agamst Amiens (March- 
April 1918), 146, 147, 148, and the 
second German offensive of 1918 
(Apnl-May), 149; and proposed Ger- 
man peace offensive (June 1918), 151, 
152, 153, 164, 155; his breach with 
Kuhlmann, 152; and the attack along 
the Chemin des Dames (May-June 
1918), 150, 161, his proposed military 
occupation of Belgium, 155, his assur- 
ance of victory, 156-157; and the 
events of August 8, 1918, 157; his 
mental deterioration, 157, 170, 265, 
hi8 proposed resignation as First 
Quartermaster-General, 157, at Crown 
Council meeting at Spa (August 14, 
1918), 158; and the proposal of an 

Ludendorff, Field-Marshal Erich von — 

Armistice, 161-162, 163, 165, 166-167, 
168-169, 170, his appeals for action 
(October 1918), 170, his resignation 
as First Quartermaster-General, 170, 
176-177, 179, and the Armistice 
negotiations, 172, 174, 175, and the 
Rumanian Armistice, 206; on list of 
"war-criminals”, 231; and his pro- 
posed trial as a "war-crinunal” on the 
general behalf, 232, his appearance 
before the Committee of Enquiry 
(November 1919), 233, 234, 236, 239, 
and the "stab-m-the-back” theory, 
238 w.; his opposition to the Repubhc, 
243, adopts worship of Thor and Odin, 
255, his support of the Kapp putsch, 
254, and the Munich revolt (1923), 
254, and the presidential election 
(1925), 254-255, his meetmg with 
Hmdenburg at Tannenberg ceremony 
(1927), 317 

Ludendorff, Margarethe, 16 
Ludwig, Emil, 283 
Lusitania, sinkmg of the, 92 
Luther, Hans, as Finance Minister 
durmg Ebert’s presidency, 251; his 
use of Article 48 of Constitution, 329; 
his visit to Hmdenburg on the latter’s 
election as president (1925), 268, 277; 
his visit to Stresemann after his return 
from visitmg Hmdenburg, 277, his 
support of Stresemann’s foreign policy, 
277, 283, 305, and the revaluation of 
internal debts, 304, 305, and the 
adoption of new taxation, 304, 305, 
and the Cahmet crisis (December 
1925), 305-306, his formation of a 
mmority government (December 
1925), 306, and the bill regulating the 
flags of German diplomatic missions 
abroad, 308, his resignation of the 
Chancellorship, 308 

Lutsk, Russian “break-through” at, 
67, 70 

Luttwitz, General, 213, 290 
Luxemburg, Rosa, 213 
Lyncker, General von, 71, 72, 91, 106, 

MacDonald, Rt. Hon. Ramsay, 275, 345, 

Mackensen, Field-Marshal August von, 
at battle of Gumbmnen, 11; at battle 
of Tannenberg, 22, 23, 24, 26, 29, and 
Hmdenburg’s Polish campaign (Sept.- 



Mackensen, Field-Marshal August von 
— continued 

Oct 1914), 38, 39-40, and the “break- 
through” at Gorhce, 55, and the 
Rumanian campaign (1916), 82-83, 
his dLspatch of a report to the Emperor 
on the situation in the Balkans and 
Austro-Hungarian Empire (January 
1918), 141-142, on list of “war- 
crimmals”, 231; at the dedication 
ceremomes of the Tannenberg Memo- 
rial (1924, 1927), 245, 317 
Maercker, General, 219 
Malcolm, Maj -Gen Sir]Sreill,216,238 ti., 

Maltzan, 284, 294 
Mangin, General, 148, 160 
Marburg, Umversity of, Papen’s speech 
before, 467-458, 459, 460, 461, 465 
Marenholtz, Baioness von, 265 
Marienburg, Hmdenburg’s G H Q. at 
(August 1914), 18, 19, 20, 21, 22-23 
Markienen, castle of, Hmdenburg’s stay 
at, 316 

Marne, the, battle of, 31, 33, 35, 37, 46, 
97, Germans withdraw behind (July 
1918), 156 

MarschaU, General Count von, xiv, 183, 
187, 195 
Martin, 105 

Marx, Wilhehn, his use of Article 48 of 
Constitution, 329; as candidate in the 
presidential election (1925), 255-256, 
263, 266, 267; congratulates Hinden- 
burg on his election as president 
(1925), 267; his appomtment as Chan- 
cellor (January 1927), 309-310, 319; 
and proposed settlement of small 
holdmgs in East Prussia, 310; and 
Hmdenburg’s pubhc repudiation of 
war-guilt, 317, 318, and the raismg 
of the salaries of Cml Servants, 319- 
320, and the Confessional Schools Bill, 
320, 321, his failure to retam Hmden- 
burg’s confidence as Chancellor, 397, 
his resignation of the Chancellorship, 

Masurian Lakes, the, 8, 9, 10, 11; first 
battle of, 26, 30, 2nd battle of, 
53, 64 

Maurice, Maj -Gen, Sir Frederick, 238 n. 
Max, Prmce, of Baden, his activities 
previous to the ChanceUorship, 164, 
and the German Peace Resolution 
(July 1917), 112; his support of the 
German proposed peace offer (at the 
begmnmg of 1918), 137; urges neces- 

Max, Prmce, of Baden — continued 
sity of German peace offensive (May- 
June 1918), 151, 152, 164; his appoint- 
ment as Chancellor, 163-164, as Chan- 
cellor, 164, 272, his debt to his secre- 
tary, Kurt Hahn, 164; and Hmden- 
buig’s telegram demandmg the im- 
mediate conclusion of an Armistice 
(October 1, 1918), 164, 176; at Crown 
Council meeting (October 2, 1918), 
165-166, 176; and the proposal of an 
Armistice, 165-167, 168-169, and 

President Wilson, 165, and Hinden- 
burg’s letter demandmg the immediate 
conclusion of an Armistice (October 2, 
1918), 166-167, 229, and the German 
reply to Wilson’s First Note, 171; and 
the German reply to Wilson’s Second 
Note, 173, and Wilson’s Thn'd Note, 
174; BLindenburg’s dispatch of a per- 
sonal protest against his negotiations 
for an Armistice (October 24, 1918), 
174, 178, and Hmdenburg’s telegram 
denymg his demand for an immediate 
truce (October 24, 1918), 174, 175, 

176, 177; and Hindenburg’s circular 
message to the Army Group Com- 
manders (October 24, 1918), 174, 176, 

177, and Hmdenburg’s letter denying 
his responsibility for the telegram of 
October 24 (November 1918), 175; 
refusal of his offer of resignation, 176; 
and the dismissal of Ludendorff from 
the Supreme Command (October 
1918), 177; urges Hmdenburg’s reten- 
tion in Supreme Command (October 
1918), 177, his acceptance of Wilson’s 
conditions for an Armistice, 178; his 
protests agamst Emperor’s desertion 
of the capital (October 30, 1918), 182- 

183, 184; his anxiety to secui’e Em- 
peror’s voluntary abdication, 182-183, 

184, 185, 186, 187, 189-190, 200, 355, 
his mfluenza attack, 184; Groner’s 
personal attack before Emperor on 
(November 1, 1918), 185, and the 
Fourth Wilson Note, 186; and Groner’s 
demand for an immediate Armistice 
(November 1918), 186, and the Social 
Democrat leaders’ ultimatum (Nov- 
ember 7, 1918), 189, 190; requests to 
be allowed to resign (November 7, 
1918), 189, Emperor telephones re- 
fusal to abdicate to (November 7, 
1918), 190; his telephone message to 
Spa announcmg necessity of the 
Emperor’s immediate abdication 



Max, Prince, of Baden — contimied 
(November 9, 1918), 200, announces 
Emperor’s abdication and Crown 
Prince’s renunciation of right of 
succession, 200, 201, his resignation of 
the Chancellorship (November 9, 
1918), 200-201, Emperor’s conviction 
of hia responsibility for his own 
abdication, 203-204 

Mein Kamj)fy autobiography of Hitler, 

Meissnei, Otto, origm, abilities, and 
early career, 268-269, his association 
with Rudolph Nadolny, 268-269, 
appointed Secretary of State to Ebert, 
269; his visit to Hmdenburg on the 
latter’s election to the presidency 
(1925), 268, 269, confirmed as Secre- 
tary of State by Hmdenburg, 270, his 
dommation of Hmdenburg durmg the 
latter’s first presidency, 60, 270, 285, 
324, influences Hmdenburg to support 
Stresemann’s foreign pohcy, 278-279, 
281, 283, 285, 295-296, on Hinden- 
burg’s failure to grasp difficulty of 
obtammg a parhamentary majority, 
304, and proposed expropriation of 
ex-Kaiser’s former properties, 306; 
and Hmdenburg ’s pubhc repudiation 
of war-guilt (Autumn 1927), 318, and 
the attitude of Hmdenburg to the 
raising of the salaries of Civil Ser- 
vants, 320, and the appomtment of 
Muller as Chancellor (May 1928), 
323, allows Hmdenburg to fall mto the 
hands of a Palace Camanlla, 270, 285, 
299, 324, and the appomtment of 
Brunmg as Chancellor, 340-341, 346, 
and the re-election of Hmdenburg as 
president, 366, 369, his advice to 
Brunmg not to go to Neudeck (May 26, 
1932), 388-389; and the dismissal of 
Brunmg from the Chancellorship, 377, 
383-384, 388-389, 390-391, 394, and 
the appomtment of Papen as Chan- 
cellor (June 1932), vii, 399, and the 
supplanting of the Braun Government 
m Prussia, 402, at Hitler’s mterview 
with Hmdenburg (August 13, 1932), 
410; and the dismissal of Papen from 
the Chancellorship (November 1932), 
419, and the appomtment of Hitler 
as Chancellor (January 1933), 433; 
secures Hindenburg’s ignorance of 
Hitler’s activities, 449; as Secretary of 
State to Hitler, 269 

JVIertz, General von, 228, 474 

Messmes ridge, blown up by British, 99, 
Germans storm (April 1918), 149 
Metz, Hindenhurg welcomed at (Septem- 
ber 1916), 80-81 

Meuse, the, attempted German retreat 
to, 186 

Mezieres, German Imperial G H.Q. at 
(October 1914), 42, 43, 65 
hlichaehs. Doctor, hia appomtment as 
Chancellor, 90, 107-108, 109, as the 
mouthpiece of the Supreme Com- 
mand, 108-109, 122, 163, 271-272, and 
the German Peace Resolution (July 
1917), 110-112, and the Papal Peace 
Note (Aug -Sept 1917), 113, 114, 115- 
116, writes secret letter to Pacelli 
(September 24, 1917), 115-116; and 
Lenm’s passage through Germany, 

Micum Agreements, 249 
Mirbach, asaassmation of, 295 
Mitau, Diet of, requests Kaiser to 
become Duke of Courland, 127 
Mogilev, abdication of Tsar at, 116 
Moltke, Count Eelmuth von, 7, 10, 89, 
149, 287 

Moltke (the younger). Count von, 5, 8, 
13, 14, 16, 27, 31-32, 33, 34-35, 46, 
180, 181 

Monarchy, proposed restoration of, 353, 
354, 355, 367-368 

Mons, conference of Ludendorff with 
staff officers at (November 11, 1917), 

Moon, German capture of, 121 
Moreuil, fightmg at (March-April 1918), 

Muller, Hermann, his mclusion m Bauer 
Cabmet (June 1919), 218; his forma- 
tion of a government (May 1928), 323; 
and the balancing of the budget 
(1929), 323; and the negotiation of the 
Young Plan, 323, 324, 325; his lU- 
health, 327, 328, and the campaign of 
Schacht against his financial policy, 
332, and the proposed formation of a 
Nationalist Government (December 

1929) , 332; receives a vote of con- 
fidence, 332; and the adoption of 
financial reforms (1929-30), 336, 337, 
341, 343, 344-346; loyalty of Bruning 
to, 341, 345; and the ratification of the 
Young Plan, 344-346; his acceptance 
of Hindenhurg’s Osthilfe proposal, 
344, 377; at party meetmg (March 27, 

1930) , 345-346; Hmdenhurg’s refusal 
of his request to apply Article 48 of 



Muller, Hermann — continued 

Constitution, 34.6, his failure to retain 
Hmdenburg’s confidence, 397, his dis- 
missal from the Chancellorship, 328, 
329, 337, 340-34-1, 345, 373, 416 

Muller, — , Chief of the Emperor’s Naval 
Stafi, 91 

Munich, Nazi revolt m (1923), 243-244, 
247, 254, 292, 337 

Munitions, German shortage of, 77, 
81-82, 83, 100 

Mussolmi, Bemto, emulation by Hitler 
of, 350, 408, 410, 451; meets Hitler 
at Venice, 456, 458 

Nadolny, Rudolph, 268-269 

Narev, German “break-through” on the, 
57, 60 

Nation Beige j the, and the election of 
Hmdenburg as president (1925), 277 

National Liberal Party, the, 105 

National Socialist Party, the, and the 
“stab-m-the-back” theory, 229, 235, 
and the presidential election (1925), 
255; and the general election (May 
1928), 322; its aUiance with the 
Nationalist Party, 326, 331; its cam- 
paign agamat Hmdenburg’ s ratifica- 
tion of Young Plan, 333-334, 337, its 
refusal to form a coahtion government 
with the Right (December 1929), 337, 
and the general election (September 
1930), 347-348, mcrease in its member- 
ship (during 1931), 350; Brumng’s 
plan to brmg mto the Government, 
351, 379; and Hmdenburg’ s proposed 
declaration as Beichsvei weser for life, 
354-355; and proposed re-election of 
Hmdenburg as president, 352, 353, 
354, 355, 363, 366, and the proposed 
dismissal of Schleicher from office, 
366; and the presidential election 
(1932), 368, 369, and Brumng’s offer 
of share m coalition government m 
Prussia, 373, 386, 387, 390, 391, 401; 
and the Prussian general election 
(1932), 377, 378-379, 401; and the 
appointment of Papen as Chancellor, 
381, 395, 399; its attacks on the Papen 
Government, 400-401, 405, 410, and 
the Rape of Prussia, 401, 402; and the 
general election (July 1932), 405, 406, 
and the general election (November 
1932), 415, its negotiations with the 
Nationahst Party for a coahtion 
imder Hitler’s Chancellorship, 423; 
bankruptcy of (January 1933), 425, 

National Sociahst Party — continued 
426, its press - attacks agamst 
Schleicher as Chancellor, 428, and the 
general election (March 1933), 440- 
441, and the events of June 30, 1934, 
452-455, and the pubhcation of Hm- 
denburg’s will, 469 

Nationahst Party, the, ineptitude and 
failure of, 321-322; and Hmdenburg’s 
proposal of an Armistice, 205, and 
Hmdenburg’s responsibility for the 
Emperor’s flight, 205, 243, 257; and 
Hindenburg’s appearance before the 
Committee of Enquiry (November 
1919), 233-235, 239, and the “stab-m- 
the-back” theory, 233, 234-235, 239- 
240, 257; and the Komgsberg demon- 
stration (June 1922), 244-245; its 
campaign against the Pohcy of Re- 
nunciation, 268, 276, 277, 278, 280- 
281, 283, 295, 296, 318-319, 326; and 
the presidential election (1925), 247- 
248, 252, 253-254, 255, 256, 257-259, 
268, 276, 277, 281, 319, and the 
appomtment of Meissner as Secretary 
of State to Hmdenburg, 269, its with- 
drawal from Luther Government 
(December 1935), 305; and the forma- 
tion of the Marx Government (Janu- 
ary 1927), 308-310, and the bill to 
increase Civil Servants’ salaries, 319, 
320, and the general election (May 
1928), 321, 322, and Hmdenburg’s 
pubhc repudiation of German war- 
guilt, 318; and the agitation for grant- 
mg dictatorial powers to BQndenburg, 
323-324, 337; its campaign agamst the 
acceptance of the Young Plan, 331; 
its aUiance with the National Socialist 
Party, 331, 350; resignation of Trevir- 
anus and Count Westarp from the, 
331, its campaign agamst Hmden- 
burg’s ratification of the Young Plan, 
332-335; and Hmdenburg’s proposed 
declaration as Beichsverweser for hie, 
354; and proposed re-election of Hm- 
denburg as president, 361, 362-363, 
and the presidential election (1932), 
368, 370, 371, and Bruning’s dismissal 
from the Chancellorship, 377, 391; and 
Papen’s appomtment as Chancellor 
(May 1932), 396, and the Papen 
Government, 399, 400, 405, and the 
general election (July 1932), 406, at 
Reichstag session (September 9, 1932), 
412, 413, 414; and the appomtment of 
Hitler as Chancellor (January 1933), 



Nationalist Party — continued 
423-426, 427, 435; its press-attacks 
against Schleicher as Chancellor, 428; 
and the general election (March 1933), 
440; evicted by Hitler from Govern- 
ment, 449, 451, 452 

Netherlands, Queen of the, German 
proposal to seek mediation of, 159; 
requested by Kmg of England to 
grant asylum to Kaiser, 204 n. 
Neudeck, public presentation to Hin- 
denburg of, 311-315, 316 
Neurath, Baron von, 431, 455 
Nicholas Nicholaievitch, Grand Duke, 
37, 38-39, 40, 52, 60, 61, 126 
Niemann, Alfred, 4, 111, 156, 204 w. 
NiveUe, General, 97, 98-99. See NiveUe 

NiveUe Offensive, 97, 98-99, 149 
Noske, Gustav, 213, 215, 218, 219, 234- 
252, 271, 289, 290 

Novo-Georgievsk, capitulation of, 60 

Odessa, occupation by Central Povers 
of, 132, German mission to, 135 
Offensive (1918), German, 133, 135, 137, 
138-139, 143, 144-151, 152, 153, 
155-156, 157, 158, 160 
Oldenburg- Januschau, Baron von, 311, 
347, 402, 404 

Oramenburg Concentration Camp, 442 
Order of Maria Theresa, 10 w-. 

Orgesch, 253, 298 
Osel, German capture of, 121 
Osthilfe fund, the, 344, 365, 377, 423- 
424, 435 

Ottav^a Agreements, 382 
Pabst, 290 n, 

PaceUi, Cardmal, 112, 113, 115 
Pan-German League, 111, 326 
Papal Peace Note, 112-116 
Papen, Franz von, origm and character, 
396, early career, 267, 395-396; his 
name refused for election to Reichs- 
tag, 396; and the direction of 
Germania, 397; and Hindenburg’s 
election as president (1925), 267, his 
appomtment as Chancellor (June 
1932), vii, 380-381, 395, 397, his 
relationship with Hmdenburg, 267- 
268, 380-381, 397-398, 400, 407, 419, 
420, 422, 426, 466; expelled from 
Centre Party, 399; and the delay in 
the reinstatement of Hitler’s Storm 
Troops, 400; and the German with- 
drawal from the Disarmament Con- 

Papen, Franz von — continued 
ference, 401, and the Rape of Prussia, 
401-403, 414, his proposal of constitu- 
tional reforms, 404, 409, no mention 
of his name in “Shadow Cabmet” 
drawn up at Furstenberg conference, 
406; refuses to resign ChanceUorship 
m favour of Hitler (August 1932), 406, 
407, his interview with Hitler (August 
13, 1932), 408-409, and the dissolution 
of the Reichstag (September 1932), 
412, 413-414; is prepared to go on 
havmg elections mdefimtely, 412, and 
the Reichstag session (September 9, 

1932) , 413-414; his plan for mergmg 
the three Southern States mto Reich, 
415; and the general election (Novem- 
ber 1932), 415, offers resignation as 
Chancellor, 416-417; his dismissal 
from the ChanceUorship, 418, 419- 
420; his joint authorship with Oskar 
von Hmdenburg of a plan to eliminate 
aU hostile bodies, 420-421; and Hitler’s 
appomtment as ChanceUor (January 

1933) , 423, 425-426, 427, 428, 429-431, 
432, 433, 435-436, his meetmg with 
Hitler at Cologne (January 8, 1933), 
426-427, his appomtment as Vice- 
ChanceUor m Hitler Cabinet, 423, his 
right to exercise presidential veto m 
Hitler Cabmet, 433, deprived of 
government of Prussia, 435, mobihses 
Stahlhelm, 440, considers carrymg off 
Hmdenburg to Dobentz mihtary 
depot, 440; his presence dispensed 
with at Hitler’s mterviews with 
Hmdenburg, 435, 441, refuses to admit 
to Hmdenburg the miscarriage of his 
schemes, 449, 452; and the Brown 
Terror, 452, his speech before the 
University of Marburg, 452, 456-458, 
459-460; at Hamburg race-meetmg 
(June 24, 1934), 459-460; his arrest 
and the preservation of his life, 397, 
462, 464, 465-466, resigns Vice- 
ChanceUorship, 464; his appomtment 
as Minister m Vienna, 466; and the 
pubhcation of Hmdenburg’s wiU, 469 

Pans, German bombardment of, 147 

Payer, von, 105, 109, 111, 192 

Peace, German proposal to conclude 
I (December 1916), 90-91; proposed 
conclusion of an annexationist, 101, 
110, 111, 112, 114, 115, 139, 149, 155; 
of negotiation and compromise, pro- 
posed conclusion of a, 110-112, 125, 
127, 152, 155, 159, 160; papal pro- 



Peace — continued 

posals for the conclusion of, 113, 
German proposal to conclude (Sum- 
mer 1918), 151-155 

Peace Resolution, German, 103, 104, 
106, 110-112, 113, 115, 125, 133, 154, 

Peipus, Lake, Central Powers advance 
to, 132 

Peronne, German capture of, 147 
Petam, Marshal, 99, 148 
Pilsudski, Marshal, 87 
Planck, Erwm, 409, 413 
Platten, Fritz, 118 

Pless, Castle of, German Imperial 
G.H Q at, under Falkenhayn, 65, 58, 
59, 60, 64, 65, 68, 69, 70-71, 72, 77; 
under Hmdenburg, 77, 79, 80, 81, 88, 
89, 95, 144; conferences (June, July 
1915) between Ehndenburg, Luden- 
dorft and Kaiser at, 67-68, 69, Hmden- 
burg and Ludendorff upon appomt- 
ment to General Staff received at, 72, 
84, meetmg of Imperial war-coimcil 
at (January 1917), 91-92, 100 
Plessen, General von, and the dismissal 
of Falkenhayn from the Supreme 
Command, 71, and the appomtment 
of Michaehs as Chancellor, 107; as the 
Emperor’s Adjutant - General at 
Chateau de la Frameuse, Spa, 183; 
and Groner’s suggestion that Em- 
peror should seek death in the front 
hne, 187; and the execution of the 
Emperor’s proposals to restore order, 
191-192, 193, at conference of officers 
(November 9, 1918), 195; at Imperial 
conference at Spa (November 9, 1918), 
195, 196, 197, and the arrangements 
for the flight of the Emperor, 203, 
205; and the preparation of the 
Protocol covering the events at Spa 
on November 9, 1918, 242 n. 

Pomcar6, Raymond, 284, 318 
Poland, proclamation of the Kingdom 
of, 85-86, 87, 117, 125; required to 
surrender frontier and pay a contribu- 
tion to expenses of war, 155; her pro- 
posed mclusion m Locarno Pact, 279 
Polish campaign, Hmdenburg’s (Sept.- 
Oct. 1914), 37-41, 44 
Pohsh Corridor, question of, 380, 454 
Polish question, the, 85-87, 93, 117, 125- 
127, 128-131, 155, proposed “Austrian 
solution” of the, 125-126, 128; pro- 
posed “German solution” of the, 126, 
128, 129; Supreme Command’s pro- 

Pohsh question — continued 
posed solution of, 126-127, 128, 129, 
131, Hoffmann’s proposed solution of, 

Portuguese divisions, wiped out (April 
1918), 149 
Posadowsky, 154 

Posen, Hindenburg’s G H.Q. at (Nov.- 
Dee 1914), 42,43 

Potempa, murder of Communist work- 
man at, 414 

Potsdam, dedicatory service at (March 
21, 1933), 443-445 

Preussisck eLandeszeitung, att ac k agains t 
Stresemann m the, 281 
Prittwitz und Gaffron, Col. -General Max 
von, 9, 11, 12, 13, 16, 16, 19, 23, 27, 28 
Progressive Party, the, and German 
Peace Resolution, 112 
Prolongation Bill (January 1932), 360, 
361, 362, 363 
Protopopoff, 86 

Provisional Government, Kerensky’s, 
98, 117, 118, 119, 121, 122, 212 
Prussia, grantmg of new franchise law 
to, 100, 104, 105-106; proposed m- 
clusion of Nazis m government of, 
373-374, 386, 387, 390, 391, 401, Rape 
of, 401-403, 414-415 
Prussian Cadet Corps, 4 
Przemysl, Russian siege of, raismg of, 

Radom, Hindenburg’s G.H.Q. at (Octo- 
ber 1914), 40 
RapaUo, Treaty of, 294 
Rathenau, Walter, 172, 240, 248, 249, 
251, 280, 294, 334 

Red Fightmg Front, prohibition of the, 

Meichsbanner, proposed suppression of 
the, 375, 376, 384 

Reichstag, the, its abdication of its 
power m favour of the General Staff 
(October 1916), 90, 108; its acceptance 
of Michaehs as Chancellor, 108, 109- 
110, and the German Peace Resolu- 
tion (July 1917), 109, 111-112, and 
Kuhlmann’s speech (June 24, 1918), 
153-154, extension of its relations 
with the Reichswehr, 303, mfluence of 
the comradeship of the war m, (m that 
elected in 1924), 303-304; session of 
(September 1932), 411-414; opening 
session at KroU Opera House of 
(March 23, 1933), 446-447 
Reichstag Fire Trial, 439 



Reichsweiir, the, its tradition of pohtical 
domination, 286-287; reorganization 
of, 215, 274, 279-280, 284, 288, 289- 
291, 294, 295, 298, and the crushing 
of the second Spartacist Rising, 215, 
252-253, 289, 290; and the Kapp 
putsch, 290; and Hitler’s Munich 
rising (1923), 292, 337, and the Com- 
munist rismgs (1923), 337, and the 
conclusion of a treaty of neutrality 
and non-aggression with the Soviet 
Union, 284, becomes a factor in 
political decisions, 292-293; its threat- 
ened “Red Army on the Rhine”, 294, 
extension of its relations with the 
Reichstag, 303, its assistance re- 
quested for the proposed financial 
reforms (1929-30), 336-337; proposed 
mcorporation of Hitler’s Storm Troops 
into, 374-375, 453, 455; Brumng’s 
proposals for, 382, at Potsdam dedi- 
catory service (March 31, 1933), 443- 
445, and Papen’s Marburg speech, 
457, 458; and the events of June 30, 
1934, 464; instructions m Hmden- 
burg’s will regarding, 475, its cam- 
paign for the “rehabihtation” of 
Schleicher and Bredow, 302 n. 
Rennenkampf, General, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 
19-21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29 
Reparations question, the, 246, 274, 
285-286, 310, 319, 323, 324-326, 349, 
354, 361, 379, 380, 400, 401 
Revolution of November 1918, 134, 160, 
188, 189, 191, 197, 201, 207 
Rheims, battle of, 155-166 
Rhineland, evacuation of the, 258, 274, 
279, 280, 282, 284, 285-286, 319, 325, 
326-327, 340, 343; First Rhineland 
Zone evacuated, 282, Second and 
Third Rhmeland Zones evacuated, 
286, 326 

Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 423, 460 
Richthofen, 111 
Rieth, Doctor, 466 
Riga, German captuie of, 121 
Rodenberg, Colonel von, 281 
Roedern, Count, 169 
Rohm, Ernst, his homosexual practices, 
362, 453, 461, 463; his contacts with 
Schleicher, 351, 362, 363, 373, 374, 
381, 390; urges Hitler to reject 
Briining’s proposals for a Prolonga- 
tion Bill, 362, 364; and Brunmg’s oSer 
to the Nazis of share m coahtion 
government in Prussia, 374, 390; his 
proposal to mcorporate the S.A. mto 

Rohm, Ernst — continued 

the Reichswehr, 375 n , 453, his dis- 
agreement with Hitler on the relation 
of the S A to the Reichswehr, 375 n ; 
at Hitler’s mterview with Hinden- 
burg (August 13, 1932), 409, 417, 
quells mutmy of Hitler’s bodyguard 
and foils an attempt on Fuh er's life, 
425; enters Hitler Cabinet (January 
1933), 435, 451, objects to proposed 
reduction of the S.A , 454, 455; 
opposition of Blomberg to, 455, his 
rumoured appointment to the 
Ministry of Defence m Schleicher’s 
“Shadow Cabmet” (June 1933), 455, 
461, murder of, 351, 375 n , 462 
Roon, 287 
Rosen, 228 

Rumania, question of her jommg Central 
Powers, 46, 47, 65, entry mto war, 
70-71, 77, Armistice concluded by, 83, 
206; delivery of oil-supplies to Ger- 
many from, 83, 134, proposed incor- 
poration m Austro-Hungarian Empire 
of, 126, maintenance of German 
army of occupation, 135 
Rumanian campaign, German (1916), 
35, 82-83, 89, 90, 256 
Rupprecht, of Bavaria, Crown Prmce, 
81, 94, 137, 146, 151, 152, 154, 169, 
231, 232 

Russia, German refusal of Austrian 
suggestion to conclude peace with, 
56 n,, breakmg off of first peace 
negotiations between Germany and, 
86-88, 117, last offensive of (July 
1917), 120, concludes Armistice with 
Germany, 122, 124; attempts to make 
separate peace with Austria, 132; 
German resumption of hostilities with, 
132. See Russian Revolution 
Russian Revolution, 87, 88, 98, 116-122 

S. A., proposed reduction of the, 454-455. 

See Storm Troops, Brtler’s 
Saar Territory, Brum g’s proposal of its 
immediate return toGermany, 380 
St Quentm, (^rman offensive agamst, 

Salonika, AUied occupation of, 62 
Samsonov, General, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 
19-22, 23, 24, 25, 28 
San, attempted Austrian crossing of the 
(October 1914), 38, 39 
Sauerbruch, Doctor, 467 
Sohacht, Hjalmar, 251, 320, 321, 324, 
325, 328, 331-332, 349 

IKDEX 501 

Scharahorat, 286, 350 

Scheer, Admiral von, 202, 231 

Scheidemann, Philip, on the removal of 
Groner fiom hia position as head of 
War Office, 182, and the German 
Peace Resolution (July 19, 1917), 111, 
and Kuhlmann’s proposed peace oJfer 
(June 1918), 154, his inclusion in Max 
Cabinet (October 1918), 164, and the 
appeals of Ludendorfi for action 
(October 1918), 170; his trust of 
Groner m the matter of the Emperor’s 
abdication, 187, advises the accept- 
ance of Wilson’s Second Note, 173, 
proclaims the Socialist Repubho from 
portico of Reichstag, 201; on the 
Emperor’s flight to HoUand, 204 n.\ 
appomted Chancellor, 216, urges the 
rejection of the first Alhed Peace con- 
ditions, 216, urges the rejection of the 
revised Allied Peace conditions, 216, 
his resignation of the Chancellorship, 

Soheuch, General von, 164 

Schiele, 259, 331 

SohJange, 269 

Schleicher, General Kurt von, origm, 
abilities, and early career, 296-297; 
as Schreibtischoffizier durmg the war, 
296-297, 386, 427; his association with 
Groner, 297, 301, 302 n , 327, 376, 
385; his friendship with Oskar von 
Hindenburg, 296, 298-299, 303; his 
contacts with Rohm, 351, 362, 363, 
373, 374, 381, 390, his ambitious in- 
trigues, 297-298, 302, 303, 327, 365, 
418, his system of espionage in the 
official world, 298, 389, 394; at 
Groner’s interview with Hmdenburg 
(November 10, 1918), 297; goes to 
rescue of Ebert, imprisoned m the 
Chancellery, 297, and the dismissal of 
Seeckt from the active command of 
the Reichswehr, 299-300, and the dis- 
missal of Gessler from the Mimstry of 
Defence, 299, 300-301; and the ap- 
pomtment and dismissal of Heye as 
General Commanding the Reichs- 
wehr, 300, and the succession of 
Hammerstemaa General Commanding 
the Reichswehr, 300; and Groner’s 
appointment as Minister of Defence, 
301, 302; as Permanent Secretary m 
civilian ministries, 303, promoted 
Lieutenant-General, 303; obtams im- 
mediate access to Hindenburg, 303; 
and Hugenberg’a proposal to grant 

Schleicher, General Kurt von — con- 

dictatorial powers to Hindenburg, 
324, his association with Groner when 
actmg Chancellor, 327, his proposed 
use of Article 48 of Constitution, 328- 
329, 330, 342, his assistance requested 
for proposed financial reforms, 336, 
and the appomtment of Brunmg as 
Chancellor, 328, 337-338, 340, 341, 
342; his contacts with Rohm, 351, 
352, 364, 373, 374, 381, his attempt to 
harness the Nazi Party, 351, his first 
meeting with Hitler, 361, and the pro- 
posed Prolongation Bfll (1932), 362, 
364, his proposal for Hindenburg to 
rule by decree, 364, and the re-election 
of Hindenburg as president, 364, 366, 
hi3 plan for the dissolution of the 
Reichstag, 364, 373, 381; his defence 
of Brunmg before Hmdenburg, 364- 
365; Goebbels’ conviction of the 
necessity of his dismissal from office, 
365; and the settlement of small- 
holdings m East Prussia, 365, 366, 
and Brunmg’s proposed expropriation 
scheme for bankrupt estates m East 
Prussia, 366, defended by Bruning 
before Hmdenburg, 366; and Hinden- 
burg’s proposal for Brumng’s resigna- 
tion (April 1932), 372, and the sup- 
pression of Hitler’s Storm Troops 
(April 1932), 374, 375; his proposed 
suppression of the Reichsbanner, 375, 
376-377; and Groner’s dismissal from 
the Mmistry of Defence, 376, 384-385; 
mforms French Ambassador of Brun- 
mg’s impending resignation of Chan- 
cellorship, 383, 395, 397; and the 
passage of the Fmance Bill (May 1932), 
384, hia conversation with Bruning 
(May 1932), 385-386, 427, leaves 
secretly for Neudeck (May 1932), 389; 
his advances to Brunmg for a re- 
concdiation (May 1932), 390, and 
Brumng’s dismissal from the Chan- 
ceUorship, 373, 375, 377, 380, 381, 
383, 384, 386, 387, 389-390; and the 
appomtment of Papen as Chancellor, 
vii, 380-381, 383, 387, 395, 397; his 
plan to spht Centre Party, 397; as 
Minister of Defence m Papen Cabinet, 
398-399; and the delay in the re- 
instatement of Hitler’s Storm Troops, 
400; and the Rape of Prussia, 403, his 
proposed dissolution of the Reichstag, 
404, reassures trade union leaders of 



Schleiciier, General Kurt von — coii- 

hjs intentions, 404, 405, his omission 
from Nazi attacks on Papen Govern- 
ment, 405, 407, his meeting with 
Hitler at the Fuxstenberg barracks, 
406, 407; and the dismissal of Papen 
from the Chancellorship, 416, 418, 

419, 421; and Papen’ a plan to secure 
the elimmation of all hostile bodies, 

420, 421, his appomtment as Chan- 
cellor, 418-419, 422, as Chancellor, 
422, adopts Brunmg’s expropriation 
measure for bankrupt estates in East 
Prussia, 422, 423; and the adjourn- 
ment of the Reichstag for a month, 
422-423, threatens to publish Reichs- 
tag report on Osthilfe loans, 423-424; 
and the Cologne meeting between 
Hitler and Papen, 426, 426-427; and 
the proposed further postponement of 
the Reichstag (January 1933), 427- 
428, oSers Chancellorship to Strasser, 
428, his negotiations with the trade 
union leaders, 428, 431; sends Ham- 
merstem to impress upon Hmdenburg 
the dangers of Hitler becommg Chan- 
cellor, 428, his dismissal from the 
Chancellorship, 424, 429; his visit to 
Brumng on his dismissal from the 
Chancellorship, 429; his rumoured 
plan to confine Hmdenburg, Papen, 
Oskar and Hitler, 431-432; his 
rumoured “Shadow Cabinet” (June 
1934), 456; murder of, 386, 456, 462, 
463, funeral of, 302 n. 

Schlieffen, Count Alfred von, 32 See 
SchliefPen Plan 

Schheffen Plan, 7, 8, 9, 10, 32-33, 
35, 36, 46, 55, 56, 58, 180, 181, 

Schmidt, 269 
Scholtz, General, 57 
Schroeder, Baron von, 426 
Schubert, General von, 37 
Sohucking, Walter, 216 
Schulenburg, General Count von, at 
Imperial conference at Spa (Novem- 
ber 9, 1918), 196, 196, 197-199, and 
the flLight of the Emperor, 201, 203, 
204 n.; his traduction of Groner, 203, 
301; and the preparation of the Proto- 
col covermg the events at Spa on 
November 9, 1918, 242 ? 2 ,.; his pro- 
posed appomtment as Minister of 
Defence to succeed Geasler, 301 
Secret Pohce. See Gestapo 

Seeckt, General Hans von, appearance 
and gemus, 289, his lack of seniority 
prevents his achievmg decisive power 
durmg war, 35; appointed Chief of 
StaS to Mackensen (Spring 1916), 55, 
and the “break-through” at Gorhce, 
55, 256, 293; and the Rumaman cam- 
paign (1916), 266, his proposed 
resumption of hostihties (February 
1920), 294, hia appomtment to the 
active command of the Reichswehr, 
245, 289, and the reorganization of the 
Reichswehr, 289, 290-291, 293-294, 
295, 296, 298, 300, 302 n ; his keepmg 
of the Reichswehr out of pohtics, 291- 
292, 298, 302 n , and the Kapp putsch, 
290, and Hitler’s revolt at Munich 
(1923), 291-292, and the military 
liaison with the Soviet Union, 293- 
295, and the conclusion of the Treaty 
of Rapallo, 294-295, and the conclusion 
of a treaty of neutrality and non- 
aggression with the Soviet Umon, 
293-295, support of Nationalist Party 
for his rapprochement with Soviet 
Union, 295, his exercise of dictatorial 
powers m Saxony and Thurmgia, 256; 
at dedication of Tannenberg Memo- 
rial (1924), 246, his proposed candida- 
ture for the presidential election 
(1925), 256; his plan to permit Prmce 
Wilhelm to take part m army 
manoeuvres (1926), 299-300, 301, his 
dismissal from active command of 
Reichswehr, 299-300, 301; at Pots- 
dam ceremony (March 21, 1933), 443; 
his exile from Germany, 443 

Serbia, German offensive agamst (1915), 
47, 62, 63 n. 

Severing, 401 

Silesian campaign, Hmdenburg’s. See 
Pohsh campaign 

Silesian coalfields, 40, 126, 129 

Skoropadsky, Hetman of the Ukrame, 
136, 148 

Smuts, General, 163 

Social Democrat Party, the, and the 
German Peace Resolution (July 1917), 
110, 111, 112, and the dismissal of 
Michaelis from the Chancellorship, 
138; and the Emperor’s abdication, 
187, 189, 190, 192, 201; and the 
restoration of the authority of the 
Central Government, 207, 211; and 
the appomtment of Bauer as Chan- 
cellor (June 1919), 218; and the “stab- 
in-the-back” theory, 235; and the 



Social Democrat Party — continued 
reorganization of the Peichawelir, 288, 
289, and the presidential election 
(1925), 252, 255, 265-266; andLuther’s 
programme of new taxation and re- 
valuation, 305; and Luther’s rmnority 
government (1926), 306; and the 
ratification of the Young Plan, 345; 
and Brunmg’s financial and economic 
reforms, 349, and the presidential 
election (1932), 368; and the Dape of 
Prussia, 404, 405, puts Reichsbanner 
on fightmg basis, 405, and the general 
election (July 1932), 405; and the 
general election (March 1933), 438, 
440, at Reichstag session m KroU 
Opera House (March 23, 1933), 446 
Socialist Party, the, their demand for a 
new franchise law for Prussia, 100, 
104, threaten a revolution (Summer 
1916), 100, and the revolution of 
November 1918, 160, attack Papen 
Government, 405, and the Enabling 
BiU of Hitler, 446-447 
Sociabst Republic, German, proclama- 
tion of, 201 

Soissons, battle of, 162 
SoH, 164, 172 

Somme, battle of the, 67, 81, 82, 97 
Soor, battle of, 4 

Soviet Republic, German, proclamation 
of, 201 

Spa (i) H6tel Britanmque, German 
Great G.H Q. at, 143, 144, 158, 161, 
163, 166, 169, 170, 176, 182, 183, 188, 
189, 190, 198, 203, 209, 227, 357, Hert- 
Img’s mterview with Hindenburg at 
(July 1, 1918), 154-165, conference of 
officers at (November 9, 1918), 194- 
196, 199, 300, (ii) Chateau de la 
Frameuse, meetmgs of Crown Council 
at— (a) July 2, 3, 1918, 156, (6) 
August 14, 1918, 168-159, 161; inter- 
view of Hmdenburg and LudendorS 
with Kaiser at (September 29, 1918), 

Spam, Kmg of, German proposal to seek 
mediation of, 159 

Spartacist Rismgs- (1) January 1919, 
213-214; (2) March 1919, 215 
Spartacists, the, 189, 201, 206, 211, 212 
Sprague, Professor, 325 
S.S., the, and events of June 30, 1934, 
466, 461, 463. See Storm Troops, 

“Stab-m-the-back” theory, 167, 229, 
233, 235, 237, 238, 239, 257, 437-438 

Stahlhelm, the, 258, 261, 317, 323, 326, 
349, 350, 368, 375, 376, 435, 440 
Stalluponen, battle of, 9-10 
Stegerwald, 339-340, 358, 392, 438 
Stem, Baron vom, 286-287, 288 
Stem, General von, 15 
Stinnes, 86 

Stockholm, negotiations between Stmnes 
and Protopopofi at, 86 
Storm Troops, Hitler’s, equipment of, 
370, their mobilization (March 13-14, 
1932), 370, suppression of, 374, 376, 
their proposed mcorporation m the 
Reichswehr, 374-375, their prohibi- 
tion repealed, 381, 387, 399, 400, and 
the general election (March 1933), 
438, and the Brown Terror, 441; and 
the passage of the Enabhng Bill 
(March 23, 1933), 446; stomng of 
Seldte by, 462; raid monarchists’ 
dinner-party (January 26, 1934), 452; 
their appropnation of Winterhilfe 
proceeds, 453, proposed reduction of, 
454; and the events of June 30, 1934, 
455, 461, 468 

Strasser, Gregor, 362, 373-374, 428, 463 
Stresemann, Gustav, personal appear- 
ance, 277; his succession to Basser- 
mann as leader of the Liberal Party, 
104; his attack on Bethmann Holl- 
weg, 104; cross-exammed by Crown 
Prince, 105, mduced to abandon 
German Peace Resolution, 111; as 
agent of the High Command, 104, 
248, opposes proposed German peace 
offer (June 24, 1918), 164; on hearmg 
news of Armistice proposal, 168; as 
German Foreign Mmister, 273-274, 
284, and the Policy of Fulfilment, 
248-249, 251, 258, 273-274, 276, 296, 
318, 326; and the evacuation of the 
Rhineland, 249, 258, 274, 276, 279, 
280, 282, 284, 285, 286, 319, 326, 327; 
plots agamst his hfe, 249, 258; and 
the rehabihtation of Germany m the 
eyes of the world, 252, 275, 286; his 
support of Ebert, 251; at Cabmet held 
on news of Butler’s rising at Munich, 
292, declares cessation of passive re- 
sistance m the Ruhr, 249, 252, 274; 
his negotiation of the Locarno Agree- 
ments, 258, 275-276, 278, 279-282, 
283, and the reorganization of the 
Reichswehr, 274, 280; his negotiation 
of the London Agreements and the 
Dawes Plan, 274, and the settlement 
of reparations, 274, 285-286, 319, 324- 



Stresemann, Gustav — continued 

326; concludes the formation of a 
with the Nationalist Party, 
276, and Hindenburg’s election to the 
presidency (1925), 258-259, 261, 276, 
277; his attack of angina pectoris, 277, 
his first meeting with Hmdenhurg 
(May 19, 1925), 277-278, 295, sup- 
ported by Hindenburg m his foreign 
policy, 277, 278, 281, 282, 283-284, 
285, 293, 294-295, 323, 450; and the 
disarmament question, 279-280; his 
foreign policy supported by Luther, 
305; Gessler’s support of his foreign 
pobcy, 281; press-attacks agamst, 
280-281, 326, his resignation de- 
manded by Nationalist Party, 281, 
secures evacuation of Pirst Rhineland 
Zone, 280, 281-282; and the admission 
of Germany into the League of 
Nations, 279, 282-283, 299, his signa- 
ture of the Brian d-Kellogg Pact, 284- 
285; his fight with ill-health, 277, 284, 
285, 286, 318, 325, 327; his signature 
of a treaty of neutrahty and non- 
aggresBion with Soviet Russia, 284, 
295; refuses Prench demand for an 
Eastern Locarno, 285, bis negotiations 
for the termination of the Dawes 
Plan, 285, 324-326; his acceptance of 
the Young Plan, 285-286, 325-327, 
332, taunts Poincare with preferrmg 
a Ruhr to a Locarno Policy, 318; 
defends the huildmg of a new battle- 
ship, 318; allows Nationahat Minister 
to hint at rectification of Germany’s 
Eastern frontiers, 318-319; torpedoes 
Confessional Schools BiU, 321, his m- 
clusion in Muller Cabmet (May 1928), 
323, 392; his pohcy savagely attacked 
by Hugenberg (Summer 1929), 326, 
331, 332; his signature of the Rhine- 
land Evacuation Agreement (August 
29, 1929), 327; his resignation de- 
manded by Hindenburg, 328; death 
of (October 3, 1929), 331 
Strikes. (1) November 1914, 194; (2) 
January 1918, 133, 142-143; (3) at 
Kapp putsch (1923), 290 
Stulpnagel, 300 
Sturmer, Baron, 86 

Stuttgart, flight of Government to, 251 
Submarine warfare, unrestricted Ger- 
man. See U-boat warfare, unre- 

Sitdarmee, Linsiugen’s, 49, 52, 53 
SiLsseXt the, torpedoed, 92 

Taimenberg, battle of, 7, 11, 18-25, 
26-29, 32-33, 37, Tenth Anniversary 
of, 245 

Tappen, Colonel von, 43, 57, 58, 59 
Tardieu, Andre, 248 n , 382, 383, 387, 

Tarnopol, German capture of, 121 
Temps, Le, and the election of Hinden- 
burg as president (1925), 276 
Teschen, Austrian Imperial G.H.Q at, 69 
Thalmann, Ernst, 255, 266, 368, 370 
Thoiry, 284 
Thyssen, 256 

Times, The, and the election of Hinden- 
burg as president (1925), 277 
Tirpitz, Grand-Admirai von, personal 
appearance, 260, on the younger 
Count von Moltke, as being a physical 
wreck, 32 ; on his hearmg of Great 

Britain’s participation m war, 34 n ; 
on Hindenburg (m 1914), 45; urges 
the adoption of unrestricted U-boat 
warfare, 46, 88, 89, his plan for mak- 
ing Hindenburg dictator of Germany, 
63, 260, and the dismissal of Ealken- 
hayn from his position as Chief of the 
General Staff, on list of “war- 
criminals”, 231; persuades Hinden- 
burg to stand for presidency, 259-261 
Tisza, Count, 126 
Torgler, 411, 412-413 
Trade Unions, 187, 345, 346, 368, 395, 
404, 405, 428 

Tramm, Oberburgermeister, 225, 271 
Traub, Pastor, 257 n. 

Treviranus, 301, 303, 311, 322, 331, 340, 
358, 462-463 
Trotsky, Leon, 122, 132 
Tsar See Alexander III, Tsar 
Tsantsa. See under Alexander III, Tsar 
Tschiraohky, 452 
Tugenhund, 350 

Turkey, German support urged for her 
Jehad, 47, loyal adhesion to Central 
Powers of, 123; collapse of, 160 

U-boat warfare, unrestricted, adoption 
of, 46, 82, 83, 88-93, 101, 171, 236, 
239; its practical results, 100, 124; 
abandoned, 173; Allied indignation 
over, 217 

Ukraine, the German occupation of, 132; 
conclusion of separate peace with 
Central Powers, 134; dehvery of 
grain-supphes to Germany from, 134, 
182; German measures regardmg, 136, 

INDEX 505 

XJniJBcatioii of commaTid, secured by 
Central Powers, 67-68, 82 
USA, the, her supply of munitions, 
food, etc., to Allied countries, 88, 92, 
100; and the German mvitation to 
mediate, 82, 83, 92, entry into war, 
89, 92-93, 100, 124, 145, 150, 156, and 
the Treaty of Versailles, 215 
USSR, the, German military haison 
with, 274, 284, 293-294; treaty of 
neutrahty and non-aggression be- 
tween Germany and, 284, Treaty of 
Rapallo between Germany and, 294- 

Yaheddm, Crown Prmce, of Turkey, 
144, 145 

Valentmi, Count yon, 91, 92, 107, 

Vaterlandfront, 111, 233 

Vemce, meetmg of Hitler and Mussolmi 
at, 456, 458 

Verdun, German attack on, 65-66, 67, 
81, 82, 99 

Versailles, Treaty of, British reply to 
Papal Peace Note (August 1917) em- 
boied m, 113, German expectations 
regardmg, 216-216, acceptance by 
Germany of, 216-221, 246, 251; war- 
guilt clause in, 216, 220, 230; execu- 
tion by Germany of its provisions, 
246, 247, 274, 279, 280, 288, 289, 291, 
347, 349, 379, 382 

Verviers, mutmy of German garrison at, 

Vesle, the, AQies brought to standstill 
along (July 1918), 156 

ViUers-Br6tonneux, fightmg at (March- 
April 1918), 149 

Vistula, the, German advance to (Sept - 
Oct. 1914), 38, 39-40; their withdrawal 
from (October 1914), 40-41 

VorwartSf pubhcation of the German 
Peace Resolution m, 111 

Waldersee (elder). Count von, 7 
Waldersee (younger), Count von, 9, 
11-12, 13, 16, 27, 28, 203, 301 
Waldow, von, 168 
Warburg, Max, 166 

“War-criminals*’, trial of, 230-232, 233, 
246, 294 

War-guilt, question of, 216, 220, 237, 
278, 317-318, 319 
Warmuth, 236 

Warsaw, German efforts to capture, 38, 
40, 42, 44, 66; fall of, 60 
Weber, Max, 232 

Weimar, meeting of National Assembly, 
at, 214 

Weis, Otto, 446, 447 

Westarp, Count, 105, 164, 322, 331 

Wiegand, Karl von, 257 n. 

Wilhelm, German Crown Prince, on 
Moltke at the time of his resignation 
of the Supreme Command (September 
1914), 34 n,; supports Tirpitz’ plan to 
appoint Hindenhurg dictator (Feb- 
ruary 1915), 63; German war-council 
meets at hia G.H Q , Cambrai (Sep- 
tember 1916), 80, and the dismissal of 
Bethmann HoUweg from the Chan- 
cellorship, 104-106; mterviewa the 
Reichstag party leaders (July 1917), 
105, at Crown Council meetmg at 
Schloss Bellevue (September 11, 

1917) , 114, his secret support of the 
German proposed peace offer (at the 
hegmmng of 1918), 137, and the 
German offensive agamst Amiens 
(March 1918), 146, at Crown Council 
meetmg at Spa (August 14, 1918), 
158, hia proposed renunciation of the 
succession, 183, 187, 189, 200; urges 
Emperoi to return with him to Ms 
own headquarters (November 9, 

1918) , 198, his composition of his 
memoirs at Wiermgen, 228, on hst of 
“war-crimmals”, 231, offers himself to 
the Alhes as a “war-criminal” on the 
general behalf, 232; Bruning decides 
against the possibility of his accession 
to the throne, 353, 355; his proposed 
candidature for the presidential elec- 
tion (1932), 367, supports Hitler m 
presidential election (1932), 368; and 
Brunmg’s proposM for the restoration 
of the monarchy (1932), 367-368; on 
Hmdenburg (at the beginning of 1932), 
367-368, congratulates Papen upon 
his Marburg speech, 459 

Wilhelm, Prince, candidatxire for Im- 
perial throne, 183, 192, 299, 300 
Wilhelm I, Kaiser, 183, 271, 287, 443 
Wilhelm II, Kaiser, and the Imperial 
manoeuvres (1908), 6,andtheappomt- 
ment of Moltke as Chief of the General 
Staff, 8, 49, writes a laudatory letter 
to Hmdenburg after the battle of 
Tannenberg, 33, and the appomtment 
of Falkenhayn as Chief of the General 
Staff, 34, gives his approval for Con- 



Wilhelm II, Kaiser — continued 

rad von Hotzendorf’s Galician ofien- 
sive, 49, and the appomtment of 
Lndendorff as Chief of Stafi to the 
new Sudaimee, 49-50, 51-52, and 
Hindenburg’s proposal of a new East 
Prussian offensive (January 1915), 
50, 51-52, refuses to dismiss Ealken- 
hayn from his position as Chief of 
the General Staff, 52, his support 
of Falkenhayn (at the beginning of 
1915), 53-64, 57, approves ‘‘break- 
through” on the Karev, 57-58; vetoes 
Hindenburg’s proposed Kovno offen- 
sive (July 1915), 67, and Falkenhayn’s 
withdrawal of forces from Eastern 
Front (October 1915), 63, 64, and 
Hindenburg’s appomtment to the 
command of w^hole Eastern Front, 67- 
68, supports Falkenhayn’s proposal to 
withdraw further forces from Eastern 
Front (August 1916), 69-70; and the 
dismissal of Falkenhayn from his 
position as Chief of the General Staff, 
68, 70-71, 71 n ; and the appomtment 
of Hmdenburg and Ludendorff to the 
Supreme Command, 71, 72; at meet- 
ing of Imperial council at Pless 
(January 9, 1917), 91, 92, and the dis- 
missal of Bethmann Hollweg from the 
Chancellorship, 102, 103, 104, 105- 
106; and the proposed appomtment of 
Bulow as Chancellor, 103-104, 107, 
and the German Peace Resolution 
(July 1917), 106, 110; rejects Bern- 
storff and;] Herthng as possible sue-’* 
cessors to Bethmann Hollweg in 
Chancellorship, 107; and the appomt- 
ment of Mic^aehs as Chancellor, 107- 
108, and Jhe J’apal Peace Note, 112- 
113, and the qiTestion of Belgian in- 
dependence, 113^114, and the passage 
of Lenin through Germany, 119, 123; 
and the CrownT Council meetmg at 
Schloss Belleyhe (January 2, 1918), 
129-131; and the terms of the Treaty 
of Brest-Litovsk, 127-131; and Luden- 
dorff’s demand for Hoffmann’s dis- 
missal from his position as Chief of 
Staff in the East, 131; approves 
German offensive of 1918, 137, 147; 
and the demand of the Supreme Com- 
mand for a share m final peace negotia- 
tions, 139-140, and the dismissal of 
Valentuu from his position as Chief 
of his Civil Cabinet, 140-141; lives in 
a special tram, 143; at Crown Coimcil 

Wdhelm 11, Kaiser — continued 

meetings at Spa (July 2, 3, 1918), 155, 
his dismissal of Kuhlmann from the 
Foreign Secretaryship, 155, and 
Ludendorff’s proposed resignation as 
First Quartermaster-General, 157; 
and the proposal of an Armistice, 102, 
163, 165, 205, proclaims a parha- 
mentary regime, 163, question of his 
abdication, 168, 172, 174, 182, 183, 
185, 186, 187-188, 189-204; and the 
resignation of Ludendorff as First 
Quartermaster- General, 176, 177, 178; 
and the retention of Hmdenburg m 
the Supreme Command, 177, 178, 
deserts Berhn for Spa, 182-183, 184, 
his plan to restore order m Germany, 
190-192, 197; at meeting of Imperial 
council at Spa (November 9, 1918), 
195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202; 
his flight to Holland, 192, 201, 202, 
203-204; his conviction of Hinden- 
burg’s responsibihty for his flight to 
Holland, 204, 240-243, proposal to 
try, 227-228, 232, 240; his removal to 
Doom, 240; his correspondence with 
Hmdenburg on the flight to Holland, 
240-243, question of his restoration, 
353, 355, on Groner’s dismissal from 
the Ministry of Defence, 385 
Wilhelmshohe, Hmdenburg’s G.H.Q. 
at, 209, 210-211, 212, 213, 214, 

Willisen, Baron von, 35, 36 n , 296, 
298, 301, 328, 340 

Wilson, Woodrow, 89, 165, 288, 312; 
address at Mount Vernon (July 16, 
1918), 172; message to Congress 
(December 4, 1917), 172; First Note of, 
170-171; Second Note, 171-172, 173, 
174; Third Note, 174, 178, Fourth 
Note, 186; Fifth Note, 188 See 
Fourteen Pomts, Wilson’s 
Winkler, 257, 259 
“Wmterfeldt Group”, 339, 342 
W interJiilfe, 453 
Wirth, Josef, 248, 249, 368 
Wurttemherg, King of, Wilhehn, visit 
of Erzherger to, 68; abdication of, 

Wytschaete, German capture of, 149 

Yarmouth, bombardment of, 88 
Young Plan, 286-286, 310, 323, 324-326, 
328, 331, 332, 337, 341, 343, 344, 345,